71 / 15479 Results
  • May 27, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other...

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  • January 23, 1986


    Arab World: Fourteen-member al-Quds Committee concludes meetings in Morpcco with call for "Jihad in all its forms" until East Jerusalem, occupied territories are...

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  • January 14, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sixteen-member delegation of MKs returning to investigate reports of illegal construction atthe Haram al-Sharif spark controversy with...

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  • January 5, 1986


    Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport...

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  • November 19, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]....

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  • November 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset govt. will take speedy and unhesitating action against Israeli settlers in the West Bank who called for civil...

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  • October 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at...

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  • October 13, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro...

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  • October 12, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].

    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of...

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  • October 11, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].

    Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S....

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  • October 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof'...

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  • October 9, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of...

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  • October 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed...

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  • October 7, 1985


    Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and...

    Read more
  • October 24, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects recovery plan of dollarizing economy.

    Other Countries: Intl. Commission of Jurists (Geneva) & World...

    Read more
  • June 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prisoners at Fara'a prison petition High Court to intervene to stop torture used there. Central Elections Commission votes 18- 17 to ban...

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  • January 13, 1984


    Other Countries: British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe rejects Israeli argument that PLO has no role in Middle East settlement and Israeli amb. Yehuda Avner's...

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  • November 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire in Tripoli limits heavy firing to few hours in afternoon; PSP-LF artillery battles continue near Aley; Syrian anti-aircraft batteries fire on US F-14 jets;...

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  • October 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Sniper fire hits Marine positions for second day.


    US says 4-5 snipers killed, 10 wounded when Marines return fire; 2 French soldiers in UNIFIL...

    Read more
  • October 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    Security committee agrees to use of 600-800 Greek and Italian troops to monitor cease-fire.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied Territories: Banks halt...

    Read more
  • September 27, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour;...

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  • September 22, 1983

    Military Action;

    French Army HQ and Italian munitions depot in Beirut hit by rockets; 4-8 French Super Etendard jet fighters, based on French carrier Foch, attack PSP and Syrian gun...

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  • September 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy artillery fire hits West Beirut; fighting intensifies around Souq al-Gharb; US and French jets carry out reconnaissance and warning flights over Beirut and PSP...

    Read more
  • September 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery and rocket battles between LF and PSP continue; PSP militia captures Bhamdoun; LAF takes up positions at Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues in hills near...

    Read more
  • August 31, 1983

    Military Action:

    24-hour curfew declared in Beirut; 300 Lebanese Rangers make helicopter landing, attack militia positions at Holiday Inn, other hotels; 6,000-10,000 Lebanese Army troops...

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  • August 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fierce fighting continues between Muslim militias and Lebanese Army throughout West Beirut; Mourabitoun occupies Union National Building, engage nearby Army garrison in...

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  • July 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    2 Katyushas fired from Lebanon into western Galilee area of northern Israel.


    6 killed, at least 15 wounded (including commander of Italian...

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  • May 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian Army reportedly constructing new fortifications and anti-tank ditches in Bekaa, 10 miles north of IDF positions.


    Italian journalist...

    Read more
  • April 23, 1983

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Army increases security in Beirut, controlling access to American University campus and hospital; French, British, Italian and other embassies under heavy military...

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  • March 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be...

    Read more


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M.: Thatcher, ending trip to Israel with news conference, says if PLO refuses to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel other negotiating representatives of Palestinian people must be found; says "ultimate solution" to Palestinian problem is federation of Jordan, West Bank, and Gaza [WP 5/28]. In Knesset, P.M. Peres survives four votes of no-confidence over Shalom crisis [LT 5/29]. Six hundred Palestinian prisoners in Junayd prison near Nablus go on hunger strike to protest conditions [FJ 5/30].

Arab World: Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam arrives in Moscow to discuss possible attack against Syria and PLO bases by Israel and U.S. Syrian Pres. al-Asad ends Greek visit; joint communique with P.M. Papandreou states Greece will initiate actions within EEC to start dialogue on M.E. solution.

Other Countries: Italian judicial officials issue warrants for arrest of 14 alleged Arab terrorists, including Abu Nidal, in connection with terror incidents in Italy last year [WP 5/28].

Military Action

Arab World: Eight killed and 60 wounded in Amal-Palestinian gunfight at Burj al-Burajinah [LT 5/28].

Other Countries: In London, PLO representative Faisal 'Awayda condemns Thatcher's visit and wams of terror attacks if PLO is left out of peace process [MG 5/28].


Arab World: Fourteen-member al-Quds Committee concludes meetings in Morpcco with call for "Jihad in all its forms" until East Jerusalem, occupied territories are liberated [JP 1/24].

Other Countries: Italian prosecutors issue arrest warrant for Abu Nidal, charging him with mass murder in Rome airport attack [NYT 1/24].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sixteen-member delegation of MKs returning to investigate reports of illegal construction atthe Haram al-Sharif spark controversy with Muslim crowd by attempting to photograph and pray there; police use riot sticks, tear gas to rescue them, 19 Palestinians are arrested [NYT, LAT 1/15]. East Jerusalem shopkeepers strike to protest the scheduled visit [FJ 1/17].

Other Countries: In effort to combat terrorism, Italy has expelled a group of Palestinian students whose permits had expired, police have begun raiding Arab meeting places [NYT 1/15].


Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports high-ranking delegation of PLO "security experts" arrives in Vienna to help Austrian authorities investigate airport attack; PLO offered similar cooperation to Italian govt. [JP 1/5]. Arab League issues communique that "vigorously condemned" what it called U.S. military threats against Libya [NYT 1/6]. Egypt's official Middle East News Agency denies Fateh's Force 17 unit has moved its headquarters to Cairo [JP 1/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Tel Aviv court sentences 16-year-old Palestinian to 7 years for hiding bodies of 2 Israeli teachers slain near Jerusalem [LT 11/20]. Boston Globe reports over 70 military operations have been carried out against Israeli and SLA troops in S. Lebanon security zone in first 2 weeks of November; Israel recently staged 10-day blockade on port of Tyre, shelled Tyre and 6 other villages north of security zone with heavy artillery and tank fire on 11/18 [BG 11/19; WP 11/21].

Other Countries: U.S. officials deny U.S. has changed position on PLO recognition of Israel's right to exist before it may participate in M.E. peace talks [JP 11/20]. Italian magistrates identify 16 Palestinians sought in hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 11/20].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli fighter jets on routine flight over Lebanon shoot down 2 Syrian MIG-23s in Syrian air space after they try to approach the Israeli aircraft, according to commander of Israeli air force [NYT, WP, JP 11/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells Knesset govt. will take speedy and unhesitating action against Israeli settlers in the West Bank who called for civil disobedience to oppose exchange of land for peace [NYT 11/7]. MK Muhammad Mi'ari appeals to High Court to overturn 10/15 Knesset decision to limit his parliamentary immunity [JP 11/7].

Other Countries: Italian P.M. Bettino Craxi defends right of PLO to "resort to arms," setting off uproar in parliament; he later wins vote of confidence [NYT 11/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Two Israelis are wounded by gunfire in Bidu village outside Jerusalem [JP 11/7].

Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. personnel stage mock evacuation of wounded U.S. troops as part of a medical cooperation agreement [JP 11/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Foreign Ministry releases 27-page white paper on PLO activity which is to be basis for worldwide "information campaign" aimed at discrediting PLO as participant in M.E. peace process. Paper states PLO planned or carried out 380 attacks since 11 February Hussein-Arafat agreement was concluded, killing 19 and injuring over 100 [LAT, LT 10/19]. P.M. Shimon Peres states Israel will accept Jordan's proposal for an international conference provided Israel is not required to sit down with nations which do not have diplomatic relations with it [LAT, BG 10/19]. Palestinian political prisoners inJnayd prison end hunger strike begun 10/8 [FJ 11/1].

Other Countries: U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State John C. Whitehead travels to Italy and Egypt in attempt to smooth relations following Achille Lauro affair [WP 10/19]. Senate Republican leaders warn Sec. of State Shultz admin. will face opposition in proposed arms sale to Jordan; White House will at best have to accept conditions on sale to avoid embarrassing defeat [WP, CT 10/19]. Sen. Edward Kennedy announces 43 Democrats and 28 Republicans, three-quarters of the Senate, have agreed to cosponsor measure prohibiting the sale [BG 10/19]. Jewish Press reports U.S. Sec. of Def. Weinberger attempted to talk Pres. Reagan out of the plan to intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers [JWP 10/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli tour guide is stabbed by 3 unidentified men while showing 3 Danish tourists around ruins near Nablus. Area is curfewed: no arrests are reported [NYT 10/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro affair to exclude the PLO from the M.E. peace process [WP 10/14]. P.M. Peres denies he notified the Soviets he might be willing to return the Golan Heights in exchange for an increase in Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and restoration of diplomatic ties [JP 10/14].

Arab World: Muhammad 'Abbas states 4 hijackers told him they did not kill anyone, that Leon Klinghoffer probably died of a heart attack [NYT 10/14]. 'Abbas is quoted as saying the original destination of the hijackers was "the Israeli port of Ashdod for the purpose of carrying out a suicide mission inside the occupied territory" [MG 10/14].

Other Countries: U.S. delivers "firm and severe" protest over Italy's decision to let 'Abbas and another PLO official leave for Yugoslavia [WP 10/14]. FBI Dir. William Webster states Yugoslavia has turned down U. S. request to detain 'Abbas [LAT 10/14]. FBI head William Webster states bombing of Santa Ana office of ADC "corresponds to some bombings on the East Coast, directed at people believed to be hostile to Israel," implies the Jewish Defense League is under suspicion [MG 10/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian attacks an Israeli with a hatchet in the town of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, wounding him slightly. Part of the town is placed under curfew [TS, MG 10/14]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].

Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of "piracy" in interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers, says action could obstruct the M.E. peace process [NYT, WP 10/13]. Thousands of rock-throwing demonstrators clash with police outside Cairo University [WP, BG 10/13]. All 4 members of joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation have arrived in London for talks with British Foreign Ministry. They are: Jordanian Deputy P.M. 'Abd al-Wahab al-Majali; Jordanian For. Min. Tahir al-Masri; PLO delegate Bishop Iliyas Khuri; and former West Bank Mayor Muhammad Milham [LT 10/13]. Beirut newspaper publishes photo which Islamic Jihad group claims is corpse of kidnapped American William Buckley. Jihad offers to turn body over in exchange for release of 100 Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Jihad claims it executed Buckley on 10/4 in retaliation for Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis [NYT 10/13].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan orders federal bomb experts to investigate bombing of ADC office in Santa Ana, Calif. which killed Alex Odeh [BG 10/13]. Muhammed (Abu) al-'Abbas and another unidentified PLO official are reported to leave Italy for Yugoslavia after U.S. officials issue warrant for 'Abbas' arrest [NYT 10/13]. FBI Dir. William Webster states 2 "crack teams" of agents have been sent to Italy to monitor prosecution of hijackers, FBI is increasing surveillance of several pro-Palestinian groups in the U.S. to "guard against possible retaliation" [BG 10/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].

Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S. interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers; PLO officials in Tunis say Tunisia had refused entry to an Egyptian airplane thought to be carrying the 4 hijackers before the plane left Egypt [NYT 10/11]. Anonymous telephone caller to Beirut newspaper threatens to strike at "U.S. interests" throughout the world if the 4 hijackers are hurt in prison [LT 10/12]. Egypt condemns the U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers, expresses "deep regret" at "surprising" American action [WP, NYT 10/12].

Other Countries: Bomb in office kills regional executive director of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Santa Ana, Califomia, Alex Odeh, 37, and injures 7 others. Odeh had appeared on TV the night before and called Yasir Arafat "a man of peace." No one claims responsibility; Jewish Defense League praises the action [NYT, WP 10/12]. Public prosecutor in Italy charges 4 hijackers with murder, kidnapping, hijacking of a ship, and possession of arms and explosives. Uncertainty remains over how 2 other senior Palestinian officials also taken into custody when the plane carrying them was intercepted will be treated; they are Abu al-'Abbas, head of the faction of the Palestine Liberation Front which allegedly carried out the hijacking, and another unidentified PLO official [NYT, WP 10/12]. U.S. agrees to let Italians prosecute hijackers but will maintain extradition request [NYT 10/13]. Jewish Press reports House Ways and Means Committee has adopted legislation to exempt Israel Bonds from a 1984 provision which increases taxes on loans made at below market level interest rates. Israel Bonds, at interest rates of 4%, are far below market level [JWP 10/11]. Harvard U. announces Prof. Nadav Safran "erred" in not reporting use of CIA funds to organize conference on fundamentalist Islam and to write book on Saudi Arabian security; Safran will not be disciplined [NYT, WP 10/12]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dir.Gen. of For. Min. David Kimche states in press briefing that Israeli intelligence has "absolute, complete and irrefutable proof' that Yasir Arafat "knew about this [the Achille Lauro] operation before it was to begin" [WP, LAT 10/11]. Jerusalem Post reports arrest of members of alleged Fateh cell said to be responsible for recent spate of bombings in and around Jerusalem [JP 10/10]. Jerusalem Post cites report in al-Mithaq stating some Palestinian ex-prisoners released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange are asking for special consideration in their applications to West Bank universities; Najah U. has agreed to admit some despite low grades, while other universities have agreed to give them special entrance exams [JP 10/11]. Jerusalem shops close in general strike to protest "iron fist" policy in occupied territories which since its imposition in August has resulted in over 6 deaths, 21 deportations, over 80 administrative detentions without trial. Similar strike in Ramallah is forcibly ended by Israeli troops. Students at Birzeit and Bethlehem U. also strike [FJ 10/11].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan tells reporters it would be "all right" for the PLO to try the 4 hijackers if Arafat has "kind of a national court set up, like a nation that they can bring them to justice." Later in the day, Nat. Sec. Adv. Robert McFarlane tells reporters Reagan "meant that he wants the PLO to tum these hijackers over to competent authorities for trial" [WP 10/11]. Sec. of St. George Shultz appeals to Senate Foreign Relations Committee to approve the proposed $1.9 billion arms sale to Jordan, calling it an "absolute necessity" for success in the M.E. peace process [CT, TS 10/1 1].

Military Action

Other Countries: U.S. Navy F-14 fighter jets intercept Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers and force it to land in Sicily; Italian authorities arrest the 4. White House spokesman Larry Speakes says the Egyptian plane was destined for Tunisia, but Tunisia had denied it landing rights. Speakes "categorically denies any deal" between the U.S. and Egypt on the interception. Speakes says the hijackers are in Italian custody but the U.S. will seek extradition [NYT, LAT 10/11]. Bodies of 2 men believed to be missing Israeli soldiers are found in Barcelona, Spain. Anonymous caller to Westem news agency claims the 2 were "Zionist sailors from the Zionist ship California" and that Fateh's Force 17 executed them on 10/5 [NYT 10/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jerusalem Post reports Amnesty International's recently published annual report for 1984 records that during 1984 "dozens of regular, border and military police" were charged with offenses against detainees and 17 were subsequently sentenced. Report also notes use of various forms of ill treatment and torture of detainees by Israeli forces in both the occupied territories and S. Lebanon, as well as extensive use of town arrest orders [JP 10/9]. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states 5 Palestinians recently captured or killed in Hebron hills received assistance from PLO headquarters in 'Amman [JP 10/10]. Palestinian students at al-Najah U. go on 1-day hunger strike in solidarity with administrative detainees' hunger strike inside prisons [FJ 10/11].

Arab World: Four hijackers of Achille Lauro surrender in Egypt. Yasir Arafat asks that the 4 be tumed over to the PLO for trial [NYT 10/10]. The 4 hijackers leave the ship after negotiating with PLO representatives. The agreement to let them go was based on early reports that no hostages had been harmed [WP 10/10]. Italy then announces American passenger Leon Klinghoffer, confined to a wheelchair, is missing, his body believed to have been thrown overboard [NYT 10/10]. Palestinian source in Cyprus says the 4 originally intended to "go to Israel and carry out some tasks there," and disobeyed orders by hijacking the ship [WP 10/10].

Other Countries: UN Sec. Council unanimously condemns hijacking of Achille Lauro [NYT 10/10]. Draft resolution to invite Yasir Arafat to address UN General Assembly during 40th anniversary celebration is circulated at UN [BG 10/10].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli forces demolish homes of 5 members of Palestinian cell captured or killed in hills south of Hebron 10/6. Surif village placed under curfew during demolitions [JP 10/9].

Arab World: Two senior PLO officials leave for Cairo to help Egyptian officials negotiate with the Achille Lauro hijackers [LAT 10/9]. Arafat tells Italian P.M. Bettino Craxi he "entirely condemns" the hijacking and does not know who is responsible [MG 10/9]. The Damascus-based faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, headed by Tala'at Ya'qub, denounces the hijacking of the Achille Lauro as piracy. An anonymous caller to Agence France Presse says the Abu al-'Abbas faction of the Palestine Liberation Front, allied with Fateh, is responsible for the hijacking [NYT 10/10].

Other Countries: U.S. seeks to obtain worldwide guarantee that no country will allow the Achille Lauro to dock in its port while the hijackers are still in control. Italy rejects use of force to try to rescue passengers on Achille Lauro [LAT 10/9]. Dutch Def. Min. Job de Ruiter announces Dutch troops will be withdrawn from UN peacekeeping force deployed north of Lebanese-Israeli border because of "concern for their safety" [MG 10/9].

Military Action

Arab World: Achille Lauro steams toward Syria, then Cyprus; is refused entry at both. Ship retums to Egyptian coast, hijackers begin negotiations with Egyptians [NYT 10/13].

Other Countries: U.S. guided missile destroyer Scott cuts short shore leave in Haifa to monitor hijacked Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro in Eastem Mediterranean [NYT 10/9].


Arab World: Funerals of 2 Palestinians killed in Israel's air raid on Tunis spark anti-Israel demonstrations in Cairo. Hundreds of students shout anti-Israel and anti-American slogans as the 2 are buried at the tomb of the unknown soldier in Cairo, where the families of the 2 men live [MG 10/8]. Pres. Mubarak sees Arafat's political advisor Hani al-Hasan in an unscheduled meeting; al-Hasan conveys thanks for Egypt's position on Israel's Tunis air raid [JP 10/8].

Other Countries: Diplomatic sources say the U.S. decided not to veto UN Sec. Counc. resolution condemning Israeli air raid because of fears Tunisian govt. would break diplomatic ties with the U.S. [LT 10/8; NYT 10/7].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: WAFA news agency claims PLO responsibility for blast destroying Jerusalem apartment building, claims 20 killed, including Israeli lintelligence agents. Israeli police say 1 died and 11 were injured in the explosion, which was caused by a gas leak [TS 10/8].

Arab World: Four heavily armed Palestinians hijack an Italian cruise ship, the Achille Lauro, carrying 400 passengers off the shore of Egypt. Officials at Port Sa'id say the hijackers, who identify themselves as members of the Palestine Liberation Front, demand the release of 50 prisoners held in Israel, including Samir Qantari, in exchange for the ship's passengers; they threaten to blow up the ship if their demands are not met. Yasir Arafat denies any PLO responsibility in the hijacking, vows to try to use his influence to end it [NYT 10/8, 9; WP 10/9]. Fighting breaks out again around Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. Radio stations say the fighting is between Lebanese Muslim and Palestinian militias; Amal states it is an intemal Palestinian problem. Tankfire is used against the camps and at least 1 person is killed [FT, BG 10/8].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects recovery plan of dollarizing economy.

Other Countries: Intl. Commission of Jurists (Geneva) & World University Service (London) publish report on Israeli harassment of West Bank universities. Greek Supreme Court rules in favor of extraditing Palestinian Abdel Osama al-Zomor held for smuggling explosives to Italy where suspected in 1982 Rome synagogue blast. New York Zionists announce formation of "Israel National Fund" for Jewish investment in occupied territories. Amnesty Int'l. report publishes criticism of Israel imprisoning Palestinians for PLO membership.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Prisoners at Fara'a prison petition High Court to intervene to stop torture used there. Central Elections Commission votes 18- 17 to ban Arab-Jewish "Progressive List for Peace" from July ballot. Israeli police detain British and Italian military attaches on espionage charges for photographing Tel Hof airbase. At ZOA conference in Jerusalem, PM's advisor Hurwitz confirms Israel's welcome for support from militant US fundamentalist Christians.

Arab World: 4-man military com. begins work on plan to reunite Lebanese army.

Other Countries: Meeting in Hamburg, Universal Postal Union defeats [73-32, 15 abst.] Arab bloc initiative to expel Israel for violation of UN resolutions.

Military Action

Arab World: In gunfire exchange in Nabatiya, IDF shoot 7-yr.-old boy.


Other Countries: British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe rejects Israeli argument that PLO has no role in Middle East settlement and Israeli amb. Yehuda Avner's censure of Howe's statement from Riyadh, urging Israel's recognition of Palestinian rights to self-determination, criticizing West Bank settlement policy and calling for PLO involvement in peace talks. Italian gov't. rejects Gemayel's demand that its MNF contingent withdraw from Palestinian refugee camps and concentrate on protection of Beirut commercial establishments and government buildings. US amb. to UN Kirkpatrick rejects Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar's Middle East peace conference proposal as "ill-considered and harmful." 

Military Action:

Cease-fire in Tripoli limits heavy firing to few hours in afternoon; PSP-LF artillery battles continue near Aley; Syrian anti-aircraft batteries fire on US F-14 jets; frequency of night-time reconnaissance flights by US reportedly increases; nearly 30 US ships, carrying 300 warplanes, now assembled within striking distance of Lebanon.


Casualties in Tripoli put at 15- 20 civilians killed, 150 wounded, estimated 1/4 Of city's 600,000 residents may have fled; Pentagon says search for bodies of US personnel killed in October 23 bombing has ended, final death toll is 239, with more than 80 wounded.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: House votes 224-189 to allow Israel to use $550 m. military credits to finance construction of new Lavi fighter, Weinberger calls it inappropriate, bill also cancels previously approved economic aid to Syria; Italian Defense Minister says Italian warships in MNF standing by to evacuate Arafat from Tripoli.

Military Action:

Sniper fire hits Marine positions for second day.


US says 4-5 snipers killed, 10 wounded when Marines return fire; 2 French soldiers in UNIFIL wounded by roadside explosion south of airport.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Cease-fire security committee meets, agrees to ask for 400 observers each from Greece, Italy; Amal militia denies responsibility for shooting at Marines.

Military Action:

Security committee agrees to use of 600-800 Greek and Italian troops to monitor cease-fire.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Banks halt sales of foreign currency, Stock Exchange remains closed, shekel declines 5.5% against dollar in day; Knesset approves Shamir government by 60-53 vote.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Rival PLO factions exchange small arms fire in struggle over control of two Fateh offices in Damascus.

Arab Governments: Syria and Saudi Arabia agree to use of Lebanese presidential palace at Baabda as venue for national reconciliation talks; Gemayel issues invitations to talks, reportedly beginning October 19.

Military Action:

Cease-fire holds generally; sniper fire and fighting between LAF and Amal militia in southern suburbs of Beirut; LF and PSP militias exchange artillery fire near Baissour; bomb explodes as IDF vehicle passes near Marjayoun; fighting breaks out in Baddawi refugee camp near Tripoli between Fateh and PFLP-GC factions, Arafat forces exchange artillery fire with Syrian troops.


17-19 guerrillas killed, 7 wounded in Tripoli fighting; 1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; 2 IDF soldiers wounded near Marjayoun; refugees return in large numbers to Beirut from the south.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: Representatives of US, Britain, France, Italy meet in New York, agree on need to keep MNF in place, discuss formation of 600-man observer corps, affiliated to UN, monitor Lebanon cease-fire; Shultz says MNF mission in Lebanon should continue until or even after there is stability, including withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and PLO forces; Reagan says he will seek Congressional authorization for any substantial expansion in size or role of Marine contingent, will consult if stay beyond 18 months is required.

Military Action;

French Army HQ and Italian munitions depot in Beirut hit by rockets; 4-8 French Super Etendard jet fighters, based on French carrier Foch, attack PSP and Syrian gun emplacements near Sofar, Dour Choueir and elsewhere, first combat use of airpower by MNF; rockets hit Lebanese Air Force base at Jubeil, LAF positions at Khalden; battle for Souq al-Gharb continues.


4 French soldiers wounded in HQ shelling, 2 others wounded by grenade thrown at truck, French casualties now total 50 wounded, 16 killed; Italian MNF munitions depot destroyed.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: 600-2000 Druze civilians demonstrate in Beirut against US support for LAF and LF, march to temporary US Embassy, present letter to US official.

US and Other Countries: House Foreign Affairs Committee by 30-6 vote approves compromise formula to allow deployment of US troops in Lebanon for additional 18 months.

Military Action:

Heavy artillery fire hits West Beirut; fighting intensifies around Souq al-Gharb; US and French jets carry out reconnaissance and warning flights over Beirut and PSP positions in Chouf; US Marines fire artillery rounds; US, French, Italian warships move close to Beirut shoreline.


2-3 French soldiers in MNF killed, 5 wounded by artillery fire, total French MNF casualties are 16 killed, 44 wounded; 11 civilians killed, 38 injured in West Beirut; car bomb near Mourabitoun HQ on Corniche Mazraa kills 6, injures 27; 5 Red Cross relief and ambulance convoys turned back from Chouf since Sunday, Red Cross officials report 40,000 refugees from Chouf fighting.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese officials ask MNF countries to increase number of troops and deploy them in mountains, say Syrian-backed PLO forces are aiding PSP militia.

Arab Governments: Assad meets McFarlane in Damascus. US and Other Countries: France warns it will destroy any artillery positions firing on French MNF contingent.

UN: Conference on Palestine ends, declares right of Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent state in Palestine.

Military Action:

Artillery and rocket battles between LF and PSP continue; PSP militia captures Bhamdoun; LAF takes up positions at Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues in hills near Beirut airport and along coastal road near Khaldeh.


Police report 31 killed, 67 wounded in Chouf and Beirut, total since Sunday 216 killed, 561 wounded; LAF reports 4 soldiers killed, 8 wounded, 2 civilians killed, 17 wounded in Beirut; 1500 residents flee Bhamdoun; 800 demonstrate near presidential palace, call for government to stop Chouf fighting; 2 US Marines killed, 3 wounded by rockets fired from Burj al-Barajneh area, total US casualties now 4 killed, 17 wounded; 6 Italian soldiers wounded.

Military Action:

24-hour curfew declared in Beirut; 300 Lebanese Rangers make helicopter landing, attack militia positions at Holiday Inn, other hotels; 6,000-10,000 Lebanese Army troops make combined armor and infantry sweep into West Beirut, recapture positions lost in past two days; Corniche Mazraa occupied by special force of 300, using mortars and tanks; artillery shelling continues from mountain positions; Italian MNF compound hit by 12 artillery rounds; Commodore Hotel hit by several shells; army sets up checkpoints near port area, occupies Mourabitoun HQ, Amal militia, Army maintain informal cease-fire in Shi'ite neighborhoods; heavy fighting occurs in Tripoli between rival Muslim militias.


18-22 civilians killed, 49 wounded in Beirut; 21 Lebanese soldiers killed, 87 wounded, bringing total Army casualties in past 4 days to 42 killed, 176 wounded; Mourabitoun and Amal militia leaders placed under house arrest; part of US Special Forces unit, training Lebanese Army, evacuated from Cadmos Hotel to British Embassy; 25 killed, 60 wounded in Tripoli battles.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Foreign Minister Shamir and Deputy PM Levy emerge as competing candidates to succeed Begin.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: After emergency Cabinet meeting, Gemayel invites 11 opposition leaders to join in national reconciliation conference; Jumblatt says Gemayel's call for direct dialogue among factional groups is out of the question; Berri condemns Army's move into West Beirut, calls on other Arab states to stop the massacre of Muslims.

Military Action:

Fierce fighting continues between Muslim militias and Lebanese Army throughout West Beirut; Mourabitoun occupies Union National Building, engage nearby Army garrison in rifle and RPG battle; Lebanese Army barracks at Fahr al-Deen, and positions at Murr Tower and Holiday Inn attacked; Druze militia occupies Holiday Inn; French Embassy compound hit by rockets, French convoy ambushed; British convoy attacked at Galerie Semaan crossing; Italian positions hit; 3 US Marine positions come under fire, respond with rifles, machine guns; hooded gunmen occupy points along Green Line; long-range artillery fire hits West Beirut; US aircraft carrier Eisenhower, other warships move to within 5 miles of shore.


4 French military personnel killed, 4 wounded in Beirut attacks; most Beirut shops closed, electrical blackouts frequent, lines form to buy bread, drinking water; 4 Ansar prisoners wounded when IDF opens fire after guards hit by stones.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin tells Likud coalition his decision to retire as PM and Herut party leader is final; process of selecting new Herut leader begins; McFarlane, in Jerusalem, obtains commitment to postpone IDF withdrawal from Chouf for few more days.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese government officials and Muslim leaders meet.

US and Other Countries: Reagan tells Congress Marines will remain in Lebanon, resists pressure to invoke provisions of War Powers Resolution requiring withdrawal of troops in 60-90 days without Congressional approval; White House says US troops are not conducting combat operations; West German Chancellor Kohl postpones visit to Israel.

Military Action:

2 Katyushas fired from Lebanon into western Galilee area of northern Israel.


6 killed, at least 15 wounded (including commander of Italian contingent of MNF) when car bomb explodes outside West Beirut Summerland hotel; 3 killed, 24 wounded in East Beirut; 1 prisoner at Ansar camp killed, 2 wounded when IDF opens fire on protest demonstration; tractor hit and field set afire by rockets in Galilee.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet gives unanimous approval to plans for withdrawing IDF from Beirut suburbs and Chouf mountains and redeploying along Awali river, no withdrawal on eastern front.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel and Prime Minister Wazzan, meeting congressional leaders in Washington, oppose IDF redeployment.

US and Other Countries: US says Israel makes its own decisions, partial withdrawal of IDF should be within the framework of full withdrawal of all foreign forces; potential financiers of Lebanon's reconstruction begin 2-day meeting in Paris under World Bank auspices.

Military Action:

Syrian Army reportedly constructing new fortifications and anti-tank ditches in Bekaa, 10 miles north of IDF positions.


Italian journalist expelled from Beirut by Lebanese security service.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Defense Minister Arens says prototype of Lavi jet fighter will be flying in 1986, it will be the most advanced plane in the world; Central Bureau of Statistics reports record monthly rise in cost of living index for April of 13.3%, 1983 rate to this point is equivalent to 160% inflation; demonstrations in Nablus on 35th anniversary of Israel's independence, 2 men shot, another injured while being chased by IDF patrol, curfew imposed, many arrests; demonstrations also in Ramallah and Kafr Sa'ir, school closed for 2 weeks; molotov cocktail thrown at IDF vehicle near Balata camp.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese-Israeli-US negotiators complete work at Netanya on final language of withdrawal agreement; Arafat says an effective war is only way to redraw political map of Middle East, all Palestinian ranks and leadership are disciplined and committed to national unity; Fateh military officers Abu Musa and Abu Khalid Amia criticize recent appointments by Arafat of military commanders in Lebanon, call for Fateh conference.

Arab Governments: Syrian President Assad meets and offers support to Lebanese opponents of withdrawal agreement, including Walid Jumblatt, George Hawi, Assem Kanso.

Military Action:

Lebanese Army increases security in Beirut, controlling access to American University campus and hospital; French, British, Italian and other embassies under heavy military guard; Lebanese Army raids PLO Research Center in Beirut, reportedly confiscates weapons and explosives.


Bodies of 16 Americans killed in embassy explosion, accompanied by official delegation, flown out of Beirut under heavy security; Lebanese member of Saiqa charged by military prosecutor with March 16 grenade attack on US Marines.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Palestinian flags raised in place of Israeli flags in Galilee villages of Tamra, Sakhnin and Arraba; IDF detains 39 students from al-Najah University on charges of incitement as they prepare to carry out volunteer work in Hebron area village, 11 women students released.

Arab Governments: President Mubarak says Egypt supports 1974 Rabat agreement that PLO is sole representative of the Palestinian people, urges Palestinians to create linkage with King Hussein so that Americans can start working for peaceful settlement.

Military Action:

Italian MNF attacked 4 times in Beirut, returns fire; IDF completes massive military exercise in South Lebanon and Golan Heights, Arens tells IDF in eastern Lebanon to be patient; 500 Iranian Revolutionary Guards reportedly arrive in Baalbeck.


1 Italian soldier wounded in Beirut; in South Lebanon, Dutch UNIFIL soldier stabbed.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: After talks in Cairo, Trade Ministry Director General says Egyptians promised to resume issuing licenses for import of Israeli goods; indictments for conspiring to incite hostility between Muslims and Jews, other acts, filed against 29 Jews in connection with Temple Mount incident; head of Islamic Committee in Jerusalem asks UN Secretary General to protect al-Aqsa from further attacks; fourth school in 10 days closed in Beit Sahour after students demonstrate, raise Palestinian flag.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meets in Tunis.

US and Other Countries: US Ambassador to Israel Samuel Lewis gives Shamir detailed, written proposals for security arrangements in South Lebanon as part of agreement for Israeli troop withdrawal; Pentagon releases US Marine Corps Commandant letter to Defense Secretary Weinberger saying that IDF has been deliberately threatening lives of US officers in Lebanon, reveals previously classified incidents; Garter, in Damascus, says Reagan Administration suggestion that Syria has become puppet of Soviet Union is ridiculous.