2945 / 15468 Results
  • April 3, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to...

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  • March 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa...

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  • March 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Car bomb explodes near pro-Israel Voice of Hope television station studio on Lebanese side of border near Metulla.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied...

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  • January 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery exchanges between Phalange and Druze militias cause damage in Beirut for first time since September; car bomb explodes near Italian troops, no injuries.


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  • January 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF bus in Kfar Sil ambushed by Lebanese National Resistance using rocket propelled grenades and machine guns, IDF returns fire into groves alongside road; artillery,...

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Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Hundreds of former residents of Birim, Maronite village on Israel's northern border evacuated in 1948, call on government to allow them to return now that security prevails, government reportedly will not agree to setting precedent since estimated 50,000 Arabs in Israel might also demand return to their original homes; another outbreak of mass sickness on West Bank causes hospitalization of 164 girls from Tulkarm and Anabta, 240 in Yatta; results of International Red Cross investigation of illnesses, released by Israeli Health Ministry, indicate no evidence of poison or toxic material, conclude that epidemic is mass phenomenon devoid of danger; curfew imposed in Yatta, 6 other areas; 2 IDF soldiers, border policeman, and 2 Nablus residents wounded by hand-grenade in Nablus; Israeli bank ransacked during protest demonstrations in Tulkarm; Israeli targets stoned in other West Bank towns; 18 year-old boy shot in arm and stomach by settler driving past al-Arub refugee camp, police question settler and impound his rifle; 2 Israelis injured by stones in Qalqilya; 2 Arab youths injured when Israeli driver swerves his car into group throwing stones; 65 year-old Jerusalem woman hospitalized after being beaten and stabbed, members of Jewish religious school seeking to take over her property are suspected; IDF investigating 2 settler-related shooting incidents in Hebron and Nablus areas; Muslim religious leaders call students to hold protest gathering at Dome of Rock against last year's Easter attack by Israeli soldier; police use teargas to disperse demonstration near Damascus Gate, 8 arrested; police prevent group of 50 Jewish religious nationalists, including Meir Kahane, from entering Temple Mount, group then holds prayers outside gates; teenage nephew of Kahane arrested after firing Uzi at Palestinian demonstrators.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat and Hussein hold third round of talks, Arafat tells news conference he is still committed to Fez summit resolutions, Farouk Kaddoumi says Reagan plan is not a vehicle for negotiation, Abujihad says PLO is not giving a mandate to anyone.

Arab Governments: Mubarak, in Peking, urges PLO and King Hussein to enter talks on Reagan plan soon, before next US election campaign.

US and Other Countries: US diplomats in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem reportedly sceptical of official Israeli explanation of mass illnesses, point to fact that Israelis on West Bank displayed same symptoms.

Military Action:

IDF stops US Marine patrol in Beirut from entering area under its control.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Peace Now demonstration in Haifa in memory of Emil Grunzweig; 3 IDF, 3 Israeli civilians injured by stones in Tulkarm, Ramallah and Dahariya; 1 Palestinian youth shot by border police in Jerusalem; IDF officer hit in head by stone during demonstration in Halhoul, town placed under curfew; Hebron Polytechnic College closed after demonstrations; 2 tourists injured by stones near Dahariya; water cannon and tear gas used to disperse demonstration in Ramallah, two central squares placed under curfew; Ein Beit Alma camp under curfew; stone-throwing at al-Amari and Jalazon camps; US and Israeli flags burned in Gaza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel sends former Prime Minister Saeb Salam as special personal envoy to US.

US and Other Countries: Shultz, with special envoys Habib and Draper, meets Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem in Washington, says it is time for King Hussein to make a decision about entering peace talks; former President Carter, ending 6-day visit to Israel, says Israel has not lived up to commitments made at Camp David, finds extent of Jewish settlement in West Bank discouraging; final communique of Non-Aligned summit includes condemnation of US support to Israel, calls for international tribunal on Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people; more British Jews reported to have settled in Israel in 1982 than in any year since 1948.

Military Action:

Car bomb explodes near pro-Israel Voice of Hope television station studio on Lebanese side of border near Metulla.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Municipal park in Jerusalem dedicated to memory of Emil Grunzweig, Peace Now demonstrator killed by grenade on February 10; guarded by 850 police, 1000 supporters of Committee Against the War in Lebanon march in Jerusalem for freedom of expression and against political violence; Foreign Minister Shamir says Israel will do utmost to strengthen ties with African regimes, is grateful to Zaire for being first Black African nation to resume diplomatic ties with Israel; Likud MK Y. Hurwitz says Israel has no choice but to sell arms to any country willing to buy them; 9 yeshiva students arrested after windows of Arab-owned stores smashed in Jerusalem's Old City, 5 charged; police fire shots and teargas, arrest 94, during protests against Carter visit in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Tulkarm, Yatta, Halhoul, BeitJala, Ramallah, Jenin and Nablus; 3 women soldiers, 1 settler injured by stones in Hebron during protests against Defense Minister Arens visit; bombs discovered in two Hebron schools; Halhoul girls' high school closed until April; Jewish settlers fire on stone-throwing youths at Dheisheh camp and in Bethlehem.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat has talks with King Hussein at New Delhi Non-Aligned summit.

Arab Governments: Mubarak says he is in no hurry to resume diplomatic relations with Arab states that cut ties after 1979 peace treaty with Israel; Information Minister Iskander says Syria has no objection to withdrawing its troops from Lebanon if Israel does so at same time and if Lebanese authority and sovereignty over all Lebanon are established.

Military Action:

Artillery exchanges between Phalange and Druze militias cause damage in Beirut for first time since September; car bomb explodes near Italian troops, no injuries.


1 IDF soldier killed, 3 wounded by rocket-propelled grenades while patrolling outskirts of Beirut; 4 civilians killed by IDF retaliatory fire; 7 killed, 13 wounded in artillery battles.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5000 acres of land seized for settlement purposes in West Bank; curfew continues in Dahariyeh, south of Hebron; a physician in Tulkarm arrested for allegedly inciting official village heads to withdraw from the Village Leagues.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says Israel demanding more than Lebanon is willing to accept in security and normalization measures, and that US trying to close the gap.

Military Action:

IDF bus in Kfar Sil ambushed by Lebanese National Resistance using rocket propelled grenades and machine guns, IDF returns fire into groves alongside road; artillery, rocket and hand-to-hand fighting in Tripoli.


21 IDF wounded in ambush, bringing total IDF casualties in 3 weeks to 25 wounded, 6 dead, and since Sept. 1, total IDF casualties are 104 killed, 203 wounded; one attacker killed by IDF; 19 killed in Tripoli fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: MK Charlie Biton, at lunch hosted by PLO in New York, calls for Palestinian state on the West Bank, urges US to negotiate directly with the PLO, Israel to cut military spending; Bedouin whose herds were seized in December win order nisi from Israeli High Court calling for Defense Ministry, Chief of Staff and Nature Reserves Authority (Green Patrol) to give reason within 10 days why the herds should not be returned; Palestinian union activists, journalists, writers and poets from Nablus, Tulkarm and Hebron arrested and detained by military authorities now number over 300 in Fara'a prison.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat in Kuwait calls on Arab states to exert economic pressure on US, then goes to Damascus for celebration of 18th anniversary of Fateh; Lebanese and Palestinian women from Bourj al-Barajneh protest detention of relatives; 3-week training by US Marines of Lebanese Army air assault battalion completed with display of heliborne hit and run attacks; $10 million worth of US military equipment, including 24 APCs, trucks and spare parts, for Lebanese Army arrives at Beirut port.

Arab Governments: Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz says Iraq is encouraging the PLO to negotiate with Jordan, and does not oppose peace negotiations between Israel, the PLO and Arab partners.

US and Other Countries: US expresses official concern to USSR over construction of SA-5 missile sites in Syria, as USSR Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin is called to the State Department to meet with Undersecretary for Political Affairs Lawrence Eagleburger; Senator Paul Tsongas (D-MA) meets with Begin, then Hussein, tells reporters if Syria is obstacle to peace and troop withdrawal from Lebanon, this obstacle must be removed, and that Begin told him he accepts Hussein in the peace process but will never freeze settlements