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  • September 11, 1995

    New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat...

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  • January 4, 1995

    IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/...

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  • July 16, 1991

    At economic summit in Britain, Group of Seven leaders (U.S., Canada, France, Italy, Britain, Japan, and Germany) endorse U.S.-led peace efforts, call for end to both Arab boycott of Israel and...

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New EU rotating head, Spanish PM Felipe Gonzalez arrives in Jerusalem on 1st leg of regional tour to show EU political, economic support of the peace process; meets with PM Rabin then with Arafat. (MM 9/12; JP 9/12 in FBIS 9/13; JP 9/23)

Lebanese M Michel al-Murr travels to Damascus to ask Pres. Asad to forbid entry to Palestinians deported fr. Libya unless they have visas to continue on to Lebanon. PM Hariri stresses that Lebanon is fully coordinating its position on the deportees with Syria. (MM 9/12)

U.S. protests Arab League, Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) plan to hold conference in Jerusalem 10/17-19. 70 states, excl. Israel have been invited. Arab League, OIC say U.S. approved plans 4 mos ago, but Israel's recent complaints let to formal U.S. disapproval. U.S. denies this. (WT 9/12)

PFLP mbrs Shahar and Yusuf Ra'i, wanted by Israel for killing 2 Israelis 7/18, are sentenced by the PA military court in Jericho to 7 yrs each. Israeli Justice M Liba'i calls trials a violation of the Oslo agmt. meant to avoid extraditing the pair. FM Peres says PA is not violating the DOP. (MM 9/12; IDF Radio, QY 9/12, QY 9/13 in FBIS 9/13; NYT 9/13) (see 8/27)

Likud party defector David Levy releases his new party's political platform, calling for secure peace; terming itself a "national-social centrist party" filling a vacuum btwn. the radical right (Likud), radical left (Labor); vowing not to withdraw fr. West Bank or give up Jerusalem, any settlements. (MA, QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)

The Israeli Interior Min. rejects Jonathan Pollard's request for citizenship. Pollard is currently jailed in the U.S. for spying on behalf of Israel. (QY 9/11 in FBIS 9/12; MM 9/29)

3 Hizballah mbrs. are killed in clash with IDF in s. Lebanon. (RL 9/11 in FBIS 9/12)

IDF soldiers, Palestinian police exchange gunfire across Gaza border at Erez checkpoint; 2 Palestinian police officers, 2 Palestinian civilians wounded. (MM 1/4; QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WP 1/6)

FM Peres tells Knesset Israel is demanding a 4-yr. interim period btwn. implementation of 1st and 2d stages of withdrawal fr. Golan in talks with Syria . (MM 1/5; JP 1/5 in FBIS 1/6; JP 1/14)

Egypt, Jordan, Israel hold 1st tripartite mtg. on regional security in Elat to discuss prevention of cross-border infiltrations. (Ma'ariv 1/11 in FBIS 1/12)

Israeli Housing Min. Dir. Gen. Arye Mizrahi approves expansion of Ma'ale Adumin settlement toward Jerusalem, increase in number of houses fr. 5,000 to 18,000, movement of IDF roadblock marking Green Line so settlement would fall inside Green Line; says decision does not violate any agmts. because government already considers the settlement part of central Israel. (Yedi'ot Aharanot 1/5 in FBIS 1/5)

Lebanese FM Buwayz says idea for sending Palestinian refugees fr. Lebanon to Gaza, Jericho to serve as policemen has been debated for past 3 mos.; says Interior M Michel al-Murr drafted motion after 11/25 events, inviting PA to recruit policemen fr. camps, agreeing to send recruits with any light armor they possess as way of getting armed Palestinians out of country. (AFP 1/4, RL 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; MM 1/6) (see 12/19)

U.S. State Dept. confirms it is conducting investigation into reports Israel illegally sold China military technology. (WP, WT 1/5; HA 1/5 in FBIS 1/5; CSM 1/6; MEI 1/20) (see 1/3)

Israeli undercover agents kill 4 Palestinian supporters of PFLP in West Bank, nr. Ramallah; 1 agent wounded. Israel says men were wanted in attacks on collaborators. (QY 1/4 in FBIS 1/5; MM, NYT, WP, WT 1/5; WJW 1/12)

At economic summit in Britain, Group of Seven leaders (U.S., Canada, France, Italy, Britain, Japan, and Germany) endorse U.S.-led peace efforts, call for end to both Arab boycott of Israel and Israeli settlement-building. Prime Min. Shamir reacts to linkage of two issues with "disgust." (LAT 7/17; WP 7/20)

Fateh central committee mbr. Khalid al-Hasan criticizes PLO leadership for supporting Iraq in recent Gulf war, urges formation of provisional government comprised of Palestinian independents. He urged restoration of Palestinian-Arab relations. (MEM 7/17)

Hizballah fighters ambush Israeli troops in Kufr Huna, north of Israel's "security zone" in S. Lebanon. Three Israelis killed, including two officers; four others were wounded. One Hizballah fighter died. Clash was most lethal for Israeli troopsince Nov. 1990. Israel has recently begun dispatching patrols north of the "security zone" to engage anti-Israeli forces before their arrival in zone. (WP, MEM 7/18)

Lebanese Def. Min. Michel al-Murr accuses PLO of hiding medium and heavy weapons in refugee camps near Tyre, vows continued blockade of camps until weapons are surrendered. PLO denies it holds such weapons. Issue centers on definition of "medium" weapon: Lebanese army considers rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) as medium weapons; PLO does not. Lebanese army now has some 10,000 troops deployed in S. Lebanon. (MEM 7/16, 7/18)

PLO committee meeting in Tunis agrees to convene Palestine National Council (PNC) within three months, urges PLO executive committee to seek rapprochement with Hamas, Palestinian National Salvation Front groups, which boycotted the meeting after PLO invited only those PNSF groups which had membership in the Palestine National Council before 1983 to participate. PNSF, Islamic Jihad, Fateh-Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal) later call on committee to "reconsider" call for convening PNC in order to preserve "unity of Palestinian ranks." Committee also urged greaterepresentation from occupied territories within PNC. PNC currently has 637 seats, including 186 allocated to representatives from the occupied territories. PNC meeting would be first since August 1988, when it declared existence of independent Palestinian state, accepted U.N. Security Council resolution 242. (MEM 7/18, 7/26)

Egyptian-Syrian commission agrees to formulate joint foreign policies between the countries. (LAT 7/18)

Meeting of 6 March Damascus Declaration signatoriesnds. The eight states indicate "total agreement" about amendments to declaration but refuse to state what they are. Observers see move as signalling the effective end of the Syrian-Egyptian-led Gulf security plan. (MEM 7/17)