The IDF fires a missile at 2 Palestinian boys (ages 12 and 15) playing with pipes and sticks in a street Jabaliya r.c., killing them; says video footage fr. drones in the area appeared to show...
A female Islamic Jihad suicide bomber detonates a device in a Haifa restaurant, killing 14 Israeli Jews, 5 Israeli Arabs, wounding around 50. (The bomber, Hanadi Taysir Jaradat, who had just...
An Islamic Jihad suicide bomber detonates a device outside Shluhot Kibbutz in n. Israel, killing 1 Israeli. In Hebron, where the IDF remains in area A, soldiers fatally shoot 1 Palestinian, wound...
In Jerusalem, U.S. special envoy Ross hosts mtg. btwn. Israeli FM Levy, Arafat adviser Abbas; encourages them to speed up subcomm. negotiations. Levy says Israel is willing to limit settlement...
Jerusalem city council condemns 10/9 invasion of several Palestinian homes in Silwan by Israeli settlers and right-wing Knesset members. (MEM 10/14)
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. approves...
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The IDF fires a missile at 2 Palestinian boys (ages 12 and 15) playing with pipes and sticks in a street Jabaliya r.c., killing them; says video footage fr. drones in the area appeared to show militants preparing to launch a rocket. Also in n. Gaza, the IDF fires on residential areas of Bayt Hanun, seriously wounding a 12-yr.-old child in her home; demolishes 1 Palestinian home north of Bayt Hanun. A 13-yr.-old Palestinian dies of injuries received in an IDF attack on Jabaliya on 9/30; a 16-yr.-old Palestinian dies of injuries received in Jabaliya on 10/1; a 22-yr.-old Palestinian dies of injuries received in Bayt Hanun on 10/3. The IDF also fires on 2 Palestinians who approach the Israeli border fence nr. the Sufa crossing into Israel in s. Gaza, killing 1 Palestinian while the other escapes; fires on residential areas, demolishes 1 Palestinian home in Rafah; shells residential areas, bulldozes 86 d. nr. Khan Yunis. Palestinians fire 2 Qassam rockets at Sederot, 2 antitank missiles at IDF troops in Rafah, causing no damage or injuries. In the West Bank, the IDF moves troops into Balata r.c. and Tulkarm, fires on residential areas, then fires on stonethrowing youths who confront the troops; halts a Palestinian school bus at a Hebron checkpoint, detains 3 students; conducts arrest raids, house searches in ‘Arub r.c., Jenin r.c., and in villages around Nablus, Tulkarm; bulldozes 60 d. southwest of Hebron for construction of the separation wall. The UNRWA delivers food, water to half of the 600 Palestinian families (ca. 3,300 individuals) who have been trapped in their homes east of Jabaliya r.c., unable to leave and without electricity or water since Days of Penitence began on 9/29. (United Nations Information Service 10/7; PSCT, VOI, VOP 10/7 in WNC 10/11; MEZ, WP 10/8; PR 10/13; PCHR 10/14)
In Egypt, a huge truck bomb explodes at the Hilton hotel in Taba, 2 smaller bombs explode at hotels further south along the Red Sea in Nuwayba and Ras al-Shaytan in what appear to be al-Qa‘ida attacks targeting Israelis vacationing for the Sukkoth holidays; 34 people are killed (including at least 13 Israelis, 9 Egyptians, 2 Italians, 1 Russian), some 150 are wounded. (BBC, HA, NYT, WP, WT 10/8; ITAR-TASS, MA, MENA, MM, VOI, VOP 10/8, MENA, al-Quds 10/9, VOI 10/10 in WNC 10/12; NYT, WP, WT 10/9; NYT 10/10; al-Ra’i 10/10, AYM 10/11 in WNC 10/14; LBC 10/10, MM 10/11; VOP 10/11 in WNC 10/13; MM 10/12; MM, NYT, PR 10/13; JP, WJW 10/14; MM 10/15, 10/18, 10/19; WT 10/20; MEI 10/22; WP 10/26)
A female Islamic Jihad suicide bomber detonates a device in a Haifa restaurant, killing 14 Israeli Jews, 5 Israeli Arabs, wounding around 50. (The bomber, Hanadi Taysir Jaradat, who had just graduated fr. law school in Jordan, watched as IDF undercover units assassinated her brother and cousin, both Islamic Jihad mbrs., outside their family home in Jenin on 6/12/03.) Israel says Arafat is to blame for failing to order the PSF to take steps to dismantle Islamic Jihad. Bush says the bombing “underscores once again the responsibility of the Palestinian authorities to fight terror,” says “the new Palestinian cabinet must dedicate itself to dismantling the infrastructure of terror,” does not call for Israeli restraint; Powell also phones Israeli FM Silvan Shalom to express condolences and strong condemnation of the attack, but does not urge restraint. In response, the IDF shells, demolishes an empty Palestinian home in Gaza City, and empty garage in Bureij r.c.; makes a failed assassination attempt on an Islamic Jihad mbr. in central Gaza, firing missiles at him in an open field, but missing him; moves troops into Jenin. Mbrs. of the Israeli peace group Gush Shalom, the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) surround Arafat’s Ramallah headquarters to act as human shields should Israel attempt to “remove” him. During the day, the IDF also raids Tulkarm r.c., assassinates AMB mbr. Sirhan Biharan Hassin Sirhan, whom Israel says killed 5 Israelis in Kibbutz Metzer on 11/10/02, also killing a 9-yr.-old Palestinian bystander; fires on residential areas of Rafah. A Palestinian toddler dies of injuries received on 10/2; a 2d Palestinian dies of injuries received in 2002. (GS, HA 10/4; AFP, MENA, VOP 10/4, AFP, IRNA, ITAR-TASS, al-Quds, VIRI, VOP, XIN 10/5 in WNC 10/7; NYT, WP, WT 10/5; MM, WP 10/6; al-Ra’i 10/6 in WNC 10/8; HA, MM, NYT 10/7; PR, WP 10/8; PCHR, WJW 10/9; MEI 10/10; MM 10/17)
An Islamic Jihad suicide bomber detonates a device outside Shluhot Kibbutz in n. Israel, killing 1 Israeli. In Hebron, where the IDF remains in area A, soldiers fatally shoot 1 Palestinian, wound 3. The PSF detains 2 more Islamic Jihad mbrs., says it is holding 6 Palestinians on Israel's wanted list. Jewish settlers set up a new enclave nr. Keddumim settlement, announce plans for a 2d enclave nr. Beit Hagai. (HP, WT 10/7; MENA 10/7 in WNC 10/9; JP [Internet] 10/8; MEI 10/12; LAW 10/13)
The U.S., with the assistance of commando units fr. Britain and France, begins air strikes on al-Qa`ida, Taliban positions in Afghanistan aimed at disabling their air defense capability. The U.S. says this initial stage of the sustained "antiterror campaign" should last several days. Bin Laden releases a statement vowing that "America will not live in peace until peace reigns in Palestine" and "not before all the infidel armies leave the land of Muhammad." The PA denounces Bin Laden's statement. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/8; NYT, WP 10/9; AYM, JT, Milliyet, al-Ra'i 10/9 in WNC 10/10; MM 10/10; al-Quds 10/10 in WNC 10/12; JP, MEI 10/12; XIN 10/12 in WNC 10/15)
In Jerusalem, U.S. special envoy Ross hosts mtg. btwn. Israeli FM Levy, Arafat adviser Abbas; encourages them to speed up subcomm. negotiations. Levy says Israel is willing to limit settlement construction to a "necessary minimum." Ross aslo meets separately with Netanyahu, Arafat. (MM 10/20; IDF Radio 10/20 in WNC 10/22; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 10/21; MEI 10/24)
Israel, Jordan agree in principle to set up a joint authority to oversee Jordan Valley development (incl. tourism, water, agriculture, industrial park projects); Israeli proposal for a Las Vegas-style tourism, commercial center in the Aqaba-Elat area. (Globes [Internet] 10/20 in WNC 10/22)
Jordan announces it will send high-level delegation to Doha economic summit. At mtg., Jordan plans to submit projects for transforming Aqaba region into free trade and tourist zone; improving water and waste-water infrastructure; enlarging petroleum refinery at al-Zarqa'; creating small industries, magnesium plant in Dead Sea area; building railway, port; developing tourist sites. (RJ 10/20 in WNC 10/22; see also JT 10/19 in WNC 10/22; RJ 10/24, JT 10/26, al-Ra'i 10/27 in WNC 10/29)
In Beirut, 2 gunmen open fire on 2 of Abu Nidal relatives, killing Omar Banna, wounding Nasireddin Banna. Lebanese officials claim the shooting stemmed fr. intra-Palestinian disputes. (WP 10/21; WT 10/22; MM 10/29)
Israel releases $57 m. of tax money owed the PA. (MM, WT 10/15; MA 10/15 in WNC 10/16) (see 9/28)
Israel, Jordan hold 2 mtgs. in Israel (Jerusalem, Ma'ale Efrayim) aimed at enhancing security cooperation, especially to prevent border infiltrations. (ITV, QY 10/14 in WNC 10/15; al-Ra'i 10/16 in WNC 10/20) (see 10/10)
PA prisoner dies in PA custody, reportedly as a result of a heart attack. (Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group press release 11/11)
IDF demolishes 2 Palestinian homes in al-Arub refugee camp nr. Bethlehem; also plans to demolish homes of relatives of 3 suicide bombers identified 9/23, seal home of 4th bomber. (LAW 10/14; NYT, WT 10/15)
SLA Cmdr. Antoine Lahd warns that his men are likely to turn against Israel if the IDF unilaterally withdraws fr. s. Lebanon; thinks half would joint Hizballah, half would form new anti-Israeli militia. (MM 10/14; ITV 10/14 in WNC 10/15; MM 10/17)
Israel air force attacks Hizballah radio station in s. Lebanon, causing extensive damage. (RL 10/14 in WNC 10/15)
Jerusalem city council condemns 10/9 invasion of several Palestinian homes in Silwan by Israeli settlers and right-wing Knesset members. (MEM 10/14)
In Tunis, PLO Exec. Comm. approves principle of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to peace conference. PLO, Jordanian officials had earlier agreed to form a joint delegation, not a unified delegation which included both Jordanian and Palestinian delegates [see 10/6]. Exec. Comm. mbr. Yasir 'Abd Rabbuh is dispatched to Amman for more talks with Jordanian officials. (al-Ra'i 10/14 in FBIS 10/15)
Secy. of State Baker arrives in Cairo for eighth trip to Middle East since Gulf war. (MEM 10/14)
Soviet airlines Aeroflot, Jewish Agency, sign agreement to establish direct, regular flights of Soviet Jewish immigrants to Israel from Leningrad and Moscow. Flights will be conducted by Aeroflot and El Al, the Israeli state airline. (MEM 10/14)