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  • March 5, 2007

    Late in the evening, the IDF lifts the seal on the West Bank imposed on 3/1. During the day, the IDF conducts arrest raids, house searches in Qabatya, Tulkarm town and r.c., and nr. Bethlehem,...

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Late in the evening, the IDF lifts the seal on the West Bank imposed on 3/1. During the day, the IDF conducts arrest raids, house searches in Qabatya, Tulkarm town and r.c., and nr. Bethlehem, Jenin. Egyptian security forces find, demolish 4 smugglers’ tunnels on the Rafah border. In Gaza’s Nussayrat r.c., an Islamic Jihad mbr. is killed when explosives he is handling explode prematurely. The Hamas-run PA Education Min. orders copies of an anthology of Palestinian folk tales (Speak Bird, Speak Again, published by the Institute for Palestine Studies) pulled fr. school libraries, destroyed because of mild sexual innuendo, raising concerns among Palestinians that Hamas is using its government control to impose strict Islamic standards on Palestinian society. ESF, PA, Preventive Security Force (PSF) mbrs. exchange fire in Gaza City, causing no injuries. (WT 3/6; OCHA 3/7; HA, PCHR 3/8)