In Amman, King Hussein opens mtg. btwn. Arafat, 120 Jordanian businessmen to encourage investment in Palestine. Arafat then meets with PM Sharif Zaid Bin Shakir to discuss bilateral relations,...
May 24, 1995
May 16, 1995
Monthly 2-day mtg. of the task force of the Multilateral Working Group on Economic Development opens in Cairo. (al-Hayat, MM 5/16; al-Sha`b 5/19 in FBIS 5/23)
In Tel Aviv, PA...
May 8, 1995
PA-Israeli Joint Liaison Comm. meets for 2d day in Cairo. FM Peres offers PA Planning M Shaath sudden concessions to Palestinians at negotiating table in light of Jerusalem issue). Sides agree to...
April 9, 1995
U.S. special coordinator Ross flies to Cairo to brief Pres. Mubarak on talks with PM Rabin, Pres. al-Asad, then returns to Tel Aviv for scheduled mtg. with PM Rabin, which Rabin cancels. Israeli...
April 6, 1995
Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS...
March 31, 1995
PM Rabin says Syrian Pres. al-Asad told U.S. Secy. of State Christopher 2 wks ago that he was prepared to allow Israel to set up a low-level diplomatic presence in Damascus before it completely...
March 27, 1995
Syria's Amb. Mu`allim, Israeli Amb. Rabinovitch reopen negotiations in Washington without military advisors, focus on depth of demilitarization, with Syria still insisting demilitarized zone be on...
March 23, 1995
PM Rabin tells VP Gore Israel will not discuss a Middle East nuclear-free zone until it has peace agmts. with all its neighbors, Iran; hints Israel will not meet 7/1 deadline on elections talks...
February 26, 1995
Israeli sources say Syria, Israel have resumed low-level talks in Washington through mtgs. with U.S. special Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross, some progress has been made on security issues. (...
February 1, 1995
FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to...
January 24, 1995
PM Rabin suggests building security fence to separate Gaza, West Bank fr. Israel, to prevent attacks fr. the territories; does not state exact location of fence. (ITV 1/23, QY 1/24 in FBIS 1/24;...
January 15, 1995
Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. meets at Erez checkpoint, agrees that Palestinians who visit Gaza fr. abroad may now stay for 7 mos. (as opposed to 3 mos. previously). (QY 1/16 in FBIS 1...
December 11, 1994
Israel, Jordan open embassies in Amman, Tel Aviv respectively. Crowds in Tel Aviv applaud; crowds in Amman protest. Ambs. to be exchanged in 6 wks. (JTV, QY, RJ, RMC 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT,...
December 6, 1994
U.S. Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Damascus; gives Pres. al-Asad proposal fr. PM Rabin. (MM 12/6; SARR 12/6 in FBIS 12/6; SARR, SATV 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MM, NYT, WT 12/7; MEI 12/16) (see 11...
November 28, 1994
Israeli FM Peres, Arafat meet on sidelines of European Union (EU) mtg. in Brussels to discuss elections, self-rule; urge donor countries to transfer aid. (QY 11/28, 11/29 in FBIS 11/29; MM, NYT 11...
November 22, 1994
Rabin tours Capitol Hill seeking Congressional support for peace process, possible future use of U.S. troops as peace monitors. (QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT 11/23; CSM 12/2)
Israeli Dep. FM...
October 19, 1994
23 killed, 48 wounded when Hamas suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv. PM Rabin seals Gaza, West Bank indefinitely; vows hit suspects, their families; promises legislation permitting greater...
October 1, 1994
Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2...
September 26, 1994
Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is...
September 18, 1994
Britain's MI6 says Iraq's Deputy PM Tariq Aziz met secretly with an Israeli delegation headed by Housing M Binyamin Ben Eliezer in Rabat 1 mo. ago to try to draw up a peace treaty. Israeli FMin....
September 1, 1994
Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office...
August 26, 1994
PNA formally accepts early empowerment accord. (WT 8/28)
Israeli Military Cmdr. Brig. Gen. Doron Almog says that if PNA cannot control Hamas, IDF will reenter Gaza, carry out military...
August 3, 1994
Latest round of Israel-PLO "early empowerment" talks concludes in Cairo. (MENA 8/3 in FBIS 8/4)
Knesset votes 91-3, with 2 abstentions, to approve Washington Declaration of nonbelligerency...
May 25, 1994
Palestinian police stop IDF vehicles carrying IDF Brig. Gen. Doron Almog in Gaza Strip. Standoff continues for 1 hr. until Palestinian police col. issues written order to permit Almog to continue...
May 15, 1994
Secy. of State Christopher meets Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad for 3 hours but details of talks not made public. (WP, WT 5/16)
60 settlers escorted by IDF visit Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in...
May 7, 1994
330 Palestinian police leave staging area nr. Cairo for Rafah, on Sinai-Gaza border. 270 others make camp at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge, awaiting deployment in Jericho. (NYT, WT 5/8; NYT 5/9...
April 28, 1994
U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Israeli FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat meet in Cairo, announce breakthrough on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Reportedly size of Jericho, duties...
March 29, 1994
Israeli officials say 6 Fateh Hawks killed by IDF undercover unit 3/28 killed in error. Officials say the 6 were not fugitives and did not fire on Israeli soldiers, and were part of security...
March 18, 1994
UNSC passes Resolution 904 condemning Hebron massacre. U.S. abstains on "objectionable" passages in preamble. U.S. Amb. to UN Albright says U.S. allowed resolution to pass "with great reluctance"...
March 15, 1994
PM Rabin, speaking to AIPAC annual conference in Washington, asserts "Jerusalem will remain united under Israel's sovereignty." Rabin meets Secy. of State Christopher, proposes to speed up...
In Amman, King Hussein opens mtg. btwn. Arafat, 120 Jordanian businessmen to encourage investment in Palestine. Arafat then meets with PM Sharif Zaid Bin Shakir to discuss bilateral relations, leaves for similar talks with Pres. Mubarak, Arab League Secy. Gen. `Abd al-Majid in Cairo. (JTV, RJ 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MM 5/25; VOP 5/25 in FBIS 5/26; MEI 5/28; MENA 5/29 in FBIS 5/30)
In Brussels, PA, Israeli negotiators meet with EU officials to discuss EU sponsorship, financing of 700-mbr. international monitor team for forthcoming elections. (MM 5/24; SA 5/25 in FBIS 5/26) (see 5/17)
In Tel Aviv, Russian Dep. FM Viktor Posuvalyuk meets with FM Peres, Dep. FM Beilin; offers to host next mtg. of Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control. (QY 5/24, HA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25)
Israeli Housing Min. approves construction of 1,500 units in East Jerusalem for Palestinian families. Units would be the 1st ever built by Israel for Palestinians in annexed East Jerusalem. (AFP 5/24 in FBIS 5/24)
In student council elections at Birzeit, Fatah wins 21 seats, Hamas 18, PFLP 8, PPP 3, DFLP 1. Islamic Jihad did not run. Fida received 16 of the 2,385 votes. Islamic bloc wins majority of seats in al-Bireh Medical College, `Abdallah Bin Husayn College elections. Fatah wins at Bethlehem University. (ITV 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MM 5/25; MEI 6/9)
Monthly 2-day mtg. of the task force of the Multilateral Working Group on Economic Development opens in Cairo. (al-Hayat, MM 5/16; al-Sha`b 5/19 in FBIS 5/23)
In Tel Aviv, PA, Israel hold 1st talks on expanding self-rule, marking 1st time talks have been held inside Israel. Sides agree to transfer 5 more spheres (energy, insurance, labor, postal services, trade and industry) by 7/1. (AFP, MENA, VOP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; JP 5/27)
In Washington, Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara`, Amb. to U.S. Walid Mu`allim meet with special Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, National Security Council (NSC) adviser Mark Parris; discuss peace process. (RMC, SARR 5/16 in FBIS 5/17)
In continuing crackdown, PA arrests 10 Hamas mbrs., bringing total detained in past 48 hrs. to 20. (AFP 5/16 in FBIS 5/17; MM 5/17)
Steve Abrams, frmr. dep. council for the House Comm. on International Relations, becomes AIPAC's senior lobbyist on economic and trade issues. "For me," he says, "this is coming home." (JP 7/27)
PA-Israeli Joint Liaison Comm. meets for 2d day in Cairo. FM Peres offers PA Planning M Shaath sudden concessions to Palestinians at negotiating table in light of Jerusalem issue). Sides agree to set up unofficial Jerusalem Comm. to address expropriation issue. Israel offers to broaden PA autonomy in West Bank, Gaza but dispute over land confiscation in Jerusalem prevents agmt. (MENA 5/7, QY, RE 5/8 in FBIS 5/8; MENA, VOP 5/8 in FBIS 5/9; WT 5/9; MEI, WP 5/12)
At AIPAC conference, Sen. Dole announces he will submit legislation to force U.S. to move embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Israel reacts coolly. Jordan, Morocco, UAE criticize initiative, urge UNSC action. (ITV 5/8, QY 5/9 in FBIS 5/9; CSM, MM, WP 5/10; NYT, WT 5/11; MEI, WP 5/12)
Syria refuses Jordan's request to name amb. to Jordan, host visit of Jordanian FM Kabariti to Damascus to try to improve bilateral relations. (MM 5/9; al-Bilad 5/10 in FBIS 5/9 [dates as printed]; al-Quds 5/9 in FBIS 5/12) (see 12/14/94)
Rabin meets with mbrs. of Congress; presses them not to reduce foreign aid, aid to Israel, Arab partners in peace effort; discusses Iranian threat, talks with Syria, PA about efforts to end attacks against Israeli targets; backs away fr. supporting Dole initiative to move embassy to Jerusalem. (NYT, WT 5/9)
In Amman, Jordan, Israel initial draft agmts. on regulating agriculture, energy, environmental cooperation; postpone initialing draft trade accord that will give Israel preferential tariffs for Jordanian goods. The accord would be 1st by Arab country to give preferential treatment to Israel. (WT 5/9)
Jordan's amb. to Israel Muasher warns Dep. FM Beilin that Jordan will chill relations with Israel if it does not reverse land confiscations in Jerusalem. (WP 5/12, CSM 5/15)
Jordan reportedly gives 2 Hamas mbrs. residing in Amman 1-mo. notice to leave country. (MM 5/9) (see 4/13)
IDF closes al-Quds office in Nablus, claiming it materials there linking the paper to Hamas. (HA, JP 5/10 in FBIS 5/11) (see 1/16)
Israel releases 250 pro-Fatah Palestinian prisoners, lifts curfew on Hebron (see 4/19) as goodwill gesture for Id al-Adha. (QY 5/8 in FBIS 5/8; NYT 5/9; CSM 5/10)
PLO Tokyo mission closes due to lack of funds. (al-Manar 5/8 in FBIS 5/11)
U.S. special coordinator Ross flies to Cairo to brief Pres. Mubarak on talks with PM Rabin, Pres. al-Asad, then returns to Tel Aviv for scheduled mtg. with PM Rabin, which Rabin cancels. Israeli Amb. Rabinovitch says Syria's insistence on "equality" is preventing progress in talks. (ITV, MENA 4/9 in FBIS 4/10; MM 4/10; WJW 4/13)
In 2 separate incidents nr. Jewish settlements in Gaza, suicide bombers drive explosive-laden cars into bus, military jeep, killing 8 (incl. 1 American), wounding 46 (incl. 3 Americans). Islamic Jihad takes credit for 1st bombing, Hamas for 2d. Both are apparently in response to 4/2 explosion for which both groups blame Israel. PM Rabin credits closure with preventing attacks fr. occurring inside Israel, says he will not let attacks halt negotiations. Pres. Weizman calls for halt to talks.(IDF Radio, QPAR, QY, SARR, SATN, VOP 4/9 in FBIS 4/10; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/10; CSM, WP 4/11; MEI, WJW 4/14)
Secy. of State Christopher sends Arafat message that he must take stronger measures to ensure those attacking Israelis are found, shut down. (MM 4/10)
IDF says 2 main Gaza roads will be permanently closed to Palestinians following bombings. Closing the roads--used by 1000s of Palestinians, 10s of Israelis daily--is meant to curb "terrorists' . . . freedom of action." (IDF Radio, HA 4/10 in FBIS 4/10; MM 4/11)
PM Rabin's settlement review comm. announces mtg. to consider 6,000 new housing units around Jerusalem, quickly calls it off when FM Peres, Communications M Shulamit Aloni, Justice M David Libai protest expansion. (NYT 4/10; WJW 4/13)
Hizballah tanks shell SLA patrol nr. Marja'uyun in s. Lebanon, killing 5 SLA mbrs. (WP 4/10)
Jordan's 1st amb. to Israel, Marwan Muasher, arrives in Tel Aviv to assume his duties. Israel's 1st Jordan, Shimon Shamir, arrives in Amman to take his post. (MM, WT 4/6; RJ, JT 4/6 in FBIS 4/6; JP 4/15; WJW 4/20)
U.S. envoy Ross arrives in Israel for brief shuttle btwn. Israel, Syria; meets with PM Rabin, military Chief of Staff Shahak, senior IDF officials to discuss security arrangements within framework of agmt. with Syria. Israelis present demand for 1:9 geographical ratio for demilitarized zones. Ross will transmit Israeli suggestions, concerns to Syria 4/7. (MM 4/6; IDF Radio 4/7 in FBIS 4/7; MA 4/7 in FBIS 4/10)
Israeli, Egyptian FMs meet in Paris to try to solve NPT conflict . Egypt says it is willing to sign a ban on chemical weapons in exchange but no final compromise is reached. Sides agree to continue discussions within Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control, upgrade working group talks to FM level. (WP 4/5; CSM 4/6; MBC, MENA 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; HA 4/19 in FBIS 4/20)
Israeli Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer says he will present plan to ministerial comm. for additional 5,600 homes beyond Green Line, incl. 1,300 units in Matityahu settlement, 3,000 units in Ma'ale Adumim, finishing work on 800 units in Giva'at Ze'ev. (MM 4/7; QY 4/6, JP 4/7 in FBIS 4/7)
Arafat decides to replace editorial board of Jericho-based al-Aqsa newspaper with journalists who are Fatah mbrs. Decision is criticized as interference with freedom of press. (ITV 4/6 in FBIS 4/7)
Congressional hearings open on Clinton's Omnibus Counterterrorism Bill to speed deportation of illegal immigrants suspected of terrorism, prohibit fundraising for organizations the pres. deems dangerous, grant FBI broader authority to investigate, order wiretaps. Arab-American, Muslim groups protest bill, fearing it will be used to discriminate against them, curb legitimate fundraising. (WP 4/7)
Bomb explodes on Gaza border as IDF foot patrol passes, wounding 1 soldier. No one claims responsibility. (JP 4/6 in FBIS 4/7; NYT 4/7)
PM Rabin says Syrian Pres. al-Asad told U.S. Secy. of State Christopher 2 wks ago that he was prepared to allow Israel to set up a low-level diplomatic presence in Damascus before it completely withdraws fr. the Golan. Israeli government sources hint Israel is prepared to give back all of the Golan. (NYT 4/1, 4/2; WJW 4/6)
Russian FM Kozyrev meets with Pres. Hrawi, FM Buwayz in Beirut, leaves for Israel.(MM 3/31; RL, VOL 3/31 in FBIS 3/31)
Hizballah forces also clash with IDF in s. Lebanon, killing 2 IDF soldiers, 1 Hizballah mbr., wounding 3 Hizballah mbrs. (MM 3/31; VOL 3/31 in FBIS 4/3)
Israeli intelligence locates sr. Hizballah cmdr. Rida Yassin, sends helicopter-gunship north of self-declared security zone, kills him. Hizballah retaliates, shelling northern Israel, killing 1 settler, wounding 9; says it will no longer abide by July 1993 accord to not target civilians. IAF shells s. Lebanon. U.S. Secy. of State Christopher phones Beirut, Tel Aviv, Damascus to deescalate situation. (MM 3/31; ITV, QY 3/31, IDF Radio, QY, YA 4/2 in FBIS 4/3; NYT, WP, WT 4/1; NYT 4/2; WJW 4/6; JP 4/8; MEI 4/14, 5/12)
PM Rabin says he will hold Syria accountable for Hizballah attack on northern Israel. Israeli Amb. Rabinovitch says attack will influence Israel's stance in talks with Syria in Washington. U.S. Secy. State Christopher tells Syrian FM al-Shara` to put an end to Hizballah rocket attacks. (JP 4/8)
Syria's Amb. Mu`allim, Israeli Amb. Rabinovitch reopen negotiations in Washington without military advisors, focus on depth of demilitarization, with Syria still insisting demilitarized zone be on both sides of border. (al-Hayat 3/27 in FBIS 3/29; MM 3/30; MBC 3/30 in FBIS 3/31; MEI 3/31; JP 4/1; WJW 4/6)
King Hussein arrives in Washington, meets with Clinton on congressional decision to cut debt forgiveness, moving U.S. embassy in Israel. King then meets with House speaker Gingrich, Sen. Patrick Leahy fr. Senate Foreign Relations Comm. to discuss debt issue. (RJ 3/27 in FBIS 3/27; RJ 3/28 in FBIS 3/29; MM 3/29; CSM, MEI 3/31; FT 4/4)
Arafat, Israeli Labor Secy. Gen. Nissim Zvilli meet in Jericho, discuss closure, Israeli security, economic problems, impediments to negotiations. (IDF Radio, VOP 3/27 in FBIS 3/28; MM 3/29)
Morocco opens liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Gaza, making it 3d Arab country to establish ties with Israel. (ITV 3/27 in FBIS 3/28; JP 4/8)
Jenin prison closes. All prisoners are transferred to jails inside Green Line. Move thought to anticipate Israeli withdrawal fr. Jenin as part of "Jenin 1st" proposal. (PR 3/26) (see 2/19)
PM Rabin tells VP Gore Israel will not discuss a Middle East nuclear-free zone until it has peace agmts. with all its neighbors, Iran; hints Israel will not meet 7/1 deadline on elections talks with PA (see 3/9) if Arafat does not prevent incidents like 3/19 shooting, 3/21 truck incident. PA Planning M Shaath says he "never believed that date in the first place." (MM 3/23; QY 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; IDF Radio, QY 3/23, HA 3/24 in FBIS 3/24; MM 3/24; NYT, WP 3/25; MEI 3/31; JP 4/1)
Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak meet in Cairo to discuss peace process, asks him to relay message to Pres. Clinton regarding impediments to implementing DOP. Arafat then meets with U.S. Foreign Relations Council delegation, discusses economic aid. (MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MENA, VOP 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Syrian FM al-Shara`, Egyptian FM Musa meet in Cairo to discuss Syrian-Israeli negotiations. (MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; SATN 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Arab League passes resolution supporting indefinite NPT renewal but saying 22 mbr.-states are free to vote how they will; does not link renewal with Israel's joining NPT. U.S. official says "if the Egyptians were lobbying [against renewal], the Arab League resolution would never have passed." (AFP 3/22, 3/23 in FBIS 3/23; MENA 3/23 in FBIS 3/24; WT 3/31)
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert says PA has violated Israeli authority over the city by taking control of all 20 Waqf schools (previously run by Jordan). PA funding for schools is part of $27 m. raised by Arafat advisor Husseini fr. Saudi Arabia. Remaining money is slated for Jerusalem housing (see 3/13). (JP 3/24 in FBIS 3/27; JP 4/1; WJW 5/5; JP 5/13)
To date, 93 senators have signed on to Sen. Alfonse D'Amato and Sen. D. Patrick Moynihan's letter, calling on the pres. to move the U.S. embassy in Israel fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (WJW 3/23) (see 2/3)
IDF, Hizballah exchange fire in s. Lebanon, leaving 1 civilian dead, 1 wounded. (AFP, RL 3/23 in FBIS 3/24)
Israeli sources say Syria, Israel have resumed low-level talks in Washington through mtgs. with U.S. special Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross, some progress has been made on security issues. (ITV 2/26 in FBIS 2/27)
Syria pledges it will not sign NPT unless Israel joins. (WT 2/27)
IDF moves additional 300 troops, 20 tanks into s. Lebanon, deploys them nr. Nabitiyya, Marja'uyun. (MM 2/27)
Israel extends naval blockade of s. Lebanon fr. Sidon to Damur (20 km. south of Beirut). PM Rabin says goal is "a peace agreement with an independent and sovereign Lebanon and a war against the enemies of peace." Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri calls blockade political, military, economic terrorism that will not force Lebanon to break its alliance with Syria. (MM, NYT 2/27; al-Hamishmar, VOL 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; VOL 2/27 in FBIS 2/28; MM 2/28; QY 2/28 in FBIS 3/1; MEI 3/3; JP 3/4) (see 2/23)
In Tel Aviv, Israeli, PA, U.S. officials discuss establishment of industrial zones in o.t. Israel, PA agree to write position paper on project for U.S., outlining funding, creation of joint supervisory comm. (IGPO 2/27)
PA, Israeli delegations meet at Erez to discuss import, export of agricultural goods, allowing Palestinian trucks carrying produce entry into Israel. Virtually no trucks have been allowed to enter since closure began 1/22. (VOP 2/26 in FBIS 2/28)
PM Rabin says he plans to import over the next few months 20,000 foreign laborers to eliminate the need for Palestinian workers in Israel. (CSM 2/28; WT 3/1)
PA permits reopening of Islamic Jihad's al-Istiqlal newspaper, closed by PA 2/7 for publishing anti-Jordanian articles. (QY 2/26 in FBIS 2/27)
Israeli cabinet extends closure of o.t. (VOP 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; VOP 2/28 in FBIS 3/1; WT 3/1)
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations calls on U.S. to move its embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. (WT 2/27)
FM Peres arrives in Cairo for brief mtg. with FM Musa on NPT issue, stresses Israel will not change position. Musa says Israel's refusal to sign NPT is fueling regional stability; its failure to abide by DOP has caused recent violence; says Egypt will pressure Israel to state a date for troop withdrawal fr. West Bank in emergency summit 2/1. (MENA 2/1 in FBIS 2/2; MM, NYT 2/2)
U.S. State Department releases annual human rights report on Israel and the o.t.; criticizes PA for 11/18 violence; Israel for abusing detainees, treatment of Israeli Arabs. Israelis say report is balanced. (MM 2/2; WJW 2/9)
UN Human Rights Comm. (UNHRC) monitor in Israel, Rene Felber, quits his position; suggests position be eliminated since Israel does not act on his reports, he believes condemning Israel for abuses does not help peace talks. UNHRC expresses shock. (WT 2/4)
Israel, PA reach final agmt. on Gaza port, announce construction will begin within 1 mo. (ITV 2/1 in FBIS 2/6)
Jerusalem Planning and Construction Comm. approves construction of 6,500 houses for new neighborhood in southern Jerusalem. 2,000 dunums of Palestinian land will be confiscated for the project. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)
1000's of Israelis gather in Tel Aviv to protest continuation of peace process. MKs fr. Likud, Tsomet, Moledet, Yi'ud, Shas participate. (MM 2/2)
IDF raids Hamas charities in West Bank, confiscates files, says charities are funneling money for military operations. (QY 2/1 in FBIS 2/1)
PM Rabin suggests building security fence to separate Gaza, West Bank fr. Israel, to prevent attacks fr. the territories; does not state exact location of fence. (ITV 1/23, QY 1/24 in FBIS 1/24; IDF Radio, ITV 1/24, QY 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; NYT, WP, WT 1/25; CSM 1/27; MEI 2/3)
Jordan says it will not allow Jordanian Palestinians to hold dual citizenship, carry Palestinian passport until Arab League removes ban on dual Arab nationality. (JT 1/25 in FBIS 1/27)
Jordan-Israel talks on aviation are adjourned amid disagreements. Israel refuses to allow low-level Jordanian flights over Israeli territory, says it would interfere with air force training flights. (ITV 1/24 in FBIS 1/26)
Syria asks U.S. to pressure Israel to sign NPT. (WT 1/25)
Clinton freezes U.S. assets of 12 groups, 18 individuals to prevent funding of "terrorist" organizations, groups opposed to peace process; says he will seek wider powers to use wiretaps, deportation to curb terrorism. (MM, NYT, WP 1/25; QPAR, QY, RMC 1/25 in FBIS 1/25; MM, NYT, WJW 1/26; MM 2/1; MEI 2/3; MM 2/8; MEI 2/17)
Outgoing head of Israeli General Security Services (GSS) gives last report to Knesset Defense Comm., says Israel has arrested 1,500 Palestinians since Tel Aviv bus bombing 10/19. (MM 1/25) (see 11/28)
IDF raids mosques, offices in several West Bank towns, arresting 60 Palestinians as mbrs. of Islamist groups. (QY 1/24 in FBIS 1/24; NYT 1/25)
Mufti of Egypt Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi says recent Israeli FMin. report leaked to press 1/13 shows normalization is not now possible, Muslims should prepare to defend themselves against Israel. (al-Sha`ab 1/24 in FBIS 1/31, FBIS 2/6)
Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. meets at Erez checkpoint, agrees that Palestinians who visit Gaza fr. abroad may now stay for 7 mos. (as opposed to 3 mos. previously). (QY 1/16 in FBIS 1/17)
Jordanian-Israeli joint comms. on security, transportation, trade, water meet in Jordan to discuss implementation of treaty, following mtg. btwn. King Hussein, PM Rabin 1/13. (JTV 1/15 in FBIS 1/18)
IDF makes 13 air strikes against PFLP-GC camps 10 miles south of Beirut, Lebanon, killing 3 Lebanese, wounding 4, forcing temporary closure of Beirut airport. (IDF Radio, QPAR, VOL 1/15 in FBIS 1/17; MM, NYT, WT 1/16; MEI 1/20)
Jordan, Israel agree to build railroad linking Irbid, Haifa and Aqaba, Elat. EU will help finance construction. (QY 1/15 in FBIS 1/18; MM 1/16)
House Speaker Gingrich, on visit to Israel, says he "strongly favor[s]" moving U.S. embassy fr. Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, says "it's the right of Israel to define its capital, and we as an ally should . . . be responsive." State Dept. rejects idea. (MM 1/16; WT 1/16, 1/17; VOP 1/18 in FBIS 1/18)
PM Rabin orders all construction in o.t. to be suspended for 1 wk., until cabinet can meet to discuss settlements 1/22. (QY 1/15 in FBIS 1/17)
In Safa, West Bank, Palestinians plant 100s of trees to prevent land's confiscation for expansion of Kfar Rut, Maccabbim settlements. Similar plantings are held across West Bank. PA says Israel has confiscated 27 sq. mi. of land since signing of DOP; PM Rabin admits 450 acres have been taken to build bypass roads for settlers. (NYT 1/16; MEI 1/20)
Israel, Jordan open embassies in Amman, Tel Aviv respectively. Crowds in Tel Aviv applaud; crowds in Amman protest. Ambs. to be exchanged in 6 wks. (JTV, QY, RJ, RMC 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT, WP 12/12; JP 12/17)
Arafat asks Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi to allow entry to 30 Palestinian families stranded on the Egyptian-Libyan border since early 11/94. The Palestinians, who have Libyan residency visas, traveled outside Libya but were denied permission to return. Libya says its policies on entry, reentry are an "internal affair." Egypt also denies reentry to group, says it is pressuring Israel to allow families to go to Gaza. Israel refuses. (VOP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; Al-Hayat 12/11 in FBIS 12/14) (see 9/7)
1st group of Syrian tourists visits Israel, primarily to see their families in Galilee. (ITV 12/13 in FBIS 12/14)
Hizballah detonates bomb near IDF patrol in Marja'uyun, southern Lebanon, killing 1 soldier, wounding 7. IDF returns fire, killing 4 Hizballah mbrs. (AFP, RL 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT, WP 12/12; MM 12/13; JP 12/17)
U.S. Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Damascus; gives Pres. al-Asad proposal fr. PM Rabin. (MM 12/6; SARR 12/6 in FBIS 12/6; SARR, SATV 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MM, NYT, WT 12/7; MEI 12/16) (see 11/21)
Israel, PA meet in Cairo for discussions on implementing self-rule. PA negotiator, Planning M Shaath, accuses Israel of trying to renege on promises to withdraw troops. (MM, WT 12/6; VOP 12/6 in FBIS 12/6; IDF Radio, MENA 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; NYT 12/7; VOP 12/7 in FBIS 12/8)
Secy. of State Christopher arrives in Tel Aviv, briefs PM Rabin on talks with Pres. al-Asad, says Israel cannot be expected to withdraw troops fr. West Bank until Palestinian attacks on Israelis end. (MM 12/6; ITV 12/6, QY 12/7 in FBIS 12/7; NYT 12/7; MEI 12/16) (see 12/1)
PM Rabin approves another 5,000 work permits for Palestinians. (MM 12/6)
Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan in Amman, stresses Likud no longer believes Jordan is Palestine; discusses ways to combat terrorism, increase economic ties. (JTV 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; MM 12/7; ITV 12/6 in FBIS 12/8; JP 12/17)
Russia, PA sign protocol on security operations in Moscow, stating Russia will give security training to PA recruits. (Al-Quds 12/7 in FBIS 12/9)
5 Fateh mbrs. are wounded in shootout btwn. rival Fateh factions, one headed by Col. Rajub, head of PSF in West Bank. (QY 12/6 in FBIS 12/7)
1 IDF soldier killed, 1 wounded when bomb explodes nr. their post in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA shell Hizballah positions in response. (FL 12/6 in FBIS 12/7; WP, WT 12/7; MEI 1/20)
Israeli FM Peres, Arafat meet on sidelines of European Union (EU) mtg. in Brussels to discuss elections, self-rule; urge donor countries to transfer aid. (QY 11/28, 11/29 in FBIS 11/29; MM, NYT 11/29; PR 12/4)
International Labor Organization signs agmt., providing PA with $500,000 for technical and scientific equipment, training classes, vocational workshops. (VOP 11/28 in FBIS 12/1)
PA bans 4 newspapers (al-Quds, al-Nahar, JP, al-Manar) because of their coverage of Islamist opposition. PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu says decision came fr. highest level of PA. (MM 11/28; QY 11/28 in FBIS 11/28; RJ 11/28, QY 11/29 in FBIS 11/29; WT 11/29; MM 11/30; NYT 12/1; PR 12/4; JP 12/10)
EU lifts 8-yr. arms embargo on Syria, grants PA $12 m. for new housing. Israeli FM Peres criticizes move, says it should only be done after Syrian signs agmt. with Israel. (MM 11/28; RJ QY 11/28 in FBIS 11/28; NYT, WT 11/29; SARR 11/29 in FBIS 11/29; IDF Radio 11/30 in FBIS 12/1; MM 12/6; JP 12/10; MEI 12/16)
Reports say that 300-400 Hamas supporters have been arrested by IDF in the West Bank since Tel Aviv bus bombing 10/19. Most have been questioned and released. (Ma`ariv 11/28 in FBIS 11/29; MM 11/30)
Rabin tours Capitol Hill seeking Congressional support for peace process, possible future use of U.S. troops as peace monitors. (QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/23; NYT 11/23; CSM 12/2)
Israeli Dep. FM Yosi Beilin meets with Saudi diplomats, businessmen, representatives of other Arab countries and U.S. at conference in Aspen, CO, regarding joint business ventures in light of peace process. Saudi Arabia promise to finance industrial development in Gaza. (MM 11/22, QY 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; MEI 12/16)
Joint Jordanian-Israeli transportation comm. meets in Amman, discusses aviation, tourist transportation, maritime transport for small vehicles btwn. the 2 countries. (RJ 11/22 in FBIS 11/23)
7 Fateh Central Comm. mbrs. meeting in Tunis issue statement critical of Arafat's handling of violence 11/18; statement contradicts Fateh declaration fr. inside o.t. exonerating Arafat. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 11/25 in FBIS 11/29) (see 11/20)
IDF demolishes house of family of Hamas mbr. who bombed bus in Tel Aviv 10/19. (QY 11/22 in FBIS 11/22)
23 killed, 48 wounded when Hamas suicide bomber blows up bus in Tel Aviv. PM Rabin seals Gaza, West Bank indefinitely; vows hit suspects, their families; promises legislation permitting greater pressure in interrogations, wider use of collective punishment; suggests "national separation" of Palestinians, Israelis. (QY 10/18, 10/19 in FBIS 10/19; MM 10/19; QY 10/19 in FBIS 10/20; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/20; MM 10/21; NYT 10/24; JP 10/29)
FM Peres says all negotiating tracks will continue despite bus attack, says Hamas's goal is to derail talks and there is "no way on earth" that will happen. (NYT 10/20)
Round of Israeli-Palestinian talks on elections concludes in Cairo, working papers exchanged, no decisions reported. (MENA 10/19 in FBIS 10/20)
U.S. officials report intense debate over whether Clinton should visit Syria on trip to Middle East 10/26. Clinton wants to see Pres. al-Asad to jump start peace talks, advisors say al-Asad has not offered enough concessions to warrant presidential visit. (WT 10/20)
IDF, SLA kill 7 Lebanese in shelling of Nabatiyeh hours after bus bombing. UN protests Israeli escalation of tensions, IDF use of tank shells packed with steel darts. (NYT 10/21; NYT, WP, WT 10/22; NYT 10/23)
Tunisia, Israel agree to exchange low-level representatives as 1st step toward eventual diplomatic relations. The new econ. liaisons to operate fr. Belgian embassies in Tel Aviv, Tunis. (QY 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; CSM, NYT 10/3; WJW 10/6; JP 10/8)
Syrian FM al-Shara` says Gulf states partial lifting of Israeli boycott "was not timely and does not serve the Arab negotiators' interests." (WT 10/2; SARR 10/2 in FBIS 10/3; MM 10/3)
IDF closes primary school in West Bank indefinitely, saying children threw stones at passing IDF vehicle; causes embarrassment for PNA which technically controls West Bank education. (MEI 10/7)
Curfew on Hebron is lifted. (MEI 10/7)
Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is only 7 mi. wide before talks on permanent peace begin in 1996. PLO releases strong condemnation. (MM 9/26; HA 9/26 in FBIS 9/27; WP, WT 9/27)
PNA Planning M Shaath returns fr. official visit to Australia; says prospects are strong for increased Australian assistance, investment, participation in multilateral force. (MENA 9/25 in FBIS 9/26)
Baruch Marzel, head of Kach who was arrested after Hebron massacre, is released fr. jail to 3-mo. house arrest, meets with Kach activists. Marzel's men waiting outside Hebron jail threaten Palestinian family at gun point, stone Palestinian's car. (QY 9/26 in FBIS 9/30; MM, WT 9/28)
DFLP's Hawatmeh says dialogues are underway btwn. DFLP, Gulf states, he will visit Gulf shortly. (Al-Ra'y 9/26 in FBIS 9/26)
Britain's MI6 says Iraq's Deputy PM Tariq Aziz met secretly with an Israeli delegation headed by Housing M Binyamin Ben Eliezer in Rabat 1 mo. ago to try to draw up a peace treaty. Israeli FMin. denies the report. (Sunday Times 9/18 in WT 9/19, FBIS 9/21; CSM 9/19; WT 9/21; WJW 9/22; MEI 9/23)
Israeli police extend ban on Kach, Kahane Chai for 6 mos. (QY 9/18 in FBIS 9/19)
Palestinian Amb. to Iraq `Azzam al-Ahmad says PLO has stopped VOP transmissions fr. Baghdad, Sana`a', Algiers; will now rely solely on VOP Jericho. (Al-Dustur 9/18 in FBIS 9/20)
IDF kills 1 Palestinian, wounds 1 when car fails to stop for roadblock nr. Ramallah. In separate incident, 1 IDF soldier wounded in knifing by Palestinian nr. Tel Aviv. (WT 9/19)
Hamas issues leaflet denying association with men who shot a Palestinian policeman 9/17, blame PSF men who were also at the scene. Arafat calls in PSF's Gaza head Muhammad Dahlan to explain. (MM 9/19; QY 9/19 in FBIS 9/19; MEI 9/23)
Morocco, Israel announce they will open liaison offices in Tel Aviv, Rabat, making Morocco 1st Arab country to establish official ties with Israel since Egypt. Morocco also to open liaison office in Gaza, but diplomatic contacts with PNA will still go through Tunis. (MM 9/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/2; NYT 9/4; WJW 9/8)
Israeli FM Peres tells Arafat that Pakistani PM Bhutto may enter Gaza after all. Pakistan say it is too late to reschedule visit. (MM 8/31; QY 8/31 in FBIS 8/31; JP 9/10)
Schools open for classes in West Bank under PNA control. (NYT, WT 9/2)
Palestinian police release last 4 Hamas mbrs. being held for 8/14 attack. (AFP 9/1 in FBIS 9/2)
PNA formally accepts early empowerment accord. (WT 8/28)
Israeli Military Cmdr. Brig. Gen. Doron Almog says that if PNA cannot control Hamas, IDF will reenter Gaza, carry out military operations. Arafat protests remarks. (Maariv, MM 8/26; QY, VOP 8/27 in FBIS 8/29)
Hamas says it will talk with PNA if detained Hamas mbrs. are released, says early empowerment agmt. doesn't contradict Hamas' fight against Israel. Arafat welcomes call. (VOL 8/26, QY 8/25, 8/26 in FBIS 8/26)
IDF wounds 2 Palestinians, puts curfew on Hebron after demonstration; puts partial closure on Ramallah, closes Gamal `Abd al-Nasir mosque for 2 days to prevent disturbances. (QY 8/26 in FBIS 8/26)
2 Israelis knifed to death nr. Tel Aviv on 6-mo. anniversary of Hebron massacre. Hamas claims responsibility, vows 2 more attacks before end of year. IDF detains 118 Palestinians for questioning. (QY 8/27 in FBIS 8/29; NYT, WP, WT 8/28; CSM 8/29; JP 9/3)
Israeli F Min. states there are no official contacts with Iraq, Israel supports U.S. policy of keeping Iran, Iraq in check; says any initiatives by Israelis are on a personal level only. (Israeli Government Press Office 8/26 in FBIS 8/29)
Yehoshafat Harkabi, former head of Israeli military intelligence (1955-59) who supported recognition of Palestinians, negotiations with PLO, dies in Jerusalem. (NYT, WP 8/27; WJW 9/1; JP 9/3)
Latest round of Israel-PLO "early empowerment" talks concludes in Cairo. (MENA 8/3 in FBIS 8/4)
Knesset votes 91-3, with 2 abstentions, to approve Washington Declaration of nonbelligerency with Jordan. (MM 8/3; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 8/4)
General Union of Palestinian Women (GUPW) issues draft Declaration of Principles of Women's Rights. PNA M Intisar al-Wazir says she will work to include the document in the Palestinian Constitution. (TJT 8/5)
King Hussein pilots Royal Jordanian airplane through Israeli airspace on return flight to Jordan. Escorted by 2 IAF F-15, Hussein passes over Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and talks with PM Rabin by radio. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/4)
Jordan, Israel demolish border fence at site of future border crossing nr. Aqaba/Eilat. (Qol Yisra'el 8/3 in FBIS 8/4)
Israeli embassy in U.S. announces 2-yr. moratorium on transfers of land mines. Israel to work for worldwide ban on mines, will provide mine-clearing assistance to other countries. (WT 8/4)
Palestinian police stop IDF vehicles carrying IDF Brig. Gen. Doron Almog in Gaza Strip. Standoff continues for 1 hr. until Palestinian police col. issues written order to permit Almog to continue. (WP 5/26)
Israeli-Palestinian agricultural trade talks open in Tel Aviv to regulate commerce in agricultural products btwn. Israel, self-rule areas. (Qol Yisra'el 5/25 in FBIS 5/26)
Secy of State Christopher, FM Peres, at joint news conference in Washington, criticize PLO Chmn. Arafat's decree restoring pre-1967 laws in Gaza and Jericho, saying Arafat lacks authority for such a decree. Israeli FMin. issues statement saying Arafat statement of "no legal validity" and a "breach" of Gaza-Jericho agreement. (Israeli Govt. Press Office release 5/25 in FBIS 5/25; MM 5/25; MM, NYT 5/26)
PLO Chmn. Arafat orders release of his wife's uncle George Hawa, held for 5 days by PLO officials in Tunis on suspicion of taking kickbacks fr. companies seeking contracts in Jericho, Gaza Strip. (MM 5/25; WP 5/26; al-Sharq al-Awsat 5/27 in FBIS 6/1)
Trial starts in Beirut of 7 mbrs. of FRC ("Abu Nidal" group) for 1/29 murder of Jordanian diplomat. (MM 5/25, 5/26)
Secy. of State Christopher meets Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad for 3 hours but details of talks not made public. (WP, WT 5/16)
60 settlers escorted by IDF visit Shalom Al Yisrael synagogue in Jericho, refusing to show Palestinian police i.d.s or obey their orders. (WT 5/16)
32-yr.-old Gaza City resident killed by a stray bullet as gunmen attack IDF post next to his home. (NYT 5/16)
Israeli PM Rabin's office announces U.S. agreement to sell Tel Aviv 21 advanced F151 fighter aircraft. (CSM 5/16)
330 Palestinian police leave staging area nr. Cairo for Rafah, on Sinai-Gaza border. 270 others make camp at Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge, awaiting deployment in Jericho. (NYT, WT 5/8; NYT 5/9)
Haim Bar-Lev, IDF chief of staff 1968-71 after whom "Bar-Lev Line" of Sinai fortifications named, dies at 69 in Tel Aviv. (NYT, WT 5/8)
U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Israeli FM Peres, and PLO Chmn. Arafat meet in Cairo, announce breakthrough on Gaza-Jericho agreement. Reportedly size of Jericho, duties of Palestinian police at border crossings, telephone and postal service remain to be resolved. Arafat and PM Rabin are to meet in Cairo 5/3 to resolve outstanding issues, sign self-rule accord 5/4. Christopher agrees to extend stay in region until signing, proceeds to Tel Aviv to discuss Israeli negotiations with Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria with PM Rabin. (MM 4/28; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 4/29)
Jerusalem District Court finds settler guilty of premeditated murder in 3/93 killing in Susia settlement nr. Hebron of Palestinian. Victim was bound hand and foot; settler shot him 9 times at point-blank range. Settler is sentenced to life in prison. (NYT 4/29, WT 5/4)
PFLP-GC figure Mustafa Khamis announces formation of "PFLP-Islamic General Command." (al-Sharq al-Awsat 4/28 in FBIS 4/29)
Israeli officials say 6 Fateh Hawks killed by IDF undercover unit 3/28 killed in error. Officials say the 6 were not fugitives and did not fire on Israeli soldiers, and were part of security apparatus being established by Fateh in anticipation of IDF withdrawal. Witnesses tell press, B'Tselem Palestinians shot in the head at close range after being wounded. (MM 3/29; CSM, NYT, WP 3/30)
Riots erupt in o.t. in response to 3/28 killings. 17-yr.-old killed by IDF, 70 Palestinians, 4IDF soldiers wounded in al-Burayj r.c. 70-yr.-old Israeli attacked nr. Tel Aviv by 2 Palestinians with axes. Army closes o.t. schools for 2 days in response to violence. (MM 3/29, 3/30; WP 3/30)
International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) issues report on 2/25 Hebron massacre, urges Israel to investigate its arming of settlers and commission of inquiry to charge all culpable in massacre and to appoint counsel for victims. (MM 3/29)
Conference of 200 rabbis in Qiryat Arba, including frmr. Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Avraham Shapira, decides IDF soldiers should defy any orders to evacuate settlements, threatens to mobilize resistance to any evacuation moves. (MM 3/30; WT 3/31; NYT 4/1)
UNSC passes Resolution 904 condemning Hebron massacre. U.S. abstains on "objectionable" passages in preamble. U.S. Amb. to UN Albright says U.S. allowed resolution to pass "with great reluctance" due to importance of restarting peace process. PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh calls resolution "an important sep," but declines to commit to resumption of peace talks. (NYT, WP, WT 3/19)
Secy. of State Christopher announces that Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria have agreed to resume negotiations with Israel. Talks to resume 4/94 in Washington, D.C. Arab decision follows telephone lobbying with King Hussein, Pres. al-Hirawi, Pres. al-Asad by Pres. Clinton. (NYT, WP, WT 3/19)
Rachel Manning, 54, awaiting extradition to U.S. in 1980 bombing case, dies in prison nr. Tel Aviv. Manning and husband Robert, 43, were JDL/Kach mbrs. and prime suspects in 1985 bombing death of ADC Regional Director Alex Odeh. Robert Manning was extradited 7/93 and sentenced to life 2/7/94. (NYT 3/20; WJW 3/24)
PM Rabin, speaking to AIPAC annual conference in Washington, asserts "Jerusalem will remain united under Israel's sovereignty." Rabin meets Secy. of State Christopher, proposes to speed up transfer of administrative powers to Palestinians in o.t. Christopher reportedly urges Rabin to consider PLO proposals for Palestinian police presence in Hebron. Admin. sources say Christopher did not endorse PLO proposals but that U.S. is not adverse to them. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/16)
40,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv for retention of o.t. settlements. Moledet leader Rehavam Zeevi, frmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir, Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, and Hebron settlement leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger address rally. (MM, WP, WT 3/16)
Police chain shut Jerusalem offices of Kach and Kahane Chai, order them sealed for 6 mos. (MM 3/16)
4 Gaza Fateh officials meet Labor MKs in Jerusalem to discuss restarting Israel-PLO talks. (MM, WT 3/16)
Israeli human-rights group B'Tselem issues report charging that IDF, police, and courts have failed to enforce law on crimes committed by settlers against Palestinians. Report notes that 62 Palestinians were killed by settlers between 1988 and 1993 but only 1 settler convicted of murder and in only 7 cases were settlers' lives threatened. IDF does not dispute report. (MM 3/15; CSM, NYT, WP 3/16)
Border Police shoot dead Palestinian, later identified as PFLP mbr., in Gaza after he fires at patrol. (WP 3/16; MEI 4/15)