Occupied Palestine/Israel: Center of Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, placed under siege for 3 hours [FJ 9/20]. Establishment of the Voice of America...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Center of Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, placed under siege for 3 hours [FJ 9/20]. Establishment of the Voice of America...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's High Court upholds the deportation orders against 11 West Bank Palestinians on the grounds they failed to prove residency. The...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close al-Manar press office in Jerusalem for 6 months, following raid on the office and seizure of documents....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials state they have uncovered underground political cell in Golan town of Majd al-Shams responsible for attacks ...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reagan administration assures Israel it will not engage in "indirect negotiations or prenegotiations" with proposed Jordanian-...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Daily World reports Palestinian Communist party has denounced the moves to form joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fifteen Jewish underground defendants found guilty, ending thirteen-monthrial in Jerusalem District Court. Group leader Menachem Livni,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities arrest 40 Gaza fishermen and seize their boats for fishing outside designated zone [FJ 6/7]. 3,000 Peace...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin states recently-released Palestinian prisoners now residing in Occupied Palestine/Israel will be rearrested if commandos kidnap...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. official Nachman Shai admits Israel obtained US-made krytron timing devices in violation of US export laws (devices can be...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bus stoned in N. Jerusalem; no injuries. Pipe bomb thrown at bus near Qalqiliya; no injuries [JP 5/7].
Arab World: Action in S....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF lift travel restrictions to Jordan [imposed 4/21] for residents of Jerusalem, Beit Hanina, Ramallah [FJ 5/3].
Other Countries...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah U. officials condemn 4/22 seizure of university-owned land by IDF as attempt to expand nearby Jnaid prison [FJ 4/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin announces Cabinet decision to withdraw completely from Lebanon by early June; also indicates possible continued IDF presence in...
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: DM Rabin indicates Israel will establish 3 to 10 mile "security zone" in S. Lebanon; states UNIFIL played "negative" role in area and...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Richard Murphy meets with PM Peres, Deputy Premier Shamir in Jerusalem [JP 4/16]. Cabinet reverses 4/14 decision...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem merchants strike in support of better prison conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison [WP 4/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview with Jerusalem Arabic-language paper al-Quds, PM Peres advocates exchanging land for "total peace"; supports...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min. for Religious Affairs Burg announces opening of Islamic court in Jerusalem [JP 1/23]. IDF announce expropriation of 2,000 dunums of...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Center of Dheisheh refugee camp, near Bethlehem, placed under siege for 3 hours [FJ 9/20]. Establishment of the Voice of America transmitter inIsrael will bring in at least $150 million in revenues, Davar reports [JWP 9/13]. Jewish Press reports secular and religious Jews have formed an international committee to mobilize resistance to construction of an extension of the Mormon Brigham Young University on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem [JWP 9/13].
Other Countries: U.S. vetoes a resolution in the UN Security Council which would have condemned "the repressive measures taken by Israel since 4 August 1985 against the civilian Palestinian population in the Israeli-occupied territories." The vote was 10 in favor, 1 opposed (the U.S.), and 4 abstentions (Australia, Denmark, France, and Britain) [JP 9/15]. New York Assembly man Dov Hikind holds a rally outside PLO offices in New York calling for the removal of the PLO from that city. Rally is sponsored by Americans for a Safe Israel [JWP 9/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's High Court upholds the deportation orders against 11 West Bank Palestinians on the grounds they failed to prove residency. The 11 were among 600 prisoners released in the West Bank in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/13]. Administrative detention orders are issued against 7 more Palestinians, bringing the total to 70 [JP 9/13]. Two-week-old curfew on Hebron marketplace is lifted [JP 9/13]. The Palestinian who sold the apartment to Israeli settlers in Hebron's old market where MKs recently squatted has asked the military governor of Hebron to have his flat returned if the settlers' ownership is not recognized. The Palestinian, Muhammad Yunis Ja'abari, has been hiding in Rabbi Moshe Levinger's home to avoid retaliation [JP 9/13].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz tells group of Jewish congressmen the administration plans to go ahead with projected arms sale to Jordan. Jabotinsky Foundation announces former U.S. Amb. to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick and "Operation Moses," which brought 10,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel, are corecipients of the 1985 Jabotinsky Prize-Defender of Jerusalem Award, worth $100,000 [JTA 9/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rafat Subuh, 20, and Muhammad Rimawi, 20, both from Gaza, are shot by army patrol [FJ 9/20]. Israeli soldier opens fire on Palestinian bus north of Jerusalem wounding 5 passengers. Police question the soldier [JP 9/13; FJ 9/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish underground member Uri Meir receives presidential pardon and is freed after serving half of his prison sentence. His health is cited as a reason for the pardon [JWP 9/13]. Israel frees remaining 119 Lebanese and Palestinian detainees from Atlit prison near Haifa; they are released in Tyre, Lebanon. They are the last of the group of over 700 prisoners whose release was demanded by the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 in June [NYT, JP 9/11]. "Operation Independence," spearheaded by a group of businessmen from the U.S. and other countries, begins meetings in Jerusalem to plan ways for Israel to reduce its chronic trade deficit and reduce financial dependence on the U.S. by increasing Israeli exports by $500 million, and tourism revenue by another $500 million [WP 9/11].
Other Countries: Jerusalem Post reports Britain has blocked a proposed Israeli sale of 16 U.S.-made Skyhawk jets to Argentina [JP 9/10].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian observers are deployed around Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp to monitor the 9/9 cease-fire; however, sporadic fighting continues. Palestinian residents are trapped inside the camp. Palestinian homes in mixed neighborhoods outside the camp are looted and burned [MG 9/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities close al-Manar press office in Jerusalem for 6 months, following raid on the office and seizure of documents. Israelis claim it serves as a front for the DFLP [JP 9/10; FJ 9/13]. Eleven Palestinians go on trial before a military court in Gaza, charged with killing 3 suspected "collaborators " [JP 9/10]. Knesset bill which would ban "unauthorized" meetings with PLO officials passes first reading [MG 9/10]. Settlers break open a passage between Hebron's main mosque and the marketplace. Israeli soldiers briefly detain the settlers and a press photographer [JP 9/10]. Talks begin between the U.S. Board of International Broadcasting and Israeli officials over the location of a high-powered radio transmitter for Voice of America to be built in Israel [JP 9/9].
Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 17 Egyptians, including 3 army officers, were arrested last week on suspicion of membership in "Egypt's Revolution," the previously unknown group which claimed responsibility for assassinating Israeli diplomat Albert Atrakchi. Submachine guns, automatic rifles, and ammunition were found in the home of one of the officers, and large quantities of pamphlets with others [JP 9/9].
Other Countries: Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports a new lobbyingroup called Americans for a Safe Israel (AFSI) has opened offices in Washington, D.C. [JTA 9/10]. Japanese trade officials tell For. Min. Shamir due to changes in the "geopolitical situation," Japan is now willing to discuss economic cooperation with Israel [JP 9/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and wound 3 Palestinian youths in Hebron as they try to run away from ID check. A 12-year-old boy standing nearby is also seriously wounded by a stray bullet [NYT, JP 9/10]. Stones are thrown at an Israeli bus passing through Ramallah; no injuries reported. Ramallah is put under 2-hour curfew [NYT 9/10]. Stones are thrown at a foot patrol near Hebron, slightly wounding one soldier. Soldiers close and search the area. A curfew is imposed [JP 9/10]. A parcel bomb is discovered and defused in Gilo settlement, south of Jerusalem. A gasoline bomb is thrown at a bus stop in Jerusalem, causing no injuries [NYT 9/10].
Arab World: The cease-fire fails and fighting resumes over Burj al-Barajinah camp, called the "second war of the camps"; at least 53 have died and 250 been wounded in the week of fighting [LT 9/10, MG 9/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel's 10-member inner cabinet meets to discuss security situation in occupied territories, resolves to tell Jordan again to remove PLO "bases" recently set up there [LT, BG, FT 9/5]. Inner cabinet approves proposal from Ariel Sharon that the authorities conduct general review of institutions in occupied territories that are supportive of the PLO [FJ 9/6]. Israeli soldiers rebuild wall separating Hebron's main mosque from marketplace, which settlers destroyed after 9/3 stabbing of two soldiers [GD 9/5]. MKs Yossi Sarid and Dedi Zucker of the Citizen's Rights Movement present document to Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev alleging Jumbo construction company made millions of dollars from fraudulent and illegal land sales [JP 9/5]. P.M. Peres sends close aide Avraham Tamir to unannounced ovemight visit with Egyptian Pres. Husni Mubarak to discuss ways of advancing relations between the two nations [CSM 9/6]. Israeli settlers try to squat in Hebron where 2 Israeli soldiers were stabbed 9/3. Army evicts them [CSM 9/6]. Five hundred Ethiopian Jews demonstrate in Jerusalem against rabbinical demands that they undergo symbolic conversion before marrying [WP 9/7]. For. Min. Shamir leaves for Japan to try to persuade Japanese leaders to relax their adherence to Arab boycott and increase trade with Israel [JP 9/4].
Other Countries: Operation Independence, a group of 100 international Jewish business leaders wishing to strengthen Israel's economy, sponsors New York meeting of hotel, airline, and tourism groups and prominent Jewish business leaders to discuss ways to increase American tourism to Israel [JTA 9/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palesine/Israel: Several katyusha rockets land in Galilee; no injuries reported. This is 4th katyusha attack on Galilee in recent months [JP 9/5].
Arab World: Israeli jets bomb suspected PLO guerrilla base in Lebanon's Biqa' Valley, 11th such strike inside Lebanon this year [NYT 9/5]. Reports say 6 Palestinians killed and 10 wounded in the attack [CSM 9/6]. Shi'ite and Palestinian militias battle around Burj al-Baraj inah refugee camp south of Beirut in worst fighting since June, when Syrian-sponsored cease-fire ended fierce clashes in 3 Palestinian refugee camps. Latest fighting leaves 10 dead, 27 wounded [NYT, LAT 9/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West Bank Palestinians against deportation orders issued against them a week ago. They are expected to appeal to Israeli High Court [FT 9/4]. Shafiqa Abu Sitteh, 25, "accidentally" shot by Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip last week, dies from her wounds in Beersheba Hospital [FJ 9/6]. Israeli army spokesman reports Iraeli navy seized another yacht, the Gandha, off the coast of southern Lebanon on 8/31, arresting 2 Palestinians, a Greek, and a Briton who were aboard. Spokesman states Palestinians confessed to being members of Fateh and to planning attack against targets inside Israel. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states Israeli navy will intercept vessels anywhere in the Mediterranean to prevent attacks on Israeli targets [LT, CT, MG, JP 9/3]. Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Levy tours Golan Heights and declares 2-kilometer-wide strip along demarcation line a closed military zone. Army is reportedly building new fortifications and strengthening forces in the Golan [FJ 9/6]. Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports a Modi'in Ezrachi poll shows 60% of Israeli adult public favor amnesty for imprisoned members of Jewish underground; 34% oppose it UTA 9/3].
Other Countries: New York Times reports U.S. administrations discussing convening a meeting of Western European states to sponsor direct Arab-Israeli negotiations as alternative to the international conference which King Hussein and PLO insist on, which would include the Soviet Union [JP 9/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at bus stop at Gilo settlement, south of Jerusalem, wounding 6; 11 Palestinians are arrested [JP 9/3]. Abu Musa faction of Fateh reportedly claims responsibility [MG 9/3]. Unidentified people ambush settler's car in Gaza Strip; Israeli police say several bullets hit the car. Several Palestinians detained by police [Fl 9/6]. Stones thrown at Egged bus smash its windshield near Ramallah; 3 Palestinian youths detained and released [Fl 9/6].
Arab World: Gunmen seriously wound Hussayn al-Hayabi, 50, Palestinian guerrilla official loyal to Arafat, after storming his home in 'Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. Hayabi is 7th Arafat loyalist attacked since July in 'Ain al-Hilweh, and only one to survive [BG,WP,MG 9/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military officials state they have uncovered underground political cell in Golan town of Majd al-Shams responsible for attacks against IDF and civilians during the past 6 months [JTA 8/28]. Latest poll by Modi'in Ezrachi shows that if elections were held, Kach would be third largest party in the Knesset, getting 11 seats in the 120-seat parliament. Labor would get 51 seats and Likud 24 [PI, USN 8/28]. Curfews continue in Tulkarm and Jenin while investigations are conducted into 8/24 attacks on Israelis. [JP 8/28]. Chicago Tribune reports more than 70 Israeli-owned West Bank land offices are under investigation in unfolding land fraud scandal. Among those questioned are former senior officials in Agriculture Ministry involved in settlement activity, ex-officials in the West Bank military government, police authorities, and several land brokers, 4 of whom have been arrested [CT 8/27]. P. M. Peres says Chairman Afarat is directly responsible for attacks against Israelis, and Israeli govemment has evidence to prove it. He says 'Amman has been wamed of the consequences of letting the PLO station itself in 'Amman [DT 8/28]. Isramco, U.S. oil company with oil and gas interests in Israel, announces it is launching expanded program for oil and gas production in the Negev. Company plans to spend between $5-6 million by the end of the first quarter of 1986 UC 8/27].
Other Countries: First International Christian Zionist Congress convenes in Basel, Switzerland for three days, gathering 500 Christian lay leaders and theologians, active supporters of Israel. Congress is organized by the Intemational Christian Embassy in Jerusalem [JTA 8/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian in Qalqilya is shot as he tries to flee IDF patrol attempting to detain him and 2 others [JP 7/28]. The wounded man was hospitalized and the 2 arrested.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Reagan administration assures Israel it will not engage in "indirect negotiations or prenegotiations" with proposed Jordanian-Palestinian delegation [LAT 8/14]. Rabbi Meir Kahane is prevented from speaking at a rally in downtown Jerusalem. Hundreds, including members of the Committee Against Racism, gather to heckle; Kahane forced to leave after half an hour [JTA 8/16]. Israel unveils first locally produced hydrofoil missile boat; states it will be used to prevent infiltration from the sea [JC 8/14].
Arab World: U.S. envoy Richard Murphy meets with King Hussein [JTA 8/15]. Financial Times reports Jordan will purchase electronic warfare equipment and other high technology items from a list of British defense supplies through a loan backed by the British government [FT 8/14]. Jordan TV reports that missing Israeli soldier Zecharia Baumel is being held in Damascus by the DFLP [JTA 8/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Car packed with 400 pounds of nail-studded TNT explodes in Christian East Beirut, killing 15 and wounding 120. No group claims responsibility [NYT, MG 8/15].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court issues interim injunction ordering defense minister to refrain from deporting Khalil Abu Ziad and to show, within 3 days, why order should not be cancelled [MG 8/12]. The Israeli coordinator of govemment activities in the occupied territories, Shlomo Goren, advises Israelis to be armed and accompanied whenever entering heavily populated Palestinian areas [JP 8/12]. Jerusalem Post reports Israeli Ministry of Labor has asked IDF civil administration in south Lebanon to find Lebanese workers for manual labor in the Galilee for fruit picking and hotel jobs during high tourist season. Few Lebanese have responded. IDF reports estimate 550 Lebanese come into Israel every day to work. Some stay overnight [JP 8/11]. Israeli High Court upholds the right of a Lebanese to appeal to it for redress for the Israeli army's seizure of property during the invasion of Lebanon [JP 8/12]. The Israeli Cabinet officially and "unconditionally" condemns apartheid for the first time, but ministersay the government will make no move to end the commercial and arms trade with South Africa [WP, JP 8/12]. Absorption Minister Ya'acov Tsur presents "Master Plan for Ethiopian Jewish Absorption" to Prime Minister Peres; 84 housing units have been made available to Ethiopian Jews in West Bank; Tsur says no immigrants will be forced to relocate there [JP 8/12].
Other Countries: U.S. Sen Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) says he will initiate adefense agreement between Israel and the U.S. to include air strips, joint research and development, and cooperation in other fields. Helms is on a private visit to Israel, along with Sen. Chick Hecht of Nevada [JP 8/12]. Members of the Hispanic Caucus of the U.S. Congress leave Jerusalem for Madrid to urge government there to establish diplomatic ties with Israel. The thirteen-member caucus was visiting Israel as guests of the Anti-Defamation League UP 8/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Fighting continues in Beirut; 6 are killed, more than 47 wounded. The 7/16 Syrian-backed security plan fails to halt the fighting [NYT 8/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Daily World reports Palestinian Communist party has denounced the moves to form joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to negotiate with the Israelis; sees it as effort to undermine principles of the PLO and the goal of an independent national state [DW 8/10]. The "Judea and Samaria" Settlement Council, dominated by Gush Emunim, announces boycott of Kiryat Arba because of its discrimination against Palestinians [JP 8/11]. Kiryat Arba town council cancels clause in its coalition agreement. Move opens the way for town council to receive funds blocked by the Knesset finance committee on grounds the clause violated the law [JP 8/11]. Jerusalem Magistrates Court imposes three-month suspended sentence and IS 200,000 fine on Rabbi Moshe Levinger for striking a 6-year-old boy in Hebron last year [JWP 8/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Kiryat Arba settler Ya'acov Reiter, 46, is stabbed in Hebron's marketplace; his condition is reported to be satisfactory. Curfew is imposed on Hebron, with house-to-house searches conducted for the two attackers [NYT, WP 8/11].
Arab World: Fighting continues in Beirut, with shells striking presidential palace [BG 8/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Cabinet approves series of harsh security measures in the occupied territories, capital punishment not among them. Measures include deportation of "persons who constitute a security risk," indefinite "administrative detention" without charges for Palestinians suspected of security offenses, an increase in prison capacity in the West Bank, and closing Palestinian newspapers that violate censorship regulations [LAT 8/5]. Forty-three Palestinian local councils in Israel and their employees hold rally outside Israeli prime minister's office to protest government failure to provide promised funds to alleviate their financial difficulties. They demand budgets equal to those of Israeli local councils. The 43 councils have an accumulated debt of $10 million; some have not been able to pay employees for 3 months [FJ 8/2, 8/9]. Public opinion poll by Pori Research Institute published in Ha'Aretz shows 10.6 percent of those who voted for Likud in last Knesset elections would now vote for Kach. Another poll by the Modi'in Ezrachi Institute shows Kahane would increase his Knesset seats to 5 if elections were held now [JTA 8/5].
Arab World:The Sunday Times reports testimony of British doctor on conditions in the 3 Beirut refugee camps besieged 2 months ago. According to Dr. Swee Chai Ang, over 1,500 Palestinians are missing, feared to have been kidnapped or killed. Palestinians are still being killed, although war of the camps technically ended in June and the camps of Sabra, Shatila, and Burj al-Barajinah are now protected by Lebanese army and internal security forces [LT 8/4]. Libya, which had threatened toboycott Arab summit, sends senior official [WSJ 8/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Petrol bomb hurled at a border police patrol outside 'Ain Beit al-Ma', near Nablus injures 2 policemen. Curfew is imposed [JP 8/5]. Another petrol bomb incident is reported in Azzariya, near Jerusalem; no injuries reported [JP 8/6].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede with negotiations is "whether it would help promote direct Arab-Israeli negotiations" [WP 7/19]. East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds publishes list of 7 names for proposed joint delegation: Khaled al-Hasan, head of the PNC's foreign affairs committee; Fayez Abu Rahmeh, ex-head of Gaza Bar Association; Hatim al-Husseini, professor at Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C.; Salah al-Ta'amari, member of the PLO's Supreme Military Council; Nabil Sha'th, PNC member; Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper; and Muhammad Subayh, PNC member. Henry Cattan, Paris-based lawyer and historian, is also mentioned as alternate [NYT 7/19, LAT 7/19]. Modi'in Ezrahi poll finds 12.7 percent of Israelis favor peace talks, regardless of which Palestinians participate; 33 percent oppose talks with any Palestinians [JP 7/19]. U.S. military delegation headed by Undersecretary of State William Schneider and General Philip Gast begins annual talks in Tel Aviv on scope of future U.S. military aid to Israel [JTA 7/19]. Orthodox Jews hold mass pray-in at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City to protest construction of Mormon center they fear will be used to convert Jews. Israel's two chief rabbis endorse the event [LAT 7/19].
Arab World: Office of Arab Boycott of Israel, at biannual meeting in Damascus, removes Ford, Bayer, Colgate Palmolive, and 6 companies and individuals from other countries from its blacklist; 28 new companies added [FT, LAT 7/19].
Other Countries: Bomb explodes, wrecking house and car of the PLO's acting chief representative in Cyprus, Malath 'Abdu; no injuries reported [WP 7/18]. The Guardian reports 2 Palestinians were arrested by police in Madrid last week while allegedly planning to blow up Syrian embassy and assassinate ambassador. Suspects allegedly belong to Fateh's Force 17; police discovered TNT, arms, ammunition, a detonator, and a time fuse when they raided a flat in connection with the arrests [MG 7/19].
Other Countries: Soviet spokesman denies Moscow would make deal with Israel on increased Jewish emigration to Israel [DT 7/19]. Israel Radio reports Soviets want emigration guaranteed to Israel, not to other countries; want anti-Soviet propaganda stopped in the West [CT 7/21]. Moscow states goal as progress on Golan Heights [NYT 7/20]. U.S. officials state U.S. would welcome Soviet resumption of ties with Israel as constructive behavior in Middle East [LT 7/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fifteen Jewish underground defendants found guilty, ending thirteen-monthrial in Jerusalem District Court. Group leader Menachem Livni, Shaul Nir, Uzi Sharabaf are convicted of murder, will receive mandatory life sentences; 12 others convicted of charges including attempted murder, manslaughter, attempted sabotage, illegal possession and transport of arms and explosives, damage to military property, membership in a terrorist organization, conspiracy to blow up the Dome of the Rock Mosque, and failure to prevent acrime [LT, NYT, WP 7/1 1].
Other Countries: Argentina will not let PLO open office in Buenos Aires, nor move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Deputy Foreign Minister Jorge Sabato says [JTA 7/11].
Military Action
Arab World: IDF jets and helicopter gunships attack Nahr al-Barid and al-Baddawi Palestinian refugee camps near Tripoli, killing at least 24 and wounding 90. Refugee camps said to be bases for Abu Musa faction and PFLP-GC [LAT, PI, NYT, WP, AP 7/11].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military authorities arrest 40 Gaza fishermen and seize their boats for fishing outside designated zone [FJ 6/7]. 3,000 Peace Now demonstrators march past Foreign Min. Shamir's Jerusalem flat demanding justice, not pardon, for Jewish undergound defendants [JP 6/2].
Arab World: Amal militia attack Burj al-Barajinah camp. Red Cross removes 32 wounded, about 100 remain. Militia stops rescue after 1 hour [WP 6/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin states recently-released Palestinian prisoners now residing in Occupied Palestine/Israel will be rearrested if commandos kidnap Israelis in the future for bargaining purposes [JP 5/22]. Amid calls by Likud bloc that the suspects be pardoned in wake of 5/20 release of Arab prisoners, Pres. Chaim Herzog states he will deal with clemency requests regarding the Jewish underground defendants only after sentencing [JP 5/23]. Settlers block Emmanuel-Jerusalem road protesting 5/19 attack on Israeli bus [JP 5/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF arrest 42 Palestinians celebrating 5/20 release of prisoners by Israel [LM 5/23]. 3 residents of al-Fardis (all former prisoners released in 5/20 prisoner exchange) agree to leave village after some 50 residents of Tekoa settlement raid village, demanding their expulsion. Settlers also harass residents of Hebron, Qalqiliya [JP 5/22, 23].
Arab World: Action in Lebanon: Fighting continues between Amal, Lebanese Army's 6th Brigade and Palestinian fighters in Sabra, Shatila, Burj al-Barajneh; pro-Arafat and Abu Musa forces join together to defend camps; at least 30 killed; Nabih Berri states he will never permit return of armed Palestinians to S. Lebanon [NYT 5/22].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Min. official Nachman Shai admits Israel obtained US-made krytron timing devices in violation of US export laws (devices can be used for nuclear weapons) [NWK 5/12, WP 5/14]. Border Police fine, dismiss officer for granting privileges to Jewish underground defendants; MK Meir Kahane states he will pay officer's fine [NYT 5/13, LT 5/14, JP 5/24]. Jewish underground defendant Yehuda Etzion admits participation in 1980 bombing against Nablus Mayor Bassam Shak'a; describes plot to destroy al-Haram al-Sharif as "cleansing" of a Jewish holy site [JTA 5/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 bombs explode in Jerusalem; no injuries. Police defuse 4th bomb near hotel in which US Sec. of State Shultz is residing; Abu Musa faction of Fateh, pro-Arafat Force 17 [based in S. Yemen] both claim responsibility [LAT MG 5/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli bus stoned in N. Jerusalem; no injuries. Pipe bomb thrown at bus near Qalqiliya; no injuries [JP 5/7].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF, SLA organizing local militias in "security zone" villages [MG 5/3, JP 5/6]. Travel restrictions in zone include: cars must travel in pairs at night; all cars must contain at least 2 persons; walking outside villages at night forbidden; hunting forbidden; residents will be held responsible for behavior of family members, visitors [LAT, JP 5/7, LT 5/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF lift travel restrictions to Jordan [imposed 4/21] for residents of Jerusalem, Beit Hanina, Ramallah [FJ 5/3].
Other Countries: US State Dept. states final status of occupied territories should receive "prior consent" of their inhabitants [LAT 5/1].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF impose curfew on Qalandiya, Balata camps after stone-throwing incidents [FJ 5/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah U. officials condemn 4/22 seizure of university-owned land by IDF as attempt to expand nearby Jnaid prison [FJ 4/26].
Other Countries: In Athens, former Austrian PM Bruno Kreisky, Western diplomats announce Israel to exchange 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for 3 IDF soldiers captured in 1982 and held by PFLP-GC; ICRC serving as intermediary [LAT 4/24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian taxi driver shot, killed in Jerusalem with IDF-issue rifle; authorities fear revenge killing in response to 4/19 killing of Israeli taxi driver [JP 4/24]. IDF court in Lydda convicts Ahmad Safuri of 4/16/84 grenade attack on IDF base which injured one soldier [JP 4/24].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Lebanese Forces evacuate hills overlooking Sidon [MG 4/24]. IDF kill 2 resistance fighters on Jabal Baruk. RPG fired at IDF post near Saleh. RPG fired at IDF position in Burj al-Shamali. Shots fired at IDF vehicle in Qasmiya region; no IDF casualties in any of the actions [JP 4/24].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin announces Cabinet decision to withdraw completely from Lebanon by early June; also indicates possible continued IDF presence in S. Lebanon, even outside proposed security zone, if "necessary" [NYT 4/22].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF impose restrictions against travel to Jordan for residents of Beit Hanina, Jerusalem, Ramallah, Qalandiya, Shu'fat; measure is apparently collective punishment for 4/19 slaying of Israeli taxi driver [FJ 5/3].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF kill 2 civilians trying to cross Litani River into Israeli-held territory [JP 4/22].
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: DM Rabin indicates Israel will establish 3 to 10 mile "security zone" in S. Lebanon; states UNIFIL played "negative" role in area and that Israel would be "better off" without its presence [MG 4/20]. Jewish Press reports Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Nissim Ze'ev charged city's Arab-Jewish youth activities encourage inter-ethnic dating, marriage; demanded Palestinians be banned from such activities [JP 4/19].
Other Countries: In Washington, Intl. Center for Research and Public Policy releases survey indicating 55% of American public believes peace will come to Middle East only when Palestinian state is created; only 27% felt such a state would constitute a threat to Israel; 70% feel US policy in region should be evenhanded [FJ 4/26].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes in Jerusalem street; no injuries; 77 arrested [JP 4/21]. IDF raid, close Bethlehem U. indefinitely [LT 4/20]. In al-Bureij camp, Border Police fire on crowd, killing 12-yr.- old 'Issa Isma'il 'Issa, wounding 2nd youth; over 250 arrested in subsequent demonstrations [JP 4/21]. Israeli taxi driver shot, killed on W. Bank; 3 suspects arrested, contend motive was robbery [JP 4/21, 22]. IDF arrest 35 young boys from 'Ain Arik, including 5-yr.-old Muhammad 'Ali Dhyab, on charges of participating in 2/85 stone-throwing incident; older boys beaten [FJ 4/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Richard Murphy meets with PM Peres, Deputy Premier Shamir in Jerusalem [JP 4/16]. Cabinet reverses 4/14 decision, votes to allow Cabinet Mbr. Ezer Weizman to travel to Egypt [NYT 4/16]. Haifa court convicts 5 Palestinian students from Haifa U. of "unlawful assembly" in reference to 1/19 fight between Palestinian, Jewish students [JP 4/16]. Members of Ramallah municipal council (who struck in April 1982 when occupation authorities deposed Mayor Karim Khalaf) reject IDF proposal to return to their posts [FJ 4/19].
Military Action
Arab World: Lebanese Army deploys units in Sidon area to stop fighting between SLA, Lebanese Forces and Palestinian/Muslim fighters [NYT 4/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: E. Jerusalem merchants strike in support of better prison conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Ashkelon prison [WP 4/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Poice arrest 132 after stones thrown, road blocked during protest at Ibrahimiya College, Jerusalem; demonstrators were protesting conditions for Palestinians in Ashkelon prison [NYT 4/5]. After protest by Association for Civil Rights in Israel, IDF reduces area in Ramallah under 24-hr. curfew (imposed after 3/31 killing of IDF soldier); central market area remains closed [LAT 4/6].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Kawthariyat al-Siyad across front lines; 8 killed. 2 IDF soldiers injured by roadside bomb near Tyre; 3rd wounded by similar bomb near Qasmiya. IDF gunboat shells Rashidiya camp; 3 killed, 12 wounded [PI 4/5].
Other Countries: Rocket fired at Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines plane at Athens airport; no injuries; Black September suspected of attack [WP 4/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In interview with Jerusalem Arabic-language paper al-Quds, PM Peres advocates exchanging land for "total peace"; supports greater autonomy for residents of occupied territories [JP 3/31, FT 4/1]. Occupation authorities make numerous pre-emptive arrests, censor papers in W. Bank in preparation for 3/30 Land Day commemorations [FJ 4/5].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: Lebanese Forces militia shell Mieh Mieh camp; 3 killed, 40 wounded; Palestinian reinforcements from 'Ain al-Hilweh camp enter Mieh Mieh [NYT 3/30].
450 PLO fighters loyal to Chmn. Arafat secretly land near Sidon, join in defense of Mieh Mieh [PI 3/30]. Katyusha fired at IDF position near Lake Karoun injures 4 [JP 3/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin threatens "scorched earth" policy in S. Lebanon if Shi'ite military actions continue [JP 3/27]. In Jerusalem, Arab Lawyers Union calls on members to create delays in W. Bank military courts by refusing to enter guilty pleas, refusing to accept prisoner testimonies until determining admissibility of confessions; aim is to protest recent heavy sentences imposed by IDF courts [FJ 3/29]. Jewish underground defendant Dan Be'eri indicatesettler leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger was present at meeting to discuss blowing up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem [FJ 3/29].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF disperse student demonstrators at Hittin school, Jenin, with tear gas after students allegedly threw stones; 2 arrested [JP 3/27].
Arab World: SLA, IDF raid Jabaa, 'Ain Buswar; unreported number arrested. Bombs explode near IDF vehicles near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, Jwaiyeh; no casualties [JP 3/27].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In demonstrations called for by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality, Palestinians in Nazareth and Kafr Yassif protest IDF brutality in S. Lebanon, discrimination faced by Arabs in Israel and occupied territories [FJ 3/22]. Al Hamishmar reports Jordan's Min. for Religious Affairs dismissed Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Saad al-Din al-Alami; cites al-Alami's outspoken support of PLO Chmn. Arafat as one reason [NER 3/25].
Arab World: King Hussein states 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord is "last chance" for peace; asserts PLO must be part of peace plans [NYT 3/17].
Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz announces US will send State Dept. official Richard Murphy to Middle East soon to "maintain momentum" of peace talks [NYT, WP 3/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF raid Barish; 70 detained [WP 3/16]. IDF kill 2 Lebanese Army troops, 3 resistance fighters, N. of IDF defense line at Litani River [MG 3/16]. IDF arrest 4 journalists near Tyre [LT 3/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, The Foreign Press Assoc. protests 3/6 IDF treatment of 7 joumalists arrested near Tyre, S. Lebanon [NYT 3/7]. Led by Rabbi Moshe Levinger, more than 50 Gush Emunim settlers from Kiryat Arba march through downtown Hebron in celebration of Purim [FJ 3/15].
Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz testifies before Senate subcommittee that Israel has not made enough progress toward solving economic problems to warrant $2.6 billion in new aid [NYT 3/9].
Military Action
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF soldier killed in clash with Lebanese Army, resistance fighters after IDF kill 2 resistance fighters, pursue other suspects across last-stage withdrawal line near Kawthariyat al-Siyad [NYT, WP 3/7]. Resistance fighters battle SLA near Shukin; 4 SLA fighters wounded, 1 resistance commando killed [JP 3/8]. IDF position near Deir Qanun al-Nahr, SLA post near Qa'qa'iya Bridge attacked; no casualties reported [NYT 3/9]. IDF raid Hallusiya; 8 arrested; 4 houses destroyed. IDF raid Teir Filsay; arrest 14 [WP 3/8]. IDF raid Kafr Danis, make undisclosed number of arrests [LT 3/8]. SLA, Shin Bet forces kill 16-yr. old Insaf Kourani, wound 3 other women in Yatar; IDF, SLA block evacuation of wounded by Irish UNIFIL troops [LT, WP 3/8]. UNIFIL also report SLA attempts to block entrance of UNIFIL into village [WP 3/8].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bir Zeit U. officials condemn 3/1 IDF raid on university [JP 3/5].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asserts PLO must be part of any negotiations [BG 3/5]. Fateh Second-in-Command Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad), PLO Central Com. Mbr. Mahmoud 'Abbas arrive in Amman to renegotiate portions of 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord [MG 3/5].
Other Countries: US, Israel conclude free trade agreement; all tariffs between the 2 countries to be eliminated by 1995 [NYT 3/5]. US State Dept. rejects congressional request to allow PLO UN observer Zuhdi Terzi to travel to Washington and address members of Congress [WP 3/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close 8 stores in Halhoul after Israeli taxi stoned. 2 detained in Beit Jalla after Israeli car similarly attacked [JP 3/5]. In Issawiya (jerusalem) Border Police destroy 2 homes built without permit [FJ 3/8].
Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bomb explodes in Ma'rakah religious bldg., at least 12 killed, over 50 wounded; among the dead are 2 top Amal guerrilla leaders, Muhammad Saad, Khatit Jaradi; blast occurred less than 30 hrs. after IDF completed massive raid [NYT, LAT 3/5]. 16- yr.-old 'Ali Ma'rouf dies of heart attack while running from attacking IDF troops in Sila [NYT 3/10]. IDF raid Jabal Amal hospital in Tyre, beat director Dr. Ahmad Mroueh, fire shots, destroy property; at least 35 arrested, including some donating blood for victims of Ma'rakah blast [LAT 3/5]. IDF announce it will require special passes to cross Qasmiya Bridge on Litani River; southbound trucks carrying food, products across bridge also need permits; northbound vehicles forbidden, required to use Qa'qa'iya Bridge [JP 3/4]. 3 Katyushas fired at IDF post at Qasmiya Bridge. RPGs, shots fired at IDF posts in Bidias, Tyre. Roadside bombs explode near IDF vehicles In Tyre, 'Abbasiya. No casualties in any of the actions [JP 3/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min. for Religious Affairs Burg announces opening of Islamic court in Jerusalem [JP 1/23]. IDF announce expropriation of 2,000 dunums of land north of al-Samu'; land belongs to al-Zhur, al-Baisat and Abu 'Ali tribes from neighboring village of Yatta [FJ 2/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides on 2 sites in N. portion of W. Bank (Migdalim, Avnei Hefetz), 1 near Hebron (Asael), 1 near Jerusalem (Neot Adumim), 1 in Jordan Valley (Peles) and 1 in Gush Etzion (Beitar, alternatively called Tzoref); financing not yet approved [NYT 1/11, JP 1/11]. Jerusalem Post reports PM Peres, Min. Weizman agree on need to reform Israel's policy towards Palestinians within Israel [JP 10/10]. Palestinian and Israeli artists open anti-occupation exhibit in Tel Aviv [FJ 1/18].
Military Action
Arab World: 5 IDF troops wounded when bomb explodes as patrol passes near alDaloun, S. Lebanon [JP 1/11].