At Helsinki summit, Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev issue strongly-worded statement declaring unconditional support for economic and political sanctions against Iraq [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, CSM 9/10];...
September 9, 1990
September 5, 1990
Speaking before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. Baker tones down 9/4 suggestion of NATO-style security arrangement, which had touched off controversy, by saying "any such arrangement...
September 4, 1990
In testimony to House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker calls for creation of U.S.-led NATO-style security structure in Middle East to prevent renewed Iraqi aggression even if present crisis...
September 3, 1990
Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].
Iraq refuses...
August 30, 1990
Arab foreign ministers and representatives open 2-day meeting in Cairo; in attendance are Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Djibouti, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrian, Oman, and...
August 26, 1990
On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].
Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S....
August 24, 1990
U.S. wins grudging Soviet consent to UN resolution allowing naval forces to enforce blockade of Iraq; consent clears way for Sec. Council vote on 8/25 (cf. 8/25) [LAT 8/25].
Pres. Gorbachev...
August 23, 1990
Saddam appears on Iraqi television with uneasy-looking Western hostages, explains to them he is keeping them as "guests" in Iraq to prevent war [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 8/24].
Baghdad says it will...
August 20, 1990
Pres. Bush declares 2,000 Americans detained in Iraq and Kuwait "hostages" and holds Iraqi gov't responsible for their safety. Iraq begins moving Americans and other foreigners to military and...
August 4, 1990
Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen,...
August 2, 1990
Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2...
August 1, 1990
Knesset defeats motions of no-confidence against gov't. by 60-55 margin, 4 MKs abstain and 1 is absent. Motions were brought by Labor and 3 small parties over immigrants' housing problems [JDS 8/1...
July 23, 1990
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M....
July 19, 1990
U.S. State Dep't. abruptly postpones meeting of joint U.S.-Israeli Security Assistance Planning Committee, which coordinates U.S. military aid to Israel; speculation arises that delay is intended...
July 12, 1990
Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used...
July 7, 1990
Israeli foreign ministry turns down compromise solution for expediting $400 million in U.S. loan guarantees; solution offered by ass't. sec. of state Dennis Ross stipulated Israel would receive...
July 1, 1990
Housing Min. Ariel Sharon invokes emergency powers to facilitate immediate purchase of 3,000 prefabricated housing units for Soviet immigrants to Israel (cf. 7/17) [IDF 7/1 in FBIS 7/2; NYT, WT 7...
June 27, 1990
In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that...
June 20, 1990
Pres. Bush announces he is suspending 18-month U.S.-PLO dialogue because of PLO's failure to condemn 5/30 attempted raid on Israel. Bush says suspension was "not an easy call," and "though we are...
June 13, 1990
Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying...
June 12, 1990
Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack...
June 5, 1990
Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze tells Sec. Baker in Copenhagen that USSR will not curtail or halt emigration of Soviet Jews [WP, WIT 6/7].
Soviet legislature postpones final approval of law...
June 3, 1990
Ending his 2d summit meeting with Pres. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev declares at joint news conference that exodus of Jews from USSR could be curtailed or halted if Israel continues to settle the...
May 24, 1990
Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel...
May 14, 1990
Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].
May 10, 1990
Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].
Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health...
May 1, 1990
Militant rabbi Moshe Levinger pleads guilty to death by negligence charge after lawyers plea bargain to reduce original charge of manslaughter for shooting death of Arab salesman in Hebron....
April 28, 1990
Pleasure cruise in Gulf of Aqaba by Jordan's King Hussein is interrupted as Israeli naval patrol fires shots nearby. Israelis say they were clearing guns in routine weapons check, king's yacht...
April 6, 1990
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied...
March 30, 1990
Thousands of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs hold protest marches in rallies marking 14th anniversary of Land Day; strike is observed in O.T. and Arab villages in Israel; about 10,000 Israeli Arabs...
At Helsinki summit, Pres. Bush and Pres. Gorbachev issue strongly-worded statement declaring unconditional support for economic and political sanctions against Iraq [LAT, NYT, WT, WP, CSM 9/10]; Pres. Bush drops longstanding opposition to Soviet involvement in Middle East peace process [NYT, WT, WP 9/11].
Israeli gov't is reported to have won court order temporarily blocking Canadian publication of Victor Ostrosky and Claire Hoy's book By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insider's Portrait of the Mossad [NYT 9/10; JPD 9/10 in FBIS 9/10].
Israeli police investigators recommend placing 9 police officers on trial for torturing Palestinians at Jerusalem's main jail, but high-ranking officials request review of evidence before charges are filed [NYT 9/10].
Saudi officials say their country will continue to support the Palestinians until they achieved an independent state, despite Palestinian support for Iraq [WT 9/10; MET 9/18].
More than 300 American women and children evacuated from Kuwait leave Amman to U.S. [WP 9/10; ADS 9/9 in FBIS 9/10].
'Abd-al-'Aziz Rantisi, a founder of Hamas, calls on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait, urging Saddam to act according to Muslim law rather than according to personal likes and dislikes; Rantisi also calls for removal of U.S. troops from region [HAA 9/10 in FBIS 9/11].
Palestinians in O.T. observe general strike to mark beginning of 34th month of intifada [FJ 9/17].
After 3 days of fierce gun battles in S. Lebanon, Fateh troops loyal to Arafat over-run last stronghold of forces loyal to Abu Nidal; 18 people are reported dead [BDS 9/9 in FBIS 9/10; NYT, WP 9/10; WT 9/11; MET 9/18].
Speaking before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. Baker tones down 9/4 suggestion of NATO-style security arrangement, which had touched off controversy, by saying "any such arrangement would have to fit regional realities. We have no particular model, such as NATO, in mind" [WP 9/6; FJ 9/10].
Britain agrees to contribute to U.S.-sponsored fund to aid Middle East countries hurt by the trade embargo against Iraq [LAT 9/6], while West German gov't decides not to supply funds for multinational force in Gulf, but will offer use of planes and ships to transport troops to the region [WP 9/5].
Iraqi F.M. Aziz meets with Pres. Gorbachev in Moscow over Gulf crisis amid signs Moscow is losing patience over Iraq's refusal to leave Kuwait [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 9/6; MET 9/18].
State Dep't reports U.S. citizen is shot and wounded trying to evade capture by Iraqi troops in Kuwait City [LAT, WT, WP 9/6; MET 9/18].
Bush admin. offers to mount international effort to provide economic aid to USSR in return for Moscow's pulling its military advisers out of Iraq and agreeing to join multinational force in Middle East [LAT 9/6].
Israeli and American sources report F.M. David Levy, visiting Washington for talks with Sec. Baker, asks Bush admin. to forgive Israel's $4.5 billion military debt and dramatically increase military aid [WT 9/6; JDS 9/6 in FBIS 9/6; JPI 9/15; MET 9/18]; Baker and Levy say U.S. and Israel will work to establish "credible" Arab-Israeli peace process to demonstrate alternative to Saddam Hussein [NYT 9/6].
King Hussein meets with British for. sec. Hurd in Amman [JTE 9/6 in FBIS 9/6], then flies to Baghdad to discuss Gulf crisis with Saddam [BADS 9/5 in FBIS 9/6; CSM 9/7].
Jerusalem Post reports 195,000 elementary school children begin year's studies in West Bank. Intermediate and high schools will open in stages over next 2 weeks [JPD 9/6 in FBIS 9/7].
In testimony to House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker calls for creation of U.S.-led NATO-style security structure in Middle East to prevent renewed Iraqi aggression even if present crisis ends without warfare (cf. 9/5) [LAT, NYT, WP, MEM 9/5; CSM 9/6].
Speaking in Vladivostok, Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze calls for international conference on the Middle East that would include the Gulf crisis, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and Lebanon [WT, WP 9/5]; Israel sharply rejects the idea [JPI 9/15].
Washington Post reports that U.S. commander in Saudi Arabia Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf complained to Defense Dep't and White House about Saudi Lt. Gen. Khaled bin Sultan's remarks on 8/29 that any decision to use U.S. forces deployed in Kingdom would have to follow consultations between King Fahd and Pres. Bush. Bush conveyed to Saudi ambassador "military concern that U.S. forces be unquestionably under U.S. command," and ambassador reiterated what Saudis contend was original agreement between Fahd and Def. Sec. Cheney that U.S. forces were invited to Kingdom to defend Saudi Arabia from attack by Iraq [WP, MEM 9/4].
Cheney says U.S. would "consult closely" with Saudis before launching offensive action from Saudi territory, but stops short of saying whether Saudi approval would be required [MEM 9/5].
Bush admin. begins asking economic allies for at least $25 billion to help defray American military expenses and support countries that have been hurt by embargo on Iraq and Kuwait [LAT, WP 9/5].
Israeli finance minister Yitzhak Modai says if U.S. forgives Egypt's debt, Israel will demand that most of its $4.6 billion debt also be erased [LAT 9/5; MET 9/18].
Qatar expels more than 70 Palestinian families, including several PLO members, apparently because of Palestinian support for Iraq [NYT 9/5; MET 9/18].
Media report of growing crisis in Jordan as hundreds of thousands of refugees flee Kuwait and Iraq for the Hashemite kingdom [NYT, WP 9/5; MET 9/18].
As'ad al-As'ad, ass't sec.-gen. of Arab League, is named as acting sec.-gen. until replacement for Chedli Klibi is determined [TDS 9/4 in FBIS 9/5].
Iraqi gov't says only state-run Iraqi Airways planes may land in Iraq; reaffirms that those people allowed to leave may do so only on these planes [LAT, WP 9/4; MET 9/11].
Iraq refuses landing rights to British, Swiss, and French charter flights that were to have brought women, children out of Iraq and Kuwait [LAT 9/1, 9/2; NYT 9/4].
Iraqi F.M. Aziz urges nations with many citizens in Iraq and Kuwait to supply food to Iraq, saying it could not be responsible for what happened to them as a result of shortages [LAT 9/4].
Chedli Klibi, longtime Sec.-Gen. of Arab League, abruptly resigns, giving no reason, but it was widely reported he was upbraided by Saudi and Syrian officials for not putting sufficient pressure on Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait [AFP 9/3 in FBIS 9/4; WT, MEM 9/4; NYT 9/5; CSM 9/6; MET 9/11].
U.S. official reports American combat aircraft have been deployed in Oman, Qatar, UAE, and Bahrain for first time [NYT, MEM 9/4].
Pres. Mubarak meets with U.S. delegation including 15 senators led by Claiborne Pell (D-RI) and 22 representatives headed by Richard Gephardt (D-MO) [MENA 9/3 in FBIS 9/5].
As part of Gulf tour, British foreign sec. Douglas Hurd arrives in Jeddah for 2-day working visit, meets with Saudi officials, including King Fahd [SPA 9/3 in FBIS 9/6].
In speech marking 1,000th day of intifada, Arafat says Palestinians can only take sides against "Zionism and its imperialist allies," confirms the PLO Gulf peace initiative calling for "withdrawal of occupation forces from Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, and the Golan," and that occupation forces should be replaced by UN [MEM 9/3].
Over 10,000 people gather at rally in Amman to celebrate 1,000th day of intifada and show support of Iraq [MEM 9/4]; in W. Bank, stores usually closed remain open in celebration [WT 9/5; LAT 9/6; FJ 9/10].
Sec. of Economic Development Group in E. Jerusalem says lack of funds coming from Gulf states and lost jobs of Palestinians could harm "tens of thousands of families" in O.T.; adds drying up of funds could hurt "the future of a Palestinian state" [LAT 9/4]; other officials agree [CSM 9/6].
Jerusalem Post reports 18,800 immigrants arrived in Israel in August, including 17,500 from USSR-more than in any one month since 1951 [MEM 9/3].
Israel's gov't-run television and radio ban the use of Arabic names for Palestinian villages and towns, ordering journalists and broadcasters to use the biblical Hebrew names [NYT 9/5; FJ 9/10].
Arab foreign ministers and representatives open 2-day meeting in Cairo; in attendance are Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Djibouti, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrian, Oman, and Libya (cf. 9/1) [MENA 8/30 in FBIS 8/31; NYT 8/31; MET 9/11].
Claiming "shape of post-cold-war world" is at issue, Pres. Bush says he will send Sec. Baker, Sec. Brady overseas to ask other nations to help pay multibillion-dollar cost of military operations and sanctions in Middle East [NYT, LAT, WP, WT 8/31].
Iraq moves some women and children hostages who had been placed at strategic locations in outlying areas as potential shields to Baghdad in preparation for being allowed to leave Iraq [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 8/31; MET 9/11].
In 1st criticism of U.S. military forces in Gulf, Soviet Union asks whether U.S. presence might be intended as permanent foothold in region [NYT, LAT 8/31].
U.S. officials report the CIA is training Kuwaiti resistance fighters at bases in Saudi Arabia [LAT, WP 8/31].
Palestinians in O.T. stage general strike to protest U.S. military presence in Gulf [MET 9/11].
Reacting to planned U.S. sale of $2.2 billion in military hardware to Saudi Arabia, Israeli Foreign Ministry demands that U.S. ensure Israel remains the dominant power in Middle East by providing additional military aid [WT, WP 8/31; MET 9/11].
Senior U.S. naval officer says U.S. warships are interrogating daily up to 75 commercial shipping vessels in Gulf; shipping has declined "dramatically" since sanctions were announced [WP 8/31].
On 4-day visit to N. Africa, King Hussein meets Qaddafi in Tripoli to discuss Gulf crisis [ADS, AFP 8/26 in FBIS 8/27; LAT 8/27; MET 9/4].
Iraq permit. 2 women and children from U.S. embassy in Kuwait to leave the country; 3 are turned back at Turkish border; Saddam meets with Austrian Pres. Kurt Waldheim and frees 96 Austrians [WT, LAT 8/27].
Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze demonstrates Moscow's continued reluctance to take military role in Gulf crisis, saying USSR would leave it up to other countries to enforce naval blockade of Iraq [LAT, WT, WP, NYT 8/27].
Israeli military says it will begin blocking exports of Palestinian-produced fruits, vegetables, and other products shipped through Jordan to Iraq [NYT 8/27].
U.S. wins grudging Soviet consent to UN resolution allowing naval forces to enforce blockade of Iraq; consent clears way for Sec. Council vote on 8/25 (cf. 8/25) [LAT 8/25].
Pres. Gorbachev sends to Saddam message warning that Iraq's failure to head UN resolution ordering Iraq out of Kuwait will "prompt the Sec. Council to take corresponding additional measures" [NYT, LAT, WP 8/25]; but Gorbachev complies with Iraqi order to close Soviet embassy in Kuwait [LAT 8/25].
Iraqi troops surround foreign missions in Kuwait, including U.S. and British embassies; troops detain U.S. embassy personnel [LAT 8/25, 8/26].
Egypt announces it will keep its Kuwaiti embassy and consulate open, despite Iraq's order to close missions by midnight [CDS, MENA 8/24 in FBIS 8/27].
Jordan reopens its border with Iraq at al-Ruwayshid after 40-hour "formal closure" to catch up on backlog of some 200,000 refugees since 8/7 [LAT, WP 8/25; JTE 8/25 in FBIS 8/27; MET 9/4].
Islamic Dawn Organization frees hostage Brian Kennan, a teacher with dual Irish-British nationality, held in Lebanon for over 4 years [AFP 8/24, DDS 8/25 in FBIS 8/27; NYT, WP 8/25].
Saddam appears on Iraqi television with uneasy-looking Western hostages, explains to them he is keeping them as "guests" in Iraq to prevent war [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 8/24].
Baghdad says it will soon free some French nationals as sign of good faith to France; Paris insists on release of all foreigners held in Iraq [WP 8/24].
Deposed Sabah family of Kuwait sets up gov't-in-exile in heavily guarded Sheraton Hotel in Al-Hada, Saudi Arabia [WP 8/24].
Bush admin. criticizes USSR for keeping military advisers in Iraq; Soviets say 193 advisers were finishing their "contractual obligations" to Iraq [WT 8/23].
Pres. Bush declares 2,000 Americans detained in Iraq and Kuwait "hostages" and holds Iraqi gov't responsible for their safety. Iraq begins moving Americans and other foreigners to military and industrial installations as shields to prevent U.S. attack [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 8/21].
Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze meets with Iraqi deputy P.M. Saddun Hammadi in Moscow to discuss Gulf crisis [NYT 8/22].
Iraq informs accredited diplomatic missions in Kuwait to close by 8/24 [INA 8/20 in FBIS 8/20; WP 8/21].
In Abu Dhabi, Defense Sec. Richard Cheney announces agreement that will allow U.S. forces to operate from UAE military bases; U.S. troops have been in UAE for nearly a week [WP, CSM 8/21].
Senior Saudi official says his gov't plans to spend at least $8-$11 billion to cover expenses arising from Gulf crisis: mostly housing or transportation for refugees, military preparations, and assistance to multinational force in Gulf [WP 8/21]. Israeli moderates are sharply divided over whether to negotiate with Palestinian leaders in peace process; some say it is more important than ever to push dialogue with Palestinians, others oppose because of Palestinian support for Iraq [LAT, WT 8/21].
Israeli police evict 100 homeless people from tent camp in Jerusalem resulting from housing shortage caused by increased immigration [LAT 8/21].
Israeli Supreme Court issues temporary injunction against construction of VOA transmitter in Negev until environmental impact study is concluded [NYT, WP 8/21].
Citing state security, Israel bans foreign travel for Faisal Husayni and trade rep. Zuhira Kamal and for PFLP-supporter Ata Khalil Muhammad Qaimari for 6 months [MEM 8/21; IDF 8/20 in FBIS 8/21; MET 8/28].
Islamic Conference Organization, meeting in Cairo, issues statement condemning Iraqi invasion of Kuwait; 6 of 30 states "refrained from approving" the resolution: Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Sudan, and Mauritania [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].
Washington Post reports Iraqi invasion of Kuwait has created complex problems for Palestinian leadership; worries that popular Palestine support for Saddam Hussein will overshadow intifada [WP 8/ 5].
Yasir Arafat arrives in Alexandria and meets with Pres. Mubarak [MENA 8/4 in FBIS 8/6].
New York Times reports that housing shortages in Israel have forced 1,576 families to live in tents; gov't. officials say 17,135 immigrants arrived in July, of which 15,294 were from USSR [NYT 8/ 5].
Iraqi troops invade Kuwait, take over country; attack comes less than 24 hours after 2 countries had broken off talks over Iraqi demands for territorial and financial concessions [MEM, WP, WT 8/2; WP, WT, NYT 8/3].
Invasion evokes swift condemnation from U.S., Western allies, Japan, and USSR. UN Sec. Council resolution condemns invasion. Israel calls for economic sanctions against Iraq and D.M. Arens says Israel will not tolerate any movement of Iraqi troops into Jordan [WP, WT, NYT, LAT 8/3].
Most Arab capitals ignore Kuwait's appeal for support, and urge foreign powers not to act so as to provide time for Arab diplomatic solution [WP 8/ 3]; Arab League foreign ministers hold emergency meeting in Cairo [MENA 8/2 in FBIS 8/2; MEM 8/3].
Following intense debate, Israeli gov't. adopts emergency plan to import 9,000 prefabricated houses and 5,000 trailer homes to ease severe housing shortage. Plan also allows for private entrepreneurs to import 6,000 more prefabricated houses by year's end [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/ 8; WP 8/3].
Semi-official Egyptian daily al-Ahram prints editorial warning that Egypt will take drastic measures if UNLU does not withdraw call no. 60 statement that Egypt is a U.S. puppet [MEM 8/2].
Israeli military helicopters strafe Shiite positions in al-Rashidiyah camp near Tyre, according to UNIFIL [JDS 8/2 in FBIS 8/3].
Knesset defeats motions of no-confidence against gov't. by 60-55 margin, 4 MKs abstain and 1 is absent. Motions were brought by Labor and 3 small parties over immigrants' housing problems [JDS 8/1 in FBIS 8/2].
Washington Times reports that growing internal problems have caused USSR to cut back its Middle East role, pulling advisers out of Syria and cooling relations with PLO [WT 8/1].
5-member committee concludes arrangements for moving Arab League headquarters to Cairo; transfer to take place from October 1990 to June 1991 [MENA 8/1 in FBIS 8/2].
Israeli gunboat shoots, sinks rubber dinghy off Lebanese coast, 2 Arabs are killed; Israeli military states "terrorists" were heading towards waters off Israel's "security zone" when intercepted [JDS 8/ 1 in FBIS 8/1; WP 8/2; JPI 8/11].
10 people are killed, 50 wounded as Fateh-backed Amal forces clash with Hizballah troops in S.Lebanon [NYT 8/ 2]; intra-Palestinian fighting between 2 wings of Fateh takes place in 'Ayn al-Hulwah, S.Lebanon; at least 7 are killed [IHD 8/1 in FBIS 8/2; WT 8/2].
The "Troika" foreign ministers of the EC (Italy, Ireland, and Luexembourg) arrive for overnight visit in Israel; say opening of Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is essential to peace. Italian F.M. Gianni De Michelis adds "the peace process is impossible without the Palestinians and without areal representative of the Palestinians" [MEM 7/23; WP 7/24]; Troika meets with Israeli F.M. David Levy; De Michelis hints EC is not likely to honor Israel's request for enhanced trade with integrated Europe in 1992 without peace progress (cf. 7/24) [JDS 7/23; MEM 7/24; MAA 7/24 in FBIS 7/24].
King Hussein meets Pres. Mubarak in Alexandria for "working visit" [MENA, ADS, 7/23 in FBIS 7/23].
PFLP spokesman denies that 4 persons killed by Jordanian troops on 7/21 belonged to his group [RMC 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Immigrant Absorption Minister Yitzhak Perez tells Knesset committee some 70,000 immigrants have arrived in Israel in 1990, 61,000 from USSR. He also says that beginning in August, 20,000 immigrants will arrive monthly UDS 7/23 in FBIS 7/24].
Arafat sends cable to Pres. Mubarak, reaffirming "strong fraternal ties" between Palestinians and Egyptians. Cable, 2d in 2 days, is seen as part of PLO efforts to diffuse tensions starting with Egyptian newspaper attacks on Arafat (cf. 7/19) [MEM 7/24].
Israeli and SLA artillery shell Iqlim al-Tuffah in S.Lebanon [BVL 7/24 in FBIS 7/24]; shelling wounds 5 Fateh soldiers [BVP 7/23 in FBIS 7/25].
U.S. State Dep't. abruptly postpones meeting of joint U.S.-Israeli Security Assistance Planning Committee, which coordinates U.S. military aid to Israel; speculation arises that delay is intended to put pressure on Israel, despite U.S. statements to the contrary [JDS 7/20 in FBIS 7/20; WP 7/20].
Jordan accuses Israel of obstructing transit over Jordan River bridges, and reducing number of people allowed to enter O.T.; Jordanians say reduction violates agreed-upon quota [JDS 7/19 in FBIS 7/ 20].
Jewish Agency offices open in Warsaw for first time since World War II. Agency chrmn. Simha Dinitz meets with Polish P.M. Tadeusz Mazowiecki to discuss possible transport of Soviet Jews to Israel via Warsaw [HAA 7/20 in FBIS 7/20].
Egyptian newspaper editorials attack Arafat, Palestinians; attacks are occasioned by anti-Egypt remarks attributed to Arafat at Arab League meeting 7/15- 16 [MEM 7/24].
USSR reports that during first 6 months of 1990, 48,276 Soviet Jews have emigrated to Israel [MTS 7/19 in FBIS 7/20].
Ethiopia has reportedly stopped issuing exit visas for Jews in attempt to compel Israel to send Ethiopian gov't. more weapons. Israeli advisors, weapons, and surveillance equipment are being used by gov't. against rebel guerrilla armies [WJW, WT 7/12; NYT 7/13, 7/14]; Washington Jewish Week says classified congressional memorandum confirms that Israel has supplied Ethiopia with cluster bombs, military trainers, etc. as part of deal [MEM 7/13; JDS 7/13 in FBIS 7/13].
Israeli Labor party's 150-member leadership bureau abandons its 7/5 position of not taking sides in party leadership struggle, backs Yitzhak Rabin over Shimon Peres on major issues; Labor's 1,400-member central committee will reach final decisions at 7/22 meeting [JDS 7/12 in FBIS 7/13; NYT, WP, WT 7/13].
West Bank settlers have set up "foreign office," called Foreign Relations Forum of the Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, whose task is to explain to foreign and domestic gov't. and media personalities the "needs and rights" of settlers [JPD 7/12 in FBIS 7/12].
Chrmn. of U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, arrives in Israel, meets with D.M. Moshe Arens [JDS 7/ 12 in FBIS 7/13].
In Moscow, Soviet-Arab dialogue continues as Soviet officials host delegation from Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia [IZV 7/14].
Israeli foreign ministry turns down compromise solution for expediting $400 million in U.S. loan guarantees; solution offered by ass't. sec. of state Dennis Ross stipulated Israel would receive funding in exchange for guarantee that money would be invested within green line, and that all expenditures would be documented for U.S. review [MAA 7/8 in FBIS 7/9].
After considering 6/28 letter from P.M. Shamir to Pres. Bush, admin. officials conclude that another attempto organize Israeli-Palestinian talks may be justified [NYT 7/8; MEM 7/9].
USSR informs Arab nations that its diplomats in Israel will visit Jewish settdements in O.T. to investigate if Soviet Jews are living there [KUNA 7/7 in FBIS 7/9]; USSR sends message to PLO conveying its anxiety over possible deterioration of Middle East situation [ADS 7/7 in FBIS 7/9].
In Ta'izz, Yemen, Pres. Mubarak, PLO chrmn. Arafat, and Pres. Salih meet to discuss Palestinian developments since suspension of U.S.-PLO dialogue [MENA 7/7 in FBIS 7/9].
Israeli radio reports 60 families of Soviet immigrants totalling about 160 people have settled in town of Qatzrin in Golan Heights in past few weeks, but additional immigration there has been halted due to housing shortage [JDS 7/7 in FBIS 7/9].
Housing Min. Ariel Sharon invokes emergency powers to facilitate immediate purchase of 3,000 prefabricated housing units for Soviet immigrants to Israel (cf. 7/17) [IDF 7/1 in FBIS 7/2; NYT, WT 7/ 18].
Delegation on behalf of Council of Jewish Settlements meets with UN rep. Jean-Claude Aime in Jerusalem to discuss human rights situation in O.T. [JDS 7/1 in FBIS 7/2].
IDF releases 470 Arab prisoners serving brief sentences to mark 'Id al-Adha [JDS 7/1 in FBIS 7/2; WP, WT 7/2].
In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that Iraq will stand up to any Israeli military aggression in the area [WSJ 6/28].
Joint Jewish Agency and gov't. coordinating committee on immigration and absorption approve annual budget of $2.3 million for absorbing 150,000 immigrants a year for next 3 years; plan includes construction of 45,000 new apartments [IGP 6/27 in FBIS 6/27].
Esmat Abdel Meguid, Egypt's F.M., meets in New York with UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar to brief de Cuellar on Meguid's meetings with Pres. Bush, Sec. Baker [MENA 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].
UN envoy Jean-Claude Amie tours Gaza Strip and meets with Palestinian officials there who request UN protection [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28].
West Bank Civil Admin. allows 2 colleges to reopen: al-Najah University in Nablus and Science University in Abu Dis; studies will resume in mid-July [JDS 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].
Soviet Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev sends letter to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stressing need for continued peaceful efforts and declaring suspension of U.S.- PLO dialogue as harmful to peace process [RMC 6/28 in FBIS 6/29].
Concluding 3-day visit to Israel, speakers of East and West German parliaments say they have received P.M. Shamir's unconditional approval of reunification of Germany. Shamir says he expects Germany to influence other EC members to adopt more understanding attitude toward Israel [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; WT 6/28].
Pres. of European Parliament, Enrique Baron Crespo, meets in Tunis with Arafat, according to WAFA [MEM 6/28].
Pres. Bush announces he is suspending 18-month U.S.-PLO dialogue because of PLO's failure to condemn 5/30 attempted raid on Israel. Bush says suspension was "not an easy call," and "though we are specific in calling for the condemnation of this particular terrorist attack, once that is done we can resume talks." [KUNA 6/20 in FBIS 6/21; NYT, WP, LAT, WT, MEM 6/21; ADS 6/21 in FBIS 6/21].
In Jerusalem, World Zionist Organization defeats resolution opposing settlement of Soviet Jews in O.T.; P.M. Shamir speaks to group before vote, warns that Arabs are trying to sabotage immigration with threats of war [LAT, WT 6/21]; Shamir also calls on USSR not to curtail immigration UDS 6/20 in FBIS 6/21].
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee meets with FBI officials to discuss unsolved 1985 assassination of Alex Odeh; ADC accuses Israel of sheltering the killers, urges U.S. pressure on Israel to solve case [WT 6/21].
Worsening economic conditions in Gaza have created new political extremism and rise in influence of Hamas, other Islamic groups [CSM 6/21].
Speaking to Jerusalem Post in first interview since forming new gov't. Yitzhak Shamir blames U.S. criticism for stirring up Arab hostility; lays down restrictive condition for peace talks, saying Israel will not negotiate with any Palestinian who opposes limited autonomy for O.T.; new gov't.'s guidelines also stipulate no role for E. Jerusalem Palestinians in any part of peace process [MEM 6/ 13; WP, NYT, LAT 6/14; LAT 6/16].
New Israeli police minister Roni Milo says Sec. James Baker's formula for talks is "no longer relevant" to his gov't. [NYT 6/14]; while F.M. David Levy says Baker plan had "distorted" the Israeli peace initiative it was to implement; calls for U.S. to "get back to basics" with Israel. Agriculture minister Rafael Eitan calls for deportation of Palestinian intifada leaders [WP 6/14].
Speaking before House Foreign Affairs Committee, Sec. Baker expresses impatience at peace process and especially with Israel, implying that if positive moves are not forthcoming quickly, U.S. will disengage from Middle East peace process: "When you're serious about peace, call us," he says, giving out White House telephone number [NYT, WT, WP, LAT, MEM 6/14; MET 6/19].
Shamir, responding to Arab requests, authorizes UN fact-finding mission to O.T.; move prompts harsh rebuke from far right-wing supporters of Shamir's gov't. [JDS 6/13 in FBIS 6/13; NYT 6/ 14].
Immigration min. Yitzhak Peretz says that 50,000 Jews, over 90% from USSR, have immigrated to Israel in 1990; nearly 200 have settled in O.T. [MET 6/ 26].
New D.M. Moshe Arens spends day visiting 2 largest Jewish settlements in W.Bank; says he is making a statement about his priorities [NYT 6/14; MET 6/ 26].
Israeli army jails for 10 days soldier who threw tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza. 66 infants were treated for gas inhalation in 6/12 incident [WT 6/14; MET 6/26].
Beirut radio reports of skirmish in S.Lebanon between Israeli and SLA troops and Shiite militias; no injuries [BVL 6/13 in FBIS 6/13].
Testifying before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. of State James Baker says U.S. will not rush to break off contacts with PLO, despite fact that PLO's response to 5/30 attempted attack has "fallen short of the mark." Baker reports that "an extraordinarily large number" of allies has urged Washington not to move too quickly or rashly [WT, WP 6/13]; Baker also says that at least 7 nations including Egypt and USSR have agreed to urge PLO to save its dialogue with U.S. [LAT 6/13]; Pres. Bush reiterates his call for PLO to roundly condemn 5/30 attempted attack [WP 6/13].
Officials in Bush admin. and Congress say Israel has emerged as leading supplier of advanced military technology to China, despite U.S.'s clearly expressed opposition to Israeli-Chinese military cooperation [LAT 6/13].
IDF soldier throws tear gas grenade into UN maternity clinic in Gaza Strip; 66 infants are treated for gas inhalation. IDF says soldier acted contrary to orders, and legal steps would be taken. IDF was responding to stonethrowing incident around the clinic (cf. 6/13, 6/14) [JDS 6/12 in FBIS 6/14; WT, WP, LAT 6/13; FJ 6/18].
Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze tells Sec. Baker in Copenhagen that USSR will not curtail or halt emigration of Soviet Jews [WP, WIT 6/7].
Soviet legislature postpones final approval of law relaxing emigration restrictions which was condition for Congress to ratify new U.S.-Soviet trade agreement [WP 6/6].
PLO rep. Hakam Balawi meets in Tunis with U.S. ambassador Robert Pelletreau, who delivers letter to Arafat from Bush admin. explaining U.S. 5/31 UN veto [TDS 6/5 in FBIS 6/6].
Israeli army and intelligence officials tell Knesset For. Affairs and Defence Committee that they believe 5/30 attempted raid by PLF members was directed at military, not civilian, targets (cf. 6/6) [JDS 6/5 in FBIS 6/6].
General strike called for by UNLU to commemorate 23d anniversary of 1967 war is observed in W.Bank; 2 Palestinian youths in Nablus are killed by IDF bullets [IDF, JDS 6/5 in FBIS 6/7; WT, LAT 6/6].
IDF lifts collective bans on travel to Jordan that had been imposed on some 25 W.Bank communities for periods up to 2 years [JPD 6/5 in FBIS 6/6].
Clashes in S.Lebanon between Shiite militiamen and SLA and Israeli soldiers; no injuries reported [BVL 6/5 in FBIS 6/6].
Ending his 2d summit meeting with Pres. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev declares at joint news conference that exodus of Jews from USSR could be curtailed or halted if Israel continues to settle the emigres in O.T. (cf. 6/4, 6/ 5) [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 6/4].
PLO officials are trying to seek a compromise formula to satisfy both U.S. demand that Abul Abbas be disciplined and PLO hard-liners [WP, LAT 6/4].
3-member UN team investigating missile technology proliferation begins 2 days of talks in Israel; previous consultations have taken place in Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq [LAT 6/4; MET 6/12].
Appearing on Israeli television, Shamir says that if UN votes to send observer force to O.T., it should know that "this decision would not be implemented, as many other UN decisions against Israel [have not been]" [WP 5/25]; Yitzhak Rabin believes Israel must oppose idea of UN observers, says "It is inconceivable that we, who observe international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. . should accept the supervision of an element which. . .has participated in almost no peaceful process" [JDS 5/24 in FBIS 5/25; MET 6/5].
Bush admin., in effort to avoid confrontation with Israel, says it will discuss possibility of UN observer force in O.T., but objects to any permanent UN presence [LAT 5/25].
Members of House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East blast State Dept's. 3/19 report saying PLO has honored its commitment to renounce terrorism, call report a "whitewash and a pack of lies"; ass't.sec. of state John Kelly defends report [WP 5/25J.
PLO Exec. Committee member Mahmud Abbas meets in Moscow with Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze to discuss past week's violence in O.T. [TASS 5/24; KUNA 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
Head of Israeli Army's Central Command, Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Mordekhay, meets with 24 W. Bank Palestinians to explain Army curfews and actions following 5/20 killings. Palestinians are top officials in education and commerce [JDS 5/25 in FBIS 5/25].
5-member Soviet delegation arrives in Israel to investigate violence in O.T.; head of group, Mikhail Kapitsa, accuses Israel of acting like "an elephant in a china shop" [MEM 5/25; MET 6/5]; Bernard Kouchner, French minister of state for humanitarian aid, also arrives for fact-finding tour, says he is "deeply depressed" by conditions in Gaza [MEM 5/25; FJ 5/28].
Rabbi Moshe Levinger is sentenced to 5 months in prison for shooting death of Arab merchant, is lauded as hero by supporters who carry him to prison on their shoulders [WT 5/15].
Israeli authoritiesays they are considering reopening colleges and universities in O.T. that have been closed for over 2 years [NYT 5/15].
Thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians march near Jordan's border with W. Bank to show support for intifada. Police fire tear gas to keep crowd from converging on border; at least 53 are injured [NYT, WP 5/15].
Pres. Mubarak arrives in Moscow for meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev, first visit to USSR by Egyptian leader in 18 years [WT 5/15].
Israeli officials, including Moshe Arens, accuse U.S. of creating "artificial storm" over Soviet Jewish emigration [WP, LAT 5/11].
Bowing to U.S. threats to withdraw funding, World Health Organization shelves indefinitely PLO application [NYT, WP, WT 5/11].
New York Times news analysis claims Israel "has emerged as the beneficiary of changing times in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, while the Arab world confronts the losses" [NYT 5/10].
In his column in Catholic New York, Cardinal John O'Connor denounces Israeli settlement inJerusalem's Christian quarter: "What happened in Jerusalem is obscene," and writes that Israelis are "speeding up . . . a design to make it virtually impossible for Christians to function anywhere in the land" [NYT 5/12; WT 5/14].
Shimon Peres announces his intent to go into opposition of any gov't. formed by Yitzhak Shamir [TET 5/10 in FBIS 5/11].
Militant rabbi Moshe Levinger pleads guilty to death by negligence charge after lawyers plea bargain to reduce original charge of manslaughter for shooting death of Arab salesman in Hebron. Levinger is to be sentenced on 5/14 [WT 5/ 2].
Israeli officials offer to exchange Arab prisoners for 3 Israelis held in Lebanon, but indicate they would not make any deals for Western hostages [WT 5/2].
Israeli gov't. reports that for 16th consecutive month number of Soviet Jews arriving in Israel has increased. Officials say 10,500 Jews emigrated to Israel in April, compared to 7,300 in March [NYT 5/2].
All but 20 Jewish settlers leave St. John's Hospice in Christian quarter of Jerusalem in compliance with Supreme Court eviction order [IDF 5/1 in FBIS 5/ 1; NYT, WP, LAT 5/2].
Soviet ambassador to Syria Alexander Zotov says Arab-Israeli conflict and buildup of weapons in Middle East will be "top priority" at 30 May-3 June Bush-Gorbachev summit [WT 5/2]; Zotov criticizes U.S. for not showing enough "firmness" with Israel to reach peace settlement [WP 5/2].
Fifteen Arab states have agreed to attend Arab summit meeting in Baghdad in late May [KUNA 5/1 in FBIS 5/2].
Arafat and Saddam Hussein meet in Baghdad to discuss upcoming Arab summit [INA 5/1 in FBIS 5/3].
Pleasure cruise in Gulf of Aqaba by Jordan's King Hussein is interrupted as Israeli naval patrol fires shots nearby. Israelis say they were clearing guns in routine weapons check, king's yacht flees into Saudi coastal waters, no injuries are reported [LAT 5/5].
Washington Post reports trust and goodwill between Washington and Jerusalem is eroding; U.S.-Israeli relations are at lowest since early 1980s [WP 4/28].
Mikhail Gorbachev receives Pres. Hafiz Asad in Moscow to discuss Soviet-Syrian relations and Middle East peace [PRAVDA 4/29].
In Washington, Soviet F.M. Eduard Shevardnadze says USSR is prepared to operate direct flights from Moscow to Tel Aviv if Israel will "give us assurances that people will not settle in occupied territories." White House spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater agrees Israel should give such assurances, adding "We oppose settlements in the occupied territories" [LAT 4/7].
Responding to appeal by Libyan leader Qadhafi, spokesperson for Abu Nidal's Revolutionary Council says the group will release 3 European hostages in next few days (cf. 4/7, 4/10) [NYT, LAT 4/7].
After Vatican meeting with Pope John Paul II, Arafat tells reporters that D.M. Rabin and P.M. Shamir have sent emissaries with messages to Pope [NYT, LAT 4/7].
Thousands of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs hold protest marches in rallies marking 14th anniversary of Land Day; strike is observed in O.T. and Arab villages in Israel; about 10,000 Israeli Arabs attend main rally in Arraba; police in Taibeh use tear gas to disperse stone throwers [NYT 3/31].
Displeased with current politicking, Pres. Chaim Herzog says in monthly radio address "In the light of present political events, I once again publicly express my opinion on the urgent need for change in the electoral system" [LAT 3/ 31].
IDF issues new guidelines on firing plastic bullets; only company commanders with telescopic sights and soldiers given special training are allowed to shoot plastic bullets [JDS 3/30 in FBIS 3/30].
Poll of 506 Moscovites, conducted by Institute of Sociology of the Soviet Academy of Sciences, finds 48% believe anti-Jewish feeling in on the rise in USSR [NYT 3/30].