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  • February 24, 2022

    In the West Bank, Israeli settlers from the Migdalim settlement dumped sewage waste on Palestinian agricultural lands in Qusra, damaging crops. Israeli settlers with military escort, for the 4th...

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  • August 15, 2010

    Netanyahu and his security cabinet approve construction of a new “student town” within the construction boundaries of Migdalim settlement e. of Nablus that will house 30 Jewish settlers affiliated...

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  • March 1, 2006

    Islamic Jihad senior military cmdr. Khalid Dadu, 9 times the target of failed IDF assassination attempts, is killed in Gaza City when he opens the door of his bombrigged car; Israel, which has...

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  • February 1, 2005

    The IDF issues confiscation orders for 150 d. of Palestinian land n. of Ariel settlement for construction of the separation wall. Palestinians fire mortars at a Jewish settlement in Gaza, causing...

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  • August 28, 1998

    The Jewish settlement of Migdalim nr. Nablus begins construction on 500 dunams of recently confiscated Palestinian land. (al-Quds 8/28 in WNC 9/1)

    Nr. Jazzin, a roadside bomb...

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  • December 11, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: "Committee to Confronthe Iron Fist" forms in Jerusalem to publicize human rights abuses in occupied territories, especially...

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  • January 10, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides...

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In the West Bank, Israeli settlers from the Migdalim settlement dumped sewage waste on Palestinian agricultural lands in Qusra, damaging crops. Israeli settlers with military escort, for the 4th day in a row, tried to prevent Palestinian students from reaching their school in al-Lubban al-Sharqiya; Israeli forces assaulted 2 students and caused tear-gas related injuries to others. Israeli forces demolished 1 Palestinian home in ‘Anata. In East Jerusalem, Israeli settlers led by MK Itamar Ben-Gvir set up a tent and Israeli flags near the eviction-threatened Salem family home in Sheikh Jarrah, leading to a confrontation between Palestinians and Israeli forces; no injuries were reported. Israeli authorities handed a demolition order against 1 Palestinian in Jabel Mukaber. (WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 2/24; PCHR 3/3; UNOCHA 3/11)

2 Palestinian prisoners, who earlier in the year suspended their more than 100-day-long hunger strikes in protest over their administrative detention after striking a deal with Israel, were released. (WAFA 2/24; MEMO 2/25)

PA finance minister Shukri Bishara warned that the PA will have to institute reforms in wages and health care in order to offset its large budget deficit. The 2021 fiscal year budget deficit was $757 million. (WAFA 2/24)

In Syria, Israeli forces fired missiles at Syrian targets near Damascus, killing 3 soldiers and causing damage. (AP, HA 2/24)

French interior minister Gérald Darmanin said on Twitter that he, at the request of President Emmanuel Macron, will ban 2 pro-Palestinian activist groups: Palestine Vaincra (Palestine Will Win) and Comité Palestine Action (Palestine Action Committee). Interior Minister Darmanin alleged that they promote anti-Israel hatred and that Palestine Vanicra is linked to the PFLP. (EI 2/24; MEMO 2/25)

After recognizing 2 separatist areas of Ukraine as independent, Russia declared war on Ukraine, sending in ground troops and conducting air strikes throughout Ukraine. (NYT, WAPO 2/23; AJ, CNN, HA, WAFA 2/24)

Netanyahu and his security cabinet approve construction of a new “student town” within the construction boundaries of Migdalim settlement e. of Nablus that will house 30 Jewish settlers affiliated with Ariel College in Ariel settlement; they also approve construction of 23 school buildings in 8 West Bank settlements to accommodate 600 Jewish settler children; public-use structures such as schools were excluded fr. Israel’s temporary West Bank settlement construction ban. Citing the prolonged West Bank calm, the IDF removes a small concrete “sniper barrier” running s. of Gilo settlement in East Jerusalem, erected in 2002 and considered the precursor to Israel’s separation wall. The IDF conducts synchronized late-night arrest raids, house searches in al-Fawar r.c. nr. Hebron and 2 nearby villages; conducts similar late-night arrest raids, house searches nr. Tubas. (NYT, WT 8/16; PCHR 8/19; OCHA 8/20)

Islamic Jihad senior military cmdr. Khalid Dadu, 9 times the target of failed IDF assassination attempts, is killed in Gaza City when he opens the door of his bombrigged car; Israel, which has evacuated its troops fr. Gaza in 9/05, denies responsibility; Palestinian collaborators are suspected; Islamic Jihad vows retaliation. IDF undercover units, driving a car with Palestinian plates, enter Anza nr. Jenin, raid a store, arrest a wanted Palestinian. The IDF also conducts arrest raids, searches in Bani Na‘im and in and around Jenin, Nablus. Israeli police arrest 2 Change and Reform PC mbrs., a 3d Hamas mbr. touring al-Makassid hospital in East Jerusalem for “conducting illegal political activities.” AMB gunmen fatally shoot 1 Jewish settler, wound a 2d at a West Bank gas station nr. Migdalim settlement nr. Nablus. (HA, IMEMC 3/1; AFP, NYT, PCHR, WP, WT 3/2; PCHR 3/9)

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warns that stocks of basic goods (including flour, sugar, cooking oil) in Gaza could run out within days unless Israel reopens the Qarni crossing (closed from 1/15–2/5, then closed again on 2/21); says shortages are so severe that aid programs are being affected (e.g., the World Food Program, which delivers flour to around 146,000 Gazans, has used up its 2 mo. supply buffer and is currently on hold). Meanwhile, costs of basic goods in Gaza are up by 25% due to shortages. Israel claims the closing is in response to an “enhanced terrorist threat” and concerns over avian flu, is not punishment for Hamas’s 1/06 election victory. (REU 3/1; AFP 3/2; NYT 3/6; WP 3/16)

The IDF issues confiscation orders for 150 d. of Palestinian land n. of Ariel settlement for construction of the separation wall. Palestinians fire mortars at a Jewish settlement in Gaza, causing no damage or injuries. Israel says it will not hand over security control of West Bank cities until the mortar fire ceases, demands the PA security forces in Gaza step up their efforts to maintain quiet. A Jewish settler is injured when a Palestinian throws a Molotov cocktail at his car nr. Migdalim s. of Nablus and e. of Salfit. (JP 2/1; HA, NYT, OCHA 2/2; PCHR 2/3)

The Jewish settlement of Migdalim nr. Nablus begins construction on 500 dunams of recently confiscated Palestinian land. (al-Quds 8/28 in WNC 9/1)

Nr. Jazzin, a roadside bomb detonates as a car passes, injuring 1 SLA mbr., 1 civilian. SLA blames Hizballah. (VOL 8/28 in WNC 8/31) (see 3/31)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: "Committee to Confronthe Iron Fist" forms in Jerusalem to publicize human rights abuses in occupied territories, especially administrative detention, 8/4 reinstatement of deportation policies [FJ 1/3]. Lawyers representing Palestinian political prisoners hold press conference to publicize hunger strike being staged by 1,500 prisoners for past week to protest prison conditions [FJ 12/13]. Israel submits request for $3.5 million in economic and military aid for fiscal 1987, the largest request ever [WP, LAT 12/12]. First settlement under the unity govt. is opened at Migdalim, 1 of 6 such planned UTA 12/12]. Defense Min. Rabin states UN troops are no longer needed in S. Lebanon, security zone is well enough patrolled by SLA and Israel [WP 12/12].

Other Countries: U.S. investigative team headed by Abraham Sofaer, State Dept. legal advisor, arrives in Israel to question 2 Israeli diplomats and senior counterterrorism official in Jonathan Pollard spy case; team includes reps. of U.S. Attorney General, justice Dept., States Attorney for D.C., and FBI [NYT 12/12]. UN General Assembly passes resolution calling on Israel immediately to cease cooperation with South Africa, especially in military and nuclear realms. (U. S. and Israel vote against the resolution) [DW 12/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Govt. approves sites for 6 new settlements in W. Bank; Labor-Likud committee, previously unable to agree on all sites (12/26), decides on 2 sites in N. portion of W. Bank (Migdalim, Avnei Hefetz), 1 near Hebron (Asael), 1 near Jerusalem (Neot Adumim), 1 in Jordan Valley (Peles) and 1 in Gush Etzion (Beitar, alternatively called Tzoref); financing not yet approved [NYT 1/11, JP 1/11]. Jerusalem Post reports PM Peres, Min. Weizman agree on need to reform Israel's policy towards Palestinians within Israel [JP 10/10]. Palestinian and Israeli artists open anti-occupation exhibit in Tel Aviv [FJ 1/18].

Military Action

Arab World: 5 IDF troops wounded when bomb explodes as patrol passes near alDaloun, S. Lebanon [JP 1/11].