326 / 15472 Results
  • June 4, 1991

    U.S. Def. Secy. Cheney announces proposed sale of 20 "Apache" helicopter gunships to Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, the second major arms transfer announced since Pres. Bush's 5/29 proposal to...

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  • May 29, 1991

    Pres. Bush unveils proposal for arms control in Middle East, his first concrete policy initiative dealing with region since end of Gulf war (see JPS 80, doc. D3). Proposal includes call...

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  • February 25, 1991

    Iraqi SCUD missile hits American barracks outside Dhahran, killing at least 12 U.S. soldiers, wounding at least 25, and leaving 40 unaccounted for (cf. 2/26) [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 2/26; MET 3/5...

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  • February 23, 1991

    Pres. Gorbachev makes round of telephone calls to leaders of U.S., Britain, Germany, Egypt, France, and Italy to try to persuade them how close positions of Iraq and U.S. had become through Soviet...

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  • February 8, 1991

    Allied warplanes attack Iraqi positions in Kuwait and southern Iraq; military command reports about 600 tank kills; cloud cover restricts number of sorties flown [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/9].


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  • February 6, 1991

    Before Congress, Sec. Baker says U.S. and allies might help rebuild post-war Iraq, and outlines elements of post-war settlement; Baker also says that continued U.S. military role in region may be...

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  • January 14, 1991

    France issues 6-point 11th-hour initiative calling for Saddam to leave Kuwait; similar appeal is made by Yemen, Algeria, Tunis, and Libya. EC gov'ts., frustrated by seeing diplomatic efforts...

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  • January 8, 1991

    Pres. Bush sends letter to Congress calling on both houses to adopt resolution supporting use of force against Iraq if it does not withdraw from Kuwait by 1/15 [NYT, LAT, WP 1/9].

    Chrmn. of...

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  • December 11, 1990

    In Washington, Pres. Bush holds 2-hour meeting with Israeli P.M. Shamir, the 1st U.S.-Israel meeting since Gulf crisis began; Shamir calls talks "reassuring" [JDS 12/11, YA 12/12 in FBIS 12/12;...

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  • November 3, 1990

    Sec. of State Baker leaves for Gulf and Europe to lay groundwork for new UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and to ask allies under what conditions would they support...

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  • October 19, 1990

    In UN, some nations begin to seek resolution assailing Israel for not cooperating with UN investigating team; Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says he cannot send delegation to Israel unless assured it...

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  • October 11, 1990

    After 3 days of negotiations, UN Sec. Council members struggle to draft resolution on Haram al-Sharif incident that is acceptable to U.S.; majority ready to support resolution sponsored by...

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  • June 18, 1990

    P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO...

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  • May 23, 1990

    Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24...

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  • March 29, 1990

    Western nations join UN Sec. Council debate on flow of Soviet Jews to Israel, with both Britain and France saying Israeli settlements in O.T. and E. Jerusalem are illegal [WT 3/30].


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  • April 25, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Diplomats representing Spain, Greece, France (the countries that are developing European Community's position toward Israeli-Arab...

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  • April 15, 1989


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Golan, Druze celebrate Syrian independence day with demonstrations, displays of Syrian flags [FBIS 4/18]. Israeli-imposed curfews...

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  • December 15, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel condemns U.S. move to begin talks with PLO; Shamir aide states Israel will never meet with PLO [LAT 12/16].


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  • November 27, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are enforced in parts of Gaza City, Nusayrat camp [FJ 12/5].

    Other Countries: France, Italy, Sweden condemn U.S. denial...

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  • December 2, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel extradites William Nakash, French Jew convicted of 1983 murder of Arab, to France [WP 12/3]. Imprisoned al-Najah U. student Jamal...

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  • November 1, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: French P. M. Jacques Chirac calls for Palestinian self-determination and international peace conference during official visit to Israel...

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  • October 3, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects Norwegian request to place heavy water supplied by Norway in 1960 under supervision of International Atomic Energy Agency...

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  • February 4, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebrew University suspends and fines 5 Arab and Jewish students for their roles in organizing demonstrations protesting December...

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  • October 29, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).


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  • October 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Blind 28-year-old Palestinian is sentenced to life imprisonment for leading a guerrilla band, killing British tourist and Israeli...

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  • October 6, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres calls Sunday Times report on Israeli nuclear bomb factory "sensationalist" and repeats longstanding Israeli policy...

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  • September 22, 1986


    Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Peres meets Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze for 90 minutes at UN. Peres calls meeting "beginning of dialogue" (WP 9/23); it is highest level...

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  • May 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: The report of the state comptroller, Yitzhak Tunik, claims Israel's Interior Ministry has been supplying much of the money used to fund...

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  • January 29, 1986


    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asks France to organize intl. conference on M.E. peace to contact "both parties" - Israel and the Palestinians - in preparation for real...

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  • December 20, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside...

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U.S. Def. Secy. Cheney announces proposed sale of 20 "Apache" helicopter gunships to Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, the second major arms transfer announced since Pres. Bush's 5/29 proposal to limit arms supplies to region [see 5/30]. Cheney again denies any contradiction ipolicy. (NYT 6/5)

Israeli For. Min. Levy announces France has pledged $500 million in loan guarantees to build housing for immigrants to Israel. (MEM 6/5)

Israeli planes attack suspended Palestinian and Lebanese commando bases near Sidon, S. Lebanon, for second day. Two-day raids destroyed several ammunition, vehicle depots; 22 reported killed, 82 wounded in raids on bases of Fateh, PFLP, DFLP, Fateh-Revolutionary Council, Lebanese Popular Liberation Army. Raids are largest since the 1982 Lebanon war. (LAT 6/5; NYT, WP 6/6)

Prime Min. Shamir tells parliamentarians from Agudat Yisra'el party he opposes notion of "Jordan is Palestine," sees no value in replacing King Hussein with Arafat. (Radio Israel in FBIS 6/3)

Pres. Bush unveils proposal for arms control in Middle East, his first concrete policy initiative dealing with region since end of Gulf war (see JPS 80, doc. D3). Proposal includes call for: U.S., USSR, China, France, Britain to halt certain arms transfers; freeze on acquisition of surface-to-surface ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons-grade uranium & plutonium; regional acquiescence to global ban on poison gas weapons; commitments to abide by 1972 treaty on biological weapons and 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Proposals do not call for specific treaties but rather encourage self-restraint. Administration confirms that Israel, which has not signed Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has objected to provisions on nuclear weapons. Israel reportedly possesses some 100 nuclear warheads. (NYT, WP, LAT 5/30)

Israeli government admits paying $35 million to government of former Pres. Mengistu Haile Mariam's government in Ethiopia for release of Ethiopian Jews flown to Israel 5/24 and 5/25, confirms that two senior officials of deposed government were given temporary asylum in Israel as part of deal. (NYT 5/30)

Following talks with Jordanian For. Min. Tahir al-Masri, PLO Pol. Dept. Head Faruq al-Qaddumi states that Jordan and Syria have responded positively to PLO proposal for coordinated stand among Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and PLO toward U.S. peace efforts in region. (MEM 5/29)

U.S. Def. Secy. Richard Cheney arrives in Israel for talks on arms sales. Israel has complained recently that U.S. is delaying delivery of $700 million in arms promised to Israel. Cheney states Washington remains committed to assuring Israel's military advantage over Arab states. (LAT 5/30) 

Iraqi SCUD missile hits American barracks outside Dhahran, killing at least 12 U.S. soldiers, wounding at least 25, and leaving 40 unaccounted for (cf. 2/26) [NYT, LAT, WP, WT, MEM 2/26; MET 3/5]; SCUD missiles land in southern Israel; no damage or casualties [IDF 2/25 in FBIS 2/25; MET 3/5].

Baghdad radio announces Iraq's armed forces have been ordered to make an orderly withdrawal from Kuwait in accordance with UN resolution 660; Iraqi tanks and trucks are reported heading north from Kuwait. White House dismisses broadcast, saying there has been no authoritative communication from Baghdad and that to end war Iraq must accept all 12 UN resolutions concerming Gulf crisis [BADS 2/25 in FBIS 2/26; NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/26; MET 3/5].

Pres. of UN Sec. Council calls on Iraq to officially inform him of its willingness to leave Kuwait so that Sec. Council could convene to discuss cease-fire [NYT 2/26].

Iraqi resistance to quickly advancing allied ground troops toughens slightly, but American command reports "tremendous success" all across the front, that allied forces control more than 50% of Kuwait; Saudi and Kuwait forces, backed by U.S. Marines prepare for assault on Kuwait City. Iraqi troops continue to surrender en masse, with POW total now about 20,000-25,000 [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 2/26].

P.M. Shamir is quoted in French newspaper as saying that Pres. Asad is Israel's "real enemy" [LAT 2/26].

French For. Ministry announces Kuwait will pay to France $1 billion, or about 40% of French expenditures in Gulf conflict [LAT 2/26].

Pres. Gorbachev makes round of telephone calls to leaders of U.S., Britain, Germany, Egypt, France, and Italy to try to persuade them how close positions of Iraq and U.S. had become through Soviet mediation efforts; Westem leaders respond that Iraq had not begun moving troops out of Kuwait by noon. Moscow says Iraq "lost the chance" to take advantage of Soviet efforts [NYT, WP 2/24].

Iraq fires SCUD missile at Israel 10 minutes before noon deadline; no injuries are reported [NYT 2/24; MET 3/5].

Pres. Bush says Iraq's failure to meet noon deadline leaves coalition forces "no alternative but to continue to prosecute the war" [NYT 2/24].

Allied troops move into Kuwait and Iraq in faster than expected ground advances; forces meet scattered resistance; allied casualties are "extremely light," with fewer than 20 U.S. soldiers being killed; over 5,500 Iraqi POWs are taken in 1st 10 hours of assault; after 22 hours Iraqi POW total is nearing 10,000 [WP 2/24; RIDS 2/24 in FBIS 2/25; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 2/25; MET 3/5].

Iran's Pres. Rafsanjani says U.S. is exceeding UN mandate in its pursuit of war with Iraq [NYT 2/24].

Egypt's gov't. publications for 1st time calls for Saddam Hussein to be overthrown [NYT 2/24]; Cairo students demonstrate against allied forces' ground war; security forces use tear gas to disperse marchers [RMC 2/24 in FBIS 2/25]. 

Allied warplanes attack Iraqi positions in Kuwait and southern Iraq; military command reports about 600 tank kills; cloud cover restricts number of sorties flown [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/9].

Iraqi SCUD lands in Tel Aviv; it is the 11th attack since war began; some injuries are reported [LAT, WP 2/9].

France and Britain announce they will set up joint committee to lay groundwork for post-war settlement in Gulf [LAT 2/9].

Soviet deputy F.M. Belonogov criticizes what he says is deliberate destruction of Iraqi residential areas by allied air raids [LAT, WT 2/9; MEM 2/11].

Pres. Bush angrily denounces King Hus- sein's 2/6 speech, says Jordan has "moved over, way over, into the Saddam Hussein camp"; Jordanian diplomats say action will deepen widespread anti-American sentiment in Jordan [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/9].

Israeli Maj. Gen. Danny Rothman is appointed as head of military gov't. in o.t., replacing Shmuel Goren [LAT 2/9].

UNICEF and World Health Organization ask allies for safe passage through eastern Iraq for convoy carrying medicine from Iran to Iraq and occupied Kuwait [MEM 2/8; NYT, WP 2/9].

3 Jordanians are killed after crossing border into Israel and throwing handgrenade at Israeli bus carrying soldiers, wounding 4 [IDF 2/8 in FBIS 2/8; MEM 2/8; NYT, WP 2/91

Before Congress, Sec. Baker says U.S. and allies might help rebuild post-war Iraq, and outlines elements of post-war settlement; Baker also says that continued U.S. military role in region may be inevitable [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/7].

Sec. Baker says that U.S. has not moved forward with $400 million in loan guarantees for Israel to house Soviet Jews because Israel has yet to provide settlement information; Israel reacts angrily, saying information has been provided. Earlier this week, Israel said between 1,500 and 3,000 Soviet Jews settled in o.t., which would be as much as 17% of all Jewish settlers [NYT, WP 2/8].

Iraqi POWs report that more than 1/4 of positions in Iraq's regular army in Kuwait are deserted or undermanned, raising questions about Iraq's ability to defend against ground assault [LAT 2/7].

Allied planes shoot down 2 Iraqi fighter jets headed for Iran; bringing total air-combat (dog-fight) losses to 33 Iraqi planes, 0 allied planes [LAT, NYT 2/7].

Military sources revise estimates to say about 120 Iraqi planes have landed in Iran [LAT, WT 2/7].

Iraq announces that it is severing all re- maining diplomatic relations with 6 leading members of coalition: U.S., Britain, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. Warplanes from all those nations, except Egypt, have attacked Iraq (cf. 2/7) [INA 2/6 in FBIS 2/7; MEM 2/6; LAT, NYT, WP, WT 2/7].

In nationwide address, King Hussein describes Gulf war as effort by outsiders to destroy Iraq and carve up Arab world; that war was against all Arabs and all Muslims, not just Iraq; he calls on Arab and Muslims to "make the alliance accept a cease-fire" (cf. 2/7, 2/8, 2/10) [ADS 2/6 in FBIS 2/7; LAT, NYT, WP, WT, MEM 2/7].

Saudi F.M. Prince Faisal arrives in Cairo for meetings with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 2/6 in FBIS 2/7].

Lebanese Army regulars move into positions in S. Lebanon for 1st time since 1975; the 2,500 troops are within sight of Israel's "security zone"; Israeli army again shells Pal- estinian positions in S. Lebanon [MEM 2/6; LAT, NYT, WP 2/7].

France issues 6-point 11th-hour initiative calling for Saddam to leave Kuwait; similar appeal is made by Yemen, Algeria, Tunis, and Libya. EC gov'ts., frustrated by seeing diplomatic efforts rebuffed by Baghdad, say they plan no new initiatives before the deadline [TDS, AFP, AES 1/14 in FBIS 1/15; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/15]; touting French plan, Algeria's Pres. Benjedid leaves for Baghdad [AGS 1/14 in FBIS 1/15].

Revolutionary Command Council votes unanimously to follow Saddam Hussein in defying UN resolutions; measure also authorizes Saddam to undertake last-minute political settlement [ADS 1/14 in FBIS 1/14; INA 1/15 in FBIS 1/15; MEM 1/14; NYT, WP 1/15]; Saddam sends "open message" to King Fahd decrying Saudi's Gulf stance [BADS 1/14 in FBIS 1/15].

PLO's second-ranking official, Abu lyad [Salah Khalaf] is assassinated in Tunis; Abu al-Hol [Hayel Abdel Hamid] and aid Fakhri al-Omari are also killed (cf. 1/15) [TDS, AFP, SPA 1/15 in FBIS 1/15; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, MEM 1/15].

UN Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar arrives back in New York from Baghdad, having failed to secure any concessions from Saddam Hussein [NYT, LAT 1/15].

Kuwaiti Crown Prince and P.M. warns that multinational forces would strike at civilian as well as military targets in Iraq: "If he [Saddam] bombs Kuwait cities, we'll do the same to Iraqi cities" [NYT, WP 1/15].

Allied officials agree that U.S. and British troops will conduct all offensive military operations while French and Arab troops will remain in defensive positions in war [LAT 1/15].

FBI rejects requests to stop interviewing Arab-American leaders about potential terrorist plans, but agrees to discontinue certain political questions such as "How do you feel about the Gulf situation?" and "How do you feel about Saddam Hussein?" [LAT 1/15].

Saddam Hussein orders the phrase "Allahu Akbar" ["God is great"] be added to Iraq flag [INA 1/14 in FBIS 1/14].

Israeli High Court orders defense establishment to distribute gas masks to Palestinians in o.t.; since only limited number are available, Palestinians in Jerusalem area and those closest to Israel will receive masks [JDS, IDF 1/14 in FBIS 1/15; WP, MEM 1/15].

King Hussein and Chrmn. Arafat discuss Gulf crisis at meeting in Amman [ADS 1/15 in FBIS 1/15].

Pres. Bush sends letter to Congress calling on both houses to adopt resolution supporting use of force against Iraq if it does not withdraw from Kuwait by 1/15 [NYT, LAT, WP 1/9].

Chrmn. of House Armed Services Committee, Lee Aspin (D-Wisc.) says if war breaks out in Gulf, U.S. will attack in phases, beginning with air campaign; ground attack would be used as last resort and in final phases of fighting [NYT, LAT, WP 1/9].

F.M. Aziz arrives in Geneva, says he has come for "constructive talks," but would not bow to pressure. Sec. Baker also arrives in Geneva after spending day in successive meetings in European capitals with leaders of France, Italy, and Germany [MEM 1/8; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/9].

King Hussein of Jordan visits Germany to discuss Gulf crisis; he is in Bonn at the same time as Sec. Baker, but the two did not meet [NYT 1/9].

Saudi D.M. "categorically denie[s]" that 6 Iraqi helicopter pilots sought refuge in Saudi Arabia on 1/7; allies say entire incident is mix-up [MEM 1/8; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/9].

Israel deports to Lebanon 4 Palestinians from Gaza Strip less than 24 hours after they dropped appeals to Supreme Court [IDF 1/8 in FBIS 1/8; MEM 1/8; NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/9].

Washington Post/ABC News poll finds most Americans want Congress to support more strongly Pres. Bush's Gulf policy (68%), but equally large majority thinks Bush should get authorization from Congress before going to war (66%) [WP 1/8]. 

In Washington, Pres. Bush holds 2-hour meeting with Israeli P.M. Shamir, the 1st U.S.-Israel meeting since Gulf crisis began; Shamir calls talks "reassuring" [JDS 12/11, YA 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; NYT, LAT, WT, WP, CSM 12/12; JPI 12/22].

Nearly 500 Western and Japanese hostages leave Iraq and Kuwait on chartered planes; State Dep't. believes 268 Americans have left since 12/8, but that about 500 Americans have chosen to remain behind [INA 12/11 in FBIS 12/12; NYT, LAT, WP 12/12].

France announces it will send an additional 4,000 men to the Gulf, raising total number of French troops to 10,000. Pentagon says Iraq has placed an additional 20,000 troops in and around Kuwait in the past week [NYT, WP 12/12].

Sec. Baker gives tentative and qualified support for Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze's proposal for nuclear-free Middle East once Iraq leaves Kuwait [LAT, WT, WP 12/12].

First Polish ambassador to Israel since 1967 presents his credentials as Poland and Israel resume ties [HAM 12/12 in FBIS 12/19].

Despite U.S. initial commitment on 10/2 to give Israel $400 million in housing loan guarantees for Soviet immigrants, Bush admin. is still in process of reviewing loan arrangements and loan has not yet been implemented [MEM 12/12].

Italian F.M. Gianni De Michelis tells Le Monde "we cannot allow [Israel] to dictate the present and future security in the [Middle East]. I think it is necessary from now on to isolate Israel. One has seen with Iraq that isolation can have good results" [MEM 12/13].

Sec. of State Baker leaves for Gulf and Europe to lay groundwork for new UN Sec. Council resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and to ask allies under what conditions would they support military action [WP, NYT 11/4].

IDF shoots dead Gaza Palestinian, injures at least 61 others as soldiers use tear gas, rubber bullets, and live ammunition to break up demonstration in Bayt Hanoun that erupted after news that Palestinian activist had died in detention [WP, NYT 11/4; JPD 11/4 in FBIS 11/6; LAT 11/5].

For 2d time in as many weeks, Iraqi officials hint that they might release all hostages in return for guarantee Iraq would not be attacked; guarantee to come from at least 2 of the following states: China, France, USSR, Germany, and Japan [INA 11/3 in FBIS 11/6; WP, NYT 11/4].

Iraqi F.M. Aziz arrives in Amman for meeting with King Hussein [INA 11/3 in FBIS 11/5].

World Bank officials say more than 1.5 million people have been displaced by the Gulf crisis [WP 11/4].

Saudi Oil Minister Hisham al-Nazir says Saudi Arabia's oil production surpassed 8.2 million b/d this past week and is expected to rise to 8.5 million b/d early next year to make up for loss of Iraqi oil [NYT 11/4].

In UN, some nations begin to seek resolution assailing Israel for not cooperating with UN investigating team; Sec.-Gen. Perez de Cuellar says he cannot send delegation to Israel unless assured it will receive "necessary facilities," adds that he cannot make a report "on the basis of Israeli findings" [NYT, LAT, WP 10/20].

Iraq announces it will begin rationing gasoline beginning next week (cf. 10/28) [NYT, LAT, WP 10/20].

Pentagon reports it is sending 400 to 500 of its top Mi-Al battle tanks to Saudi Arabia [NYT, WP 10/20].

Media report next space shuttle launch, scheduled for 11/10, will place into orbit spy satellite designed to track Iraqi troops and military activity in the Gulf region [NYT 10/20].

Canada announces its 5 remaining diplomats have left country's embassy in Kuwait; only 3 embassies in Kuwait remain open; U.S., Britain, and France [NYT 10/20].

Soviet envoy Primakov meets Pres. Bush to discuss Gulf crisis, says afterward that peaceful solution remains possible [LAT 10/20].

Senate votes 90-8 to reject legislation condemning Israel's declared plans to settle more Jews in O.T. and E. Jerusalem [MEM 10/22].

Israeli troops shoot, wound at least 10 Palestinians in Gaza during demonstrations against Haram al-Sharif incident [LAT 10/20].

After 3 days of negotiations, UN Sec. Council members struggle to draft resolution on Haram al-Sharif incident that is acceptable to U.S.; majority ready to support resolution sponsored by nonaligned countries, but U.S. threatens veto [NYT, WP, LAT 10/12].

New York Times reports Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders are beginning to raise moral questions about U.S. policy in Gulf, moving away from support voiced 2 months ago [NYT 10/12].

Independent investigations discredit Israeli gov't's version that Haram al-Sharif kill-ings resulted from carefully planned Palestinian attack [NYT 10/12].

At press conference, al-Maqasid Hospital doctors say many of the dead and wounded of 10/8 were shot in the back, indicating they were shot while fleeing [JDP 10/12 in FBIS 10/12]; Palestinians are barred from Haram al-Sharif [MEM 10/11].

One by one foreign embassies in Kuwait that defied orders to close by Iraq on 8/24, have been forced to shut down for lack of water, food, and electricity. German and Belgian embassies close leaving only 4 embassies - U.S., France, Britain, and Canada- open [NYT 10/12; WP 10/13].

Despite appeal from Saudi Arabia, German gov't rules out the sale of weapons to Arab states since sale would severely damage sensitive relations with Israel [LAT, MEM 10/121].

Tank-led Syrian troops close in on major routes to E. Beirut; Syrian military intervention to oust Gen. Aoun is at Hrawi gov't's request [NYT, LAT, WP 10/12].

P.M. Shamir invites Syrian Pres. Asad "to come, to talk, to conduct negotiations and maybe to get to peace." Shamir also criticizes U.S. for delaying decision on whether to continue U.S.-PLO dialogue [WP, NYT, LAT 6/19; JTS 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater says Pres. Bush has written "lengthy" letter sent to Shamir over past few days offering congratulations on new gov't. and discussing U.S.-Israeli relations [WP, WT 6/19; MEM 6/22 (details of letter in MEM 7/27)].

Tel Aviv court charges Israeli Ami Popper, 21, with the 5/20 murders of 7 Palestinians. Five-man psychiatric panel rejects notion that Popper is "derranged," as Israeli authorities had first claimed [IDF 6/18 in FBIS 6/18; LAT 6/ 19].

Cairo declines Shamir's 6/15 call for Israeli-Egyptian summit, saying Egypt expects "concrete actions towards peace and establishment of dialogue in Cairo with Palestinians and not mere messages conveying good intentions" [MAP 6/18 in FBIS 6/19].

In letter to Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog released today, Theo Klein, former head (1983-89) of France's 700,000-strong Jewish community, says Israel should meet PLO [MEM 6/19].

Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. "would be prepared to discuss the question of a United Nations observer team" going to O.T. when UN Sec. Council meets in Geneva on 5/25 [NYT, WP, WT, LAT 5/24; MEM 5/25].

European Community's exec. commission grants emergency aid of 500,000 ECU ($600,000) for Palestinian victims of violence in O.T. [MEM 5/24].

Israeli Maj. Gen. Matan Vilna'i, commander of Southern Command, orders stricter firing regulations in Gaza to reduce casualties; new orders give only senior commander of each sector authorization to allow firing of plastic or rubber bullets [MAA 5/24 in FBIS 5/25].

Mideast Mirror reports thousands of Palestinian workers have stayed away from their jobs since 5/20 killings, and renewal of communal tensions [MEM 5/ 23].

Pres. Bush telephones Pres. Mubarak to discuss recent events, especially Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [MENA 5/ 23 in FBIS 5/24; MENA 5/25 in FBIS 5/ 25].

Ambassadors to Tunisia from France, Italy, and Ireland, and European Community meet with Arafat to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].

General strike is observed in Lebanon; banks, other businesses, are closed in solidarity with Palestinians condemning 5/20 killings; demonstrations are held in Beirut [BDS 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Arab foreign ministers conclude presummit working session begun 5/22 in Baghdad, adopt agenda for 5/28 summit [INA 5/23 in FBIS 5/24].

Scattered anti-Israel demonstrations take place in and near Amman refugee camps; some 200 protestors are dispersed at Ministry of Interior [JTE 5/24, 5/25 in FBIS 5/25]; at least I person is killed, several injured [MEM 5/24].

Western nations join UN Sec. Council debate on flow of Soviet Jews to Israel, with both Britain and France saying Israeli settlements in O.T. and E. Jerusalem are illegal [WT 3/30].

Israeli authorities impose curfew on Gaza; order special precautions in W. Bank and Arab areas in Israel in hopes of forestalling violence on the anniversary of 1976 Land Day, when a number of Israeli Arabs protesting land expropriation in Galilee were shot by IDF [WP, WT 3/30].

Israeli col. Yehuda Meir pleads not guilty in military court to brutality charges, saying he was following orders. He is accused of ordering his men "to systematically break the bones of 20 Palestinians from the villages of Beita and Hammara" in W. Bank [WT 3/30].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Diplomats representing Spain, Greece, France (the countries that are developing European Community's position toward Israeli-Arab conflict) attempt to visit Nahalin, but are tumed back by IDF [FJ 5/1].

Arab World: PLO announces that it has received $12 million from Saudis to support intifadah [FBIS 4/26].

Other Countries: The Soviet Foreign Ministry criticizes Shamir's election proposal as insufficient. Aides to Italian P.M. de Mita state that Italy is prepared to underwrite $75 million aid package for O.T. [FBIS 4/25].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Rafah troops open fire, kill Palestinian [FBIS 4/26, FJ 5/1]. In Gaza Strip troops injure 19 Palestinians. Troops wound 4 Palestinians in Hebron [FBIS 4/26].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Golan, Druze celebrate Syrian independence day with demonstrations, displays of Syrian flags [FBIS 4/18]. Israeli-imposed curfews confine 1 million Palestinians to homes [FJ 4/24].

Arab World: PLO chairman Arafat arrives in Amman for 2 days of meetings with King Hussein who will travel to France, U.K., U.S. later in week [FBIS 4/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Duhayshah troops open fire, kill 23-year-old Palestinian [FBIS 4/17, FJ 4/24]. 4 Palestinians are shot in O.T. [FJ 4/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel condemns U.S. move to begin talks with PLO; Shamir aide states Israel will never meet with PLO [LAT 12/16].

Other Countries: UN votes in favor of calling for M.E. peace conference; call is opposed by U.S., Israel [LAT 12/16]. UN upgrades the status of PLO; PLO will be referred to as Palestine [WP 12/16]. W. Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands praise U.S. decision to talk with PLO [NYT 12/16].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus soldiers shoot, wound 3 Palestinians. In Maythalun 1 Palestinian is injured. In Gaza Strip 9 Palestinians are injured during clashes with Israeli troops. Troops arrest 4 Palestinians in Bir Zeit. Troops demolish 3 Palestinians houses in Dhahriyyah [FJ 12/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfews are enforced in parts of Gaza City, Nusayrat camp [FJ 12/5].

Other Countries: France, Italy, Sweden condemn U.S. denial of visa to Arafat [NYT 11/28]. Perez de Cuellar, secretary general of the United Nations, calls U.S. denial "incompatible with the obligations of the host country" [WP 11/28]. Arab diplomats announce that they have votes needed to move UN General Assembly to Geneva in order to hear Arafat [NYT 11/28].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cashes erupt in Jabalya, Dayr al-Balah, al-Burayj, Khan Yunis, Idna, throughout O.T.; at least 17 Palestinians are injured [FJ 12/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel extradites William Nakash, French Jew convicted of 1983 murder of Arab, to France [WP 12/3]. Imprisoned al-Najah U. student Jamal Hindi is served expulsion order [FJ 12/6]. Greek F.M. Karolos Papoulias meets with 20 Palestinians in E. Jerusalem, pledges continued Greek support for Palestinian national rights [Fl 12/6]. Lawyer for Husayn Thulthayn files appeal with military objections com. against Israeli confiscation of land [FJ 12/6]. At Tel Aviv U. 70 Arab students protest housing discrimination [FP 12/6]. Israel announces it has uncovered DFLP cell in Nablus region [FJ 12/6].

Other Countries: U.S. court upholds State Dept. order closing PIO in Washington, D.C.; ACLU plans to appeal ruling [WP 12/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers raid Bethlehem University, closed since demonstration 10/29 [FJ 12/6]. Near Nablus, Israeli forces use live ammunition to disperse Palestinians protesting Israeli demolition of houses allegedly built without permits; 3 are injured [FJ 12/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: French P. M. Jacques Chirac calls for Palestinian self-determination and international peace conference during official visit to Israel [LAT 11/2]. Numerous demonstrations in Gaza Strip are reported [FJ 11/8]. Israeli cabinet postpones discussion of Landau commission report on Shin Bet methods [NYT 11/2]. Shahir Sa'd, leader of W. Bank Federation of Labor Unions, is banned from crossing into Jordan [Fl 11/8]. Al-Fajr reports Palestinians have been denied work permits by the Saudi embassy in Amman because they are Palestinian graduates of Birzeit University [FJ 11/8]. Israeli military objections com. in Jenin approves Nasir Abu 'Aziz's expulsion order [FJ 11/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: At Gaza Strip's jabaliya refugee camp, 1 woman is injured when soldiers fire on student demonstrators [FJ 11/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects Norwegian request to place heavy water supplied by Norway in 1960 under supervision of International Atomic Energy Agency [FBIS 10/6].

Other Countries: France abandons plan to buy used Hercules planes from Israel [FBIS 10/6].

 Military Action

Arab World: In S. Lebanon security zone, IDF patrol shoots, seriously wounds Lebanese man allegedly trying to run down soldiers [FBIS 10/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebrew University suspends and fines 5 Arab and Jewish students for their roles in organizing demonstrations protesting December shooting of 2 Palestinian students [FJ 2/6]. Minister of Religious Affairs orders resumption of excavations under Jerusalem's Western Wall. Digging was halted by former minister because it threatens Arab houses in the area [FJ 2/6].

Arab World: Jordan bars head of W. Bank Dentists' Union from traveling to conference in Jordan [FJ 2/6].

Other Countries: Washington Post reports England, France, and W. Germany oppose U.S.-planned summit on terrorism and have warned U.S. against military attack on Lebanon [WP 2/5]. U.S. officials disclaim reports of imminent atack on Lebanon while U.S. naval force remains off Lebanon and Iran [WP 2/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Three Palestinians are wounded when Israeli troops fire at their car at military checkpost near Jizzin village, in Nablus region. Israeli army claims soldiers shot after car refused to stop [FJ 2/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Several thousand people, including several Jews, march to commemorate 30th anniversary of 1956 Kafr Qasim massacre (WP 10/30).

Other Countries: Le Monde reports that Syria helped France reach "truce" with group believed to have exploded bombs in Paris. "Truce" will last until February when Georges Ibrahim 'Abdallah is to stand trial. Meanwhile, Saudi newspaper publishes interview with French interior minister saying Syrian and French secret services were involved in "real cooperation" to prevent terrorist bombings (NYT, WP 10/30).

Military Action

Arab World: In Lebanon, Palestinian Amal rocket and artillery battles spread to Beirut suburb Burj al-Barajinah, which has been quiet since the summer when 200 were killed in Palestinian camps. Druze leader Walid Jumblatt warns Palestinians against using south Lebanon for "military adventurism." AP reports UN and Palestinian sources estimate 3,500 Palestinian guerrillas have returned to refugee camps in Lebanon in past six months (NYT, WP 10/30). Syria begins formation of joint leftist force to fight Fateh in the Lebanese camps. Force would comprise fighters from Druze Progressive Socialist party, Lebanese Ba'th, Syrian Social Nationalist party, and Lebanese Communist party (JP 10/30).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Blind 28-year-old Palestinian is sentenced to life imprisonment for leading a guerrilla band, killing British tourist and Israeli businessman in East Jerusalem (NYT 10/28).

Other Countries: Led by Greece and France, 12-member European Economic Community rebuffs British pressure to adopt punitive sanctions against Syria at foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg (NYT, WP 10/28). U.S. considers sanctions against Syria (NYT 10/28).

Military Action

Arab World: Truce in Lebanon is broken, Amal and Palestinians resume clashes near Sidon (30 killed, 80 wounded) (NYT 10/28).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Peres calls Sunday Times report on Israeli nuclear bomb factory "sensationalist" and repeats longstanding Israeli policy on nuclear weapons (i.e., Israel "will not be the first to introduce" them) (WP, NYT 10/7).

Other Countries: In London, trial opens of Nizar Hindawi, Jordanian accused of trying to blow up El Al jumbo jet with 375 passengers on board on 4/17 by giving girlfriend suitcase with bomb inside. Prosecution says Hindawi told British investigators that Syrian military intelligence officers gave him money, passport, explosives, and bomb training (NYT, WP 10/7). Israeli diplomatic mission in Geneva announces name of third Taba arbitrator: Gunnar Lagergren of Sweden. Other two are Pierre Bellet of France and Dietrich Schindler of Switzerland (JP 10/7).

Military Action

Arab World: Eight Israeli jets attack PFLP training camp and ammunition dump north of Tripoli, ten miles from Syrian border; nine are wounded-seven guerrillas and two civilians. First Israeli bombing activity in north Lebanon in 15 months, but 12th in Lebanon this year (WP, NYT 10/7). Video recordings of three French hostages are received in West Beirut news agency office (NYT 10/7).


Other Countries: Israeli P.M. Peres meets Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze for 90 minutes at UN. Peres calls meeting "beginning of dialogue" (WP 9/23); it is highest level meeting since 1967 rupture. Peres says they agree to consider normalizing relations (NYT 9/23). At request of France, Israel tells UN Security Council that it won't dismantle "security zone" inside Lebanon as Security Council demands (NYT 9/23).

Military Action

Arab World: IDF mass troops and equipment on both sides of the Lebanese border; military sources repeat warnings that Israel will use "all means necessary" including use of troops to defend SLA from new attacks by Muslim guerrillas and to maintain control of "security zone." Mobilization is largest concentration of troopsince June 1985 withdrawal (WP, NYT 9/23).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: The report of the state comptroller, Yitzhak Tunik, claims Israel's Interior Ministry has been supplying much of the money used to fund anti-Arab demonstrations in the West Bank, to pay for protection of Jewish settlers, and to follow activities of West Bank Palestinians and their Israeli sympathizers [LT 5/14].

Other Countries: The U.S. is quietly exploring with Britain, France, and West Germany the possibility of joint economic and diplomatic sanctions against Syria in the event of clearcut evidence of its involvement in violent attacks against American or European nationals or on European soil [BG 5/15].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot and injure 2 Palestinians inNablus during anti-Israel protest on anniversary of formation of state of Israel [JTA 5/14; CSM, LT 5/15].

Arab World: Lebanese TV and radio report that Israel has sent a large number of tanks, escorted by helicopter gunships, into its "security zone" in S. Lebanon; border crossings into the "security zone" were reportedly closed for 24 hours because of the military moves [NYT 5/15].


Arab World: Pres. Mubarak asks France to organize intl. conference on M.E. peace to contact "both parties" - Israel and the Palestinians - in preparation for real conference [NYT, JTA 1/30]. Mubarak holds talks with W. German officials [NYT 1/30].

Other Countries: British Foreign Office stops processing documents on behalf of Arab Boycott Office, following visit by P.M. Peres [JTA 1/30].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gunman carrying Jordanian army papers crosses Jordan River, kills 2 Israeli soldiers on patrol, wounds 2 others before he is shot to death [NYT, LAT 1/30].

Arab World: Israeli warplanes bomb Palestinian guerrilla bases in S. Lebanon, killing at least 5, wounding 6; Israeli army states targets were 3 houses used by opposition PLO factions, including Abu Musa's Fateh faction, which claimed responsibility for 1/26 bombing of Jerusalem restaurant [WP, LAT 1/30]. Vacuum bombs were reportedly used in the raid [FJ 1/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Decapitated and badly decomposed body of al-Fajr journalist Hasan 'Abd al-Halim Fakia, missing since 10/3, is found outside Jerusalem. Police say grenade found near body indicates cause of death; al-Fajr editor Hanna Siniora states 'Abd al-Halim was murdered for researching story on West Bank land fraud [MG 12/21; JP 12/22; FJ 1/3]. Jerusalem Post reports Ziyad Abu 'Ayn was charged in military court with sedition and planning terrorist atacks. (Abu 'Ayn was extradited from U.S. in 1981, sentenced, released in 5/20 prisoner exchange) [JP 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports 13 more Palestinians are placed under administrative detention, bringing total to over 100 since September [FJ 12/20]. Al-Fajr reports Israeli troops closed al-Najah University 5 out of 8 days during the past week [FJ 12/20]. U.S. State Dept. announces Israel has dismantled unit which handled Jonathan Pollard, has returned all documents Pollard supplied, has taken action "to prevent any repetition of such activities"; intelligence sharing between U.S.and Israel will resume [NYT, WP 12/21].

Military Action

Other Countries: Three gunmen who took hostages during robbery trial in France surrender to police; police state they belong to Abu Nidal faction [NYT 12/21].