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  • November 3, 2000

    Israeli-Palestinian clashes abate slightly but leave 2 Palestinians dead, over 275 injured (mostly in Ramallah). The IDF pulls back fr. some Palestinian towns, says the PA is attempting to calm...

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  • October 22, 2000

    The Arab League closes its 2-day emergency session, issuing a nonbinding resolution calling for a $1 b. Palestinian aid fund, recommending Arab states postpone further normalization with Israel....

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  • October 20, 2000

    Israel-Palestinian clashes escalate to the highest point in 2 wks., leaving 10 Palestinians dead, some 400 wounded. Barak vows to halt the peace process officially on 10/23 if the violence has not...

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Israeli-Palestinian clashes abate slightly but leave 2 Palestinians dead, over 275 injured (mostly in Ramallah). The IDF pulls back fr. some Palestinian towns, says the PA is attempting to calm the street. But Israel again restricts Palestinian access to al-Aqsa Mosque for Friday prayers. The IDF shells areas nr. Bethlehem in response to Palestinian machine gun fire; demolishes 2 Palestinian homes, bulldozes 27 dunams of agricultural land in Rafah. (AFP [Internet], LAW, PCHR 11/3; NYT, WP, WT 11/4; WP, WT 11/5)

In Washington, PA negotiator Erakat meets with Albright. Israel's Ben-Ami meets with UN Secy.-Gen. Annan in New York and with U.S. officials in Washington, but there is no indication that he and Erakat meet. (JP [Internet] 11/3; NYT 11/4; MENA 11/4 in WNC 11/6; IsRN 11/5) (see 11/1)

Large anti-Israeli demonstrations are held in Bahrain. In the U.S., a rally in support of the Palestinians is held in Boulder. (Bahrain Freedom Movement press release 11/5)

The Arab League closes its 2-day emergency session, issuing a nonbinding resolution calling for a $1 b. Palestinian aid fund, recommending Arab states postpone further normalization with Israel. Tunisia orders Israel to shut its representative offices it Tunis. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; MENA 10/23; HJ, IRNA 10/24 in WNC 10/25; HJ 10/24, 1025 HJ, SA 10/26 in WNC 10/30; WJW 10/26; MEI 10/27)

Barak formally suspends the peace process. In response, Arafat states that Palestinians have a right to an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital and "to accept it or not to accept--let [Barak] go to hell." Meanwhile, Israeli-Palestinian clashes escalate further, leaving 4 Palestinians dead, over 100 injured; 2 others die of injuries received earlier. The most violent exchange is nr. Bethlehem, where the IDF orders residents of Aida camp, Bayt Jala, Bayt Sahur to evacuate their homes before ordering machine guns, tanks, and helicopter gunships to fire into the area, targeting buildings fr. which snipers shot into nearby Gilo settlement and destroying 2 Palestinian factories, several houses, a power plant. The gunfire continues overnight. In Gaza, the IDF bulldozes Palestinian agricultural land along roads leading to Morag settlement. Israel also recloses the Gaza airport, reinstates the internal closure on PA areas, shuts crossings into Egypt and Jordan. (ADM 10/22; BDL, LAW, MM, NYT, WP, WT 10/23; MM 10/24; MA 10/24 in WNC 10/25; MEI 10/27; AYM 11/12 in WNC 11/13)

In Cairo, 1,000s of Egyptian students protest the failure of the Arab League summit to cut ties with or to call for military action against Israel. There are also reports of at least 1 Palestinian protest in Bethlehem denouncing Arab leaders, especially Mubarak, for the weak Arab League statement. Other rallies in support of the Palestinians are held in Bahrain, London, Ottawa. (WP 10/23; HJ 10/24, SA 10/26 in WNC 10/30; Bahrain Freedom Movement press release 10/25; MM 10/26)

Barak announces an inquiry will be held into the deaths of Israeli Arabs during the recent clashes and a 4-yr. development plan for Israeli Arab areas. Israeli Arabs complain that the inquiry's recommendations will be nonbinding. (NYT 10/23; WJW 10/26; MM 10/30)

Israel-Palestinian clashes escalate to the highest point in 2 wks., leaving 10 Palestinians dead, some 400 wounded. Barak vows to halt the peace process officially on 10/23 if the violence has not ceased by the end of the 10/21-22 Arab League mtg. Israel again restricts Palestinian access to Friday prayers at al-Aqsa Mosque. The IDF fire shells fr. helicopter gunships and tanks, bars ambulances fr. reaching the injured, fires on at least 1 ambulance. The most severe clashes are around Nablus, Ramallah. Nr. Ma'ale Amos settlement nr. Bethlehem, armed Jewish settlers prevent Palestinian farmers fr. harvesting their crops. In Bayt Sahur, the IDF demolishes a Palestinian home. (ADM, MM, NYT 10/20; HA [Internet], NYT, WP, WT 10/21; MEI 10/27)

IDF troops fatally shoot 1 man, possibly 2, attempting to sneak across the blue line fr. Lebanon. (NYT, WT 10/22; MM 10/23; MEI 10/27)

Demonstrations in support of the Palestinians are reported in Bahrain, Lebanon, Pakistan. In the U.S., similar rallies are held in Chicago, Omaha, Memphis, Minneapolis, New York, San Francisco. (Newsday [Internet] 10/21; Bahrain Freedom Movement press release 10/25)

The UNGA passes (92-6, with 46 abstentions) a resolution condemning Israel's "excessive use of force" against Palestinians. (WT 10/20; NYT, WP, WT 10/21; ANSA 10/25 in WNC 10/30; ANSA 11/7 in WNC 11/9; Hurriyet 11/9 in WNC 11/13)