44 / 15454 Results
  • August 6, 2000

    In Damascus, the Joint Syrian-Iraqi Comm. meets for the 1st time in 20 yrs. to discuss expanding bilateral trade, economic, cultural, scientific, technical cooperation relations. (RMC 8/6 in WNC 8...

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  • June 29, 1999

    A joint mtg. of the donors's Joint Liaison Comm., Local Aid Coordination Comm. is held in al-Barid, nr. Jerusalem. (AYM 6/30 in WNC 7/1; AYM 6/30, 7/1 in WNC 7/6)

    Arafat meets with King...

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  • June 10, 1998

    In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

    In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali...

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  • January 31, 1998

    After mtg. with Secy. of State Albright, UK FM Robin Cook says Britain is urging the UNSC to find Iraq in violation of its obligations to the council, saying such a res. would provide legal,...

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  • January 26, 1998

    Following phone conversation with Secy. of State Albright 1/25 regarding her talks with Arafat, PM Netanyahu tells coalition mbrs. that he now supports U.S. proposal for staged FRD based on the...

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  • January 18, 1998

    Israeli cabinet decides not to set a figure for the percentage of land to be included in the next FRD before PM Netanyahu's visit to Washington. (MM, NYT, WT 1/19)

    At the close of an...

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  • August 28, 1997

    With Israeli DMin. approval, Jewish settlers set up 13 trailers on hill nr. Talmon settlement in the West Bank; claim they are expanding Talmon, although their site is some distance away. (IT 8/28...

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  • August 8, 1997

    A delegation of 46 Israeli Arabs, incl. 7 MKs, arrives in Syria for an unprecedented 12-day visit to show their support for the Syrian position on talks with Israel. (RMC 8/8 in WNC 8/11; SATN 8/9...

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  • July 4, 1997

    Unnamed Western, Arab diplomats report that Syria is concentrating 3-4 army divisions at strategic points nr. Israel, including moving the 14th Special Forces Division to the Mount Hermon...

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  • June 14, 1997

    Egypt's Baz shuttles btwn. Netanyahu, Arafat in an attempt to ease tensions, jump start PA-Israeli. (WT 6/15)

    In Hebron, IDF troops firing rubber bullets wound 30 Palestinians protesting...

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  • May 30, 1997

    Turkish MP Yildirim Aktuna of the True Path party resigns, leaving the Erbakan government with 275 seats in the 550-mbr. parliament, 1 short of those needed to win a confidence vote. (2 seats are...

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  • May 18, 1997

    A 2d Palestinian accused of selling land to Israelis, Harbi Abu Sara, is found slain nr. Ramallah. The PA, which declared 5/5 that any Palestinian who sells land to Jews would face the death...

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  • May 1, 1997

    In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Syrian pres. Asad discuss possible Arab summit on the peace process. (ESC Television [Cairo], RMC 5/1 in WNC 5/2; MM 5/2)

    Turkey, Israel end 3 days of military...

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  • April 30, 1997

    IDF eases closure allowing 28,000 Palestinians fr. the West Bank, 27,000 fr. Gaza into Israel. (MM 4/30; RMC 4/30 in WNC 5/2; NYT 5/2)

    In Damascus, EU special envoy Moratinos discusses the...

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  • February 22, 1997

    Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak makes unscheduled visit to Damascus to meet with Pres. Hafiz Asad in advance of Mubarak's trip to Washington. (RMC, SANA 2/22 in WNC 2/25; MM 2/24)

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  • December 13, 1996

    Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

    Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers....

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  • September 29, 1996

    IDF bans Palestinians fr. traveling btwn. West Bank cities, villages; warns it will reenter Palestinian cities (zone A) to disarm PA security forces if the forces fire on IDF again. Tanks remain...

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  • August 16, 1996

    Israeli government orders IDF to draw up an operational concept for s. Lebanon for increased "initiated actions" outside the self-declared security zone, for possible implementation if attacks by...

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  • July 1, 1996

    IDF lifts curfew on Biddiyya that was imposed 6/16, allows stores to reopen. (QY 7/1 in FBIS 7/2; PR 7/5)

    IDF raids al-Ibrahimi Cultural Center in Hebron confiscates computers, disks,...

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  • May 17, 1996

    At a time when Likud's PM Benjamin Netanyahu is presenting himself as a "mainstream" candidate for PM, Likud's Ariel Sharon writes a strongly-worded article for JP outlining Likud's hard-line...

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  • December 13, 1995

    On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

    8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe,...

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  • December 11, 1995

    IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40...

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  • November 1, 1995

    DFLP, Fatah, PFLP, PPSF, FIDA, PPP, Arab Liberation Front form permanent committee on Jerusalem to pressure Pres. Clinton to block embassy move. (VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

    In Ramallah, settler...

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  • March 12, 1995

    Secy. of State Christopher is kept waiting 6 hrs, before mtg. with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd in Jidda; encourages support for Middle East Development Bank, easing of Arab boycott on Israel, funding...

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  • February 8, 1995

    Israel, PA close election talks in Cairo without making any progress. (AFP, RMC 2/8 in FBIS 2/8)

    U.S. Commerce Secy. Brown, executives fr. 10 American corporations meet in Taba with trade...

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  • November 15, 1994

    Israel hands over responsibility for tourism, social services in West Bank to PNA. Tourism dept. has no control over religious, archeological sites outside Jericho; can only issue licenses to...

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  • November 14, 1994

    Lebanese Pres. Hrawi says Lebanon will not make peace with Israel until Israel withdraws unconditionally fr. the south, vows if solution to Palestinian refugee issues comes at Lebanon's expense,...

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  • November 18, 1993

    Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the...

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  • September 12, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. releases official statement approving DoP. (Algiers VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13)

    PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Washington for signing of PLO-Israel Declaration of Principles, 1st...

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  • August 25, 1993

    PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi holds talks with Syrian FM al-Shar'a, other Syrian leaders in Damascus. (RMC, SARR 8/25 in FBIS 8/26)

    Sources in Israeli PM Rabin's office quoted by JP say...

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In Damascus, the Joint Syrian-Iraqi Comm. meets for the 1st time in 20 yrs. to discuss expanding bilateral trade, economic, cultural, scientific, technical cooperation relations. (RMC 8/6 in WNC 8/7)

A joint mtg. of the donors's Joint Liaison Comm., Local Aid Coordination Comm. is held in al-Barid, nr. Jerusalem. (AYM 6/30 in WNC 7/1; AYM 6/30, 7/1 in WNC 7/6)

Arafat meets with King Abdallah in Amman for talks on the peace process, coordinating positions in advance of final status talks; also reportedly undergoes medical checkup. (RMC 6/29 in WNC 6/30; al-Ra'i 6/20 in WNC 7/2)

In Washington, Egyptian pres. Mubarak meets with Secy. of State Albright, encourages U.S. to support 7/14-15 mtg. of the signatories to the Fourth Geneva Convention. U.S. says it still opposes the mtg. (NYT, WT 6/30; MEI 7/16)

IDF Chief of Staff Shaul Mofaz announces that outgoing DM Arens has issued instructions to the IDF to ignore the 1996 April understandings, suspended Israel's participation in the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group (ILMG), claiming that Hizballah's 6/24 rocket attacks on n. Israel voided the 4/96 agmt. The April understandings, which ended Israel's 1996 Grapes of Wrath campaign against Lebanon, called on all parties in s. Lebanon to avoid harming civilians. (RL, RMC 6/29 in WNC 6/30; MM, WT 6/30; RL 6/30 in WNC 7/1; RL 7/3 in WNC 7/6; MM 7/5; JP 7/9)

Turkish court finds PKK leader Ocalan guilty of treason, a charge that automatically carries a death sentence and is automatically appealed. Turkey has not carried out an execution since 1984. Public response is muted as the verdict was widely expected. (AFP, ATL, La Une Radio [Brussels], LPA, MTI [Budapest], NTV [Moscow], RAI Televideo [Rome], RNE-1 Radio [Madrid], SAPA [Johannesburg], Xinhua [Beijing] 6/29 in WNC 6/30; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 6/30) (see 6/21)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Saudi FM Prince Saud al-Faysal discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. (MENA 6/10 in WNC 6/11; MENA 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

In Gaza, Arafat, Jordanian PM Majali discuss peace process, possible Arab summit. Majali hands Arafat a letter fr. King Hussein, outlining Netanyahu's position on FRD as transmitted to the king via Israeli DM Mordechai on 6/7. (JTV 6/10 in WNC 6/12; Shihan 6/27 in WNC 6/30; al-Dustur 7/1 in WNC 7/2) 

Syrian FM Shara` meets with PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. and Arafat adviser on refugee affairs As`ad `Abd al-Rahman to reopen discussion on refugee issues. (RMC 6/12 in WNC 6/15)

During their 2d day of talks, Iran, Turkey sign memorandum of understanding on setting up a joint chamber of commerce, beginning engineering and technical cooperation on natural gas. (IRIB Television 6/10, MENA 6/11 in WNC 6/12; IRNA 6/11, 6/13 in WNC 6/17)

In Hebron district, IDF bulldozes 70 dunams of Palestinians orchards, saying it has warned Palestinians not to farm "state land." Trees on the land were 5+n10 yrs. old. (Christian Peacemaker Teams press release 7/14)

In East Jerusalem, Israeli peace activists protesting settlement activity clash with Israeli police. (CSM 6/11)

Some 50 Christian human rights activists stage sit-in to protest settler's occupation of Silwan homes 5/8. (WT 6/11)

After mtg. with Secy. of State Albright, UK FM Robin Cook says Britain is urging the UNSC to find Iraq in violation of its obligations to the council, saying such a res. would provide legal, international support for U.S. attack. At the same time, the UN should consider quadrupling the oil-for-food program to demonstrate that UN is not trying to punish ordinary Iraqis. (NYT 2/1) (see 1/30)

Secy. of State Albright arrives in Israel for dinner mtg. with PM Netanyahu to follow up on 1/20 Netanyahu-Clinton mtg.; say that she is frustrated both sides' failure to make tough decisions, that U.S. is likely to abandon mediation if Israel "continues to display a stubborn and uncompromising attitude toward the Palestinians." (NYT 2/1; NYT, WP 2/2; HA, YA 2/2 in WNC 2/4; CSM, MM, NYT 2/3; MEI 2/13)

PLO Exec. Comm. passes by voice vote the list of PLO charter clauses that have been rescinded as given to U.S. Pres. Clinton 1/22, UK PM Blair 1/26. Israel says voice vote is not "sufficient." (ITV 1/31, IDF Radio 2/1 in WNC 2/4; MM 2/2, 2/4)

Lebanese army operation against Tufayli (see 1/30) carries into the early morning hours. At dawn, Tufayli and his men flee the school, take refuge in the nearby village of Britel. The army seals the town to search for Tufayli, allowing residents to leave but no one to enter. The 2 days of clashes leave 4 Tufayli supporters, 3 soldiers, 1 civilian dead; at least 50 wounded. By the end of the day, Tufayli escapes, but 14 of his men are arrested. Government says Tufayli faces charges of endangering the country, killing soldiers and civilians, forming an armed group. (RL, RMC, VOL 1/31, RL 2/1 in WNC 2/4; NYT, WT 2/1; MM 2/2; MEI 2/13)

Following phone conversation with Secy. of State Albright 1/25 regarding her talks with Arafat, PM Netanyahu tells coalition mbrs. that he now supports U.S. proposal for staged FRD based on the principle of reciprocity, says that Israel cannot "rule out the possibility of an interim terrace." (ITV 1/26 in WNC 1/27; MM 1/27; IDF Radio 1/27 in WNC 1/30)

After mtg. with UK PM Tony Blair in London, Arafat calls for an Arab summit to discuss the peace process. (MM, WT 1/27; RE, RMC, YA 1/27 in WNC 1/30)

Israeli DM Mordechai meets with Jordan's King Hussein in Amman to brief the king on Netanyahu's trip to Washington, discuss the need to continue the peace process, strengthen security cooperation. (JTV 1/26 in WNC 1/27; IGPO, MM 1/27)

EU FMs mtg. is held in Brussels. Participants agree to become more involved in resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict, Middle Eastern politics. (MM 1/27)

PA Labor M Samir Ghawshah resigns to protests Arafat's failure to ratify civil service law, take steps against corruption. (JP 2/7)

Israel arrests 2 Israeli-Arab bedouin for planning a suicide attack. Israeli Internal Security M Avigdor Kahalani praises PA for its cooperation, but PM Netanyahu objects that PA assistance came "at the end of the road, not the beginning." (MM 1/27; MA 1/28 in WNC 2/2; WT 2/7)

Jordan's Supreme Court suspends controversial press law, saying parliament should have been given time to debate the draft law before it was put into effect by the government, allowing to reopen 13 papers that had been forced to close. Parliament will begin debate on the measure when it reconvenes in 2/98. (RJ 1/26 in WNC 1/27; JT 1/27 in WNC 1/30; JT 2/5 in WNC 2/6) (see 5/17/97, 9/27/97)

Israeli cabinet decides not to set a figure for the percentage of land to be included in the next FRD before PM Netanyahu's visit to Washington. (MM, NYT, WT 1/19)

At the close of an informal 3-day mtg. sponsored by the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI), a group of MKs, PC mbrs. decided to create permanent comm. to build Israeli-Palestinian confidence, improve political and economic conditions. (IPCRI press release 1/18)

Iraq releases 92 of some 160 Jordanian prisoners. (INA, RMC 1/19 in WNC 1/21; MM 1/20; RJ 1/21 in WNC 1/23; Shihan [Amman] 1/24, JT 1/26 in WNC 1/27; MEI 1/30)

With Israeli DMin. approval, Jewish settlers set up 13 trailers on hill nr. Talmon settlement in the West Bank; claim they are expanding Talmon, although their site is some distance away. (IT 8/28 in WNC 9/4)

IDF demolishes 3 Palestinian homes, 2 barns, water tanks, storage buildings in the Jordan Valley. (PR 9/5)

Iraqi delegation participates in Damacus trade fair. (SATN 8/28, INA 8/29, SANA 8/31 in WNC 9/4)

IDF troops in s. Lebanon shell Amal, Hizballah positions, killing 4 Amal mbrs., wounding 2 Hizballah mbrs. Later in the day, 4 IDF soldiers are killed, 6 are injured when friendly fire sparks a forest fire. (AFP, RMC 8/28 in WNC 8/29; MM, WT 8/29; RL 8/29 in WNC 9/2; VOL 8/29 in WNC 9/4; NYT 8/30; NYT 8/5; JP 9/6; MEI 9/12)

A delegation of 46 Israeli Arabs, incl. 7 MKs, arrives in Syria for an unprecedented 12-day visit to show their support for the Syrian position on talks with Israel. (RMC 8/8 in WNC 8/11; SATN 8/9, IDF Radio, MA 8/11 in WNC 8/12; MM 8/11, 8/12) (for background see RMC 8/3, SA 8/4 in WNC 8/5; MM 8/4)

Italian PM Romano Prodi meets with PM Netanyahu in Israel, then flies to Beirut to give PM Rafiq Hariri a message fr. Netanyahu. (ANSA [Rome] 8/8 in WNC 8/11)

Israel eases the "inner closure," allowing Palestinian movement btwn. Jericho, Nablus; reopens the Rafah border crossing btwn. Gaza, Egypt. (WT 8/10)

Katyusha rockets hit Kiryat Shimona in n. Israel, damaging a synagogue, injuring 1 woman. DM Mordechai blames Hizballah for the attack; IDF responds by shelling PFLP-GC bases outside Beirut. Hizballah denies responsibility. (AFP, RL, VOL 8/8 in WNC 8/11; WP, WT 8/9; WT 8/10; YA 8/10 in WNC 8/12)

Jordanian police arrest 5 men connected to the outlawed Bayt al-Imam group, who were allegedly plotting anti-Israeli attacks in Israel, the occupied territories. (AFP, RMC 8/17, JT 8/18 in WNC 8/19)

Unnamed Western, Arab diplomats report that Syria is concentrating 3-4 army divisions at strategic points nr. Israel, including moving the 14th Special Forces Division to the Mount Hermon foothills, the 51st Division e. of Lebanon's Biqa` Valley. Syria says the redeployments are defensive. (WT 7/5)

Jordan announces that it has submitted to the World Bank 58 water sector proposals that would provide Jordan with 676 mcm of additional water fr. 1997 to 2000. (JT 7/5 in WNC 7/8)

IDF bans entry into the PA-controlled enclave of Hebron (H1) to prevent Palestinians fr. outside Hebron fr. entering H1 to take part in demonstrations. (Hatzofe 7/6 in WNC 7/8)

In Nablus, 30,000 Palestinians angered by distribution of anti-Muslim posters in Hebron stage protest, clash with IDF. Demonstrations also continue in Hebron, where the IDF wounds 6 Palestinians with live ammunition, 29 with rubber bullets. Netanyahu accuses Arafat of doing nothing to halt the protests. (NYT, WP, WT 7/5) (see 7/2)

In Ba'albeck, 10,000 Lebanese join the unauthorized "Revolution of the Hungry" demonstration called by fmr. Hizballah chief Shaykh Subhi Tufayli (who split with Hizballah Secy. Gen. Hassan Nasrallah in protest over Hizballah's decision to participate in the 1992, 1996 elections) to protest the government's economic policies, neglect of the Biqa` region. Lebanese army sends many troops, military police to monitor protesters. No clashes are reported. (MM 7/4; RL, RMC 7/4 in WNC 7/8; al-Safir 7/5 in WNC 7/9; al-Diyar 7/6 in WNC 7/11; MEI 7/11; MM 7/14; MEI 7/25)

Egypt's Baz shuttles btwn. Netanyahu, Arafat in an attempt to ease tensions, jump start PA-Israeli. (WT 6/15)

In Hebron, IDF troops firing rubber bullets wound 30 Palestinians protesting the 6/10 House vote on Jerusalem. (NYT, WT 6/15; MM, NYT, WT 6/16; MEI 6/27)

Unidentified gunmen shoot, wound an Israeli settler outside Har Adar settlement in the West Bank. IDF detains 6 Palestinian suspects fr. Biddu. (NYT, WT 6/15)

In Damascus, an Iraqi trade delegation holds series of mtgs. with Syrian Ms of economy, health, transportation to discuss export of Syrian medicines to Iraq under the UN oil-for-food deal. Head of Syria's chamber of commerce says that work is underway to repair the telephone network btwn. the 2 countries, which has been unused for 17 yrs. (RMC 6/14 in WNC 6/17; MM 6/16; INA 6/20 in WNC 6/23; MM 7/4) (see 6/8)

Turkey acknowledges that it has begun withdrawing troops fr. n. Iraq but denies that a total pullout is underway. (NYT 6/15) (see 6/10)

Hizballah releases 3 UNIFIL soldiers it detained 6/13 for filming nr. the homes of several Hizballah cmdrs. in the Burj al-Barahna district of Beirut. (RL 6/14 in WNC 6/17; WT 6/16) (see 5/30)

Turkish MP Yildirim Aktuna of the True Path party resigns, leaving the Erbakan government with 275 seats in the 550-mbr. parliament, 1 short of those needed to win a confidence vote. (2 seats are vacant.) Early elections may be called. (WT 5/31)

In the Golan, 2 Austrian UN soldiers are shot dead most likely, according to the UN, by smugglers traveling btwn. Lebanon, Syria. Syria accuses the Mossad; Israel denies involvement. (Der Standard [Vienna] 6/1 in WNC 6/3; RMC 6/5 in WNC 6/6; Wiener Zeitung [Vienna] 6/10 in WNC 6/11; Kurier [Vienna] 6/19 in WNC 6/23)

IDF soldier is killed in a Hizballah mortar attack in s. Lebanon. (VOL 5/30, 6/1 in WNC 6/3; JP 6/7)

In a 3d incident, 7 Hizballah gunmen halt 2 UNIFIL vehicles in s. Lebanon; disarm, threaten the UN soldiers. (AFP, RL 5/30 in WNC 6/2) (see 5/29)

The Israeli navy removes 2 Lebanese fishermen fr. their boat off the coast of s. Lebanon, interrogates them for several hours before releasing them. (RL 5/30 in WNC 6/2)

A 2d Palestinian accused of selling land to Israelis, Harbi Abu Sara, is found slain nr. Ramallah. The PA, which declared 5/5 that any Palestinian who sells land to Jews would face the death penalty, denies any involvement. (ITV 5/18 in WNC 5/22; NYT, WP 5/19; IDF Radio 5/19 in WNC 5/21; WP 5/20; LAW 5/21; WJW 5/22, 5/29; JP 531) (see 5/9, 5/11)

9 days after his murder, slain Palestinian land dealer Farid Bashiti is secretly buried. His family had been unable to find a place to bury him earlier due to allegations that he had sold Palestinian land to Jews. (NYT, WT 5/19; LAW 5/21) (see 5/11)

In a Jerusalem court, Israel's most-wanted Hamas mbr. Hassan Salameh, who was captured by the IDF 5/17/96, pleads guilty to 46 counts of murder resulting fr. suicide bombings he plotted. (WP 5/19) (see 7/4/96)

Jordanian journalists issue statement, vowing to oppose King Hussein's new press law. All mbrs. of the Jordan Press Assn., governing mbrs. of the Jordanian Professional Assns. threaten to resign if the law is not revoked. (RMC 5/18 in WNC 5/22; MM, WT 5/19; JT 5/19, 5/20 in WNC 5/21) (see 5/17)

In Cairo, Pres. Mubarak, Syrian pres. Asad discuss possible Arab summit on the peace process. (ESC Television [Cairo], RMC 5/1 in WNC 5/2; MM 5/2)

Turkey, Israel end 3 days of military talks, agree to perform joint military maneuvers with the U.S. later this yr. (Anatolia [Ankara] 5/2 in WNC 5/2; MM, WT 5/2; Turkiye [Istanbul] 5/4 in WNC 5/7; VIRI 5/6 in WNC 5/8; JP 5/10)

PM Netanyahu forms a 10-mbr. Gesher, Likud, Tsomet ministers' forum that will meet once a wk., before cabinet sessions. The PM's goal is to have the ministers more involved in consultations to prevent incidents similar to the Bar-On affair. (IDF Radio 5/1 in WNC 5/2)

ILMG continues discussion of 4/29 complaints, determines that 1 mortar fired 4/25 by a Lebanese group accidentally landed inside Israel, but reaches no final decisions. (RL 5/1 in WNC 5/2)

U.S. takes over rotating chairmanship of ILMG fr. France today, but the U.S. official will assume his post 5/5. (al'Ahd 5/9 in WNC 5/15)

IDF eases closure allowing 28,000 Palestinians fr. the West Bank, 27,000 fr. Gaza into Israel. (MM 4/30; RMC 4/30 in WNC 5/2; NYT 5/2)

In Damascus, EU special envoy Moratinos discusses the peace process with Pres. Asad. (RMC 5/1 in WNC 5/2)

Israeli DM Mordechai hosts Turkey's DM Turhan Tayan. (MM 4/30; IDF Radio, IGPO 4/30 in WNC 5/1; MM 5/1; Anatolia [Ankara] 5/2 in WNC 5/2; WT 5/2; Turkiye [Istanbul] 5/4 in WNC 5/7; VIRI 5/6 in WNC 5/8; JP 5/10; MEI 5/16) (see 2/25, 4/4)

Knesset rejects opening further inquiry into Bar-On affair. (WT 5/3; JP 5/10) (see 4/21)

Israeli dep. finance M David Magen resigns to protest the atty. gen. decision not to indict PM Netanyahu. (ITV 4/30 in WNC 5/1; Globes [Internet] 4/30 in WNC 5/2; MM 5/1)

Palestinian television broadcasts of the PC weekly session are jammed for the 2d wk. in a row. Some PC mbrs. blame the PA, though Arafat's office claims it cannot determine the source of the interference. (Internews [Internet] 4/30; PR 5/16; WP 5/21)

Bank of Israel reports that for the 1st quarter of 1997 tourism has dropped 16%, the economic downturn which began in 7/96 continues. (Globes [Internet] 4/30 in WNC 5/2)

In Jordan, an Israeli tourist is stabbed, lightly injured. Jordanian police arrest perpetrator. (JTV, RMC 4/30 in WNC 5/1; JP 5/10)

Nr. Jerusalem, IDF soldiers open fire on Palestinian car that fails to stop at a checkpoint, killing the driver. (MM 4/30; RMC 4/30 in WNC 5/2; PR 5/2)

Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard petitions the Israeli High Court to order PM Netanyahu to acknowledge that Pollard was employed by Israel to spy on the U.S.; to reveal information regarding his employment, Israeli efforts to have him released. (Globes [Internet] 4/30 in WNC 5/2)

Egyptian pres. Husni Mubarak makes unscheduled visit to Damascus to meet with Pres. Hafiz Asad in advance of Mubarak's trip to Washington. (RMC, SANA 2/22 in WNC 2/25; MM 2/24)

Jordanian Information M Mu`asher meets with PM Netanyahu. (JT, RJ 12/13 in WNC 12/16)

Israeli cabinet reinstates large subsidies (incl. tax brakes, business grants) for West Bank settlers. The U.S. says the move is "troubling," "clearly complicates the peace process." (MM 12/13; MA 12/13 in WNC 12/16; IGPO 12/13, ITV 12/16 in WNC 12/17; LAWE, NYT, WP, WT 12/14; IGPO, WP 12/15; CSM, MM, WT 12/16; MEI, PR 12/20; JP 12/21)

In Gaza, 15,000 Palestinians attend antisettlement rally called by Hamas and approved by the PA. Hamas spokesman Mahmud Zahhar announces that Hamas soon will open political offices in Gaza (with PA permission) as a transitional step for "greater participation in public life"; West Bank offices are planned. (NYT 12/14; CSM 12/16; ITV 12/17 in WNC 12/19; MEI, PR 12/20; al-Quds 12/20 in WNC 12/26; JP 12/21)

After France drops its threat to veto him, UNSC chooses Ghana's Annan, current undersecy. gen. for peacekeeping operations, for secy. gen. The full UN General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to officially elect him 12/17. (NYT, WP, WT 12/14; CSM 12/16; MEI 12/20) (see 12/6)

Katayusha rockets are fired fr. s. Lebanon into n. Israel, in the first crossborder attack since the wide-scale Israeli-Lebanese fighting in 4/96. No one is injured, but a cow is killed. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), Hizballah, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) deny responsibility. (RL 12/13, RL, RMC 12/14, RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; NYT, WP 12/14; RMC 12/15 in WNC 12/16; RL 12/15 in WNC 12/17; RL 12/16 in WNC 12/18; JP 12/21)

IDF bans Palestinians fr. traveling btwn. West Bank cities, villages; warns it will reenter Palestinian cities (zone A) to disarm PA security forces if the forces fire on IDF again. Tanks remain outside zone A areas. More IDF checkpoints are set up along West Bank roads. PA-Israeli joint patrols resume in Gaza. In Jerusalem, the archaeological tunnel is reopened (see 9/27), leading to some stone-throwing incidents. 4 wounded Palestinians have died in the past 2 days, raising the death toll since 9/25 to 70. (IDF Radio, ITV 9/29 in WNC 10/1; NYT, WP, WT 9/30; NYT 10/1; MEI, PR 10/4; JP 10/5)

Arafat, Netanyahu agree to meet in Washington 10/1-2 to discuss recent violence, peace process. Jordan's King Hussein accepts invitation to attend; Egypt's Pres. Mubarak declines, sends FM `Amr Musa to observe. (IDF Radio, MBC, RMC 9/29, IGPO 9/30 in WNC 10/1; RE 9/29 in WNC 10/2; JTV 9/29 in WNC 10/3; CSM, MM, NYT, WT 9/30; MEI 10/4)

Israeli government orders IDF to draw up an operational concept for s. Lebanon for increased "initiated actions" outside the self-declared security zone, for possible implementation if attacks by Hizballah increase. (MM 8/16; CSM 8/23)

In Karak, Jordan, 1,000s of Jordanian riot against IMF-backed increases in bread prices, stone cars, burn buildings. Army deploys to enforce curfews to restore clam. King Hussein immediately suspends extraordinary session of parliament until 10/96. (NYT 8/16; WT 8/17; JTV 8/16, RMC 8/17, JT 8/19 in WNC 8/21; JT 8/17 in WNC 8/22; CSM, MM 8/19; MEI 9/6) (see 8/13)

IDF lifts curfew on Biddiyya that was imposed 6/16, allows stores to reopen. (QY 7/1 in FBIS 7/2; PR 7/5)

IDF raids al-Ibrahimi Cultural Center in Hebron confiscates computers, disks, papers; detains center's director Hijazi al-Shuyukhi for 3 hrs of questioning regarding Popular Committees leaflets distributed 6/21, 6/30. Shuyukhi's brother Azmi heads the Popular Committees. (QY 7/1, HA 7/2 in FBIS 7/2) (see 6/30)

After 3 days of Central Comm. mtgs. in Damascus, PFLP, 2d largest PLO faction, decides to suspend its membership in the PLO until Arafat rescinds all agmts. with Israel. (RMC 7/1 in FBIS 7/1)

Shas party threatens to leave Netanyahu's coalition if it does not receive the Religious Affairs Min. portfolio, currently held by the NRP, by the end of the wk. NRP says it will leave the coalition if Netanyahu bends to Shas's demands. (QY 7/1, 7/2 in FBIS 7/2; JP 7/22 in FBIS 7/22)

100,000s of Israelis adhere to 1-hr. strike called by Histadrut labor federation to protest PM Netanyahu's economic policies. (MEI 7/5)

At a time when Likud's PM Benjamin Netanyahu is presenting himself as a "mainstream" candidate for PM, Likud's Ariel Sharon writes a strongly-worded article for JP outlining Likud's hard-line views. He says Israel should not accept Oslo; IDF should be allowed to operate anywhere in the West Bank, Gaza; negotiations with Syria should be postponed until Pres. Hafiz al-Asad is out of power; Golan should never be returned. (NYT 5/25)

In an interview published simultaneously in Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, PM Peres calls on Gulf states to join forces with Israel against Iran. (MM 5/17)

IDF shoots, wounds most-wanted Hamas mbr., Hassan Salameh, as he flees fr. a vehicle inspection point nr. Hebron; later captures him at the Hebron hospital; also arrests passenger in Salameh's car, Raziq Rajub, a relative of PA Preventive Security Forces (PSF) head Jibril Rajub. Salameh is suspected of ordering, planning 3 of the 4 2+n3/96 suicide bombings. (QY, VOP 5/18 in FBIS 5/20; NYT, WT 5/19; PR 5/24; JP 5/25)

Izzeddin al-Qassam Brigades issue leaflet, calling for national unity dialogue with the PA. (JMCC 5/17 in FBIS 5/20)

3,000 Palestinians attend National Islamic Salvation Party (NISP) rally in Gaza in support of Hamas political leader Musa Abu Marzuq, currently detained in the U.S. Speaking at the rally, Hamas leader Mahmud Zahhar calls on Qassam Brigades not to take any violent actions before the Israeli elections 5/29, calls on leaders abroad to be sensitive to conditions in the territories. (VOP 5/17, AFP, QY, RMC, VOP 5/18 in FBIS 5/20) (see 11/18/95, 3/7)

Arab Parliamentary Union Council closes its 27th session in Qana, Lebanon; issues statement condemning Israel's attack on Lebanon, refusal to sign Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, occupation of s. Lebanon. (RL 5/17 in FBIS 5/20)

On his return fr. the U.S., PM Peres stops in Morocco to visit King Hassan. (QY 12/13, HA 12/14 in FBIS 12/14; MM 12/14, 12/15)

8 Hamas mbrs. (incl. Abu Musamih, `Abd al-Khaliq al-Natshe, Muhammad Abu Shama'a, Zahhar) travel fr. Gaza to Khartoum for 4 days of talks with diaspora Hamas leaders in advance of negotiations with the PA in Cairo 12/18-21. (MM, WT 12/13; IRNA [Tehran], VOP 12/13 in FBIS 12/14; MENA 12/16 in FBIS 12/18)

Syria releases 100's of Muslim Brothers, communists fr. jail, leaving only a handful of Muslim Brothers still in detention. (MM 12/15; RMC 12/17 in FBIS 12/18) (see 12/11)

Jordanian prosecutor general orders detention of Sawt al-Mar'ah chief editor for "slandering Iraqi president Saddam Hussein." (al-Dustur 12/18 in FBIS 12/19)

Saudi Arabia's Prince Khalid Bin Sultan calls for and end to sanctions on Iraq. (NYT 12/14)

IDF declares Nablus area a closed military zone, begins final redeployment 6 days ahead of schedule. IDF arrests 13 yeshiva students who refuse to leave Joseph's tomb, inside the closed zone; 40 others settlers who arrive at the tomb to confront the IDF are detained. After withdraw, Jewish settlers who attend yeshiva in the city will continue to receive IDF protection. (IL, NYT, WP 12/12; QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; CSM 12/13; MEI 12/15)

Pres. Clinton holds positive telephone conversation with Pres. Asad, then meets with PM Peres. Peres asks for assurances that money fr. its $3 b. 1996 aid package will be received by 1/1/96 even if the foreign aid bill has not been passed (aid for FY 1996 was to begin 10/95); gives Clinton a letter, asking for Pollard's release (see 11/21). (ITV, QY, SARR 12/11, QY 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; MM, NYT, WP, WT 12/12; MM 12/13; MA, SARR 12/13 in FBIS 12/13; WJW 12/14; MM 12/15; HA 12/15 in FBIS 12/15; CSM 1/4; WJW 1/18)

Israel Amb. to the U.S. and chief negotiator with Syria Rabinovitch says Israel is ready to make unspecified "significant concessions" to Syria. (WT 12/12)

In Paris, PA, France sign $15-m. cooperation agmt. (VOP 12/11, 12/12 in FBIS 12/12; PR 12/29)

PA announces creation of National Dialogue Office (NDO) to be headed by fmr. Hamas mbr. Faluji. At the same time, Faluji announces the indefinite closure of al-Watan. NDO will promote dialogue btwn. the PA, other political, social forces amid recognition of the "changed reality" following fr. the Oslo process. (HA 12/12 in FBIS 12/14)

In Gaza, Arafat, Hamas delegation meet to discuss of Hamas-PA talks on elections scheduled for 12/18-21 in Cairo. (VOP 12/12 in FBIS 12/12)

In Gaza, Arafat discusses joint ventures opportunities with Poland's Construction M Barbara Blida, delegation of Polish businessmen. (VOP 12/11 in FBIS 12/12)

Syria grants special amnesty to fmr. secy. gen. of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood `Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah, allowing him to return to Damascus after 16-yrs. exile. (RMC 12/11 in FBIS 12/11; MM 12/14) (see 11/30)

DFLP, Fatah, PFLP, PPSF, FIDA, PPP, Arab Liberation Front form permanent committee on Jerusalem to pressure Pres. Clinton to block embassy move. (VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2)

In Ramallah, settler rabbi is shot, seriously wounded when his car is ambushed. DFLP claims responsibility. IDF closes Jericho area. (AFP, QY, VOP 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; CSM 11/2)

In retaliation for Islamic Jihad leader Shiqaqi's assassination 10/26, Hizballah strikes IDF, SLA convoy in s. Lebanon, killing 2 SLA mbrs, wounding 3 SLA mbrs and 5 IDF soldiers. Meanwhile, 40,000 mourners attend Shiqaqi's funeral in Damascus; 1,000s more hold memorial rally in Tehran. (MM 11/1; QY 11/1 in FBIS 11/1; QPAR, RMC, SANA, SARR 11/1 in FBIS 11/2; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 11/2)

Secy. of State Christopher is kept waiting 6 hrs, before mtg. with Saudi Arabia's King Fahd in Jidda; encourages support for Middle East Development Bank, easing of Arab boycott on Israel, funding of PA's daily operations, NPT. King gives no response. (MM, NYT, WP 3/13; WT 3/14; WT 3/21)

FM Peres, Crown Prince Hassan meet in Amman; discuss implementation of peace treaty, possibility of establishing free-trade zone in Elat-Taba-Aqaba region, water projects, regional security, creation of regional bank; announce plans to meet with German Chancellor Helmut Kohl in Bonn regarding dam project 3/15. (RJ 3/12, JT 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; MM 3/13; QY 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)

In 1st visit by British head of state to Israel in 9 yrs, PM Major arrives in Israel for 2-day visit; promises to build closer trade ties to Israel, increase aid to the PA. (IGPO, QY 3/12, IGPO, QY 3/13 in FBIS 3/13; MM, WT 3/13; MEI 3/17; JP 3/18)

PA rearrests Shaykh al-Safadi fr. Gaza's Filastin Mosque for giving anti-PA sermon. (QY 5/14 in FBIS 5/15) (see 3/3)

Senior Israeli military officials say 100s of plainclothes Palestinian police are operating in Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah in a semiofficial manner, with the IDF's knowledge, settling civil disputes, investigating crimes. PA Planning M Shaath denies report. (HA, RMC, VOP 3/13 in FBIS 3/14)

Palestinian police find 2 bombs planted along road scheduled to be travelled by Arafat. IDF detonates them. (AFP 3/12 in FBIS 3/14)

Israel, PA close election talks in Cairo without making any progress. (AFP, RMC 2/8 in FBIS 2/8)

U.S. Commerce Secy. Brown, executives fr. 10 American corporations meet in Taba with trade officials fr. Egypt, Israel, Jordan, the PA to discuss setting up regional council for trade, investment, assess results of Casablanca mtg., set ground work for international economic forum in Jordan in spring. Parties say they will work establish free trade btwn. themselves, form 2 economic bodies to develop their economic ties. (WT 2/8; MENA 2/8 in FBIS 2/8)

EU delegation headed by French FM Alain Juppé arrives in Damascus, meets with Pres. al-Asad to discuss EU-Syrian relations, peace process, says EU supports full Israeli withdrawal fr. Golan. (SARR 2/8 in FBIS 2/8; MM 2/9; MEI 2/17)

Reports say that over past few months Israel has brought in 12,000 Thai workers to replace Palestinian laborers in Israel, bring import of new workers fr. South East Asia, Eastern Europe to 50,000 since 3/94. (MEI 2/3, NYT 2/8; MEI 2/17)

Poll released by Strategic Studies Center, University of Jordan, shows that 72.6% of Jordanians polled favor some kind of union with Palestine. (JT 2/8 in FBIS 2/10)

PA says it has arrested more than 100 DFLP mbrs. since 2/6 incident. (QY 2/8 in FBIS 2/8; WP 2/10)

Israel hands over responsibility for tourism, social services in West Bank to PNA. Tourism dept. has no control over religious, archeological sites outside Jericho; can only issue licenses to hotels, tour guides, supervise souvenir shops. Soc. services dept. can issue welfare checks, run rehab. programs, treatment centers, but IDF will prevent transfer of money to Islamist groups. (MM 11/15; QY 11/15 in FBIS 11/16; NYT 11/16)

Israeli FMin. Dir. Gen. Uri Savir says mtg. was held recently at undisclosed location btwn. Israeli, Lebanese officials to discuss curbing Hizballah, Islamic Jihad. (MM 11/16)

PNA requests gas, electricity links with Egypt, opening of Rafah border point to Egyptian goods in hopes of breaking Palestinian dependence on Israel. (MENA 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

Israeli-Jordanian committees on security, tourism convene to discuss implementation of peace agmt. (QY, RJ 11/15 in FBIS 11/16)

PLO Exec. Comm. is canceled after 10 of 18 mbrs. fail to show. (RMC 11/15, QY 11/16 in FBIS 11/16; AFP, QY, VOP 11/16 in FBIS 11/17; MM 11/17)

PM Rabin accuses Chmn. Arafat of doing little to prevent attacks on Israelis, says Israel-PLO accord may collapse, adds that arrest of 180 Islamic Jihad mbrs. is not enough of a reaction to bombing 11/11. (WT 11/16)

Lebanese Pres. Hrawi says Lebanon will not make peace with Israel until Israel withdraws unconditionally fr. the south, vows if solution to Palestinian refugee issues comes at Lebanon's expense, he "will ask the Palestinians to leave Lebanon." (RL 11/14 in FBIS 11/14; WT 11/16)

Secy. of State Christopher cancels trip to Middle East planned for end of Nov., cites U.S. elections. (MM 11/14)

Arafat phones King Hussein to discuss possible trip to Amman for talks on Palestinian-Jordanian relations. (RMC, VOP 11/14 in FBIS 11/15)

Israeli Housing Min. begins construction of 1,050 houses in Betar settlement south of Jerusalem. (RMC 11/14 in FBIS 11/15)

Arafat meets with Israeli Peace Now delegation in Gaza, discusses PNA economic problems. (QY 11/14 in FBIS 11/15)

Number of Islamic Jihad mbrs. arrested by Palestinian police rises to 180. 100's protest arrests. Rabin says Arafat is not doing enough. (MM 11/14; CSM, NYT, WT 11/15)

Settlers demonstrate at Israel-Gaza Strip crossing points to protest 11/17 killing of IDF soldier Haim Darina, but IDF presents them fr. blocking roads. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for the attack. (MM, RMC 11/18)

PLO establishes Development and Construction Bank under World Bank supervision to receive international funds for Palestinian development. (Al-Dustur 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Israeli Energy M. Moshe Shahal signs agreement with Egyptian Oil M. Hamdi al-Banbi on preparations for Egypt-Israel natural gas pipeline. (Qol Yisra'el 11/19 in FBIS 11/19)

King Hussein names 23 mbrs. of 40-mbr. Jordanian senate, including frmr. PM Zaid Rifa'i and Senate spkr. Ahmad Lawzi. (MM 11/19)

French FM Alain Juppe holds talks with Syrian Pres. al-Asad at start of tour of Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon, proceeds to Amman for talks with Jordan's King Hussein. (MM 11/19; SARR, JNA 11/18 in FBIS 11/18)

Israeli archaeologists in "Operation Scroll" report finding 2d century A.D. manuscripts and artifacts in Wadi Qarantal, nr. Jericho. (NYT 11/19)

PLO Exec. Comm. releases official statement approving DoP. (Algiers VOP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13)

PLO Chmn. Arafat arrives in Washington for signing of PLO-Israel Declaration of Principles, 1st visit to U.S. since address to UN in New York in 1974. Arafat is greeted by Asst. Secy. of State Edward Djerejian on behalf of U.S. govt. (NYT, WP 9/13)

Islamic Jihad claims fatal attack on 3 IDF soldiers in Gaza, Israeli bus driver in Israel. Other sources place responsibility on Hamas. Attacks also mounted on Israeli bus in West Bank. Pres. Clinton calls upon PLO Chmn. Arafat to condemn attacks. 3 Palestinians die in other incidents. (RMC 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; MM, NYT, WP 9/13; CSM 9/14)

EC FMs meeting in Belgium approve 5- year, $604 m. Palestinian aid package. (NYT 9/13)

PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi holds talks with Syrian FM al-Shar'a, other Syrian leaders in Damascus. (RMC, SARR 8/25 in FBIS 8/26)

Sources in Israeli PM Rabin's office quoted by JP say Rabin told Secy. of State Christopher Israel will withdraw fr. southern Lebanon 6 to 9 mos. after an agreement with Lebanon is signed and implemented. Rabin tells Knesset comm. Israeli conditions include integration of SLA into Lebanese army, security arrangements to be reached by bilateral comm., and disarming of Hizballah. Rabin also asserts that Israel will withdraw on, but not fr., the Golan to reach accord with Syria. Lebanese FM Faris Buwayz rejects Israeli conditions, saying Israel must withdraw fr. southern Lebanon as a precondition for any agreement. (MM 8/25; VOM, VOL 8/25 in FBIS 8/26; MM 8/26)

Israeli High Court rejects Peace Now petition challenging legality of Israeli settlements in o.t. (WT 8/26)

Settler leaders establish new settlement of 7 families, 20 individuals, Dor Golan, near Moshav Shaal in Golan. PM Rabin's office does not regard site as settlement, while FM Peres says it may be dismantled. Settlement leaders say 8,000 new settlers will come to Golan in coming year. (Qol Yisra'el 8/25, IDF Radio 8/26 in FBIS 8/26; MM 8/26)