4 / 15440 Results
  • September 27, 1997

    Palestinians protesting Israeli settlements outside Kfar Darom in Gaza pelt IDF soldiers with stones, injuring 1. Soldiers open fire on demonstrators with rubber bullets, injuring 2. (WT 9/28)...

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  • June 16, 1992

    Police disperse settlers who were blocking main road near Kfar Darom, Gaza Strip, in protest of the IDF's failure to erect fences around settlements. (Qol Yisra'el 6/16 in FBIS 6/16)


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  • May 27, 1992

    Steering committee of multilateral peace talks begins meeting in Lisbon to discuss results of 5 sets of talks held during May. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/28)

    France announces it will...

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  • June 12, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: State attorney denies June 1980 car bomb victims Karim Khalaf & Ibrahim Tawil access to files compiled from evidence. Bulldozers...

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Palestinians protesting Israeli settlements outside Kfar Darom in Gaza pelt IDF soldiers with stones, injuring 1. Soldiers open fire on demonstrators with rubber bullets, injuring 2. (WT 9/28)

Jordan suspends 6 more weekly newspapers (Faris, al-Hadaf, al-Najm al-`Arabi, Tariq al-Mustaqbal, al-Umma, al-Urdun). (JT 9/27 in WNC 9/30; MM 10/21) (see 9/25)

Police disperse settlers who were blocking main road near Kfar Darom, Gaza Strip, in protest of the IDF's failure to erect fences around settlements. (Qol Yisra'el 6/16 in FBIS 6/16)

Two Gaza Strip residents and advisors to the Palestinian delegation, Walid Zakut and Fares Hussuna, are summoned by Shin Bet for interrogation. Zakut is placed under 6 months admin. detention; Hussuna's status is unknown. (Qol Yisra'el 6/16 in FBIS 6/18; MM 6/16)

Suspected collaborator killed near Nablus; Palestinian teenager shot dead by 1DF near Nablus. (Qol Yisra'el 6/16 in FBIS 6/16; MM 6/16)

New Chinese amb. Lin Zhen denies reports of Chinese sales of nuclear weapons to Middle East countries. (Qol Yisra'el 6/16 in FBIS 6/16)

Steering committee of multilateral peace talks begins meeting in Lisbon to discuss results of 5 sets of talks held during May. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/28)

France announces it will provide $500 million in loan guarantees to Israel to assist in infrastructural development. (MM 5/28)

Police arrest 150 Jewish rioters in Bat Yam as anti-Arab riots continue. Rioters burn tires in the streets, attack police; 7 persons are injured. Faisal Husseini denounces 5/24 killing of Jewish girl which sparked the riots. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27, 5/28 in FBIS 5/28)

Gazan from Dayr al-Balah stabs and kills settler in Kfar Darom, Gaza. Settlers later rampage in Dayr al-Balah, damaging Palestinian crops and attacking residents. IDF evacuates schoolchildren after settlers besiege an elementary school. More than 100 settlers are arrested. IDF imposes curfew on Dayr al-Balah and extends travel ban imposed 5/24 for another 3days. (WP 5/28)

Bomb attack on IDF convoy near Arnun, S. Lebanon (near Beaufort Castle), kills 1 Israeli soldier. 3 guerrillas killed in subsequent gunbattle. Lebanese National Resistance Front claims associated fighters from PFLP, Syrian Social Nationalist Party-Higher Council (Da'ud Baz faction) carried out attack. IDF continue shelling S. Lebanese villages. (ITV 5/27, Radio Lebanon, AFP 5/27 in FBIS 5/28; WP 5/28)

Fateh, Hamas supporters clash in Qalqiliya, W. Bank. (Qol Yisra'el 5/28 in FBIS 5/28) Israel, Sierra Leone reestablish diplomatic relations. (Qol Yisra'el 5/27 in FBIS 5/27)


Occupied Palestine/Israel: State attorney denies June 1980 car bomb victims Karim Khalaf & Ibrahim Tawil access to files compiled from evidence. Bulldozers open several roads on al-Jib villagers' land; owners file case in protest. Arriving in Jerusalem, UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar received by PM Shamir and FM Kimche who charge UN encourages "terrorists and murderers" seeking Israel's destruction. Kfar Darom yeshiva members tour Gaza, looking for site of future settlement in heart of Gaza city.

Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes in favor of Karami government.

Other Countries: In Geneva, Arab & Muslim countries walk out when Costa Rica Pres. Monge addresses ILO conf. to protest his moving embassy to Jerusalem; US delegation leads standing ovation by Western bloc.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF conducts search of Burj al-Rahal, S. Lebanon; residents hurl stones at IDF, troops shoot at villagers, killing 2. Head of Israel-backed "national guard" in Idwri village, S. Lebanon injured by car-bomb explosion.