72 / 15472 Results
  • February 3, 1994

    Washington, opened 1/24, adjourns without reported progress. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; MM 2/4)

    Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security ends Cairo mtg. opened 1...

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  • February 25, 1992

    Israeli delegation presents proposal on Palestinian self-government to Palestinian delegates whereby residents of o.t. would be allowed to manage their own affairs in 12 fields, such as taxation,...

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  • February 6, 1992

    Secy. of State Baker tells Congress that U.S. will not comply with Israeli requests for aid if it feels the aid would be used to further policies the U.S. opposes. (NYT, WP 2/7)

    19 Knesset...

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  • April 29, 1991

    After 3 days of talks in Damascus, presidents of Syria and Iran agree to allow armed Iranian-backed forces to remain in southern Lebanon near Israel's "security zone"; Lebanese Forces militia...

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  • April 16, 1991

    Pres. Bush says that U.S., British, and French troops will set up secure camps in northern Iraq that could shelter more than 500,000 Kurds until they could be coaxed back to their homes [NYT, WP,...

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  • November 27, 1990

    John Major is selected as next prime minister of Britain [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 11/28; CSM 11/29].

    Bush admin. announces that Chinese F.M. Qian has been invited to Washington for talks with Sec...

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  • October 3, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects Norwegian request to place heavy water supplied by Norway in 1960 under supervision of International Atomic Energy Agency...

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  • September 25, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Degation of Danish and Swiss medical professionals and human rights activists visit the Gaza Strip [FJ 9/27]. Jenin resident is arrested...

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  • May 25, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog and other government officials call for investigation of Shin Bet interrogation methods in wake of High Court ruling that...

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  • September 27, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports 30 youths from the Golan Heights aged 15-18 were detained early in the month following a landmine explosion...

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  • October 16, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrians and IDF exchange fire near Kfar Kuk; cease-fire holds in Chouf.


    Several thousand residents of shanty towns protest last night's killings (...

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  • September 24, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF in West Beirut coming under sporadic sniper fire, 1 Israeli officer is killed, 2 soldiers wounded; 6 IDF APCs close off street and interrogated suspects; 350 French...

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Washington, opened 1/24, adjourns without reported progress. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; MM 2/4)

Multilateral Working Group on Arms Control and Regional Security ends Cairo mtg. opened 1/30 after discussing Russian-U.S. working paper, IAEA proposals. (MENA 2/3 in FBIS 2/4)

IDF soldier in truck, firing at stone-throwers in Shatti camp, Gaza Strip, critically wounds 13-yr.-old Mahmud Abu Hajar. IDF spokesman admits soldier's action violates IDF rules of engagement. (MM 2/3; NYT, WP 2/4)

IDF undercover unit disguised as women and old men kills Fateh Hawks' leader Salim Muafi, 29, in surprise attack in Rafah, Gaza Strip. Hawks announce they will no longer obey PLO Chmn. Arafat's orders, escalate "armed struggle." IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Ehud Barak calls Muafi's killing a "great achievement." (WP 2/4)

IDF arrests 15 settlers attempting to establish new settlement nr. Maale Adumin, West Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 2/3 in FBIS 2/4)

Israeli Ag. Min. program comm. approves expansion of Moshav Ramot, Maale Gamla settlements in Golan Heights. (MM 2/4)

U.S. Agency for International Development releases $7 m. in aid to Palestinian Housing Council in East Jerusalem to fund 192 apartments in Jabaliya, Gaza Strip. Money is 1st installment of $500 m. pledged to support Israel-PLO DoP. (MM, WT 2/4)

Jordan reduces staff of Iranian embassy in Amman by 21 in move interpreted as Jordanian disapproval of Tehran's support for anti-DoP groups. (AFP 2/3 in FBIS 2/3; WP 2/4)

Zionist Organization of America, National Jewish Coalition circulate Time magazine columns by Dep. Secy. of State-designate Strobe Talbott criticizing Israeli policy in campaign to stop his nomination. Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs issues news release saying Talbott's views are reason he "should be disqualified" fr. post. Other Jewish groups, led by Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, meet with Talbott and refuse to condemn him as anti-Israel. (MM, NYT 2/4)

"Seeds of Peace" organization presents awards to Israeli FM Peres, PLO UN Observer Muhammad Nasir al-Kidwa, and Egyptian UN amb. Nabil al-'Arabi. Group put together Israeli, Arab children for summer camp, was present at 9/13 DoP signing. (NYT 2/5)

Israeli delegation presents proposal on Palestinian self-government to Palestinian delegates whereby residents of o.t. would be allowed to manage their own affairs in 12 fields, such as taxation, education, and agriculture. (WP 2/27; NYT 3/6; MM 4/14)

Secy. of State Baker testifies before Senate Foreign Operations Subcommittee on loan guarantees. (NYT 2/26)

EC representative in Israel states EC will not allow Israel to interfere in how EC spends $80 million in economic projects in o.t. Remarks come in wake of dispute between Israel and EC over whether EC must notify Israel of all projects it implements in o.t. or just those requiring Israeli cooperation. (HaAretz 2/26 in FBIS 2/27)

Syria and International Atomic Energy Agency conclude agreement in Vienna whereby Syria signs Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty [see 2/9]. (Syrian Arab Television 4/7 in FBIS 4/8)

Secy. of State Baker tells Congress that U.S. will not comply with Israeli requests for aid if it feels the aid would be used to further policies the U.S. opposes. (NYT, WP 2/7)

19 Knesset members send letter to PM Shamir demanding inquiry into 2/4 death of Palestinian detainee Mustafa 'Akkawi. Demand notes that as a carrier of Israeli identity card, 'Akkawi should have been detained inside Israel and not in the o.t. (MM 2/6)

Concerned over possibility that peace talks could lead to Palestinian autonomy in o.t., Council of Jewish Settlements in o.t. passes resolution urging permanent IDF presence and continuation of settlement activity in o.t. (Ha'Aretz 2/7 in FBIS 2/11)

Following several corrections of the information it originally issued, IDF admits to Israeli press that bus fired on by IDF soldier 2/3 in Gaza was actually several kilometers from the checkpoint it supposedly failed to observe and that it could not explain why the soldier had shot at it, killing a Palestinian passenger. IDF also suspends the officer commanding the soldier's unit after it determined the soldier "did not observe regulations". (MM 2/6)

Dir. gen. of International Atomic Energy Agency arrives in Syria to secure Syrian ratification of IAEA safeguards treaty, which provides for IAEA inspection of nuclear facilities. IAEA decided to discuss the treaty with Syria following disclosures that China has agreed to sell a 24-megawatt reactor to Syria. Syria has not signed the safeguards treaty because it did not possess any nuclear facilities and because of Israeli refusal to allow IAEA inspection of its own nuclear facilities. (Radio Monte Carlo 2/6 in FBIS 2/10; WP 2/11)

After 3 days of talks in Damascus, presidents of Syria and Iran agree to allow armed Iranian-backed forces to remain in southern Lebanon near Israel's "security zone"; Lebanese Forces militia announces it is surrendering its weapons to Lebanese Army [MEM 4/29; NYT, MEM 4/30; DDS 4/29 in FBIS 4/30]. Joint Syrian-Iranian declaration stresses that Iran must play a role in Middle East security arrangements [MEM 4/30].

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says that Iraq has given detailed response to requests for more information about location of its nuclear materials [NYT 4/30; AFP 4/30 in FBIS 5/1]; but will not disclose whereabouts of materials that escaped allied bombing unless Baghdad is assured materials will not be destroyed [WP 5/1].

American section of World Jewish Congress calls for commutation of Jonathan Jay Pollard's life sentence for spying for Israel [WP 4/30].

Pres. Bush says U.S. will resist Iraq's UN request to have economic sanctions lifted so that Baghdad can begin selling oil for badly needed currency; Bush says exception would be made for food imports [WP 4/30].

Media report that Egypt is quietly repatriating most of its nearly 40,000 troops who were deployed in Gulf war (cf. 5/8) [AFP 4/30 in FBIS 4/30].

UNLU issues unnumbered leaflet blaming Israeli gov't. for purposely "striking at the tourist sector in Jerusalem and spreading biased propaganda regarding alleged risks to tourists" [MEM 5/1].

Pres. Bush says that U.S., British, and French troops will set up secure camps in northern Iraq that could shelter more than 500,000 Kurds until they could be coaxed back to their homes [NYT, WP, LAT 4/17].

Inspectors from International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) negotiate with Baghdad for permission to visit rubble of Iraq's 2 nuclear research reactors to see if country's supply of weapons-grade uranium is still intact, and if it is, to destroy it or remove it [WP 4/17].

P.M. Shamir meets with Soviet P.M. in London; Shamir says that diplomatic relations between the 2 countries would have to be established before Moscow could have a role at Middle East peace conference [WP 4/17].

U.S. calls new Jewish settlement of Revava "an obstacle" and questions Israel's timing, with Sec. Baker due to arrive on 4/18 [NYT, WP, LAT, MEM 4/17; MET 4/30].

Israeli navy shells boat carrying 8 Palestinians, allegedly en route to Israel. All are killed [RFL 4/17 in FBIS 4/17].

Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics reports Israel's population has reached 4.9 million [IDS 4/16 in FBIS 4/19]. 

John Major is selected as next prime minister of Britain [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 11/28; CSM 11/29].

Bush admin. announces that Chinese F.M. Qian has been invited to Washington for talks with Sec. Baker, in what appears to be compensation to Beijing for its support for draft UN resolution authorizing force against Iraq [NYT, WT 11/28].

Saddam Hussein tells reporters that Iraq does not have nuclear weapons; International Atomic Energy Agency reports Iraq's small stock of highly enriched reactor fuel has not been diverted to build nuclear weapons [NYT, WT, WP, MEM 11/28].

2 PFLP fighters and 5 Israeli soldiers are killed, 6th is wounded during firefight near Shabaa, S. Lebanon. Hours later, Israeli air force bombs PFLP and DFLP bases east of Sidon, and Israeli long-range artillery hits villages north of "security zone" [AFP, IDF, BDS, JDS 11/27 in FBIS 11/27; MEM 11/27; NYT, LAT. WT, WP 11/28; CSM 11/29; JPI 12/8; MET 12/11].

Rear Adm. Gene La Rocque (Ret.) tells congressional committee that 6-month Gulf war would result in deaths of 10,000 U.S. soldiers, wounding of 35,000 others, and cost $80 billion [LAT 11/28].

In Tunis, Yasir Arafat confers separately with ambassadors of the 5 permanent members of UN Sec. Council, discussing Gulf crisis and situation in o.t.; Arafat tells ambassadors to demand Sec. Council issue same ultimatum to Israel that it intends to address to Iraq [MEM 11/28; MAP 11/28 in FBIS 11/29].

Saudi official says his country's gratitude toward USSR for its support in Gulf crisis has motivated Saudi Arabia to lend Moscow as much as $1 billion as part of GCC "financial cooperation program" [MEM 11/27, 11/29; WP 11/29]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel rejects Norwegian request to place heavy water supplied by Norway in 1960 under supervision of International Atomic Energy Agency [FBIS 10/6].

Other Countries: France abandons plan to buy used Hercules planes from Israel [FBIS 10/6].

 Military Action

Arab World: In S. Lebanon security zone, IDF patrol shoots, seriously wounds Lebanese man allegedly trying to run down soldiers [FBIS 10/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Degation of Danish and Swiss medical professionals and human rights activists visit the Gaza Strip [FJ 9/27]. Jenin resident is arrested in connection with 9/24 stabbing attack of Israeli soldier [FJ 9/27].

Other Countries: Letter signed by 64 senators opposed to proposed armsale to Saudi Arabia is delivered to Pres. Reagan [NYT 9/29]. General Conference of International Atomic Energy Agency approves resolution calling on Israel to place all nuclear facilities under agency safeguards [MET 9/25].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pres. Herzog and other government officials call for investigation of Shin Bet interrogation methods in wake of High Court ruling that it used illegal means to obtain confession from 'Izzat Nafsu [LAT 5/26; WP 5/27]. Fateh's Force 17 claims responsibility for slaying Jalil Garusi, an Israeli shot in Gaza Strip while picking up Palestinian women workers; Force 17 alleges Garusi was Mossad agent. Members of Kach movement later attack Arab workers in nearby town; 2 are injured [FJ 5/31]. Ahmad Nasr, during hearing before Israeli Military Objections Com. at 'Asqalan Prison, withdraws his appeal against expulsion order [FJ 5/31]. In Haifa, more than 2,000 Arab and Jewish students protest Israeli government's decision to charge students who have not served in the Israeli army higher tuition [FJ 5/31]. Palestinian political prisoners in Junayd Prison protest failure to improve conditions [FJ 5/31].

Other Countries: Norway accuses Israel of refusing to permit inspection by International Atomic Energy Agency of heavy water sold to Israel by Norway under 1959 agreement; Norway is concerned that Israel is using the heavy water to produce nuclear weapons [NYT 5/26]. Middle East sources report W. Germany is increasing efforts to reach deal that would free 2 W. German businessmen in exchange for not extraditing Muhammad and 'Abbas Hamadi [WP 5/26]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports 30 youths from the Golan Heights aged 15-18 were detained early in the month following a landmine explosion near cease-fire line with Syria [FJ 9/27]. Israeli Min. of Labor and Soc. Welfare Moshe Katzav tells cabinet over 18,000 illegal foreign laborers now work in Israel, mainly from Europe, Asia, Africa [JWP 9/27]. For. Min. Shamir, visiting U.S., says Israel will not take anti-apartheid measures against S. Africa [NYT 9/27]. Israeli police announce they will not press charges against Meir Braverman for 9/24 killing of mentally ill Palestinian Hasan Husayn Mashara [JTA 9/27].

Other Countries: Reagan administration announces intention to sell between $1.5 and $1.9 billion of advanced arms, including 40 fighter jets, to Jordan. Pro-Israel activists and lawmakers pledge to defeat the sale during the legislative review period [JP 9/20; NYT 9/30; NER 10/7]. Resolution calling for withholding all nuclear contracts with Israel and embargo on purchases of equipment and materials from Israel is defeated at conference of International Atomic Energy Agency, failing to get 2/3 majority; 41 voted in favor, 30 against, 14 abstained [FT 9/28].

Military Action:

Syrians and IDF exchange fire near Kfar Kuk; cease-fire holds in Chouf.


Several thousand residents of shanty towns protest last night's killings (Army keeps tanks and troop carriers nearby but halts razings; Amal says Gemayel broke promise not to raze buildings until other housing found); 1 IDF wounded near Kfar Kuk.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Gush Emunim announces plans to double Jewish population of West Bank and Gaza this year.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Sartawi addresses World Jewish Congress memorial for Nahum Goldmann at personal invitation of Goldmann's widow (Israeli Embassy officials reportedly embarrassed).

Arab Governments: Egyptian Minister of State Ghali says Arabs should recognize Israel, calls for mutual PLO-Israeli recognition; Jordan, in talks with Arafat, urges PLO recognition of Israel; authoritative Syrian paper opposes PLO-Jordan link, denounces Arafat and Hussein for discussing it.

US and Other Countries: US Administration refuses to receive PLO member as part of Arab delegation; Shultz says US will pull out of UN and cut off financial aid if Israel expelled; US announces withholding $8.5 million in response to International Atomic Energy Agency expelling Israel last month.

Military Action:

IDF in West Beirut coming under sporadic sniper fire, 1 Israeli officer is killed, 2 soldiers wounded; 6 IDF APCs close off street and interrogated suspects; 350 French troops disembark, take positions in port area and near Green Line (French officer asks Israeli unit at port to withdraw); Italian troops return to Cyprus from Beirut to protest IDF presence in Beirut.


Relief workers uncover another mass grave at Shatila containing 19 victims, all from one family, raising ICRC total to 317; Lebanese Prosecutor General Camille Geagea, heading an investigation, says 597 bodies found, 2,000 people still missing; unknown number of Palestinians arrested in Beirut sent to Israeli-run prison; accounts of IDF looting of houses belonging to Palestinians and Lebanese (including Saeb Salam's sister); Red Cross warns of danger of epidemics at Sabra and Shatila.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Habib meets Begin and Sharon, presses them on IDF withdrawal; head of IDF's Staff and Command College and director of the Israeli government Press Office resign to protest refusal to set up independent inquiry; Haaretz reports US intelligence survey received by Israeli officials estimates those killed in West Beirut alone at 4,000, another 22,500 wounded; head of Israeli Supreme Court refuses government request to undertake investigation; Sharon severely criticized, asked to resign at meeting of top army commanders and Eitan (officers reportedly fear government will blame army for massacre).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Prime Minister Wazzan submits his resignation, but Gemayel asks him to stay on as caretaker until new Prime Minister appointed; virtually all Muslim leaders but Murabitun greet Gemayel; Lebanese Army prosecutor Jermanos begins investigation into massacre, visits Sabra and Shatila; Fatah's Abu Saleh joins PFLP, PFLP-GC, Saiqa, and PPSF in rejecting the Fez plan's implicit recognition of Israel.

US and Other Countries: US says Britain and Netherlands may contribute to peacekeeping force; Jeane Kirkpatrick says UN should investigate massacre, and US is indirectly responsible; West Germany willing to consider Arafat visit to Bonn.

UN: UN-related International Atomic Energy Agency votes 41-39 to reject Israeli delegation's credentials (US says it will reassess US participation in agency, downgrades participation in meeting to "observer").