Arafat, Barak hold heated 3 hr. mtg. at Erez crossing to close gaps on interim and final status issues but fail to make any headway. Both sides say there is now no chance of meeting the 2/13 FAPS...
February 3, 2000
February 2, 2000
Just before U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in Israel to oversee intensive FAPS talks, the Israeli cabinet approves the 3d stage of the 2d FRD, which was to haven take place by 1/20. (MM 2/2, 2/3...
January 1, 2000
PLO Refugees Affairs Dept. head `Asad `Abd al-Rahman arrives in Beirut to meet with PM Huss, visit Palestinian refugee camps. The 5-day trip aims to ease tensions btwn. refugees, the Lebanese...
November 2, 1999
In Oslo, Pres. Clinton meets with Arafat, Barak together to nudge them to move forward with talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Barak, Arafat pledge to meet regularly before the 2/00...
October 28, 1999
Israeli-PA ad hod economic comm. resumes mtgs., but PA delegation walks out to protest Israel's threat not turn over tax money collected on the PA's behalf until the PA halts all thefts of Israeli...
September 29, 1999
At the invitation of the White House, Syrian FM Shara` takes time out fr. the UNGA session York to meet with Pres. Clinton in Washington. Shara` then returns to New York to meet with Albright. (MM...
September 23, 1999
Arafat addresses the UNGA, then goes to Washington to meet with Pres. Clinton on final status negotiations btwn. Israel, the PA. (MM 9/23; NYT 9/24; AYM 9/25 in WNC 9/30; JT 9/26 in WNC 9/27; WJW...
September 20, 1999
UN General Assembly (UNGA) opens its annual session in New York. UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan names Terje Larsen of Norway as UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace effort and as his...
August 31, 1999
Erakat, Sher continue talks on Wye implementations. (MM 8/31; WT 9/1)
Arafat goes to Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak the outstanding issues blocking an agmt. with Israel on Wye...
July 24, 1999
Damascus-based Palestinian opposition groups meet in Damascus to discuss a new 5-point strategy regarding restructuring the PLO, recent DFLP, PFLP national unity talks with Fatah. (AYM 7/22 in WNC...
July 20, 1999
Pres. Clinton phones Syrian pres. Asad to brief him on his talks with Israeli PM Barak, encourages Syria to resume negotiations with Israel. (MM 7/20; WT 7/21)
Meeting on the peace process...
July 19, 1999
In Washington, PM Barak holds 2d round of talks with Pres. Clinton, who announces plans to expedite approval of the $1.9 b. in additional economic aid that the U.S. promised Israel, the PA, Jordan...
July 5, 1999
Syrian pres. Asad arrives in Moscow for talks with Russia on a 5-yr., $2-b. arms deal to upgrade the Syrian military, which would enhance Syria's negotiating position with Israel. (Sabah 7/...
June 21, 1999
PLO delays resumption of its PCC session on the end of the Oslo interim period, adjourned 4/29 and planned to be reopened in late 6/99, until after the formation of the new Israeli government,...
June 13, 1999
Multilateral Refugee Working Group begins 5 day gavel mission to refugee camps in Jordan. (JT [Internet], Petra-JNA [Internet] 6/17)
At the close of 2 days of mtgs., the Egyptian-Moroccan...
May 10, 1999
PM Netanyahu orders 3 PLO offices in Orient House closed within 24 hrs. (MM 5/10; CSM, MM, WP, WT 5/11; AFP 5/11 in WNC 5/12; al-Ayyam, al-Quds 5/11 in WNC 5/14; MM 5/13...
May 9, 1999
Over objections of his finance minister, PM Netanyahu persuades his cabinet to approve a 5 yr. program that would give $5,000 cash grants to Jews buying housing units in East...
May 5, 1999
Donor's Joint Liaison Comm., Local Aid Coordination Comm. meet in Gaza. (al-Ayyam 5/6 in WNC 5/10)
PLO submits appeal, challenging Israel's move to close...
May 3, 1999
In Washington, the U.S.-Israel Joint Political Military Group (JPMG) convenes to discuss exchanges aimed at improving Israel's defensive capabilities. (USIS Washington File 5/5...
April 27, 1999
In Gaza, the PLO Central Council (PCC) opens debate on statehood declaration, with 96 of 124 mbrs. attending. Arafat opens the mtg. by affirming Palestinians' right to independence,...
April 26, 1999
PC adopts (41-1, with 2 abstentions) a nonbinding resolution leaving the door open for continued negotiations with Israel, not mentioning possible declaration of state. (AP [Internet...
April 22, 1999
Israel announces it will close PLO offices at Orient House, calling 4/21 briefing for diplomats a PA "provocation." PA accuses PM Netanyahu of trying to ignite an incident in...
April 21, 1999
In Damascus, Jordan's King Abdallah, Syria's Pres. Asad hold 3 rounds of talks on promoting bilateral ties, marking a thaw in relations that deteriorated after Jordan, Israel signed a...
December 14, 1998
Clinton flies into Gaza airport by helicopter to attend the PNC session on the PLO charter, becoming the 1st sitting president to set foot on Palestinian soil. PNC mbrs., other officials approve...
December 12, 1998
As the House approves 4 articles of impeachment against him in Washington, Pres. Clinton arrives in Tel Aviv on 1st stop of 4-day visit. At the airport, PM Netanyahu offers Clinton a "lukewarm"...
December 11, 1998
The U.S. calls on the PA to halt hunger strikes, criticisms of the prisoner release; speed confiscations of illegal weapons, reduction in number of PA police. (NYT 12/12)
Israel rejects U....
November 5, 1998
The PLO Exec. Comm. reaffirms 1/22/98 letter fr. Arafat to Secy. of State Christopher nullifying relevant articles of the PLO charter. Secy. Albright says that the PA is ahead of the Wye...
August 18, 1998
In Marsa Matruh, Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak meets with Arafat on the peace process, possible international summit. (MENA 8/18 in WNC 8/19; ESC Television 8/29 in WNC 8/20)
PA bans visits...
August 6, 1998
PA Higher Education M Hanan Ashrawi, Agriculture M `Abd al-Jawad Salih resign in protest over Arafat's new cabinet. (MM 8/6; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/7) (see Peace Monitor, Doc. B2)
July 27, 1998
Knesset wins support (42-20; with 58 MKs abstaining or absent) for 3 no-confidence motions accusing PM Netanyahu of hindering peace talks with the PA, but motions fail to secure the 61-vote simple...
Arafat, Barak hold heated 3 hr. mtg. at Erez crossing to close gaps on interim and final status issues but fail to make any headway. Both sides say there is now no chance of meeting the 2/13 FAPS deadline. (MM 2/3; AFP 2/3 in WNC 2/4; XIN 2/3, AFP, AYM, al-Quds 2/4, MENA 2/6 in WNC 2/7; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/4; al-Quds 2/5 in WNC 2/8; JP, MEI 2/11)
At the close of its 2-day debate, the PLOCC issues a final communiqué calling on Arafat to declare an independent Palestinian state by 9/00, reactivate dormant PLO comms.; on Israel to immediately implement the interim agmts.; and on the PA to negotiate for the refugees' right of return, full Israeli withdrawal fr. the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem), removal of Jewish settlements. (AFP 2/3 in WNC 2/4; AYM 2/4 in WNC 2/7; al-Quds 2/5 in WNC 2/8; AYM 2/8 in WNC 2/10; al-Quds 2/9 in WNC 2/14; JP, MEI 2/11)
The PC passes a draft law on independence of the judiciary, which would promote the separation of powers and financial independence of the judicial system. (PCHR 2/9)
Just before U.S. special envoy Ross arrives in Israel to oversee intensive FAPS talks, the Israeli cabinet approves the 3d stage of the 2d FRD, which was to haven take place by 1/20. (MM 2/2, 2/3, 2/4)
In Gaza, the PLOCC opens a 2-day national dialogue mtg. to discuss unilateral declaration of statehood, red lines for negotiations with Israel, PLO directions and strategy. (AYM 2/2 in WNC 2/4; AYM 2/3 in WNC 2/7)
The Knesset holds its 1st public debate on Israel's nuclear policy. The request for the debate, made by Israeli Arab MK Issam Mahoul, was initially rejected on security grounds, but Speaker Avraham Burg reversed the decision when Mahoul took the petition to the High Court. The debate last less than 1 hr.; most MKs walk out in protest, 6 are ejected for disrupting the proceedings. (NYT, WT 2/3; WJW 2/10; JP, MEI 2/11)
Israeli police raid Shu`afat refugee camp n. of Jerusalem, arrest 4 Palestinians for possessing illegal weapons. Several days ago, police carried out a similar raid on Qalandiyya refugee camp. (al-Quds 2/3 in WNC 2/4)
Iran releases on bail 3 of the 13 Iranian Jews arrested last yr. on charges of spying for Israel, the U.S. (IRNA 2/3 in WNC 2/4; WJW 2/10; JP 2/11) (see 6/8/99)
In s. Lebanon, an SLA mbr. is killed in a Hizballah attack. The SLA responds with indiscriminate fire, hitting 5 UN posts, several homes, a mosque. Senior adviser to the UN forces, Timur Goksel, warns that exposed UN positions may have to be abandoned if they continue to be endangered by random SLA fire, the launching of Hizballah attacks fr. nearby sites. (AFP 2/2 in WNC 2/3; MM 2/3; MENA 2/3 in WNC 2/4; MEI 2/11)
PLO Refugees Affairs Dept. head `Asad `Abd al-Rahman arrives in Beirut to meet with PM Huss, visit Palestinian refugee camps. The 5-day trip aims to ease tensions btwn. refugees, the Lebanese government. (al-Safir 1/7, DUS 1/9 in WNC 1/10)
Unidentified assailants detonate a bomb in `Ayn al-Hilwa refugee camp in s. Lebanon, causing damage but no injuries. (al-Safir 1/3 in WNC 1/4; MM 1/4)
In Oslo, Pres. Clinton meets with Arafat, Barak together to nudge them to move forward with talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Barak, Arafat pledge to meet regularly before the 2/00 deadline; Clinton says he will send special envoy Ross to the region every couple of wks., Secy. of State Albright at least once before 2/00. (MM 11/2; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/3; JT, Le Monde 11/3 in WNC 11/4; WJW 11/4; DUS 11/4 in WNC 11/5; al-Quds 11/4 in WNC 11/8; MEI 11/12)
While in Oslo, Russian PM Putin also meets privately with Israeli PM Barak, proposes setting up a joint commission to exchange information on cooperation with Iran and expanding cooperation in economics, culture, law enforcement, counterterrorism. (Interfax 11/2 in WNC 11/3)
In Damascus, PLO political dept. head Faruq Qaddumi meets heads of the DFLP, PFLP for talks on final status negotiations. (WT 11/3; al-Quds 11/7 in WNC 11/9)
The Jordan Bar Association threatens to expel 2 of its mbrs. unless they drop their defense of 3 Jordanians accused of illegally selling Palestinian land to Israelis. (JT 11/3, 11/4 in WNC 11/5) (see 10/17)
Israeli-PA ad hod economic comm. resumes mtgs., but PA delegation walks out to protest Israel's threat not turn over tax money collected on the PA's behalf until the PA halts all thefts of Israeli cars by Palestinians who sneak into Israel and taking cars back to the territories. (al-Quds 10/29 in WNC 11/2)
PLO Constitution Comm. opens 2 days of mtgs. in Gaza. (AYM 10/29 in WNC 11/4)
The ARDC meets in Gaza to prepare a short-term plan for improving functioning PA institutions, which will be submitted to the Rocard comm. for financing. (AYM 10/29 in WNC 11/4) (see 9/15)
Mauritania, Israel sign agmt. to upgrade their exchange of trade reps. an exchange of ambs. (MM 10/28; WP, WT 10/29; al-Quds 10/30 in WNC 11/2; AYM 10/30 in WNC 11/4; WJW 11/4; JP 11/5; al-Quds 11/7 in WNC 11/8; MEI 11/12)
At the invitation of the White House, Syrian FM Shara` takes time out fr. the UNGA session York to meet with Pres. Clinton in Washington. Shara` then returns to New York to meet with Albright. (MM 9/30; JT 10/2 in WNC 10/4; JP, MEI 10/15; JP 10/22)
Israeli DM Ephraim Sneh says that Israel may not withdrawal fr. Lebanon by early next summer as PM Barak has promised, because the PM's time line assumed that Israel would be well into negotiations with Syria by that time, but there has been no movement on the track thus far. (MM 9/30)
In his address to the UNGA, Israeli FM Levy says that UN intervention in the peace process would be detrimental, that Syria should restart talks quickly. Nasser al-Kidwa, head of the PLO mission to the UN, walks out during Levy's speech. (MENA 9/29 in WNC 9/30; MM, WJW 9/30; JP 10/8; MEI 10/29)
Jordanian police release fmr. MP Abu Zant on bail, but arrest Azzam Yunis, editor of al-Arab al-Yawm, on incitement charges for publishing Abu Zant's articles. Later in the day, police rearrest Abu Zant. (MM, NYT 9/30; JT 9/30 in WNC 10/3; JT 10/3 in WNC 10/4; JP 10/8; MEI 10/15) (see 9/28)
Israeli amb. Zalman Shoval addresses opening of Israeli exhibit at Disney World; praises Disney for not bending to Arab, Muslim demands to remove Israel's Jerusalem display. The content of the exhibit is unchanged, though the title is no longer "Jerusalem, Capital of Israel." (CSM, WJW, WT 9/30, 10/1; NYT 10/2; MENA 10/2 in WNC 10/4; al-Ahram 10/4 in WNC 10/8; MM 10/6; WJW 10/7; JP 10/8; CSM 10/20) (see 9/17)
Hizballah detonates a roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, killing 1 SLA mbr., wounding 2. (RL 9/29 in WNC 9/30)
Arafat addresses the UNGA, then goes to Washington to meet with Pres. Clinton on final status negotiations btwn. Israel, the PA. (MM 9/23; NYT 9/24; AYM 9/25 in WNC 9/30; JT 9/26 in WNC 9/27; WJW 9/30; JP 10/1)
Also in Washington, the U.S.-Palestinian Bilateral Comm. meets. (AYM 9/25 in WNC 9/30)
In Paris, PM Barak, French PM Lionel Jospin hold talks on the peace process, Israel's economic ties with the EU. Barak says that he still plans to pull the IDF out of s. Lebanon by 7/00. Barak returns to Israel today, but 1 mbr. of his delegation, Chief of Staff Yatom, stays on in Europe on an undisclosed mission thought to be linked to negotiations with Syria. (MM 9/23)
At the close of 3 days of Central Comm. talks in Damascus, the DFLP says that it would joint final status negotiations with Israel on condition that the political framework for talks is clearly defined, that talks take place in line with international law and Palestinian demands; calls on Arafat to convene a mtg. of all PLO factions to discuss the minimum demands a Palestinian team would accept. (AFP 9/23 in WNC 9/26; AYM 9/23 in WNC 9/27)
Israel begins construction of a new neighborhood of 52 units in Bene Yehuda settlement on the Golan Heights, bringing the total number of new units under construction there to around 700. (MM 9/22, 9/23, 9/27; WJW 9/30)
Hizballah fires rockets at IDF targets in s. Lebanon in response to IDF shelling that killed a Lebanese army solider on 9/22. No injuries are reported. PM Barak warns Syria that Hizballah attacks could jeopardize the resumption of Israeli-Syrian negotiations. (WP 9/24; GIU 10/7)
UN General Assembly (UNGA) opens its annual session in New York. UN Secy. Gen. Kofi Annan names Terje Larsen of Norway as UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace effort and as his personal envoy to the PLO/PA. Israel protests the appointment. (MM, WT 9/21; MENA, YA 9/21 in WNC 9/24; MM, WP 9/22)
On the sidelines of the UNGA mtg., Secy. of State Albright meets with a delegation of 16 Iraqi opposition leaders who are in New York to lobby for support of their efforts to overthrow Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. Albright urges other UN delegates to "join us in listening to these brave, free voices of Iraq." Of the 16, 13 are mbrs. of Iraqi National Congress (INC), 3 represent Kurdish groups. (MM 9/21, 9/24, 10/4)
Israel announces approval of some 14 military orders to seal off large areas of agricultural land belonging to some 79 Palestinian villages in the West Bank. (LAW 9/30; MEI 10/15; AYM 10/21 in WNC 10/25)
Erakat, Sher continue talks on Wye implementations. (MM 8/31; WT 9/1)
Arafat goes to Cairo to discuss with Pres. Mubarak the outstanding issues blocking an agmt. with Israel on Wye implementation. After Arafat leaves, Egyptian FM `Amr Musa phones French FM Hubert Vedrine to brief him on the peace process. (NYT 8/31; MENA 8/31 in WNC 9/1)
Jordan issues arrest warrants for 4 senior Hamas officials (Ibrahim Ghawshah, Musa Abu Marzuq, Khalid Mishal, Muhammad Nazzal). Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin condemns Jordan's crackdown on Hamas as appeasement of Israel, the U.S. in advance of Secy. of State Albright's visit to the region. (AFP 8/31 in WNC 9/1; WP, WT 9/1; JT, SA 9/1 in WNC 9/2; Tehran Times 9/1, AFP, QA 9/2 in WNC 9/3; AYM 9/1, 9/2, 9/4, al-Sabil 9/7 in WNC 9/8; MM 9/2; MEI 9/3; QA, SA 9/3 in WNC 9/7; MM 9/6; QA 9/8 in WNC 9/9; WJW 9/9; SA 9/10 in WNC 9/13)
PLO Exec. Comm. convenes national unity mtg. in Ramallah, attended by reps. of the Arab Liberation Front (ALF), DFLP, Fatah, FIDA, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Hamas, Islamic Jihad do not attend. PFLP urges PA to halt negotiations with Israel. DFLP recommends that all groups agree on "red lines" that the PA would not cross in final status negotiations. (AYM 9/1 in WNC 9/8; al-Istiqlal 9/2 in WNC 9/9; al-Ra'i 9/5 in WNC 9/7) (see 8/28)
In s. Lebanon, Amal shells an SLA post, wounding 1 SLA mbr. (RL 8/31 in WNC 9/1)
Damascus-based Palestinian opposition groups meet in Damascus to discuss a new 5-point strategy regarding restructuring the PLO, recent DFLP, PFLP national unity talks with Fatah. (AYM 7/22 in WNC 7/27) (see 7/21)
Pres. Clinton phones Syrian pres. Asad to brief him on his talks with Israeli PM Barak, encourages Syria to resume negotiations with Israel. (MM 7/20; WT 7/21)
Meeting on the peace process with Pres. Mubarak in Cairo, Arafat says that Barak's 15-mo. timetable for final settlement is unacceptable; says that when the PLO agreed in 5/99 to put of its unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state, it was assured by the EU and the U.S. that an extension would not exceed 1 yr. (MENA 7/20 in WNC 7/21; MM 7/21; CSM, NYT, WJW 7/22; MEI 7/30)
In Washington, Israeli PM Barak holds 2d round of talks with Secy. of State Albright, meets with congressional leaders, departs for London to meet with British PM Tony Blair. Barak tells Congress mbrs. that they should not push for implementation of the Jerusalem Embassy Act now. (WT 7/20; MM, NYT, WT 7/21)
Israel's new interior M, Sharansky, says he wants to stop Israel's policy of stripping Palestinians of their residency rights if they leave Jerusalem for more than 7 yrs. (CSM, NYT 7/21; LAW, WP 7/22; JP 7/30)
In Gaza, IDF troops fire rubber bullets at Palestinians protesting Jewish settlement expansion, injuring 9. (CSM 7/21)
In Washington, PM Barak holds 2d round of talks with Pres. Clinton, who announces plans to expedite approval of the $1.9 b. in additional economic aid that the U.S. promised Israel, the PA, Jordan after Wye talks. Congress has refused to approve the disbursements since fmr. PM Netanyahu suspended Wye implementation on 12/2/98. Barak, Clinton also agree to create a Strategic Policy Planning Group composed of senior Israeli, U.S. security officials that would report to them every 4 mos. (CSM, GIU, MM 7/19; MENA, Petra-JNA 7/19 in WNC 7/20; al-Ayyam 7/19 in WNC 7/21; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/20; WJW 7/22; JP, MEI 7/30)
In Damascus, Spanish PM José María Aznar discusses peace process with Pres. Asad; announces that Spain will loan Syria $55 m. in development aid, marking the 1st loan by an EU state to Damascus. (ABC [Madrid], SATN 7/19 in WNC 7/20; MBC 7/20 in WNC 7/21; MM, WP 7/21)
Damascus-based PLO opposition groups report that Syrian VP `Abd al-Hailm Khaddam has met with the heads of Fatah Uprising, PFLP, PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC), Saiqa to ask them to end their armed struggle against Israel, switch focus to political activities. Unnamed Syrian officials confirm the report, say no discussion has been held with Hamas, Hizballah, Islamic Jihad. (JT 7/19 in WNC 7/20; al-Ayyam, al-Manar 7/19, SA 7/24 in WNC 7/26; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 7/20; SA 7/20 in WNC 7/21; WT 7/21; QA, RMC, SA 7/21 in WNC 7/22; MM, WJW, WT 7/22; MEI 7/30; NYT 8/8) (see 6/16)
DFLP delegation led by Taysir Khalid meets with Fatah delegation headed by Arafat to discuss a reconciliation agmt. that would bring the DFLP into the final status negotiating process. (al-Ayyam 7/21 in WNC 7/26)
For the 1st time, 4 non-Jews are appointed to the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Comm.: Israeli Arab MKs Hashem Mahameed (United Arab List) and Nawaf Massalha (One Israel), Druze MKs Salah Tarif (One Israel) and Ayoub Kara (Likud). Likud calls the appointments a security risk. (NYT, WT 7/20; MM 7/21, 7/22; JP 7/23; MA 7/23 in WNC 7/28; MM 7/29; JP 8/13)
IDF begins work on relocating its Jinin headquarters in anticipation of the resumption of FRD fr. the West Bank. (NYT 7/20)
Israel's new internal security M Ben-Ami says Israel will allow Orient House to remain open, after finding that the PLO has ceased conducting political activity fr. the building. (NYT 7/20; WP 7/22) (see 5/11, 6/11)
Israel's Justice M Beilin says that he plans to cancel the legal basis for holding Lebanese detainees without charge or trial. Beilin also says that he will work toward ending administrative detention for Palestinians. (WP 7/20, 7/22)
A roadside bomb explodes in s. Lebanon, killing 1 SLA mbr. (VOL 7/19 in WNC 7/20)
Syrian pres. Asad arrives in Moscow for talks with Russia on a 5-yr., $2-b. arms deal to upgrade the Syrian military, which would enhance Syria's negotiating position with Israel. (Sabah 7/5 in WNC 7/7; NYT, WP 7/6; MM 7/7, 7/9)
In Cairo, the Ramallah-based International Alliance for Arab-Israeli Peace opens a 3-day conference on the peace process, Arab normalization with Israel. Some 700 Egyptian intellectuals, political leaders hold counterconference to protest normalization in advance of comprehensive peace. (AFP, MENA 7/5 in WNC 7/7; MENA, SATN 7/7 in WNC 7/8; AYM 7/7 in WNC 7/12; MM 7/8; Rose al-Yusuf 7/10 in WNC 7/15)
In Zagreb, a high-level Israeli military delegation holds military cooperation talks with Croatian officials. (Vecernji List [Zagreb] 7/6, Vjesnik [Zagreb] 7/7 in WNC 7/8; Slobodna Dalmacija 7/12 in WNC 7/13)
In Ramallah, the 1st mtg. of the Palestinian-Kurdish Friendship Association is held. Reps. of the PLO factions, PA ministries, governmental and private organizations attend. (AYM 7/6 in WNC 7/12)
PA police summon the editor of Islamic Jihad's daily newspaper, al-Istiqlal, to warn him against publishing articles critical of the PA. (HJ 7/6 in WNC 7/9)
PLO delays resumption of its PCC session on the end of the Oslo interim period, adjourned 4/29 and planned to be reopened in late 6/99, until after the formation of the new Israeli government, which must be completed by 7/9. (NYT 6/22) (see Peace Monitor)
Israel's Housing Min. issues tenders for construction of 22 new homes in Neve Dekalim settlement in Gaza. Peace Now claims there are already 600 empty houses in the settlement. (WT 6/23)
Ireland's DM Michael Smith arrives in Tibnin, s. Lebanon, to review Irish troops serving with the UN Interim Force (UNIFIL); warns that Ireland may end participation in UNIFIL unless Israel provides solid assurances that it will halt indiscriminate shelling of UNIFIL areas of operations. (RTE Radio One 6/21 in WNC 6/22) (see 5/31)
Multilateral Refugee Working Group begins 5 day gavel mission to refugee camps in Jordan. (JT [Internet], Petra-JNA [Internet] 6/17)
At the close of 2 days of mtgs., the Egyptian-Moroccan Joint Comm. issues a communiqué calling on Israel to implement the Oslo, Wye agmts. and resume peace talks quickly. (MKR 6/13 in WNC 6/14; RE 6/14 in WNC 6/15; MM 6/16)
Israel bans the return to Ramallah fr. Amman of fmr. PLO guerrilla and current Palestine National Council mbr. Muhammad Oudeh who publicly admitted (5/3) to planning hostage-taking of Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics. Oudeh, who has lived in Ramallah since 1996, says that Israel's move contradicts an Israel-PA agmt. not to prosecute violent acts that predate the Oslo peace accords. Germany also has issued a warrant for Oudeh's arrest. (RMC 6/13 in WNC 6/14; NYT, WP, WT 6/14; JT, SA 6/14 in WNC 6/15; JT 6/26 in WNC 6/28)
PM Netanyahu orders 3 PLO offices in Orient House closed within 24 hrs. (MM 5/10; CSM, MM, WP, WT 5/11; AFP 5/11 in WNC 5/12; al-Ayyam, al-Quds 5/11 in WNC 5/14; MM 5/13) (see 5/9)
Delegation of senior Turkish military officials arrives in Israel for 3 days of talks on defense cooperation. (WT 5/12)
Over objections of his finance minister, PM Netanyahu persuades his cabinet to approve a 5 yr. program that would give $5,000 cash grants to Jews buying housing units in East Jerusalem; a 5 yr., $100 m. project for infrastructure improvements in East Jerusalem. (NYT 5/11)
Under pressure fr. the U.S., Israel's Public Security M Kahalani postpones closure of PLO offices in Orient House, meets with Orient House head Faisal Husseini to seek a compromise. (RMC, SA 5/9 in WNC 5/10; CSM, NYT, WP 5/10; IDF Radio 5/10 in WNC 5/11) (see 5/7)
IDF begins bulldozing 1,050 dunams of Palestinian land nr. the West Bank village of al-Shuyukh reportedly for development of a new industrial zone. (al-Quds 5/12 in WNC 5/17; LAW 5/15)
Donor's Joint Liaison Comm., Local Aid Coordination Comm. meet in Gaza. (al-Ayyam 5/6 in WNC 5/10)
PLO submits appeal, challenging Israel's move to close its offices in Jerusalem's Orient House. (MM, WP 5/6) (see 4/26)
PA reiterates its desire for closer ties with Syria. (AFP 5/5 in WNC 5/6; al-Quds 5/6 in WNC 5/7; al-Hayat al-Jadida 5/11 in WNC 5/14) (see 5/2)
Jordan's King Abdallah invites Iran's Pres. Khatami to visit the kingdom. Meanwhile in Tehran, Iranian, Jordanian delegations discuss expanding economic ties. (IRIB Television, IRNA 5/5 in WNC 5/6)
In Washington, the U.S.-Israel Joint Political Military Group (JPMG) convenes to discuss exchanges aimed at improving Israel's defensive capabilities. (USIS Washington File 5/5)
Fmr. PLO guerrilla and current Palestine National Council mbr. Muhammad Oudeh admits to planning hostage-taking of Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics, says Arafat was briefed on plans, but that intention was never to kill the athletes. (WP, WT 5/4)
IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem. (LAW 5/5; MM 5/6)
Choosing not to contest his lawsuit, the U.S. unfreezes $24 m. in assets of Saudi businessman Idris, who owns al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, bombed by the U.S. in 8/98. Administration says its still has "concerns" about Idris based on sensitive intelligence sources. (NYT, WP 5/4; MM 5/14) (see 2/25)
Hizballah stages 3 attacks against IDF, SLA targets in s. Lebanon, killing 1 IDF soldier, injuring 5 IDF soldiers and SLA mbrs. (RL, VOL 5/3 in WNC 5/4; MM 5/4; WT 5/5; MEI 5/7)
In Gaza, the PLO Central Council (PCC) opens debate on statehood declaration, with 96 of 124 mbrs. attending. Arafat opens the mtg. by affirming Palestinians' right to independence, but recommending against declaring a state on 5/4. Hamas sends a 4 mbr. observer group led by Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, marking 1st time it has participated in a PLO mtg.; the move is criticized by Hamas political leaders in Jordan. Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine boycott. (MM 4/27; AFP, IDF Radio, JT 4/27 in WNC 4/28; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/28; IDF Radio, MBC 4/28 in WNC 4/29; al-Ayyam 4/28, 4/29 in WNC 5/3; PR 4/30; MEI 5/7; al-Istiqlal 5/7 in WNC 5/17; CSM 5/17)
In Nablus, 1,000 Fatah mbrs. march in support of a statehood declaration on 5/4. (WT 4/28)
A Palestinian arrested by Israeli police on burglary charges on 4/27 is admitted to a Tel Aviv hospital having been beaten so severely that one of his kidneys stopped functioning. (Reuters [Internet] 5/6)
Without explanation, the GIS orders the Hamas weekly newspaper al-Risala closed "until further notice." Under pressure fr. unnamed PA officials, the paper is allowed to reopen several hrs. later. (AFP 4/27 in WNC 4/28; al-Hayat al-Jadida 4/29 in WNC 5/3; PR 4/30)
In Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission passes (52-1) a resolution reaffirming the Palestinians' right to self-determination, right to return. The U.S. votes against. (ADC press release 4/28; Xinhua 4/28 in WNC 4/29; Prime Minister's Report 4/30) (see 4/23)
Israel claims that the PA has released 3 Hamas prisoners involved in attacks in which Israelis were killed. PA, Hamas deny the story. (IDF Radio 4/27 in WNC 4/28; NYT, WP 4/28; al-Ayyam 4/28 in WNC 4/29; PR 4/30; JP 5/7)
In Washington, Israeli DM Moshe Arens meets with Secy. of State Albright, NSA Berger, Secy. of Defense Cohen for talks on Arrow missile program, Israeli receipt of 60 new F-16D fighters, regional issues. Albright, Berger criticize Israeli settlement policy. (USIS Washington File 4/27; MM 4/28; IDF Radio, MA 5/3 in WNC 5/4; WJW 5/6; JP, MEI 5/7)
Lebanese security personnel arrest an Israeli woman, Mary Vizeman, on suspicion of spying after she is found in Tyre without a passport. Vizeman, who speaks Arabic well, claims that she came fr. Nazareth to visit a friend in Beirut. (VOL 4/28 in WNC 4/29; JP 5/7)
Hizballah attempts to capture 2 IDF/SLA posts in s. Lebanon, wounding 8 IDF soldiers, 3 SLA mbrs. IDF shells Hizballah targets in response, wounding 2 civilians. (VOL 4/27 in WNC 4/28; MM 4/28)
PC adopts (41-1, with 2 abstentions) a nonbinding resolution leaving the door open for continued negotiations with Israel, not mentioning possible declaration of state. (AP [Internet] 4/26)
Pres. Clinton sends letter to Arafat, expression support for Palestinians right to self-determination; appealing to Israel, the PA to renew peace talks swiftly after Israeli elections 5/17, conclude negotiations in 1 yr.. (MM 4/26; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/27; JT 4/27 in WNC 4/28; YA 4/28 in WNC 4/29; MM, WJW 4/29; PR 4/30; MM 5/5; WT 5/6; MEI 5/7)
Israel orders 3 PLO offices operating out of Orient House in East Jerusalem to close within 24 hrs. or file a court appeal. (MM 4/26; WP 4/27; MM 4/28; PR 4/30) (see 4/22)
Jordan, Syria announce formation of 2 comms. to discuss border crossing procedures, ownership of land along their common border. (RJ 4/26 in WNC 4/27; Petra-JNA 4/28 in WNC 4/29)
Israeli FM Sharon meets with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. (WP, WT 4/27)
Israel announces it will close PLO offices at Orient House, calling 4/21 briefing for diplomats a PA "provocation." PA accuses PM Netanyahu of trying to ignite an incident in Jerusalem before the 5/17 Israeli elections; claims that mtg. was a PLO event, not a violation of the ban on PA diplomatic activity in Jerusalem. (MM, WP, WT 4/23; AFP 4/23 in WNC 4/26; al-Quds 4/23, MENA, RJ 4/24, MENA 4/25 in WNC 4/27; WJW 4/29; PR 4/30)
In Damascus, Jordan's King Abdallah holds final round of talks on bilateral ties, regional issues with Pres. Asad before returning to Amman. (MM 4/22; JT, JTV 4/22 in WNC 4/23; WT 4/23; al-Ra'i 4/23 in WNC 4/26; Petra-JNA 4/25 in WNC 4/27; JP 4/30; MEI 5/7; MM 5/12; al-Watan al-Arabi 5/14 in WNC 5/18)
Russian FM Ivanov arrives in Israel on 1st leg of regional tour aimed at reviving the peace process. Israeli candidates, vying for votes fr. Israel's Russian immigrants, who make up 14% of the electorate, queue to meet him. (MM 4/22; ITAR-TASS 4/22 in WNC 4/23; WT 4/23; AFP 4/23 in WNC 4/26; JP 4/30; MEI 5/7; WP 5/8)
IDF closes Palestinian school nr. Ariel settlement in the West Bank following stone throwing incidents nearby. (IDF Radio 4/22 in WNC 4/23)
In Damascus, Jordan's King Abdallah, Syria's Pres. Asad hold 3 rounds of talks on promoting bilateral ties, marking a thaw in relations that deteriorated after Jordan, Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994. (MM, WT 4/21; SATN 4/21 in WNC 4/22; al-Thawra 4/21 in WNC 4/26; NYT 4/22; JTV, al-Ra'i 4/22 in WNC 4/23; CSM 4/23)
In Cairo, Arafat meets with Pres. Mubarak, Arab League secy. gen. (MENA 4/21 in WNC 4/22; WP 4/22; al-Quds 4/22 in WNC 4/26)
Jordanian officials report that Israel has dropped plans to cut water supplies to the kingdom this yr. due to drought. (AFP, JT 4/21 in WNC 4/22; HA [international edition] 4/23; al-Ra'i 4/28 in WNC 4/30; MEI 5/7) (see 3/14)
Faisal Husseini, in his capacity as a PLO official, holds political briefing at Orient House in East Jerusalem for 30 foreign diplomats, incl. EU officials, several Arab ambs. Husseini is also the PA's minister for Jerusalem affairs. (MM, WP, WT 4/23; JP, MM, PR 4/30) (see 3/18)
IDF lifts closure on the West Bank, Gaza that was imposed on 4/19. (NYT 4/23)
Clinton flies into Gaza airport by helicopter to attend the PNC session on the PLO charter, becoming the 1st sitting president to set foot on Palestinian soil. PNC mbrs., other officials approve the nullification of clauses of the PLO charter by show of hands. PM Netanyahu says he is satisfied but still will not carry out the next stage of the FRD on 12/18. U.S. says it will not press Netanyahu on the issue because of the upcoming Knesset no-confidence vote 12/21. In a luncheon speech, Pres. Clinton refers the Palestinian people's "chance to determine their own destiny on their own land," but does not speak of the right to self-determination or statehood directly. Palestinians view his visit to Gaza as tacit U.S. acknowledgement of their right to sovereignty. (CSM, MM 12/14; al-Aswaq, al-Dustur, IDF Radio, ITV, JT, MENA, al-Ra`i RE, al-Safir 12/14 in WNC 12/15; IDF Radio, ITV 12/14, AFP, JT, MA, RE 12/15 in WNC 12/16; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 12/15; WJW 12/17; ITAR-TASS 12/17 in WNC 12/21; Tishrin 12/16, al-Thawra 12/17 in WNC 12/28; PR 12/18; JP 12/21; MEI 12/25)
Hillary Clinton visits a Palestinian refugee camp in Gaza, the Israeli-Palestinian town of Neve Shalom. (CSM 12/14; WP, WT 12/15; PR 12/18)
U.S. Commerce Secy. William Daley attends the official opening of th Qarni industrial zone. Coca Cola will be the first U.S. company to open operations in the zone. A total of 22 factories in the zone are ready for operation; 14 have been leased. (JP 12/21, 12/28)
Secy. Albright meets with Israeli DM Mordechai to discuss Wye implementation, Lebanon. (IDF Radio 12/14 in WNC 12/15)
Palestinians in Lebanese, Syrian refugee camps demonstrate against Wye agmt., amendment of the PLO charter. (VOL 12/14 in WNC 12/15; SATN 12/14 in WNC 12/16)
Jordan confirms that it recently deported, but did not turn over to the IDF, 3 Palestinians carrying PA passports fr. the kingdom because they are mbrs. of Hamas's Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades, pose a security threat. (JT 12/15 in WNC 12/16; al-Dustur 12/15 in WNC 12/17)
In the West Bank, 2 Palestinians are wounded in clash with IDF. (AFP [Internet] 12/15)
Iran announces it has signed a deal with Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch/Shell and the British Lasmo to explore Caspian Sea oil reserves. The $19.8-m. deal is just below the threshold set by the U.S. under its Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which threatens economic reprisals against any company investing more than $20 m. in those countries oil industries. (WT 12/16)
As the House approves 4 articles of impeachment against him in Washington, Pres. Clinton arrives in Tel Aviv on 1st stop of 4-day visit. At the airport, PM Netanyahu offers Clinton a "lukewarm" greeting, warns that the Wye agmt. is unraveling, says he will not halt his criticism of the PA, which he accuses of violating every clause of the Wye accord. (ITV, MENA 12/12, JT 12/13 in WNC 12/15; NYT, WP, WT 12/13; GIU, NYT 12/14; PR 12/18)
In Damascus, 8 PLO opposition groups, Hamas, Islamic Jihad open 2-day conference to reaffirm opposition to the Oslo process, adherence to PLO charter. Jordan prevents 32 Palestinians fr. crossing border to attend. (JT, SA 12/12, JTV 12/13, JT 12/14 in WNC 12/15; MM 12/14; al-Majd 12/14 in WNC 12/17; MEI 12/25; al-Watan al-Arabi 1/1 in WNC 1/5)
Jordanian PM Fayiz al-Tarawnah arrives in Gaza for coordination mtg. with Arafat. Both men call on Palestinian prisoners to end their hunger strike (see 12/11). (RJ 12/12 in WNC 12/15; al-Majd 12/14 in WNC 12/16)
In Gaza, 100s of Palestinians demonstrate against Israel's refusal to release political prisoners. During similar demonstration in Bethlehem, PA police, IDF clash with Palestinians, leaving 7 injured. (NYT, WT 12/13)
Jordanian security arrests 8 Palestinians in Baq`a refugee camp for planning rallies for 12/14 to protest Arafat's annulment of the PLO charter. (JT 12/14 in WNC 12/15; al-Dustur 12/15 in WNC 12/16, 12/17)
The U.S. calls on the PA to halt hunger strikes, criticisms of the prisoner release; speed confiscations of illegal weapons, reduction in number of PA police. (NYT 12/12)
Israel rejects U.S. compromise formula for release of Palestinian political prisoners, reaffirms it will not implement 2d stage of FRD unless the full Palestine National Council (PNC) votes to annul the PLO charter. Nr. Qalqilya, the IDF opens fire on Palestinians demonstrating for the release of political prisoners, killing 2, wounding 27. (MM 12/11; ITV 12/11, 12/12 in WNC 12/15; LAW, WP, WT 12/12)
One of Israel's most wanted, Hamas mbr. Yahya al-Gul, escapes fr. a PA prison in Gaza, where he had been held since 3/98. PA places his family under house arrest. (PR 1/15)
In Gaza, 200 mbrs. of Palestinian opposition parties, Hamas, 8 Palestinian Council mbrs. hold conference to denounce the Wye agmt., annulment of the PLO charter; call on PLO mbrs. to boycott 12/14 PNC mtg. (WT 12/12)
UNSCOM carries out 14 surprise inspections without Iraqi interference. (WP 12/12) (see 12/9)
Lebanon files protest with the UN Security Council (UNSC) against repeated Israeli mock raids over Beirut since 12/9. (RL 12/11 in WNC 12/14)
The PLO Exec. Comm. reaffirms 1/22/98 letter fr. Arafat to Secy. of State Christopher nullifying relevant articles of the PLO charter. Secy. Albright says that the PA is ahead of the Wye implementation schedule. (Washington File 11/6)
After the U.S. assures Israel that the PA has arrested 18 of the 30 wanted men ahead of schedule, Netanyahu convenes cabinet to ratify Wye, but opens by vowing not to implement FRD unless the full Palestine National Council votes to annul the PLO charter (see Peace Monitor). Netanyahu gives cabinet FRD maps for the 1st time. The cabinet demands clarification on charter issue, takes no vote on ratification. (ITV 11/5, MA, al-Quds 11/6, ITV, SANA 11/7, MA 11/9 in WNC 11/12; MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/6)
Israeli defense officials present Wye maps to settler leaders, who demand 50 amendments. (AP [Internet] 11/5; Hatzofe 11/6 in WNC 11/12)
Arafat goes to Sharm al-Shaykh to discuss Wye implementation with Pres. Mubarak. Arafat had hoped to fly back, inaugurating the Gaza airport, but Israel says agmt. must be ratified 1st. (MENA 11/5 in WNC 11/6; NYT 11/6)
UNSC unanimously passes resolution declaring Iraq in "flagrant violation" of UN resolutions, demands Iraq resume cooperation with the UN, but does not mention any use of force. U.S. Defense Secy. Cohen continues preparations for a strike on Iraq, but sets no deadline. Although Cohen has won no public support fr. Arab states, France, or Russia, Pres. Clinton says he believes that allies would back "whatever decisions we ultimately make." (MENA 11/4, 11/5 in WNC 11/6; JTV 11/5 in WNC 11/12; NYT, WP, WT 11/6)
In Marsa Matruh, Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak meets with Arafat on the peace process, possible international summit. (MENA 8/18 in WNC 8/19; ESC Television 8/29 in WNC 8/20)
PA bans visits by Jews to Joseph's Tomb in Nablus after Jewish settlers, allowed by the IDF regional cmdr. to stay in the tomb for 1 mo. to observe a mourning period for 2 Yitzhar settlers killed 8/5, announce that they are going to establish a permanent settlement there. (MM 8/19; MEI, PR 9/4)
Numerous media reports claim that Egypt has arrested Fatah Revolutionary Council leader Sabri al-Banna (Abu Nidal) in Cairo, but Egypt denies them. Abu Nidal is known for staging lethal attacks on Israeli, Jewish, PLO targets in the 1970s, 1980s. (MM 8/18; HA, MA, YA in IGPO 8/18; al-Quds, SA 8/24 in WNC 8/26; MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/26; MENA 8/26 in WNC 8/27; NYT 8/27; WT 8/31; MEI 9/4; AFP 9/12) (see 8/18)
In s. Lebanon, 2 IDF soldiers are killed in clash with Hizballah. (RL 8/18 in WNC 8/19)
PA Higher Education M Hanan Ashrawi, Agriculture M `Abd al-Jawad Salih resign in protest over Arafat's new cabinet. (MM 8/6; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 8/7) (see Peace Monitor, Doc. B2)
Israeli DM Mordechai briefs U.S. Amb. Walker on talks with the PA. (IGPO 8/6)
In Amman, PA Local Government M Erakat briefs Crown Prince Hassan on talks with Israel. Crown Prince Hassan later meets with Israeli Internal Security M Kahalani. (RJ 8/6 in WNC 8/7; JTV, RJ 8/6 in WNC 8/10)
In Washington, delegation of Labor MKs headed by party chmn. Barak meets with Secy. Albright. (MA 8/6 in WNC 8/7)
PM Netanyahu accuses the Vatican of bending to political pressure fr. the PLO in appointing a Palestinian, Pierre Mouallem, as archbishop of the Melchite (Greek Orthodox) church in the Galilee. (NYT 8/8)
In Damascus, Iran, Syria discuss expanding cooperation in the judicial sphere. (MM 8/6; IRNA 8/6 in WNC 8/10) (see 8/5)
Knesset wins support (42-20; with 58 MKs abstaining or absent) for 3 no-confidence motions accusing PM Netanyahu of hindering peace talks with the PA, but motions fail to secure the 61-vote simple majority for passage, ousting the government. (MM, WP 7/28)
PM Netanyahu says that Israel is offering the PA a "10 + 3" FRD formula, is still demanding that the full PNC convene to void the PLO charter. He promises that if the government reaches an agmt. with the PA during the 3-mo. Knesset recess (7/30-10/18), the government will convene the Knesset immediately to discuss, approve the deal. (IGPO, MM 7/27)
In Paris, Egyptian FM Musa opens 2 days of talks with French FM Hubert Vedrine on the peace process, possible international summit. (MENA 7/27 in WNC 7/28; MENA 7/27, AFP, MENA 7/28 in WNC 7/29; MENA 7/28, VOA 7/29 in WNC 7/30)
In West Jerusalem, a Palestinian is stabbed, injured by a Jewish settler, who is captured and arrested. (PR 7/31)
Al-Quds al-Arabi quotes sources as confirming that the exiled Saudi opposition has initiated extensive contacts with Yemen regarding possibility of setting up a base nr. the Saudi border. Yemen has already accused Saudi Arabia of funding, supplying, housing Yemeni opposition groups. (MM, WT 7/27; al-Quds al-Arabi 7/27 in GIU 7/29; MM 7/29, 8/3, 8/10) (see 7/26)