Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Sha'b cancels publication for 1 week to protest curbs on distribution in occupied territories [FBIS 11/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Sha'b cancels publication for 1 week to protest curbs on distribution in occupied territories [FBIS 11/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, estimated 150 Jewish settlers occupy Ibrahim Mosque's main hall during Muslim prayers [FJ 11/22].
Arab World: Kuwait...
Arab World: Iraq renews full diplomatic relations with Egypt [WP 11/14].
Other Countries: Speaking in Geneva, Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO Political Dept...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, Israeli driver opens fire on stone-throwing demonstrators who surrounded his car; 2 schoolgirls are wounded [WP, NYT 11/12...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of missing Israeli soldier is discovered near kibbutz in W. Galilee [FJ 10/4]. Israeli police arrest 3 Jerusalem residents for...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clerks Union and Finance Ministry sign new wage agreement ending nationwide strike [CSM 9/28]. Palestinian-owned house in 'Isawiyyah...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police capture 3 Palestinians who escaped from Nafha Prison 9/21 [FJ 10/4].
Arab World: Al-Wafd reports Egypt has...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Angry, tire-burning Israeli Aircraft workers block highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during morning rush hour to protest government...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli cabinet votes to cancel 7-year-old Lavi jet fighter project. Demonstrating Israeli Aircraft workers block highway near factory [...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. envoy Charles Hill meets with Israeli P. M. Shamir to discuss proposed international peace conference [LAT 8/13]. Fu'ad Ishkantna...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Minister of Agriculture Arik Nehemkin gives Bayt Jann villagers permission to farm their land [FJ 8/2]. Military officials serve...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres reveals he met with Yugoslavian Pres. Lazar Mojsov in Geneva earlier this month [VP 7/28]. During speech in Netanya, Deputy...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid meets with 13 Palestinians from occupied territories in Tel Aviv [FJ 7/26]. Estimated 20,000...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egypt's F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid begins 3-day visit to Israel during which he will meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials [CSM 7/...
Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Communications Minister Amnon Rubinstein, head of Labor-aligned Shinui party, says his party is pulling out of national unity government...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli inner cabinet discusses F. M. Peres' plan for international peace conference; no vote is taken [JP 5/14]. Authorities renew for...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir leaves for Paris where he hopes to "undermine European support for an international conference" [NYT 4/28]. More than 100...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Attomey for 'Izzat Nafsu, former IDF officer convicted of espionage in 1981, petitions High Court to order military to lift secrecy...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops surround Gaza's Islamic University, provoking student protest; soldiers raid campus to halt demonstrations, injuring 56...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin visits Qalqiliyyah area, defends govemment security measures in area. Chief of Staff Moshe Levy says 4/11 attack...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Ramallah burn tires and throw stones at IDF patrols. Gaza confrontation results in wounding of 1 soldier and 1...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military court finds Al-Najah U. Prof. Sa'eb Erakat guilty of incitement in connection with an editorial calling for Palestinians to "...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin denies White House allegations cited in Tower Commission report that Israel offered military advisers to...
Other Countries: Washington Post reports Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein have canceled plans to visit U.S. because of arms sales to Iran [...
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Al-Fajr reports the Merkovitch Committee, formed to investigate issue of unlicensed construction in the occupied territories,...
Arab World: John Cardinal O'Connor tours Baqa'a refugee camp near Amman and expresses sympathy for Palestinian plight [NYT 12/30]. Reports indicate Lebanese Pres....
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel denies violating Italian laws while bringing Mordechai Vanunu back from Europe for trial [WP 12/26].
Arab World: Jordanian...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Sha'b cancels publication for 1 week to protest curbs on distribution in occupied territories [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: North Yemen announces resumption of diplomatic relations with Egypt [WP 11/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Hebron, estimated 150 Jewish settlers occupy Ibrahim Mosque's main hall during Muslim prayers [FJ 11/22].
Arab World: Kuwait and Morocco renew diplomatic relations with Egypt [NYT 11/15].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli navy patrol seizes Nadijah, boat flying Honduran flag, off Israeli coast. Israel alleges crew, who are detained, are members of Fateh [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: Amal and Palestinian fighters trade gunfire east of Sidon [FBIS 11/16].
Arab World: Iraq renews full diplomatic relations with Egypt [WP 11/14].
Other Countries: Speaking in Geneva, Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO Political Dept., condemn seizure of 5 Belgians and 3 French by Fateh-Revolutionary Council [FBIS 11/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, Israeli driver opens fire on stone-throwing demonstrators who surrounded his car; 2 schoolgirls are wounded [WP, NYT 11/12]. Attomey General Yosef Harish orders investigation into death of 'Awad Hamdan, who died in Jenin Prison 7/21; Yediot Aharonot reports 3 Shin Bet officers have been suspended for lying about the incident [WP, NYT 11/12]. Israeli officials order 2 Dayr al-Balah schools closed until 11/15 after student demonstrations [FJ 11/15]. High-ranking Japanese trade delegation arrives in Israel [FBIS 11/13].
Arab World: Final declaration of Arab summit includes statement of support for UN-sponsored international peace conference and says member states may restore diplomatic ties with Egypt [NYT 11/12]. UAE announces resumption of diplomatic relations with Egypt [NYT 11/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of missing Israeli soldier is discovered near kibbutz in W. Galilee [FJ 10/4]. Israeli police arrest 3 Jerusalem residents for allegedly plotting to bomb W. Jerusalem bus station [FJ 10/4]. Curfew on Jinsafut village is lifted [FJ 10/4]. Keren Keyemet official occupies Arab-owned house in Silwan, claiming building was bought by Jews in 1920 [FJ 10/4]. Residents of Tulkarm-district village of Bala'ah are ordered not to leave the country [FJ 10/4].
Other Countries: In Wall Street Journal interview, Israeli P. M. Yitzhak Shamir voices opposition to proposed U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia, says Arab states should look to Israel for military protection [WSJ 9/29]. Speaking before UN, Israeli F. M. Shimon Peres outlines proposal for Middle East peace conference [NYT 10/1]. After meeting with U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz in New York, Egypt's F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid expresses support for Shultz's upcoming visit to Middle East [FBIS 10/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Clerks Union and Finance Ministry sign new wage agreement ending nationwide strike [CSM 9/28]. Palestinian-owned house in 'Isawiyyah village north of Jerusalem is demolished by Israeli bulldozers [FJ 10/4].
Arab World: Shaykh Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah and Saudi government deny allegations published in Washington Post that Saudi Arabia paid Fadlallah $2 million bribe to end bombing attacks on Westem targets [WP 9/28]. Libyan leader Mu'ammar Qadhdhafi receives Abu Musa in Tripoli [FJ 10/4].
Other Countries: Faruq al-Qaddumi, head of PLO's Political Department, holds talks with Egypt's F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid in New York [FJ 10/4].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police capture 3 Palestinians who escaped from Nafha Prison 9/21 [FJ 10/4].
Arab World: Al-Wafd reports Egypt has rejected Israeli bid to participate in Egyptian-Turkish project to produce spare parts for U.S. weapons [FBIS 10/2].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Angry, tire-burning Israeli Aircraft workers block highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem during morning rush hour to protest government's decision to cancel Lavi project [WP 9/1]. Israeli officials dismiss Bethlehem-area teacher Saqr Abu 'Ayyash for involvement in political activities [FJ 9/6]. Israeli officials offer no explanations for turning back all young men from Ramallah and al-Birah at Jordan River crossing points [FJ 9/6]. Athletes at Gaza Islamic U. hold sit-in on campus to protest Israeli government's refusal to allow them to participate in events in Amman [FJ 9/6].
Arab World: Egypt reports arrest of Israeli scuba divers allegedly involved in Israeli plan to steal water from under the Sinai [FJ 9/6].
Other Countries: Nobel Institute in Oslo announces Mordechai Vanunu has been nominated for Nobel Peace Prize [CSM 9/1].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli cabinet votes to cancel 7-year-old Lavi jet fighter project. Demonstrating Israeli Aircraft workers block highway near factory [LAT 8/31]. In Rafah, Palestinian child is shot in leg by Israeli truck driver who alleges he opened fire after group of children threw stones at him [FJ 9/6]. Trial of Mordechai Vanunu begins under extraordinarily heavy security; Vanunu faces life imprisonment for selling The Times of London information about Israel's nuclear facility at Dimona [WP, LAT 8/3 1]. In Jenin area, 5 people are injured when 2 gas bombs are thrown at Arab bus. In Gaza, Israeli police order 30 stores closed after gas bomb is thrown at Israeli car [FJ 9/6]. Palestinian-owned poultry farm in Nablus-area village of Naqura is demolished by Israeli bulldozers. It is the 3d farm destroyed in the past week [FJ 9/6]. Israeli authorities reopen Rafah crossing to Egypt after 4-day closure. The crossing was closed after acollaborator was attacked [FJ 9/6].
Arab World: Jordanian Ministry for Occupied Territories Affairs agrees to allocate JD 140,000 for development projects in Gaza Strip [FJ 9/6].
Military Action
Arab World: Shi'i guerrillas claim 4 Israeli soldiers were killed in overnight clash in S. Lebanon security zone. Israeli sources state 4 Shi'i fighters were killed north of the security zone [CSM 8/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: U. S. envoy Charles Hill meets with Israeli P. M. Shamir to discuss proposed international peace conference [LAT 8/13]. Fu'ad Ishkantna from Rafah is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment on charges of Fateh membership and building explosives; another Rafah resident, Nabil Ghazi Sha'th, receives 15-year sentence on similar charges [FJ 8/16]. Israeli authorities confiscate nearly 300 sheep in 'Ayn Malih in Jordan Valley area; sheep are returned after owner pays JD 900 fine [FJ 8/16]. Palestinian is arrested trying to enter Baytar Ilit settlement near Bethlehem [FJ 8/16].
Arab World: Egypt cancels media coverage of upcoming joint Egyptian-U.S. land, sea, and air military maneuvers [WP 8/11].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha rockets land in N. Israel and S. Lebanon security zone in 2d day of attacks [CSM 8/11].
Arab World: Israeli helicopter attack in Nabatiyyah region of S. Lebanon kills 1 Lebanese, wounds 2 others; retaliating Lebanese militiamen shoot, injure 6 Israeli soldiers in attack on Israeli-SLA post in security zone [WP 8/11; FJ 8/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Minister of Agriculture Arik Nehemkin gives Bayt Jann villagers permission to farm their land [FJ 8/2]. Military officials serve 3 unionists from Abu Dis with 6-month town arrest orders [FJ 8/2].
Arab World: After emergency meeting in Damascus, PFLP politburo announces dismissal of spokesman Bassam Abu Sharif, who participated in 7/27 meeting between PLO Chairman Arafat and Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, saying the meeting violated the resolutions passed at the 18th PNC [FJ 8/2].
Other Countries: U.S. officials confirm U.S. and Jordan conducted their largest joint military exercises last week [CSM 7/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres reveals he met with Yugoslavian Pres. Lazar Mojsov in Geneva earlier this month [VP 7/28]. During speech in Netanya, Deputy Defense Minister Michael Dekel says U.S. and other Western countries have "moral and political" duty to oversee transfer of Palestinians from W. Bank to Jordan [NYT 7/31]. Al-Shabibah wins all 11 seats in al-Najah University student council elections [FJ 8/2]. Israeli military court in Ramallah acquits Nasir Nimr Iyad of Qalandiyyah refugee camp of security charges [FJ 8/2]. Nazareth's 12th voluntary work camp ends after completing 68 projects [FJ 8/2]. Knesset votes to approve "Galilee law," which would establish a council to oversee and finance increased Jewish development in the Galilee [FJ 8/2].
Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Ethiopia [FJ 8/2].
Other Countries: U.S.S.R. issues Israel its 3d waming of the week pressing Israel to abandon deployment of nuclear-armed Jericho II missile [NYT 7/29; WP 8/1].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli troops land on S. Lebanon shore, kill 7 Nasserite Popular Liberation Army soldiers in battle near Sidon [WP 7/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egyptian F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid meets with 13 Palestinians from occupied territories in Tel Aviv [FJ 7/26]. Estimated 20,000 Palestinians and Israelis participate in opening ceremonies for Nazareth's 12th voluntary work camp [FJ 7/26]. W. Bank military governor orders Muslim Youth Society in Hizma closed for 3 months [FJ 7/26].
Arab World: Unity and Liberation Front announces its formation istatement issued in Lebanon; the front, a coalition of 13 pro-Syrian groups, calls for joint action against Israel, the PLO, and the Lebanese Phalange party [FJ 7/26].
Other Countries: Palestinian political cartoonist Naji al-Ali is seriously injured by unidentified gunman in London [FJ 7/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Egypt's F.M. 'Ismat 'Abd al-Magid begins 3-day visit to Israel during which he will meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials [CSM 7/21]. Results of tawjihi exams are announced [FJ 7/26]. Unions from the occupied territories hold conference inJerusalem in solidarity with employees of JEC [FJ 7/26]. Balatah refugee camp resident Na'il Amin Fata'ir is deported after Israeli High Court determined hewas in the territories illegally [FJ 7/26].
Arab World: Reports indicate U.S. and Egypt have reached agreement allowing Egypto produce M1A1 Abrams (often called Ml) tanks [WP 6/29]. Municipal authorities from Bethlehem and Bayt Sahur issue statement condemning Israeli proposal to pump water from new Bethlehem well to Jewish settlements; drilling well at planned 900-1,000 meters would drain 5 wells supplying Bethlehem and Hebron areas [FJ 7/5]. Three Israelis are arrested on charges of involvement in attacks on Palestinian workers in their Ramat Gan-Tel Aviv apartment [FJ 7/5].
Arab World: Hani al-Hassan, political adviser to Yasir Arafat, arrives in Cairo for 1st high-level Palestinian-Egyptian talks since 18th session of PNC in April [FJ 7/5].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Communications Minister Amnon Rubinstein, head of Labor-aligned Shinui party, says his party is pulling out of national unity government in effort to force new elections [LAT, NYT 5/18]. Israeli cabinet votes to implement 2-tiered tuition scale charging army veterans lower tuition rate than non-veterans [FJ 5/24]. Israeli troops seal off rooms in Qalqiliyyah houses belonging to families of 3 men accused of throwing firebombs at military vehicles [FJ 5/24]. Ahmad Nasr, resident of Khan Yunis refugee camp, is arrested, served expulsion order on charges of leading Fateh youth movement in Gaza [FJ 5/24]. Town arrest orders are issued against 4 residents of W. Bank and Gaza Strip, bringing total number currently under town arrest in occupied territories to74 [FJ 5/24]. Three preparatory schools in Gaza Strip town of Rafah are ordered closed indefinitely [FJ 5/24].
Arab World: PLO Executive Com. statement indicates decision to pursue normalization of relations with Egypt. PLO delegation led by Faruq al-Qaddumi arrives in Tripoli, Libya [FJ 5/24].
Other Countries: Israeli F.M. Peres tells meeting of Am. Jewish Com. in New York that role of U.S.S.R. in proposed international peace conference needs clarification [NYT 5/18]; meets with Soviet Ambassador Yuri Dubinin in Washington [WP, CSM 5/19]; in speech at AIPAC conference, says talks with Jordan might deny PLO role in peace process [BG, LAT 5/18]. Also speaking before AIPAC, U.S. Sec. of State Shultz officially endorses negotiations in preparation for international peace conference on the Middle East [WP 5/18].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli inner cabinet discusses F. M. Peres' plan for international peace conference; no vote is taken [JP 5/14]. Authorities renew for another 6 months town-arrest order of journalist Nabhan Khurayshah; this, his 10th consecutive town-arrest order, is the longest town arrest on the W. Bank [FJ 5/17]. Israeli military court sentences 3 Palestinians from Gaza to 40 years imprisonment for attempting to plant bomb near Asqalan Prison [FJ 5/17].
Arab World: Pres. Mubarak of Egypt urges PLO officials to participate in international peace conference [BG 5/14].
Other Countries: Five U.S. senators introduce bill that would close PLO offices in U.S. [WP, NYT 5/14].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Large student demonstrations inKafr Qasim village continue [FJ 5/17]. International Labor Organization (ILO) issues report on Arab workers in occupied territories [FJ 5/17]. Trial of 3 Palestinians charged with stabbing death of 3 Israelis and membership in Islamic Jihad opens under strict security [FJ 5/17]. Two members of Nablus municipal council resign [FJ 5/17].
Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein meet in Cairo, discuss PNC reconciliation and international peace conference proposal [BG 5/14].
Other Countries: Reports indicate secret agreement between Jordan and Israel includes provision to restrict role of U.S.S.R. in Middle East peace conference [NYT 5/12]. U.S. government refiles charges against 7 Palestinians and 1 Kenyan; 2 are accused of subversion, 6 of visa violations [LAT 5/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shamir leaves for Paris where he hopes to "undermine European support for an international conference" [NYT 4/28]. More than 100 Palestinians and Israelis join in demonstration at al-Hakawati Theater in show of support for Faysal al-Husayni, held under administrative detention, and Birzeit U., closed for 4 months [FJ 5/3]. At press conference, Higher Council of Education members protest Israeli harassment of universities in the occupied territories [FJ 5/3]. Estimated 1,000 residents of Palestinian Druze village of Bayt Jann gather in Jerusalem to protest government's landuse and budget policies; village holds commercial and school strike [FJ 5/3].
Arab World: Egypt orders PLO offices in Cairo and Alexandria closed in reaction to PNC criticism of Camp David accords [NYT 4/28; CSM 4/29].
Other Countries: Members of U. S. congressional panels investigating Iran-contra affair review material submitted by Israel; negotiations between U.S. investigators and Israel over confidentiality of report continue [WP 4/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Attomey for 'Izzat Nafsu, former IDF officer convicted of espionage in 1981, petitions High Court to order military to lift secrecy order on Nafsu's appeal [JPI 5/2]. Israel Radio reports Israeli authorities have recently discovered several military cells on the W. Bank [FJ 5/3]. Residents of Bayt 'Ula village in Hebron area hold Friday prayers on land scheduled for confiscation to protest government's plan [FJ 5/17].
Arab World: Egyptian delegation walks out of PNC session in Algiers [NYT 4/28]. Abu al-'Abbas says his future attacks will be aimed at Israel, not "innocents" [LAT 4/25].
Other Countries: Israeli Minister Moshe Arens meets with U.S. Sec. of State Shultz in Washington, reiterates Likud opposition to international peace conference [JPI 5/2]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, speaking at dinner for visiting Syrian Pres. al-Asad, calls for international peace conference, blames U.S. and Israel for continuing conflict in Middle East [LAT 4/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops surround Gaza's Islamic University, provoking student protest; soldiers raid campus to halt demonstrations, injuring 56 students, and order university closed for a week [FJ 4/26].
Arab World: PLO officials announce agreement on compromise that avoids breaking relations with Egypt but formally cancels pact for joint Jordanian-Palestinian negotiations while vowing to find "a new basis to work with Jordan" [WP 4/20]. Other Countries: In Kuwait, Soviet Deputy F. M. Vladimir Petrovsky announces cancellation of consular mission visit to Israel [BG 4/21].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Three Palestinian fighters who cut a Lebanon border fence to enter northern Israel kill 2 Israeli soldiers before being killed by second Israeli patrol. Documents carried by the Palestinians indicate they were members of Fateh [NYT, LAT 4/20].
Arab World: Israeli troops impose curfew on Lebanese village of Mays al-Jabal, search houses for Palestinian fighters. Israeli helicopters strike Rashidiyyah refugee camp in S. Lebanon [NYT 4/20].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin visits Qalqiliyyah area, defends govemment security measures in area. Chief of Staff Moshe Levy says 4/11 attack was carried out by terrorist group to disrupt good relations between Arabs and Jews in region. [JP 4/16]. Reports indicate that unidentified Israeli who charges Shin Bet fabricated evidence against him was an army officer convicted of espionage in 1980 [NYT 4/16]. Red Cross closes offices in Gaza and Khan Yunis to protest army raid of offices, attack on women conducting sit-in [FJ 4/19]. Israel denies Egyptian request to allow 52 PNC members living in the occupied territories toattend the PNC session in Algiers [FJ 4/19]. Palestinian student is wounded when guard at Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron opens fire [FJ 4/19].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot 2 Palestinians in legs during protest in Rafah. Arab student is shot in chest when he attacks a guard at entrance to Kiryat Arba [JP 4/16].
Arab World: Israeli planes fly over Sidon on reconnaissance missions monitoring movement of Syrian troops [BG 4/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Demonstrators in Ramallah burn tires and throw stones at IDF patrols. Gaza confrontation results in wounding of 1 soldier and 1 protester [FJ 4/19]. Lydda military court hands down 20-year sentence in case of Shakir Mustafa 'Ayyash, convicted of planting bombs in Tel Aviv in 1979 [FJ 4/19]. Jerusalem's al-Ibrahimiyyah College and Gaza's Islamic U. suspend classes until 4/18 to protest harassment of universities in occupied territories [FJ 4/19]. Bethlehem U. ordered closed until 4/22 [FJ 4/19].
Arab World: Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) announces PLO decision to abandon pact with Jordan and instead form wider accord with Arab governments [NYT 4/15]. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak says PLO decision to cancel Amman accords reduces chance for international Middle East peace conference in 1987 [SG 4/16].
Military Action
Arab World: Syrian troops reach Awwali River in S. Lebanon [BG 4/16].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military court finds Al-Najah U. Prof. Sa'eb Erakat guilty of incitement in connection with an editorial calling for Palestinians to "learn how to endure and reject and resist" all forms of occupation; 'Iraqat's lawyer is appealing the decision to the High Court, asking court to decide the limits of free speech in the occupied territories [NYT 4/7]. Estimated 200 women, many relatives of prisoners, join in peaceful march from Jerusalem's Red Cross offices to Damascus Gate where it is broken up by police; 11 women are arrested [FJ 4/12]. Military authority imposes curfew on Ramallah town center after student demonstration. The Friends Boys School is ordered closed for 1 week [FJ 4/12]. Israeli, after thrown stone breaks his windshield, opens fire on East Jerusalem's Salah al-Din Street, wounds 2 Palestinians [FJ 4/12]. Military court orders 'Abd al-Fattah Ziyarah expelled from Gaza to Egypt [FJ 4/12].
Other Countries: Israeli Pres. Herzog arrives in W. Germany for official state visit [WT 4/6; FT 4/7]. Herzog and W. German Pres. von Weizsacker visit Bergen-Belsen concentration camp [LT 4/7].
Military Action
Arab World: Cease-fire allows 5 truck-loads of food donated by Kuwait to enter Beirut's Shatila refugee camp, the second supply operation since November [GU 4/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defense Minister Rabin denies White House allegations cited in Tower Commission report that Israel offered military advisers to Nicaraguan contras [NYT, WP 2/28].
Arab World: Israeli F. M. Peres ends 2-day visit to Egypt, issues joint statement with Egypt emphasizing support for 1987 international conference on Middle East peace. Reports indicate Egypt agreed during talks to exclude PLO from future peace talks [JP 3/7].
Other Countries: Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard states Israel provided highly detailed requests for documents and therefore doubts he was part of "renegade operation" [NYT 2/28].
Other Countries: Washington Post reports Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein have canceled plans to visit U.S. because of arms sales to Iran [WP 2/24].
Military Action
Arab World: Beirut news sources report Syrian troops, estimated at 7,000, have arrested at least 50 militiamen, shot 12 others since entering the city 2/22 [CSM 2/25]. Syrian forces kill 22 Hizballah fighters, 3Druze in separate incidents. Two "ranking" communists are assassinated in Sidon [LAT 2/25].
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Al-Fajr reports the Merkovitch Committee, formed to investigate issue of unlicensed construction in the occupied territories, recommends that, of 5,400 unlicensed Arab homes currently scheduled for demolition, 2,600 be given legal status, 300 be destroyed immediately, and 2,500 be scheduled for demolition at a later date [FJ 2/6]. Israeli military authorities order al-Najah University closed for 1 day to prevent possible campus protests [FJ 2/13].
Arab World: Starving residents of Beirut's Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp ask religious leaders for dispensation to eat human flesh [IN 2/7].
Other Countries: Arab-American groups charge 1/27 arrests of Palestinians in Los Angeles are beginning of U.S. plan to round up and deport Arabs [WP 2/7]. Amnesty International spokesman reports Arab prisoners held in S. Lebanon's SLArun al-Khiyam Detention Camp were tortured with electrical shockwaves [FJ 2/13].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israeli soldiers are injured by stones thrown at them while they patrolled Balatta refugee camp [FJ 2/13].
Arab World: Israeli navy stops Maria R., freighter enroute from Cyprus to Lebanon, arrests 8 Egyptian crewmen, 50 unarmed Palestinians [LM 2/10; WP 2/8]. SLA and Israeli forces engage in heavy fighting with Hizballah forces in Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon. At least 8 Hizballah, 1 SLA fighters are killed [IN 2/7].
Arab World: John Cardinal O'Connor tours Baqa'a refugee camp near Amman and expresses sympathy for Palestinian plight [NYT 12/30]. Reports indicate Lebanese Pres. Jumayyil is ready to back Amal against PLO if Syria can ease Muslim resistance in his cabinet [PI 12/29]. Amal leader Nabih Berri calls for immediate cease-fire in Beirut and S. Lebanon and announces his forces will allow food and medical supplies into 'Ayn al-Hilwah camp. Egypt's Pres. Mubarak and Jordan's King Hussein hold third round of talks in 'Aqaba [LAT 12/30].
Other Countries: U.S. Justice Dept. confirms Lt. Col. North told investigators that the idea to use profits from arms sales to Iran for the Nicaraguan contras originated with "a senior Israeli official." David Kimche denies suggesting such a plan [NYT 12/30].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel denies violating Italian laws while bringing Mordechai Vanunu back from Europe for trial [WP 12/26].
Arab World: Jordanian F.M. al-Masri states Jordan and Egypt will go ahead with plans for Middle East peace conference [SG 12/26].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ira Rappaport, leader of Israel's Jewish settlement movement, is charged with 1980 bombing that seriously wounded Bassam Shaka'a, former mayor of Nablus. Rappaport surrendered to police when he returned from 3-year stay in U.S. [WP 12/10].
Arab World: Egypt accuses Israel of using "violent repressive measures" against Palestinian protestors in occupied territories [BS 12/10; FJ 12/12].
Other Countries: Before the House Foreign Affairs Com., former U.S. National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane testifies that Israeli official David Kimche supplied him with a list of more than 800 "moderate" Iranian leaders. Vice Adm. John Poindexter, Lt. Col. Oliver North, and retired Air Force Gen. Richard Secord refuse to answer questions before the committee [WSJ 12/10].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Estimated 1,000 students and faculty members hold peaceful march from Birzeit U.'s new campus to the closed old- campus. Israeli troops force businesses in Ramallah, al-Birah, and Nablus to open [FJ 12/12]. Israeli military spokesman says troops fired in self-defense and student demonstration was "prepared in advance" [JP 12/10]. Palestinian youth is shot and seriously wounded in fight with Israeli soldier in Gaza; another is wounded when soldiers fire at stone-throwing marchers. Four Palestinians have been killed, at least 27 wounded in the last 6 days of Arab rioting [NYT, WP 12/10].
Arab World: Soviet ambassador in Beirut says his government is trying to mediate in battle between Amal and PLO [BS 12/10].