197 / 15440 Results
  • July 9, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Ministry dismisses a"unfounded" allegations Israel tried to obtain illegally technology to manufacture cluster shells [...

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  • May 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other...

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  • April 20, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High...

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  • November 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset committee Israel has agreed to substitution by U.S. of condition that PLO recognize Israel's right to exist...

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  • September 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing...

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  • July 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede...

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  • June 20, 1985


    Other Countries: Syrian President Asad meets Soviet leader Gorbachev in Moscow. Tass statement stresses importance of PLO unity, Soviet participation in peace...

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  • November 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50%...

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  • October 15, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports cost-of-living index soared by 21.4% in Sept., 450% over past 12 mos., and estimates 1984 inflation...

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  • May 17, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taibeh's Palestinian Cultural Institute director Saleh Baransi disappears upon arrival from European visit. Zim Israel Navigation Co....

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  • November 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    Tripoli relatively quiet, light shelling and small arms fire in and around the city as all forces resupply; LAF and militiamen exchange mortar, artillery fire in southern...

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  • July 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    Rockets fired at IDF position near Tyre; bomb explodes as IDF convoy nears Aley.


    2 South Lebanon villages remain under curfew as IDF and Haddad...

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  • March 26, 1983

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Army halts demonstration after police stoned, tires burned in Bir el-Abd district of Beirut.


    2 policemen, 5 demonstrators injured, 20...

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  • January 13, 1983

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: US envoy Habib and Prime Minister Begin hold 90 minute meeting during which Habib presents Begin with letter from Reagan; Defense Minister...

    Read more
  • January 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


    5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

    Political Responses:

    Read more
  • November 14, 1982

    Military Action:

    Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


    Read more
  • November 5, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.


    22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Defense Ministry dismisses a"unfounded" allegations Israel tried to obtain illegally technology to manufacture cluster shells [WP, NYT 7/10].

Other Countries: On third day of talks in Moscow between French Pres. Frangois Mitterrand and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, spokesmen for French and Soviet govts. state that both sides favor in principle a M. E. peace conference hosted by the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council [WP 7/10; FJ 7/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other negotiating representatives of Palestinian people must be found; says "ultimate solution" to Palestinian problem is federation of Jordan, West Bank, and Gaza [WP 5/28]. In Knesset, P.M. Peres survives four votes of no-confidence over Shalom crisis [LT 5/29]. Six hundred Palestinian prisoners in Junayd prison near Nablus go on hunger strike to protest conditions [FJ 5/30].

Arab World: Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam arrives in Moscow to discuss possible attack against Syria and PLO bases by Israel and U.S. Syrian Pres. al-Asad ends Greek visit; joint communique with P.M. Papandreou states Greece will initiate actions within EEC to start dialogue on M.E. solution.

Other Countries: Italian judicial officials issue warrants for arrest of 14 alleged Arab terrorists, including Abu Nidal, in connection with terror incidents in Italy last year [WP 5/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Eight killed and 60 wounded in Amal-Palestinian gunfight at Burj al-Burajinah [LT 5/28].

Other Countries: In London, PLO representative Faisal 'Awayda condemns Thatcher's visit and wams of terror attacks if PLO is left out of peace process [MG 5/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. commission of inquiry appointed to investigate October 1983 collapse of banking shares, headed by Moshe Beijsky, a High Court judge, issues recommendations that call for resignation of governor of Israel's state bank and the top executives of the country's 4 leading commercial banking chains within 30 days [FT, NYT, WSJ 4/21]. P.M. Peres states Jordan is determined not to lose its stake in the Gaza Strip and that an autonomy plan for Gaza could be combined with plans for autonomy on the West Bank; Perestates Egypt has a "lack of political interest" in establishing an interim Israeli-Egyptian "condominium" in Gaza [JP 4/21].

Arab World: Yasir Arafat reportedly met with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in East Berlin on 4/18; sources also say Arafat met secretly with Gorbachev in Moscow last February [JP 4/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset committee Israel has agreed to substitution by U.S. of condition that PLO recognize Israel's right to exist with the condition that PLO agree to direct negotiations with Israel (1 of 3 U.S. conditions for PLO participation in talks; others are renunciation of terrorism and acceptance of UN resolutions 242, 338) [JP 11/19]. P.M. Peres states Israel would agree to Soviet participation in intl. M.E. peace conference if Moscow would allow free emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [CT 11/19]. Former head of Israeli civil administration on the West Bank Menachem Milsen urges U.S. Jewish groups to establish aid programs for West Bank Palestinians to encourage moderate leaders there [JTA 11/19]. Israeli High Court rejects petition by MK Meir Kahane that he be allowed to table two bills which would limit rights of non-Jews and ban sexual relations between Jews and non-Jews [JP 11/19].

Other Countries: Four Palestinians accused of hijacking Achille Lauro are convicted, along with 5th man arrested in Genoa before the ship sailed, on preliminary charges of illegal possession of weapons and explosives [WP, LAT 11/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing people in Israel" [JP 9/9]. Soldiers fire rubber bullets and tear gas on a group called An End to Occupation as they demonstrate in Ramallah to protest Israeli deportation and administrative detention practices; 21 protesters are detained. Army declares the area a closed military zone [GU 9/18]. Ariel Sharon begins suit against Time magazine in a Tel Aviv court. Under Israeli law, Sharon need not prove malice to substantiate his claim [JP 9/9]. Charges have been filed against Israeli joumalist Amnon Kapeliouk for visiting Jordan in March and April. Under the 1948 Emergency Defense Regulations, Kapeliouk could receive up to a year in prison for entering acountry in a state of war with Israel [JP 9/8].

Other Countries: New York Times reports the Soviet Union has begun a new campaign to encourage Palestinians to reject American-sponsored efforts at Arab-Israeli peace talks. In recent weeks George Habash, Nayef Hawatmeh, Khaled al-Fahoum, and close Arafat aide Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) have visited Moscow. Soviet leaders have expressed "total opposition" to the 11 February accord between Arafat and King Hussein [NYT 9/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Fighting continues for the 6th straight day between 2,500 Palestinian fighters inside Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp and Amal militiamen outside [NYT 9/9]. Lebanese officials meet with Syrian Vice Pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Damascus to ask for Syrian military intervention to stop the fighting [LT 9/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede with negotiations is "whether it would help promote direct Arab-Israeli negotiations" [WP 7/19]. East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds publishes list of 7 names for proposed joint delegation: Khaled al-Hasan, head of the PNC's foreign affairs committee; Fayez Abu Rahmeh, ex-head of Gaza Bar Association; Hatim al-Husseini, professor at Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C.; Salah al-Ta'amari, member of the PLO's Supreme Military Council; Nabil Sha'th, PNC member; Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper; and Muhammad Subayh, PNC member. Henry Cattan, Paris-based lawyer and historian, is also mentioned as alternate [NYT 7/19, LAT 7/19]. Modi'in Ezrahi poll finds 12.7 percent of Israelis favor peace talks, regardless of which Palestinians participate; 33 percent oppose talks with any Palestinians [JP 7/19]. U.S. military delegation headed by Undersecretary of State William Schneider and General Philip Gast begins annual talks in Tel Aviv on scope of future U.S. military aid to Israel [JTA 7/19]. Orthodox Jews hold mass pray-in at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City to protest construction of Mormon center they fear will be used to convert Jews. Israel's two chief rabbis endorse the event [LAT 7/19].

Arab World: Office of Arab Boycott of Israel, at biannual meeting in Damascus, removes Ford, Bayer, Colgate Palmolive, and 6 companies and individuals from other countries from its blacklist; 28 new companies added [FT, LAT 7/19].

Other Countries: Bomb explodes, wrecking house and car of the PLO's acting chief representative in Cyprus, Malath 'Abdu; no injuries reported [WP 7/18]. The Guardian reports 2 Palestinians were arrested by police in Madrid last week while allegedly planning to blow up Syrian embassy and assassinate ambassador. Suspects allegedly belong to Fateh's Force 17; police discovered TNT, arms, ammunition, a detonator, and a time fuse when they raided a flat in connection with the arrests [MG 7/19].

Other Countries: Soviet spokesman denies Moscow would make deal with Israel on increased Jewish emigration to Israel [DT 7/19]. Israel Radio reports Soviets want emigration guaranteed to Israel, not to other countries; want anti-Soviet propaganda stopped in the West [CT 7/21]. Moscow states goal as progress on Golan Heights [NYT 7/20]. U.S. officials state U.S. would welcome Soviet resumption of ties with Israel as constructive behavior in Middle East [LT 7/20].


Other Countries: Syrian President Asad meets Soviet leader Gorbachev in Moscow. Tass statement stresses importance of PLO unity, Soviet participation in peace conference [NYT 6/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50% below last year. Educ. Min. bans use of book Central Issues in Recent History of the State of the Nation by Amnon Haver for its reference to "Palestinian nation."

Other Countries: George Habash (PFLP) & Nayef Hawatmeh (DFLP) meet with Soviet officials in Moscow to discuss PLO reunification. US Senate Foreign Relations Com. publishes pessimistic report on Israeli economy, stating without current US aid (12% of GNP), balance of payment problem "unmanageable," and increased US aid will not "significantly ameliorate" these problems posing serious security threat to Israel. At Israel Bonds dinner in Los Angeles, American-Jewish oilman Armand Hammer announces project to search for oil in Israel. In New York libel trial, Sharon claims COS Eitan ordered Phalangists into Sabra & Shatila camps (9/82).

Military Action

Arab World: Pentagon orders US carrier Eisenhower totake position within range of Lebanon for possible "retaliatory strikes" there.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports cost-of-living index soared by 21.4% in Sept., 450% over past 12 mos., and estimates 1984 inflation rate at 900-1, 300%. 12 members of Israeli Com. for Solidarity with Bir Zeit U. arrested in 2 days demonstrating against settler harassment at Dheisheh camp.

Arab World: Shi'ites celebrate feast of Ashoura. IDF/Gen. Lahd announce pardon for SLA members who killed & injured Sohmor civilians (9/20).

Other Countries: US offers Irael deferment until March of $500 million in military procurement loans now due. US reaffirms its aversion to role as mediator in IDF S. Lebanon withdrawal talks. Syrian Pres. Assad arrives in Moscow for 3-day talks with Pres. Chemenko.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 6 Petah Tikva schoolchildren injured as time bomb explodes near their bus north of Nablus.

Arab World: Lebanese resistance fighters attack IDF patrols near Nabatiya, near Sarafand & in Zahrani region.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Taibeh's Palestinian Cultural Institute director Saleh Baransi disappears upon arrival from European visit. Zim Israel Navigation Co. reports loss of $49.2 million in 1983. Central Bureau of Statistics charts jobless rate from 10/83-4/84 at 43%.

Other Countries: U. of Pittsburgh Physics prof. Cohen tells Jerusalem Post Israel could earn $1 billion annually by burying America's nuclear waste in Negev.

Military Action:

Arab World: Israeli-armed "national guards" enter Ain al-Hilweh camp, shooting indiscriminately, 1 woman killed, 3 teen-age boys wounded; funeral procession that day broken up by IDF surrogates, shooting 5 or 6, killing 1 woman; 5 UNRWA personnel establish presence in camp; Arab states call for Security Council mtg. to consider Israeli responsibility.

Other Countries: Fateh delegation meets for 4-day talks with Soviet officials in Moscow. US Marine cpl. Griffin given bad-conduct discharge for conscientious objection to service in Beirut.

Military Action:

Tripoli relatively quiet, light shelling and small arms fire in and around the city as all forces resupply; LAF and militiamen exchange mortar, artillery fire in southern Beirut suburbs.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP-GC leader Jibril, in Baddawi, says Arafat has 3 days to leave Tripoli: Lebanon marks 40th anniversary of its founding as a nation, shops and offices close but customary fireworks displays absent.

Arab Governments: Saudi FM, as well as delegation from Non-Aligned movement, in Damascus for talks to end Tripoli fighting.

US and Other Countries: Head of PLO political department Kaddoumi begins visit to Moscow; Reagan meets Israeli president Herzog; Weinberger says Iranians blew up Marine compound on October 23 with sponsorship, knowledge and authority of Syrian government.

Military Action:

Rockets fired at IDF position near Tyre; bomb explodes as IDF convoy nears Aley.


2 South Lebanon villages remain under curfew as IDF and Haddad militia search for guerrillas responsible for Monday's ambush.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens and senior IDF officers visit Chouf to consider redeployment positions; new figures show Israel's foreign trade deficit rose by 40To during first half of 1983 to $1.7 b., Treasury speeds up devaluation of shekel, drops 0.8% in one day.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO political department head Kaddoumi meets Soviet foreign minister in Moscow.

Military Action:

Lebanese Army halts demonstration after police stoned, tires burned in Bir el-Abd district of Beirut.


2 policemen, 5 demonstrators injured, 20 arrested, in Bir el-Abd.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Arab leaders meet in Shefar Am, decide to hold regional Land Day gatherings in Galilee, Triangle and Negev and 2 marches but no general strike; Foreign Press Association sends telegram to Begin and Arens asking for clarification of Israeli newspaper report that military censors regularly tap, garble and interrupt FPA telephone and telex lines; bomb explodes outside Bethlehem police HQ several arrests; Bethlehem office and home of al-Sha'ab newspaper correspondent searched; IDF roadblocks prevent students from getting to Birzeit; 80 schoolchildren in Jenin suffer unexplained illness.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel reportedly tells Habib he will not compromise Lebanon's sovereignty by allowing Israeli troops to patrol and giving Haddad responsibility for security in South; Habib returns to Jerusalem; Druze leader Walid Jumblatt in Moscow for talks with Soviet officials.

Arab Governments: Saudi Foreign Minister in Amman for talks with King Hussein.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: US envoy Habib and Prime Minister Begin hold 90 minute meeting during which Habib presents Begin with letter from Reagan; Defense Minister Sharon postpones departure to Zaire, takes 100 Herut Party members on tour of Israeli military positions in Lebanon, Sharon meets Saad Haddad in Marjayoun, says any peace agreement will have a role for Haddad as he is trustworthy friend of Israel; Sharon holds afternoon press conference in Kiryat Shemona, simultaneously with official press conference announcing agreement on Lebanon talks agenda, creating tension with Foreign Minister Shamir, Sharon notes de facto normalization has preceded diplomatic normalization, that since Nov. 15, 12,000 people and 1,100 vehicles have entered Ilsrael from Lebanon and 1,100 Israeli vehicles transported goods to Lebanon; Labor Party political bureau approves Histadrut companies involvement in construction of settlements in occupied territories; Energy Minister Yitzhak Modai urges strong posture on US pressure, says control of Judea and Samaria is vital for security; Civil Administration declares as state land 20,000 dunums in Dahariya, south of Hebron, gives Palestinians 21 days to appeal, area planned for land reserve along 1967 green line; 30 Kach members break into Hebron home of Moshe Levinger, demanding that Meir Kahane's Kach settlement nearby receive support and services from Kiryat Arba as does Levinger's group in Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat in Moscow press conference releases communique that Soviet Union shows understanding of the PLO position on confederation on the basis of voluntarity between an independent Palestinian state and Jordan; following Habib-Begin meeting, Israel and Lebanon, in talks held in Kiryat Shemona, agree on agenda for talks (including concurrent discussion on "termination of the state of war; security arrangements; framework for mutual relations, including issues such as liaison, ending hostile propaganda, the movement of goods, products and persons, communications, etc.; program of complete withdrawals, conditions for Israeli withdrawal, within the context of the evacuation of all foreign forces; possible guarantees"); Lebanese Parliament delegation visits Amman seeking Jordanian support in talks with Israel.

Arab Governments: Foreign Minister Abdel Halim Khaddam, at non-aligned conference in Nicaragua, says Syria will resist any agreement which does not call for Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories and does not recognize inalienable rights of Palestinians.

US and Other Countries: Pentagon refuses to sign draft agreement on US access to Israeli military data due to unreasonable restrictions; secret plan revealed for mini-Rapid Deployment Force in Jordan to guard internal stability, respond to emergencies in friendly Gulf States, and possible use in inter-Arab wars; Henry Kissinger says Lebanon crisis has consequences helpful to prospects for peace, shows USSR can supply arms but not solutions, rout of PLO restores US military credibility; Representative Council of French Jewry protests French Middle East policy, says Foreign Minister Cheysson's recent statements show anti-Israel bias, asks government to close PLO Paris office and expel PLO representative Ibrahim Suss.

Military Action:

Artillery duels between Druze and Phalange militia near Baabda.


5 killed, 9 wounded in Druze-Phalange fighting.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan says Israel may face 100 years of terrorism, that in practice the war in Lebanon has not ended, and one cannot solve all the problems of terrorism in one war, that if the IDF remains in Lebanon for long it may have to mount an intensive campaign to root out terrorist cells as was done in the Gaza Strip after the 1967 war; Defense Minister Sharon flatly rejects any PLO participation in future peace talks with Jordan, and dismisses Iraq's declaration of recognition of Israel's security needs as merely effort to get US arms for war against Iran; Israeli Foreign Minister legal adviser Elyakim Rubenstein says the recall of Egypt's Ambassador to Israel is a violation of the Camp David accords; Avid Kedar, head of Foreign Ministry's Egypt Department, says contacts between Israel and Egypt frozen since Peace for Galilee Campaign; Sgan Nitzav Albert Hayut, new director of Beersheba prison announces 500 security prisoners to be moved to new maximum security prison, equipped with latest electronic monitors, near Nablus; attorney Nissim Shakar of the Committee for Jaffa's Arabs says they will appeal proposed law that non-Jews must close shops on Yom Kippur as well as own religious holidays, and not transport goods on Saturday and Jewish holidays; Israeli officials announce requests by Palestinians to visit relatives in Lebanon decline due to security situation, 5 Israeli Palestinians disappeared recently in Lebanon; bomb near Zedekiah's Cave outside Jerusalem's Damascus Gate critically wounds a Palestinian worker; military authorities surround Najah University, effectively closing the campus, prevent Israeli Association for Civil Rights representative from entering, detain 9 student council members; in Nablus students stone troops who use tear gas and close off market area; rock throwing incidents in Ramallah, al-Bireh aid Dheisheh camp, now defined as District of Binyamin, also in jenin where placards and leaflets are found attributed to National Liberation Movement denouncing as treasonous Arafat's and Hussein's attempt to reach accommodation with Israel.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Chairman Arafat goes to Moscow; 5 Palestinian leaders and Lebanese Communist Party meet in Tripoli.

Arab Governments: King Hussein tells local leaders that he has a letter from Reagan commiting the US to pressure Israel to restore Arab rights in the occupied territories, and that time is running out for achieving a unified Arab approach by March; Moroccan Foreign Ministry announces agreement with Britain on Arab League delegation to include non-PLO Palestinian; Egyptian Socialist Labor Party poll of 1,486 persons shows 82% want Israeli ambassador expelled, 76To want to sever relations with Israel.

US and Other Countries: State Department says Israeli settlement promotion campaign is unfortunate and counterproductive; Administration officials say US is counting on King Hussein to declare his readiness to join talks on basis of Reagan plan if the PLO and Saudi Arabia support it, if progress is made on troop withdrawals from Lebanon, and if Israel temporarily halts settlement activity; Secretary of State Shultz meets for 2 hours with 14 members of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and leading Jewish Republicans, tells them of growing fears that Israel and Syria have tacit agreement to keep status quo in Lebanon, they tell him they want US to support Israel's demand for normalization of relations with Lebanon; delegation of Conservative MPs from Britain meet with Begin, give him message of support from Prime Minister Thatcher; European Parliament calls for establishment of a Palestinian state as a factor in a Middle East settlement, direct PLO-Israel dialogue, immediate halt to settlements in the West Bank, Israeli withdrawal from occupied territory, recognition of PLO as representative of Palestinian people if it drops from its charter all paragraphs calling for Israel's destruction, and sovereignty of all states in the region; Habib arrives in Israel.

Military Action:

Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.


One killed, 4 wounded in Aramoun, brings to over 50 total killed in Chouf incidents in past two weeks; Tyre curfew lifted and road to Israeli border reopened; PLO protests to ICRC over treatment of prisoners in South Lebanon detention camps.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's 62-year old wife dies and Begin leaves US for Israel to begin 30-day mourning period, postponing indefinitely meeting with Reagan; 47 Israeli victims of Tyre explosion buried; General Meir Zorea, head of military inquiry, reports to Cabinet that explosion not caused by a bomb, and Energy Minister Modai says it was probably caused by leaking cooking gas; Deputy Prime Minister Ehrlich chairs Cabinet meeting devoted to mourning Aliza Begin and Tyre victims; Shamir reports on meetings with Draper and lack of Lebanese response to Israeli proposals on format/ content of proposed talks; Modai proposes IDF unilaterally withdraw from parts of Lebanon to get talks going and to test Syrian/Lebanese intentions; al-Hamishmar demands withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon and resignation of Sharon in wake of Tyre disaster; IDF source indicates Defense Ministry postponed plans to raze abandoned Ein Sultan refugee camp north of Jericho on night following Beirut massacres (razing reportedly related to efforts to build more Jewish settlements in area); three Nahal settlements of Elisha, Beit Arava, Tzurif currently being "civilianized"; at Commission of Inquiry, senior IDF officer and Eitan aide Ze'ev Zecharin contradicts Sharon and Begin, says Sharon spoke of Phalange entry into camps September 14 (not September 15 as Sharon asserted), says Eitan told him Saturday morning, September 18, that Begin had requested information on Gaza Hospital in Sabra camp (denied by Begin), says Eitan instructed IDF to restrict artillery support to minimize civilian casualties, to impose a curfew on all areas of Lebanon under IDF control, to ask Phalange to mobilize forces to take camps regardless of timing of IDF advance into West Beirut, says Eitan flew to Beirut Wednesday, September 17, to detail IDF plans to Phalange but Phalange asked for 24-hour delay to get organized, and agreed that Mossad officer not IDF would act as liaison with Phalange, says Sharon ordered Phalange to enter camps after Wednesday morning arrival at IDF Beirut divisional command post, says no Phalange irregularities raised and no questions asked in Eitan's meeting with Phalange commanders Friday afternoon, says Phalange, during Sunday morning meeting with Eitan, admitted killing civilians but said "We won't go with this to the media, that we did it, because it will hurt us in the Presidential elections"; Zecharin's testimony curtailed at IDF request after contradiction with Dudai testimony highlighted; Foreign Ministry official Ariel Kenet testifies that two inquiries from ministry's Beirut representative Friday afternoon noted US envoy Draper's concern at seeing Phalange inside camps and Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan's report of patients being killed at Gaza Hospital, asserts he alerted David Kimche, who instructed him to notify Defense Ministry.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Nassir says Palestine National Council meeting may not occur before January; Arafat attends Brezhnev funeral in Moscow; Amin Gemayel and Wazzan arrive in Riyadh for 2 days of talks with King Fahd, seeking Saudi help in rebuilding Lebanon, support for withdrawal of PLO and Syrian forces; Wazzan, before departing, says Lebanon wants Israel out of Lebanon, is uninterested in direct negotiations.

US and Other Countries: Reagan phones condolences to Begin; State Department indicates it hopes Israel will not retaliate for Tyre explosion; fears raised that Begin's return to Israel is setback for Reagan peace plan.

UN: UNRWA says by next June, $43.4 million will have been spent on emergency aid to Lebanon but only $31 million has been raised to date.

Military Action:

Lebanese Government announces security forces sent to disengage Sunni and Alawite militias fighting in Tripoli.


22 killed, 52 wounded in Tripoli fighting in past 4 days.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel announces another 20 Jewish settlements to be built in West Bank in next year, 10,000 to be settled in Gaza Strip over next five; Israelis remain silent in face of US criticism, deride Hussein's suggestion that PLO recognize Israel as basis for peace process; Dhahriyeh (south-west of Hebron) put under curfew after children stone passing IDF vehicles; settler group urges Israeli military commander of West Bank central region to deport any person who participates in stone-throwing.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO General Mutik Abu Taha, commander of PLO forces in North Lebanon and Bekaa, says official Arab acceptance of Egypt "almost certain"; Lebanese government announces plans to resume collecting shipping fees at ports on November 22 (Phalange reportedly collecting $120 million per year in several ports to finance public services and support militia in Phalange-controlled areas; government estimates its losses at around $300 million per year, seeks to end private financial structures and bring down prices.

Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to halt plans to build 5 more settlements on West Bank; Saudi King Fahd meets King Hassan in Morocco.

US and Other Countries: American Jewish Congress plans appeal to force Treasury Department to disclose Arab dollar holdings in the US; British Foreign Office protests deportation from West Bank of British lecturer at Bethlehem University; French minister Claude Cheysson says Hussein, not Hassan, will lead 7-member Arab League group in talks on Arab-Israeli peace later this month in Paris, Moscow, China; US officials in Beirut say Reagan Administration will not press Gemayel to seek action against Phalange militiamen who massacred Palestinians in September (Reagan reportedly did not mention massacre to Gemayel during Washington visit; decision reportedly provokes controversy within State Department.)