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  • December 27, 1997

    In Cairo, Damascus Declaration states (6 GCC states plus Egypt, Syria) open 2-day mtg. on formation of an Arab common market, creation of free trade zone among mbr. states. (MENA, RE 12/28 in WNC...

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  • June 26, 1997

    Donors hold Local Aid Coordination Comm. in Gaza. (UN Special Coordinator's Office [UNSCO] press release 6/26)

    Damascus Declaration states close 2-day mtg. in Latakia, Syria; issue final...

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  • August 9, 1991

    Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv publishers poll shows 86% of Israelis support cabinet's decision to attend peace conference. (MEM 8/9)

    PLO Executive Committee supports Palestinians who have been...

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  • January 9, 1991

    6 1/2-hour Baker-Aziz talks in Geneva produce no results: Baker says he "heard nothing today that suggested to me any Iraqi flexibility," while Aziz says Baker's "language was diplomatic and...

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In Cairo, Damascus Declaration states (6 GCC states plus Egypt, Syria) open 2-day mtg. on formation of an Arab common market, creation of free trade zone among mbr. states. (MENA, RE 12/28 in WNC 1/1)

Group of Israeli cyclists on 2-day tour of Jordan to show support for the 10/94 Jordanian-Israeli peace treaty stop at the Saudi Arabian border, hand border guards letter to King Fahd, calling on Saudi Arabia to make peace with Israel. (JT 12/28 in WNC 1/1)

Donors hold Local Aid Coordination Comm. in Gaza. (UN Special Coordinator's Office [UNSCO] press release 6/26)

Damascus Declaration states close 2-day mtg. in Latakia, Syria; issue final statement calling for Israeli withdrawal fr. all occupied territories, denouncing 6/10 House decision on Jerusalem, suggesting formation of an Arab common market, taking no firm position on the Doha economic summit. (MM 6/26; SATN 6/26 in WNC 6/27; MM 6/30; MEI 7/11)

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah leaves Syria for 3-day visit to Lebanon. (MM 6/26; RL 7/1 in WNC 7/2)

In hope of redirecting, unifying U.S. political, intelligence policy on Iraq, retired CIA agent Warren Marik goes public with the details of the U.S. operation, which he directed, to overthrow Iraqi pres. Saddam Hussein. (WP 6/26; MM 7/2; al-Urdun 8/2 in WNC 8/5)

Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv publishers poll shows 86% of Israelis support cabinet's decision to attend peace conference. (MEM 8/9)

PLO Executive Committee supports Palestinians who have been meeting with Secy. of State Baker in Jerusalem, in wake of 8/4 death threat directed against the Palestinians. (MEM 8/9)

U.S. officials including Dan Kurtzer, Aaron Miller, and Edmond Hall meet with Faisal Husseini, Hanan Ashrawi to discuss text of U.S.-Palestinian "memorandum of understanding" but fail to reach agreement. Americans met with Israeli officials 8/7 to discuss similar memorandum between U.S., Israel. Palestinians reportedly sought inclusion of demands that peace talks be based on U.N. Security Council resolutions 242, 338, that Israel must withdraw completely from occupied territories, that transition period of Palestinian self-government last for one year only, and that disagreement among peace conference participants be referred to binding international arbitration. (MEM 8/12)

Five-member Arab Maghrib Union, 15 other African countries meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe, issue statement urging PLO inclusion in peace conference. (MEM 8/12)

6 1/2-hour Baker-Aziz talks in Geneva produce no results: Baker says he "heard nothing today that suggested to me any Iraqi flexibility," while Aziz says Baker's "language was diplomatic and polite . .. [b]ut the sub- stance was full of threats." Aziz says if attacked, Iraq will "absolutely" attack Israel; Aziz refuses to accept personal letter from Pres. Bush to Saddam Hussein, saying language used was not proper for world leaders. Iraqi embassy in Washington also refuses letter [INA 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; BADS, RMC, JTN 1/9, WAKH, MENA, BADS, DDS 1/10 in FBIS 1/10; MEM 1/9; NYT, LAT, WP, MEM 1/10].

Israel increases its military readiness in light of Geneva meeting [JDS 1/9 in FBIS 1/9]; Israeli politicians are lobbying Washington to destroy Iraqi military machine in war, arguing that if it is not done now, it will have to be done at greater cost in a few years [WP 1/10].

French Pres. Mitterrand says he will pursue peace through independent diplomatic efforts until UN deadline expires [NYT 1/10].

Lebanese P.M. Karami says in policy statement that he promises to disarm and disband all armed militias in country; although not mentioned specifically, his statement is taken to include Palestinian groups operating in Lebanon [NYT 1/10]

Karami's gov't. wins vote of confidence by majority of 37 votes [RFL 1/9 in FBIS 1/10].

Jordan closes its border with Iraq, saying it could not cope with another large flow of refugees into the country [ADS, RMC 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; MEM 1/9; NYT, WP 1/10].

International Popular Islamic Conference begins in Baghdad (cf. 1/11) [BADS 1/9 in FBIS 1/9].

Maghreban Consultative Council, parliamentary body of Arab Maghreb Union, concludes 3-day session, adopting resolution expressing solidarity with Iraq and condemning U.S. forces in region [MEM 1/9; MAP, JANA 1/10 in FBIS 1/11].