Iranian FM Velayati discusses bilateral cooperation with Turkey's Pres. Suleyman Demirel, denounces Turkey's plans to create "security zone" in n. Iraq. (IRNA 9/15 in WNC 9/17; VIRI 9/16 in WNC 9/...
September 15, 1996
September 9, 1996
In Jericho, PISMC meets for the 1st time since Netanyahu's election. (MM 9/9; QY 9/9 in IL 9/9; IDF Radio 9/9 in WNC 9/12; CSM 9/10; WJW 9/12)
In Washington, Israeli PM Netanyahu meets with...
September 6, 1996
Turkey gives 3 guarantees to U.S. concerning "security zone" it plans for n. Iraq (see 9/5): it will be temporary, bases will not be established, Turkey will not broaden the zone it establishes. U...
July 9, 1996
At the White House, Israel PM Netanyahu holds 1st mtg. with Pres. Clinton; also meets with Secy. of State Christopher, Secy. of Defense William Perry, leaders of AIPAC, World Bank Pres. James...
September 27, 1995
Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)
In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison...
March 30, 1995
PA Planning M. Shaath holds informal mtg. with donor states' representatives in Gaza, discusses $244-m. budget for FY 1996, says World Bank is ready to disburse to the PA $600 m. of outstanding...
January 8, 1995
Russia agrees to $800 m. deal to complete work on Iranian nuclear power plant, raising criticism fr. Israel, U.S. (WP 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10)
U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in...
January 6, 1995
PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League...
August 17, 1994
Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European...
Iranian FM Velayati discusses bilateral cooperation with Turkey's Pres. Suleyman Demirel, denounces Turkey's plans to create "security zone" in n. Iraq. (IRNA 9/15 in WNC 9/17; VIRI 9/16 in WNC 9/18)
Kuwait says that, despite U.S. announcements 9/13, it has not given permission for the U.S. to deploy troops in its territory. U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in the emirate to secure the government's permission. (NYT, WP, WT 9/16; MM 9/17)
Last round of Lebanese elections is held in the Biqa` district. Syrian-backed candidates win 21 of the 23 seats. In the last 2 rounds of elections, Hizballah has won 7 seats, a decline of 1 from the last elections but an improvement over the 1st 3 rounds of voting. (CSM 9/16; RL 9/15, 9/17 in WNC 9/18; MM 9/17; CSM 9/18)
In Jericho, PISMC meets for the 1st time since Netanyahu's election. (MM 9/9; QY 9/9 in IL 9/9; IDF Radio 9/9 in WNC 9/12; CSM 9/10; WJW 9/12)
In Washington, Israeli PM Netanyahu meets with Pres. Clinton, Secy. of State Christopher, Defense Secy. William Perry; rejects U.S. calls for redeployment in Hebron. U.S. urges Israeli to ease up on the Palestinians, issue more workers' visas. (MM 9/9; HA, MA 9/9 in IL 9/9; MM, NYT, WP, WT 9/10; WJW 9/12; MEI 9/20) (see 9/8)
KDP forces allied with Saddam Hussein take control of Sulaymaniyya in n. Iraq, capture key hydroelectric dam, force 1,000s of Kurds to flee toward the Iranian border. U.S. makes clear it has no intention of aiding the 200 INC mbrs. stranded in the Kurdish enclave; says it gave them ample warning of the attack on Irbil, time to evacuate. (MM 9/9; CSM, MM, WP, WT 9/10; MEI 9/20) (see 9/8)
Turkey gives 3 guarantees to U.S. concerning "security zone" it plans for n. Iraq (see 9/5): it will be temporary, bases will not be established, Turkey will not broaden the zone it establishes. U.S. Secy. of Defense William Perry says that the U.S. will support Turkey on the basis of these assurances. FM Ciller says zone is a priority, not simply to keep out PKK but also to prevent subversion fr. Iran, Iraq, Syria. (MM 9/6; Hurriyet [Istanbul], Milliyet [Istanbul], TDN 9/7, Turkiye [Istanbul] 9/8 in WNC 9/12; MEI 9/20)
At the White House, Israel PM Netanyahu holds 1st mtg. with Pres. Clinton; also meets with Secy. of State Christopher, Secy. of Defense William Perry, leaders of AIPAC, World Bank Pres. James Wolfensohn. (ITV, QY, al-Ra'i, SARR 7/9, QY, SARR 7/10 in FBIS 7/10; MM, NYT, WP, WT 7/10; MENA 7/10 in FBIS 7/11; WJW 7/11; MEI 7/19; JP 7/20)
In s. Lebanon, SLA mistakes group of Lebanese civilians for Hizballah patrol; opens fire, wounding 1. (WT 7/10; HA 7/10 in FBIS 7/11)
Israeli cabinet approves Oslo II agmt., with Religious Affairs M Shimon Shetreet, Energy M Gonen Segev abstaining. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 8/28; MM, WP 9/28)
In Washington, 2-day Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) donor mtg. to reassess the aid process in light of Oslo II begins. (JP 10/7)
At the Pentagon, King Hussein meets with top Jordanian, U.S. defense officials (include. U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry). In Amman, Cmdr. of the U.S. Central Command Lt. Gen. Binford Peay III meets with heads of Jordan's Joint Chiefs of Staff. (WT 9/28; RJ 9/27, 9/28 in FBIS 9/28)
Arafat appeals to Qaddafi to stop the expulsions, allow the deportees to return. 177 Palestinians expelled by Libya, stranded at border btwn. Libya, Egypt for weeks are allowed to enter Gaza. 7 more families remain stranded at the Rafah checkpoint. (MM 9/27; VOP 9/27 in FBIS 9/28; CSM, NYT, WT 9/28) (see 9/26)
Palestinian Information Bureau stages march through Hebron, prayer vigil at Cave of the Patriarchs/al-Ibrahimi Mosque in protest over the Oslo II provisions for Hebron. PA officials, West Bank notables, Israeli Arab leaders, school children participate. (QY 9/27 in FBIS 9/29)
PA Planning M. Shaath holds informal mtg. with donor states' representatives in Gaza, discusses $244-m. budget for FY 1996, says World Bank is ready to disburse to the PA $600 m. of outstanding loans the EU has pledged. (VOP 3/30 in FBIS 3/30)
In Washington, Jordan's King Hussein meets with U.S. Defense Secy. Adm. William Perry, discusses Jordan's strategic needs, role in preserving peace, security in the Middle East. (RJ 3/31 in FBIS 3/31)
Russian FM Kozyrev, Syrian Pres. al-Asad meet in Damascus, discuss Russian participation in peace process, NPT, sign 5-yr. cultural, scientific cooperation agmt. Rumors suggest al-Asad gives Kozyrev letter to take to PM Rabin 3/31. (SARR 3/30 in FBIS 3/31; MM 3/31)
Saudi Arabia says it will allow Israeli Arabs to enter kingdom for hajj only if they bear Palestinian passports, changes hajj quotas so Israeli Arabs fall under Palestinian, not Jordanian, quota. Israel refuses to permit passports' use. (YA 3/30 in FBIS 3/30; QY 3/30, AFP 3/31 in FBIS 3/31; QY 4/2 in FBIS 4/3) (see 3/29)
Arafat received delegation of Jewish U.S. Congress mbrs., discusses obstacles to implementation of DOP. (VOP 3/30)
IDF forbids PA Justice M Abu-Midyan fr. leaving Gaza for Jericho. PA protests. (VOP 3/30 in FBIS 3/31)
1 IDF soldier killed in s. Lebanon during clash with Hizballah. Israeli vessel patrols north, south of Tyre; gunboats fire warning shots at ports in continuation of blockade. (WT 4/1)
Russia agrees to $800 m. deal to complete work on Iranian nuclear power plant, raising criticism fr. Israel, U.S. (WP 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10)
U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Israel for 2-day visit; meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres; discusses China issue (see 1/6). Says Middle East should curb spread of atomic, nuclear weapons; Israel should join NPT; Iran could become nuclear power in 15 yrs. (WP 1/8; MENA 1/8 in FBIS 1/9; ITV 1/9 in FBIS 1/10; MM 1/9, 1/10; JP 1/14; MEI 1/20)
Jordan's newly-appointed PM Shakir announces new government designed "to strengthen the foundations of peace." 3 of 31 mbrs. are Palestinian-Jordanians; none are leftists or mbrs. of Islamic Action Front, the 2 groups opposed to treaty with Israel. (JTV 1/8, JT 1/9 in FBIS 1/9; Jordan Information Bureau, MM 1/9; WJW 1/19; MEI 1/20)
PA Culture M `Abid Rabbu holds mtg. with Arab Journalists Association (AJA) pres. Na`im Toubassi, tells him PA will begin issuing press cards to qualified journalists. Gaza Journalists' League treasurer Zakariyya Talmas complains only 3 journalist qualify for cards under PA rules "and they are dead." (Jerusalem Times 1/6 in FBIS 1/9)
Mtg. of all Arab FMs in Tunis ends. Parties recommend countries donate funds on bilateral basis, turn down PA request to recognize validity of Palestinian passports, fail to reach agmt. on aid for Palestinian police. PA delegation angered. (MM 1/6)
Jerusalem district director for Israeli Housing Min., Rina Zamir, says construction of 10,000 housing units in and around East Jerusalem will begin this yr. (MM 1/6; JP 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/16)
Arafat loyalists, opponents clash in `Ayn Hilwa r.c. in southern Lebanon after Arafat announces 400 Palestinians will be transferred to Gaza shortly. No casualties reported. PLO says Israel approved the transfer of 2,000 post-1948 refugees fr. Lebanon, Libya, Jordan, Sudan, Tunisia; Lebanon's quota is 470. (RL, VOL 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; MM 1/6; VOL 1/6, Voice of the South 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; Al-Hayat 1/7 in FBIS 1/11) (see 12/19)
Syrian FM Faruq al-Shara` visits Tehran to give Pres. Hashemi Rafsanjani message fr. Pres. al-Asad about improving relations. (MM 1/11) (see 12/30)
Israel denies giving any U.S. technological information to China. (WT 1/7) (see 1/4)
U.S. Defense Secy. William Perry arrives in Egypt for 2-day visit, talks with Pres. Mubarak about Egypt's threat to withdraw fr. NPT, promises to defend aid to Egypt in Congress. (MENA 1/6 in FBIS 1/9; WT 1/9; MEI 1/20)
1 settler shot dead, 1 wounded in West Bank nr. Ramallah. PFLP claims responsibility in revenge for killings on 1/4. (MM 1/6; QY 1/6 in FBIS 1/6; AFP 1/7 in FBIS 1/9; WJW 1/12; JP 1/14)
Israeli FM Shimon Peres says Israeli-Palestinian Liaison Comm. agreed to international temporary force for deployment in West Bank. Troops to be fr. Australia, Turkey, Norway, Finland, 2 European countries. Palestinians to man Gaza, Jericho crossing pts. Israel to issue 35,000 new work permits to Gaza Palestinians. (MENA 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; JP 8/27)
Israel freezes plans for IDF withdrawal fr. o.t., ties extension of self-rule to a halt in Hamas attacks on Israelis. PM Yitzhak Rabin calls current steps by PNA to curb Hamas a publicity stunt. 5 of 40 Hamas mbrs. arrested by Palestinian police 8/15 still held. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; NYT 8/18)
Jordan's Tourism M Muhammad Al-Idwan arrives in Israel for joint talks, 1st high-level Jordanian official to publicly visit Israel. (Near East Report 8/22)
IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Ehud Barak meets Defense Secy. William Perry, JCS Chmn. Gen. John Shalikashvili, National Security Advisor Anthony Lake in Washington; stresses Israel should hold onto all of Golan for security purposes. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; WT 8/19)
PNA M of Trade and Econ. Ahmad Qurai` protests to Jordan that its trade agmt. with Israel (see 8/16) violates existing agmts. btwn. Israel, PLO. (ITV 8/17 in FBIS 8/18)
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, DFLP, PFLP issue leaflet saying Arafat's recent crackdown on Hamas is pushing Palestinians to "the edge of civil war." (AFP 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; MM 8/22)
IDF kills Palestinian trying to enter Israel fr. Gaza nr. Rafah. (QY 8/17 in FBIS 8/18; UNRWA News 8/24))