344 / 15444 Results
  • February 27, 2000

    In an Israeli cabinet mtg., PM Barak admits that 4 past PMs (Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu) had affectively guaranteed to withdraw fr. the Golan...

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  • March 24, 1999

    Led by the U.S., NATO forces begin air strikes on military installations of Yugoslavian pres. Slobodan Milosevic to prevent further Serbian attacks on the Kosovo province's ethnic...

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  • December 26, 1995

    IDF completes withdrawal fr. 60 West Bank villages nr. Hebron, Ramallah, completing its pullout fr. more than 400 West Bank villages as stipulated in Oslo II. (CSM, WT 12/27; NYT, WT 12/28)

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  • January 14, 1995

    In 2d day of mtgs., FM Peres presses Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem to step up investigation of Jewish center bombing 7/94, welcomes his attempts to mediate btwn. Syria, Israel. (WT 1/15, NYT 1/17...

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  • March 15, 1994

    PM Rabin, speaking to AIPAC annual conference in Washington, asserts "Jerusalem will remain united under Israel's sovereignty." Rabin meets Secy. of State Christopher, proposes to speed up...

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  • January 14, 1994

    Firefight in Hebron btwn. escaped Palestinian prisoners and IDF kills 3 escapees, 1 other Palestinian. In Gaza Strip, Hamas mbr. kills 1 Israeli, wounds another before being shot and killed. (Qol...

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  • January 6, 1994

    Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas release statement saying PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will resume in Taba, Egypt, "based on the Declaration...

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  • December 5, 1993

    Secy. of State Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, who agrees to let U.S. investigators search for 7 Israelis missing in Lebanon and to grant exit permits to Syrian Jews by...

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  • August 20, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Darwish resigns, citing PLO financial, political crisis, PLO stance in negotiations. (MENA 8/20 in FBIS 8/20; MM 8/20; WP, WT 8/21)

    Israeli PM Rabin says 8/19...

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  • July 14, 1992

    Israeli Border Police capture suspected armed Palestinian activist near al-Najah University, Nablus. In pursuit of 20 "wanted" armed activists, IDF demands that everyone leaving university submit...

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  • July 13, 1992

    PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy....

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  • July 9, 1992

    Labor party Chmn. Yitzhak Rabin forms governing coalition with Meretz and SHAS (Torah Observing Sephardim) parties, for a total of 62 seats in the Knesset (see 6/23). Right wing Tsomet party under...

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  • June 26, 1992

    PM Yitzhak Shamir, in interview in MaAriv, says he "would have conducted negotiations on autonomy for 10 years and in the meantime we would have reached half a million people" in the West Bank. (...

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  • June 14, 1992

    Former Soviet Pres. Gorbachev arrives in Israel, meets with PM Shamir, attends dinner at Pres. Herzog's residence. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14, 6/15 in FBIS 6/15)

    At Erez Crossing, Gaza, Israeli...

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  • May 13, 1992

    Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for...

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  • May 7, 1992

    PLO Central Council begins meeting in Tunis. Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi secretly address meeting. (Jordan Times 5/10 in FBIS 5/11)

    Emile Habibi receives prestigious Israel Prize for...

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  • February 20, 1992

    Following fist-fights with UNIFIL troops trying to halt their advance, IDF troops, tanks bulldoze through UNIFIL barriers and move out of "security zone" to attack villages in S. Lebanon suspected...

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  • February 7, 1992

    Israeli Amb. to U.S. Shoval, Secy. of State Baker, meet in Washington, discuss Israeli alternative to 1/24 U.S. proposal on loan guarantees. Two sides differ on how many Jewish homes are currently...

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  • January 27, 1992

    Faisal Husseini and 10 other PLO-approved Palestinian delegates arrive in Moscow for 1/28 multilateral talks. Delegation includes Palestinians from E. Jerusalem and the diaspora. Husseini begins...

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  • January 16, 1992

    Israeli delegation leaves Washington after little progress in peace talks. No agreement was reached concerning future talks. (NYT 1/17)

    Tehiya, Moledet parties announce they will shortly...

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  • January 15, 1992

    Palestinian delegation presents PLO-approved autonomy plan to Israeli team in Washington. (NYT 1/17)

    Hundreds of settlers converge on seven sites, attempt to establish settlements. Settlers...

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  • November 21, 1991

    In Washington, PM Shamir discusses upcoming bilateral peace talks with Secy. of State Baker, expresses reservations about holding talks in Washington. Israel continues to push for holding talks in...

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  • November 15, 1991

    PM Shamir arrives in U.S. for private tour, although he plans to meet with Pres. Bush later in the trip. (MEM 11/15)

    Israeli police recommends that attorney general prosecute Hanan Ashrawi...

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  • November 11, 1991

    Knesset passes resolution declaring Israeli control of Golan is not negotiable. The resolution was supported by a broad coalition which included members from Likud, Labor parties. Prime Min....

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  • October 31, 1991

    At Madrid peace conference, PM Shamir delivers first opening address of the day. He is followed by Jordanian FM Kamil Abu Jaber, chief Palestinian delegate Haydar Abd al-Shafi, Lebanese FM Faris...

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  • October 20, 1991

    Israeli cabinet approves PM Shamir's recommendation to attend peace conference by vote of 16 in favor to 3 opposed. Tehiya party announces it will leave the government on 10/30. Tehiya Chmn. Yuval...

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  • October 16, 1991

    Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa confirms Syria will attend peace conference but will not participate in subsequent talks on regional issues unless Israel displays willingness to withdraw from occupied...

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  • October 9, 1991

    Hundreds of Jewish settlers invade Silwan, on outskrits of East Jerusalem, and occupy eight Palestinian homes they claim were bought or leased from the government but occupied by Palestinians....

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  • October 7, 1991

    Addressing Knesset, PM Shamir declares Pres. Bush's stance on loan guarantees constitutes an attack on the "deepest foundations of Jewish and Zionist consciousness." Shamir also insists that...

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  • October 4, 1991

    Four Israeli F-15 fighter planes fly on a reconnaissance mission over western Iraq. Iraqi officials claim the planes entered from Syrian airspace and left over Saudi airspace. U.S. strongly...

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In an Israeli cabinet mtg., PM Barak admits that 4 past PMs (Yitzhak Shamir, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu) had affectively guaranteed to withdraw fr. the Golan Heights to the 6/4/67 border with Syria; says he will not "erase the past." (MM, NYT, WP 2/28; CSM, MM 2/29; XIN 2/29 in WNC 3/1; WJW 3/2; AYM 3/5 in WNC 3/9; JP, MEI 3/10)

In Ramallah, Palestinians march to PA headquarters to protest the arrest of a total of 69 Birzeit students since the 2/26 attack on French PM Jospin. 3,000 Palestinian students in Hebron, Lebanese in Sidon hold anti-Jospin demonstrations. (LAW, NYT, WP, WT 2/28; al-Quds 2/29 in WNC 3/3; MEI 3/10)

Led by the U.S., NATO forces begin air strikes on military installations of Yugoslavian pres. Slobodan Milosevic to prevent further Serbian attacks on the Kosovo province's ethnic Albanian guerillas, civilians. 13 of NATO's 19 mbr. states participate in this 1st NATO attack on a sovereign state. Russia suspends coordination with NATO in protest. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/25, 3/26; al-Quds 3/26, al-Ahram 3/27 in WNC 3/29; MEI 4/9) (see 3/17)

Arafat meets with Canadian PM Jean Chretien in Ottawa. (MM 3/25)

Israeli MK Azmi Bishara announces that he will run for PM even though as an Arab he cannot legally hold the job. (MM, NYT 3/25; YA 3/28 in WNC 3/29; NYT 4/1; JP 4/2; PR 4/6; MEI 5/7)

Fmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir quits the Likud, joins Begin's new right-wing coalition. (NYT, WP 3/25; WP 3/26) (see 3/12)

In Israel, 400,000 unionized government workers go on strike to demand a 14% wage increase. (MM 3/24; MM, NYT 3/25)

IDF completes withdrawal fr. 60 West Bank villages nr. Hebron, Ramallah, completing its pullout fr. more than 400 West Bank villages as stipulated in Oslo II. (CSM, WT 12/27; NYT, WT 12/28)

Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, King Hussein meet in Aqaba. (JTV, MENA, RJ 12/26 in FBIS 12/27)

Fmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir announces he is retiring, will not run for reelection in 10/96. (CSM, WT 12/27)

In 2d day of mtgs., FM Peres presses Argentinean Pres. Carlos Menem to step up investigation of Jewish center bombing 7/94, welcomes his attempts to mediate btwn. Syria, Israel. (WT 1/15, NYT 1/17; MEI 1/20) (see 11/23)

American, Arab officials say plans for regional bank are being scaled back to overcome opposition fr. Saudi Arabia, France. Bank expected to have initial capital of only $1.5 b., not expected to give subsidized loans. (NYT 1/14) (see 1/11)

Lebanese FM Buwayz, Peter Martinez, head of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan desk at U.S. State Dept., meet in Beirut; discuss agenda for upcoming U.S.-Lebanon Security Comm. mtg. to cover bilateral relations only. (VOL 1/14 in FBIS 1/17)

YESHA Council reports that through natural growth, new arrivals West Bank settler population has grown 17% since PM Rabin took office. (QY 1/14 in FBIS 1/17; NYT 1/16, 1/20)

Frmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir gives interview on Gulf War; says Israel was in constant communication with Jordan, flew reconnaissance flights over Iraq, was shocked frmr. U.S. pres. George Bush ended war before Saddam Hussein was overthrown. (IDF Radio 1/14 in FBIS 1/17; WP, WT 1/15)

In reaction to ax attack 1/12, settlers fr. Kiryat Arba riot in Hebron's main market, fire rifles in air, destroy Palestinian merchandise. IDF uses tear gas to disperse Palestinians, injuring 10. (MEI 1/20)

PM Rabin, speaking to AIPAC annual conference in Washington, asserts "Jerusalem will remain united under Israel's sovereignty." Rabin meets Secy. of State Christopher, proposes to speed up transfer of administrative powers to Palestinians in o.t. Christopher reportedly urges Rabin to consider PLO proposals for Palestinian police presence in Hebron. Admin. sources say Christopher did not endorse PLO proposals but that U.S. is not adverse to them. (MM, NYT, WP, WT 3/16)

40,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv for retention of o.t. settlements. Moledet leader Rehavam Zeevi, frmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir, Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu, and Hebron settlement leader Rabbi Moshe Levinger address rally. (MM, WP, WT 3/16)

Police chain shut Jerusalem offices of Kach and Kahane Chai, order them sealed for 6 mos. (MM 3/16)

4 Gaza Fateh officials meet Labor MKs in Jerusalem to discuss restarting Israel-PLO talks. (MM, WT 3/16)

Israeli human-rights group B'Tselem issues report charging that IDF, police, and courts have failed to enforce law on crimes committed by settlers against Palestinians. Report notes that 62 Palestinians were killed by settlers between 1988 and 1993 but only 1 settler convicted of murder and in only 7 cases were settlers' lives threatened. IDF does not dispute report. (MM 3/15; CSM, NYT, WP 3/16)

Border Police shoot dead Palestinian, later identified as PFLP mbr., in Gaza after he fires at patrol. (WP 3/16; MEI 4/15)

Firefight in Hebron btwn. escaped Palestinian prisoners and IDF kills 3 escapees, 1 other Palestinian. In Gaza Strip, Hamas mbr. kills 1 Israeli, wounds another before being shot and killed. (Qol Yisra'el 1/14 in FBIS 1/14; MM 1/14; WP, WT 1/15)

Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre poll shows 45% of Palestinians in o.t. support DoP, 40% oppose. Same poll in 9/93 showed 69% in favor, 28% opposed. (WP 1/15)

Frmr. PM Yitzhak Shamir, in excerpt of memoirs published by Yediot Aharonot, admits ordering 1943 killing of Eliahu Giladi, his predecessor as head of underground "Stem Gang." (NYT, WT 1/15; JP 2/19)

Israeli FM Peres and PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud 'Abbas release statement saying PLO-Israel talks on Israeli withdrawal fr. Gaza and Jericho will resume in Taba, Egypt, "based on the Declaration of Principles and the Cairo understandings." (Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM, WT 1/6; CSM, WP 1/7)

Talks in Tunis btwn. PLO leadership, Palestinian delegation demanding reform conclude. (al-Sharq al-Awsat 1/6 in FBIS 1/10; MM 1/7)

Israeli PM Rabin visits Allenby Bridge to reaffirm that Israel will control border crossings during autonomy period. (NYT, WP, WT 1/7)

Alleged Islamic Jihad mbr. stabs IDF soldier in Jerusalem and is shot dead. (Qol Yisra'el 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; WP 1/7)

Frmr. Israeli PM Yitzhak Shamir, in radio interview, comments on 1/5 bomb incident in New York, saying "Peace Now has caused the State of Israel more harm than would have been caused had the bombs gone off." Shamir faces criticism for remarks, claims he meant to say opposite of what he did. (NYT 1/8; WJW 1/13)

Secy. of State Christopher meets in Damascus with Syrian Pres. al-Asad, who agrees to let U.S. investigators search for 7 Israelis missing in Lebanon and to grant exit permits to Syrian Jews by end 12/93. Christopher calls talks "positive and constructive," al-Asad's moves "important humanitarian gestures." U.S. agrees to allow Kuwait to transfer 3 U.S.-made aircraft to Syria in a relaxation of sanctions on Damascus. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6; NYT 12/7)

Israel-PLO talks in Cairo and al-'Arish, Sinai, on Palestinian autonomy resume. (WT 12/6)

Jordanian, Israeli govts. sign accord on economic cooperation, initialed by negotiators in Washington 12/1. (MM 12/7)

Palestinian grocer Talal al-Bakri, shot 12/4 in Hebron by settlers, dies. 5 settlers arrested in connection with killing. (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Israeli AG Ben-Yair calls settlers' council a "seditious" organization, while Ag. M. Yaacov Tsur calls 12/4 shooting of Talal al-Bakri an incident of "Jewish terror." (MM 12/6)

Armed Palestinian, Khalid Awad Shihada, attacks Israelis on suburban Tel Aviv bus, killing reserve IDF soldier before being killed himself. Islamic Jihad claims responsibility for attack. Israelis demonstrate at attack site, some shouting "Death to Arabs!" (NYT, WP, WT 12/6)

Frmr. Israeli PM Shamir tells Zionist Organization of America mtg. in Baltimore that Israeli govt. has made a pact with "terrorists and murderers" in signing DoP, says agreement reflects "an Arab plan to destroy Israel in stages." (WT 12/7)

PLO Exec. Comm. mbr. Mahmud Darwish resigns, citing PLO financial, political crisis, PLO stance in negotiations. (MENA 8/20 in FBIS 8/20; MM 8/20; WP, WT 8/21)

Israeli PM Rabin says 8/19 Hizballah attacks did not violate cease-fire ending "Operation Accountability." Rabin's stance on Lebanon, talks with Syria severely criticized by former PM Yitzhak Shamir, other Likud leaders. (Qol Yisra'el 8/20 in FBIS 8/20; MM 8/20)

Israeli Border Police capture suspected armed Palestinian activist near al-Najah University, Nablus. In pursuit of 20 "wanted" armed activists, IDF demands that everyone leaving university submit to body search; 200 students barricade themselves inside the university. Army says activists entered the university following campus elections (which favored Fateh over Hamas, 11 to 0). Leaders Faisal Husseini and Sa'ib 'Urayqat travel to Nablus to calm the situation. (Qol Yisra'el 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)

Outgoing PM Shamir meets privately with PM Rabin, formally hands over prime ministership. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)

Qalqiliya (W. Bank) Chamber of Commerce holds elections, PLO-identified National List wins 8 of 9 seats, Islamic List (Hamas) wins 1. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)

Israeli undercover unit shoots dead "wanted" Fateh Black Panther activist near Janin, W. Bank. (MM 7/14)

Arab and Palestinian leaders and delegates reject Rabin's invitation in 7/13 speech for meeting in Jerusalem before positive concrete steps are taken by new govt., express cautious optimism about peace process. (NYT, WP 7/14, 15)

IDF fires incendiary shells into Nabatiyya area, S. Lebanon. Islamic Resistance attacks Israeli patrol, IDF resumes shelling "security zone" border villages of Jaru, 'Ayn Bu Siwar. (Radio Lebanon 7/14 in FBIS 7/15; Voice of the Oppressed 7/15 in FBIS 7/15)

Pres. Mubarak sends cable of congratulations to PM Rabin. (MENA 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)

PM Rabin addresses new Knesset, offering to travel to Arab capitals, inviting Palestinian delegation and Arab country leaders to Jerusalem, and calling for Palestinian acceptance of autonomy. Yitzhak Shamir addresses Knesset, offers praise for old admin., warnings and criticism for the new. Knesset approves new cabinet by a vote of 67 to 53, 17 new cabinet mbrs. sworn in. Pres. Bush congratulates Rabin, invites him to Kennebunkport, Maine, announces Secy. of State. Baker will travel to the region to meet with Rabin, Arab leaders. (ITV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; NYT, WP 7/14)

Faisal Husseini, not considered part of the Palestinian negotiating team by PM Rabin because he is from Jerusalem, and therefore not among Rabin's 7/13 "invitees," offers counter-invitation fr Rabin to call him at home in Jerusalem. Husseini's position is seen as direct challenge to Syria, which sees Rabin as "carbon copy" of Shamir. (MM 7/14)

Fateh and Hamas sign new, more elaborate agreement to end violence in Gaza Strip as a result of NRC mediation (see 7/8, 10). Eightteen committees have been set up to enforce the agreement. (Qol Yisra'el 7/14 in FBIS 7/14)

Israeli undercover unit disguised as Arabs infiltrate, join 20 Hamas marchers in Gaza city. Hamas activist attacks 1 soldier, IDF opens fire; in ensuing confusion, 1 Hamas activist dies (from IDF bullets) as Hamas reportedly believes undercover IDF are Fateh activists. (Qol Yisra'el 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; MM 7/22)

Pres. Asad meets with Lebanese Pres. Ilyas al-Hirawi, joined later by VP 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam and FM Faruk al-Shara' in Damascus. (Syrian Arab TV 7/13 in FBIS 7/14)

SLA commander Antun Lahd categorically rejects Lebanese elections given current circumstances. (MM 7/14)

Israel, SLA shells Hizballah target, UNIFIL village of Yatar killing 1 civilian, in response to Islamic Resistance mortaring of "security zone" village of Bayt Lif. (MM 7/13; Radio Lebanon 7/13 in FBIS 7/14; WP 7/14)

Labor party Chmn. Yitzhak Rabin forms governing coalition with Meretz and SHAS (Torah Observing Sephardim) parties, for a total of 62 seats in the Knesset (see 6/23). Right wing Tsomet party under Rafael Eytan left out over increasing disagreement with Rabin. (NYT 7/10)

Hamas and Fateh release "joint statement" calling for temporary truce after meeting in Amman. (WP 7/10)

Haydar 'Abd al-Shafi condemns violence in the Gaza Strip, calls on two sides to "immediately and unconditionally" halt attacks, intends to continue mediation in statement on behalf of NRC (see 7/8). (Al-Fajr 7/9 in FBIS 7/9)

EC grants ECU 15 million (about $20 million) for industrial and agricultural development to 4 Palestinian loan institutions in o.t. Agreement was signed in Jerusalem by EC rep. Thomas Dupla and Faisal Husseini, and is part of ECU 60 million package allocated to the o.t. (Al-Fajr 7/10 in FBIS 7/17)

Amnesty International releases report critizing Israel's holding of 2,000 Palestinians in "administrative detention" without charge or trial and its "unjustifiable" killing of 90 Palestinians. Report states about 170 Palestinians, most of them suspected collaborators, were killed by other Palestinians. (WP 7/10)

PLO issues statement rejecting Lebanese plan for refugee resettlement and compensation calling on Lebanon to support Palestinian right to return and settle in their own independent homeland. (VOL 7/9 in FBIS 7/15)

Jersualem Post reports PM Shamir has urged Pres. Bush to free Jonathan Pollard, convicted to life sentence in 1986 for spying for Israel. (WP 7/10)

Bahij Abu al-Hana, head of Biqa' Valley branch of Abu Nidal's Fateh Revolutionary Council, is shot dead near his home in Ta'lbaya, Lebanon. (AFP 7/9 in FBIS 7/9)

PM Yitzhak Shamir, in interview in MaAriv, says he "would have conducted negotiations on autonomy for 10 years and in the meantime we would have reached half a million people" in the West Bank. (NYT 6/27)

Former Soviet Pres. Gorbachev arrives in Israel, meets with PM Shamir, attends dinner at Pres. Herzog's residence. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14, 6/15 in FBIS 6/15)

At Erez Crossing, Gaza, Israeli troops fire warning shots and drop gravel from a helicopter to disperse crowd of Pal. workers who rioted after being blocked from entering Israel for work. (WP 6/15)

Israeli long-range artillery inside the "security zone" heavily bombard villages in Iqlim al-Tuffah region, S. Lebanon; Israeli aircraft stage mock raids over Sidon refugee camps. (Radio Lebanon 6/14 in FBIS 6/15)

Russia agrees to allow Jewish immigrants to fly to Israel aboard regular El Al and Aeroflot flights. (Qol Yisra'el 6/14 in FBIS 6/16)

Israeli air force chief Maj. Gen. Herzl Bodinger on ITV calls for "disruption" of Iranian nuclear effort;ells reporters this means "international political action, and aggressive action, if needed." (WP 6/15)

Multilateral talks on refugees open in Ottawa with Palestinians asserting that solution for Palestinian refugees should be made through implementation of UN Gen. Assembly Res. 194, which calls for repatriation of refugees or compensation. Israel boycotts talks. (MM 5/12)

Responding to 5/12 U.S. statement regarding right of Palestinian refugees to return, PM Shamir states "There is only a Jewish 'right of return' to the Land of Israel." State Dept. clarifies 5/12 statement, reaffirming U.S. support for Res. 194 and Sec. Council Res. 237 (adopted 14 June 1967) regarding return of Palestinian refugees but adding that this remains a matter to be negotiated between Palestinians and Israel. (NYT, MM 5/14)

Multilateral talks on water open in Vienna with more than 30 delegations attending. (WP 5/14)

Palestinian negotiators Zakariyal-Agha, 'Abd al-Rahman Hamad are refused entry into Gaza by Israeli authorities at Rafah border crossing point for a second time after they again refused to allow border guards to search documents they were carrying [see 5/12]. (MM 5/15)

Annual assembly of World Health Organization passes resolution criticizing Israel for health conditions in o.t. (MM 5/14)

In Jerusalem, Jordanian-controlled Higher Islamic Council warns against intervention by "foreign or international bodies" in repair work to Islamic holy sites in E. Jerusalem, an apparent reference to Saudi attempts to finance repairs of shrines in coordination with UNESCO [Jordan has traditionally been responsible for shrines' maintenance] [see 4/29, 5/5, 5/11, 5/12]. (MM 5/13; NYT 5/14)

Shaykh Ishaq Idris Sakhouta, head of Cairo-based and Saudi-financed World Islamic League, begins visit to Israel and o.t. After praying at al-Aqsa mosque in E. Jerusalem, Sakhouta praises Israel's handling of Islamic shrines in Jerusalem during meeting with Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek [Sakhouta's visit is being financed by an Israeli tourist company which seeks to increase Muslim tourism to Islamic holy sites in o.t.] (MM 5/14)

IDF kill "wanted" Palestinian in Immatin, near Tulkarm. Separate gun battle between IDF and 3 Palestinians leaves 1 Palestinian wounded. (Qol Yisra'el 5/14 in FBIS 5/14

PLO Central Council begins meeting in Tunis. Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi secretly address meeting. (Jordan Times 5/10 in FBIS 5/11)

Emile Habibi receives prestigious Israel Prize for Literature from Pres. Herzog, PM Shamir [see 3/17]. Tehiya party leader Yuval Ne'em'an disrupts ceremony by rising from the audience and announcing he was returning the Israel Prize awarded to him 23 years ago to protest awarding of prize to Habibi, whom he described as anti-Israeli. [Habibi had been urged by many Palestinian writers in Israel, o.t., and abroad to refuse the award. He stated that he decided to accept it, however, to pay tribute to achievements made by Palestinian population of Israel]. (MM 5/8)

Undercover unit shoots, injures Palestinian youth in Sa'ir near Hebron. Second Palestinian tries to drive youth to a hospital but is chased by the troops, who open fire on his car, killing him. (MM 5/8)

Following fist-fights with UNIFIL troops trying to halt their advance, IDF troops, tanks bulldoze through UNIFIL barriers and move out of "security zone" to attack villages in S. Lebanon suspected of sheltering Islamic Resistance Movement bases which have been shelling N. Israel. Villages of Yatar, Kafra are captured. Several more rockets are fired at N. Israel, "security zone" and are answered with heavy IDF, SLA bombardment. Amal, communist party, armed civilians join the battle against Israeli forces. Two Israelis are killed and three wounded; at least 7 Hizballah fighters are killed and 17 wounded. In addition, 3 civilians and 4 Fijian UNIFIL troops are wounded. UN Secy. Gen. Butrus Ghali demands Israeli withdrawal while State Dept. calls on Israel, Syria, Lebanon to "exercise restraint." (Qol Yisra'el 2/20 in FBIS 2/20, FBIS 2/21; IDF Radio, Voice of Lebanon 2/20 in FBIS 2/21; WP 2/21)

PM Shamir wins renomination as head of Likud party. FM David Levy finishes second, Housing Min. Ariel Sharon third. (WP 2/21)

Arab League council begins emergency meeting on Israeli settlements. (MENA 2/20 in FBIS 2/21)

Israeli Amb. to U.S. Shoval, Secy. of State Baker, meet in Washington, discuss Israeli alternative to 1/24 U.S. proposal on loan guarantees. Two sides differ on how many Jewish homes are currently under construction in o.t. Baker revises downward his 1/24 estimate of 9,000 to less than 6,000, based on U.S. intelligence sources. Shoval maintains 13,000. (NYT 2/8, WP 2/11)

Israeli press publishes interview with PM Shamir in which he states Israel is "not obligated to every word" of 1979 Camp David Accords. (NYT 2/8)

Danish court rules that ship detained in Denmark 2/3 while transporting tanks to Syria should be allowed to continue voyage, but justice ministry appeals decision to Danish high court. (MM 2/7)

Faisal Husseini and 10 other PLO-approved Palestinian delegates arrive in Moscow for 1/28 multilateral talks. Delegation includes Palestinians from E. Jerusalem and the diaspora. Husseini begins negotiations with U.S., Russian officials over which delegates will be allowed to participate. U.S., Russia insist that conditions set before Madrid conference-no Palestinians from Jerusalem or exile can participate-still apply. (NYT 1/28)

Government survives five Knesset noconfidence votes (presented as one vote). Tehiya, Moledet parties, which recently resigned from government, abstain from voting, but their defection ensures early elections as Likud-led coalition no longer possesses a majority. (NYT 1/28)

Delegation of American Jewish leaders tells PM Shamir in Jerusalem that Israel cannot expect U.S. loan guarantees if settlement activity continues. (NYT 1/29)

Israeli delegation leaves Washington after little progress in peace talks. No agreement was reached concerning future talks. (NYT 1/17)

Tehiya, Moledet parties announce they will shortly resign from government, honoring past threats to quit should Israel discuss Palestinian self-rule during peace talks. Cabinets mbrs. Yuval Ne'eman (Tehiya), Rehavaam Ze'evi (Moledet) announce decision after meeting with PM Shamir and reading Israeli proposal made to Palestinians in Washington which discussed self-rule. (NYT 1/17)

Palestinian delegation presents PLO-approved autonomy plan to Israeli team in Washington. (NYT 1/17)

Hundreds of settlers converge on seven sites, attempt to establish settlements. Settlers also block roads and demonstrate outside homes of PM Shamir, DM Arens, threatening to take matters into their own hands if IDF cannot protect them from attacks by Palestinians. IDF forces most of them to leave. Balata refugee camp, nine villages n. of Ramallah curfewed. (Qol Yisra'el 1/15 in FBIS 1/15, 1/16; Voice of Palestine 1/15 in FBIS 1/17; MM 1/15)

Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek states road scheduled to be built on top of archeological site will be completed as planned [see 1/14]. (MM 1/16)

Kuwaiti press reports statements by planning minister that Kuwait will ensure that Kuwaitis comprise 60% of future population, as compared with 30% before Gulf war, even if this slows economic recovery. Kuwait will also lend $15 million to Syria to assist former Syrian residents of Kuwait establish businesses in Syria. (MM 1/15)

In Washington, PM Shamir discusses upcoming bilateral peace talks with Secy. of State Baker, expresses reservations about holding talks in Washington. Israel continues to push for holding talks in the Middle Est. (LAT 11/22)

Labor party adopts new party platform at its convention, dropping opposition to negotiations with PLO [see 11/19]. Platform also calls for one-year freeze on settlement building, recognizes Palestinian "national rights." But document states that Labor opposes creation of an independent Palestinian state, affirms that party does not oppose expansion of existing settlements. (MM 11/12; NYT 11/22)

Shamir, referring to creation of a Palestinian state, tells annual gathering of Council of Jewish Federations in Baltimore that there is "no room for two states in such a small area." Poll of Council members indicates 85% disagree with Shamir's policy of not surrendering any territory at all to Arabs as part of peace negotiations. (MM 11/21)

Debate breaks out in Lebanese parliament over UNIFIL's request that Lebanon withdraw army units deployed 11/18 in Tayr Diba, S. Lebanon. Most ministers argue army should remain to reestablish control over country. UNIFIL spokesman insists UNIFIL does not oppose this policy but merely seeks an orderly transfer of power. (MM 11/22)

PM Shamir arrives in U.S. for private tour, although he plans to meet with Pres. Bush later in the trip. (MEM 11/15)

Israeli police recommends that attorney general prosecute Hanan Ashrawi, for allegedly meeting with PLO officials during peace conference. (NYT 11/16)

Large pro-PLO rallies held throughout o.t. to commemorate third anniversary of Palestinian "declaration of independence." Israeli border guards shoot, kill Musa Ghazi Muhammad Abu 'Id as he spray paints slogans on a wall inside E. Jerusalem's old city. (MEM 11/15)

Knesset passes resolution declaring Israeli control of Golan is not negotiable. The resolution was supported by a broad coalition which included members from Likud, Labor parties. Prime Min. Shamir states current borders and ceasefire lines (including 1967 occupied territories) are "an essential minimum of territory." (MEM 11/12)

Syrian vice pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam meets with Fateh delegation which has been in Damascus during the week. (MEM 11/13)

Nayif Hawatma, leader of one wing of the DFLP, meets with King Hussein, Jordanian prime min. Tahir al-Masri in Amman. (MEM 11/12)

Foreign ministers of the "Damascus Declaration" nations (Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman) begin meeting in Cairo, the fifth time the countries have met. Meeting expressed satisfaction atrecent Madrid peace conference. (MENA 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)

Israeli army kills four persons in the western Negev desert who infiltrated into Israeli territory from Egypt. (IDF Radio 11/11 in FBIS 11/12)

At Madrid peace conference, PM Shamir delivers first opening address of the day. He is followed by Jordanian FM Kamil Abu Jaber, chief Palestinian delegate Haydar Abd al-Shafi, Lebanese FM Faris Bouez, and Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa (NYT 11/1)

After hearing Abd al-Shafi's speech on the radio, hundreds of Palestinians march through Ramallah waving olive branches and shaking hands with Israeli security forces, who did not break up the demonstration. Similar marches took place in E. Jerusalem, throughout occupied territories. (MEM 10/31, 11/1)

In another move toward PLO-Saudi reconciliation, Fateh Central Comm. Mbr. and top aide to Chmn. Arafat Nabil Sha'th, who was appointed as behind-the-scenes PLO coordinator of Palestinian delegates at Madrid, meets with Saudi representative to talks, Prince Sa'ud bin Faysal, along with Palestinian delegates and members of the steering committee. (MEM 11/1)

Kuwaiti FM Shaykh Salim al-Sabah reiterates Kuwaiti hostility toward PLO, however, describing PLO position during the Gulf war as "shameful" while affirming Kuwaiti support for Palestinian cause. (MEM 11/1)

Israeli, South Lebanon Army forces continue shelling Nabatiyya area, other regions of S. Lebanon. (MEM 11/1)

Israeli cabinet approves PM Shamir's recommendation to attend peace conference by vote of 16 in favor to 3 opposed. Tehiya party announces it will leave the government on 10/30. Tehiya Chmn. Yuval Ne'eman decides to support the Likud-led coalition, however, and resigns as party chair [party later reversed its decision]. (MEM 10/21, 10/31)

Chmn. Arafat arrives in Jordan for talks with King Hussein, who along with Arafat co-chairs a joint Palestinian-Jordanian committee overseeing participation of the joint delegation at peace conference. The two agree to give PLO a major but behind-the-scenes role in conference process. (MEM 10/21, 10/23)

U.S., Jordan sign $22 million military assistance pact. In March 1991, U.S. Congress had blocked a request from Bush administration for $55 million in military aid to Jordan to punish Jordan for its stance in the Gulf war. Bush allowed resumption of economic aid to Jordan in July. (NYT 10/31)

Roadside bomb near Kufr Rummana, in the Israeli "security zone" in S. Lebanon, kills three Israeli soldiers, wounds two others. (MEM 10/21)

Syrian FM Faruq al-Sharaa confirms Syria will attend peace conference but will not participate in subsequent talks on regional issues unless Israel displays willingness to withdraw from occupied Arab territories [see 9/26]. Al-Sharaa also states he will not shake hands with Israeli delegates at conference. (MEM, WP 10/17)

Tunisia, Morocco indicate they will take part in peace conference as observers. (MEM 10/17)

Secy. of State Baker travels to Jerusalem, holds discussions with PM Shamir, Palestinian negotiators. Talks with Palestinians centered on Palestinian delegation to peace conference. Two sides continue to disagree over Israeli demand that such a delegation not include Palestinians from East Jerusalem, a demand which Baker has urged Palestinian negotiators to accede to in order that the Palestinians not be left out of the peace process. (WP 10/17)

PLO delegation in Amman reportedly reaches agreement with Jordanian government over composition of joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation under joint leadership of King Hussein and Chmn. Arafat. But Jordanian government states it has discussed the issue not with the PLO but "people from the occupied territories" in effort to stem Israeli objections to PLO role in choosing Palestinian delegates. (MEM 10/16; WP 10/17)

PLO Central Comm. meets in Tunis to discuss Palestinian participation in peace conference. (WP 10/17)

Clandestine al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio reports statement has been issued in o.t. by PFLP-GC, Hamas, Fateh-Revolutionary Council [Abu Nidal], Islamic Jihad, Mujahid Islamic Trend, and Fateh-Uprising [Abu Musa] rejecting "conference of humiliation." (al-Quds Palestinian Arab Radio 10/16, in FBIS 10/17)

Israeli military court sentences Shaykh Aimad Yasin, founder of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), to life imprisonment for ordering the deaths of several alleged Palestinian collaborators. Yasin was arrested in May 1989. (NYT 10/17)

Hundreds of Jewish settlers invade Silwan, on outskrits of East Jerusalem, and occupy eight Palestinian homes they claim were bought or leased from the government but occupied by Palestinians. Occupation of the homes was planned by Housing Minister Ariel Sharon, and several right-wing Knesset members, including Michael Eytan, Yuval Ne'eman, and Ge'ula Cohen, joined the settlers in a move some openly stated was an attempt to bring down the government of PM Shamir and disrupt U.S. efforts to convene a peace conference [see 10/4]. Police evacuate most of the homes, but PM Shamir tells settlers they can control one of them. Shamir calls settlers' action "unnecessary" and takes no action against Sharon. (MEM 10/9; WP 10/10, 10/14)

Sharon announces he will challenge PM Shamir for the Likud party's nomination for prime minister in 1992. (WP 10/11)

Addressing Knesset, PM Shamir declares Pres. Bush's stance on loan guarantees constitutes an attack on the "deepest foundations of Jewish and Zionist consciousness." Shamir also insists that Israel approve Palestinian delegates to peace conference and states Israel will not negotiate with any Palestinian who announces affiliation with PLO while at the conference. (WP, MEM 10/8)

Israeli security forces impose a ban on travel to Jerusalem for residents of the o.t. in an attempt to forestall violence on 8 October, first anniversary of the 1990 disturbances on the Haram al-Sharif which left 18 Palestinians dead. (AFP 10/8, in FBIS 10/9)

The new Israeli voluntary society Sikuy ("Chance") issues report indicating that 46% of Palestinian families in Israel live below the poverty line, compared to 8% of Jewish families. Palestinian academics hold only 10 of some 5,000 academic positions in Israel while only 17 of 1,310 senior positions in government are filled by Palestinians. (Davar 10/8, in FBIS 10/9)

Undercover Israeli agents kill Palestinian youth, 'Imad 'Abdullah 'Atiq, in Burkin village near Jenin. (MEM 10/7)

Turkish Pres. Turgut Ozal announces that proposed conference on Middle East water resources scheduled to meet 3-9 November in Turkey will be postponed [see 8/16]. (WP 10/8)

Four Israeli F-15 fighter planes fly on a reconnaissance mission over western Iraq. Iraqi officials claim the planes entered from Syrian airspace and left over Saudi airspace. U.S. strongly protested the action. One U.S. official claimed the planes traveled over Jordan, not Syria and Saudi Arabia. Israeli officials claim U.S. is not providing enough information on Iraqi missile sites in Iraq, that Israel must gather such information itself. (NYT, WP 10/9; WP 10/10)

Israeli newspaper Qol Ha'ir reports Sharon and the militant religious Ateret Cohanim movement have prepared a plan to establish 26 "settlement points" within Palestinian neighborhoods in the Jerusalem area, including 200 housing units in Silwan on eastern outskirts of East Jerusalem (HaAretz 10/4 in FBIS 10/4)

Settlers from Golan present PM Shamir a five-year plan for increased Israeli settlement on the Golan Heights. The plans call for expenditures of $200 million in roads, infrastructure, and for increasing number of settlers from present figure of 11,500 to 40,000 within four years. Shamir accepts plan by noting there was "no shadow of doubt" about Israel's future control of Golan. (MEM 10/4)

Israeli newspaper HaAretz reports that Israel, Germany have failed to reach an understanding over Israel's request for DM10 billion in credito assist settling Jewish immigrants. Among other reasons, Israel's request was based upon the fact that the former East Germany never paid reparations to Israel as did West Germany [see 8/28]. (HaAretz 10/4 in FBIS 10/8)