651 / 15447 Results
  • December 7, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8]....

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  • November 12, 1989

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv police detain 48 Palestinians for being in the city without proper travel permits [FBIS 11/14]. IDF soldier, bus driver are slightly...

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  • September 5, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army...

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  • August 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22...

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  • August 6, 1989


    Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [...

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  • July 19, 1989


    Other Countries: Bush calls Senate proposal to limit U.S. contacts with PLO "a big step backwards" [NYT 7/20].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/...

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  • June 20, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gneral strike is observed throughout O.T. [FBIS 6/21, FJ 6/26].

    Military Action

    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers injure...

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  • June 11, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Boutros Ohali, Egypt's minister of state for foreign affairs, visits Israel, states that PLO, Arab states view peace proposal as...

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  • May 31, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24 MKs denounce as racist Ariel's decision to make Arab workers wear badges [NYT 6/1]. Knesset Finance Committee approves NIS (new...

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  • May 18, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli...

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  • February 8, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in occupied territories. Curfews are in effect in Rafah, Khan Yunis, Beach camps, parts of Gaza City, Hablah...

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  • September 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their...

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  • August 9, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14]....

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  • June 12, 1988


    Arab World: Arab summit in Algiers ends. AP reports that Arab financial contributions to the uprising will exceed $100 million [CSM 6/13].



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  • June 10, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sit-in strikes are held in Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur to protest raids by tax collectors [FJ 6/12].

    Other Countries: Democratic...

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  • March 12, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Peace Noworganized rally in Tel Aviv, estimated 50,000 demonstrators express support for Sec. of State Shultz's peace proposals [NYT...

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  • March 11, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: On the W. Bank, hundreds of Palestinian policemen resign [WP 3/12]. In Tel Aviv 70 Knesset members deliver petition to U.S. ambassador...

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  • March 4, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz flies from Tel Aviv to Damascus to Cairo, presents P.M. Shamir, Pres. al-Asad, and Pres. Mubarak with letters...

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  • February 29, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jenin camp resident shot in clash with soldiers 2/25 dies in Tel Aviv hospital [NYT 3/1]. Sec. of State Shultz gives F.M. Peres detailed...

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  • February 28, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following inner cabinet meeting, 3 Likud ministers call for barring media from W. Bank and Gaza Strip [LAT 2/29]. In Tel Aviv, Sec. of...

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  • February 19, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish asks Def. Min. Rabin to issue strict guidelines allowing soldiers to use physical force only when dispersing...

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  • February 16, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit...

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  • February 3, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian shot 2/1 in 'Anabta dies in Tel Aviv hospital. Military authorities extend closure of all W. Bank schools indefinitely [WP,...

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  • January 23, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nazareth, more than 7,000 Israeli Palestinians demonstrate peacefully in solidarity with Palestinians in occupied territories. MK '...

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  • December 2, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel extradites William Nakash, French Jew convicted of 1983 murder of Arab, to France [WP 12/3]. Imprisoned al-Najah U. student Jamal...

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  • August 31, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Angry, tire-burning Israeli Aircraft workers block highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during morning rush hour to protest government...

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  • July 22, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid meets with 13 Palestinians from occupied territories in Tel Aviv [FJ 7/26]. Estimated 20,000...

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  • July 1, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Jerusalem Post reports Palestinian doctor has confirmed allegation by Na'ilah 'Ayish that she was pregnant athe time of her...

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  • June 29, 1987


    Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities...

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  • June 5, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old...

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Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8].

Israeli Absorption Ministry spokesperson reports that 20,405 immigrants have arrived in Israel since the beginning of 1989; 9,295 from USSR [FBIS 12/13].

Other Countries: El Al has signed flight agreement with Aeroflot, and first Tel Aviv-Moscow flights will begin next month, according to Jerusalem Domestic Services [FBIS 12/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 3 houses in Khan Yunis [FJ 12/18].

2 Syrian members of PFLP are sentenced to 25 years in prison each for their part in an October 1989 raid into Israel [FJ 12/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv police detain 48 Palestinians for being in the city without proper travel permits [FBIS 11/14]. IDF soldier, bus driver are slightly injured in rockthrowing incident. 2 Palestinians accused of collaboration are killed. At least 5 Palestinians are wounded in clashes throughout the O.T. Curfew imposed on Qalqiliyyah is lifted [FBIS 11/16]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In W.Bank, Palestinians refuse to set clocks back one hour, saying they would observe "Palestine time" for two more weeks; Israeli army threatens to detain students who go to private school on "Palestine time." Army chief of staff, Dan Shomron, says the army's new policy is to arrest about 700 Palestinians accused of "distributing underground leaflets, enforcing strikes, painting graffiti . . . and attacking suspected collaborators" [NYT 9/6]. In separate interviews, Labor leader Peres says granting a visa to Arafat would not affect U.S. -Israeli relations, while P.M. Shamir reaffirms opposition to Arafat's entry into the U.S. [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Libyan authorities have told dozens of rebel movements around the world, including PLO splinter groups, to expect a cutback in funding and to close their offices in Libya [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 12- year-old Palestinian boy dies of wounds received 8/31; 36-year-old Palestinian in Rafah accused of collaboration is killed, another severely beaten [NYT 9/6]. Army closes 8 W. Bank schools, blaming students for demonstrations and stone throwing [FBIS 9/5; NYT 9/6]. A cooperative effort between IDF and the Air Force will allow IDF to use helicopters to help fight the intifada [FBIS 9/6].

Arab World: Israeli border troops clash with 3 Arab guerrillas in South Lebanon, 1 guerrilla killed [NYT 9/6]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv newspaper Davar reports Moshe Arens recently held meetings with prominent Palestinian leaders from the O.T. [FBIS 8/22].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Arafat arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein and senior Jordanian officials [FBIS 8/21].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 15-year-old Palestinian is killed, 12 are wounded in clash with IDF forces in Jabaliyyah camp. Commercial strike held in Ramallah [FBIS 8/ 21]. 3 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire while collecting magnetic ID cards in Jabaliyyah camp [FBIS 8/23]. In Jerusalem, Israeli soldier is stabbed by Palestinian youth, who is later arrested; the soldier was slightly injured [MET 8/29].


Arab World: Assistant Secretary of State for Near East and South Asia John Kelly arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, Prime Minister Zayd ibn-Shakir [FBIS 8/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya soldiers shoot, kill 15-year-old Palestinian, in Tel Aviv 16-year-old Palestinian from Khan Yunis dies from wounds received 8/2 [FJ 8/14].


Other Countries: Bush calls Senate proposal to limit U.S. contacts with PLO "a big step backwards" [NYT 7/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Bayt Lid 17- year-old Palestinian is shot, killed by Israeli troops. In Jenin 22-year-old Palestinian dies after being shot by Israeli soldiers. In Tel Aviv 12-year-old Palestinian from Rafah dies from wounds received 7/8. At least 17 Palestinians are shot, wounded in Gaza Strip [FJ 7/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gneral strike is observed throughout O.T. [FBIS 6/21, FJ 6/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers injure at least 14 Palestinians in Gaza Strip and at least 5 Palestinians are injured in W. Bank. Israeli troops seal or demolish 8 Palestinian houses in W. Bank [FJ 6/26]. Settler wounds 2 Palestinians waiting for rides near Tel Aviv [FBIS 6/21, NYT 6/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Boutros Ohali, Egypt's minister of state for foreign affairs, visits Israel, states that PLO, Arab states view peace proposal as insincere [LAT, FBIS 6/12]. Israel lifts week-long curfew in Gaza Strip [LAT 6/12]. Israel charges 8 Israeli peace activists with contacting PLO [LAT 6/12].

Other Countries: Secretary of State Baker announces that he will send high level representative to Israel to ascertain Shamir's government commitment to election plan [WP 6/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tel Aviv 2 Palestinians-ages 15 and 17-die from wounds received 6/10 in Jabalya [FBIS 6/12, FJ 6/19]. At least 12 Palestinians are injured in Jabalya [FJ 6/19]. After 12 days Israelifts curfew on Tulkarm [FBIS 6/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 24 MKs denounce as racist Ariel's decision to make Arab workers wear badges [NYT 6/1]. Knesset Finance Committee approves NIS (new Israeli shekels) 30 million for settlements, roads in O.T., NIS 10 million for Jewish Agency's settlement department [FBIS 6/ 1]. Bank of Israel reports that intifadah cost Israel's economy $650 million in 1988; Israel's trade surplus with O.T. dropped 76% to $42 million; overall exports fell 4.2%; tourism fell 15% [FBIS 6/2].

Other Countries: Amnesty International reports that Israel has detained 5,000 Palestinians without charge or trial since beginning of uprising [NYT 6/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire, kill 20-year-old Palestinian, wound 3 in Khan Yunis [LAT, NYT 6/1]. In Tel Aviv 18-year-old Palestinian from Nusayrat dies from wounds received 5/30; 15-year-old Palestinian dies from wounds received 2 weeks earlier [FBIS 5/31, NYT 6/1]. An additional 13 Palestinians are injured in Gaza; at least 4 Palestinians in W. Bank [FBIS 6/1]. Arab World: Israeli warplanes bomb Hizballah, Abu Nidal bases near Beirut; 5 guerrillas are killed, 3 injured [LAT 6/1]. IDF troops shoot, kill 3 guerrillas in south Lebanon, several members SLA reported killed [FBIS 5/31, MET 6/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel lifts curfew on part of Gaza Strip, refuses to allow Gazans to reporto work inside green line. Palestinians report that Israeli authorities have ordered them to stop exporting citrus from Gaza. Tel Aviv mayor Shlomo Lahat says that the city will no longer employ Palestinians for street cleaning, garbage collecting, sanitation work: "I don't want to discriminate and make them take only this kind of job, which has been the case up until now" [NYT 5/19]. Israel bans Druze leader from Galilee from entering O.T. for 1 year [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Jordan's king Hussein calls Israel's election proposal an attempt to "waste time" [LAT 5/19]. PLO calls on UN to take "practical measures to protect the residents of the West Bank and Gaza" [FBIS 5/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In E. Jerusalem 20-year-old Palestinian from Duhayshah dies from wounds received 2 weeks earlier. In Jamma'in troops open fire, kill Palestinian [FBIS 5/18]. IDF troops shoot, kill Palestinian youth from Nusayrat camp [FBIS 5/19]. At least 3 Palestinians are shot, injured in Tulkarm camp [FBIS 5/18].

Arab World: Soldiers of the Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army (SLA) wound 2 Irish UNIFIL troops in the Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 5/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in occupied territories. Curfews are in effect in Rafah, Khan Yunis, Beach camps, parts of Gaza City, Hablah, Ras 'Atiyyah [FJ 2/13].

Other Countries: U.S. formally notifies PLO of "serious concern" over attempted PLO border infiltration [NYT 2/9].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Guards shoot, kill Palestinian and wound 19 during riot in Meguiddo prison. In Qabatiyyah soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian teenager. Troops in Silat Harthiyyah open fire, killing Palestinian teenager. In Tel Aviv 20-year-old Palestinian from Rafah dies from gunshot wounds received 2/7 [NYT 2/9, FJ 2/13]. 8-year-old Palestinian dies from burns received 2/4. At least 17 other Palestinians are wounded by troops. Soldiers demolish 2 homes in E. Jerusalem. 75 newly replanted olive trees are uprooted by troops in Bir Nabala [FJ 2/13]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir calls for the removal of Avraham Tamir, dir.-gen. of the For. Min., for stating that Palestiniansee the PLO as their leadership [NYT 9/4]. The Israeli airline El Al announces that it will expand the number of flights to South Africa; South African Airways will also increase flights to Tel Aviv [JP 9/3]. In Tal, Israeli troops confiscate donkeys used to take Palestinian goods to market [FJ 9/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jabalya 2 Palestinians are shot during clashes with troops; in Rafah 2 Palestinians are seriously injured during demonstrations [FJ 9/11].

Arab World: PFLP guerrillas clash with fighters from Fateh-Uprising (Abu Musa) in the suburbs of Beirut; 3 Palestinians are killed [NYT 9/4].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: A general strike is observed on W. Bank and the Gaza Strip marking the beginning of 9th month of the intifadah [NYT 8/10, FJ 8/14].

Arab World: Assistant Sec. of State Richard Murphy meets with officials in Jordan and Egypt, declines to meet with Palestinians; two Palestinians he was to have met are close to PLO chairman Yasir Arafat. [WP 8/10]. In an interview in al-Sharq al-Awsat PLO chairman Yasir Arafat refuses to state whether he supports Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10]. In Damascus George Habash, leader of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, endorses formation of Palestinian government-in-exile [NYT 8/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Troops shoot, kill 14-year-old in Qalqiliyyah [NYT 8/10, FJ8/14]. In Qalqiliyyah 8 others are shot, 9 seriously affected by tear gas [FJ 8/14]. In Jenin 4 Palestinians are shot; in Bayt Rima 5 Palestinians are shot, in Gaza 5 Palestinians are shot [NYT 8/10]; in Jenin 2 Palestinians are shot [FJ 8/14]. In Tel Aviv 2 Palestinians are killed, 1 injured after the shack they were sleeping in was set afire [FJ 8/14]. At Beach camp 13 Palestinians are treated for exposure to tear gas [FJ 8/14]. Demonstrations occur in Tulkarm, Khan Yunis, Jabalya, Nusayrat, and Beach camps and Gaza City, Hebron, Dayr Ghassanah.

Arab World: Israeli Air Force bombers attack positions in S. Lebanon knocking out radio station used to broadcast PLO messages to the territories; 3 people are killed, 5 wounded. It was the 12th Israeli air raid into Lebanon this year; police estimate that over 60 people have been killed, 120 wounded [NYT 8/10]


Arab World: Arab summit in Algiers ends. AP reports that Arab financial contributions to the uprising will exceed $100 million [CSM 6/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jenin refugee camp 21-year-old man is killed by a rubber bullet. In the 'Ayn al-Sultan camp, 18- year-old dies as soldiers fire on stonethrowers [NYT 6/14, FJ 6/19]. In Duhayshah the body of a 12-year-old boy is found in a pool. At the boy's funeral a 40-year-man suffocates after tear gas is fired [FJ 6/19]. Three firebombs are thrown in a shopping mall in Tel Aviv [NYT 6/14]. Orchards and cornfields are set ablaze near Tulkarm [FJ 6/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sit-in strikes are held in Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur to protest raids by tax collectors [FJ 6/12].

Other Countries: Democratic presidential nominee apparent, Michael Dukakis, reiterates his belief that U. S. Embassy in Israel should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem [NYT 6/11, WP 6/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli security police arrest and demolish house of 26-year-old Palestinian who confessed to attacking the Israeli appointed mayor of al-Birah [NYT 6/11, WP 6/11]. Troops order 100 Israelis to leave the W. Bank village of Bayta; the Israelis were planting olive trees to protest the army's treatment of the village in the wake of the shooting death of a 15-year-old Israeli girl [WP 6/10]. Protests erupt in Gaza City following Friday prayers [FJ 6/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Peace Noworganized rally in Tel Aviv, estimated 50,000 demonstrators express support for Sec. of State Shultz's peace proposals [NYT 3/14; WJW 3/17]. Settlers use horses in nighttime raid on village of Turmus Ayah. Settlers and villagers clash in Nablus-area village of Rujib [FJ 3/20].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators erect barricades, bum tires in Qaduri village, near Ramallah; troops respond with tear gas, rubber bullets. Army uses bulldozers, graveler against Palestinians protesting in Balatah refugee camp. In Duhayshah camp, soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets to disperse estimated 100 children demanding their UNRWA school be reopened. In Bani Na'im, near Hebron, protester isinjured after allegedly attacking patrol with hand grenade. Many others are reported injured during demonstrations in Gaza Strip. Curfews continue in Bani Na'im and Nablus-area village of Bidiyah; Qabatiyyah and Salat al-Harthiyyah are sealed off. Palestinian sources report 2 infants died from effects of tear gas [FJ 3/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: On the W. Bank, hundreds of Palestinian policemen resign [WP 3/12]. In Tel Aviv 70 Knesset members deliver petition to U.S. ambassador Thomas Pickering, asking Pres. Reagan to pardon convicted spy Jonathan Pollard [LAT, WP 3/12]. Israeli bus is firebombed near Tulkarm [FJ 3/13]. In Bidiya village, Israeli authorities demolish 3 houses whose owners are accused of attempting to kill collaborator. House in Hebron is demolished; owner is charged with killing Israeli in Jerusalem in October 1987 [FJ 3/13]. Israel bans exports to Jordan from Qabatiyyah [FJ 3/13]. Police arrest 40 Palestinians from inside green line in connection with demonstrations during which stones and bottles were thrown and Palestinian flags raised [FJ 3/13].

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein hold talks in Cairo, voice optimism on Shultz plan [WP 3/14].

Other Countries: U.S. Justice Dept. orders PLO to close its observer mission to UN [WP 3/12]. U.S. State Dept. asks PLO support for new U.S. peace proposals [WP 3/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF announces demolition of 4 houses of alleged Palestinian activists: 3 houses in village of Bidiya, north of Jerusalem, and 1 in Hebron [WP 3/12]. At least 6 Palestinians are wounded by army gunfire in violent clash in Bayt Ummar, near Hebron [FJ 3/13]. Army restricts press access to W. Bank for several hours [NYT, WP 3/12]. In Ramallah, several are wounded when soldiers fire on demonstrations that erupt after Friday prayers. Palestinian is arrested in Jenin for allegedly trying to stab soldier. Violent demonstrations are reported throughout Gaza Strip; Bayt Lahiyah quarter and Jabalya refugee camp are placed under curfew [FJ 3/13]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sec. of State Shultz flies from Tel Aviv to Damascus to Cairo, presents P.M. Shamir, Pres. al-Asad, and Pres. Mubarak with letters formally detailing U.S. peace proposal. Shultz asks leaders to reply by 3/16 [WP 3/5]. Jerusalem police defuse car bomb found outside hotel where Shultz is staying [NYT 3/5; LAT 3/6].

Arab World: Two British Oxfam workers disappear from Sidon after visiting 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp [WP 3/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Soldiers use live ammunition against Palestinian demonstrators blocking roads and stoning cars in village of Khadir near Bethlehem; 1 is killed. Injuries from Israeli army gunfire are reported in W. Bank village of Burqa, Balatah refugee camp, Jenin, and Gaza's Burayj refugee camp [WP, NYT 3/5]. In 'Arrab village, near Jenin, army intervenes to prevent demonstrators from buming house of alleged collaborator; soldiers use tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowd; 1 Palestinian is killed [FJ 3/13]. IDF bars joumalists from 5 major W. Bank cities and parts of Gaza [WP 3/5; LAT 3/6]. In Gaza Strip, bomb attack injures 4 Israeli soldiers [NYT 3/5]. Israeli authorities close Salah al-Din mosque in Gaza City [FJ 3/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jenin camp resident shot in clash with soldiers 2/25 dies in Tel Aviv hospital [NYT 3/1]. Sec. of State Shultz gives F.M. Peres detailed peace plan based on U.S. proposals [CSM 3/1]. Shultz holds separate meeting with P.M. Shamir [WP 3/2].

Arab World: Sec. of State Shultz meets with Jordanian officials in Amman [WP 3/1]. F.M. Faruq al-Shar' says little progress was made in meeting between Pres. al-Asad and Shultz [NYT 3/1].

Other Countries: At emergency session of UN General Assembly in New York, Arab delegates call for World Court ruling on U.S. efforts to close PLO observer mission [NYT 3/1].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: During violent demonstration in Nablus-area village of Burin, soldiers shoot, kill Palestinian youth. Palestinian death toll since uprising began 12/9 is at least 75 [NYT, WP 3/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following inner cabinet meeting, 3 Likud ministers call for barring media from W. Bank and Gaza Strip [LAT 2/29]. In Tel Aviv, Sec. of State Shultz meets separately with P.M. Shamir and F.M. Peres [WP 2/29]. Group of 300-400 Israeli Arabs and Jews begins march from Lebanese border to Jerusalem in call for end to occupation of W. Bank, Gaza Strip; march is organized by group called "Red Line" [NYT 3/1].

Arab World: Sec. Shultz holds 3 hours of talks with Egypt's Pres. Husni Mubarak in Cairo [CSM 2/29]. Mubarak voices support for Shultz plan [WP 2/29].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish settlers from Neve Zuf join IDF forces against stonethrowing Palestinian protesters in 'Abbud village, near Ramallah; 2 Palestinians are shot dead; settler is arrested in connection with the shootings [WP 2/29; FJ 3/6]. Army intervenes after settlers from Tekon and el-David settlements open fire in Bethlehem-area village of Faradis [FJ 3/6].

Arab World: Off coast of Tyre, Israeli gunboat attacks small boat, killing 2; 3 others escape. Reports from Lebanon indicate the 5 were Fateh fighters en route to attack Nahariya military base [WP 2/29].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish asks Def. Min. Rabin to issue strict guidelines allowing soldiers to use physical force only when dispersing demonstrations and making arrests [WP 2/23]. About 200 Muslims attempt to pray at Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, clash with Jewish worshipers [WP 2/21]. Police arrest Mutawakil Sa'id Taha, head of writers union in occupied territories [FJ 2/21]. Policemen attack 9 Palestinian workers in their Tel Aviv apartment [FJ 2/28].

Arab World: PLO issues statement forbidding Palestinians to meet with Sec. of State Shultz [NYT 2/22]. In Cairo, 300 worshipers leaving mosque chant antiIsrael slogans in spontaneous demonstration [NYT 2/22].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports U.S. Justice Department officials believe Israel had another spy in the CIA or Defense Department in addition to Jonathan Pollard [WP 2/19].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers and Palestinian protesters clash in Nablus and Ramallah. Demonstrations are also reported in Gaza City's Sha'jiyyah quarter and Burayj and Jabalya camps [WP 2/20; FJ 2/21]. Curfews continue in Beach, Jalazun, and Am'ari camps and Bayt Ur al-Tahta [FJ 2/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike is observed in most of the occupied territories [WP, NYT 2/17]. Occupied territories' civil administration lowers limit on amount of money that can be brought into W. Bank from Jordan [NYT 2/17]. Maj. Gen. Ehud Barak, Israel's deputy chief of staff and Def. Min. Rabin confirm soldiers buried 4 Palestinians alive 2/5 [WP 2/17]. Rabin announces his intention to establish military appeals court in occupied territories [CSM 2/17]. In Tel Aviv, 800 attend conference organized by Israeli intellectuals demanding Israeli government begin peace talks with Palestinians [NYT 2/18]. Israeli High Court upholds army order banning distribution of al-Quds newspaper in occupied territories [FJ 2/21]. Jewish settlers raid 'Azzah refugee camp near Bethlehem, shoot and wound 1 youth [FJ 2/21].

Arab World: UNRWA announces the suspension of all activities in Lebanon requiring intemational staff, and transfer of operations from Lebanon to Syria [FJ 2/21].

Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir ends 2-day visit to Italy [WP 2/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli riot police halt bus carrying Palestinian high school students from Haifa to Umm al-Fahm; several students are beaten. At least 1 Palestinian is shot, wounded during clash with Israeli soldiers in Jenin. In Qabatiyyah, 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded when soldiers open fire on demonstrators [WP 2/17]. Army seizes 3 school buildings for military posts in Nablus [FJ 2/21]. Palestinian demonstrators bum tires and throw stones at entrance to Gush Qatif settlement in Gaza. In Rafah camp 4 are wounded in clash with soldiers [FJ 2/21]. In Sura and Majd villages, near Hebron, protesters bum Israeli buses. Soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstration in Fawwar refugee camp, wounding 9. Protests are held in Jenin refugee camp, Duhayshah camp and Bani Na'im village [FJ 2/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian shot 2/1 in 'Anabta dies in Tel Aviv hospital. Military authorities extend closure of all W. Bank schools indefinitely [WP, NYT 2/4]. Shopowners continue commercial strike in E. Jerusalem and most of W. Bank and Gaza Strip [FJ 2/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm Palestinian is shot to death after allegedly attacking army officer [WP 2/4; FJ 2/7]. Troops use tear gas to disperse Tulkarm crowd demonstrating after rumors that settlers had kidnaped child, broken car windows; curfew is imposed [WP 2/4]. At least 6 are wounded by Israeli gunfire in W. Bank [WP 2/4]. Military seals off 'Anabta after death of woman wounded in clash with troops, settlers 2/1. Nablus and 'Azzah camp are also sealed off [NYT 2/4; FJ 2/14] Military orders 'A'idah camp under curfew following demonstrations. Settlers attack 'A'idah during curfew, clash with residents [FJ 2/7]. Demonstrations are reported throughout Gaza Strip [FJ 2/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nazareth, more than 7,000 Israeli Palestinians demonstrate peacefully in solidarity with Palestinians in occupied territories. MK 'Abd al-Wahab Darawshah announces at demonstration that he is resigning from Labor party to protest army's policy of beating Palestinians in W. Bank and Gaza Strip [WP 1/24; CSM 1/25]. Between 30,000 and 50,000 Israeli Jews participate in Peace Now-organized rally in Tel Aviv [WP 1/24; NYT 1/25]. Curfew on Jerusalem's al-Tur neighborhood is lifted after all male residents are rounded up, interrogated; 4 are arrested [WP 1/24]. Commercial strike continues in W. Bank despite army policy of breaking locks to force merchants to open [FJ 1/24].

Other Countries: Morris Abram, head of Conference of Presidents of Am. Jewish Organizations, criticizes Israel's policy of beating demonstrators [WP 1/25]. Asst. Sec. of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs Richard Murphy meets with Arab League representative Clovis Maksoud and diplomats from Jordan, Tunisia, and Kuwait to discuss U.S. role in Middle East peace process [NYT 1/24].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israel says it will increase supervision of soldiers in the field after charges of excessive brutality. Soldiers raid Am'ari refugee camp near Ramallah, arresting at least 11 [NYT 1/24]. Scattered demonstrations occur in Ramallah, Nablus, and Bethlehem areas. Most curfews remain in effect [FJ 1/24].

Arab World: Syrian troops detain 3 Palestinians leaving Shatila camp [FBIS 1/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel extradites William Nakash, French Jew convicted of 1983 murder of Arab, to France [WP 12/3]. Imprisoned al-Najah U. student Jamal Hindi is served expulsion order [FJ 12/6]. Greek F.M. Karolos Papoulias meets with 20 Palestinians in E. Jerusalem, pledges continued Greek support for Palestinian national rights [Fl 12/6]. Lawyer for Husayn Thulthayn files appeal with military objections com. against Israeli confiscation of land [FJ 12/6]. At Tel Aviv U. 70 Arab students protest housing discrimination [FP 12/6]. Israel announces it has uncovered DFLP cell in Nablus region [FJ 12/6].

Other Countries: U.S. court upholds State Dept. order closing PIO in Washington, D.C.; ACLU plans to appeal ruling [WP 12/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers raid Bethlehem University, closed since demonstration 10/29 [FJ 12/6]. Near Nablus, Israeli forces use live ammunition to disperse Palestinians protesting Israeli demolition of houses allegedly built without permits; 3 are injured [FJ 12/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Angry, tire-burning Israeli Aircraft workers block highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during morning rush hour to protest government's decision to cancel Lavi project [WP 9/1]. Israeli officials dismiss Bethlehem-area teacher Saqr Abu 'Ayyash for involvement in political activities [FJ 9/6]. Israeli officials offer no explanations for turning back all young men from Ramallah and al-Birah at Jordan River crossing points [FJ 9/6]. Athletes at Gaza Islamic U. hold sit-in on campus to protest Israeli government's refusal to allow them to participate in events in Amman [FJ 9/6].

Arab World: Egypt reports arrest of Israeli scuba divers allegedly involved in Israeli plan to steal water from under the Sinai [FJ 9/6].

Other Countries: Nobel Institute in Oslo announces Mordechai Vanunu has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize [CSM 9/1].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid meets with 13 Palestinians from occupied territories in Tel Aviv [FJ 7/26]. Estimated 20,000 Palestinians and Israelis participate in opening ceremonies for Nazareth's 12th voluntary work camp [FJ 7/26]. W. Bank military governor orders Muslim Youth Society in Hizma closed for 3 months [FJ 7/26].

Arab World: Unity and Liberation Front announces its formation istatement issued in Lebanon; the front, a coalition of 13 pro-Syrian groups, calls for joint action against Israel, the PLO, and the Lebanese Phalange party [FJ 7/26].

Other Countries: Palestinian political cartoonist Naji al-Ali is seriously injured by unidentified gunman in London [FJ 7/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The Jerusalem Post reports Palestinian doctor has confirmed allegation by Na'ilah 'Ayish that she was pregnant athe time of her arrest in February 1987 and miscarried after being tortured by Shin Bet interrogators; Israeli police will submit results of internal investigation of the case to attorney general's office [FJ 7/5]. In Tel Aviv, group of Israelis attacks 4 Palestinian workers and their Jewish employer twice in 24 hours [FJ 7/5]. Israeli military authorities order 30 bedouin families in Rafah to vacate the area within 6 days [FJ 7/5]. MK Meir Kahane's voting privileges are restored after he takes oath of allegiance to Israel [WP, NYT 7/2]. Israelis seal off 40 Gaza Strip stores alleging they were not keeping proper accounts [FJ 7/5].

Arab World: PLO Executive Com. member Muhammad 'Abbas and Tal'at Ya'qub announce reunification of Palestine Liberation Front [FJ 7/12].

Other Countries: U.S. Sec. of Defense Weinberger meets with Israeli Defense Minister Rabin to discuss future of Lavi jet fighter and U.S. aid [NYT 7/2].


Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities from Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur issue statement condemning Israeli proposal to pump water from new Bethlehem well to Jewish settlements; drilling well at planned 900-1,000 meters would drain 5 wells supplying Bethlehem and Hebron areas [FJ 7/5]. Three Israelis are arrested on charges of involvement in attacks on Palestinian workers in their Ramat Gan-Tel Aviv apartment [FJ 7/5].

Arab World: Hani al-Hassan, political adviser to Yasir Arafat, arrives in Cairo for 1st high-level Palestinian-Egyptian talks since 18th session of PNC in April [FJ 7/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops open fire to break up Nablus demonstration marking 20th anniversary of 1967 war; kill 15-year-old boy, wound 10-year-old [LAT 6/6]. Some stores reopen in E. Jerusalem and Ramallah, on 2d day of 2-day general strike [LAT 6/6]. Stone thrown at Israeli bus near Dahayshah refugee camp injures 1 woman passenger; curfew imposed on camp [FJ 6/7; BG 6/8]. Israeli troops open fire after Molotov cocktail is thrown at patrol in Hebron's Bab al-Zawiyah; no injuries are reported [FJ 6/7]. Classes at Bethlehem University are suspended to protest 20 years of Israeli occupation [FJ 6/7]. Estimated 8,000 Arabs and Jews participate in Tel Aviv demonstration protesting 20 years of occupation [FJ 6/14]. Nablus' al-Najah University is ordered closed for 2 days [FJ 6/14]. Israeli press reports plan to deploy additional army unit in occupied territories [FJ 6/14].

Arab World: Speaker of Lebanese Parliament Husayn Husayni resigns citing Pres. Jumayyil's failure to conduct thorough investigation of assassination of P.M. Karami [BS 6/6].

Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm that grand jury investigating Iran-contra affair has issued subpoenas for Al Schwimmer, Israeli businessman, Amiram Nir, counterterrorism adviser to prime ministers Peres and Shamir, and Ya'acov Nimrodi, Israeli arms dealer. Israeli government isprotesting the action [WP 6/6].