129 / 15468 Results
  • November 18, 1999

    In Jerusalem, the Israeli, PA final status teams hold their 4th round of talks, begin detailing their positions on issues that will be addressed in the framework agmt. on permanent status (FAPS)....

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  • November 9, 1999

    Barak, Arafat hold generally positive mtg. on the sidelines of the Socialist International congress in Paris, but Barak sparks controversy afterward by saying that Israel no longer sees UN Res....

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  • November 2, 1999

    In Oslo, Pres. Clinton meets with Arafat, Barak together to nudge them to move forward with talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Barak, Arafat pledge to meet regularly before the 2/00...

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  • September 4, 1999

    Before attending the Wye II signing, Secy. of State Albright makes a quick trip to Damascus for talks with Pres. Asad on resuming negotiations with Israel. (AFP, MENA, RL, VOL, XIN 9/4, JT, MENA,...

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  • August 2, 1999

    After being briefed by Erakat on his 8/1 mtg. with Sher, Arafat accuses Israel of a breach of trust, saying Israel is trying to "avoid the accurate and honest implementation of what has been...

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  • July 15, 1999

    In Washington, PM Barak, Pres. Clinton hold private 21/2-hr. mtg., without aides or note-takers, to discuss framework for resuming Israeli-Arab negotiations. Barak reportedly...

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  • July 6, 1999

    New Israeli government is sworn in, with PM Barak's 7-party governing coalition--comprising the Center party, Meretz, National Religious party, One Israel, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Yisrael Ba'...

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  • May 31, 1999

    Without any security guarantees from Lebanon, SLA forces begin unilateral pullout fr. Jazzin, an area n. of Israel's self-declared security zone that the SLA has occupied on behalf of the IDF...

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  • May 17, 1999

    Israelis elect One Israel's Ehud Barak as PM with 56.1% of the vote, meaning no 6/1 runoff is needed. In the Knesset, 6 of the 15 parties to win seats are new, including the anti-Orthodox Shinui,...

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  • April 29, 1999

    PCC votes to defer decision on unilateral declaration state until 6/99, after the Israeli elections. Before reconvening in 6/99, the PCC says that it will concentrate on building...

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  • April 16, 1999

    Arafat is in Kazakhstan for consultations on unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. (Interfax 4/16 in WNC 4/19)

    IDF, SLA troops fire on 10 journalists approaching Arnun...

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  • April 11, 1999

    Meeting with PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem, U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Indyk publicly criticizes Israeli settlement expansion as an obstacle to peace, Israel's rapprochement with Russia....

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  • April 5, 1999

    After more than a decade, Libya hands over to the UN 2 suspects in the Pan Am 103 bombing for trial in the Netherlands under Scottish law. UN immediately suspends sanctions on Libya,...

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  • March 23, 1999

    Arafat meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington to discuss the post-Oslo period; asks the U.S. to endorse the Palestinians' right to self-determination. Clinton says U.S. will not...

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  • March 22, 1999

    In Paris, Arafat discusses statehood issue with French pres. Jacques Chirac. (AFP, LCI Television 3/22 in WNC 3/23; NYT 3/23)

    Israel, Russia set up joint control...

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  • February 28, 1999

    PM Netanyahu, FM Ariel Sharon go to Amman to hold 1st mtg. with King Abdallah. (WT 2/28; RJ 2/28 in WNC 3/1; MA 2/28, JT, MA 3/1 in WNC 3/2; NYT, WP 3/1; JP, PR 3/5; MEI 3/12)

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  • February 8, 1999

    Funeral for King Hussein is held in Amman. 10s of world leaders attend, including large Israeli, U.S. delegation. On the sidelines, Clinton meets briefly with King Abdallah, Asad, Arafat,...

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  • February 7, 1999

    King Hussein dies. Crown Prince Abdallah is sworn in as King Abdallah II, appoints his half-brother Hamza as crown prince. Jordan declares a wk. of mourning. Syria, Egypt announce official 3-day...

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  • February 3, 1999

    Arafat meets with Secy. Albright. In press conference afterward, he says that he cannot discuss the issue of declaring a Palestinian state. (MM, NYT, WT 2/4)

    U.S. denounces Israeli media...

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  • December 22, 1998

    Prominent Likud mbr. Dan Meridor resigns fr. the party to form a centrist party, challenge Netanyahu for PM in upcoming elections. (NYT, WP, WT 12/23; MEI 12/25; JP 1/4; SA 1/8 in WNC 1/12; JP,...

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  • November 18, 1998

    Israeli FM Sharon, PA cheif negotiator Mahmud Abbas meet at the Israeli FMin. in Jerusalem to discuss final status talks, progress of the PA-Israeli comms. on the economy, Gaza port, FRDs. (MM,...

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  • November 16, 1998

    As the Knesset begins debate on ratification of the 10/23 Wye River Memorandum, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu suspends the agmt.'s implementation, saying he will not carry out the 1st of 3 stages...

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  • October 29, 1998

    In Gaza, an IDF jeep intercepts a car bomb, absorbing the blast before it can ram a settler school bus. IDF seals the Gaza Strip. Hamas claims responsibility. PA places Shaykh Yasin under house...

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  • October 8, 1998

    PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)

    U.S. envoy Ross,...

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  • August 10, 1998

    The Israeli daily Ma'ariv reports that PM Netanyahu, Labor Chmn Barak recently held (beginning 7/12) a series of detailed secret talks at a Mossad location in central Israel on possibility...

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  • May 21, 1998

    Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` arrives in Washington for 2-day official visit. (YA 5/21 in WNC 5/23; MM 5/22)

    In Moscow, Israel's Trade M Natan Sharanksy gives Russian officials list of Russian...

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  • April 29, 1998

    Israel 2-day official celebration of its 50th anniversary (by the Jewish calendar) begins. Jubilee officials have banned any reference to the Oslo process during official programs;...

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  • April 1, 1998

    In Sharm al-Shaykh, Arafat, Mubarak hold brief mtg. to discuss U.S. special envoy Ross's visit, possible Arab summit. (al-Ittihad [Abu Dhabi], MENA, RE 4/1 in WNC 4/3; MENA 4/2...

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  • March 24, 1998

    Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA, RE 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

    In Cairo, Arab League FMs discuss status of the peace process, forming united Arab...

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  • March 2, 1998

    In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to...

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In Jerusalem, the Israeli, PA final status teams hold their 4th round of talks, begin detailing their positions on issues that will be addressed in the framework agmt. on permanent status (FAPS). The PA demands that Israel compensate Palestinians damages suffered due to yrs. of occupation, stresses that Oslo agmts. do not give Israel the right to unilaterally decide the FRDs. (AYM 11/19 in WNC 11/23; WJW 11/25)

On the sidelines of OSCE talks, Egyptian FM `Amr Musa discusses with U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, Israeli PM Barak, Israeli FM Levy the possibility of resuming Syrian-Israeli talks; complains that implementation of Wye II is moving too slowly. (MENA 11/18 in WNC 11/22; MENA 11/19 in WNC 11/23)

At the OSCE talks, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey sign several agmts. to build an oil pipeline fr. Baku to Ceyhan. The U.S. pressed hard for the agmt., which is economically inviable yet will not be financed by the U.S., because it provides a route to move Caspian oil to the West that bypasses Iran, Russia. (ATL, Interfax, ITAR-TASS 11/18 in WNC 11/22; NYT, WP 11/19; Turan [Baku] 11/19, Iran News, Rossiyskaya Gazeta [Moscow] 11/20, Interfax 11/22 in WNC 11/23; NYT 11/21; MM 11/24)

In Cairo, Egyptian, Turkish officials discuss promoting bilateral trade, establishing free trade zone. Egypt agrees in principle to export gas to Turkey. (MENA 11/18 in WNC 11/22)

Barak, Arafat hold generally positive mtg. on the sidelines of the Socialist International congress in Paris, but Barak sparks controversy afterward by saying that Israel no longer sees UN Res. 242, one of the bases of the Oslo process, as fully applicable to the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In his speech to the congress, Barak says that while Israel wants political separation fr. the Palestinian areas, "economic cooperation between us must and will continue"; calls on Syrian pres. Asad to resume bilateral negotiations. (MM 11/9; AFP 11/9 in WNC 11/10; AYM 11/9 in WNC 11/12; MM, WT 11/10; MEI 11/12)

Following the Socialist International mtg., Arafat heads to London to brief British PM Tony Blair on the status of the peace process. (LPA 11/9 in WNC 11/10)

In Paris, Egyptian pres. Mubarak holds talks on the peace process with Israeli PM Barak, condemns the PM's position on UN Res. 242. (MENA 11/9 in WNC 11/10; AFP 11/11 in WNC 11/12)

With the passage of the 2d deadline for the voluntary evacuation of 10 West Bank settlement enclaves, Israel announces that the IDF will forcibly evacuate the remaining occupied outpost, Havat Maon. Over the past few days, some 300 ultranationalist settlers have joined the 4 families originally encamped at the site, set up prefabricated houses in protest, hoping to make it impossible for the government to remove the settlement. A group of rabbis for the settlements issues a ruling forbidding the use of force against soldiers, but also calling the eviction a "crime against the Torah and the homeland." Barak cuts his trip to Paris short to return home to deal with the evacuation. (MM 11/9; NYT, WP 11/10; al-Quds 11/10 in WNC 11/12)

In Moscow, Russian FM Igor Ivanov discusses the peace process with EU special envoy Moratinos. Ivanov says Russia is willing to host a multilateral steering comm. mtg. whenever the parties agree that talks should resume. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 11/9 in WNC 11/10)

In Oslo, Pres. Clinton meets with Arafat, Barak together to nudge them to move forward with talks on a framework agmt. on final status. Barak, Arafat pledge to meet regularly before the 2/00 deadline; Clinton says he will send special envoy Ross to the region every couple of wks., Secy. of State Albright at least once before 2/00. (MM 11/2; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/3; JT, Le Monde 11/3 in WNC 11/4; WJW 11/4; DUS 11/4 in WNC 11/5; al-Quds 11/4 in WNC 11/8; MEI 11/12)

While in Oslo, Russian PM Putin also meets privately with Israeli PM Barak, proposes setting up a joint commission to exchange information on cooperation with Iran and expanding cooperation in economics, culture, law enforcement, counterterrorism. (Interfax 11/2 in WNC 11/3)

In Damascus, PLO political dept. head Faruq Qaddumi meets heads of the DFLP, PFLP for talks on final status negotiations. (WT 11/3; al-Quds 11/7 in WNC 11/9)

The Jordan Bar Association threatens to expel 2 of its mbrs. unless they drop their defense of 3 Jordanians accused of illegally selling Palestinian land to Israelis. (JT 11/3, 11/4 in WNC 11/5) (see 10/17)

Before attending the Wye II signing, Secy. of State Albright makes a quick trip to Damascus for talks with Pres. Asad on resuming negotiations with Israel. (AFP, MENA, RL, VOL, XIN 9/4, JT, MENA, SA, XIN 9/5, Interfax 9/6 in WNC 9/7; NYT, WP, WT 9/5; MM 9/6; RL 9/7 in WNC 9/8; al-Nahar 9/8 in WNC 9/9; MM 9/9; MEI 9/17)

On her way fr. Damascus to Sharm al-Shaykh, Secy. Albright stops in Lebanon, where she reportedly presents Pres. Emile Lahoud with a draft proposal on s. Lebanon. (AFP, MENA, RL, VOL, XIN 9/4, JT, MENA, SA, XIN 9/5, Interfax 9/6 in WNC 9/7; NYT, WP, WT 9/5; MM 9/6; RL 9/7 in WNC 9/8; al-Nahar 9/8 in WNC 9/9; MM 9/9; al-Ittihad 9/11 in WNC 9/13; MEI 9/17; al-Watan al-Arabi 9/17 in WNC 9/25)

In Sharm al-Shaykh, Egypt, Arafat, Barak sign Wye II accord. Secy. of State Albright, Pres. Mubarak of Egypt, King Abdallah of Jordan also sign as witnesses. Palestinian opposition groups denounce the agmt. for containing more "gratuitous concessions" to Israel, further weakening the Palestinian negotiating position. (NYT, WP, WT 9/5; MM 9/6; AYM 9/6 in WNC 9/10; WJW 9/9; JP 9/10; AFP 9/11 in WNC 9/13; MEI 9/17)

In Amman, Jordan arrests 4 mbrs. of the Muslim Brotherhood--including Islamic Action Front parliament mbr. Muhammad Khalil Aqil--attending a mtg. expressing solidarity with Hamas. (AFP 9/13 in WNC 9/14)

After being briefed by Erakat on his 8/1 mtg. with Sher, Arafat accuses Israel of a breach of trust, saying Israel is trying to "avoid the accurate and honest implementation of what has been agreed upon" under Wye. (NYT 8/3; MA, al-Quds 8/3 in WNC 8/5; MM 8/6)

Israeli PM Barak meets with Russian pres. Boris Yeltsin in Moscow for talks on the peace process, urges Russia to halt transfer of military technology to Iran, Iraq. (MM 8/2; Interfax, ITAR-TASS, NTV [Moscow] 8/2 in WNC 8/3; NYT 8/3; MM 8/4; Ekho Moskvy 8/6 in WNC 8/9)

In Cairo, PFLP closes 2 days of reconciliation talks with Fatah, PC mbrs. Although PFLP's Habash refuses to meet with Arafat, both groups describe the mtg. as a positive, agree to set up a follow-up comm. to outline principles of a comprehensive national dialogue that would create a unified position on final status talks with Israel. (NYT, WP, WT 8/2; al-Arabi, al-Quds 8/2 in WNC 8/5; MM, WT 8/3; al-Sha`b 8/6 in WNC 8/9; AYM 8/8 in WNC 8/10; MM 8/9) (see 7/30)

Israeli Finance M Shohat, PA Trade M Mahir al-Masri discuss Wye articles on economic issues, resuming mtgs. of the joint Israeli-PA economic comm., which has not convened for 2 yrs. (AYM 8/3 in WNC 8/5)

Israel's Environmental M Dalia Itzik tours Gaza with her PA counterpart Yusif Abu Safiyya. The pair discuss water pollution, destruction of green areas, possible joint projects. (NYT 8/4)

2-day Jordanian-Syrian Higher Comm. mtg. opens in Amman. Talks focus on economic relations. (JTV 8/2 in WNC 8/3; Petra-JNA, RJ 8/3, JT 8/4 in WNC 8/5) (see 7/22)

In Athens, a small homemade bomb explodes outside the offices of the Greece-Israeli Friendship Society, causing damage but no injuries. A caller claims responsibility on behalf of the previously unknown Black Star Group. (Athens News Agency 8/3 in WNC 8/5)

Turkey's military dismisses 58 officers suspected of being antisecularist Islamists or leftists. (WP, WT 8/4)

In Washington, PM Barak, Pres. Clinton hold private 21/2-hr. mtg., without aides or note-takers, to discuss framework for resuming Israeli-Arab negotiations. Barak reportedly tells Clinton his conditions for peace agmt. with Syria, saying Israel would never return to the pre-1967 borders (as Syria demands), and promises to implement the Wye agmt. with the PA, but says that "most" Jewish settlers would remain in the West Bank and Gaza. Publicly, Barak urges the U.S. to reduce its role in negotiations and in enforcing existing agmts., arguing that Israel, the PA have to work out their differences on their own, specifically asking the U.S. to end CIA's role in monitoring PA adherence to Wye security requirements. Clinton agrees that the U.S. has become "overly intrusive in the Middle East dialogue." This evening, the Clintons and Baraks have private dinner at Camp David. (CSM, MM 7/15; Xinhua 7/15 in WNC 7/16; al-Quds 7/15 in WNC 7/19; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/16; NYT, WP 7/17; NYT 7/21; WJW 7/22; CSM 7/28; MEI 7/30)

In Geneva, the signatories to the Fourth Geneva Convention meet at the UN's request to discuss Israel's human rights violations and settlement activity in the occupied territories, but adjourn after only 30 mins., with no debate, after approving a statement declaring settlements illegal. Australia, Canada, Israel, the U.S. boycott. (LAW, WT 7/15; al-Ayyam 7/17, Interfax 7/20 in WNC 7/21; al-Ahram 7/18 in WNC 7/19; JP 7/23; MEI 7/30) (see 7/13; Doc. A???)

Arafat, Egyptian FM Musa confer on the peace process in Helsinki, where Arafat is on an official visit. Finland currently holds the EU presidency. (MENA 7/15 in WNC 7/16; MENA 7/16 in WNC 7/19)

New Israeli government is sworn in, with PM Barak's 7-party governing coalition--comprising the Center party, Meretz, National Religious party, One Israel, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Yisrael Ba'Aliya--will give him control of 75 of the 120 Knesset seats. One Israel's David Levy, who resigned as Netanyahu's FM 18 mos. ago, resumes the FM position. Fmr. Labor PM Shimon Peres is given the new position of regional development minister, which aims to promote economic integration btwn. Israel, Arab states. Oslo architect Yossi Beilin (One Israel) will hold the justice portfolio; Yossi Sarid (Meretz), education; Natan Sharansky (Yisrael Ba'Aliya), interior; Avraham Shohat (One Israel), finance. Barak will serve as DM as well as PM. Shas party mbrs. are given heath, infrastructure, labor, religious affairs portfolios. Barak says he will make peace process his priority; wants to hold simultaneous negotiations with PA, Syria and withdraw troops fr. s. Lebanon. Arafat, Asad issue statements saying they are willing to work with Barak for peace. (MM 7/6; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/7; AFP, France-Info Radio, IDF Radio, JT, JTV 7/7 in WNC 7/8; WJW 7/8; Interfax, MA 7/8 in WNC 7/9; MM 7/9; MEI 7/16)

Arafat makes 1-day trip to Cairo to discuss the peace process with Pres. Mubarak. (WT 7/7)

Syrian pres. Asad leaves Russia after 2 days of talks. Russia, Syria agree to step up technical, military cooperation but do not finalize arms deal. U.S. warns Moscow that it might cancel $50 m. in aid to Russia if it completes a deal with Damascus. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/7; Interfax 7/8 in WNC 7/9; MM 7/9; MEI 7/16)

Palestinian High Court orders the PA to release Hamas mbr. Muhammad Jadallah, who has been detained without charge since 3/24/96. (al-Quds 7/8 in WNC 7/12)

In the West Bank, IDF storms Palestinian homes in 3 villages nr. Hebron, arrests 5 alleged Hamas, Islamic Jihad mbrs. on charges of planning an attack in Israel. At least 36 Palestinian have been arrested in similar raids in the Hebron area over the past mo. (MM, WP 7/7; AYM 7/7 in WNC 7/12)

Without any security guarantees from Lebanon, SLA forces begin unilateral pullout fr. Jazzin, an area n. of Israel's self-declared security zone that the SLA has occupied on behalf of the IDF since 1985. This is the 1st major Israeli retreat in 14 yrs. 1 SLA mbr. is killed when a roadside bomb goes off soon after the pullout begins. (VOL 5/30 in WNC 6/1; RL 5/31 in WNC 6/2; MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/1; MEI 6/4; JP 6/11)

Turkey opens treason trial against PKK leader Ocalan, who asks court to spare his life, says he is willing to work for peace with the government. PKK supporters are divided over whether to support Ocalan's statement or view it as a betrayal of the Kurdish cause. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/1; NYT 6/2; AFP 6/2 in WNC 6/3; MM 6/3; MEI 6/4; MM 6/8; WP 6/16; MEI 6/18)

In s. Lebanon, an Irish UN peacekeeper is killed, 2 are wounded when a shell fired by the SLA lands inside a UN compound. (LPA, RL 5/31 in WNC 6/1; NYT 6/1; Irish Times 6/1 in WNC 6/2; Interfax, RL 6/3 in WNC 6/8)

Israelis elect One Israel's Ehud Barak as PM with 56.1% of the vote, meaning no 6/1 runoff is needed. In the Knesset, 6 of the 15 parties to win seats are new, including the anti-Orthodox Shinui, formed 2 mos. ago, which won 6 seats. Control of right-wing parties shrinks, as Russians, other centrists gain, changing the balance of power. The ultra-Orthodox Shas, however, gains 7 new seats for total of 17 seats, security its place as the 3d largest party after Labor/One Israel (27, down fr. 34 seats), Likud (19 seats, down fr. 32 seats). The 1st Israeli Arab woman, Husniyya Jabara of Meretz, is also elected to parliament. Israel seals the West Bank, Gaza for the elections. Arab, Asian, European states, the U.S, and Russia welcome Barak's victory, hope it means the peace process will resume soon. (MM 5/17; AFP, LPA 5/17 in WNC 5/18; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 5/18; AFP, al-Ahram, Chungang Ilbo [Seoul], Interfax, JT, Kyodo [Tokyo], MENA, MKR, RE, RNE-1 Radio Network [Madrid], SANA, SAPA [Johannesburg], Taiwan Central News Agency, VOL, Xinhua [Beijing] 5/18 in WNC 5/19; al-Akhbar 5/18 in WNC 5/21; MENA 5/18, Athens News Agency, Interfax, ITAR-TASS, JT, LPA, RE, Sueddeutsche Zeitung [Munich] 5/19 in WNC 5/20; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 5/19; CSM, NYT, WJW 5/20; CSM, MEI, MM, NYT 5/21; JP 5/28; CSM 6/17)

In a victory speech, PM-elect Barak lists 4 "red lines" for peace negotiations with the Palestinian Authority (PA), promises to put any final status agmt. to a referendum by the Israeli public. (MM 5/18; JT 5/19 in WNC 5/20; MEI 5/21)

On the 3d day of his Washington visit, King Abdallah of Jordan meets with U.S. Secy. of State Madeleine Albright, calls for lifting sanctions on Iraq. U.S. urges France, Germany, other creditors to cancel Jordan's debt; encourages Jordan to seek additional U.S. economic assistance. In the afternoon, the king discusses trade issue with U.S. Commerce Secy. William Daley, receives reps. of various American Jewish groups at Blair House. (JT 5/17 in WNC 5/18; WP, WT 5/18; al-Ra'i 5/18 in WNC 5/20; MM 5/21)

Venezuela signs $20 m. deal to buy Israeli antiaircraft defense system. (YA 5/18 in WNC 5/19)

In s. Lebanon, Israeli Defense Force (IDF) shelling kills 2 civilians. (RL 5/17 in WNC 5/18; NYT, WP 5/18; RL 5/18 in WNC 5/19; WT 5/19)

PCC votes to defer decision on unilateral declaration state until 6/99, after the Israeli elections. Before reconvening in 6/99, the PCC says that it will concentrate on building state institutions, drafting a "constitution." PM Netanyahu claims that PCC decision is a victory of his hard-line stance on the peace process. (CSM 4/29; AFP, Interfax, IRNA, MENA 4/29 in WNC 4/30; MM, NYT, WP 4/30; al-Akhbar, ITAR-TASS, MENA, RJ 4/30, MENA 5/1 in WNC 5/3; al-Jazira 5/1 in WNC 5/5; al-Diyar 5/1 in WNC 5/11; JP, MEI 5/7)

Jewish settlers begin expansion of Ofarim settlement onto 1,000 dunams of Palestinian land. 8,000 new housing units are planned. (al-Hayat al-Jadida 4/30 in WNC 5/3)

Jewish settlers in Hebron severely beat a 4-yr.-old Palestinian girl, leaving her with a fractured skull. (LAW 5/4)

Hizballah detonates roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, injuring 1 SLA mbr. (RL 4/30 in WNC 5/3)

Arafat is in Kazakhstan for consultations on unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. (Interfax 4/16 in WNC 4/19)

IDF, SLA troops fire on 10 journalists approaching Arnun, injuring 1. (AFP, VOL 4/16 in WNC 4/19; NYT, WP, WT 4/17; MEI 4/23; RL 4/23 in WNC 4/26) (see 4/15)

Meeting with PM Netanyahu in Jerusalem, U.S. Asst. Secy. of State Indyk publicly criticizes Israeli settlement expansion as an obstacle to peace, Israel's rapprochement with Russia. Indyk is in Israel for a mtg. of the Israeli-U.S. strategic planning comm. that was established as part of the Wye agmt. (MM 4/12; WP 4/13; MA 4/13 in WNC 4/14; WJW 4/15; MM 4/19; PR 4/26)

Israeli FM Sharon arrives in Russia for 3 day visit, his 3d since 3/99; announces opening of Israeli consulate in St. Petersburg. (MM 4/13; Globes [Internet], Interfax, ITAR-TASS 4/13 in WNC 4/14; WJW 4/15; CSM 4/16)

Syrian pres. Asad indefinitely postpones trip to Russia, planned for 4/12+n13, because of Israeli FM Sharon's current visit to Moscow, Russia's hesitation, under pressure fr. the U.S., to finalize an arms deal that was to have been signed during this visit. (MM 4/12, 4/13; WJW 4/15; WP 4/25)

After more than a decade, Libya hands over to the UN 2 suspects in the Pan Am 103 bombing for trial in the Netherlands under Scottish law. UN immediately suspends sanctions on Libya, which were imposed in 1992. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/6; WT 4/7; MEI, MM 4/9; CSM 4/15; MEI 4/23) (see 3/19)

In Ankara, Arafat meets with Turkish pres. Sulayman Demirel, then heads to Moscow for mtg. with Russian FM Igor Ivanov. (NYT, WP, WT 4/6; Interfax 4/6 in WNC 4/7; PR 4/9; WJW 4/15)

Muslims in Nazareth observe general strike, call for mayor's resignation over project to build Christian pilgrimage site. (NYT, WP 4/6; WP, WT 4/7; MM 4/8; MEI 4/23) (see 4/4)

Arafat meets with Pres. Clinton in Washington to discuss the post-Oslo period; asks the U.S. to endorse the Palestinians' right to self-determination. Clinton says U.S. will not change its policies but that final status talks, when they resume, should not be open-ended. (al-Akhbar 3/23 in WNC 3/24; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/24; WJW 3/25; MEI, MM, PR, WJW 3/26; WJW 4/1)

In Georgia, PM Netanyahu holds talks with Pres. Eduard Shevardnadze on bilateral relations, economics, tourism, possible agmts. on military cooperation, oil, water. (Interfax, Radio Tblisi Network 3/23 in WNC 3/24; MM 3/25; Zerkalo Nedeli [Kiev] 3/27 in WNC 4/7; MM 4/6)

At an emergency mtg. in Vienna, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), non-OPEC mbrs. agree to cut output by 2 mbpd to push prices up to avoid massive revenue losses by oil producers. Steps are in most drastic taken by OPEC in 13 yrs. (MM 4/1; MEI 4/9)

In Paris, Arafat discusses statehood issue with French pres. Jacques Chirac. (AFP, LCI Television 3/22 in WNC 3/23; NYT 3/23)

Israel, Russia set up joint control body to supervise exports of sensitive Russian military technology to Iran. Russia hopes Israel, the PA will extend the interim period beyond 5/4. (MM 3/22; Interfax, ITAR-TASS 3/22 in WNC 3/23; Interfax 3/23 in WNC 3/24; WT 3/24; MM 3/25; Zerkalo Nedeli [Kiev] 3/27 in WNC 4/7)

Terry Anderson, the American journalist held hostage in Lebanon by Hizballah for more than 6 yrs., sues Iran for $100 m., claiming Tehran played a role in his imprisonment. Hizballah denies it kidnapped Anderson. (NYT, WP 3/23; WT 3/24; MM 4/9) (see 3/11/98, 8/27/98)

PM Netanyahu, FM Ariel Sharon go to Amman to hold 1st mtg. with King Abdallah. (WT 2/28; RJ 2/28 in WNC 3/1; MA 2/28, JT, MA 3/1 in WNC 3/2; NYT, WP 3/1; JP, PR 3/5; MEI 3/12)

Hizballah detonates 2 roadside bombs in s. Lebanon, killing 4 IDF soldiers, including a brig. gen., the highest-ranking Israeli soldier to be killed in Lebanon since the 1982 Israeli invasion. IDF retaliates by striking 4 Hizballah bases n. of the self-declared security zone, including Hizballah headquarters in the center of Baalbeck. Israeli DM Moshe Arens warns that Israel may disavow the 1996 April understanding to avoid civilian targets if Hizballah continues attacks. (AFP, IDF Radio, RL 2/28 in WNC 3/1; MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/1; Interfax, IRNA, JT, Kyodo, RE, SAPA [Johannesburg], SATN 3/1 in WNC 3/2; al-Quds al-Arabi 3/1, al-Akhbar 3/2 in WNC 3/4; WJW 3/4; JP, PR 3/5; MEI 3/12; WT 4/14; MM 4/21) (see 2/23)

100s of Lebanese students use government bulldozers to reopen the road to Arnun, remove IDF earthworks around the village. Lebanese government says it will pave the road to symbolically link Arnun to areas n. of the Israeli-occupied zone. (WT 2/28; al-Ittihad, RMC 2/28 in WNC 3/1; Tehran Times 3/1 in WNC 3/8; MEI 3/12) (see 2/26)

U.S attack on an Iraqi communications station nr. Mosul disrupts oil flow fr. Iraq to Turkey. UN warns that U.S. strikes could frustrate international efforts to supply food, medicine, other necessities to the Iraqi people under the UN Oil-for-Food program. (NYT, WT 3/3; AFP 3/4 in WNC 3/5; MIL 3/6 in WNC 3/16; MEI 3/12)

Funeral for King Hussein is held in Amman. 10s of world leaders attend, including large Israeli, U.S. delegation. On the sidelines, Clinton meets briefly with King Abdallah, Asad, Arafat, Netanyahu. DFLP head Nayif Hawatmah shakes hands with Israeli pres. Weizman. (MM 2/8; ATL, Interfax, ITAR-TASS, Kyodo, LPA, Weiner Zeitung 2/8 in WNC 2/9; MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/9; MM 2/10)

Turkey rejects Iran's call to resume tripartite talks with Syria on situation in n. Iraq, other regional issues. Tripartite talks began in 1992 but were halted by Turkey in 1994 to protest Syria's alleged increase in support to the PKK. (ATL 2/8 in WNC 2/9)

King Hussein dies. Crown Prince Abdallah is sworn in as King Abdallah II, appoints his half-brother Hamza as crown prince. Jordan declares a wk. of mourning. Syria, Egypt announce official 3-day mourning period. Syria also postpones 2/8 presidential elections. (IDF Radio, Interfax, IRNA, JTV, RJ, RL, VIRI 2/7 in WNC 2/8; AFP, Xinhua 2/7 in WNC 2/9; GIU, CSM, NYT, WP, WT 2/8; MA, SA 2/8 in WNC 2/9; CSM 2/9; WJW 2/11; JP, MEI, PR 2/12)

Arafat meets with Secy. Albright. In press conference afterward, he says that he cannot discuss the issue of declaring a Palestinian state. (MM, NYT, WT 2/4)

U.S. denounces Israeli media campaign begun 1/17 to portray Arafat as coddling "terrorists" by claiming that he released Palestinian prisoners who killed Americans. U.S. says Israel's claims are baseless; thinks media campaign is an attempt to detract fr. Arafat's visit to Washington and fr. the positive publicity Arafat earned during Clinton's 12/14 trip to Gaza. (al-Quds 2/3 in WNC 2/8; WJW, WP 2/4; MM 2/8; JP 2/12)

66 congressmen introduce legislation calling on Pres. Clinton to oppose recognition to any unilaterally declared Palestinian state. (MM 2/8)

Israeli pres. Ezer Weizman reduces the sentences of 8 Israelis convicted of killing or plotting to kill Palestinians, 5 Palestinians, 2 of whom were convicted of killing Palestinian collaborators. (MM, NYT, WP 2/4; al-Dustur 2/4 in WNC 2/8; WJW 2/11; JP 2/12)

Syrian delegation arrives in Russia for 11 days of talks on military-technical cooperation, acquisition of hardware. (Interfax 2/3 in WNC 2/4; al-Quds al-Arabi 2/3, Interfax, ITAR-TASS 2/5 in WNC 2/8; see also MM 1/26) (see 11/18)

UN says it will no longer allow Americans, Britons to work in its humanitarian program in Iraq because Baghdad refuses to ensure their safety. (NYT, WP, WT 2/4)

Prominent Likud mbr. Dan Meridor resigns fr. the party to form a centrist party, challenge Netanyahu for PM in upcoming elections. (NYT, WP, WT 12/23; MEI 12/25; JP 1/4; SA 1/8 in WNC 1/12; JP, MEI 1/15)

At Yemen's request, the Arab League calls an emergency FMs mtg. for 12/30 to discuss the U.S.-led attack on Iraq. (MENA 12/22 in WNC 12/23; MENA, Star 12/24 in WNC 12/28)

In Lebanon, 1,000 demonstrators march toward the U.S. emb. to protest the U.S.-led attack on Iraq (see 12/21). Jordanian pharmacists agree to boycott U.S., UK medicines. (AFP, VOL 12/22 in WNC 12/23; WT 12/23)

U.S. suspends tourist, student, business visas for Syrians indefinitely in response to attack on the U.S. emb. 12/19. (WT 12/23; MM 1/4; WT 1/6)

1 Lebanese woman, 6 children are killed, 1 man, another child are injured in IDF attack on suspected Hizballah base in s. Lebanon. (IDF Radio, RL 12/22 in WNC 12/23; WP, WT 12/23; ITV, MBC, SAPA [Johannesburg] 12/23, MENA, SA 12/24 in WNC 12/28; Interfax 12/24, VOA 12/26 in WNC 12/29; PR 1/1)

Israeli FM Sharon, PA cheif negotiator Mahmud Abbas meet at the Israeli FMin. in Jerusalem to discuss final status talks, progress of the PA-Israeli comms. on the economy, Gaza port, FRDs. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/19; ITV 11/20 in WNC 11/23)

Israel, the PA finalize procedures for Gaza airport. (ITV 11/19 in WNC 11/20; MM 11/24)

The PA runs text of the 5/98 Palestinian Weapons Control Law in Palestinian local newspapers. (MEI, PR 11/27)

In Amman, PC Speaker Ahmad Qurai` meets with Crown Prince Hassan to discuss final status negotiations. (Petra-JNA 11/18 in WNC 11/19, 11/20)

Israel complains that the U.S. is blocking its sale of Falcon air surveillance system, Arrow missiles to India. (ITV 11/18 in WNC 11/19)

Russia says that it is prepared to sell Syria hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military hardware; expects bilateral arms trade to be worth $5 b. over the next 5 yrs. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 11/18 in WNC 11/19; al-Quds al-Arabi 12/2 in WNC 12/7; ITV 12/24 in WNC 12/28)

Israeli PM Netanyahu admits that 2 Israelis arrested in Cyprus 11/7 are Mossad agents but says that Israel was not spying on Cyprus or on Turkey's behalf. (ITV 11/18 in WNC 11/20)

IDF evicts settlers fr. hilltop nr. Keddumim, but takes no action against settlers who set up 6 mobile homes on hill nr. Halamish. (WT 11/19) (see 11/17)

As the Knesset begins debate on ratification of the 10/23 Wye River Memorandum, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu suspends the agmt.'s implementation, saying he will not carry out the 1st of 3 stages of further redeployment (FRD) required by Wye until PA head Yasir Arafat retracts his 11/15 threat to stage an uprising against Israel if Palestinian access to Jerusalem is blocked. (MM 11/16; CSM, NYT, WP, WT 11/17; WJW 11/19)

U.S. special envoy Dennis Ross meets with Arafat in Jericho. (ITV 11/16 in WNC 11/18; WT 11/17)

In Cairo, Netanyahu political adviser Uzi Arad discusses Wye agmt. with Egyptian FM `Amr Musa, who criticizes Israeli implementation delays. (MENA 11/16 in WNC 11/17, WNC 11/18)

In Gaza, Israel, Jordan, the U.S. meet to discuss the Irbid industrial zone project. (Petra-JNA 11/17 in WNC 11/19; JT 11/23 in WNC 11/24; Petra-JNA 11/23 in WNC 11/30)

In Cairo, Russia, Egypt hold high-level experts mtg. on defense cooperation. Russian DM hopes deepening military ties "will become an important factor of peace and stability in the Middle East." (Interfax, ITAR-TASS, MENA 11/16 in WNC 11/17; MENA 11/17 in WNC 11/18)

After 3 days of talks, Oman, Iran reach military cooperation agmt. to enhance Gulf security, which will include joint exercises. (IRNA 11/16 in WNC 11/17)

PM Netanyahu announces creation of Birthright Israel program, which will pay for any Jew aged 15+n26 to visit Israel in hopes of rebuilding Jewish identity of youth, who more frequently marry non-Jews, are nonpracticing. The program, expected to cost $300 m., will be funded by the Israeli government, major North American Jewish donors, the Council of Jewish Federations. (NYT 11/16; WJW 11/19, 11/26, 1/7)

Citing Israeli FM Ariel Sharon's 11/15 call for settlers to "grab" disputed West Bank land, 30 settlers fr. Keddumim set up "presettlement" on nearby hilltop. (MM 11/17; MA 11/17 in WNC 11/18; WT 11/19)

Palestinians in al-Khader protest confiscation of land for bypass road. (CSM 11/17)

Israel Defense Force (IDF) convoy triggers roadside bomb in s. Lebanon, killing 3 soldiers, wounding 4. Hizballah claims responsibility. (AFP, ITV, RL 11/16 in WNC 11/17; MM, WP 11/17; WT 11/18; MEI 11/27; JP 11/30)

In Gaza, an IDF jeep intercepts a car bomb, absorbing the blast before it can ram a settler school bus. IDF seals the Gaza Strip. Hamas claims responsibility. PA places Shaykh Yasin under house arrest, detains more than 100 alleged Hamas activists. (MM 10/29; AFP, IDF Radio 10/29 in WNC 10/30; ITV, JTV, QY 10/29 in WNC 11/2; MM, NYT, PCHR, WP, WT 10/30; SA 10/30, JT 10/31, al-Ahram 11/2 in WNC 11/6; NYT 10/31; PR 11/6; JP 11/9; MEI 11/16)

In Ankara, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, U.S., Uzbekistan sign a "political declaration of support" for construction of a Baku-Ceyhan pipeline. (Interfax 10/29 in WNC 11/2; MM 11/6) (see 10/22)

PM Netanyahu meets with his security cabinet to discuss upcoming Washington talks; for the 1st time presents Ms with 2 2d FRD maps. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14; NYT 10/10)

U.S. envoy Ross, Palestinian-Israeli Steering and Monitoring Comm. (PISMC) heads Saeb Erakat and Dani Nave discuss security at Gaza airport. (ITV 10/8 in WNC 10/14)

U.S. Asst. Secy. Indyk phones Syrian FM Shara` fr. Cairo to discuss crisis btwn. Syria, Turkey. Shara` calls on the U.S. to adopt a clear stand, back mediation efforts. Indyk publicly calls on Turkey to exercise self-restraint, then heads to Jordan to brief Crown Prince Hassan on Albright trip. (MENA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; SATN 10/8, RJ 10/9 in WNC 10/14)

In Moscow, Arafat briefs Russian Pres. Boris Yeltsin, PM Yevgeny Primakov, Duma Chmn. Gennady Seleznev on his recent mtgs. with Pres. Clinton, Secy. Albright. (Interfax, ITAR-TASS 10/8 in WNC 10/14)

Iran reports clash with Taliban troops along the border with Afghanistan, marking the 1st significant military incident in their 2-mo.-old standoff. Taliban denies any clash took place. 270,000 Iranian troops are facing 10,000 Taliban troops along the border. (NYT, WP, WT 10/9; MEI 10/16) (see 9/12)

Iranian FM Kharrazi arrives in Syria for talks with senior officials on lowering tensions with Turkey. (IRNA, SANA 10/8 in WNC 10/9; MM 10/9; IRNA, SANA 10/9 in WNC 10/14)

In a ceremony attended by Israeli mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert and 50 mbrs. of the Ateret Cohanim settler group, 3 Jewish settler families move into a home in East Jerusalem. Israel also announces that 150 new housing units will be added to Ma'ale Mikhmas settlement nr. Ramallah. (AFP 10/9 [Internet])

In continuing clashes in Hebron, IDF troops open fire, killing a Palestinian protester, seriously wounding a news photographer, 20 other Palestinian protesters. (MM 10/8; CSM, NYT, PR, WT 10/9; WP 10/10; MEI, PR 10/16; JP 10/29)

The Israeli daily Ma'ariv reports that PM Netanyahu, Labor Chmn Barak recently held (beginning 7/12) a series of detailed secret talks at a Mossad location in central Israel on possibility of forming a unity government. (MM 8/10, 8/14)

In Tel Aviv, Israel, Russia open talks on establishing bilateral consular relations. (ITAR-TASS 8/10 in WNC 8/11; Vesti 8/13 in WNC 8/14; Interfax 8/28 in WNC 8/20) (see 8/8)

U.S. gives Jordan a $54.3-m. grant to help cover costs of Jordan's international debt, economic reform programs, employment generation. (RJ 8/10 in WNC 8/12)

In Tehran, Jordan, Iran discuss expanding technical, industrial cooperation. After mtgs., Jordanian FM Anani leaves for Bahrain. (IRNA, RMC 8/10 in WNC 8/11; JTV 8/11, VOA 8/12 in WNC 8/13) (see 8/9)

An IDF soldier, 1 Hizballah mbr. are injured during a clash in s. Lebanon. (RL 8/10 in WNC 8/11)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` arrives in Washington for 2-day official visit. (YA 5/21 in WNC 5/23; MM 5/22)

In Moscow, Israel's Trade M Natan Sharanksy gives Russian officials list of Russian firms that are allegedly providing military technology to Iran. Russia says it is doing its best to block illegal transfers, asks Israel to stop pressuring U.S. to impose sanctions on Russian firms trading with Iran. (Interfax [Moscow], MA, QY 5/21 in WNC 5/23; WT 5/22; HA, MA 5/22 in WNC 5/27) (see 5/18)

Iran agrees to sell Turkey 3 b. cu. m. of natural gas beginning in 1999. (Anatolia, Milliyet 5/22 in WNC 5/27)

Pres. Clinton gives order to reduce the number of military personnel in the Gulf by roughly half now that the crisis with Iraq, which flared in 2/98, seems to have passed. (NYT, WP 5/27; WP 6/7)

In s. Lebanon, 3 civilians, 2 Hizballah mbrs. are killed during clash btwn. Hizballah, IDF. (RL 5/21 in WNC 5/23)

Israel 2-day official celebration of its 50th anniversary (by the Jewish calendar) begins. Jubilee officials have banned any reference to the Oslo process during official programs; Pres. Weizman, who is critical of government's handling of peace process, has not been scheduled to speak. IDF places closure on the West Bank, Gaza for the long weekend. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/29; Tishrin 4/29 in WNC 5/6; NYT, WT 4/30; Interfax, Star, Xinhua [Beijing] 4/30 in WNC 5/1; JP 5/2)

Jordanian government bans rally planned by 13 opposition parties to highlight the 50th anniversary of Israel's occupation of Palestinian lands. (JT 4/30 in WNC 5/1; al-Majd [Amman] 5/4 in WNC 5/6; MEI 5/8)

Hamas spiritual leader Shaykh Yasin arrives unexpectedly in Iran. (MM 4/29; IRIB Television 5/2 in WNC 5/6; WT 5/4; MM 5/7; WT 5/13) (Peace Monitor)

Switzerland announces that Israel has paid a $2-m. bail to free Mossad agent arrested for spying 2/19. (WP 4/30; JP 5/9) (see 2/27)

In separate incidents in Amman, unknown assailants place bombs under the car of fmr. Jordanian intelligence chief Muhammad Kilani, outside the home of Senator Jawdat al-Subul. (AFP 4/29, al-Dustur 4/30 in WNC 5/1; MENA 4/30 in WNC 5/5; RJ 5/10 in WNC 5/13)

In s. Lebanon, a Lebanese civilian is seriously wounded by IDF shelling. (VOL 4/29 in WNC 5/1)

In Sharm al-Shaykh, Arafat, Mubarak hold brief mtg. to discuss U.S. special envoy Ross's visit, possible Arab summit. (al-Ittihad [Abu Dhabi], MENA, RE 4/1 in WNC 4/3; MENA 4/2 in WNC 4/4) (see 3/30)

Israeli inner cabinet formally accepts UN Res. 425 of 1978. (MM 4/1; ITV 4/1 in WNC 4/4; MM, NYT, WP, WT 4/2; JP 4/11)

Lebanese pres. Hrawi arrives in Abu Dhabi for 2-day visit. (RL 4/3 in WNC 4/6, al-Ittihad 4/4 in WNC 4/7)

Fmr. Israeli PM Shimon Peres, on a private trip to Moscow, discusses peace process with Russia's FM Primakov. (Interfax 4/2 in WNC 4/4)

Jordan's Energy Min. says it is planning to build a small nuclear reactor for educational, research purposes. The project would be jointly financed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. (JT 4/1 in WNC 4/3)

Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Cairo. (MENA, RE 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

In Cairo, Arab League FMs discuss status of the peace process, forming united Arab stance on ways to deal with Israeli government. (MENA 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

In Washington, Israel's Communications M Limor Livnat meets with congressmen to urge them to pressure Pres. Clinton not to publicize a U.S. FRD plan. (ITV 3/24 in WNC 3/25) (see 3/3)

In Ankara, Turkey, Israel hold trade talks, sign trade protocol. (Anatolia [Ankara] 3/25 in WNC 3/27)

In Jerusalem, Israeli officials, reps fr. Russia's leading gas producer Gazprom discuss possibility of constructing pipeline to bring Russian gas to Israel via Turkey. (Interfax 3/24 in WNC 3/25)

New resistance group Lebanese Battalions for Resisting Israeli Occupation (LBRIO) stage 1st attack against IDF positions in s. Lebanon, with backup fr. Hizballah. Most LBRIO mbrs. are in their mid-20s, not officially mbrs. of any party or group, want to participate in resistance but do not want to join an Islamist group. According to Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah, LIBRO mbrs. are training, operating in tandem with Hizballah units until they are ready to operate on their own. (VOL 3/24 in WNC 3/25; al-Ahd [Beirut] 3/25 in WNC 3/27; al-Shira [Beirut] 3/30 in WNC 4/2)

In Jerusalem, PM Netanyahu hosts mbrs. of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CPMAJO); calls on them to fend off expected U.S. government initiative to press Israel for an FRD. (MM 3/3; WT 3/4; WJW 3/12; MM 3/18) (see 2/28)

UNSC unanimously approves 2/22 agmt., warning Iraq it will face "the severest consequences" if it breaks the agmt. China, France, Russia refuse to include explicit threat of force. Council settles for deliberately ambiguous language. U.S. officials stress that resolution does not prohibit an attack. (CSM, MM, NYT, WP 3/3; MM 3/4)

At close of 2-day mtg., Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan express support for construction of a "Eurasian Energy Corridor" pipeline linking Baku, Azerbaijan, with Ceyhan, Turkey. (ITAR-TASS 3/2 in WNC 3/5; Interfax 3/13 in WNC 3/17) (see 12/28/97)

Sheinbein's atty. accepts Israeli judge's 2/25 proposal, but Maryland state atty. says it would consider deal only if Sheinbein agrees to plead guilty. State Dept. says it might agree if it had some control over sentencing. (WP 3/2, 3/5)