Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel...
May 24, 1990
May 16, 1990
Egypt's Pres. Hosni Mubarak meets with U.S. Sec. of State James Baker in Egypt's embassy in Moscow to discuss Middle East events [CDS 5/16 in FBIS 5/ 17; MEM 5/17].
Palestinian leaders from...
May 15, 1990
Gen. sec. Gorbachev and Hosni Mubarak sign declaration in Moscow condemning settlement of Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T. [NYT, WT 5/16].
May 14, 1990
Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].
April 28, 1990
Pleasure cruise in Gulf of Aqaba by Jordan's King Hussein is interrupted as Israeli naval patrol fires shots nearby. Israelis say they were clearing guns in routine weapons check, king's yacht...
April 27, 1990
Interim P.M. Shamir accepts Pres. Herzog's mandate to try to form new Israeli gov't., quickly dismisses Labor suggestion that short-term "national unity" gov't. be formed to revise Israel's...
April 19, 1990
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including...
April 17, 1990
Jerusalem District Court overturns lower court ruling, allows eviction of Jewish nationalists from Hospice of St. John (cf. 4/10) [WP, LAT, WT 4/18; NYT 4/ 19; JDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].
April 16, 1990
Faisal Husayni arrives "unexpectedly" in Moscow to attend symposium on Soviet Jewish emigration [TASS 4/ 17].
Skirmishes between Israeli and Egyptian forces occur after Israeli patrol...
April 6, 1990
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied...
April 1, 1990
Hungarian airline Malev resumes direct flights for Soviet Jews from Budapest to Tel Aviv [WP 4/2].
Estimated 120,000 people demonstrate outside UN in New York in support of Soviet Jewish...
February 20, 1990
In advance of human rights report to be issued 2/21, U.S. State Dep't. says Israeli soldiers continue to violate Palestinian human rights, causing "avoidable deaths and injuries." State Dep't....
February 19, 1990
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD...
February 5, 1990
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [...
February 3, 1990
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow,...
January 10, 1990
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
December 7, 1989
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8]....
February 24, 1989
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T....
July 28, 1988
Arab World: The Jordanian govemment announces it is ending 5-year, $1.3 billion development program for the territories [FJ 7/31, NYT 7/29].
Other Countries...
June 9, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report issued by 6 Israeli doctors concludes IDF should stop using high velocity bullets that have left 15 people fully or partially...
May 19, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in...
April 10, 1988
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud ministers David Levy and Ariel Sharon criticize IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron; Sharon demands demolition of all houses in Bayta, except...
March 16, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike continues in occupied territories. Def. Min. Rabin threatens to introduce additional sanctions in W. Bank and Gaza Strip...
March 8, 1988
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of stabbed Palestinian policeman is found in refugee camp north of Jericho [WP 3/9]. In Biddu village, Israeli authorities demolish...
December 22, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tours Gaza, says more troops are being deployed in occupied territories. According to Palestine Press Service, 2...
June 25, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir makes unannounced visit to Gaza [JP 6/26]. Reports indicate armed Palestinian cell in Balatah camp has been discovered and...
June 22, 1987
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being a guard at W.W. II Nazi death camp, reconvenes after month-long adjournment; defendant is...
November 23, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with...
November 20, 1986
Other Countries: High level representatives of Fateh and PFLP meet in Prague to discuss reunifying the PLO. Fateh Central Committee member Abu Jihad leaves Prague...
August 6, 1986
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court upholds presidential pardon of Shin Bet chief and his three aides. Eight other Shin Bet members apply for similar...
Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel [have not been]" [WP 5/25]; Yitzhak Rabin believes Israel must oppose idea of UN observers, says "It is inconceivable that we, who observe international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. . should accept the supervision of an element which. . .has participated in almost no peaceful process" [JDS 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MET 6/5].
Bush admin., in effort to avoid confrontation with Israel, says it will discuss possibility of UN observer force in O.T., but objects to any permanent UN presence [LAT 5/25].
Members of House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East blast State Dept's. 3/19 report saying PLO has honored its commitment to renounce terrorism, call report a "whitewash and a pack of lies"; ass't.sec. of state John Kelly defends report [WP 5/25J.
PLO Exec. Committee member Mahmud Abbas meets in Moscow with Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [TASS 5/24; KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
Head of Israeli Army's Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Mordekhay, meets with 24 W. Bank Palestinians to explain Army curfews and actions following 5/20 killings. Palestinians are top officials in education and commerce [JDS 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
5-member Soviet delegation arrives in Israel to investigate violence in O.T.; head of group, Mikhail Kapitsa, accuses Israel of acting like "an elephant in a china shop" [MEM 5/25; MET 6/5]; Bernard Kouchner, French minister of state for humanitarian aid, also arrives for fact-finding tour, says he is "deeply depressed" by conditions in Gaza [MEM 5/25; FJ 5/28].
Egypt's Pres. Hosni Mubarak meets with U.S. Sec. of State James Baker in Egypt's embassy in Moscow to discuss Middle East events [CDS 5/16 in FBIS 5/ 17; MEM 5/17].
Palestinian leaders from O.T. present Israel with list of 17 demands aimed at creating atmosphere conducive to negotiations [YA 5/17 in FBIS 5/18].
Israeli peace activist Abbie Nathan, returning to Israel after meeting with Yasir Arafat in Tunis, is arrested for violating law prohibiting meeting PLO members. Nathan was released from jail last February after serving 6 months for previous meeting with Arafat (cf. 5/17) [MEM 5/16, 5/18].
Asharq al-Awsat, citing Palestinian sources, reports PLO has begun regrouping its military forces. Last week, 1,600- 1,800 fighters began move from Jordan to Iraq, while some units in Algeria and Sudan will move to Libya and North Yemen [MEM 5/16].
Israel Central Bureau of Statistics reports economic slowdown for 1st quarter of 1990; cites more unemployment, fewer exports, increased imports, and growing consumption as reasons UPD 5/17 in FBIS 5/17].
Gen. sec. Gorbachev and Hosni Mubarak sign declaration in Moscow condemning settlement of Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T. [NYT, WT 5/16].
Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].
Israeli authoritiesays they are considering reopening colleges and universities in O.T. that have been closed for over 2 years [NYT 5/15].
Thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians march near Jordan's border with W. Bank to show support for intifada. Police fire tear gas to keep crowd from converging on border; at least 53 are injured [NYT, WP 5/15].
Pres. Mubarak arrives in Moscow for meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, first visit to USSR by Egyptian leader in 18 years [WT 5/15].
Pleasure cruise in Gulf of Aqaba by Jordan's King Hussein is interrupted as Israeli naval patrol fires shots nearby. Israelis say they were clearing guns in routine weapons check, king's yacht flees into Saudi coastal waters, no injuries are reported [LAT 5/5].
Washington Post reports trust and goodwill between Washington and Jerusalem is eroding; U.S.-Israeli relations are at lowest since early 1980s [WP 4/28].
Mikhail Gorbachev receives Pres. Hafiz Asad in Moscow to discuss Soviet-Syrian relations and Middle East peace [PRAVDA 4/29].
Interim P.M. Shamir accepts Pres. Herzog's mandate to try to form new Israeli gov't., quickly dismisses Labor suggestion that short-term "national unity" gov't. be formed to revise Israel's electoral system [JDS 4/27 in FBIS 4/27; NYT, LAT 4/28].
Church of the Holy Sepulcher locks its doors for first time in 800 years, all other Christian shrines in Holy Land also close in protest over presence of Jewish settlers in St. John's Hospice [NYT, LAT 4/28].
General strike called for by UNLU is observed in W. Bank [JDS 4/27 in FBIS 4/27].
Syria's Pres. Asad arrives in Moscow for talks with Mikhail Gorbachev (cf. 4/ 28) [TASS 4/27; MET 5/8-14].
Several Katyusha rockets are fired into Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon; no injuries [MET 5/8-14].
Robert Dole tells his Senate colleagues they made "dangerous" mistake in passing resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [LAT 4/20]; key House Republicans, including Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, criticize Dole for straying from the party's "unwavering commitment to Israel" [NYT, WT 4/20].
Former nat. sec. advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski endorses notion of cutting foreign aid to Israel and other top recipients, saying "It is simply an absurd situation in which one single country has come to view American aid for itself to be a permanent entitlement" [WT 4/20].
PLO officials, Soviet Jewish organizations, and members of Jewish intelligentsia meet in Moscow to discuss settling of Soviet Jews in O.T. [MTS 4/19 in FBIS 4/23].
Tear gas canister is thrown into Agudat Israel party meeting near Tel Aviv [LAT 4/20; JDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/20; WP 4/23].
Rabbi Avraham Verdiger, 1 of 2 party members who withdrew support for Shimon Peres at vote on 4/11, reverses his position, says he will support Peres in future vote [NYT, LAT, WT 4/20].
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine stalls release of American hostage, apparently due to U.S. refusal to send high-ranking diplomat to Syria to work out unspecified details [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 4/20].
Arafat arrives in Baghdad on state visit [BVP 4/19 in FBIS 4/20].
Israeli air force bombs PFLP-GC bases in S. Lebanon [jDS 4/19 in FBIS 4/19].
Jerusalem District Court overturns lower court ruling, allows eviction of Jewish nationalists from Hospice of St. John (cf. 4/10) [WP, LAT, WT 4/18; NYT 4/ 19; JDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].
In Moscow, Faisal Husayni meets with Soviet F.M. officials to discuss Jewish emigration [YA 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].
Arafat arrives in Amman for official state visit [ADS 4/17 in FBIS 4/17].
Palestinians commemorate 2d anniversary of assassination Abu Jihad [Kahlil al-Wazir]; at least 30 Gazans are injured in marches [jDS 4/17 in FBIS 4/18].
Pres. Saddam Hussein says Iraqi military commanders have standing orders to attack Israel with chemical weapons in event Israel uses nuclear weapons against Iraq [LAT 4/18].
Faisal Husayni arrives "unexpectedly" in Moscow to attend symposium on Soviet Jewish emigration [TASS 4/ 17].
Skirmishes between Israeli and Egyptian forces occur after Israeli patrol crosses border claiming to pursue infiltrators; Egypt sends strongly-worded protest to Israel [jDS, RMC 4/18 in FBIS 4/19].
Le Monde reports 3hostages freed on 4/10 by Fateh Revolutionary Council were originally kidnapped by Libyan navy in 1986, not by Abu Nidal's group in 1987 [WT 4/17].
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied territories." White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater agrees Israel should give such assurances, adding "We oppose settlements in the occupied territories" [LAT 4/7].
Responding to appeal by Libyan leader Qadhafi, spokesperson for Abu Nidal's Revolutionary Council says the group will release 3 European hostages in next few days (cf. 4/7, 4/10) [NYT, LAT 4/7].
After Vatican meeting with Pope John Paul II, Arafat tells reporters that D.M. Rabin and P.M. Shamir have sent emissaries with messages to Pope [NYT, LAT 4/7].
Hungarian airline Malev resumes direct flights for Soviet Jews from Budapest to Tel Aviv [WP 4/2].
Estimated 120,000 people demonstrate outside UN in New York in support of Soviet Jewish emigration, call for direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv [WT 4/ 2].
Israeli Tourism Ministry reports 1,425,000 people visited Israel in 1989, an increase of 9.7% over 1988 [MET 4/ 10-16].
PLO has rebuilt its military strength in Lebanon to 11,000 troops, more than the 8,000 who were forced out by 1982 Israeli invasion [NYT 4/2].
In advance of human rights report to be issued 2/21, U.S. State Dep't. says Israeli soldiers continue to violate Palestinian human rights, causing "avoidable deaths and injuries." State Dep't. also reports "significant increase in violence by Palestinians directed at other Palestinians" (cf. 2/21) [NYT 2/21].
Washington Post article cites recent statements by Israeli gov't. officials to the effect that PLO is continuing terrorism [WP 2/21].
Jordan's P.M. and D.M. Mudar Badran says financial considerations have forced Jordanian fighter pilots to train with Iraqi counterparts; this does not mean joint squadron is being formed. Badran accuses Israel of exploiting the subject [RAY 2/21 in FBIS 2/21].
Egypt's ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Basyuni, says "Egypt does not oppose Jewish immigration to Israel, but does oppose the settling of new immigrants in the territories" [MAA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22].
PLO envoy Hakam Balawi meets with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [SVP 2/21 in FBIS 2/23].
Hundreds of Israeli Arabs demonstrate against Interior and Finance ministries, urging them to honor pledge to aid Arab local councils in Israel [FJ 2/26].
Chrmn. of the Supreme Soviet International Affairs Committee, A.S. Dzasokhov, meets in Moscow with PLO Executive Committee members Mahmud Abbas and Sulayman Najjab to discuss strengthening Soviet-Palestinian relations [IZV 2/21].
2 UNIFIL soldiers are killed, at least 6 are wounded by artillery fire directed at S. Lebanon outpost from inside Israel's "security zone"; initial Israeli army statement says bombing occurred during gunfire between SLA and Hizballah [JDS 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; NYT 2/21]; UN protests to Israeli gov't. [WP 2/21].
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
5 Knesset members announce reestablishment of Likud faction Liberal Party, which had previously merged with Herut movement [JDS 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
High-level Palestinian delegation, sent by Yasir Arafat, arrives in Beirut to meet with Gen. Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea [MENA 2/20 in FBIS 2/21].
Under pressure from Arab gov'ts., Soviet Union rejects U.S. appeal to allow direct flights for Soviet Jews from Moscow to Tel Aviv [NYT 2/20].
Soviet ambassador to Cairo, Gennadiy Zhuravlev, has stressed USSR readiness to host Israeli-Palestinian talks; denies this undermines Egypt's role [RYF 2/19 in FBIS 2/28].
Israeli air force bombs DFLP bases near Kfar Jarah, 4 miles east of Sidon in Lebanon; one person reported killed [LAT 2/ 20; IDF 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [NYT, WP 2/6; MET 2/13].
PLO supporters in the O.T., including Sari Nusaybah, denounce 2/4 bus attack, say such attacks do not serve Palestinian interests and that the PLO is not responsible [FBIS 2/6].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad movement claims responsibility for 2/4 bus attack north of Cairo [LAT, NYT 2/6].
Egyptian officials express shock and embarrassment a2/4 bus attack, pledge to pursue peace efforts with Israel [WP 2/ 6].
Arab League, meeting in Tunis, decides to send 60-member high-level delegation to Washington, Moscow, and Dublin to argue that increased Soviet immigration to Israel will increase tensions and reduce the prospects for peace [NYT 2/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes boys secondary school in Baytunia [FJ 2/12].
15-year-old Palestinian dies after fall while fleeing IDF troops [FBIS 2/6; FJ 2/ 12].
Palestinians kill 3 people suspected of collaborating with Israeli officials [FBIS 2/7; MET 2/13].
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow, despite commercial agreement of 2 months ago [NYT 2/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes 3 schools in the Hebron area for stone throwing at IDF vehicles [FJ 2/12].
IDF arrests at least 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area in 24-hour sweep [FJ 2/12].
Arab World: At least 25 people are killed in intra-Christian fighting in Beirut. [NYT 2/4].
Israeli and Palestine Liberation Front forces clash on S. Lebanon; each side claims to have killed several of the other [FBIS 2/5; MET 2/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
Arab World: In Cairo, Arafat meets with Mubarak to discuss Middle East Peace prospects [FBIS 1/11, 1/12; MET 1/23].
Other Countries: USSR upgrades PLO mission in Moscow to "the Embassy of the State of Palestine." The announcement comes shortly after Israeli Science Minister Weizman and Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze hold first high-level contacts between the countries since 1967 [WP 1/11]; they also discuss possibility of Moscow granting official diplomatic status to Israel [FBIS 1/11].
U.S. State Dep't spokesperson says Baker is annoyed at failure of Israel and Arab world to cooperate, and that if footdragging continues he would focus on "many other areas in the world clamoring for his attention" [WP 1/11].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli forces shell Syrian and PFLP positions in S. Lebanon for the fifth time in 24 hours [FBIS 1/11; MET 1/23].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8].
Israeli Absorption Ministry spokesperson reports that 20,405 immigrants have arrived in Israel since the beginning of 1989; 9,295 from USSR [FBIS 12/13].
Other Countries: El Al has signed flight agreement with Aeroflot, and first Tel Aviv-Moscow flights will begin next month, according to Jerusalem Domestic Services [FBIS 12/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 3 houses in Khan Yunis [FJ 12/18].
2 Syrian members of PFLP are sentenced to 25 years in prison each for their part in an October 1989 raid into Israel [FJ 12/18].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Shamir reiterates rejection of intemational peace conference, talks with PLO [FBIS 2/28]. Israel announces that Palestinians from O.T. involved in demonstrations, political activity as well as those who have not paid their taxes will be denied permits to work in Israel [MET 3/7].
Arab World: Palestinian sources state that Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze has invited Arafat, Hafiz al-Asad to Moscow in order to mend fences [FBIS 2/24].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus soldier is killed by cinder block dropped by Palestinian [FBIS 2/24, WP 2/25]. In Gaza at least 9 Palestinians are wounded by soldiers [WP 3/25].
Arab World: SLA troops shoot, kill UNIFIL soldier in Israeli-imposed "security zone" [FBIS 2/24]
Arab World: The Jordanian govemment announces it is ending 5-year, $1.3 billion development program for the territories [FJ 7/31, NYT 7/29].
Other Countries: Israeli diplomats arrive in Moscow for firstime since the 1967 war [NYT 7/29].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza 37-year-old man dies from wounds suffered 7/24; during funeral soldiers attack moumers with tear gas. Clashes also occur in Beach camp and Gaza City. In Jalazun 65 people are arrested. Following clashes in Hebron troops arrest dozens of youths including 11-year-old girl. Soldier sset fire to olive trees in Janiyah and Bayt Wazzan. In Jenin troops use tear gas, rubber bullets to break up demonstrations. In Jerusalem more than 23 people are arrested during clashes [FJ 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Report issued by 6 Israeli doctors concludes IDF should stop using high velocity bullets that have left 15 people fully or partially paralyzed. Report also accuses the army of misusing tear gas. Faysal al-Husayni is released after 9 months without charge or trial [WP 6/10, LAT 6/12]. Ya'akov Orr, military commander of the Gaza Strip, states that 25% of the 200 Palestinian police that resigned during the uprising have returned to work [WP 6/9].
Arab World: At Arab summit, Arab states pledge to support Palestinian uprising with "all possible means," refuse to state dollar amount of support. Arab leaders also refuse to dismiss George Shultz' peace plan, while reaffirming the PLO's position as sole representative of the Palestinian people [WP 6/10, LAT 6/10].
Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Shamir and Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meet for 2 hours at the UN, announce that planned visit of Israeli consular team to Moscow will take place in July. Shevardnadze also states diplomatic relations between the 2 will not be restored until Israel agrees to international peace conference [NYT 6/10]. At meeting of the Socialist International in Madrid the Palestinian intifadah is called a response to "the unbearable social conditions existing in the territories occupied by Israel" [FJ 6/12].
Military Occupied
Palestine/Israel: Demonstrations in honor of the 6-month anniversary of the uprising erupt on the W. Bank leaving 2 Palestinians dead, at least 4 more injured. In Sebastiya a 16-year-old isshot dead while trying to hurl a rock at soldiers [WP 6/10, FJ 6/12]. 18-year-old male and 12-year-old girl are shot during demonstrations in Tulkarm. Shopowners observe a strike in the territories, including East Jerusalem [LAT 6/12]. Afternoon demonstrations erupt in Gaza City. One of the injured claims soldiers tied him up and dragged him behind a jeep [WP 6/9]. Two IDF officers are slightly injured when their jeep is attacked with Molotov cocktails [WP 6/10]. In Gaza, soldiers order a man out of his house and then demolished with a bulldozer; army says the man had tried to burn down a local government building [NYT 6/10]. Demonstrations in Bayt Furik leave 27 Palestinians injured [FJ 6/12]. In Balatah 100 Palestinians are arrested [FJ 6/121
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Jerusalem, U. S. ambassador to the UN, Vernon Walters, seeks Israeli assurances that it will not attack Hizballah positions in Lebanon for fear it may endanger the lives of the hostages held in Beirut [LAT 5/20].
Arab World: Egyptian foreign minister 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid arrives in Moscow; is expected to sign a major, five-year economic and trade agreement with the U.S.S.R. [WT 5/20].
Military Actio
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews in 'Anabta and Tulkarm enter sixth day, army prevents food, medical supplies from entering [FJ 5/22]. In the village of Salim, IDF uproots almond and olive trees along the main road [FJ 5/22]. In Hebron P. M. Yitzhaq Shamir says that Israel was on the way to restoring "anormal situation" in the occupied territories UP 5/21].
Social/Economic/Political Occupied Palestine/Israel: Likud ministers David Levy and Ariel Sharon criticize IDF Chief of Staff Dan Shomron; Sharon demands demolition of all houses in Bayta, except those belonging to those who aided Israeli youths, and establishment of new settlement near village [WP 4/11]. Army spokesman announces it is investigating Palestinian charges that soldiers used bulldozers to damage more than 70 shops and houses in Bayt Ummar on 4/8. Army bulldozes 7 acres of olive trees near Bayta village [WP 4/11]. Israeli youths from group involved in Bayta clash meet with Trade Minister Sharon, criticize army's report of incident [NYT 4/11].
Other Countries: During meeting in Moscow, Gen. Sec. Mikhail Gorbachev urges PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to recognize Israel's right to exist [WP 4/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops and Palestinians clash in several Jenin-district villages and camps. At least 86 are injured or affected by tear gas in Gaza Strip. At Jabalya refugee camp, protesters attack military post for 4th consecutive day. Demonstrations also erupt in Beach camp, Gaza City, and Rafah. Am'ari, Balatah, Jalazun, and 'Ayn Bayt al-Ma' camps as well as Bayta and Sa'ir villages are under curfew. Food shortages reported in Jalazun and Am'ari camps. Maythalun, Silat al-Harthiyyah, and Yamun are sealed off and report food shortages [FJ 4/17].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: General strike continues in occupied territories. Def. Min. Rabin threatens to introduce additional sanctions in W. Bank and Gaza Strip. Israeli authorities close Hebron National Bus Co. for 1 week for honoring strike. Palestinian American political activist Mubarak 'Awad is arrested in Jerusalem on charges of organizing an illegal demonstration [WP 3/17]. Israel cuts phone lines to W. Bank, Gaza Strip [NYT 3/17]. Jews from Teqoa settlement attack Bethlehem-area village of Za'tara after demonstration; settlers bulldoze walls, damage water pipes, and smash windows of houses and cars before troops intervene [FJ 3/20].
Other Countries: Pres. Reagan stresses that U.S. will not change or abandon peace proposals in talks with Israeli p.m. Shamir [CSM, WP 3/17]. Shamir suggests ceremonial opening for Arab-Israeli peace talks at U.S. -Soviet summit in Moscow [LAT 3/17].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Tulkarm bum tires, block roads, and throw rocks at soldiers; troops respond with tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition, killing 3 and wounding at least 12. Palestinian is shot dead in West Bank village of Ya'bad [WP 3/171. Violent clashes are also reported in Gaza Strip's Khan Yunis and Nusayrat camps, Bethlehem's Duhayshah camp, Jalazun camp, and Jib village, near Ramallah [NYT 3/17]. Military curfews are in force in Qalqiliyyah, Jalazun camp, Tulkarm, Tulkarm camp, 'Azzun, and Nur Shams camp; Qabatiyyah and Yamun are sealed off [FJ 3/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of stabbed Palestinian policeman is found in refugee camp north of Jericho [WP 3/9]. In Biddu village, Israeli authorities demolish houses belonging to 2 Palestinians allegedly involved in December murder of collaborator [FJ 3/13].
Arab World: Fateh Revolutionary Council [Abu Nidal organization] releases 2 Oxfam officials "taken into custody" 3/4 in 'Ayn al-Hilwah refugee camp in Sidon [WP 3/9]. Syrian pres. al-Asad voices opposition to U.S. peace proposals but says he will not interfere with Arab governments wanting to support plan [WP 3/9].
Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz meets with former Israeli ambassador to U.S. Moshe Arens. Asst. Sec. of State Richard Murphy leaves for Moscow to discuss Middle East peace plan with Soviet F. M. Eduard Shevardnadze [WP 3/9].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian shopkeeper from Mazra'ah al-Sharqiyyah is shot, killed [WP 3/9]. Army sentences 4 officers whose car was seized 3/7 by Palestinian hijackers to 35 days imprisonment for not carrying weapons while traveling off base [WP 3/9]. Military Court of Appeals releases 2 soldiers charged with burying alive 4 Salim village residents [FJ 3/13]. According to Palestinian reports, 3 babies died from effects of tear gas in Dayr al-Balah refugee camp. Israeli troops use tear gas, rubber bullets to disperse women marchers marking Intemational Women's Day in several cities; many are arrested [FJ 3/13]. Army imposes curfew on al-Mazra'ah; curfews remain in force in 'Arrub camp, Bani Na'im village, Idna village, Qabatiyyah village, Habla village, and Saylat al-Harthiyyah village [FJ 3/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Def. Min. Rabin tours Gaza, says more troops are being deployed in occupied territories. According to Palestine Press Service, 2 Palestinians wounded in jenin clash 12/21 die in hospital. Military bans distribution of al-Quds in W. Bank for 1 month [NYT, LAT 12/23]. Israel orders 4 Palestinian teachers colleges closed for 1 month: Abu Dis College of Science and Technology in Bethlehem, al-Tirah Teachers College, al-Shuyukhi College, and Ramallah's al- 'Asriyyah Community College; closure of W. Bank government schools is extended until 12/27 [FBIS 12/22; FJ 12/27]. Full commercial strike shuts down Nablus [FJ 12/27]. Hebron Polytechnic College is ordered closed for 1 month [FJ 12/27].
Other Countries: Reagan administration statement criticizes Israel's "harsh security measures and excessive use of live ammunition" in the occupied territories. U.S. abstains in UN Security Council vote, allowing passage of resolution strongly deploring Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip and W. Bank [LAT, NYT 12/23]. U.S. Jewish leaders express concern over violence in territories [WP 12/23]. U.S. Pres. Ronald Reagan signs State Dept. spending bill, which includes provision requiring closure of PLO observer mission to UN [NYT 12/24]. Jordan's King Hussein arrives in Moscow, meets with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev [CSM, LAT 12/23].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp, Palestinian youth is shot dead, at least 3 are wounded by Israeli troops; camp is placed under curfew. At least 3 Palestinians are wounded by Israeli gunfire during clashes in Jenin and Hebron villages of Yatta and Idna [LAT 12/23; WP 12/23, 12/24]. Scattered demonstrations are reported in W. Bank [NYT 12/23]. Israeli troops arrest at least 150 people in night raid on Burayj refugee camp [FJ 12/27]. Curfew is imposed on Qalqiliyyah after demonstrators bum Israeli military govemor's car [FJ 12/27]. Military erects cement barrier at Duhayshah refugee camp's main entrance in effort to prevent rock attacks on Israeli cars [FJ 12/27
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir makes unannounced visit to Gaza [JP 6/26]. Reports indicate armed Palestinian cell in Balatah camp has been discovered and its members arrested [FJ 6/28]. Israeli authorities seal homes of 3 Jericho families, leaving 46 homeless [FJ 7/5]. Israel sends accounts of financial transactions connected with the Iranian arms sales to U.S. congressional com. investigating the affair [NYT 8/1].
Other Countries: U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye, chairman of Senate com. investigating Iran-contra affair, reveals Israel has agreed to provide chronologies of its role in the arms sales to Congress [CSM 6/26]. U.S.S.R. invites PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat to Moscow [BG 6/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of being a guard at W.W. II Nazi death camp, reconvenes after month-long adjournment; defendant is injured on way to court and misses morning session [LAT 6/23]. 'Abd al-Sattar Qasim, al-Najah University professor arrested 6/17, begins hunger strike in Far'ah detention center [FJ 6/28].
Other Countries: Soviet F. M. Shevardnadze begins 2 days of talks with Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO Political Department, in Moscow [BG 6/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel continues with plans to expel Palestinian newspaper editor, writer, and poet Akram Haniyyah although he has not been charged with any crime [WP 11/23]. Memorial march for a murdered Jewish student ends in anti-Arab violence in Jerusalem [LAT 11/24; FJ 11/28].
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh and the Syrian-based PFLP meet in Moscow to discuss plans to reconcile the two factions [NYT 11/24]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein end two days of talks in Cairo [LAT 11/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Palestinian forces seize Christian village of Maghdushah [F) 11/28]. 14 are killed, 39 wounded in fighting between Palestinians and Amal militiamen throughout Beirut and S. Lebanon [BS 11/24].
Other Countries: High level representatives of Fateh and PFLP meet in Prague to discuss reunifying the PLO. Fateh Central Committee member Abu Jihad leaves Prague for Moscow [FJ 11/21]. U.S. Pres. Reagan attempts to smooth relations with Arab countries angered by his shipment of arms to Iran [LAT 11/20].
Military Action
Arab World: A man apparently on a mission to bomb SLA post blows up his car killing 3 UN soldiers, a Lebanese woman, and himself [WP 11/21]. Israeli helicopters and navy ship shell Sidon port injuring 3 [FJ 11/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli High Court upholds presidential pardon of Shin Bet chief and his three aides. Eight other Shin Bet members apply for similar pardons [NYT 8/1]. Knesset passes bill prohibiting Israelis from meeting with PLO officials for whatever reason (3 years' imprisonment penalty) and a second bill prohibiting incitement to racial conflict. Racism bill, originally intended to curb Rabbi Meir Kahane, is watered down such that Kahane himself votes for it [WP 8/7]. Two West Bankers (Ibrahim 'Ali 'Abdallah Abu Zahra, 37, from Yatta village near Hebron, and Muhammad Dakhlallah, 23, from Ta'amrah village near Bethlehem) are arrested and administratively detained for 6 months without charge or trial [FJ 8/8]. Palestinian residents of 3 Galilee villages win 10-year battle to regain 6,800 dunums of their farmland, known as "Area 9," declared a closed military zone by the Israeli military in 1976 [FJ 8/8].
Other Countries: Meetings in Moscow of Soviet officials and Fateh and 4 other Palestinian groups end; Soviets announce "positive results" [CSM 8/8].