9 / 15324 Results
  • April 30, 1995

    At World Jewish Congress mtg. in New York, Pres. Clinton announces trade ban on Iran, saying it threatens peace in the Middle East. Israeli FM Peres warns Islamic fundamentalism "like Communism...

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  • July 8, 1993

    U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9...

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  • September 2, 1989


    Other Countries: According to press reports, Sweden has begun mediation efforts designed to overcome the impasse in the U.S.-PLO dialogue [FBIS 9/5]. The spiritual...

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  • October 6, 1988


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamas, the Muslim fundamentalist leadership in the occupied territories, and the PLO-backed Unified National Command of the Uprising...

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  • July 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinian nationalists in Gaza Strip end fighting after general meeting of representatives at the Lawyer's...

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  • January 2, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court orders journalist Hamdi Farraj, 11 other Dheisheh refugee camp residents held since 2/1/85 without trial released...

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  • October 11, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].

    Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S....

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  • August 29, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army orders 3 Palestinians deported for "subversive political activity," jails 15 others without charge under administrative...

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  • March 5, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Min. official David Kimche summons diplomats from UNIFIL, UN Sec. Council nations for explanation of recent anti-resistance...

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At World Jewish Congress mtg. in New York, Pres. Clinton announces trade ban on Iran, saying it threatens peace in the Middle East. Israeli FM Peres warns Islamic fundamentalism "like Communism adopted the Machiavellian slogan that ends justify means, which is a license to lie, to subvert, to kill." After mtg., Clinton, Peres discuss U.S. intervention in Syrian track; Clinton says U.S. will offer proposals only if asked by both sides. (NYT, WP, WT 5/1; QY 5/1 in FBIS 5/1; MM 5/2; WT 5/4; HA 5/5 in FBIS 5/5; MM 5/5; MEI 5/12)

Israeli government approves construction of 7,500 new units for Jewish settlers on 450 acres of in East Jerusalem. (ITV 4/30 in FBIS 5/1; MM 5/1; CSM 5/3; ITV 5/3 in FBIS 5/4; WJW 5/4)

U.S. delegation led by Dennis Ross meets with PM Rabin, FM Peres at start of tour of Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Ross says trip is to "narrow the gaps" in Israeli, Arab positions. (NYT 7/9)

Arafat and King Hussein at meeting in Amman establish Palestinian-Jordanian joint committee made up of Jordanian ministers, PLO Exec. Comm. mbrs., peace delegates. (al-Dustur 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)

Fateh Cent. Comm. mbr. Khalid al-Hasan proposes Swiss-style cantonal solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict. (AFP 7/8 in FBIS 7/9)

IDF kills wanted Palestinian in Rafah, Gaza Strip. (Qol Yisra'el 7/8 in FBIS 7/8; NYT 7/9)

PFLP-GC fighters ambush IDF patrol in southern Lebanon, killing 2 and wounding 3. (WP 7/12)

7 Islamic fundamentalists, followers of Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman, hanged in Cairo. (NYT 7/9)


Other Countries: According to press reports, Sweden has begun mediation efforts designed to overcome the impasse in the U.S.-PLO dialogue [FBIS 9/5]. The spiritual leader of Lebanon's Shiite Muslim fundamentalists, Shaykh Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, says President Bush will have to make the good will gesture toward Iran before Iran will work to free American hostages held in Lebanon [WP 9/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldier is killed, 2 are wounded, in clash with gunmen near the Jordanian border [LAT 9/4; FBIS 9/5; MET 9/11]. In Nablus, IDF forces shoot, kill 2 Palestinians, wound 3 suspected of murdering accused Palestinian collaborators, sparking demonstrations in which a young Arab girl is killed, 8 others are wounded [FBIS 9/5; MET 9/11]. Forces kill 3, wound 11 Palestinians in Nablus [WP 9/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hamas, the Muslim fundamentalist leadership in the occupied territories, and the PLO-backed Unified National Command of the Uprising agree to coordinate activities in the occupied territories [LAT 10/7]. The Progressive List for Peace withstands attempt by Likud and Tehiya to exclude it from upcoming Knesset elections; elections commission rules that the Progressive List for Peace does not oppose the Jewish nature of Israel [WP, LAT 10/7]. A general strike is called in Gaza in remembrance of the first anniversary of the killing of 4 Gazans [FJ 10/11]. Elementary and secondary schools open in East Jerusalem for the first time in over a month [FJ 10/11].

Other Countries: U.S. gives consular immunity to 50 members of Israel's military purchasing and trade mission in New York [WP 10/7]. British Labor party recognizes the PLO as the sole representative of the Palestinian people and the right of Palestinians to a homeland [FJ 10/11].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Nablus 27- year-old Palestinian is killed as troops fire on stone throwers [NYT 10/8], 3 Palestinians are shot [FJ 10/11]. Two Palestinians suspected of collaborating with the Israelis are shot, killed [WJP, LAT 10/7]. At least 19 Palestinians are injured in riots throughout Gaza [FJ 10/11].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Islamic fundamentalists and Palestinian nationalists in Gaza Strip end fighting after general meeting of representatives at the Lawyer's Union office in Gaza [FJ 7/11].

Military Action

Arab World: Truce is declared between Amal and Palestinians in Beirut's 3 refugee camps as part of the security plan for Beirut declared in Damascus between Lebanese Muslim religious and political figures and Syrian V.P. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam 6/3; fighting has killed over 160, injured several hundreds in camps [WP 7/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military court orders journalist Hamdi Farraj, 11 other Dheisheh refugee camp residents held since 2/1/85 without trial released on grounds general prosecutor failed to prove charges against them [FJ 1/10].

Arab World: Christian Science Monitor reports King Hussein and Pres. Asad agree to restore diplomatic relations between their countries at ambassadorial level [CSM 1/2]. Egypt and U.S. sign agreement on $140 million in U.S. aid to Egypt, the second installment of $500 million grant approved by Congress last year [JP 1/2]. SLA releases 20 Shi'ite prisoners from Khiam detention center in S. Lebanon as New Year's gesture. (Red Cross has not been allowed to visithe Khiam center) [JP 1/3].

Other Countries: Austrian Interior Ministry states 3 Palestinians who attacked Vienna airport had instructions to take Israeli hostages, hijack El Al plane to Tel Aviv, blow up plane "in or over Tel Aviv" [DT, FT 1/3]. Peter Goldman, director of Americans for a Safe Israel, and Rabbi Avraham Weiss, coordinator of Americans Against Terrorism, announce start of nationwide campaign to remove PLO offices from U.S. [JTA 1/3]. Nadav Safran, director of Harvard U.'s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, will resign post in wake of discovery he accepted $152,000 from CIA for writing book, sponsoring conference on Islamic fundamentalism [DT, LT 1/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rocket fired from S. Lebanon damages property in Kiryat Shmona [BG 1/3]. Israeli taxi driver is found shot twice in head near Lod (second such incident in 2 days); 4 Palestinians are detained for questioning [FJ 1/10].

Arab World: Israeli and SLA troops shell targets in S. Lebanon in retaliation for shelling of Kiryat Shmona [TS 1/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres praises U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers [BG 10/12].

Arab World: PLO officials in Tunis condemn U.S. interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers; PLO officials in Tunis say Tunisia had refused entry to an Egyptian airplane thought to be carrying the 4 hijackers before the plane left Egypt [NYT 10/11]. Anonymous telephone caller to Beirut newspaper threatens to strike at "U.S. interests" throughout the world if the 4 hijackers are hurt in prison [LT 10/12]. Egypt condemns the U.S. interception of plane carrying 4 hijackers, expresses "deep regret" at "surprising" American action [WP, NYT 10/12].

Other Countries: Bomb in office kills regional executive director of American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Santa Ana, Califomia, Alex Odeh, 37, and injures 7 others. Odeh had appeared on TV the night before and called Yasir Arafat "a man of peace." No one claims responsibility; Jewish Defense League praises the action [NYT, WP 10/12]. Public prosecutor in Italy charges 4 hijackers with murder, kidnapping, hijacking of a ship, and possession of arms and explosives. Uncertainty remains over how 2 other senior Palestinian officials also taken into custody when the plane carrying them was intercepted will be treated; they are Abu al-'Abbas, head of the faction of the Palestine Liberation Front which allegedly carried out the hijacking, and another unidentified PLO official [NYT, WP 10/12]. U.S. agrees to let Italians prosecute hijackers but will maintain extradition request [NYT 10/13]. Jewish Press reports House Ways and Means Committee has adopted legislation to exempt Israel Bonds from a 1984 provision which increases taxes on loans made at below market level interest rates. Israel Bonds, at interest rates of 4%, are far below market level [JWP 10/11]. Harvard U. announces Prof. Nadav Safran "erred" in not reporting use of CIA funds to organize conference on fundamentalist Islam and to write book on Saudi Arabian security; Safran will not be disciplined [NYT, WP 10/12]


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army orders 3 Palestinians deported for "subversive political activity," jails 15 others without charge under administrative detention orders [WP 8/30]. Israeli security authorities are holding an American, an Australian, and 6 Palestinians. The Westerners are accused of transporting Palestinians -said to be a commando squad - to Lebanon, from which the squad allegedly planned to attack Israel [WP 8/30]. Israeli State Prosecutor's Department decides to appeal for tougher sentences for 5 members of Jewish underground [TA 8/30].

Other Countries: First Intemational Christian Zionist Congress ends with appeal to all Jews to emigrate to Israel and to all Christians to give active help to Israel. Final resolutions provide for the creation of a $100 million fund to invest in industrial projects in Israel via a Basel-based company [TA 8/30].

Military Action

Arab World: Rival Druze and Shi'ite militias battle for control of West Beirut; fighting continues along the green line between east and west Beirut; 6 dead and 15 wounded. Christian and Muslim militias exchange 22 kidnap victims [NYT 8/30]. Fighting breaks out in Tripoli between pro-Syrian and Muslim fundamentalist militias [PI 8/30]. The SLA shells Sidon, apparently in revenge for 8/28 suicide car bombing of its checkpoint [PI 8/30]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Foreign Min. official David Kimche summons diplomats from UNIFIL, UN Sec. Council nations for explanation of recent anti-resistance campaign in S. Lebanon; accuses Pres. Gemayel of provoking violence [PI 3/6]. MK's Meir Cohen-Avidov, Yuval Ne'eman return from US with pledges of $70,000 for Keren Hebron fund, a taxdeductible US charity for families of Jewish underground defendants [JP 3/5]. Palestinian prisoners at Jnaid, Nafha prisons initiate hunger strike in solidarity with striking inmates at Ashkelon prison (begun 2/22) [FJ 3/8]. Clash between nationalists and Islamic fundamentalist factions injures 8 at Islamic U., Gaza; 20 arrested; studies suspended for one day [FJ 3/8]. Jewish underground defendant Dan Be'eri plea bargains with Jerusalem District Court to reduce number of charges against him in connection with plot to blow up al-Haram al-Sharif [JP 3/6]. Strike called by 52 Palestinian town councils ends after Interior Min. promises to cover their municipal debts totalling IS 1.4 billion [FJ 3/8].

Arab World: Thousands of Shi'ites march in Beirut protesting 3/4, IDF raid on Ma'rakah [WP 3/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at IDF patrol in Sa'ir; IDF detain over 150, destroy property; 24-hr. curfew imposed. [MG, FJ, JP 3/7].