2074 / 15472 Results
  • February 22, 1995

    Israel-PA talks on elections close without progress in Cairo. PA negotiator Local Government M Saeb Erakat gives Israeli delegation 6 proposal papers on international supervision of elections. (...

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  • February 21, 1995

    11th round of Israel-PA talks on elections start in Cairo. Both sides suggest bringing international observers into o.t. to help organize elections. (MENA 2/20, MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; MENA, VOP 2...

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  • February 20, 1995

    Arafat meets with French Pres. François Mitterrand, FM Alain Juppé in Paris, calls on EU to pressure Israel to break impasse in talks. (WP, WT 2/21; MEI 3/3)

    Arafat flies to Tunis to...

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  • February 15, 1995

    PM Rabin, FM Peres appoint Shimon Shamir, frmr. amb. to Egypt, Israel's 1st amb. to Jordan. (IDF Radio 2/15 in FBIS 2/16; MM 2/16, 2/17)

    Palestinian police detain Palestinian human rights...

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  • January 11, 1995

    Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional...

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  • January 9, 1995

    Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-...

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  • January 7, 1995

    Syrian FM al-Shara` leaves Tehran for Riyad to deliver King Fahd message fr. Pres. al-Asad; says trip's aim is to improve Gulf-Iranian relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30, 1/4, 1/6)


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  • January 6, 1995

    PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League...

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  • December 26, 1994

    Israeli parliament passes law by vote of 56 to 6 (with 32 abstentions), banning official Palestinian activities in Jerusalem that could close Orient House in Jerusalem, PLO's de facto FMin. (IDF...

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  • November 21, 1994

    PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington, gives Clinton proposal to be handed to Syrian Pres. al-Asad. Clinton says he will lobby to maintain level of aid to Israel; for continued...

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  • November 20, 1994

    Arafat holds mtgs. with Fateh, Islamic groups; indirectly accuses Israel of sparking 11/18 violence in attempt to assassinate Hamas leaders; releases 31 Islamic Jihad mbrs. fr. jail to appease...

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  • November 16, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin says he will tie Palestinian elections to revocation of parts of PLO charter. (MM 11/17; NYT 11/18)

    PM Rabin arrives in U.S. to lobby Congress mbrs. for continuation of...

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  • November 15, 1994

    Israel hands over responsibility for tourism, social services in West Bank to PNA. Tourism dept. has no control over religious, archeological sites outside Jericho; can only issue licenses to...

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  • November 12, 1994

    Arafat announces PLO Exec. Comm mtg. to hold 1st mtg, in Gaza 11/15. (VOP 11/12 in FBIS 11/14; QY 11/15 in FBIS 11/15)

    Palestinian police arrest more than 100 Islamic Jihad mbrs. following...

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  • November 5, 1994

    Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at...

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  • October 29, 1994

    Lebanese Pres. Hrawi proposes establishing comm. with Israel to draw up timetable for Israeli withdrawal fr. Lebanon, vows that "not one bullet will be fired during this period." (RL 10/29 in FBIS...

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  • October 26, 1994

    Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty is signed on Israel-Jordan border by PM Rabin, King Hussein. Agmt. removes trade sanctions, opens border btwn. the countries, gives Jordan special rights to holy...

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  • October 25, 1994

    U.S. Pres. Clinton arrives in Cairo for start of Middle East tour; meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, PLO Chmn. Arafat; presses Arafat to support Israel-Jordan agmt., clamp down on Hamas. (NYT 10/...

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  • October 22, 1994

    Jordan's King Hussein defends agmt. with Israel, saying Jordan will act in its own interests to reverse its isolation; dismisses Palestinian protests to Jordan's control of Jerusalem's holy sites...

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  • October 20, 1994

    Israeli cabinet holds emergency session; increases quotas on Thais, Romanians, Bulgarians, Chinese to replace Palestinian laborers working in Israel; gives security forces "additional means...

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  • October 14, 1994

    Hamas extends deadline for release of 200-300 prisoners by 24 hrs. Within 1 hr., based on information from Arafat, IDF raids West Bank house where IDF soldier is being held. Kidnapped soldier, 1...

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  • October 11, 1994

    Israel suspends all negotiations with PLO after Hamas announces it is holding an IDF soldier hostage. Hamas says it will kill the soldier 10/14 if 200 Palestinian prisoners--inc. Shaykh Ahmad...

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  • October 10, 1994

    Palestinian-Israeli talks on elections resume in Cairo, parties clash again on issue of opposition participation, size of proposed council, whether higher election comm. should inc. Israelis. (AFP...

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  • October 8, 1994

    Khalid al-Hassan dies of cancer in Rabat. Was a founding mbr. of PLO, senior advisor to Arafat, considered intellectual leader of conservative branch in Fateh. (NYT 10/9)

    2,000 pro-Fateh...

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  • September 27, 1994

    Arab League "strongly denounces" Israeli PM Rabin's decision to build new housing in West Bank settlement, calling it a "flagrant violation" of the DOP. (MENA, RE 9/27 in FBIS 9/28)


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  • September 26, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is...

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  • September 25, 1994

    Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat hold unusually friendly mtg. to discuss elections, redeployment of IDF. Both agree to start negotiations on elections 10/3. Arafat tells Rabin he is trying to...

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  • September 21, 1994

    U.S. envoy Dennis Ross arrives in Jerusalem, talks with PM Peres and FM Rabin, says "real gaps" remain btwn. Israeli, Syrian positions. Later meets with Arafat, discusses aid, elections. (MM 9/21...

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  • September 19, 1994

    U.S. issues "angry warning" to PM Rabin to stop talks with Iraq following reports 2 Iraqi-born MK's initiated contacts in July; suggests military, economic aid is at risk. Housing M Binyamin Ben-...

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  • September 18, 1994

    Britain's MI6 says Iraq's Deputy PM Tariq Aziz met secretly with an Israeli delegation headed by Housing M Binyamin Ben Eliezer in Rabat 1 mo. ago to try to draw up a peace treaty. Israeli FMin....

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Israel-PA talks on elections close without progress in Cairo. PA negotiator Local Government M Saeb Erakat gives Israeli delegation 6 proposal papers on international supervision of elections. (IDF Radio, MENA 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; WP 2/23; JP 3/4; MEI 3/17)

PLO Executive Comm. mtg. closes without suspending talks with Israel. Arafat calls for emergency Arab summit, says PLO will send delegations to China, EU, Japan, Russia, U.S. in diplomatic effort to pressure Israel to set date for troop withdrawal, elections. Arafat begins by meeting with Pres. Mubarak, flying to Saudi Arabia to perform lesser hajj, coordinate with King Fahd. (MENA, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/22; MENA, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; CSM, FT, NYT 2/23; MEI 3/3; JP 3/4)

U.S. House Appropriations subcommittee increases Jordan's debt forgiveness fr. $99 m. to $149 m. for its support of peace process. (WT 2/23)

Clinton administration submits draft of FY 1996 budget, incl. $44.2 m. military, economic aid to Jordan. (JT 2/25 in FBIS 2/28)

PA Atty. Gen. Khalid al-Qidra says Palestinian security services are detaining 6 mbrs. of Abu Nidal Organization found in Gaza for "disturbing national security." (QY, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

Israeli Labor Bureau says number of foreign workers replacing Palestinians in Israel has reached 70,695--860% more than last yr. PA estimates unemployment in Gaza to be 52%. (NYT, WT 2/22)

IDF says it will open 20 houses in Nablus that were sealed because of security offenses by owners. (QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

11th round of Israel-PA talks on elections start in Cairo. Both sides suggest bringing international observers into o.t. to help organize elections. (MENA 2/20, MENA 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; MENA, VOP 2/21 in FBIS 2/22; CSM, NYT 2/22; MEI 3/3)

Arafat convenes PLO Executive Comm. in Cairo to reassess peace process, detainees and elections issues, configuration and functioning of PA. 9 mbrs. attend; DFLP, PFLP boycott. Chief PLO spokesman and PA Information M Yasir `Abid Rabbu calls for suspension of talks with Israel. PM Rabin asks PLO not to suspend talks. (AFP, MENA, RMC, VOP 2/20, VOP 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; CSM, MM 2/21; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/22; MENA 2/21, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/22; al-Sharq al-Awsat 2/21, QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; JP 3/4)

4-way (Egypt, Israel, Jordan, PA) ministerial mtg. on refugees scheduled for 2/26 is postponed until further notice at Israel's request. (al-Aswaq 2/22 in FBIS 2/22; RJ 2/24 in FBIS 2/24; JT 2/25 in FBIS 2/27)

Arab League condemns Israel for recent attacks on civilians in s. Lebanon, calls on UN to do the same. (RE 2/21 in FBIS 2/21) (see 2/19, 2/20)

PM Rabin gives Shas 2 unassigned portfolios--interior and religious affairs--giving Shas significant influence over ruling coalition of which it is not a part. Meretz M Yossi Sarid threatens to resign. (MM 2/20 QY 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; JP 3/4)

IDF arrests Hamas political leader Shaykh Jamil Hamami in his home in the West Bank following the "seizure of a very large quantity of inflammatory material . . . that incriminated him" during 1/27 raid on Abu Dis College of Science and Technology. (ITV 2/21 in FBIS 2/22)

Frmr. Nablus mayor Bassam al-Shak`a announces establishment of new group, Palestinian National Grouping (PNG; al-Tajammu` al-Watani al-Filistini), opposed to Oslo Accord, calls on Arafat to resign. Group includes independents, mbrs. of Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP. (QPAR, QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; RMC 2/25 in FBIS 2/26; ITV 2/25, QY 2/27 in FBIS 2/27; MA 2/26 in FBIS 2/28; al-Quds, SARR 2/28 in FBIS 3/1)

In response to German reports that Israel, Iran are negotiating release of Israeli airman Ron Arad, PM Rabin admits Germany has been talking to Iran on Israel's behalf but has had no success. (ITV 2/20, QY 2/21, 2/22 in FBIS 2/22; MM, WP 2/21; IDF radio 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; MM, NYT 2/22; WT 2/27; JP 3/4, 3/11; WJW 3/16)

Arafat meets with French Pres. François Mitterrand, FM Alain Juppé in Paris, calls on EU to pressure Israel to break impasse in talks. (WP, WT 2/21; MEI 3/3)

Arafat flies to Tunis to prepare for PLO Executive Comm. mtg. 2/21. In what is largely seen as snub to Arafat, no sr. PLO mbrs. meet him at airport; Mahmud Abbas leaves country hours before arrival; Faruq al-Qaddumi forces Arafat to come to his office for mtg. (WT 2/22; MM 2/28)

1,000 Palestinians are allowed to return to jobs in Israel. PM Rabin says 10,000 will eventually be allowed back in. (MM 2/2)

Israeli Atty. Gen. Mikhael Ben-Ya'ir confirms IDF reports Israeli undercover police have been carrying out joint patrols around Jericho with armed settlers for past 2 wks; says patrols exists, are a problem, but will continue. (IDF Radio 2/20 in FBIS 2/23; HA 2/27 in FBIS 2/28)

Israel's West Bank Border Police Cmdr. Yitzhak Aharonovitz says joint Israeli-PA patrols have assumed many IDF duties in Jenin, Nablus, Hebron, will soon be given responsibilities in Bethlehem, Tulkarm as part of separation plan being finalized by army. (JP 2/21 in FBIS 2/23)

Likud files no-confidence motion against Rabin government for deciding to ease closure on o.t. to reduce tension with PA, says it threatens Israeli security. (QY 2/20, JP 2/21 in FBIS 2/21; QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

PM Rabin, FM Peres appoint Shimon Shamir, frmr. amb. to Egypt, Israel's 1st amb. to Jordan. (IDF Radio 2/15 in FBIS 2/16; MM 2/16, 2/17)

Palestinian police detain Palestinian human rights lawyer Raji Sourani for 16 hrs. after he criticizes Arafat's decision to set up military court system (see 2/7). (MM 2/15; QY 2/15 in FBIS 2/15; AFP 2/15 in FBIS 2/16; MM, NYT 2/16; PR 2/20)

South Africa's FM Alfred Nazo signs agmt. with PLO's al-Qaddumi, officially recognizing Palestine; says recognition should not affect South Africa's relations with Israel. (PR 2/20)

U.S. continues to pressure Egypt to sign NPT. Says it will not force issue with Israel because of its "vulnerable position" in the region, fears of angering American supporters of Israel. Some mbrs. of Congress say they will push to reduce foreign aid to Egypt if it does not sign. (NYT 2/16)

Israel releases 2 Arab-Americans arrested 1/93 on suspicion of funnelling money to Hamas, drops all charges. (NYT 2/16)

Officials fr. 39 countries, financial institutions meet at State Dept. in Washington to discuss Middle East regional finance. Israel, Egypt, Jordan, PA agree to work toward setting up regional bank despite EU, Saudi Arabian opposition at Casablanca conference 11/94. U.S. promises to lobby internationally for support for project. (NYT 1/12; JT 1/14 in FBIS 1/18)

Oman informs Israel it will delay establishment of diplomatic relations, apparently as a result of Alexandria summit 12/29. Israeli Dep. FM Beilin dismisses declaration as insignificant. (QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; MM 1/12; QY 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; MM 2/6)

Arafat meets with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood officials, asks them to mediate btwn. PLO, Hamas. (AFP 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; Al-Sha`b 1/13 in FBIS 1/24; PR 1/15; Al-Musawwar 1/20 in FBIS 1/24)

UNRWA announces the following donations: $3.3 m. fr. Denmark for training centers in West Bank; $3.8 m. fr. Denmark for Gaza Hospital; $2.3 m. fr. Netherlands, $1.5 m. fr. Kuwait, $50,000 fr. Brazil, $40,000 fr. Portugal, $25,000 fr. Indonesia for UNRWA operations; $700,000 fr. Germany, $685,000 fr. Switzerland for education. (UNRWA News 1/11)

2 IDF soldiers lightly wounded when bomb explodes nr. their patrol at Kissufim crossing, Gaza. (MM 1/11)

Hizballah attacks IDF patrol in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA respond, using planes, tanks, artillery. 4 Hizballah mbrs. killed; 2 IDF, 1 SLA soldiers, 3 civilians wounded. (IDF Radio 1/11 in FBIS 1/12; WP, WT 1/12)

Arafat, PM Rabin meet at Erez checkpoint; agree on recognition of Palestinian passports, release of prisoners, routes linking autonomous areas. Men over 50, women over 35 will begin using safe-passage routes. (MM 1/9; AFP, QY, VOP 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT, WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15; MEI 2/3) (see 1/6)

Israeli-PA talks on procedures and mechanisms for elections, expanding self-rule reopen in Cairo. Parties defer discussion on redeployment, review events of previous 8 mtgs. (MM 1/9; MENA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 1/10; RE 1/9, MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; MENA 1/10 in FBIS 1/11)

PA holds conference on settlements in Jericho. Participants, incl. 4 PA mbrs. and Hamas mbrs., call on PA to suspend talks, step up protests, reconsider peace process in light of Israeli settlement violations. (MM 1/9; QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; NYT 1/10; Al-Quds 1/10, QY 1/11 in FBIS 1/11; CSM 1/12; PR 1/15)

PA, German officials meet in East Jerusalem to discuss development projects. Israeli FMin. complains it did not receive prior notice of mtg. (QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/10) (see 12/26)

U.S. Defense Secy. Perry receives briefing on Golan fr. IDF, say U.S. anticipates being asked to provide monitors for the area (as opposed to security forces). (MM 1/9; AFP, JP, QY 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; WP, WT 1/10; CSM 1/11; MEI 1/20; JP 1/21)

Poll released by Center for Palestine Research Studies shows that majority of Palestinians favor suspending (31.5%) or completely halting (20.6%) talks with Israel. (MM 1/9)

HA reports Iraq is ready to recognize Israel since Israel has reconciled with PLO, has asked Morocco to mediate; claims Iraqi official Ismat Katani visited senior FMin. official Yitzhak Lior in Israel. Lior admits mtg. took place but says Israeli-Iraqi relations were not discussed. (HA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/10)

Rigged donkey cart explodes in Gaza as bus of Jewish settlers passes. No injuries, no one takes responsibility. (NYT, WT 1/10)

Syrian FM al-Shara` leaves Tehran for Riyad to deliver King Fahd message fr. Pres. al-Asad; says trip's aim is to improve Gulf-Iranian relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30, 1/4, 1/6)

PA Transportation M `Abd al-`Aziz al-Haj Ahmad says Palestinian-Israeli Supreme Liaison Comm. has agreed to allow vehicles with Palestinian license plates to enter Israel as of 1/8, provided individuals have permission to cross Green Line. (VOP 1/7 in FBIS 1/10)

Likud leaders accuse PM Rabin of fraud in 1992 elections after book by PLO negotiator Mahmoud 'Abbas is released, claiming Rabin asked PLO to stall peace talks so Labor would win election; in return Labor would legalize, enter talks with PLO. Rabin, 'Abbas deny charge, say 'Abbas's aide wrote book for him. (WP, WT 1/8; ITV, QY 1/7, VOP 1/8 in FBIS 1/9; MM 1/9; QY 1/8, ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; JP 1/14, 1/21)

PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League treasurer Zakariyya Talmas complains only 3 journalist qualify for cards under PA rules "and they are dead." (Jerusalem Times 1/6 in FBIS 1/9)

Mtg. of all Arab FMs in Tunis ends. Parties recommend countries donate funds on bilateral basis, turn down PA request to recognize validity of Palestinian passports, fail to reach agmt. on aid for Palestinian police. PA delegation angered. (MM 1/6)

Jerusalem district director for Israeli Housing Min., Rina Zamir, says construction of 10,000 housing units in and around East Jerusalem will begin this yr. (MM 1/6; JP 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/16)

Arafat loyalists, opponents clash in `Ayn Hilwa r.c. in southern Lebanon after Arafat announces 400 Palestinians will be transferred to Gaza shortly. No casualties reported. PLO says Israel approved the transfer of 2,000 post-1948 refugees fr. Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Tunisia; Lebanon's quota is 470. (RL, VOL 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; VOL 1/6, Voice of the South 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; Al-Hayat 1/7 in FBIS 1/11) (see 12/19)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` visits Tehran to give Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani message fr. Pres. al-Asad about improving relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30)

Israel denies giving any U.S. technological information to China. (WT 1/7) (see 1/4)

U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Egypt for 2-day visit, talks with Pres. Mubarak about Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT, promises to defend aid to Egypt in Congress. (MENA 1/6 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/9; MEI 1/20)

1 settler shot dead, 1 wounded in West Bank nr. Ramallah. PFLP claims responsibility in revenge for killings on 1/4. (MM 1/6; QY 1/6 in FBIS 1/6;  AFP 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; WJW 1/12; JP 1/14)

Israeli parliament passes law by vote of 56 to 6 (with 32 abstentions), banning official Palestinian activities in Jerusalem that could close Orient House in Jerusalem, PLO's de facto FMin. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 12/27 in FBIS 12/29; WT 12/28; IGPO 1/4 in FBIS 1/6; MEI 1/6; JP 1/7)

PM Rabin secretly flies to Oman at invitation of Sultan Qabus, making 1st official visit by Israeli leader. (AFP, QY 12/26 in FBIS 12/27; NYT 12/28)

Israeli Amb. to the UN Gad Ya'aqobi says possibility of stationing military forces, observers in Golan within framework of peace agmt. btwn. Israel, Syria has been discussed in closed-door meetings at UN, informally btwn. UN representatives. (QY 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)

Arafat announces he will soon visit Jordan; King Hussein phones him to discuss visit. (VOP 12/26 in FBIS 12/28; Al-Quds 1/1 in FBIS 1/3)

Outgoing IDF Chief of Staff Baraq claims IDF is running successful secret operations against Hizballah "very far beyond" the self-declared security zone, in northern Lebanon, hence there is no need to expand zone. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)

Israeli West Bank Civil Administration declares disputed territory nr. Efrat state land, orders Arabs to evacuate. (IDF Radio 12/26 in FBIS 12/27) (see 12/24)

PM Rabin meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington, gives Clinton proposal to be handed to Syrian Pres. al-Asad. Clinton says he will lobby to maintain level of aid to Israel; for continued cooperation with Arrow missile program; for U.S. troop presence in Golan Heights if agmt. btwn. Israel, Syria is reached. Sen. Robert Dole, expected to become Senate maj. leader, also pledges to keep econ. aid to Israel at current level. (MM 11/21; QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM, NYT, WP 11/22; MEI 12/2; MM 12/7)

Arafat, 10,000 supporters hold rally in Gaza City to show support for peace with Israel. (QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; MM, WP, WT 11/22; CSM 11/28; MEI 12/2)

Fateh sets up 7 "emergency committees" to patrol with Palestinian police, act against Hamas and Islamic Jihad, remove opposition graffiti and write pro-PA graffiti. Comm. mbrs. will be armed, in plain clothes, mostly fr. Fateh Hawks. (QY 11/22 in FBIS 11/22)

PLO, Hamas agree on formula to end violence, but Hamas will not sign accord until Arafat takes responsibility for 11/18 incident. (AFP, QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/22; CSM 11/22; WP 11/24).

UN envoy to the Middle East Terje Larsen says Palestinians standard of living has dropped 50% since signing of Oslo agmt., appeals to donor countries to send promised aid. (AFP 11/22 in FBIS 11/23; QY 11/23 in FBIS 11/29)

Arafat holds mtgs. with Fateh, Islamic groups; indirectly accuses Israel of sparking 11/18 violence in attempt to assassinate Hamas leaders; releases 31 Islamic Jihad mbrs. fr. jail to appease opposition. Protests continue, Hamas asks Arafat to fire Justice M Frayh Abu-Midyan, 2 senior police officials. (NYT, WP, WT 11/21; VOP 11/20, 11/21 in FBIS 11/22, MM 11/22; PR 11/27; MEI 12/2)

PM Rabin states some Israelis are acting with "criminal irresponsibility" by "spreading lies" in the U.S. to discourage U.S. government fr. stationing of troops in Golan, asks embassy staff in U.S. to confront them. (IDF Radio, QY 11/21 in FBIS 11/21) (see 9/29)

Israeli FM Shimon Peres suggests Israel ease economic pressure on PA by giving PA $13 m. in tax money collected fr. Palestinians working in Israel. Some MKs oppose suggestion, saying Israel should not fund Palestinian autonomy. (QY 11/20 in FBIS 11/21; WP 11/21)

Sen. Helms calls Syrian efforts at peace a "fraud," says he will oppose U.S. troop presence in Golan as head of Foreign Relations Comm. (QY 11/20, Davar 11/21 in FBIS 11/21; NYT, WP 11/22)

PM Rabin orders more troops to guard settlements in Gaza Strip. (WP, WT 11/21)

7 Fateh Central Comm. mbrs. living outside autonomous areas hold mtg. in Tunis to discuss 11/18 violence. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 11/25 in FBIS 11/29)

New weekly newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadid is issued in o.t., claiming to be "new opposition," accepting PA while improving its performance fr. within. It is published by frmr. PLO Amb. to Moscow Nabil `Amr, edited by Hafiz Barghouti. (PR 11/20)

Israeli PM Rabin says he will tie Palestinian elections to revocation of parts of PLO charter. (MM 11/17; NYT 11/18)

PM Rabin arrives in U.S. to lobby Congress mbrs. for continuation of Israel's $3 b. annual foreign aid. Incoming head of U.S. Foreign Relations Comm., Sen. Jesse Helms, has suggested halting Israel's $1.2 b. economic aid, simultaneously forgiving Israel's debt. (MM, WT 11/16; IDF Radio 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; WT 11/17; WJW 11/24)

Jordan lifts economic boycott against Israel, drafts customs regulations based on Israeli-Jordanian agmt. (AFP 11/16 in FBIS 11/16)

Arafat holds PLO Exec. Comm. mtg. in Gaza (previously scheduled for 11/15) after 2 mbrs. arrive fr. abroad. The 8 mbrs. in attendance cannot form the quorum of 12 required by PLO charter. Those attending are: Arafat, PA Finance M Muhammad Zuhdi al-Nashashibi, PA Education M Yasir `Amr, PA Culture M Yasir `Abid Rabbu, PA Labor M Samir Ghawshah, Palestine Liberation Front leader Ali Ishaq, independents Juweid Sourani, Jamal Sourani. (PR 11/20)

UNRWA Commissioner-General Ilter Türkmen meets with Arafat in Gaza to discuss current conditions, developments in autonomous areas, project coordination. (UNRWA News 11/30)

Arafat orders release of 30 Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested in crackdown following 11/11 suicide bombing. (QY 11/16 in FBIS 11/17)

Jane's Intelligence Review says Israel has 200+ nuclear weapons, incl. gravity bombs, missiles, shells, mines; is currently testing sea-launched cruise missile. (WT 11/17, 11/19)

Israel hands over responsibility for tourism, social services in West Bank to PNA. Tourism dept. has no control over religious, archeological sites outside Jericho; can only issue licenses to hotels, tour guides, supervise souvenir shops. Soc. services dept. can issue welfare checks, run rehab. programs, treatment centers, but IDF will prevent transfer of money to Islamist groups. (MM 11/15; QY 11/15 in FBIS 11/16; NYT 11/16)

Israeli FMin. Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says mtg. was held recently at undisclosed location btwn. Israeli, Lebanese officials to discuss curbing Hizballah, Islamic Jihad. (MM 11/16)

PNA requests gas, electricity links with Egypt, opening of Rafah border point to Egyptian goods in hopes of breaking Palestinian dependence on Israel. (MENA 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Israeli-Jordanian committees on security, tourism convene to discuss implementation of peace agmt. (QY, RJ 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

PLO Exec. Comm. is canceled after 10 of 18 mbrs. fail to show. (RMC 11/15, QY 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; AFP, QY, VOP 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

PM Rabin accuses Chmn. Arafat of doing little to prevent attacks on Israelis, says Israel-PLO accord may collapse, adds that arrest of 180 Islamic Jihad mbrs. is not enough of a reaction to bombing 11/11. (WT 11/16)

Arafat announces PLO Exec. Comm mtg. to hold 1st mtg, in Gaza 11/15. (VOP 11/12 in FBIS 11/14; QY 11/15 in FBIS 11/15)

Palestinian police arrest more than 100 Islamic Jihad mbrs. following bombing 11/11. Arafat announces ban on political rallies by opponents of Israel-PLO accords. (AFP, QY 11/12, ITV 11/13 in FBIS 11/14; NYT 11/13, 11/15)

Israeli Finance M Shohat says if U.S. long-term interest rates rise much further, it will be uneconomical to raise funds by means of U.S. loan guarantees. (JP 11/12)

1,000 students rally at Univ. of Jordan to protest Israeli-Jordanian agmt. (STV 11/12, Al-Majd 11/14 in FBIS 11/15)

Turkish PM Tansu Ciller ends 3-day visit to Israel; meets with Arafat in Gaza City, pledges $50 m. to autonomous areas; causes conflict with Israelis by holding mtg. with PLO's Faisal Husseini at Orient House in East Jerusalem. (MM 11/4; WT 11/5, 11/6; QY, RMC, VOP 11/6 in FBIS 11/7; MM 11/7; MM 11/8; JP 11/12)

Syrian Pres. al-Asad, Lebanese Pres. Hrawi meet in Damascus to discuss Israeli PM Rabin's 11/1 remarks on southern Lebanon. (SARR 11/5 in FBIS 11/7; JP 11/12)

Israeli Dep. DM Gur says Israel will consider direct talks with Lebanon on phased pullout fr. southern Lebanon if Lebanese present viable plan ensuring total cessation of violence. (JP 11/12)

PNA announces Egypt will open representative office in Gaza, consulate in Jericho; Arafat names Zuhdi al-Qidrah as PNA representative to Cairo. (MENA 11/5 in FBIS 11/7)

Israeli study shows Fateh has not made any lethal attacks on Israelis since autonomy agmt. was signed in May. (QY 11/6 in FBIS 11/8; WT 11/8)

Lebanese Pres. Hrawi proposes establishing comm. with Israel to draw up timetable for Israeli withdrawal fr. Lebanon, vows that "not one bullet will be fired during this period." (RL 10/29 in FBIS 10/31; NYT, WP 10/30; MENA 10/29, MENA, RMC 10/31 in FBIS 11/1)

50 Jewish settlers rampage through Hebron, attack Palestinians with sticks, stones injuring 2. IDF arrests 2 settlers. (WP 10/30)

In 4th straight day of fighting, Hizballah attacks IDF post in southern Lebanon, kills 1, wounds 2 IDF soldiers. IDF shells villages, kill 1, wound 8 Lebanese citizens. (AFP, QY 10/29, RL 10/30 in FBIS 10/31; NYT, WP, WT 10/30; MM 10/31; JP 11/5)

Shlomo Goren, former chief rabbi of Israel and outspoken critic of reconciliation with PLO, dies in Jerusalem. (NYT, WP, WT 10/30; WJW 11/3: JP 11/5)

Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty is signed on Israel-Jordan border by PM Rabin, King Hussein. Agmt. removes trade sanctions, opens border btwn. the countries, gives Jordan special rights to holy cities in Jerusalem. Clinton attends, but neither Egypt's Pres. Mubarak, Arafat are invited. PLO factions, Hamas order general strike in Israeli o.t., autonomous areas to protest signing. (MM 10/26; VOP 10/26 in FBIS 10/26; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 10/27; JP 11/5)

Pres. Clinton addresses joint session of Jordanian parliament; outlines Middle East economic plan; says U.S. will help establish a Middle East Development Bank, provide $75 m. for new private investment in Jordan. (MM 10/27)

Multilaterals on environment end. Mbrs. agree on "Codes of good conduct and cooperation," need to prevent industrial pollution and toxic dumping, creation of regional environmental protection center in Manama. Gulf states refuse to work with Israel on Aqaba cleanup project. (AFP 10/26 in FBIS 10/27)

Hizballah shells Israeli positions in southern Lebanon. IDF, SLA respond, shelling Hizballah camps. No damage reported. (QY 10/26 in FBIS 10/26; NYT, WP, WT 10/27; JP 11/5)

U.S. Pres. Clinton arrives in Cairo for start of Middle East tour; meets with Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, PLO Chmn. Arafat; presses Arafat to support Israel-Jordan agmt., clamp down on Hamas. (NYT 10/25; MENA 10/25 in FBIS 10/26; WP, WT 10/26; JP 11/5)

Multilaterals on environment open in Bahrain. Delegations fr. 45 states attend. Israel's call for summit on desertification of region is met by "Arab reservations." Saudi delegation refuses to meet with Israeli delegation. (Wakh 10/25 in FBIS 10/26; AFP 10/25 in FBIS 10/27)

2 days of Palestinian-Israeli talks on elections end in Cairo. PNA submits proposal for 100-mbr. "Autonomy Council" with legislative powers. Israeli response expected in 1 wk. (AFP, MENA 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)

Arafat, rebutting King Hussein's comments of 10/24, says if Jordan, Israel do not accept Jerusalem as capital of future Palestinian state, "they can drink sea water." (MM 10/25; JP 11/5)

Knesset ratifies Jordan-Israel agmt. by vote of 105 to 3, with 6 abstentions. (MM 10/26; JP 11/5; WP 11/7)

Vatican establishes "permanent and official" relations with PLO to balance its ties with Israel, assure access to Jerusalem holy sites after final status is resolved. PLO will open office in Vatican. (NYT, WP, WT 10/26; WJW 11/3)

Israeli, U.S. reach agmt. to start construction of U.S. "diplomatic buildings" in Jerusalem suspected to house U.S. embassy in future. (HA 10/25 in FBIS 10/26)

Jordan's King Hussein defends agmt. with Israel, saying Jordan will act in its own interests to reverse its isolation; dismisses Palestinian protests to Jordan's control of Jerusalem's holy sites. Arafat says PLO will boycott signing of the agmt. (NYT, WP, WT 10/23; WT 10/26)

Israeli cabinet holds emergency session; increases quotas on Thais, Romanians, Bulgarians, Chinese to replace Palestinian laborers working in Israel; gives security forces "additional means required" to fight Hamas. IDF destroys home of family of suspect in bus bombing 10/19. (NYT, WP, WT 10/21; WP 10/25)

Jordanian, Israeli negotiators end round of talks, sign draft on water, land issues, say they have reached agmts. on all controversial issues on main and subagendas. (RJ, QY 10/20 in FBIS 10/21)

PNA announces new 13-mbr. Palestinian National Council for the Encouragement of Investment to be headed by Econ. M Qurai` (3 mbrs. to be appointed by Arafat, other 10 by PNA Mins.) (JP 10/20 in FBIS 10/21)

PNA releases draft investment regulations, inc. tax incentives, guarantees to private investors against nationalization; gives priority to "special development areas": Gaza, Janin, Jordan Valley. (JP 10/20 in FBIS 10/21)

PLO submits official protest to Arab League against paragraph of Jordan-Israel accord dealing with Jerusalem. (MENA 10/20 in FBIS 10/21)

Hizballah fires 30 katayushas into Galilee in response to IDF, SLA attack 10/19. Minor damage, no injuries. U.S. Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Christopher contact Lebanese PM Hariri, FM Buwayz to diffuse tensions on border. (QY 10/21 in FBIS 10/21; MM 10/21; WP, WT 10/22; JP 10/29)

Hamas extends deadline for release of 200-300 prisoners by 24 hrs. Within 1 hr., based on information from Arafat, IDF raids West Bank house where IDF soldier is being held. Kidnapped soldier, 1 other soldier killed, 12 wounded by kidnappers; 3 Hamas mbrs. killed, 2 arrested. Location of soldier in Israeli o.t. embarrasses PM Rabin, who swore he was in PNA controlled Gaza. Rabin vows to resume talks with PNA as soon as possible. (ITV, QY 10/14 in FBIS 10/17; NYT, WP, WT 10/15; CSM, MM 10/17; JP 10/22)

U.S. Secy. of State Christopher, Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, PLO Chmn. Arafat hold talks in Cairo; discuss aid transfers, Hamas, other obstacles to peace. (MENA, RE 10/13 in FBIS 10/14, MM 10/14)

Multilateral arms control seminar on threat assessment closes in Paris. Positions presented, no draft document signed, but gaps btwn. parties "narrow significantly." Teams leave for Germany to attend military maneuvers. (Davar 10/14 in FBIS 10/17)

Israel gives PNA power to collect customs tariffs, conduct searches at Allenby Bridge. (VOP 10/14 in FBIS 1021)

PFLP's George Habbash, DFLP's Hawatmeh announce they want to unify the 2 groups into 1, inc. administration, finance, military, intelligence. (Al-Sharq Al-Awsat 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

Israel suspends all negotiations with PLO after Hamas announces it is holding an IDF soldier hostage. Hamas says it will kill the soldier 10/14 if 200 Palestinian prisoners--inc. Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, Shaykh Salah Shehadeh, Shaykh `Abd al-Karim Obeid, Mustafa al-Dirani--are not released. PM Rabin calls emergency cabinet mtg., suspends transfer of aid fr. donor countries, seals Gaza, says he holds Arafat responsible. Arafat condemns abduction, calls mtg. of PSF. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/12; AFP, ITV, JP, Al-Quds radio 10/11, MENA, VOP , QY 10/12 in FBIS 10/12; CSM 10/13; HA 10/14 in FBIS 10/14)

Jordanian, Palestinian officials conclude talks in Amman, announce broad agmts. on trade, customs, banking, civil aviation; agree to draw up position papers on Awqaf, refugees. (JT 10/12 in FBIS 10/12; JTV 10/12 in FBIS 10/13)

U.S. FM Christopher meets with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, says both Syria, Israel have made significant movements towards peace, says he has been pleased al-Asad has taken U.S. advice and made public gestures showing he is serious. (SARR 10/11 in FBIS 10/11; WP 10/12)

FM Christopher leaves Syria for Amman, meets with King Hussein, Crown Prince Hassan to discuss U.S.-Jordanian relations, peace talks, Iraqi maneuvers. (JTV 10/11 in FBIS 10/12, MM 10/12)

PM Rabin confirms that rifles used in Hamas attack 10/10 were AK47's belonging to the Palestinian police. (NYT 10/12)

The Nobel committee decides to award the Nobel Peace Prize to PLO chmn. Arafat, Israeli PM Rabin. (MM 10/11; NYT, WT 10/12; CSM, WJW 10/13; MM 10/14)

U.S. Commerce Sec. Ron Brown holds mtg. with mbrs. of Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC) delegation of Palestinian businessmen on 5-day visit to seek American funding for projects in West Bank, Gaza. (WT 10/12; JP 10/15)

Iraqi retreat is detected by U.S. intelligence. Pres. Clinton says it is too early to reach conclusions on Saddam Hussein's action, U.S. will continue reinforcement of the Gulf, may press for enlarging demilitarized zone along Kuwaiti border. (NYT, WP, WT 10/12)

IDF, SLA continue shelling southern Lebanon, "deport" 26 Kufr Hunah villagers fr. self-declared security zone. Lebanese FM Buwayz asks UN to act. (RL 10/11 in FBIS 10/12; MM 10/12)

Palestinian-Israeli talks on elections resume in Cairo, parties clash again on issue of opposition participation, size of proposed council, whether higher election comm. should inc. Israelis. (AFP 10/10 in FBIS 10/11, MM 10/11)

Jordanian-Israeli bilaterals resume in Eilat. (RJ 10/10 in FBIS 10/11)

Hamas issues statement marking 4th anniversary of Al-Aqsa massacre, says it will conduct operations throughout Palestine in commemoration. (AFP 10/10 in FBIS 10/11)

Under pressure fr. U.S., Jordan's King Hussein, PLO's Arafat join other Arab states in issuing statements critical of Iraqi troop movements. (NYT 10/11, 10/12; WP 10/12)

Iraqi Pres. Hussein says he is withdrawing troops fr. Kuwait's border. Clinton says intelligence reports no pullback, sends 550 combat aircraft to the region. (NYT, WP, WT 10/11)

Khalid al-Hassan dies of cancer in Rabat. Was a founding mbr. of PLO, senior advisor to Arafat, considered intellectual leader of conservative branch in Fateh. (NYT 10/9)

2,000 pro-Fateh Palestinians march through Gaza City demanding freedom for remaining Palestinian prisoners. (WT 10/9)

Hizballah attacks 6 SLA positions in southern Lebanon, IDF returns heavy fire, no casualties. UNIFIL protests IDF use of banned cluster bombs, shelling of Irish UN h.q. during fighting. (JP 10/9 in FBIS 10/12; MM 10/10)

Arab League "strongly denounces" Israeli PM Rabin's decision to build new housing in West Bank settlement, calling it a "flagrant violation" of the DOP. (MENA, RE 9/27 in FBIS 9/28)

Israeli FM Peres meets with Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem in New York, asks him to help arrange mtg. btwn. PM Rabin, Syrian Pres. al-Asad. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)

Jordan renounces religious links to West Bank, reaffirms spiritual authority in Jerusalem in move to avoid conflict with PLO. PNA says it will assume administrative, financial duties for West Bank religious institutions next mo. (JTV 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; NYT 9/28; MM 9/28; QY 9/28 in FBIS 9/28; AFP 9/28 in FBIS 9/29; MEI 10/7; JP 10/8)

Hamas calls on its mbrs. to avoid clashes with Palestinian police. (VOP 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; WT 9/28) (see 9/24)

Israeli PM Rabin approves plan to expand Givat Tal settlement in West Bank by 994 units to relieve housing shortage in Tel Aviv, tighten Israel's hold on area of West Bank at point where Israel is only 7 mi. wide before talks on permanent peace begin in 1996. PLO releases strong condemnation. (MM 9/26; HA 9/26 in FBIS 9/27; WP, WT 9/27)

PNA Planning M Shaath returns fr. official visit to Australia; says prospects are strong for increased Australian assistance, investment, participation in multilateral force. (MENA 9/25 in FBIS 9/26)

Baruch Marzel, head of Kach who was arrested after Hebron massacre, is released fr. jail to 3-mo. house arrest, meets with Kach activists. Marzel's men waiting outside Hebron jail threaten Palestinian family at gun point, stone Palestinian's car. (QY 9/26 in FBIS 9/30; MM, WT 9/28)

DFLP's Hawatmeh says dialogues are underway btwn. DFLP, Gulf states, he will visit Gulf shortly. (Al-Ra'y 9/26 in FBIS 9/26)

Israeli PM Rabin, PLO Chmn. Arafat hold unusually friendly mtg. to discuss elections, redeployment of IDF. Both agree to start negotiations on elections 10/3. Arafat tells Rabin he is trying to convene PNC to amend charter. (QY, VOP 9/25 in FBIS 9/26; MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/26; Davar 9/26 in FBIS 9/27; WJW 9/29; MEI 10/7)

Arab League Asst. Sec. Gen. `Adnan 'Imran says the league rejects Israel's demand to withdraw UN resolutions on the Palestinian question, calls U.S. decision to issue Amb. Albright's memorandum "regrettable." (RE 9/25 in FBIS 9/26) (see 9/20)

Fatah's Supreme Comm. announces formation of preparatory comm. for elections, calls on all political forces to participate in elections, denounces Israel's procrastination on elections process. (VOP 9/25 in FBIS 9/26)

1 settler stabbed, wounded in Gaza by Palestinian carrying leaflet fr. Hamas. Hamas denies responsibility. (WT 9/26)

U.S. envoy Dennis Ross arrives in Jerusalem, talks with PM Peres and FM Rabin, says "real gaps" remain btwn. Israeli, Syrian positions. Later meets with Arafat, discusses aid, elections. (MM 9/21; WT 9/22; VOP 9/22 in FBIS 9/22)

PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi, Jordanian PM al-Majali meet in Jordan, agree to resume PLO-Jordanian contacts at the "ministerial level" before end of the month. (JT 9/24 in FBIS 9/26)

Al-Qaddumi vows to fight new U.S. position in UN, strengthen language of resolutions presented. Egypt, Jordan say they will also oppose U.S. moves. (Reuters 9/21; RJ 9/26 in FBIS 9/26)

Israeli PM Rabin holds consultations on Palestinian elections with FM Peres, MK Shahal, MK Sarid, Chief of Staff Barak, IDF, police officials. Rabin, Barak want negotiations on elections only, talks on extending autonomy later. Peres, others say there is no choice but to discuss all issues simultaneously. (ITV, QY 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Jordan's Crown Prince Hasan, Likud head Binyamin Netanyahu meet in London, discuss Jordanian, Likud views on negotiations. Netanyahu suggest Jordan, Israel reach a "strategic consensus" opposing PLO; Hassan gives no reaction. (JTV 9/21 in FBIS 9/22; MM 9/22; JP 10/1)

Arafat meets with Hamas mbrs. inc. spokesmen Mahmud al-Zahhar, Isma'il Haniyah; discusses ways to enhance national unity, safeguard security in autonomous areas; releases 3 Hamas mbrs. detained after shooting 9/17. (VOP 9/22 in FBIS 9/22; AFP 9/22 in FBIS 9/23)

IDF imposes curfew on village of Biddu nr. Ramallah after riot sparked by death 9/18 of Palestinian by IDF at roadblock. (QY 9/21 in FBIS 9/21)

Arafat approves license of pro-Islamist daily newspaper, Al-Istiqlal to be run by `Ala' al-Saftawi, `Adnan `Abu-Hasnah. (VOP 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

Israeli border police arrests 7 Palestinian policemen for being in Jerusalem area without permits. (ITV 9/21 in FBIS 9/22)

U.S. issues "angry warning" to PM Rabin to stop talks with Iraq following reports 2 Iraqi-born MK's initiated contacts in July; suggests military, economic aid is at risk. Housing M Binyamin Ben-Eliezer admits secret negotiations with Syria over a peace treaty occurred. Rabin claims he knew nothing, Syrian government denies reports. (AFP, ITV, JP, QY 9/19 in FBIS 9/19; WT 9/23)

PECDAR concludes econ. mtg. in Cairo. PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq al-Qaddumi issues statement encouraging new mtg. of donor states, quick disbursal of aid so autonomy process is not hampered. (Al-Hayat 9/20 in FBIS 9/20)

Islamic Unification Movement issues leaflet in Gaza announcing its establishment; claims it advocates unity and coordination, does not oppose any Islamic or national faction (inc. PNA). (Al-Manar 9/19 in FBIS 9/22)

Declassified British documents admit British intelligence secretly established, ran Sharq al-Adna radio in Palestine fr. 1941-56. The station, fronted as an Arab radio, was influential during the Suez crisis, broadcasting anti-Nasir/anti-Israeli propaganda. (WT 9/19)

Britain's MI6 says Iraq's Deputy PM Tariq Aziz met secretly with an Israeli delegation headed by Housing M Binyamin Ben Eliezer in Rabat 1 mo. ago to try to draw up a peace treaty. Israeli FMin. denies the report. (Sunday Times 9/18 in WT 9/19, FBIS 9/21; CSM 9/19; WT 9/21; WJW 9/22; MEI 9/23)

Israeli police extend ban on Kach, Kahane Chai for 6 mos. (QY 9/18 in FBIS 9/19)

Palestinian Amb. to Iraq `Azzam al-Ahmad says PLO has stopped VOP transmissions fr. Baghdad, Sana`a', Algiers; will now rely solely on VOP Jericho. (Al-Dustur 9/18 in FBIS 9/20)

IDF kills 1 Palestinian, wounds 1 when car fails to stop for roadblock nr. Ramallah. In separate incident, 1 IDF soldier wounded in knifing by Palestinian nr. Tel Aviv. (WT 9/19)

Hamas issues leaflet denying association with men who shot a Palestinian policeman 9/17, blame PSF men who were also at the scene. Arafat calls in PSF's Gaza head Muhammad Dahlan to explain. (MM 9/19; QY 9/19 in FBIS 9/19; MEI 9/23)