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  • February 17, 2000

    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) says it will resume full participation in the PLO Executive Comm. and Central Council, which it has boycotted since the...

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  • August 16, 1991

    Special meeting of Palestinians from o.t., the U.S., and PLO Exec. Comm. begins deliberations in London to decide what assurances U.S. should give Palestinians as condition for Palestinian...

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  • June 3, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian...

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  • March 18, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF patrol attacked southeast of Beirut, Lebanese National Resistance Front reportedly responsible; 2 grenades thrown at French MNF position in Beirut; Israeli jets break...

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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) says it will resume full participation in the PLO Executive Comm. and Central Council, which it has boycotted since the singing of the 1993 Oslo Accord. (NYT 2/18; AYM 2/21 in WNC 2/28)

At an American Comm. on Jerusalem briefing on Capitol Hill, eminent Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi reveals findings of a 3-yr. investigation, proving that the ownership of the proposed site for a U.S. emb. in Jerusalem, as mandated by Congress's 1995 Jerusalem Emb. Act, is largely private property (some of which can be claimed by U.S. citizens) and Waqf land that have been illegally confiscated by Israel. (ACJ press release 2/17)

PA teachers go on strike to protest their low salaries. Arafat had promised pay raises as part of the civil service law but the salary increases were not worked into the FY 2000 budget approved on 1/26. (MENL 2/18; LAW 2/22; MEI 2/25)

Demonstrations continue in Beirut, where 2,000 Lebanese hold protest outside the U.S. emb.; several are injured when army, police units break them up. (MM 2/17; CSM, MM, NYT, WP, WT 2/18; MM 2/21)

In s. Lebanon, an IDF soldier is killed by Hizballah shelling. In a separate incident, a roadside bomb planted by Hizballah explodes injuring 1 South Lebanon Army (SLA) mbr. Israel does not stage major retaliatory attacks. (RL 2/17 in WNC 2/18; MM 2/21)

Special meeting of Palestinians from o.t., the U.S., and PLO Exec. Comm. begins deliberations in London to decide what assurances U.S. should give Palestinians as condition for Palestinian participation in peace conference. Meeting was directed by Chmn. Arafat. Among those attending were Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi, Zakariya al-Agha (who have been meeting with Secy. of State Baker), Basil 'Aql, Edward W. Said, Ibrahim Abu-Lughod, Walid Khalidi, Musa Mazzawi, Zuhayra Kamal, and three PLO officials. (al-Quds al- Arabi [London], 8/19 in FBIS 8/23; MEM 8/19; al-Hayat [London] 9/4 in FBIS 9/9)

Turkish prime min. Turgut Ozal sends letter to U.S. Pres. Bush indicating that Syria strongly objects to a private U.S. foundation's plans to invite Israel to participate in conference on regional water issues to be held in November in Turkey, will boycott meeting along with other Arab states. U.S. indicates exclusion of Israel may result in U.S. boycott. (WP 8/29)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli daily Hadashot reports U.S. gave Israel unofficial list of 9 Palestinian candidates for Jordanian-Palestinian delegation to tentative ME peace talks three weeks ago. 9 are: Walid Khalidi, Harvard U. political science professor; Edward Said, Columbia U. English professor; Hisham Sharabi, of Georgetown U.; Rashid Khalidi, visiting fellow at Washington's Wilson Center; Bethlehem Mayor Iliyas Furayj; Hikmat al-Masri, former speaker of Jordanian Parliament; Rashad Shawwa, deposed Gaza mayor; Anwar Nusseibeh, former Jordanian minister and head of East Jerusalem Electric Co.; and Ahmad Sidqi al-Dajani, former senior official in PLO executive committee, now living in Cairo. PLO spokesman says [AP 6/5] PNC speaker 'Abd al-Hamid al-Sayih is also under consideration.

Arab World: IDF and SLA (Israeli-backed South Lebanese Army) raid 2 Shi'ite villages, arrest about 40 men and destroy 5 homes in Majd al-Salim as punishment for hiding weapons or shielding fighters [LAT 6/4].

Other Countries: Foreign Min. Shamir, in England, tells P. M. Thatcher and Foreign Min. Geoffrey Howe that Israel opposes Jordanian scheme for peace talks. Thatcher supports Jordanian plan [LT 6/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF bulldozes ten houses in villages near Hebron; expels residents [AF 6/7]. Security forces announce arrest of 9 in connection with killing of Rafah Mayor 'Abd al-Hamid Kishta, 65, in September; of Isma'il al-Khatib, 38, head of the al-Azhar Islamic College in Gaza in November; and with grenade attack on bus near market in Tel Aviv [JP 6/4]. Arrests of 9 Palestinians and Israelis were made "several months ago" in Gaza. Others were arrested for supplying 9 with weapons stolen from IDF. IDF uproots 1,300 olive trees, illegally planted in army firing area near Bethlehem [JP 6/4].

Military Action:

IDF patrol attacked southeast of Beirut, Lebanese National Resistance Front reportedly responsible; 2 grenades thrown at French MNF position in Beirut; Israeli jets break sound barrier over Beirut, fly mock bombing runs in South Lebanon.


1 IDF wounded; IDF reportedly investigating deaths of 7 men whose bodies were found in Israeli detention center in Sidon soon after invasion; IDF arrests sheikh of Jibsheet, Shiite village in South Lebanon, on suspicion of aiding terrorist activity; prisoner in Ansar camp murdered by other prisoners; Committee of Prisoners' Families reports more than 200 Palestinian women arrested or kidnapped by Phalange in Beirut area between October and February.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Science and Development Minister Ne'eman says he will demand extension of Israeli law to West Bank and Gaza and massive Jewish settlement; IDF and Defense Ministry reply to US Marine Commandant's charges, accuse US of failing to honor agreement to delineate military patrol zones in Beirut; Arens tells Weinberger that IDF under strict instructions to avoid incidents with US Marines, proposes agreement on demarcation lines, liaison arrangements between forces.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army Commander Tannous says non-Lebanese parties are masterminding and staging attacks on MNF to drive it out of Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, led by King Hussein, with Walid Khalidi representing Palestinians, meets PM Thatcher in London, who reaffirms commitment to self-determination for the Palestinian people.

US and Other Countries: Former President Carter meets President Gemayel in Beirut, calls for immediate withdrawal of Israeli troops from Lebanon, says he hopes Israeli occupation of West Bank will not be repeated in Lebanon.

UN: UN officials say France has expressed concern over August Question of Palestine conference to be held at Paris UNESCO HQ will not take part in preparations or send delegation.