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  • March 28, 1997

    U.S. special envoy Ross meets again with Netanyahu, separately with PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat. Arafat cancels a joint unity rally of Fatah, Islamist groups. (PR 3/28; RE 3/28 in WNC 3/31;...

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  • March 15, 1997

    At Arafat's initiation, envoys fr. Egypt, EU, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Russia, U.S. meet in Gaza, criticize Netanyahu's plan for construction in East Jerusalem. U.S. blocks move to issue final...

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  • May 28, 1995

    In Rabat, FM Peres meets with Arafat for 2d day, agrees to ease restrictions on movement of goods, people through checkpoints. (RTM Television, VOP 5/28 in FBIS 5/30; WP 5/29)

    10,000s of...

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  • January 17, 1995

    Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)


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U.S. special envoy Ross meets again with Netanyahu, separately with PA Local Government M Saeb Erakat. Arafat cancels a joint unity rally of Fatah, Islamist groups. (PR 3/28; RE 3/28 in WNC 3/31; NYT, WP, WT 3/29; JT 3/29, ITV 3/31 in WNC 4/1; WT 3/30)

Arafat cancels a joint unity rally of Fatah, Islamist groups. (PR 3/28; RE 3/28 in WNC 3/31)

At the end of a 2-day mtg. in Rabat, Morocco, the Jerusalem Comm. of the OIC, chaired by King Hassan, issues an unexpectedly moderate denunciation of Israeli settlement policy. (RE, RL, VOA 3/27 in WNC 3/28; SANA 3/28 in WNC 3/31; NYT 3/29; al-Aswaq [Amman], RTM Television [Rabat] 3/29 in WNC 4/1; SA 3/29 in WNC 4/3; al-Safir 4/2 in WNC 4/4; MA 4/4 in WNC 4/7; MA 3/28 in WNC 4/9) (see 3/27)

At Arafat's initiation, envoys fr. Egypt, EU, Japan, Jordan, Norway, Russia, U.S. meet in Gaza, criticize Netanyahu's plan for construction in East Jerusalem. U.S. blocks move to issue final declaration at end of mtg. (WT 3/15; NYT, WP, WT 3/16; PR 3/21; JP 3/22)

In Rabat, King Hassan, Egyptian pres. Mubarak hold talks on the peace process; ways to coordinate protection of Muslim, Arab rights in Jerusalem. (RTM Television [Rabat] 3/15 in WNC 3/19; MM 3/18)

In Rabat, FM Peres meets with Arafat for 2d day, agrees to ease restrictions on movement of goods, people through checkpoints. (RTM Television, VOP 5/28 in FBIS 5/30; WP 5/29)

10,000s of Israelis march through Old City of Jerusalem to celebrate the 28th anniversary of its capture fr. Jordan. (WP, WT 5/29)

In s. Lebanon, 4 Hizballah mbrs are killed during IDF offensive n. of self-declared security zone. (MEI 6/9)

Jordanian-Israeli joint comm. on education, science, culture meets in Israel. Comm. mbrs. tour vocational, technical schools, discuss possible joint programs. (IGPO 1/18 in FBIS 1/19)

Israeli Housing Min. report leaked to Israeli press shows government authorized construction of 1,833 homes in West Bank in 1994, 3,230 for 1995, with emphasis on expanding areas around Jerusalem. (WT 1/18)

Jerusalem Comm. of the ICO ends 2-day mtg. in Morocco; issues statement criticizing Israel for law passed 12/26, calling on Israel to withdraw fr. occupied territories, incl. Jerusalem, demanding peace agmts. be based on UN Res. 242, 338, 425. Parties report high degree of coordination btwn. Jordanian FM al-Kabariti, Arafat. (RTM 1/17 in FBIS 1/18; MM 1/18)

Palestinians protest construction around 3 West Bank settlements. At Psagot, IDF troops fire rubber bullets, stun grenades at protestors led by PA Ms, injuring 3; detain, rough up PA M `Azmi al-Shu`aybi, Arafat advisors Ahmad Tibi, Marwan Barghouti. (CSM 1/17; QT 1/17 in FBIS 1/17; WT 1/18)

PFLP announces it will be closing some offices in Damascus, ceasing publication of paper, moving as many mbrs. as possible to home bases in West Bank, Gaza because of financial crisis. DFLP is taking similar steps. (Al-Bayan, Shihan 1/17 in FBIS 1/20)

Egyptian clerics, Muslim Brotherhood officials criticize Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Shaykh Bin Baz's fatwa permitting peace with Israel. (al-Sha`b 1/17 in FBIS 1/25; MM 2/14) (see 12/21)