165 / 15468 Results
  • July 15, 1998

    On last day of Arafat's official visit, China promises financial, moral backing for a Palestinian state, says Chinese businesses would invest in the state if it is proclaimed in 5/99. (CSM 7/16) (...

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  • May 26, 1998

    PM Netanyahu arrives in China for 3-day visit. (MM 5/26)

    In Cairo, Arafat attends Arab League mtg. called to commemorate the 50th anniversary of al-Nakba; calls for Arab summit on the peace...

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  • May 24, 1998

    PM Netanyahu, Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas meet secretly at Netanyahu's home for brief talks on the peace process before Netanyahu leaves for China. (MM 6/12)

    To mark Jerusalem Day, Israel...

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  • May 5, 1998

    In London, Secy. Albright holds very brief final mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Albright sets deadline, summoning Arafat, Netanyahu to Washington 5/11. Acceptance of the "invitation"...

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  • March 2, 1998

    In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to...

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  • December 24, 1997

    New U.S. Amb. to Israel Edward Walker presents his credentials to Israeli pres. Ezer Weizman. (WT 12/25)

    Chinese FM Qichen arrives in Egypt for 3-day visit, calls for land for peace. (MENA...

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  • December 23, 1997

    Palestinian Council (PC) suspends its session, gives Arafat 1 wk. to carry out reforms, cabinet reshuffle called in its a PC 5-mo.-old corruption report. (NYT, WP 12/30; CSM 1/2; JP 1/10)


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  • December 19, 1997

    Arafat arrives in Cairo for 2 days of mtgs. on the peace process with Mubarak. (MENA 12/29 in WNC 12/23)

    China's FM Qian Qichen arrives in Lebanon on 1st leg of regional tour to discuss...

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  • October 29, 1997

    At FM Levy's request, Israeli inner cabinet meets to try to decide on a unifed negotiating position for FM Levy to take to Washington for much-delayed talks with PA negotiator Abbas. (MM 10/29;...

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  • August 24, 1997

    Jordan, PA sign administrative cooperation protocol, set up follow-up comm. to meet every 6 mos. (RJ 8/24 in WNC 8/26)

    PM Netanyahu arrives in China on 1st leg of Asian tour. (MM 8/26; WP,...

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  • February 24, 1997

    In Amman, King Hussein receives a delegation of U.S. friends of Israel's Meretz party for discussions on the peace process. (JTV 2/24 in WNC 2/26)

    Israeli FM David Levy arrives in China on...

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  • December 9, 1996

    300 Palestinian students break into Islamic University of Hebron University, sealed by IDF since the 2+n3/96 suicide bombings in Israel; say they will stay until the university is reopened. (CSM,...

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  • September 3, 1996

    In their 4th day of talks, PA, Israeli officials say plans for a mtg. btwn. Arafat, Netanyahu are hung up over the wording of a statement pledging support for the Oslo accords. Late in the evening...

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  • July 31, 1996

    Fmr. Israeli negotiator and Peres aide Yossi Beilin confirms Hirschfeld's 7/14 report. PA confirms Beilin's statement. (MM 7/31; QY 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; CSM, NYT, WT 8/1; QY 7/31, JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1...

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  • July 22, 1996

    7 of the 23 local council heads making up the YESHA settlers' council break away to form their own group. The 7 are Likud mbrs., representing settlements close to the Israeli-West Bank border (or...

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  • July 15, 1996

    Israel's stock market falls for the 9th straight day, hitting its lowest mark in 8 mos. (JP 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

    Nearly 1 mo. after announcing plans to block 2d term for UN Secy. Gen. Butros-...

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  • June 20, 1996

    PC ends 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; PR 6/28)

    Israel further eases closure, permitting Palestinian trucks to enter Israel for the 1st time in 3 mos., Palestinian...

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  • February 22, 1995

    Israel-PA talks on elections close without progress in Cairo. PA negotiator Local Government M Saeb Erakat gives Israeli delegation 6 proposal papers on international supervision of elections. (...

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  • January 8, 1995

    Russia agrees to $800 m. deal to complete work on Iranian nuclear power plant, raising criticism fr. Israel, U.S. (WP 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10)

    U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in...

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  • January 6, 1995

    PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League...

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  • January 4, 1995

    IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/...

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  • January 3, 1995

    Israeli-PA Supreme Liaison Comm. meets in Cairo, makes no progress but agrees to 2 mtgs. btwn. PM Rabin, Arafat in coming wks. Each side presents list of other side's DOP violations. PA Planning M...

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  • December 28, 1994

    Arafat calls emergency mtg. of PA Ms to discuss Israeli settlement issues; cabinet issues appeal to EU, U.S., Russia, Egypt, Norway, UN to intervene to stop settlement construction. (VOP 12/28, 12...

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  • October 13, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

    Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt,...

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  • October 11, 1993

    PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and...

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  • October 10, 1993

    PLO Central Council opens meeting in Tunis to debate approval of PLO-Israel DoP. PFLP and DFLP (Hawatmah faction) boycott meeting, as do PPSF and PLF. (SARR 10/10 in FBIS 10/13; WP 10/11)


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  • May 20, 1993

    Delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi calls for suspension of Palestinian participation in talks. (al-Quds, IDF Radio 5/20 in FBIS 5/21)

    After meeting with FM Peres, Chinese FM Qian Qichen...

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  • May 17, 1993

    PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

    FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India....

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  • October 29, 1992

    Bilateral talks in Washington adjourn until 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

    Two-day multilateral conference on economics opens in Paris, with World Bank suggesting establishment of...

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  • June 10, 1992

    IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

    Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is...

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On last day of Arafat's official visit, China promises financial, moral backing for a Palestinian state, says Chinese businesses would invest in the state if it is proclaimed in 5/99. (CSM 7/16) (see 5/28)

The House Appropriations Foreign Operations Comm. marks up the FY 1999 foreign aid bill, proposes cuts in Egyptian, Israeli aid. (WT 7/17; Akhbar al-Yawm 7/18 in WNC 7/21; WJW 7/23) (see 7/10)

In Geneva, UN Human Rights Comm. holds session on Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories. (WT 7/16; JP 7/25)

IDF confiscates 200 sheep belonging to the semisedentary Rashaida tribe, claiming that they strayed into a military zone outside Bethlehem. 30 bedouin are injured trying to stop the soldiers. (al-Hayat 7/16; JP 7/25)

PM Netanyahu arrives in China for 3-day visit. (MM 5/26)

In Cairo, Arafat attends Arab League mtg. called to commemorate the 50th anniversary of al-Nakba; calls for Arab summit on the peace process. (MENA, RE 5/26 in WNC 5/27)

Egyptian FM `Amr Musa arrives in Amman for talks with King Hussein on Mubarak's trip to France, possible Arab summit; says Pres. Mubarak is discussing summit idea with other Arab leaders, including Morocco's King Hassan, who arrived in Cairo today for 3-day official visit, and Syria's Pres. Asad. (MENA, RE, RJ 5/26 in WNC 5/27; MM 5/27, 5/28)

In Tel Aviv, Israel's DM Yitzhak Mordechai meets with Turkey's dep. chief of staff, Gen. Cevik Bir, for talks on the peace process, furthering military cooperation, possible joint arms projects. (WT 5/27)

Saudi Arabia's FM Prince Saud al-Faisal arrives in Iran for 2-day talks on improving bilateral ties. (WT 5/27)

Hamas's Shaykh Yasin visits Syria's Yarmuk refugee camp, where he receives warm welcome fr. Palestinian refuges. (WP 6/11) (see 5/25)

In East Jerusalem, Israeli border policemen clash with Palestinians protesting illegal construction by Jewish settlers (see 5/25). To halt violence, Israel's Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert bans the construction in the name of Israel's Antiquities Dept., orders the demolition of the settlers' illegal dwellings. (ITV 5/26 in WNC 5/27; MM, NYT 5/27; WJW 5/28; MM 6/3; MEI 6/5; WT 6/9)

Yemen reports that over the past 2 days, Saudi troops have seized the island of Harim in the Red Sea as part of an attempt to pressure Sana' to make territorial concessions in the 2 countries' border demarcation negotiations, which just resumed last wk. The island is 1 of 3 uninhabited but strategically significant Red Sea islands in dispute. (MM 5/26)

3 SLA mbrs., 3 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in 2 clashes in s. Lebanon. 4 civilians are injured, over 100 flee their homes. (ITV, RL, VOL 5/26 in WNC 5/27)

PM Netanyahu, Arafat adviser Mahmud Abbas meet secretly at Netanyahu's home for brief talks on the peace process before Netanyahu leaves for China. (MM 6/12)

To mark Jerusalem Day, Israel stages largest military parade (13,000 troops) through West Jerusalem since 1973, attended by U.S. congressional delegation. Groups of right-wing Israelis try to enter al-Aqsa Mosque, march on Orient House. IDF bans Palestinian entry into Jerusalem for the day, sparking clashes btwn. IDF, Palestinians in Bethlehem. (al-Dustur, RJ 5/24 in WNC 5/27; WT 5/25; PR 5/29; MEI 6/5)

In Amman, Israeli FMin. Dir. Gen. Eytan Bentzur, Jordanian FM Fayiz Tarawnah discuss Israeli proposal for conditional withdrawal fr. s. Lebanon. Jordan stresses need for Israel to unconditionally implement UN Res. 425. (JT, al-Quds, al-Ra'i 5/25 in WNC 5/27)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak briefs Arafat on his trip to France. Arafat then heads to Saudi Arabia to discuss possible Arab summit. (MENA 5/24, RE 5/26 in WNC 5/27)

Syria asks Iran's help in constructing steel mills. Both countries agree to expand cultural, art exchanges to pave way for closer bilateral relations. (IRNA 5/24, 5/25 in WNC 5/27)

In Damascus, Hamas's Shaykh Yasin meets with Pres. Hafiz al-Asad. (AFP, al-Majd 5/25 in WNC 5/27) (see 5/23)

1st Lebanese municipal elections since 1963 begin. Elections are held on 4 consecutive Sundays. (RL 5/25, 5/26 in WNC 5/27; MM 5/26; al-Safir 5/27 in WNC 6/1; WP 6/1; MEI 6/5)

In London, Secy. Albright holds very brief final mtgs. with Arafat, Netanyahu. Albright sets deadline, summoning Arafat, Netanyahu to Washington 5/11. Acceptance of the "invitation" would require both sides to agree to the U.S. 13.1% FRD proposal (which Netanyahu still claims is impossible); and to begin accelerated final status negotiations at the 5/11 mtg., in advance of the redeployments. Arafat agrees, but Netanyahu says he must consult his cabinet at its weekly session 5/10. If Netanyahu fails to come to Washington, administration officials say they would be forced to "reevaluate and reexamine our role" in the peace process. Following the announcement, CPMAJO demands a conference call with Albright 5/6 to denounce pressure on Israel. (MM 5/5; IDF Radio, JTV 5/5, al-Dustur, MENA, VOL, YA 5/6, VOA 5/7 in WNC 5/8; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/6; NYT 5/7; CSM, MEI, MM, PR 5/8)

U.S., PA, Israeli teams stay in London to try to bridge gaps on FRD. U.S. delegation presents Netanyahu's C-plus idea to the PA team, which rejects it. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/6)

In Beirut, FM Buwayz discusses Israel's conditional withdrawal proposal with Chinese amb. An Huihou. China says it supports Lebanon's position but does not promise to use its veto should any amendments to UN Res. 425 come before the UNSC. (al-Safir 5/6 in WNC 5/8)

Hamas's Shaykh Yasin arrives in the UAE. (MM 5/7; al-Bayan [Dubai] 5/10 in WNC 5/13; MM 5/12)

Kuwait allows families of 25 Jordanians still detained for allegedly collaborating with Iraq during the Gulf War to fly to Kuwait to visit their relatives. (al-Ra'i 5/5 in WNC 5/8) (see 4/27)

PA GIS agents arrest without charge Reuters reporter Abbas al-Moumani, who delivered Hamas video tape to the PA on 4/9. (LAW 5/8)

In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to press Israel for an FRD. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4; WJW 3/12; MM 3/18) (see 2/28)

UNSC unanimously approves 2/22 agmt., warning Iraq it will face "the severest consequences" if it breaks the agmt. China, France, Russia refuse to include explicit threat of force. Council settles for deliberately ambiguous language. U.S. officials stress that resolution does not prohibit an attack. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/3; MM 3/4)

At close of 2-day mtg., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan express support for construction of a "Eurasian Energy Corridor" pipeline linking Baku, Azerbaijan, with Ceyhan, Turkey. (ITAR-TASS 3/2 in WNC 3/5; Interfax 3/13 in WNC 3/17) (see 12/28/97)

Sheinbein's atty. accepts Israeli judge's 2/25 proposal, but Maryland state atty. says it would consider deal only if Sheinbein agrees to plead guilty. State Dept. says it might agree if it had some control over sentencing. (WP 3/2, 3/5)

New U.S. Amb. to Israel Edward Walker presents his credentials to Israeli pres. Ezer Weizman. (WT 12/25)

Chinese FM Qichen arrives in Egypt for 3-day visit, calls for land for peace. (MENA, RE, Xinhua [Beijing] 12/24, Xinhua 12/25, RE, Xinhua 12/26 in WNC 12/29).

In response to a Hizballah attack on an IDF patrol in s. Lebanon, IDF shells villages just north of the self-declared security zone, killing 1 civilian, wounding 2, damaging several homes. (RL, VOL 12/24 in WNC 12/29)

Palestinian Council (PC) suspends its session, gives Arafat 1 wk. to carry out reforms, cabinet reshuffle called in its a PC 5-mo.-old corruption report. (NYT, WP 12/30; CSM 1/2; JP 1/10)

Netanyahu, several Ms tour the West Bank to study security problems related to FRD. (MM 12/23)

Jordan, Israel hold talks on Jordanian-Israeli-PA economic relations. (RJ 12/23, JT 12/26 in WNC 12/29; WT 12/24; RJ 12/27 in WNC 1/1)

Chinese FM Qichen spends day in PA self-rule areas; meets with Arafat, Planning M Shaath; reaffirms China's support for creation of Palestinian state. (Xinhua [Beijing] 12/24 in WNC 12/29).

Arafat, his wife Suha light Christmas tree in Bethlehem to open holiday celebrations. (WP 12/24)

Arafat arrives in Cairo for 2 days of mtgs. on the peace process with Mubarak. (MENA 12/29 in WNC 12/23)

China's FM Qian Qichen arrives in Lebanon on 1st leg of regional tour to discuss peace process, bilateral relations. (VOL, Xinhua [Beijing] 12/19 in WNC 12/22)

2 Jordanian parliamentary mbrs., Muhammad Rafat, Hamada al-Fara'ina make controversial private 4-day visit to Israel, meet with Israeli MKs. (al-Majd, JT 12/26 in WNC 12/29)

With Israeli approval, Lebanese army reopens Kafr Falus crossing point btwn. Sidon, SLA-controlled Jazzin in s. Lebanon. By opening the crossing, which has been closed since 1985, the army hopes to prove to Israel that it is capable of reestablishing authority over all of s. Lebanon. The army tried to reopen the crossing in 8/97 but was shelled by IDF, SLA. (VOL 12/19 in WNC 12/22; WT 12/20)

At FM Levy's request, Israeli inner cabinet meets to try to decide on a unifed negotiating position for FM Levy to take to Washington for much-delayed talks with PA negotiator Abbas. (MM 10/29; IDF Radio, QY 10/29 in WNC 10/30; ITV 10/29, 10/30 in WNC 11/3; CSM, MM, NYT 10/30; MM 10/31; YA 11/2 in WNC 11/4; WP 11/3)

Russian FM Primakov arrives in Egypt for 2-day visit--the last stop on his regional tour. (MM 10/29; MENA 10/29 in WNC 10/30; MENA 10/30 in WNC 11/3)

Al-Shuhada Street in Hebron partially reopens to Palestinian civilian traffic. (WP, WT 10/30)

41 yrs. after Israeli border policemen killed 49 Palestinians in Qufr Qassim on the day the 1956 war began, Israeli Tourism M Moshe Katsav returns to the village to give official apology. On departing, he is booed by villagers. (MM 10/30)

U.S. agrees to sell China nuclear technology after China promises to stop aiding Iran's nuclear development program. (WP 10/30)

Iraq orders all 10 American UNSCOM mbrs. to leave the country and the U.S. to cancel planned U-2 intelligence flights. (MM 10/31; CSM 11/3) (see 10/23)

Jordan, PA sign administrative cooperation protocol, set up follow-up comm. to meet every 6 mos. (RJ 8/24 in WNC 8/26)

PM Netanyahu arrives in China on 1st leg of Asian tour. (MM 8/26; WP, WT 8/27, CSM 9/3, JP 9/6)

In Bethlehem, IDF clashes with Palestinians protesting continued closure. (CSM 8/25)

IDF demolishes 1 Palestinian home in East Jerusalem. (PHRIC 10/21)

ILMG holds 2d emergency mtg. on the worsening situation in Lebanon; calls on Israel, Lebanon to do everything possible to halt attacks against civilians. Lebanon wanted ILMG to reprimand Israel for the SLA's attack on Sidon 8/18, but the group, which operates by consensus, stays away from assigning blame for specific incidents. (NYT 8/25; RL 8/25 in WNC 8/26; al-Diyar 8/25, RL 8/26 in WNC 8/27) (see 8/20)

In Amman, King Hussein receives a delegation of U.S. friends of Israel's Meretz party for discussions on the peace process. (JTV 2/24 in WNC 2/26)

Israeli FM David Levy arrives in China on 3-day official visit. (Xinhua [Beijing] 2/24 in WNC 2/25; Xinhua 2/25, AFP, Xinhua 2/26 in WNC 2/27)

PM Netanyahu blames Israeli Justice M Tsahi Hanegbi for not adequately briefing him on Bar-On's qualifications for atty. gen. (MM 2/24; WT 2/25; JP 3/1) (see 2/23)

Iran, Syria sign communications agmt. increasing fr. 12 to 24 the number of satellite channels they jointly operate. (IRNA 2/24 in WNC 3/25) (see 2/22)

300 Palestinian students break into Islamic University of Hebron University, sealed by IDF since the 2+n3/96 suicide bombings in Israel; say they will stay until the university is reopened. (CSM, NYT 12/10)

EU special envoy Moratinos meets with King Hussein in Amman. (RJ 12/9 in WNC 12/11; MEI 1/24)

Syrian PM Mahmud Zubi begins 6-day visit to China. (WT 12/11) UN approves implementation of oil-for-food deal for Iraq. (NYT, WP 12/10; JT 12/10 in WNC 12/12; MM 12/11) (see 11/25)

ILMG meets to discuss the IDF's attack on a Lebanese village 12/7 that left 6 civilians wounded. (MM 12/9; RL 12/9 in WNC 12/10; RL 12/9, RMC 12/10 in WNC 12/11)

In their 4th day of talks, PA, Israeli officials say plans for a mtg. btwn. Arafat, Netanyahu are hung up over the wording of a statement pledging support for the Oslo accords. Late in the evening, a "vague" statement is concluded and signed by UN Coordinator Larsen, laying out a framework for continuing negotiations. (MM 9/3; ITV 9/3 in WNC 9/5; CSM, WT 9/4; CSM, WP, WT 9/5; MEI 9/6; PR 9/13; JP 9/14) (see 9/2)

U.S. carries out early morning strike on 14 Iraqi air defense sites in s. Iraq, firing 27 cruise missiles, killing 5 Iraqis, wounding 19; extends s. no-fly zone fr. the 32d parallel to the 33d. Later in the evening, the U.S. fires 17 cruise missiles at same targets in "mop-up" operation. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey refuse to let U.S. use their bases as staging area for the raids. Arab League, Arab MKs, China, France, PA, PLO, Russia, Syria also criticize strikes. Non-Arab MKs, Germany, Japan, UK call strikes justified. (MM 9/3; IDF Radio, JT, RE 9/3 in WNC 9/4; JTV, RE, RJ, TDN 9/3, al-Dustur, JT 9/4 in WNC 9/5; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/4; al-Nahar, al-Quds 9/4, JT 9/5 in WNC 9/6; MEI 9/6, 9/20) (see 9/2)

Fmr. Israeli negotiator and Peres aide Yossi Beilin confirms Hirschfeld's 7/14 report. PA confirms Beilin's statement. (MM 7/31; QY 7/31 in FBIS 7/31; CSM, NYT, WT 8/1; QY 7/31, JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; CSM 8/2; WT 8/7; PR 8/9; JP 8/10)

Arafat says PA has reached agmt. with Israel for release of Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, is awaiting implementation. (QY 7/31 in FBIS 8/1)

Palestinian prisoner Mahmud Jumayil dies, becoming the 7th to die in PA custody. In Bethlehem at its weekly session, PC sets up comm. to investigate the death; Arafat says 3 officers already have been detained. (VOP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; VOP 8/1 in FBIS 8/2; MM, NYT, WT 8/2; Houston Chronicle 8/5; PR 8/9; MEI 8/16; WP 8/20) (see 7/30)

CIA tells Congress's Select Comm. on Intelligence that 6 countries (China, Cuba, France, Iran, Israel, Russia) are involved in industrial espionage against the U.S. Israel denies the charge. (ITV 7/31 in FBIS 8/1; WP 8/16)

Hizballah attacks IDF, SLA position in s. Lebanon. IDF, SLA return fire, killing 1 Hizballah mbr. (JP 8/1 in FBIS 8/1; VOL 8/1 in FBIS 8/2)

7 of the 23 local council heads making up the YESHA settlers' council break away to form their own group. The 7 are Likud mbrs., representing settlements close to the Israeli-West Bank border (or 60% of the West Bank settler population), who are considered more likely than other YESHA mbrs. to accept a permanent agmt. with the PA that would annex to Israel those settlements nr. the Green Line. (MM 7/23)

Spokesman for the U.S. delegation to the UN, James Rubin, says the U.S. is concerned by signs that some UN officials are working to promote Butros-Ghali's reelection as secy. gen.; U.S. intends to look into "how UN personnel are being used by the sec. gen. for this purpose." (WP 7/24) (see 7/15)

CIA accuses Chinese manufacturer of M-11 missiles of sending a shipment of military cargo to Syria in 6/96, contravening China's 1994 pledge to the U.S. not to export missiles, missile components that violate the Missile Technology Control Regime. (WT 7/23)

Israel's stock market falls for the 9th straight day, hitting its lowest mark in 8 mos. (JP 7/16 in FBIS 7/16)

Nearly 1 mo. after announcing plans to block 2d term for UN Secy. Gen. Butros-Ghali, the U.S. has received no pledges of support for its position. Conversely, China, the Arab states, most African leaders have endorsed Butros-Ghali's candidacy. France, Russia, UK have been supportive of Butros-Ghali, but noncommittal. (NYT 7/16) (see 7/10)

PC ends 2-day session in Ramallah. (VOP 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; PR 6/28)

Israel further eases closure, permitting Palestinian trucks to enter Israel for the 1st time in 3 mos., Palestinian prisoners to receive visitors. (CSM 6/21) (see 6/5)

PSF, Israeli officials meet in Gaza. PSF head Muhammad Dahlan says he can prevent Hamas attacks during 1st 100 days of new Israeli government but is rapidly losing support on the street for the PA's continued crackdown on Hamas; after 100 days he can make no guarantees. (QY 6/21 in FBIS 6/21)

After talks with the PA, the Qassam Brigades offers Israel a freeze on military action "for a specific period, which is renewable," in exchange for a halt to Israel's crackdown on Hamas. (QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/20; AFP, JMCC 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 6/21)

State Dept. hands Israeli defense officials an intelligence report, containing classified CIA information, alleging Israel has transferred U.S. military avionics--incl. advanced radar-detection system, electronic warfare equipment--to China. Israel denies transaction. (WT 6/19; QY 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; WJW 8/22) (see 1/8/95)

Israel-PA talks on elections close without progress in Cairo. PA negotiator Local Government M Saeb Erakat gives Israeli delegation 6 proposal papers on international supervision of elections. (IDF Radio, MENA 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; WP 2/23; JP 3/4; MEI 3/17)

PLO Executive Comm. mtg. closes without suspending talks with Israel. Arafat calls for emergency Arab summit, says PLO will send delegations to China, EU, Japan, Russia, U.S. in diplomatic effort to pressure Israel to set date for troop withdrawal, elections. Arafat begins by meeting with Pres. Mubarak, flying to Saudi Arabia to perform lesser hajj, coordinate with King Fahd. (MENA, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/22; MENA, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; CSM, FT, NYT 2/23; MEI 3/3; JP 3/4)

U.S. House Appropriations subcommittee increases Jordan's debt forgiveness fr. $99 m. to $149 m. for its support of peace process. (WT 2/23)

Clinton administration submits draft of FY 1996 budget, incl. $44.2 m. military, economic aid to Jordan. (JT 2/25 in FBIS 2/28)

PA Atty. Gen. Khalid al-Qidra says Palestinian security services are detaining 6 mbrs. of Abu Nidal Organization found in Gaza for "disturbing national security." (QY, VOP 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

Israeli Labor Bureau says number of foreign workers replacing Palestinians in Israel has reached 70,695--860% more than last yr. PA estimates unemployment in Gaza to be 52%. (NYT, WT 2/22)

IDF says it will open 20 houses in Nablus that were sealed because of security offenses by owners. (QY 2/22 in FBIS 2/23)

Russia agrees to $800 m. deal to complete work on Iranian nuclear power plant, raising criticism fr. Israel, U.S. (WP 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10)

U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Israel for 2-day visit; meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres; discusses China issue (see 1/6). Says Middle East should curb spread of atomic, nuclear weapons; Israel should join NPT; Iran could become nuclear power in 15 yrs. (WP 1/8; MENA 1/8 in FBIS 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; MM 1/9, 1/10; JP 1/14; MEI 1/20)

Jordan's newly-appointed PM Shakir announces new government designed "to strengthen the foundations of peace." 3 of 31 mbrs. are Palestinian-Jordanians; none are leftists or mbrs. of Islamic Action Front, the 2 groups opposed to treaty with Israel. (JTV 1/8, JT 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; Jordan Information Bureau, MM 1/9; WJW 1/19; MEI 1/20)

PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League treasurer Zakariyya Talmas complains only 3 journalist qualify for cards under PA rules "and they are dead." (Jerusalem Times 1/6 in FBIS 1/9)

Mtg. of all Arab FMs in Tunis ends. Parties recommend countries donate funds on bilateral basis, turn down PA request to recognize validity of Palestinian passports, fail to reach agmt. on aid for Palestinian police. PA delegation angered. (MM 1/6)

Jerusalem district director for Israeli Housing Min., Rina Zamir, says construction of 10,000 housing units in and around East Jerusalem will begin this yr. (MM 1/6; JP 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/16)

Arafat loyalists, opponents clash in `Ayn Hilwa r.c. in southern Lebanon after Arafat announces 400 Palestinians will be transferred to Gaza shortly. No casualties reported. PLO says Israel approved the transfer of 2,000 post-1948 refugees fr. Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Tunisia; Lebanon's quota is 470. (RL, VOL 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; VOL 1/6, Voice of the South 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; Al-Hayat 1/7 in FBIS 1/11) (see 12/19)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` visits Tehran to give Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani message fr. Pres. al-Asad about improving relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30)

Israel denies giving any U.S. technological information to China. (WT 1/7) (see 1/4)

U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Egypt for 2-day visit, talks with Pres. Mubarak about Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT, promises to defend aid to Egypt in Congress. (MENA 1/6 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/9; MEI 1/20)

1 settler shot dead, 1 wounded in West Bank nr. Ramallah. PFLP claims responsibility in revenge for killings on 1/4. (MM 1/6; QY 1/6 in FBIS 1/6;  AFP 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; WJW 1/12; JP 1/14)

IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WP 1/6)

FM Peres tells Knesset Israel is demanding a 4-yr. interim period btwn. implementation of 1st and 2d stages of withdrawal fr. Golan in talks with Syria . (MM 1/5; JP 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; JP 1/14)

Egypt, Jordan, Israel hold 1st tripartite mtg. on regional security in Elat to discuss prevention of cross-border infiltrations. (Ma'ariv 1/11 in FBIS 1/12)

Israeli Housing Min. Dir. Gen. Arye Mizrahi approves expansion of Ma'ale Adumin settlement toward Jerusalem, increase in number of houses fr. 5,000 to 18,000, movement of IDF roadblock marking Green Line so settlement would fall inside Green Line; says decision does not violate any agmts. because government already considers the settlement part of central Israel. (Yedi'ot Aharanot 1/5 in FBIS 1/5)

Lebanese FM Buwayz says idea for sending Palestinian refugees fr. Lebanon to Gaza, Jericho to serve as policemen has been debated for past 3 mos.; says Interior M Michel al-Murr drafted motion after 11/25 events, inviting PA to recruit policemen fr. camps, agreeing to send recruits with any light armor they possess as way of getting armed Palestinians out of country. (AFP 1/4, RL 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; MM 1/6) (see 12/19)

U.S. State Dept. confirms it is conducting investigation into reports Israel illegally sold China military technology. (WP, WT 1/5; HA 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; CSM 1/6; MEI 1/20) (see 1/3)

Israeli undercover agents kill 4 Palestinian supporters of PFLP in West Bank, nr. Ramallah; 1 agent wounded. Israel says men were wanted in attacks on collaborators. (QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WJW 1/12)

Israeli-PA Supreme Liaison Comm. meets in Cairo, makes no progress but agrees to 2 mtgs. btwn. PM Rabin, Arafat in coming wks. Each side presents list of other side's DOP violations. PA Planning M Shaath threatens to quit as negotiator unless Israel moves forward on releases of Palestinian prisoners. (MM 1/3; HA, MENA 1/3 in FBIS 1/4; CSM, MM 1/4; VOP 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; VOP 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; CSM 1/6)

Egyptian FM Musa meets with Israeli FM Peres on sidelines of Supreme Liaison Comm. mtg. to discuss peace talks, settlements; hosts luncheon for Peres and Shaath. (IDF Radio, MENA 1/3 in FBIS 1/4; MM 1/4; QY 1/3 in FBIS 1/5)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, Israeli FM Peres meet to discuss negotiations. Peres says both agreed to eliminate all trade, tourism restrictions btwn. the 2 countries. (RE 1/3 in FBIS 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; MM 1/5)

IDF claims Palestinian policemen involved in clash with IDF 1/2 were really Hamas mbrs. who had joined police force with intent of attacking Israelis inside Israel. (IDF Radio, QY 1/3 in FBIS 1/3; MM 1/4; QY 1/5 in FBIS 1/5)

Germany grants additional $13.8 m. to PA for job creation, for workers returning fr. abroad to start businesses. (WT 1/4)

Head of IDF planning branch, Maj. Gen. Uzi Dayan, suggests Israel will make preemptive strike on Iran to halt its nuclear program if it is found to pose a threat. (MM 1/4, 1/10, 1/11)

David Ivri, director-general of Israeli DMin., says he is investigating U.S. accusations that Israel illegally provided China with U.S. technological secrets, says Israeli spinoffs of U.S. technology may have been given. (WT 1/4; CSM 1/6; MEI 1/20) (see 11/28)

1000s of Palestinians rally against Israel at funeral for policemen killed by IDF 1/2. (MM 1/3; WP 1/4)

Poll of Americans conducted by Luntz Research shows 34% strongly opposed to U.S. deployment in Golan; 24% opposed; 35% favor; 11% strongly favor. 44% of those in favor would change their minds if troops could be target of terrorists. (WT 1/10)

Arafat calls emergency mtg. of PA Ms to discuss Israeli settlement issues; cabinet issues appeal to EU, U.S., Russia, Egypt, Norway, UN to intervene to stop settlement construction. (VOP 12/28, 12/29 in FBIS 12/29; MEI 1/6)

Arafat announces appointment of Fu'ad Hamdi Busaysu as governor of Palestinian Monetary Authority. The monetary authority will function as central bank, overseeing all banks in autonomous areas. (Al-Dustur 12/28 in FBIS 12/28) (see 12/20)

Palestinians present draft of local government law covering council elections to Arafat, PA, bar association. Law would divide territories into regions; each area with 1,000+ people would be a municipality; each municipality would have a council, headed by a mayor to coordinate btwn. town, central government. Municipal elections would be held every 4 yrs. following general elections. Until then, PA is negotiating with opposition to form 16 temporary municipal councils. (QY 12/28 in FBIS 12/28)

Jordanian-Israeli joint comms. on water, health, energy, telecommunications, economics meet. (RJ 12/27 in FBIS 12/28)

PM Rabin orders temporary halt to Efrat construction. (QY 12/28 in FBIS 12/28) (see 12/27)

Los Angeles Times reports Israel has given China information on U.S. military technology to help in joint Israeli-Chinese development of a fighter jet. (JP, QY 12/29 in FBIS 12/29)

Lebanese army says it has detailed information proving Israel is responsible for Beirut bombing 12/21; names Ahmad Hallaq--Lebanese recruited by Mossad, trained in explosives in Israel--as bomber; says 4 accomplices, incl. Hallaq's wife, have been arrested, confessed. (AFP 12/27 in FBIS 12/28; VOL 11/28 in FBIS 11/29; WP 12/29; RL 12/30 in FBIS 1/3; WT 1/11)

Israel says it is returning to Egypt 800 cartons of artifacts taken by the Israel Antiquity Authority during the 15-yr. occupation of the Sinai. These are the last of the artifacts Israeli promised to return under the 1979 peace accord. (NYT 12/29; MENA 12/30 in FBIS 1/6)

Al-Ahram poll of Egyptians shows that, after 15 yrs. of peace with Israel, 71% would not buy Israeli goods; 75% would disapprove of Israeli factories in Egypt; 63% would not visit Israel; 53% would not like Israelis to visit Egypt. (JP 1/7)

1 killed, 1 wounded in clashes btwn. Fateh, PFLP in `Ayn Hilwa camp in southern Lebanon. (RL 12/28 in FBIS 12/28; VOL 12/28 in FBIS 11/29)

PLO Chmn. Arafat meets Israeli Dep. FM Yossi Beilin in Tunis, presses for progress toward Israeli-Syrian accord. (WT 10/14)

Palestinian and Israeli negotiators open meeting in Taba, Egypt, as Palestinian-Israeli DoP enters into force. PLO delegation headed by Nabil Shaath; Israeli, by IDF Dep. Chief of Staff Amnon Shahak. Talks center on size of Jericho autonomous region, size and powers of Palestinian police force, redeployment of Israeli troops, control over water resources, and security of Israeli settlers in o.t. Palestinians contend Jericho includes entire 133 sq. mi. Jericho district, while Israelis assert only town of Jericho, about 10 sq. mi., is to be handed over to Palestinians. PLO security official Amin al-Hindi excluded fr. Palestinian delegation over Israeli protests he was responsible for murder of Israeli athletes at 1972. Munich Olympics. Simultaneously, Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas meet in Cairo, agree on 5 steps for future negotiations including setting up liaison comm. and ministerial-level economic comm. Two sides urge "early resumption" of Arab-Israeli talks in Washington. (NYT, WP 10/14)

PLO Chmn. Arafat dismisses Fateh cmdr. in Lebanon Munir al-Maqdah, who had been critical of DoP and called for Arafat's resignation (see 8/23). (VOL 10/14 in FBIS 10/18)

General strike in o.t. called by Palestinian factions opposed to DoP observed throughout West Bank and Gaza Strip with exception of Jericho. (MM 10/13; CSM 10/15)

Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz, in interview with WT, faults DoP for not affirming Palestinian right of return, says "It is not fair to solve the Palestinian problem to create a Lebanese one.... implanting 400,000 Palestinians in Lebanon will create political, confessional, religious problems." (WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin, in Beijing, admits Israel has sold arms to China, denies Israel broke U.S. laws against technology transfers and disputes CIA estimate that Israel-China arms trade amounts to billions of dollars a year, saying 1992-93 trade totaled $60 m. Rabin says "we have never done anything against American law" and asserts, "We are not stupid enough to endanger" U.S. aid to Israel. Rabin's 4-day visit to China includes meeting with Chinese DM Chi Haotian, tours of Chinese arms plants, and visit to Shanghai. (NYT, WT 10/14)

PLO Central Council ends 2-day meeting in Tunis, votes 63-8 (9 abstentions) to approve Palestinian-Israeli DoP. 25 delegates to the 107-member council do not attend, including reps. of PFLP and DFLP, who boycott meeting, and several opponents of the accord who were not invited or barred fr. entering Tunisia, including Fateh mbr. Hani al-Hasan. Meeting also adopts resolution establishing Palestinian National Authority under Arafat to assume powers transferred by Israel. Turmoil surrounding meeting points to power struggle among Arafat loyalists as PLO figures contend for positions in nascent Palestinian administration in Gaza and Jericho. (WT 10/12; CSM, NYT, WP 10/13)

Applications for the Palestine Central Security Force (Palestinian police) reportedly far outstrip vacancies, with 30,000 applications issued for the 17,000-strong force. 4,000 forms are filled out in Hebron, while 10,000 are submitted in Gaza for 3,800 vacancies. (WT 10/11)

CIA informs Senate Govtl. Affairs Comm. that Israel has been providing China with advanced military technology for over a decade, including fighter aircraft, missiles, and tanks. Report estimates Israel-China weapons trade amounts to "several billion dollars," notes that Israeli weapons companies are expanding presence in China. Report asserts "the Chinese seek fr. Israel advanced military technology that U.S. and Western firms are unwilling to provide." Israeli embassy denies Israel has transferred U.S. technology to China, spokeswoman saying, "Israel adheres to all of its commitments to the United States with regard to its relationship with China." (NYT, WT 10/13)

Israeli PM Rabin meets in Beijing with Chinese PM Li Peng, toasts new Israeli-Chinese pacts on consular affairs, aviation. (MM 10/11; WT 10/12)

PLO Central Council opens meeting in Tunis to debate approval of PLO-Israel DoP. PFLP and DFLP (Hawatmah faction) boycott meeting, as do PPSF and PLF. (SARR 10/10 in FBIS 10/13; WP 10/11)

Israeli PM Rabin departs for China, says he will stick by agreement with PLO despite upsurge in violence. (NYT 10/11)

Delegation head Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi calls for suspension of Palestinian participation in talks. (al-Quds, IDF Radio 5/20 in FBIS 5/21)

After meeting with FM Peres, Chinese FM Qian Qichen says China will sell no more missiles to Iran or Syria. (MM 5/20)

Islamic Resistance clashes with SIA, IDF in southern Lebanon. (Radio Lebanon 5/20 in FBIS 5/20)

Gaza Community Mental Health Program releases report detailing use of torture on Palestinians held in Israeli prisons. (al-Fajr 5/24)

PLO peace talks follow-up committee issues report on 9th round, which ended 5/13. (al-Quds 5/20 in FBIS 5/24)

FM Peres arrives in New Delhi on 1stever official Israeli visit to India. Israeli delegation will then travel to China. (NYT 5/18)

IDF shoots Palestinian woman dead in Gaza Strip, shoots Palestinian youth dead in Bayta, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 5/17 in FBIS 5/17)

Bilateral talks in Washington adjourn until 11/9. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Two-day multilateral conference on economics opens in Paris, with World Bank suggesting establishment of Middle East reconstruction bank modeled on similar European bank. Dr. Fayiz al-Tarawina, head of the Jordanian delegation, says the Arab states will reject any joint projects with Israel before withdrawal from the o.t. Syria and Lebanon boycott, London-based businessman Zayn Mi'asi heads the Palestinian team, and Bank of Israel gov. Ya'akov Frenkel heads the Israeli delegation. (Qol Yisra'el 10/29 in FBIS 10/29; MM 10/30)

Chmn. Arafat sends Madrid conf. anniversary messages to leaders of U.S., Russia, China, France, Japan, Austria, Great Britain and Sweden urging them to help remove Israeli obstacles to progress in peace talks. (Akhbar al-Usbu' 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Hani al-Hassan issues statement praising Saudi Arabia's support of the Palestinian cause and the kingdom's treatment of its Palestinian community. (Saudi Arabian TV 10/29 in FBIS 10/30)

King Hassan of Morocco meets with Pres. Asad in Damascus. (MM 10/30)

Israel shells Iqlim al-Tuffah, western Biqa' regions, overflies Sidon and surrounding refugee camps. SLA soldier is wounded in bomb attack north of "security zone," southern Lebanon. (Qol Yisra'el, Radio Lebanon 10/29 in FBIS 10/29)

IDF further eases restrictions on Gaza Strip as number of workers entering Israel grows substantially, still far short of normal 30,000/day. (MM 6/10)

Slain PLO leader Atif Basaysu is buried beside his mentor Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) in Tunis, after Egypt reportedly turndown his mother's request that he be buried in Cairo. (MM 6/11)

Amid thousands of mourners, IDF troops force their way into Basaysu's home in Gaza, remove pictures from the walls. (MM 6/10)

U.S. amb. in Beirut Ryan Crocker announces U.S. will donate $3 million to help rebuild American University of Beirut's College Hall, which was destroyed ina car bomb attack 11/8/91. (MM 6/10)

Israel and China sign memo of understanding on economic relations in Beijing, prelude to a trade agreement to be signed when Chinese officials make reciprocal visit to Israel. (Qol Yisra'el 6/10 in FBIS 6/11)