88 / 15468 Results
  • December 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    Rocket, mortar and artillery battles in 11 Chouf villages; armed clashes continue in Tripoli.


    Lebanese merchants in Aley and Bhamdoun strike to...

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  • December 19, 1982

    Military Action:

    RPGs, mortars and light weapons used in clashes around Aley; IDF convoy is ambushed in hills overlooking Beirut airport, IDF sets two shops ablaze while responding to...

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  • December 17, 1982

    Military Action:

    Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes...

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  • December 13, 1982

    Military Action:

    Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses...

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  • December 11, 1982

    Military Action:

    Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting...

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  • December 10, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it...

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  • December 9, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning...

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  • December 7, 1982

    Military Action:

    Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.


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  • November 26, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF closes all roads to Aley following new outbreak of sectarian fighting, cease-fire called two hours later; IDF bus hit by gunfire, RPGs in ambush south of Beirut near...

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  • November 18, 1982

    Military Action:

    Phalange-Druze clashes erupt after fire-bomb thrown at local notable near Aley; 169 artillery shells fired into Aitat by Phalange.


    UNRWA official...

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  • November 16, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to...

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  • November 9, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF imposes curfew on several Chouf villages, including Kfar Nabrakh, Navrah and Brih, following artillery duels and Phalange attack on Druze doctor; Aley sealed off after...

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  • November 7, 1982

    Military Action:

    Renewed fighting between Phalange and Druze villagers in Chouf, and spate of kidnappings following battles in and near Aley, raise tensions before release of about 50 from...

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  • October 31, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800...

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  • October 10, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars...

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  • October 4, 1982

    Military Action:

    4 IDF jets hit Syrian and PLO targets in Bekaa for first time since September 13 (1 SAM-9 missile battery destroyed at Dar el-Baideh along Beirut-Damascus Highway, targets...

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  • October 3, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF bus attacked by rocket-propelled grenade, sprayed bus with gunfire in Aley area; dispute between US and Israel over presence of 2 IDF tanks south of the airport (IDF...

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  • October 1, 1982

    Military Action:

    Lebanese Government urges US to deploy contingent in larger area to pressure IDF to withdraw from entire Beirut area (IDF tanks still stationed around presidential palace...

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  • September 29, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2...

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  • August 26, 1982

    Military Action:

    Arafat checks front lines of PLO in Beirut, visits refugee camps, offices; PLO delegation arrives in Tunisia to prepare for PLO guerrilla arrivals; IDF position in Bekaa...

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  • July 24, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF jets attack in Bekaa (claims 3 Syrian SAM-8 batteries south of Chtaura, 1 F-4 destroyed; Syria claims IDF loses 24 tanks, 4 rocket launchers, admits it loses 16 tanks...

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  • July 20, 1982

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire...

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  • June 29, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.



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  • June 25, 1982

    Military Action:

    Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery...

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  • June 24, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli gunboats shell Palestinian areas in Beirut, hitting apartment buildings and killing 17; IDF advances in airport area; low-in-come Fakhani area "pulverized" by IDF...

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  • June 23, 1982

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join...

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  • June 22, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks...

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  • June 21, 1982

    Military Action:

    Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable...

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Military Action:

Rocket, mortar and artillery battles in 11 Chouf villages; armed clashes continue in Tripoli.


Lebanese merchants in Aley and Bhamdoun strike to protest renewed fighting; 20 killed, 4 injured in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry recalls Sharon to submit to cross-examination; Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel is opposed to stationing any international forces in proposed security zone in South Lebanon; senior Israeli officials outline proposed Lebanon security zone, where it would set up monitoring posts manned by Israelis; ban all but small arms, carry out surveillance overflights; curfews briefly lifted, then reimposed on Nablus market and Balata camp; West Bank Palestinians upset at Christmas pilgrimages of Maronite Christians to Holy Places.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel meets with envoys of US, France and Italy to brief them on deteriorating situation in Chouf and Tripoli; Gemayel rejects Israeli demands for security zone as gross infringements on national sovereignty.

Arab Governments: King Hussein meets with Shultz in Washington.

US and Other Countries: Weinberger says US may send more troops once progress on pull-out is shown; Habib stops in France for talks with foreign ministry; British announce willingness to join multinational peacekeeping force in Beirut, will send armored unit with 80 men for three months.

Military Action:

RPGs, mortars and light weapons used in clashes around Aley; IDF convoy is ambushed in hills overlooking Beirut airport, IDF sets two shops ablaze while responding to attack; IDF holds Lebanese Druze suspected of shooting IDF officer in Aley last week.


1 killed, 4 wounded in Aley area.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet meets to discuss Sharon initiative and Habib proposals, drops condition that some of talks be held in Jerusalem; Habib meets with Begin to receive report on Israeli-Lebanese agreement; curfews maintained in Nablus and refugee camps of Balata and Deheisha; Peace Now demands that shooting incident be debated in Knesset.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Government, reacting to Israeli Cabinet decision, says it is ready to negotiate on withdrawal of IDF forces from Lebanon; Foreign Minister Salem says agreement is Israeli agenda for talks, but "we have ours," says US must be partner in talks; Lebanese officials avoid discussing alleged Sharon document.

US and Other Countries: Washington Post article reveals two unpublished letters signed by Habib last August guaranteeing safety of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Military Action:

Grenades, machine-gun fire and heavy sniping in Tripoli street fighting; Phalange politician Jean Ghanem escapes ambush assassination attempt in Aley; car bomb explodes near Jounieh shopping mall.


18 killed, including 6 Syrian soldiers, in Tripoli; 1 wounded in Jounieh.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reveals "working paper" after secret negotiations with Lebanese officials that could lead to normal relations between Israel and Lebanon, but refuses to name Lebanese met with; Sharon angry over Reagan Administration refusal to meet with him during last week's visit to US, accuses US of delaying negotiations by linking them to Reagan peace proposals.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, in interview, says agreement with Jordan reached on "future confederation between independent Palestinian state and Jordan"; Lebanese officials "working paper" and discussions with Sharon; Gemayel, Wazzan and Salem meet Habib and Draper concerning possibility of partial withdrawal.

US and Other Countries: Shultz says troop withdrawals from Lebanon unlikely by end of year.

Military Action:

Bitter clashes and artillery duels in Chouf, 11 towns/villages bombed, Phalange reports fires burning out of control; IDF closes nearby Beirut-Damascus road, refuses Lebanese Army command that IDF disarm both factions; IDF, Druze and Phalange militias agree to conduct joint patrols, and a Druze- Phalange committee will meet weekly or when necessary to resolve disputes in Aley; gunbattles continue in Tripoli; US Marines begin training special unit of Lebanese Army; IDF jeep hits mine near Ain Ata near Hasbaya.


25 killed in 24 hours in Chouf; 10 killed, 30 wounded in Tripoli; 1 IDF soldier wounded in jeep; UNRWA opens first tent in Ain el-Hilweh to use as classroom; Lebanese merchants complain that Israeli merchants are misleading them, demanding 100 percent down payments, etc.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects shuttle diplomacy proposal; Commission will end staff questioning of witnesses this week; Shamir arrives in Argentina, says he will raise human rights-related issues; Israel withholding information about military lessons of the war until US agrees to seek Israeli approval before sharing with NATO, to allow Israeli expert to observe any tests and share American conclusions with Israel (agreement on sharing information on Soviet weapons performance initialed November 25 but still without Weinberger signature); IDF soldier charged with illegal use of weapon when he shot demonstrators in Halhoul; Israeli Druze decide against anti-IDF strike to protest IDF policy in Chouf.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem, in Washington, says Israel is prime source of continuing tension in Lebanon, suggests all "illegal" Palestinians should leave Lebanon, warns of renewed fighting unless foreign troops withdraw within next four weeks, seeks US support for expanding number of peacekeeping force; Amal militia threatens "bloodbath" if kidnapped commander, Yakub Daher, is harmed.

Arab Governments: Mubarak begins tour of Europe to push for peace process.

US and Other Countries: Shultz meets Pope and Mubarak, discusses Lebanon; France says it is willing to increase Beirut troops

Military Action:

Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting continues in Baal Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli as both sides fire on police officers trying to arrange cease-fire; UNIFIL troops involved in firefight.


3 Phalange killed, one IDF soldier wounded in Aley; 7 dead, 12 wounded in Tripoli, where all businesses close during fighting; UNIFIL kills 1, wounded 3 militiamen; mothers and children of Phalange forces in Chouf hold protest march in Beirut demanding state intervention to end fighting; UNRWA says homes found for Palestinian refugees.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin aide David Levi confirms plans to expand settlements in West Bank; IDF officer links Sharon to brutality toward West Bank Palestinians.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat flies unexpectedly to Damascus, reportedly to heal rift between himself and PLO groups based in Syria, make friendly overture to Syrian government.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Israel and PLO are delaying peace process, calls on PLO to recognize Israel.

US and Other Countries: US proposes shuttle diplomacy instead of direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.

Military Action:

Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it after 3 hours as fighting erupts; leader of Shiite Amal militia kidnapped by Phalange.


2 killed, 3 wounded by sniper fire in Aley during curfew break (110 estimated killed in Chouf fighting in past 6 weeks); US-led bomb squads searching for unexploded weapons and munitions have found 250 kinds of explosives from 17 countries.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says only 479 killed in massacre (only 20 children, 15 women), contradicting his own Commission testimony; Ezer Weizman may head new center party.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem leaves Britain without firm commitment on troop expansion but is "satisfied."

US and Other Countries: India refuses visas for two Israelis to attend international airport chiefs' conference in New Delhi.

UN: General Assembly calls for creation of Palestinian state and Israeli withdrawal from lands seized in 1967 (Israel, US, Canada and Costa Rica vote no, 23 abstentions, 113 vote yes).

Military Action:

Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning shots in attempts to stop fighting, IDF APCs move through Aley streets, proclaim curfew; US Marines to expand patrols to include Yarze section of Beirut-Damascus road.


Tripoli casualties are 16 dead, 59 wounded; 6 killed in Chouf fighting, 4 Syria soldiers killed, 11 wounded in ambush.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, in New York, says Israel is close to a secdrity arrangement with Lebanon; Commission makes public Begin's letter in which he declines to reappear, and asserts he had "no grounds" to expect massacre, asserts Phalange entered camps to deal with estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas remaining in camps-though Phalange let into camps numbered only 100-200; Shamir, and Yaron notify Commission they intend to submit written memoranda but not testify further; Drori, who plans to reappear before Commission, and Yaron reportedly retain lawyers; others request extension of time and Commission gives them until December 15; Israeli testimony indicates only two Phalange killed during massacre.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects Jordanian trusteeship role, says Hussein cannot represent Palestinians in peace negotiations; former Lebanese Prime Minister Karame appeals to Syrian President Assad to help stop fighting.

Arab Governments: Egypt urges US allies to pressure US to secure IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.

US and Other Countries: After meeting with Reagan and senior policy makers, Habib warns early withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon not likely, prepares to return to Mideast in renewe4 effort to bring about troop withdrawals; US Jewish groups warn Begin he may lose their support, but oppose using US aid to pressure his government; Honduran official says Sharon signed arms agreement, reportedly involving sale of Kfir jets; Thatcher sends envoy on secret visit to Morocco, raising hopes for ending crisis in UK/Arab relations.

Military Action:

Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.


8 killed, 10 injured in Tripoli; 2 Phalange soldiers killed, 3 wounded in Aley.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Begin and 8 other officials given additional week to amend Inquiry testimony; Begin, in letter to Commission, declines to reappear or cross-examine witnesses; 400,000 workers-one third of entire workforce-go on strike as Histadrut pressures for new wage agreement, closing schools, clinics, municipal offices, cancelling all but TV news programs, affecting embassies and consulates around the world; Jerusalem Post poll shows nearly half of Israeli population believes Israel's recent policies have caused a rise in anti-Semitism, three-quarters of Labor supporters blame government.

US and Other Countries: Vatican considers intervention in dispute over purges of foreign lecturers from West Bank universities.

UN: Syria asks UN to revoke 1949 resolution admitting Israel to UN; Egypt urges US dialogue with PLO.

Military Action:

IDF closes all roads to Aley following new outbreak of sectarian fighting, cease-fire called two hours later; IDF bus hit by gunfire, RPGs in ambush south of Beirut near Deir Oubel. 


Casualties from yesterday's explosion in Shiyah put at 12 killed, 15 wounded; nine Christians buried in Beirut, killed during Druze attack on Christian sector of Kfar Nabrakh three weeks ago and bodies only discovered 2 days ago in well near Ain Zhalta; 1 killed, 1 wounded in Aley.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Attorney-General Zamir rebukes Likud MK Seyger for calling for resignation of Commission of Inquiry (says statement illegal, but parliamentary immunity will exempt him from prosecution); Israeli Science Minister Ne'eman says Israel to set up space agency to build and launch satellites; 2 killed in bomb blast at Israeli embassy in Ecuador; Village League leaders, at memorial service for Ramallah leader slain last year, call for setting up new youth movement in Hebron to support negotiations with Israel.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Central Council criticizes Reagan plan but does not formally reject it after heated 9-hour debate in Damascus, gives Arafat vote of confidence and permission to continue diplomacy; Damascus- based PLO leaders insist PNC should be held in Syria, call for rejection of Reagan plan; Arafat seeks meeting outside Syria to be free of pressures from Assad; Wazzan charges Israel with stalling talks following meeting between Gemayel and Draper.

Military Action:

Phalange-Druze clashes erupt after fire-bomb thrown at local notable near Aley; 169 artillery shells fired into Aitat by Phalange.


UNRWA official in Sidon says IDF prodded refugees to reject tents, helping create a market for expensive prefab houses being sold by Israeli firms, many Palestinian refugees reportedly expect Israel to provide free housing.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir meets with Draper but fails to break deadlock on Israel-Lebanon talks; Communications Minister Zipori, testifying before Commission of Inquiry, says he learned of civilian "slaughter" in refugee camps Friday morning, September 17, informed Foreign Minister Shamir after failing to reach IDF military intelligence heads, testifies Shamir said he had already heard of deaths, asserts June 15 Cabinet decision did not constitute permission to allow Phalange to enter camps; Labor Party leader Peres charges Likud with "smear campaign" on basis of US editorial; Tehiya MK Ne'eman threatens to leave government if West Bank settlements are not continued on a massive scale; Defense Ministry dissociates itself from guidelines recently issued by West Bank Civil Administrator Colonel Yigal Karmon; West Bank military authorities preparing to require Christian clergy to sign anti-PLO pledges, causing concern among Jerusalem religious authorities and provoking protest abroad.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan accuses Israel of instigating conflicts in Chouf, calls for IDF withdrawal from area; procedural issues holding up beginning of Israel-Lebanon talks, as Lebanese resist attempt to involve civilians in talks or to discuss normalizing relations with Israel.

Arab Governments: King Hussein meets Turkish military ruler in Ankara during two-day visit; Egypt indicates Israel will resume talks on disputed Taba area.

US and Other Countries: Secretary of State Shultz denounces Israel's crackdown on West Bank universities as a threat to academic freedom reminiscent of the McCarthy era and as undermining peace process, and calls on Israeli professors to protest measure, but denies aid contributions to Israel are linked to halting West Bank settlements.

Military Action:

IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to area, imposes curfew and cuts traffic between Chouf villages; IDF forces withdraw from Yarze area housing Lebanese Army command and home of US Ambassador Dillon.


UNRWA begins distributing cement and stoves in Ain el-Hilweh; 1 attacker killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in Shuweifat.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel will withdraw to 40 miles above border only after PLO and Syria withdraw troops and Israeli prisoners are returned, but will stay there until Lebanon signs security agreement allowing direct IDF involvement in security arrangements; Shamir tells US Jewish leaders in Israel that multinational peacekeeping force is unnecessary for ensuring safety of South Lebanon; Jerusalem Post poll shows Sharon support dropping since massacre; Commission of Inquiry interviews Yiram Yair, IDF commander in area of camps during massacre, behind closed doors; Statistics Bureau puts price rise at 106 percent since start of year, and inflation rate may reach 138 percent by end of year; two week old memo revealed which ordered Israeli military governors to "neutralize to the maximum" pro-Jordanian elements among West Bank Arabs and to step up support for Village Leagues, in apparent attempt to block options for peace settlement involving Jordan; Likud MK Dror Zeigerman says government initiative in issuing memo would imply plan for ultimate annexation of occupied territories, and warns such a plan would turn the West Bank into "Israel's Viet Nam"; Peace Now issues statement condemning Civil Administrator for implementing "corrupt colonialist policies"; heads of Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches in Jerusalem threaten to close holy places over Christmas unless expulsion order against Armenian Deputy Patriarch Karanjian is rescinded, but Interior Ministry refuses to reveal basis for decision to not renew visa; Tehiya Party, at annual meeting, demands that Israel annex West Bank and Gaza; Nahal plans five outposts, three settlements in West Bank in coming year; Bethlehem University student council leader put under town arrest for six months.

US and Other Countries: French President Mitterrand, in Paris meeting, tells Arab League delegation headed by King Hussein that Arabs and PLO should recognize Israel; State Department issues unusually strong 2 page statement that Israel's deportation of teachers from West Bank universities (which are partly funded by US foreign aid) undermines peace negotiations.

Military Action:

IDF imposes curfew on several Chouf villages, including Kfar Nabrakh, Navrah and Brih, following artillery duels and Phalange attack on Druze doctor; Aley sealed off after land mine explodes near IDF jeep.


IDF medical teams treat wounded in Chouf villages, many evacuated; IDF arranges exchange of prisoners in Aley; Ain el-Hilweh a sea of mud after third day of heavy rains, only 16 UNRWA tents set up and 100 refugees sign up to purchase Israeli-made prefabricated houses.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir tells visiting US Congressmen that negotiations on IDF withdrawal from Lebanon could last many months, blames Syria; Israel links pull-out talks to Lebanese willingness to normalize relations with Israel (open borders, trade, tourism, unofficial missions in Jerusalem and Beirut); Tourism Minister Sharir reveals plan to promote tourism on West Bank to strengthen Israel's presence there; El Al workers go on strike.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO source in Tunisia says Fateh has approved plans to create Palestinian-Jordanian federation, with Jordan and Palestinian state as separate countries, has decided to reinforce PLO troops in Bekaa and North Lebanon, to resume military training for guerrillas evacuated from Beirut and to resume talks with Lebanese Government on Palestinian presence in Lebanon; PLO reportedly sets 2 conditions for "mutual and simultaneous recognition" with Israel-US pledge to talk to PLO in return and a US guarantee that PLO will be included in any peace negotiations on equal footing with other Arab parties; Lebanese Parliament, in 58-1 vote, gives Gemayel power to rule nation by decree for 6 months, gives vote of confidence to 10-member Cabinet, gives Gemayel full powers to deal with Israelis, Syrians, PLO and to restructure Army, revise tax structure, change criminal law, reschedule debts, control media, but Gemayel fails to win power to amend election laws, citizenship requirements and provincial boundaries without Parliamentary approval, also fails to extend special powers for 2 more months, as 32 legislators abstain or are absent; Gemayel meets with Druze and Phalange leaders, says he will seek US pressure on IDF to withdraw from Chouf area; Walid Jumblatt meets Gemayel at Baabda to discuss deteriorating security in Chouf area, declares Israel is responsible for bloodshed.

US and Other Countries: Assistant Secretary of State Veliotes, in interview, says PLO proposal for "mutual and simultaneous" recognition with Israel was step backward in negotiating process as Israel will never agree; British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym arrives for 2 day stay in Jordan.

Military Action:

Renewed fighting between Phalange and Druze villagers in Chouf, and spate of kidnappings following battles in and near Aley, raise tensions before release of about 50 from each side eases situation; Syrian missile fired at IDF positions in Bekaa.


Mother and three sons killed when bomb demolishes house in Muslim area of Haret Hreik; several tents put up in Ain el-Hilweh are found slashed, only 5 families have moved into tents, and children stone UNRWA workers and Border Police patrol; small Cyprus freighter is first ship to enter Tyre harbor since June 6; hundreds of Ansar detainees riot to protest inadequate protection against winter weather, guards fire in air to stop protest; IDF plans to investigate irregularities in issuing permits to Israeli Palestinians to visit Lebanese relatives (some permits sold to Lebanese Palestinians).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF Beirut commander Amos Yaron tells Commission of Inquiry that he heard of civilian killings T1hursday, talked to Drori, but only knew full extent of killings Monday, that Phalange were allowed to replenish ammunition and rotate troops, contradicting earlier Sharon testimony, that he thought most civilians had fled area, and that Eitan praised Phalange performance in extending their stay in the camps and that they were withdrawn September 18 due to US pressure; 7 IDF soldiers go on trial for assaulting Palestinians on the West Bank; Israeli Cabinet rejects US criticism of settlement policy, pledges to continue policy, Begin asks Arens to formally protest US statements; Labor Party leader Peres urges Begin to move toward negotiations on basis of Reagan plan, but rejects Shunui Party call for end to all settlement activity; 1 Palestinian killed, 4 wounded in attack on Israeli army vehicle in Gaza Strip; Hebron mayor asks for UN intervention to halt destruction of Arab homes and establishment of old Jewish quarter in central Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Government asks Britain, South Korea, Sweden and the Netherlands to contribute troops to peace-keeping force.

Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Egypt is trying to arrange a dialogue between the PLO and US and to ensure PLO participation in new peace talks.

Military Action:

Syrians fire two anti-aircraft missiles at IAF jets overflying Bekaa, both miss, Israeli military command accuses Syria of cease-fire violations; plans to deploy 1,800 Lebanese Army soldiers in East Beirut delayed by tensions in Chouf area; new fighting flares before IDF reimposes curfew; fighting in Aley erupts day after Druze militiamen ambush Lebanese Army soldiers; artillery battles break out after gunmen fire on car in village of Kaifoun; gunbattles continue in village of Souk el-Gharb; IDF jeep comes under fire in village of Bchamoun; explosion in West Beirut flat kills 2, wounds 8; Sidon placed under tight IDF control following 2 attacks on IDF soldiers in past week, allegedly by newly-formed Lebanese National Patriotic Front.


One Lebanese Army soldier killed, 3 wounded in ambush; some Palestinians released from Answar have been rearrested in past few days; 6 Israeli soldiers captured by PLO are interviewed by ICRC team in camp near Barr Elias in eastern Bekaa.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir warns that Syrian missile attacks may delay withdrawal of foreign forces; Meridor says Israel willing to make political commitment to welfare of Palestinian refugees in upcoming negotiations with Lebanese, will seek guarantee that Lebanese will not tear down houses built by refugees who lost their homes in the fighting; Mapam leader Shemtov says PLO willingness to dialogue with Israel should not be ignored; Israeli Cabinet says Israel will agree to negotiate Taba issue only if Egypt resumes talks on all outstanding issues between two countries and ends diplomatic freeze; Israeli Ambassador to US Moshe Arens proposes 6-month moratorium on new settlements, but Begin rejects request and Arens is heavily criticized in Jerusalem; Drori testifies that he did not know of hundreds of civilian deaths until Saturday afternoon, yet feared mass civilian killings by Phalange, may have been told of Eitan decision to let Phalange enter camps only at time Phalange learned of it, and says Phalange asked IDF for tractors, were given one with IDF markings removed.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Information Minister Roger Shikhani warns press of need for "wisdom" in deciding what they print to avoid imposition of censorship; Lebanese Cabinet endorses plan to use existing military liaison committee for future talks, expanded to include at least one civilian legal expert and US representatives; PLO's Abu Jihad says PLO will not withdraw until IDF does first and Lebanese Government signs written guarantee of safety of civilians, says US guarantee no longer reliable after massacre, PLO uninterested in Draper negotiations and will deal with Lebanese separately, would like to retain PLO military presence in Lebanon, perhaps through Lebanese PLA unit; PLO official Khalid al-Hassan, in New York, says establishment of Palestinian state a prerequisite to PLO acceptance of US peace plan.

Arab Governments: Egypt asks Israel to delay opening of luxury hotel at Taba.

Military Action:

IDF patrol ambushed in Aley with exchange of grenades and gunfire, PLO claims credit; Druze-Phalange fighting continues for fifth day in Central Lebanon, rockets, mortars and artillery used; Druze leaders confer with Gemayel urging end to clashes; Palestinian refugee camps tense after reports of kidnappings of residents by armed men last night (Lebanese Army sources say Phalange intelligence supplying Army with names of Palestinian and LNM militia and helping in arms searches).


3 Druze women-killed in crossfire; water and electricity restored, streets cleaned in Beirut (official estimate of $12 billion for rehabilitation; AID to supply $110 m., EEC $100 m.); US AID head says tents for Palestinian refugees coming soon; 2 IDF wounded, one in Central Lebanon, one east of Beirut.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Bethlehem Mayor Freij declares support for Reagan plan and for important Jordanian role in peace plan, Mayor Shakaa rejects plan as not recognizing Palestinian rights; pro-Jordanian forces' activities on West Bank include grants to crafts and unions, Friday sermons in mosques, increased travel to Jordan by West Bank personalities; Israeli Civil Administration delays imposing military control over West Bank universities; Cabinet, in 4-hour meeting, demands Lebanon sign security accord (as well as prior pullout by PLO, release of IDF soldiers captured by Syria and PLO precondition for pullback).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Amal leaders say Wazzan promises to set up committee to seek solutions to squatter problems.

Military Action:

4 IDF jets hit Syrian and PLO targets in Bekaa for first time since September 13 (1 SAM-9 missile battery destroyed at Dar el-Baideh along Beirut-Damascus Highway, targets at Ain Dara and Dhour Shweir hit; Syrian jets do not engage IDF jets); IDF sets up roadblocks near Aley, tightens regulation enforcement (cars may no longer drive alone through capital's suburbs), places forces on high alert.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet meets in emergency session, discusses military options, disagreement continues concerning withdrawal; US Jewish leaders in New York criticize Shamir for rejecting Reagan plan; "crisis of confidence" reported between army high command and Sharon; Draper arrives in Israel for talks with Begin on recent Habib visit to Syria; Daniel Timmerman, son of Argentine dissident and exile Jacobo Timmerman, goes to prison rather than do reserve duty in Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel names Wazzan to head new government (seen as concession to Muslim leaders after secret weekend talk with Saeb Salam); Wazzan says all militias will be disbanded, favors "special status" for remaining Palestinian civilians but will take up issue with PLO.

US and Other Countries: US deplores Israeli attack on Bekaa; US vows to leave International Telegraph Union (meeting in Nairobi) if Algerian proposal to expel Israel from 157-member body is passed; for first time in over 20 years, China allows 2 Israeli professors with Israeli passports to enter the People's Republic.

Military Action:

IDF bus attacked by rocket-propelled grenade, sprayed bus with gunfire in Aley area; dispute between US and Israel over presence of 2 IDF tanks south of the airport (IDF supposed to stay in Khalde, US calls it violation of latest agreement); French troops extend patrols into Ashrafiya as Lebanese Army sets up new checkpoints; fighting between pro- and anti-Syrian factions in Tripoli.


6 IDF soldiers wounded in Aley ambush; 5 killed, 15 wounded in Tripoli factional fighting; UNRWA begins clearing debris from South Lebanon camps to prepare for winter; (UNRWA plans tents for 60,000 homeless, Israel estimates only 30,000); Western diplomatic sources in Beirut accuse IDF of looting during occupation.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Peres calls for opening negotiations based on Reagan plan; Shamir tells UN Secretary General of Israeli opposition to continued UNIFIL deployment; Deputy Foreign Minister Yehuda BenMeir says al-Ansar prisoners will be part of withdrawal agreement; Begin asks 4,000 fundamentalist Christians meeting in Jerusalem to help Israel retain control of the occupied territories; senior Israeli official confirms Israel makes its own cluster bombs.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Deputy to Phalange leader Elias Hobeika, on TV, says Phalange will always kill Palestinians; PLO declines comment on PLO withdrawal from Lebanon; Lebanese internal security police head Gen. Ahmed el-Hajj suggested as possible Prime Minister; Gemayel reintroduces capital punishment for convicted murderers, kidnappers; Arafat appoints Col. Mohammed Affani (Abu Mutasem) as chief-of-staff to replace Abu Walid.

Arab Governments: Habib meets Assad for 3 hours, leaves for US via Rome; Mubarak asserts Israel is "beating drums of war."

US and Other Countries: US officials indicate Marines could stay in Lebanon 4-6 months. 

Military Action:

Lebanese Government urges US to deploy contingent in larger area to pressure IDF to withdraw from entire Beirut area (IDF tanks still stationed around presidential palace at Baabda); Marines continue to bring equipment ashore (currently assigned to patrol from southern tip of airport to Burj al-Barajneh); French troops take over East Beirut positions from Phalange for first time; IDF unit attacked near Aley (no casualties).


Site of massacre bulldozed as Lebanese Government flattens camp for "health and psychological reasons"; Lebanese Army searches door-to-door for illegal residents (Syrians are deported, Turks jailed, 1500 Palestinians taken for interrogation); Saeb Salam asks Gemayel to halt "kidnappings".

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Chief Justice Kahan appoints judicial Commission of inquiry into Beirut massacre; Begin may press for elections next spring after Commission releases findings.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saeb Salam rejects Gemayel request for him to return as Prime Minister for 5th time; suspect in Gemayel assassination arrested by Phalange security agents (3 men also arrested for murder two years ago of Bashir Gemayel's 18-month-old daughter); Habib meets Gemayel for 90 minutes, on route from Egypt to Syria; DFLP's Hawatmeh says DFLP will propose resolution on mutual recognition between Israel and PLO at next Palestine National Council meeting.

US and Other Countries: Reagan calls death of Marine "tragic" but says US commitment to peacekeeping force remains unchanged; Gromyko, at UN, condemns Reagan peace plan.

UN: UN declines to set up independent inquiry on massacre because Lebanese want inquiry to be carried on outside Lebanon, but PLO thinks inquiry should be held in Lebanon.

Military Action:

US Marines land by sea and helicopter, take control of the airport minutes after IDF soldiers leave; Lebanese Army takes over internal airport security; new IDF lines are 2 km. south of airport, through Hazmieh to Beirut-Damascus Highway and Aley; US Ambassador Dillon says IDF may only use airport in emergencies and with prior Lebanese consent (airport was used to airlift IDF soldiers to occupy West Beirut); IDF forces move near Bhamdoun; Phalange sets up military camps in 40 km. zone previously controlled exclusively by Haddad.


Sources in Beirut charge that massacre was directed by top Phalange military commanders including Elias Hobeika (an aide to Bashir Gemayel and liaison between Phalange, Mossad and US embassy); 9 Jewish women married to Palestinian Muslims believed to be among massacre victims; 4 Palestinian refugees murdered, dozens wounded, several abducted from Ein al-Hilweh camp by Lebanese.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Polls show Begin, Sharon popularity slips, but Labor Party popularity does not rise; Labor Party agrees to cancel Knesset debate; Sharon links Syria to Gemayel assassination; IDF sources say US will not press for further Israeli withdrawals from Lebanon until Syria pullout, IDF refuses to respond to allegations of looting of Lebanese private homes, businesses; Shamir arrives in US on 10 day visit; Israeli exports, especially trade with Egypt, adversely affected by invasion.

Arab Governments: Habib visits Egypt after stopping in Saudi Arabia to update Egyptians on talks with Jordanians, Syrians, Israelis.

US and Other Countries: State Department officer tells House subcommittee that IDF may have turned over US weapons to Phalangists involved in the massacre (some accounts specifically mention Phalange having M-60 tanks and M-16 rifles).

Military Action:

Arafat checks front lines of PLO in Beirut, visits refugee camps, offices; PLO delegation arrives in Tunisia to prepare for PLO guerrilla arrivals; IDF position in Bekaa fortified; 177 wounded PLO fighters leave by ship for Greece; Syrian forces begin withdrawal from Beirut; 697 PLO guerrillas leave for North Yemen; second group of PLO guerrillas evacuated to Tartus; Italian troops and French reinforcements joined US Marines in overseeing evacuation.


1 IDF soldier dies of wounds from attack north of Tyre; 1 IDF solider killed by Phalangists when he and two other soldiers tried to break into jewelry shop in Aley; UNRWA says tents needed to house 30,000 Palestinian refugees through winter (Lebanese government reportedly opposes more permanent housing, relocation further northward); thousands of Lebanese jam crossings into West Beirut as services slowly restored.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon warns Syria, calls on Lebanese cabinet to cooperate with US (later at New York meeting with Jewish groups, he defends invasion as step toward Middle East peace; 100 demonstrators protest outside); Sharon meets Shultz, says Israel opposed to Palestinian state as it already exists in Jordan; Deputy Minister of Communications Dov Shilansky, in radio debate, says Israeli media encouraged the enemy during the war; IDF lifts 10-day ban on travel from Nablus area to Jordan; Begin says inquiry commission should probe opposition, not war; Jerusalem Post poll finds Likud Party surges in popularity.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Farouk Kaddoumi to lead PLO delegation to Arab Foreign Ministers meeting tomorrow; Habib meets Gemayel, asks Salaam to cooperate with Gemayel, assures Wazzan, Sarkis no Phalangists will be near overland evacuation.

Arab Govemments: Assad writes Reagan; Egypt sets three conditions for resuming autonomy talks in meeting with Israeli Ambassador (total IDF withdrawal from Lebanon; freeze on all further settlements in the occupied territories).

US and Other Countries: US Jewish leaders tell Shultz not to "rehabilitate" PLO.

Military Action:

IDF jets attack in Bekaa (claims 3 Syrian SAM-8 batteries south of Chtaura, 1 F-4 destroyed; Syria claims IDF loses 24 tanks, 4 rocket launchers, admits it loses 16 tanks); jets also attack Palestinian targets in Beirut after mock air raids, reconnaissance flights (Fakhani, Bir Hassan, Ramlet el-Baida, Sabra, airport areas hit, 1 jet reportedly hit); shelling of airport, Burj al-Barajneh, Sabra, Shatila, as IDF warships shell Burj al-Chatila, as IDF wat ships shell Burj al-Barajneh and Ouazi (2 IDF armored cars, 1 tank, 1 mortar position reportedly knocked out) .


Four Syrian soldiers killed, 6 wounded in IDF raids; WAFA reports 51 wounded, killed in today's raids; Lebanese officials report 11 IDF soldiers killed in Wednesday's guerrilla attack in Sidon; PLO reports two IDF soldiers killed, four wounded last night near Sidon as halftrack hits landmine; 12 IDF casualties reported near Aley; IDF troops enter Karantina power station in East Beirut, turn off electricity to West Beirut at 11 PM (results in loss of all water to West Beirut as water pumps are halted; cutoff interrupts Bashir Gemayel TV address in which he nominates himself as Lebanese president); Sidon authorities begin bulldozing remains of Ain el-Hilweh (IDF disclaims any responsibility for plight of camps' refugees, refuses to allow tents to be brought in).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet gives diplomatic process more time, is reportedly split over all-out attack on Beirut; Minister Yitzhak Moda'i says Israel rejects linking PLO-IDF withdrawals, accepts linking only Syrian-IDF withdrawals.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Bashir Gemayel nominates self as Lebanese president; PLO opposes withdrawal until safeguards arranged for 650,000 Palestinian civilians in Lebanon, acceptable host countries found, and Palestinian right to self-determination affirmed by US or UN; two-hour battle between Phalange and Druze flares in Aley (two killed; IDF separates forces); Sarkis and Cabinet hold emergency meeting to discuss IDF undermining of government authority in southern Lebanon using Haddad militia (Sarkis publicly condemns IDF occupation of southern Lebanon for first time); Wazzan says Lebanese government rejects proposals for interimpartial withdrawal of PLO from all of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Syria threatens major response, with new weapons, if IDF continues attacks.

US and Other Countries: Habib meets Saudi leaders, then flies to Cairo; Habib's consultant status with Bechtel Corporation initiates call by Senator Pressler (R-SD) for him to resign (rejected strongly by White House); US AID says $850,000 in aid for American University Hospital to be flown to Cyprus for shipment.

UN: UN delays Security Council meeting sought by France, Egypt to discuss Lebanese situation.

Military Action:

Cease-fire holds despite IDF jets zooming low over Beirut in the late afternoon, provoking anti-aircraft fire for the first time in days; IDF and PLO gunners exchanged fire around southern suburbs; 6 artillery rounds land near IDF checkpoint in Beirut port, interrupting activities on the docks.


Fuel seems to be the only commodity in short supply in W. Beirut; South Lebanon increasingly "Israelized" as Hebrew road signs multiply, El Al offices are set up; Beirut police now estimate 354 people have died in the capital since the June 25 air strikes, bringing known dead to 10,207 (excluding Syrian casualties along highway, casualties from battles around Aley, many hospital casualties).

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Leaders of Druze community in Golan Heights call off 5-month strike protesting Israeli annexation of the area; Shamir makes secret 2-day visit to Europe; Israeli official projects 150 percent increase in number of active duty reservists until March 1983; four percent compulsory "loan," based on earnings, announced by Israeli government to pay for invasion.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO and Lebanese police join in search for abducted AUB acting president; negotiations on PLO withdrawal suspended as participants await outcome of Washington talks.

Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers send Arafat message saying that if PLO accepts UN Resolution 242, US will recognize PLO; Saudi foreign minister, in Washington, says Lebanese situation can be defused by pushing Palestinian self-determination and pledging to protect countries that take PLO guerrillas from attack by Israel; Syrian Information Minister Iskander calls on US to end its military and political support for the Israeli invasion.

US and Other Countries: Non-Aligned Movement fails to gain access for committee to Beirut; Saudi and Syrian foreign ministers meet with Reagan, outline plan for temporary evacuation of PLO to northern Lebanon before evacuation to other Arab countries; stress any agreement on evacuation must be endorsed by Arab League, scheduled to meet in a few days; envoys reportedly want US to guarantee IDF withdrawal; USSR endorses use of UN force to end Beirut impasse.

Military Action:

Israelis move troops experienced in street fighting into hills around West Beirut; IDF artillery repeatedly shells Syrian positions near Hammana.


Hundreds live in Beirut parks, lacking food, water, medicine and basic hygiene; garbage piles up in West Beirut streets (most trucks are in East Beirut); more shops close throughout city as fear of IDF attack grows; Baalbek now has 35,000 refugees; Palestinian refugees reportedly receive less aid than Lebanese; Israeli unsubsidized prices for sales to Lebanon about 3 times Lebanese prices.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Former head of Israeli military intelligence, in US, says casualty figures inflated; Israeli Knesset debate ends with Likud/Labor parties agreeing not to vote against each other's resolutions, only to vote for their own; Begin offers to let PLO leave with personal weapons (claims Reagan said USSR might intervene if there were a war with Syria); Sharon says he informed Haig, Weinberger that IDF invasion of Lebanon was virtually inevitable 2 weeks before actual invasion; Sharon announces 271 Israelis killed, 1470 wounded, 13 missing; government charges UN schools used by PLO for training, as arsenals; reports that IDF used new anti-tank weapon similar to US Sadarm; Sharon speaks at Knesset on scope/aims of war (Peres strongly opposes any entry into Beirut); government officials accuse Habib of false optimism; Israeli Cabinet ratifies June 27 ultimatum, but softens departure possibilities (by land or sea); 4 reservists call on Sharon to resign, call on other released soldiers to join their vigil; 600 demonstrate in favor of war; 30 protest effect of war on the poor in Israel; petition with signatures of 40 who fought in Lebanon printed opposing war; Supreme Islamic Council of Jerusalem states support for PLO, denounces silence of Arab regimes.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Wazzan, Butros; Lebanese disagree on whether PLO leaders can return to Lebanon to visit; Lebanese papers attack USSR, accusing it of complicity with US; Druze leader Jumblatt expects attack on Beirut within 24- 36 hours, predicts coexistence of Muslims, Christians in Lebanon is finished; Bashir Gemayel predicts Israel and Syria will have full-scale war; reports of de facto strike in Sidon area following Israeli mistreatment; Phalangists reject plan to incorporate PLO units into Lebanese Army, Phalangist troops enter Aley, threaten to kill 12 Druze (Druze leader is killed by Phalange members, allegedly mistakenly); PLO stiffens demands as talks deadlocked over timing and method of PLO withdrawal (PLO seeks own police in refugee camps, PLO units attached to Lebanese Army); Arafat addresses PLO rally; Fateh Central Committee reportedly says no more concessions.

Arab Governments: Saudi Arabia reportedly explores flying PLO out of Lebanon; Egypt sends Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ghali to Paris for talks.

US and Other Countries: US expressed satisfaction with cease-fire; former US envoy to Lebanon, Dean Brown, says US blessed IDF invasion, that Reagan does not know much about the Mideast and "probably does not want to know"; EEC calls for PLO to be involved in peace negotiations, asks immediate IDF withdrawal (arms sales informally suspended to Israel); Austrian Jewish group presents open letter to Israeli Ambassador decrying invasion, asking for peace negotiations with Palestinians; International Socialist delegation, headed by former Portuguese prime minister Soares, visits mayor of Bethlehem; EEC refuses to sign £22 million financial protocol with Israel (does not agree on trade sanctions); Habib requests formal guidance from Washington for negotiations, Haig drafts 9-point proposal in response.

Military Action:

Syrians concede loss of Bhamdoun, evacuate Aley, accuse Israel of using nerve gas (Israel denies); Chtaura bombed by IDF jets, causing extensive damage; IDF artillery shells Syrian positions above town; 10 miles of Damascus highway reportedly in IDF hands; jets fly missions throughout the day before new 8 PM cease-fire called by IDF; Syrian brigade north of highway retreating eastward; IDF sources report Lebanese Phalangists join battle, capturing Jamhur; IDF jets, gunboats, artillery wage non-stop barrage of W. Beirut, heaviest since invasion; estimated 100,000 IDF troops inside Lebanon; Syria takes security measures around Palestinian refugee camps near Damascus; big IDF build-up on outskirts of Beirut (500 tanks, 1200 armored personnel carriers, 60 howitzers); Israeli and Phalangist forces coordinate actions via special phone system, as Israeli officers seen frequently visiting Phalangist headquarters; UK embassy, American University of Beirut hit by IDF fire.


ICRC looking after 12,000 refugees in Bekaa; Israel changes mind, says relief efforts will be for both Palestinians and Lebanese; thousands of refugees flee south along coastal road, creating huge traffic jams; Lebanese po-lice estimate 100 killed, 250 injured in day-long barrage; 30 Israelis killed, over 200 wounded in fighting along highway.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories:S haron says IDF coming close to total elimination of PLO and removal of Syrian troops from Lebanon; Israel bans satellite broadcast of all footage from Lebanon by 3 US TV networks; Jerusalem Post raises issue of what Israeli war aims are; Abba Eban questions why war was not ended when original 25-mile goal reached; Sharon predicts IDF will stay in Lebanon beyond 10 weeks.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan, denouncing new fighting, resigns (calls IDF attacks a form of "blackmail," accuses Habib of collusion with Israel in attempting to force PLO into unconditional surrender); two other Muslim Cabinet ministers also resign as Lebanese government close to collapse; Jumblatt announces withdrawal from Council, says withdrawing from political life (accuses Sarkis of wanting to finish PLO, says there is a plan to install Bashir Gemayel as Lebanese President); Gemayel, Arafat speak by phone; PLO supports French proposals at UN.

Arab Governments: Saudis exert strong pressure on US to halt Israelis, reportedly considers oil shutoff, opening relations with USSR if W. Beirut attacked.

US and Other Countries: Several sources indicate US is sending somewhat contradictory diplomatic signals to Riyadh and to Habib, the Lebanese and PLO; General Haig resigns as US Secretary of State, replaced by George Shultz (disagreement within the Administration over Lebanon reportedly a major factor); Indians ransack US library in Calcutta to protest US support for Israel.

UN: Security Council debates French proposal; Secretary General appeals for cease-fire; General Assembly debates resolution condemning Israeli invasion.

Military Action:

Israeli gunboats shell Palestinian areas in Beirut, hitting apartment buildings and killing 17; IDF advances in airport area; low-in-come Fakhani area "pulverized" by IDF jets; AP reports 50 buildings damaged in Corniche Mazraa area; blood-stained residents seen wandering in the streets in state of shock; IDF aerial and ground assaults on Syrian positions east of city, in apparent attempt to seize all major ridges overlooking Bekaa; IDF seizes Bhamdoun, severs Damascus highway cutting off Syrian units in Beirut, Syrian forces withdraw to Aley; IDF heavily bombs Chtaura.


West Beirut water cut to 4 hours every 2 days; garbage rots and typhoid cases reported; electricity cut to 4 hours/day; telephone lines and underground cables cut, reportedly by IDF saboteurs; hundreds of US and Lebanese citizens evacuated throughout day from Beirut; US Senate completes emergency ac-tion on $50 m. aid to Lebanon; ICRC says there are 10,000 displaced persons around Baalbek in eastern Bekaa, 8,000 without water, many camped in town's 11 schools; Caritas-Liban puts urban displaced within Beirut alone at 70,000, not including Palestinians and Lebanese who have crossed into Phalangist-held areas; 60 people die in car bomb explosion; 20 killed, 50 wounded in latest bombings.

Political Responses:

Israel/Occupied Territories: Israeli soldiers begin to question why they are so deep inside Lebanon as soldiers returning from front reportedly very depressed; Israeli casualty totals not released for past week; an Israeli Cabinet member states Israel's humanitarian aid meant only for indigenous Lebanese, not Palestinians; Sharon says 25-mile security zone is only Israel's minimum goal; Cabinet reportedly reviewing options on invasion of Beirut; Operation Peace for Galilee now Israel's longest war since 1948-49.

Palestinians/Lebanese: Habib continues meetings, but little hope expressed; Sarkis calls Saudi King, supports Arab League Foreign Ministers meeting before full summit; re- ports that Camille Chamoun, at beginning of war, acknowledged Israeli military aid to Phalangists during the civil war of 1975-76; Jumblatt expresses fear PLO may fragment, "go terrorist," calls Council "cosmetic."

Arab Governments: Syria sends 10-12,000 more troops into Lebanon in past week; 5 SAM batteries installed just inside Syrian border; Mubarak and Lebanese Ambassador to US call for stronger US response.

US and Other Countries: US Senate completes emergency action on $50 m. in aid to Lebanon; US reports Begin pledged IDF would not enter Beirut; 650 evacuated by US ship through Jounieh; US reportedly asks Euro-pean/Arab countries to persuade PLO to evacuate Beirut; Tass blames Egypt for invasion of Lebanon; Cuba calls for emergency session of UN General Assembly on Lebanon; Mitterrand calls for emergency session of Security Council.

UN: UN data indicates only one shelling of Israel from Lebanon since July 1981 cease-fire followed IDF bombing of Palestinian camps in Lebanon in June.

Military Action:

Cease-fire collapses as Israeli tanks, planes, artillery hit Syrian positions along Damascus highway, fighting reported at 9 points along highway; IDF claims Iranians join fighting near Aley; major tank battle in eastern Bekaa clashes around Lake Karoun, fires burn out of control along highway; Israeli jets hit PLO/Syrian positions near Beirut airport as IDF gunboats hit W. Beirut, IDF continues bombings past new 6 PM cease-fire; car bombs in Beirut kill 50 near seafront, others along Hamra shopping district; fighting focused in Mansouriya area as Israelis try to take heights; IDF takes Bhamdoun.


High casualties as Palestinian areas between airport and city limits take heavy pounding; Acre Hospital in Sabra camp takes direct hits; garbage piles up in Beirut and food prices have doubled in many cases; Rashidiyeh refugees reject clothes offered by IDF, demand their detained sons; 48 IDF soldiers wounded in clashes with Syrians.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects PLO proposal, insists on expulsion of PLO "core" to country not bordering Israel; Sharon argues camps are outside Beirut city limits and exempt from Cabinet restrictions; Israeli leaders fear France too friendly to PLO; Women's Committee Against the War in Lebanon demonstrates outside Knesset; Ziad Abu Ein, extradited from US to Israel for trial, gets life sentence; Begin, returning from US, rules out UN presence in southern Lebanon, Mapam opposes entry into Beirut, but supports war.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib gives US proposal to Wazzan to relay to PLO, Jumblatt characterizes proposal as asking for complete surrender of PLO; no new meetings of Council planned; Jumblatt says US refused to make guarantees against IDF assault on Beirut; Lebanese Ambassador to the UN Tueni makes bitter address at UN Special Session on Disarmament; Bashir Gemayel reportedly talks to Arafat by phone.

Arab Governments: Hussein of Jordan leaves for visit to USSR, reportedly angry at US support for Israel.

US and Other Countries: US embassy closes, ships arrive to evacuate nationals of US, UK, FRG; Senator Biden (D-Del) supports cut-off of aid to Israel if it continues to build settlements on West Bank.

UN: West Beirut headquarters of UN closed, moved to East Beirut.

Military Action:

Israeli jets pound PLO, Syrians in big offensive, though truce reported later; Israeli tanks, planes begin large-scale offensive along Damascus highway (involves 200 tanks, heavy artillery, rocket launchers); Palestinian camps, residential areas bombarded in first Israeli jet action over Beirut in 9 days; Lebanese government says IDF about to cut high-way in several places as IDF gains 4-5 miles; Syrian tank losses heavy, but Syrian troops restrain responses in effort to contain fighting; "wall-to-wall" Israeli tanks reported south of Beirut; two Israeli troop buses come under fire south of Tyre; Israeli artillery continues through night; IDF closing in on Aley; 50 Syrian tanks move across Syrian border to reinforce units in Lebanon; PLO units return Israeli gunfire from Burj al-Barajneh; general military mobilization in Syria.


Lebanese police estimate 27 killed, 80 wounded in new IDF bombing of Beirut; Israeli demolition teams dynamite buildings in Rashidiyeh refugee camp as all males are rounded up in Tyre; remaining residents of Rashidiyeh without food or medical care as Tyre residents refuse to help them; no walls higher than a few feet left in Rashidiyeh; Israeli officials announce Palestinian refugees are being denied tents because they fear a "temporary" solution will become permanent; 200,000 Palestinian refugees are in southern Lebanon, mainly around Sidon and Tyre.

Mobile bank units offer IDF all services, including facilitating purchase/ sale of securities on Tel Aviv stock market.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel agrees to new cease-fire after Habib request; divisions within Labor Party between doves, hawks sharpen; 150 demonstrate against invasion in front of Knesset and Peace Now sends telegram asking no extension of the war; Labor Alignment opposes all military penetration of Beirut; Begin defends invasion before 36 angry US Senators who question use of cluster bombs; Israel denies ABC use of satellite in Israel because it broadcast interview with Arafat; Begin meets Haig.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: National Salvation Council meets, makes some progress on plani including IDF withdrawal from Beirut, PLO withdrawal into camps, Lebanese Army posted inside city; highway reopening; possible use of French troops being discussed; PLO denounces USSR for only symbolic support; Jumblatt accuses Habib of "hot di-plomacy"; Phalangists state opposition to any Syrian presence in Lebanon and, for first time, allow unarmed non-Lebanese civilians to evacuate Beirut; Lebanese government tells UN and Arab League it will not renew mandate for Syrian troops after July 19.

US and Other Countries: US embassy advises all Americans to move to E. Beirut (ship due in Jounieh to evacuate Americans); UK, West Germany also advise nationals to leave; PM Thatcher rules out use of British troops in Lebanon; Greek Premier meets with PLO's Kaddoumi; Dutch parliament condemns Israeli invasion, 144-6; Norwegian leaders re-ject Israeli invitation to visit Lebanon.

UN: UNIFIL says it will concentrate on helping civilians.

Military Action:

Israeli warships, armored units bombard Palestinian camps and civilian neighborhoods in Beirut hours before Begin meets Reagan in Washington, hit USSR embassy, fashionable shopping area, hospital, near Commodore Hotel; Israeli and Syrian troops trade fire along highway, Israelis claim to de-stroy 4 Syrian tanks; artillery duels continue all day; WAFA says IDF attempting to push down hillsides toward 3 Palestinian camps, provoking response; massive IDF buildup continues as 70 Israeli tanks move toward Khalde; Israeli patrol ambushed outside Beirut.


Two Palestinian hospitals hit, killing 8, wounding 22; scores of casualties from Sabra and Burj al-Barajneh camps; mass graves in Sidon; 50,000 flee Beirut southward to escape expected fighting; high civilian casualties in Bekaa (possibly 1,200 dead) and Baalbek schools house 25,000 refugees; telephone lines in Bekaa cut by Israelis and many civilians attacked along highway by Israeli jets; at Aley, hotels are burned out, hospital hit by 4 Israeli bombs; many suffering from effects of cluster bombs; refugees begin returning to Ain el-Hilweh.

Israel says voluntary agencies can resume work in Lebanon; Israel withholding aid from civilian Palestinians; Eitan says prison camp to be set up in Lebanon for PLO members; ICRC asks to visit after being allowed to see 18 Syrian prisoners; Israel says Lebanese economy will take 6 months to one year to recover, says refinery, which supplies 40 percent of Lebanese oil needs, will be operational in 60 days.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon reportedly lobbying Israeli Cabinet for permission to storm Beirut; one of several MKs, visiting IDF in Beirut, says attack on PLO headquarters in Beirut "almost inevitable"; Begin tells US audiences the war in Lebanon is almost over, as Sharon says the IDF has not achieved all its objectives; 13 Israeli Cabinet ministers tour parts of Lebanon (Beaufort Castle; near Lake Karoun; Tyre; Sidon; outskirts of Beirut airport); El Al reports 15 percent slump in bookings as a result of the invasion; Begin encounters sharp criticism from US Congress, claims Israeli approach endorsed by Reagan.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Habib meets with Sarkis, Wazzan with Arafat; Arafat attacks US role in backing Israeli "slaughter"; PLO seeks to retain political presence in Lebanon; Salam calls on Reagan to keep IDF from attacking, and to give time for Arafat to persuade PLO militants to disarm; Lebanon says 1 1 Arab countries agree to attend summit on Lebanon; Danny Chamoun, son of Camille Chamoun, in New York says invasion "overdue," meets with administration figures.

Arab Governments: Syrian Cabinet meets on crisis; Arab and non-aligned countries consider convening emergency session of UN General Assembly, reach no decision.

US and Other Countries: Weinberger makes veiled criticism of Haig policies; State Department says UN resolution 509, demanding immediate Israeli withdrawal, no longer relevant; National Security Council reportedly disagrees with Haig's conciliatory attitude toward IDF invasion; Reagan reportedly supports Israeli demands for Syrian troop withdrawal and creation of demilitarized zone, does not take position on US troop involvement in peacekeeping force.