Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].
Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health...
Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].
Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health...
Israel's Supreme Court, responding to appeals from Israelis fed up with politicians' intrigues, rules that political parties must make public all coalition agreements before formingov't. [WT 5/9...
New York Times reports interim P.M. Shamir, 10 days into his attempto form new gov't., is facing same problems as did Peres, may not be able to gather majority of votes [NYT 5/6].
After 2 weeks of denials, Israeli officials acknowledge that Shamir's caretaker gov't. was helping fund controversial occupation by Jewish nationalists of Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem's...
Israel's Jewish Agency reports that during FY ending 3/31, only 175 of immigrants who were not sent to absorption centers settled beyond green line; also adds some 1,800 immigrants had settled in...
New York Times reports Shimon Peres has made no visible progress toward securing majority of Knesset votes needed to form gov't. [NYT 3/25].
Faisal Husayni says positive Israeli...
After internal debate, Likud party says Labor must agree to "basic and essential" issues before Israeli-Palestinian negotiations can proceed: (1) E. Jerusalem Arabs be excluded from talks and (2)...
U.S.-Israel settlement dispute appears to escalate as P.M. Shamir insists that new Jewish neighborhoods in E. Jerusalem would be expanded with "as many Soviet Jewish immigrants as possible" [WP 3/...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli peace campaigner Abie Nathan, sentenced to 6 months in prison for meeting with Yasir Arafat, is released 2 months early for good...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: New York Times poll shows that only 18% of Israeli Jews favor talks with PLO under current circumstances; 62% see Israeli-PLO...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Rabin issues orders allowing greater number of soldiers to fire at demonstrators, increased use of demolitions, sealings of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike in O.T. enters second day. Gaza is placed under curfew. Nablus, Ramallah areas are considered closed military zones [FJ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 'Ararah, within Green Line, 800 Israeli Palestinians march in support of uprising [FJ 8/7].
Arab World: King Hussein of Jordan...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times reports that leaflet no. 20 of the Unified National Command of the Uprising suggests ways to end the...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian shot, wounded when he allegedly tried to attack Israeli soldier in al-Burayj camp 3/4 dies in Gaza hospital [WP 3/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times cites Israeli accounts of U.S.-Iran arms deal. Israeli officials place responsibility for sale solely on U.S...
Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli settler stabbed to death in Gaza market; Gaza put under curfew (FBIS 9/29). Responsibility claimed by Fateh's "Force 17" (AFP 9/...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times reports that the U.S. Consulate in Israel has received 96 complaints since 6/1 from Palestinian-Americans...
Arab World: Jordan closes all 25 offices of Fateh while allowing 12 "PLO offices" to remain open; Arafat's military deputy and chief delegate in Amman, Khalil al-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report on Gaza Strip, compiled by Meron Benvenisti's West Bank Date Base Project, is published, says "the situation is hopeless," calls...
Arab World: New York Times reports PLO officials are seriously considering Soviet offer to help mend relations with opposition Palestinian factions [NYT 1...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following Israeli promises to meet their demands, Palestinian political prisoners suspend hunger strike [FJ 12/20]. Israeli contractor...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing...
Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].
Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health Organization shelves indefinitely PLO application [NYT, WP, WT 5/11].
New York Times news analysis claims Israel "has emerged as the beneficiary of changing times in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, while the Arab world confronts the losses" [NYT 5/10].
In his column in Catholic New York, Cardinal John O'Connor denounces Israeli settlement inJerusalem's Christian quarter: "What happened in Jerusalem is obscene," and writes that Israelis are "speeding up . . . a design to make it virtually impossible for Christians to function anywhere in the land" [NYT 5/12; WT 5/14].
Shimon Peres announces his intent to go into opposition of any gov't. formed by Yitzhak Shamir [TET 5/10 in FBIS 5/11].
Israel's Supreme Court, responding to appeals from Israelis fed up with politicians' intrigues, rules that political parties must make public all coalition agreements before formingov't. [WT 5/9].
New York Times reports strengthening of ties between Arafat and Saddam Hussein, notes recent movement of Fateh troops from Jordan to Iraq [NYT 5/13].
Hizballah cleric Hussein Mussawi says freedom for 3 captive Israeli servicemen is "impossible" and expresses doubt that hostage crisis will end any time soon [WP 5/9].
New York Times reports interim P.M. Shamir, 10 days into his attempto form new gov't., is facing same problems as did Peres, may not be able to gather majority of votes [NYT 5/6].
PLO Executive Committee opens meeting in Baghdad, chaired by Arafat, to discuss upcoming Arab summit [BVP 5/5 in FBIS 5/5].
After 2 weeks of denials, Israeli officials acknowledge that Shamir's caretaker gov't. was helping fund controversial occupation by Jewish nationalists of Hospice of St. John in Jerusalem's Christian quarter [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/23].
Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine frees American educator Robert Pohill after 39 months in captivity [NYT, WP, WT 4/23]; New York Times reports Iran gave weapons and financial assistance to Islamic Jihad to persuade group to release Pohill [NYT, LAT 4/23]; Pres. Bush tells reporters he does not plan any gestures to respond to release of Pohill, says release of all hostages is "bottom line" for any reciprocal "goodwill" action [WP 4/23].
Israeli officials insist that 4/19, 4/20 air force raids on PFLP-GC and Hizballah bases in Lebanon have no impact on fate of American hostages, and dismiss as rhetoric warning that such attacks could endanger future hostage releases [WP 4/ 23].
PLO officially requests extraordinary Arab summit to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration (cf. 4/24) [TDS 4/23 in FBIS 4/ 24].
Meeting for the 3d time in 15 days, Hakam Balawi and Robert Pelletreau discuss latest developments as part of U.S.-PLO dialogue [WAFA 4/24 in FBIS 4/25].
Israel's Jewish Agency reports that during FY ending 3/31, only 175 of immigrants who were not sent to absorption centers settled beyond green line; also adds some 1,800 immigrants had settled in Jerusalem. JDS adds 41,500 total immigrants arrived during FY; 23,019 did not go to absorption centers, but looked after themselves [HAA, JDS 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].
Washington Times, citing unnamed defense sources, reports Israel is "reasonably close" to first test flight of experimental interceptor that could strike down incoming ballistic missiles; but deployment of these Arrow interceptors is at least 5 years away [WT 4/9].
New York Times reports Shimon Peres seems assured of 61 Knesset votes, majority needed to form new gov't. [NYT 4/ 11].
Syria's Pres. Asad receives Senator Bob Dole; says he wants better relations with U.S. and peaceful settlement to Arab-Israeli conflict [NYT, WT 4/10; DDS 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].
Representatives of Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council begin talks in Beirut with Belgian delegation on exchanging Palestinian jailed in Brussels for 4 Belgians held captive since 1987 [NYT 4/10].
Elias Freij, Bethlehem's mayor, meets in Washington with Sec. of State Baker, discuss opposition to O.T. settlements [jDS 4/10 in FBIS 4/10].
Dahaf organization publishes poll that finds 80% of those Israelis surveyed want to change current electoral system, 78% want to directly elect P.M. [YA 4/9 in FBIS 4/10].
New York Times reports Shimon Peres has made no visible progress toward securing majority of Knesset votes needed to form gov't. [NYT 3/25].
Faisal Husayni says positive Israeli response to Baker proposals would lead to change in intifada methods used by Palestinians [JDS 3/25 in FBIS 3/26].
Pres. Asad and Pres. Mubarak meet in Libya; first meeting since their countries restored diplomatic ties in December [WP 3/25; DDS 2/25 in FBIS 4/3].
China and Israel have exchanged unofficial liaison offices to coordinate growing contacts, but diplomats says it is very unlikely China would recognize Israel soon [NYT 3/25].
After internal debate, Likud party says Labor must agree to "basic and essential" issues before Israeli-Palestinian negotiations can proceed: (1) E. Jerusalem Arabs be excluded from talks and (2) Israel reserves the right to walk out of sessions if it believes PLO is trying to control or direct discussions [NYT, WP, WT 3/6]; Labor rejects these terms [NYT 3/7].
U.S.-PLO dialogue continues in Tunis, where Hakam Balawi meets with Robert Pelletreau [BVP 3/7 in FBIS 3/9].
In op-ed piece to Washington Post former Sec. of State George Shultz writes "some form of confederation between Israel, the Palestinians, Jordan, and perhaps Egypt seems as necessary as it is inevitable" [WP 3/6].
Quoting "regional officials and experts," New York Times reports changes sweeping E. Europe represent major strategic setback for Palestinians and other Arabs [NYT 3/6].
Arub Academy, a 2-year teachers' college in W. Bank, is reopened by Israeli army [WP 3/7].
U.S.-Israel settlement dispute appears to escalate as P.M. Shamir insists that new Jewish neighborhoods in E. Jerusalem would be expanded with "as many Soviet Jewish immigrants as possible" [WP 3/6].
UNLU issues leaflet no. 53, entitled "the women's call"; JDS reports leaflet does not break any new ground [JDS 3/6 in FBIS 3/6].
PLO delivers note to Washington, saying it rejects Israeli attempts to ignore issue of E. Jerusalem inany Palestinian-Israeli dialogue [NAH 3/5 in FBIS 3/7].
Pres. Bush meets with Seymour Reich, pres. of the Conference of Presidents of American Jewish Organizations; admin. officials say Bush "reiterated that U.S. policy toward Jerusalem is unchanged." Reich says Bush told him connection of E. Jerusalem to W. Bank may have been "unfortunate linkage" [WP, LAT 3/6].
In op-ed piece in New York Times, Ariel Sharon explains he resigned from Israeli gov't. because current peace efforts "reward the Palestinians for their terrorism and increase the risks of war" [NYT 3/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Air Force source tells the Jerusalem Post that U.S. intends to sell 24 Apache attack helicopters to Egypt and 19 to Israel [JP 2/10].
Arab World: PLO sends to European Community amessage regarding Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [FBIS 2/14].
Other Countries: New York Times reports on poll sponsored by Tel Aviv's Israel-Diaspora Institute of 1,310 U.S. Jewish leaders; 74 percent of respondents favor talks between Israeli officials and PLO "moderates" [NYT 2/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops shoot, wound at least 30 Rafah Palestinians in clash at funeral of Arab killed 2/7 [FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].
IDF seals off Nablus, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, and parts of Gaza Strip as Palestinians celebrate the 8th anniversary of the outlawed Palestine Communist Party [MET 2/20].
Palestinian dies of wounds received 2/8 [FBIS 2/12].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli peace campaigner Abie Nathan, sentenced to 6 months in prison for meeting with Yasir Arafat, is released 2 months early for good behavior. He vows to continue the activities for which he was jailed [NYT, FBIS 2/12; MET 2/20].
Israel and Czechoslovakia renew diplomatic ties that were severed in 1967 [LAT 2/10; MET 2/20].
Arab World: The New York Times reports that a rift has developed between Egypt and the PLO over the 2/4 bus attack in Egypt. Egypt finds PLO's qualified condemnation of the attack as hampering the peace process, while PLO is seen as reluctant to give Egypt too great a role in the process [NYT 2/10].
Other Countries: 73 U.S. Senators have signed a letter to Pres. Bush urging against cutting aid to Israel and Egypt. The letter was drafted by Senators Levin and Wilson [LAT 2/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike called for by UNLU is observed in O.T. [FBIS 2/9; FJ 2/12].
20-year-old Qabatya resident is shot dead by Israeli soldiers after attacking soldiers with knife [FBIS, FJ 2/12].
At least 7 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FJ 2/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish opens police investigation against Faisal Husayni for suspected incitement [FBIS 1/17].
Arab World: Egyptian F.M. Ismat Abd-alMajid arrives in Washington, meets with Sec. Baker. Abd-al-Majid's trip coincides with Washington talks between Bush administration and Israeli D.M. Rabin [FBIS 1/16; NYT, WP 1/17].
Arab Cooperation Council opens meetings in Baghdad [FBIS 1/17].
Other Countries: New York Times op-ed piece by Senate minority leader Robert Dole suggests 5% of U.S. foreign aid to Israel, Egypt, and others be redirected to E. Europe and Panama [NYT 1/16, 1/17; WP 1/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military closes 6 Gaza Strip schools for rock throwing [FBIS 1/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: New York Times poll shows that only 18% of Israeli Jews favor talks with PLO under current circumstances; 62% see Israeli-PLO talks in next 5 years [NYT 4/2].
Arab World: Mubarak rejects Shamir's offer to meet in Washington [NYT 4/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian from Hebron dies from wounds received on Land Day. Israeli troops shoot, kill 17- year-old Palestinian from al-'Ayzariyyah [NYT 4/2, FJ 4/10]. Throughout O.T. 23 Palestinians are reported wounded [FBIS 4/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: D.M. Rabin issues orders allowing greater number of soldiers to fire at demonstrators, increased use of demolitions, sealings of stonethrowers' homes, more confiscation of Palestinian property; Rabin threatens to close schools of stonethrowers [NYT, WP 1/18]. General strike is observed in Gaza [FJ 1/23].
Other Countries: CBS/New York Times poll of American attitudes toward Middle East shows that 64% of 1,533 people sampled favor U.S.-PLO talks [NYT 1/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Far'ah camp soldiershoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian during protest. In Jenin troops shoot, kill 17-year-old Palestinian, wound 2 others. In E. Jerusalem 19-year-old Palestinian dies from wounds received earlier [NYT 1/ 18, FJ 1/23]. In Rafah troops shoot, injure 9 Palestinians. In Burayj 3 Palestinians are shot by troops. In Nusayrat 3 Palestinians are injured during protests [FJ 1/23]. Army destroys 3 Palestinian homes, seals 5 [NYT 1/18, FJ 1/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike in O.T. enters second day. Gaza is placed under curfew. Nablus, Ramallah areas are considered closed military zones [FJ 12/12]. Al-Haq/Law in the Service of Man, the West Bank affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists, releases report detailing first year of intifidah: atleast 405 killed; 20,000 Palestinians injuredue to shootings, beatings, gassings; at least 20,000 arrested (9,000 to 10,000 still incarcerated); 32 deported; 26 deportations pending; 1,600 curfew orders of which 400 lasted at least 72 hours [FJ 12/12, JP 12/ 17]. New York Times [12/9] states there have been at least 285 Palestinians killed; Washington Post [12/9] states at least 350 Palestinians have been killed. IDF states 303 Palestinians have been killed. UN Relief and Works Agency states 313 Palestinians have been killed during first year of uprising UP 12/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, wound 2 in al-Fawwar camp. In Balata camp 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded. In Nablus, al-Far'a 6 Palestinians are injured [FJ 12/12].
Arab World: Israeli commandos raid Palestinian base south of Beirut, kill at least 8 Palestinians, wound 16; one Israeli soldier is killed, 3 wounded [WP 12/10].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In 'Ararah, within Green Line, 800 Israeli Palestinians march in support of uprising [FJ 8/7].
Arab World: King Hussein of Jordan dissolves lower chamber of Jordanian parliament; half of members were W. Bank Palestinians [WP 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 67-year-old Palestinian-American dies from heart attack after Israeli troops order him to remove graffiti from neighborhood school and refuse to allow him to take heart medicine [WP 8/3]. In Jabalya demonstrations break out as Israelis lift curfew for an hour and a half; 28 Palestinians are injured [FJ 8/7]. In Khan Yunis 8 people are shot, 30 injured by tear gas [FJ 8/7]. Demonstrations also occur in Bayt Sahur, Tulkarm, and Burayj, Beach camps [FJ 8/14].
Other Countries: New York Times reports Reagan administration officials have met with members of Congress and leaders of American-Jewish organizations to work out deal allowing Kuwait to buy U.S. arms [NYT 7/31]. In Peru authorities arrest 3 Palestinians, charge them with trying to make contact with Peruvian guerrillas [WP 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times reports that leaflet no. 20 of the Unified National Command of the Uprising suggests ways to end the intifadah: 1) deploying international observer force in the occupied territories; 2) holding municipal elections; 3) implementing Fourth Geneva Convention; 4) withdrawing IDF troops from populated areas; 5) releasing prisoners and closing prison camps; 6) repatriating deportees; 7) respecting principles of human rights. A senior Israeli military officer states that: "There's nothing to respond to" [NYT 6/28].
Arab World: Salah Khalaf criticizes recent statement by Bassam Abu Shaif as containing "vain political gestures" [WT 6/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus troops fire on demonstrators, wounding 12-year-old and 18-year-old. [FJ 7/3]. In Bethlehem a firebomb hits bus carrying Arab workers across the Green Line; 1 woman is slightly injured [FJ 7/3]. In Gaza over 160,000 people are placed under curfew [FJ 7/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Israeli army closes 3 schools [LAT 6/20]. D.M. Rabin meets with unnamed Palestinians in order to resolve the uprising. Military governor of the W. Bank meets with merchants from Ramallah trying to find ways to improve commerce [LAT 6/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers shoot, wound 21-year-old man near Nablus [LAT 6/20, FJ 6/26]. Soldiers uproot 5 dunums of olive trees in Salim [FJ 6/26].
Arab World: The New York Times reports that PLO forces in southem Lebanon have doubled in the past six months [NYT 6/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian shot, wounded when he allegedly tried to attack Israeli soldier in al-Burayj camp 3/4 dies in Gaza hospital [WP 3/6].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz retums to U.S. from Middle East trip [NYT 3/6]. New York Times reports former Sec. of State Henry Kissinger urged Am. Jewish leaders to withhold criticism of Israel and voiced support for media ban in W. Bank and Gaza Strip and Israeli use of force [NYT 3/5]. Reagan administration endorses letter signed by 30 senators criticizing P.M. Shamir for rejection of land for peace formula [WP 3/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF troops fire on demonstrators in Dahariyyah near Hebron, killing 2 Palestinians. In northem Israel, 4 Israelis are wounded by Katyusha rocket fired from S. Lebanon. Soldiers raid Jalazun refugee camp near Ramallah and arrest about 50 Palestinians [WP 3/6]. Troops conduct mass nighttime arrests in several W. Bank camps [FJ 3/13]. Palestinian youth is shot dead by Israeli troops during clash in Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah village [WQP 3/28]. In Qalandiya refugee camp, near Jerusalem, protesters attack IDF patrol with stones, Molotov cocktails [Fl 3/13]. Students demonstrate in Ramallah after failed attempt to enter Birzeit U. [Fl 3/13]. Clashes between Israeli troops and tire-burning Palestinians are reported in Ramallah, Qalqiliyyah, and Abu Dis village. At least 3 are injured by army gunfire in Jenin. Curfews are in force in Burayj, Dayr al-Balah, and 'Arrub camps, Khadir village, and Bani Na'im village [Fl 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times cites Israeli accounts of U.S.-Iran arms deal. Israeli officials place responsibility for sale solely on U.S. Pres. Reagan and his government [NYT 12/11].
Other Countries: Pentagon source reports U.S. Sec. of Defense Weinberger supervised arms shipments to Iran [WP 12/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli warplanes bomb Nahr al-Barid refugee camp in N. Lebanon [WP 12/12].
Other Countries: The New York Times reports that Saudi Arabian arms dealer 'Adnan Khashoggi played important role in financing U.S.-Iran arms deals [NYT 11/26]. U.S. customs agents arrest arms dealer Kevin Gilday and charge him and 3 others with attempting to sell military equipmento Libya and Syria [WP 11/26]. U.S. Atty. Gen. Edwin Meese claims Israel acted on its own when it sent arms to Iran in late summer 1985, announces that profits from the arms deals were used to fund the Nicaraguan contras. Israeli government replies that U.S. requested the shipment and that Israel had no knowledge of funds diverted to the contras [LAT 11/26]. Head of Higher Islamic Council requests international protection for Jerusalem's Old City Arab residents [FJ 1/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli settler stabbed to death in Gaza market; Gaza put under curfew (FBIS 9/29). Responsibility claimed by Fateh's "Force 17" (AFP 9/27).
Military Action
Arab World: Heavy fighting between rival Christian militias in East Beirut; Syrian-backed Muslim and Christian militiamen under Ilyas Hubayqa cross green line from West Beirut (first time in civil war that armed forces have crossed from west Beirut to east) and attack Lebanese forces under Samir Ja'ja'. Fighting is brought under control by Lebanese army (NYT 9/28); 62 dead, 198 wounded by one account (WP 9/29). 52 dead, 200 wounded by another (NYT 9/29). New York Times quotes local sources saying fighting resulted from coup attempt against President Jumayyil.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close Nablus offices of Construction and Public Institutions Unions and Union of Public Service Workers for one year for "security reasons," alleging groups are linked to PFLP (Fl 9/26).
Arab World: Egypt's ambassador to Israel assumes functions in Tel Aviv (WP 9/24).
Other Countries: UN Security Council adopts resolution calling on Israel to withdraw troops from S. Lebanon and to permit UNIFIL to move up to border. U.S. abstains; 14 members of council vote in favor of resolution (WP 9/24).
Military Action
Arab World: IDF warplanes bomb Palestinian targets in Druze-controlled Shuf mountains southeast of Beirut, the tenth airstrike in Lebanon this year; two women are wounded. New York Times reports five wounded, four Druze villages bombed (NYT 9/24). Defense Minister Rabin tours SLA outposts before raid, vows to crush attempts to attack SLA which has lost 16 men in recent weeks. French continue to evacuate positions for safer ground (NYT, WP 9/23). Shamir says Israel is not planning an invasion (NYT 9/24).
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The New York Times reports that the U.S. Consulate in Israel has received 96 complaints since 6/1 from Palestinian-Americans whoaid their U.S. passports were confiscated upon arrival at Ben-Gurion airport [NYT 7/16].
Arab World: King Hussein, in press conference for 19 M.E.-based correspondents, including 9 from Israel, expresses hope to open dialogue with West Bank leaders and concern about a possible mass migration from the occupied territories if situation continues; says Fateh offices were closed in part because of an "unholy alliance" between the communists, Fateh, and the fundamentalist Muslims, which also caused the rioting at Yarmuk University in May [WP 7/19].
Arab World: Jordan closes all 25 offices of Fateh while allowing 12 "PLO offices" to remain open; Arafat's military deputy and chief delegate in Amman, Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) given 48 hours to leave, movement of top Fateh officials restricted [NYT 7/8; WP 7/8, 7/9]. The New York Times cites reports that Jordan ispressuring 4 Palestinians to accept Israeli appointments to mayoralties of their towns: Khalil Musa for Ramallah; Walid Mustafa for al-Birah; Muhammad Ja'bari for Hebron; and 'Abd al-Fatah Dudin for Dura [FJ 7/4; NYT 7/8, 7/9].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report on Gaza Strip, compiled by Meron Benvenisti's West Bank Date Base Project, is published, says "the situation is hopeless," calls territory "atime bomb" [LT 5/24].
Arab World: The New York Times reports President Mubarak and King Hussein met recently to discuss Egyptian-backed Palestinian self-rule in Gaza. Deposed Gaza Mayor Rashad al-Shawwa suggested idea, which would involve Egyptian consular services in East Jerusalem, Egyptian bank in Gaza, and legislative council [NYT 5/23]. Yasir Arafat declares to al-Bayan (Dubai) that PLO has decided to end its military presence in Tunisia.
Military Action
Arab World: New combat breaks out around Burj al-Barajinah, Sabra, and Shatila camps between Amal and Palestinians [OJ 5/24].
Arab World: New York Times reports PLO officials are seriously considering Soviet offer to help mend relations with opposition Palestinian factions [NYT 1/19]. Amsterdam News reports Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog declared 1/20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Israel [AN 1/18].
Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Murphy meets with King Hussein in London [NYT 1/19].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River [JP 1/17].
Arab World: Elie Hubayqa resigns as head of Lebanese Forces, flees the country; 11 Muslim factions advance on Jumayyil's forces [NYT, WP 1/17].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli soldier wounded in S. Lebanon security zone by roadside bomb [JP 1/17].
Other Countries: New York Times reports Soviet Union has stationed 2 destroyers and intelligence-gathering ships off Israeli coast, apparently to give Libya early warning of any possible Israeli air strike; Soviet surveillance aircraft have increased monitoring of activities across Mediterranean [NYT 1/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following Israeli promises to meet their demands, Palestinian political prisoners suspend hunger strike [FJ 12/20]. Israeli contractor Avraham Gindi is charged in Tel Aviv district court with fraud and theft in West Bank land scandal case, attempts to jump out 6-story window [NYT 12/14].
Other Countries: U.S. customs officials make highly publicized raids on 3 Napco Inc. factories, probing Israel's acquisition of electroplating technology for tank cannon barrels, say Israel had no permit to export the technology; Israel issues denials [WP, NYT 12/14; JP 12/22]. New York Times reports new director of UNRWA, Commissioner General Georgio Giacomelli, has stated agency is $20 million short of $191 million budget, the minimum needed to maintain services at 1985 levels [NYT 12/13]. A Briton and 2 Palestinians are convicted of murdering 3 Israelis aboard a yacht in Lamaca, Cyprus in September; they are sentenced to life imprisonment [NYT, WP 12/14].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].
Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].
Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing people in Israel" [JP 9/9]. Soldiers fire rubber bullets and tear gas on a group called An End to Occupation as they demonstrate in Ramallah to protest Israeli deportation and administrative detention practices; 21 protesters are detained. Army declares the area a closed military zone [GU 9/18]. Ariel Sharon begins suit against Time magazine in a Tel Aviv court. Under Israeli law, Sharon need not prove malice to substantiate his claim [JP 9/9]. Charges have been filed against Israeli joumalist Amnon Kapeliouk for visiting Jordan in March and April. Under the 1948 Emergency Defense Regulations, Kapeliouk could receive up to a year in prison for entering acountry in a state of war with Israel [JP 9/8].
Other Countries: New York Times reports the Soviet Union has begun a new campaign to encourage Palestinians to reject American-sponsored efforts at Arab-Israeli peace talks. In recent weeks George Habash, Nayef Hawatmeh, Khaled al-Fahoum, and close Arafat aide Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) have visited Moscow. Soviet leaders have expressed "total opposition" to the 11 February accord between Arafat and King Hussein [NYT 9/8].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues for the 6th straight day between 2,500 Palestinian fighters inside Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp and Amal militiamen outside [NYT 9/9]. Lebanese officials meet with Syrian Vice Pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Damascus to ask for Syrian military intervention to stop the fighting [LT 9/9].