Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London...
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London...
U.S. Senate adopts by voice vote resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [NYT, WP 2/23; LAT 4/ 20].
Arafat says PLO has asked USSR to adopt specific measures to slow...
Prime Minister Shamir loses vote of confidence 60-55, ending his Likud-led coalition gov't. He remains interim P.M. until new gov't. is formed [JDS 3/15 in FBIS 3/16; NYT, WP, WT, LAT 3/16].
...Deported Palestinians in Algiers stage sit-ins in front of U.S. and Soviet embassies, protesting Soviet Jewish emigration [AGS 3/12 in FBIS 3/13].
Arab League Council in Tunis calls for...
Meeting with Moshe Arens, Sec. Baker says it is time for Israel to accept his compromise formula for opening talks between Israelis and Palestinians [NYT, WP, LAT 2/24].
In letter to...
Labor Party votes to give Shamir and Likud 2 weeks to accept Labor's 4-point compromise formula for starting talks between Israel and Palestinians, or face dissolution of gov't. [NYT, WP, LAT 2/23...
U.S. State Dep't. releases annual report to Congress on global human rights; it sharply criticizes Israel's actions in O.T., finds fault with most Arab nations as well [WP 2/22]; Israel criticizes...
In advance of human rights report to be issued 2/21, U.S. State Dep't. says Israeli soldiers continue to violate Palestinian human rights, causing "avoidable deaths and injuries." State Dep't....
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD...
UN Human Rights Committee endorses resolution calling for Israel not to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. U.S. abstains (cf. 2/17) [ADS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].
USSR has informed U.S. it will not allow...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish drops criminal investigation of Ezer Weizman for meeting with PLO officials [LAT 2/16].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Likud Party Central Committee meeting ends in shouting match between P.M. Shamir and hard-liner Sharon. Shamir walks out of meeting,...
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli legislators call on the Interior Ministry to change regulations requiring Soviet immigrants prove they are Jewish; Ministry...
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [...
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel says it will give the U.S. a timetable for the expiration of its military contracts with South Africa [WP 2/3].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli D.M. Rabin says that Israel has temporarily halted W. Bank deportations. The announcement comes after complaints from Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D.M. Rabin leaves for Washington and meetings with Baker [FBIS 1/12; MET 1/23].
Military reopens all Gaza Strip schools...
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahamd Yasseen opens amid tight security in Gaza. Yasseen is accused of ordering deaths of suspected...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 200 Jews and Arabs demonstrate outside Shamir's office demanding reopening of Palestinian universities [FJ 12/25].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8]....
Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].
Other Countries...
Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means...
Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish...
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot...
Likud and Labor accuse each other of trying to bribe rabbis from small religious parties who control deciding votes in attempts to form gov't. [WT 3/29].
Customs officials in London discover 40 American-made trigger devices for nuclear weapons that were being smuggled into Iraq [NYT, WP, LAT, WT 3/29]; U.S. intelligence sources report Baghdad is installing Soviet-built medium-range ballistic missiles [WT 3/29].
Yasir Arafat meets with Nobel laureate Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India. Mother Teresa says she will try to visit Jerusalem and Bethlehem this year [LAT 3/29].
U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee approves provision to Israel's request for $400 million loan for Soviet Jewish housing. Provision reduces loan origination fee from usual 1% of loan to .25% of loan, saving Israel $3 million. Other legislation reduces annual service charges [WT 3/30].
Hungarian official says the national airline, Malev, soon will resume flying Soviet Jews to Tel Aviv from Budapest on its regular flights. Hungary suspended direct and charter flights of emigrant Jews on 3/ 21; the official says the charter flights will not be resumed (cf. 4/1) [WT 3/29; NYT 3/30].
U.S. Senate adopts by voice vote resolution recognizing undivided Jerusalem as capital of Israel [NYT, WP 2/23; LAT 4/ 20].
Arafat says PLO has asked USSR to adopt specific measures to slow immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel; USSR announces Aeroflot will no longer issue tickets to Soviet Jews planning to emigrate to Israel via Hungary [NYT 3/24].
Israeli gov't. press office issues report on "Fateh-linked terrorism," claims Arafat and Fateh support some 200 terrorist groups [IGP 3/22 in FBIS 3/23].
Arafat meets with former U.S. ass't. sec. of state Richard Murphy in Tunis [INA 3/23 in FBIS 3/23].
Pres. Bush rejects criticism that his 3/3 statement opposing E. Jerusalem settlements led to collapse of Israeli gov't.; says he was "simply reiterating astanding United States policy" [WT 3/23].
Announcing his intent to "show how Israel PAC money is like the S&L influence scandal, only worse," Arab American Institute Director James Zogby says his organization will publicly monitor pro-Israel lobby's financial contributions to members of Congress; AAI releases initial report [WT 3/23]
Prime Minister Shamir loses vote of confidence 60-55, ending his Likud-led coalition gov't. He remains interim P.M. until new gov't. is formed [JDS 3/15 in FBIS 3/16; NYT, WP, WT, LAT 3/16].
Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine group threatens to attack airports and airlines to stop emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [WT 3/16].
By request of USSR, UN Security Council begins discussion of Israel's alleged settling of Soviet Jewish emigrants in O.T. [TASS 3/15].
Decision to move Arab League headquarters from Tunis to Cario is postponed due to opposition from Faruq Qaddumi, chrmn. of current Arab League session [WAT 3/15 in FBIS 3/19].
Fateh Revolutionary Council opens session under leadership of Arafat (cf. 3/ 18) [SVP 3/21 in FBIS 3/23].
Deported Palestinians in Algiers stage sit-ins in front of U.S. and Soviet embassies, protesting Soviet Jewish emigration [AGS 3/12 in FBIS 3/13].
Arab League Council in Tunis calls for holding Arab summit as soon as possible to discuss immigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [SPA 3/12 in FBIS 3/14].
Regarding 3/8 comment by Israeli housing minister David Levy, Soviet for. min. information head G. Gerasimov says "certain circles in Israel are blatantly setting out to violate the norms of international law, and are intentionally erecting obstacles to a peaceful settlement," and USSR "condemns these lawless actions" (TASS 3/12].
Meeting with Moshe Arens, Sec. Baker says it is time for Israel to accept his compromise formula for opening talks between Israelis and Palestinians [NYT, WP, LAT 2/24].
In letter to Jerusalem's International Center for Peace in the Middle East, Yasir Arafat writes PLO has "once more leaned over backward and approves the idea of a dialogue between representatives of the Israeli government and representatives of the Palestinian people" [NYT 2/ 23; LAT 2/24]; message also states emigrating Jews should be allowed to choose their destination, providing they do not displace another people [JTS 2/23, HAA 2/25 in FBIS 2/26].
Unnamed Capitol Hill sources say USSR's decision to bar direct commercial flights to Israel may spark congressional effort to maintain U.S.-Soviet trade restrictions [WP 2/24].
W. Bank Civil Admin. recently issued new regulation forbidding camp residents to build two or more stories on any house among first 3 rows adjacent to main Israeli highways. Several injunctions banning construction are issued, including one halting UNRWA's $250,000 community center in Duhayshah [HAA 2/23 in FBIS 2/23].
Israeli jets bomb PFLP base in Kfar Jara, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JDS 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; MET 3/6-12].
Labor Party votes to give Shamir and Likud 2 weeks to accept Labor's 4-point compromise formula for starting talks between Israel and Palestinians, or face dissolution of gov't. [NYT, WP, LAT 2/23; IDF 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].
Christian Science Monitor reports growing concern among Sephardic Jews that funding for new immigrants will come at expense of Sephardics [CSM 2/22].
During telephone conversation with Pres. Bush, P.M. Shamir insists Israel is not directing Soviet Jews to live in O.T. [JDS 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].
Security sources report core of Hamas movement has moved from Gaza to Nablus and Tulkarm. Same sources say Hamas leaflets now on high-quality paper and computerized, indicating Israeli Arab involvement [HAA 2/22 in FBIS 2/23].
Pres. Bush and Sec. Baker suggest Israeli gov't. stop delaying implementing of its own peace plan, and make necessary compromises to open negotiations [NYT 2/23].
U.S. House Foreign Affairs internal operations subcommittee holds hearing on proposed VOA transmitter to be built this summer in the Negev; environmentalists testify against what would be the world's largest radio transmitter [WP 2/ 22].
Soviet Union announces it will not permit any commercial air flights between USSR and Israel, concerned that Soviet Jews are being resettled in O.T. [WP 2/ 23].
Israeli troops confine some 250,000 W. Bank Palestinians to their homes to counter call for unrest on DFLP's 21st anniversary [HAA 2/23 in FBIS 2/23; MET 3/6-12].
Israeli warplanes bomb military camps east of Sidon, wounding at least 3 [JDS 2/22 in FBIS 2/23; MET 3/6-12].
U.S. State Dep't. releases annual report to Congress on global human rights; it sharply criticizes Israel's actions in O.T., finds fault with most Arab nations as well [WP 2/22]; Israel criticizes report: "Everything we are doing arises from Arab violence," says Moshe Raviv of foreign ministry [NYT 2/22].
PLO's Bassam Abu Sharif tells reporters in Tunis that resettlement of Soviet Jews in O.T. is "an act of war against the Palestinian people," and that "such an action can only beget similar reactions-that is, acts of war" [LAT 2/23].
In Tunis, Arafat meets with Soviet ambassador to Tunisia, discusses Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [AVP 2/21 in FBIS 2/22].
At the Kremlin, Nabil Amr presents his credentials to Soviet V.P. Anatoliy Lukyanov as ambassador of State of Palestine to USSR [TASS 2/21].
U.S. plans to give Egypt 700 surplus M-60 tanks made obsolete by cutbacks in U.S. forces in Europe (cf. 2/27) [WT 3/2].
In advance of human rights report to be issued 2/21, U.S. State Dep't. says Israeli soldiers continue to violate Palestinian human rights, causing "avoidable deaths and injuries." State Dep't. also reports "significant increase in violence by Palestinians directed at other Palestinians" (cf. 2/21) [NYT 2/21].
Washington Post article cites recent statements by Israeli gov't. officials to the effect that PLO is continuing terrorism [WP 2/21].
Jordan's P.M. and D.M. Mudar Badran says financial considerations have forced Jordanian fighter pilots to train with Iraqi counterparts; this does not mean joint squadron is being formed. Badran accuses Israel of exploiting the subject [RAY 2/21 in FBIS 2/21].
Egypt's ambassador to Israel, Muhammad Basyuni, says "Egypt does not oppose Jewish immigration to Israel, but does oppose the settling of new immigrants in the territories" [MAA 2/21 in FBIS 2/22].
PLO envoy Hakam Balawi meets with U.S. ambassador to Tunisia Robert Pelletreau to discuss Soviet Jewish emigration to Israel [SVP 2/21 in FBIS 2/23].
Hundreds of Israeli Arabs demonstrate against Interior and Finance ministries, urging them to honor pledge to aid Arab local councils in Israel [FJ 2/26].
Chrmn. of the Supreme Soviet International Affairs Committee, A.S. Dzasokhov, meets in Moscow with PLO Executive Committee members Mahmud Abbas and Sulayman Najjab to discuss strengthening Soviet-Palestinian relations [IZV 2/21].
2 UNIFIL soldiers are killed, at least 6 are wounded by artillery fire directed at S. Lebanon outpost from inside Israel's "security zone"; initial Israeli army statement says bombing occurred during gunfire between SLA and Hizballah [JDS 2/20 in FBIS 2/20; NYT 2/21]; UN protests to Israeli gov't. [WP 2/21].
Israel has told Jordan it objects to any Jordanian-Iraqi military cooperation. Israeli military source expresses concern that "a military alliance . .. is being set up against us" (cf. 2/20) [HAD 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
5 Knesset members announce reestablishment of Likud faction Liberal Party, which had previously merged with Herut movement [JDS 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
High-level Palestinian delegation, sent by Yasir Arafat, arrives in Beirut to meet with Gen. Michel Aoun and Samir Geagea [MENA 2/20 in FBIS 2/21].
Under pressure from Arab gov'ts., Soviet Union rejects U.S. appeal to allow direct flights for Soviet Jews from Moscow to Tel Aviv [NYT 2/20].
Soviet ambassador to Cairo, Gennadiy Zhuravlev, has stressed USSR readiness to host Israeli-Palestinian talks; denies this undermines Egypt's role [RYF 2/19 in FBIS 2/28].
Israeli air force bombs DFLP bases near Kfar Jarah, 4 miles east of Sidon in Lebanon; one person reported killed [LAT 2/ 20; IDF 2/19 in FBIS 2/20].
UN Human Rights Committee endorses resolution calling for Israel not to settle Soviet Jews in O.T. U.S. abstains (cf. 2/17) [ADS 2/18 in FBIS 2/20].
USSR has informed U.S. it will not allow direct Aeroflot flights from Soviet Union to Israel (cf. 2/19) [YA 2/16 in FBIS 2/16].
Soviet P.M. Nikolay Ryzhkov says USSR will consideresuming diplomatic ties with Israel only after Israeli-Palestinian dialogue is launched [RPP 2/16 in FBIS 2/23].
Yasir Arafat contacts the "parties concerned" in the intra-Christian fighting in E. Beirut, offers to mediate (cf. 2/19) [RMC 2/17 in FBIS 2/20].
Gaza Strip residents observe general strike [MET 2/27-3/5].
Israeli helicopters attack Amal post south of Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries UDS 2/16 in FBIS 2/20; MET 2/27-3/5].
DFLP has asked Red Cross to force Israel to give prisoner of war status to 3 DFLP members captured 2/15 [RMC 2/ 16 in FBIS 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli Atty. Gen. Yosef Harish drops criminal investigation of Ezer Weizman for meeting with PLO officials [LAT 2/16].
Other Countries: U.S. government announces it will speed up plans to build radio transmitter in the Negev for broadcasts to USSR and South Asia [NYT 2/ 16].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Likud Party Central Committee meeting ends in shouting match between P.M. Shamir and hard-liner Sharon. Shamir walks out of meeting, Sharon resigns from the government after the two argued about the Shamir's elections plan [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 2/13; MET 2/20].
Other Countries: Soviet Union calls for an urgent UN Sec. Council meeting to condemn Israel's policy of settling Soviet-Jewish immigrants in the O.T. [LAT 2/13].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli troops and SLA allies kill 4 Arabs in clash in Wadi Al Hujier near Marjayoun, S. Lebanon [MET 2/20].
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli legislators call on the Interior Ministry to change regulations requiring Soviet immigrants prove they are Jewish; Ministry reportedly was refusing to register some Soviets because they lacked documents certifying them as Jews [NYT 2/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded in Rafah in the Gaza Strip, bringing the total number of Arabs wounded by Israeli gunfire last week in Rafah to 140. Palestinians say the Israelis are seeking confrontation as revenge for 2/4 bus attack in which one of the attackers is rumored to be from Rafah [NYT, FBIS 2/12].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli officials say they are satisfied with Egyptian reaction to 2/4 bus attack, will not shift diplomatic course away from Cairo. [NYT, WP 2/6; MET 2/13].
PLO supporters in the O.T., including Sari Nusaybah, denounce 2/4 bus attack, say such attacks do not serve Palestinian interests and that the PLO is not responsible [FBIS 2/6].
Arab World: Islamic Jihad movement claims responsibility for 2/4 bus attack north of Cairo [LAT, NYT 2/6].
Egyptian officials express shock and embarrassment a2/4 bus attack, pledge to pursue peace efforts with Israel [WP 2/ 6].
Arab League, meeting in Tunis, decides to send 60-member high-level delegation to Washington, Moscow, and Dublin to argue that increased Soviet immigration to Israel will increase tensions and reduce the prospects for peace [NYT 2/8].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes boys secondary school in Baytunia [FJ 2/12].
15-year-old Palestinian dies after fall while fleeing IDF troops [FBIS 2/6; FJ 2/ 12].
Palestinians kill 3 people suspected of collaborating with Israeli officials [FBIS 2/7; MET 2/13].
Other Countries: Soviet deputy foreign minister Gennadi Tarasov says that the USSR "has no plans to establish direct air links" between Tel Aviv and Moscow, despite commercial agreement of 2 months ago [NYT 2/5].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: IDF closes 3 schools in the Hebron area for stone throwing at IDF vehicles [FJ 2/12].
IDF arrests at least 100 Palestinians in Ramallah area in 24-hour sweep [FJ 2/12].
Arab World: At least 25 people are killed in intra-Christian fighting in Beirut. [NYT 2/4].
Israeli and Palestine Liberation Front forces clash on S. Lebanon; each side claims to have killed several of the other [FBIS 2/5; MET 2/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel says it will give the U.S. a timetable for the expiration of its military contracts with South Africa [WP 2/3].
Jerusalem Domestic Service reports that Israel is sending 150,000 aliyah invitations per month to USSR [FBIS 2/14].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF closes 2 gov't-run schools in Khan Yunis indefinitely for rock-throwing incident [FJ 2/ 12].
Israeli army bulldozes 4 Palestinian homes in Bethlehem area, 1 in Shaqba village, near Ramallah [FJ 2/12].
Army places Bayt Anan, northwest of Jerusalem, under curfew [FJ 2/12].
At least 4 Palestinians wounded in clashes with IDF throughout O.T. [FJ 2/5].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli D.M. Rabin says that Israel has temporarily halted W. Bank deportations. The announcement comes after complaints from Israeli human rights activists and a U.S. State Dep't call for more flexibility in deportations [WP 2/1].
Jerusalem Domestic Service reports that 4,600 Soviet Jews arrived in Israel during January [FBIS 2/1].
Arab World: The Fifth Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches ends 6- day meeting in Nicosia with a call to support Palestinian independence [FJ 2/5].
Arafat meets with Soviet envoy Gennedy Tarasov in Tunis over emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel [MET 2/13].
ACC parliamentary committee opens meeting in Baghdad [FBIS 2/7].
Other Countries: UN Sec. Council extends the mandate of UNIFIL for another 6 months [MET 2/13].
Many of the Soviet Jews emigrating to Israel tell of rampant anti-Semitism in the USSR [NYT 2/4].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military demolishes 2 homes in Qabalan village, near Nablus [FJ 2/12].
General strike called for by UNLU is observed in O.T. [FBIS 2/1; FJ 2/5].
At least 12 Palestinians are wounded in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 2/1; FJ 2/5].
Israeli military closes 7 Gaza Strip schools for security reasons [FJ 2/5].
Gazan accused of collaborating with Israel is killed [MET 2/13].
Arab World: Army troops loyal to Aoun battle militias outlawed on 1/30. At least 28 people are killed [WP 2/1; MET 2/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli D.M. Rabin leaves for Washington and meetings with Baker [FBIS 1/12; MET 1/23].
Military reopens all Gaza Strip schools except al-Tuffah secondary school, 4 days earlier than anticipated [FJ 1/22].
Arab World: Egypt and USSR sign trade agreement increasing volume of trade between the 2 nations [FBIS 1/12].
Military Action
Arab World: Abu Fadi, PLO commander of Fateh force located near Sidon, Lebanon threatens to retaliate against Lebanese Shi'a Muslim militiamen for overnight clash in which a Fateh commando is killed, 3 others wounded [FBIS 1/11; NYT 1/12; MET 1/23].
Israeli army reinforces positions in S. Lebanon "security zone" with additional troops. Fateh has also reinforced positions due to increased hostilities between Hizballah and Amal [FBIS 1/12].
Occupied Palestine/Israeli: Israeli military reopens all 1,200 public, private, and UN schools in W. Bank closed since 11/13/ 89. [WP 1/11; MET 1/23].
Arab World: In Cairo, Arafat meets with Mubarak to discuss Middle East Peace prospects [FBIS 1/11, 1/12; MET 1/23].
Other Countries: USSR upgrades PLO mission in Moscow to "the Embassy of the State of Palestine." The announcement comes shortly after Israeli Science Minister Weizman and Soviet F.M. Shevardnadze hold first high-level contacts between the countries since 1967 [WP 1/11]; they also discuss possibility of Moscow granting official diplomatic status to Israel [FBIS 1/11].
U.S. State Dep't spokesperson says Baker is annoyed at failure of Israel and Arab world to cooperate, and that if footdragging continues he would focus on "many other areas in the world clamoring for his attention" [WP 1/11].
Military Action
Arab World: Israeli forces shell Syrian and PFLP positions in S. Lebanon for the fifth time in 24 hours [FBIS 1/11; MET 1/23].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Trial of Hamas leader Shaykh Ahamd Yasseen opens amid tight security in Gaza. Yasseen is accused of ordering deaths of suspected collaborators [MET 1/16].
Science Minister Ezer Weizman leaves for USSR on official visit [MET 1/26].
Military Action
Arab World: Beirut Domestic Service reports heavy Israeli troop movement in S. Lebanon [FBIS 1/3].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset extends for 2 years emergency regulations that make Israeli law applicable to Israelis in O.T. but not to Palestinians, who are judged in military courts. [LAT, FBIS 12/ 28].
Arab World: Egypt and Syria agree to restore diplomatic ties after 12-year break [NYT, WP, LAT, FBIS 12/28; CSM 12/ 29].
Lebanese officials say they will lodge complaint with UN Sec. Council about Israel's 12/26 air and ground attacks [NYT, WP 12/28].
Egypt signs industrial contract with the USSR [FBIS 1/2].
Other Countries: The Washington Post cites unnamed Arab and Western diplomats as saying PLO has kept commitments made by Arafat last year in Geneva, but PLO has not convinced Israeli public that it is sincere [WP 12/27].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in O.T. observe strike called by Hamas [CSM 12/28].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: The treasurer of Jewish. Agency, Meir Shitrit, says organization will have to turn its immigrant-absorption services over to Israeli government unless Americans contribute more money [NYT 12/21].
Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies at Tel Aviv University publishes annual report on military balance in Middle East. Study says Israeli military strong-arm tactics have not reduced protests in O.T. [WP 12/21; FBIS 12/28].
Arab World: Asad will visit USSR and is planning meeting with Mubarak in what political analysts in Damascus describe as reappraisal of Syrian policy in light of changing international and regional conditions [NYT 12/21].
Other Countries: Responding to NBC news report of 12/18, State Dep't says Israel informed U.S. about a month ago that it had purchased oil from Iran [NYT 12/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Israeli electric company cuts electricity to Tulkarm village of Azzun [FJ 12/25].
Lydda military court sentences Khalid al-Amuri to life in prison for affiliating with PLO and throwing Molotov cocktails [FJ 12/25].
IDF declares Ramallah and al-Bireh market areas closed military zone, orders merchants to close shops [FJ 12/25].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: More than 200 Jews and Arabs demonstrate outside Shamir's office demanding reopening of Palestinian universities [FJ 12/25].
The 3 leading religious patriarchs in Jerusalem cancel Christmas celebrations in O.T., except for those religious ceremonies that call for justice and peace [FJ 12/ 18].
Arab World: PLO Executive Committee opens 2-day meeting in Tunis [FBIS 12/ 20].
Other Countries: Soviet Union says it will not support U.S. effort to have UN Gen. Assembly repeal "Zionism equals racism" resolution [NYT 12/16].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: "Black Panther" group takes responsibility for killing of accused collaborator on 12/14. The killing comes less than 2 weeks after Israeli army said they eliminated the group [JP 12/23; MET 12/26].
Israeli military bulldozes Palestinian home in village of Battir [FJ 12/25].
Shots are fired at IDF patrol from Egypt; no injuries [FBIS 12/19].
Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israel cautiously welcomes Egypt's acceptance of Baker's 5- point formula, reiterates opposition to PLO participation [NYT, WP 12/8].
Israeli Absorption Ministry spokesperson reports that 20,405 immigrants have arrived in Israel since the beginning of 1989; 9,295 from USSR [FBIS 12/13].
Other Countries: El Al has signed flight agreement with Aeroflot, and first Tel Aviv-Moscow flights will begin next month, according to Jerusalem Domestic Services [FBIS 12/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF demolishes 3 houses in Khan Yunis [FJ 12/18].
2 Syrian members of PFLP are sentenced to 25 years in prison each for their part in an October 1989 raid into Israel [FJ 12/18].
Arab World: PLO Executive Committee member Jamal al-Surani arrives in Cairo carrying PLO response to Baker's 5 point framework [FBIS 11/21].
Other Countries: USSR has encouraged Syria to abandon quest for military parity with Israel, saying Soviet "new realities" stress "reasonable defensive sufficiency" for Syria [WP 11/20].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli military prohibits Gaza Islamic University's board of trustees from traveling to Kuwait for university conference [FJ 11/27].
Israeli Minister of Police Haim Bar Lev says Civil Administration ispreparing to issue magnetic ID cards to W. Bank Palestinians [FJ 11/27].
Petrol bomb thrown at Israeli fuel truck in Nablus, misses truck but causes minor damage. Soldiers shoot, injure 13- year-old girl. Palestinians report 19-year-old is hospitalized from beating injures when soldiers chased suspects [FBIS 11/ 28].
Other Countries: Soviet official Gennady Tarasov meets with senior PLO officials in Tunis to discuss U.S. plans for Israeli-Palestinian talks [MET 11/7].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinians in Nablus kill 54-year-old suspected collaborator [MET 11/7]. General strike in Tulkarm. 2 Palestinians are shot, wounded by IDF forces in clashes in O.T. [FBIS 10/31].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shamir accuses U.S. of trying to force Israel to negotiate with the PLO, says he will not compromise with Palestinians even if it means his govemment falls [LAT 10/18; NYT 10/ 19].
Other Countries: UN General Assembly rejects annual Arab motion-introduced this year by Libya-to unseat Israeli delegation; U.S.S.R. abstains for first time [NYT, WP, LAT 10/18].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Army closes second school in E. Jerusalem as demonstrations continue. Arab resident of E. Jerusalem is stabbed. Settlers block W. Bank road, prevent Arabs from going to work in Israel. 6 Palestinians are arrested, 1 soldier wounded by thrown rock [FBIS 10/18]; at least 12 Palestinians are wounded throughout O.T. [FBIS 10/25].
Arab World: PLO defers bid to become full member of UNESCO [NYT 10/12; JP 10/ 21]. Syrian pilot flies Soviet MiG-23 to Israel and asks for political asylum [WP 10/12; MET 10/24].
Other Countries: Roman Catholic archbishops John Cardinal O'Connor of New York, Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles, and William Keeler of Baltimore, draft policy statement for the church hierarchy calling for Palestinian "territorial and political sovereignty" [NYT, WP 10/12].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Dahayshah camp near Bethlehem, soldiers close school indefinitely, arrest 20 students, impose camp-wide curfew after petrol bomb is thrown at IDF vehicle. Gazans end 5-day general strike. 4 villagers from Bayt Sahur are arrested for not paying taxes. 5 Palestinians are wounded in Gaza during clashes [FBIS 10/13].
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shimon Peres has asked the Bush administration to provide $400 million in loan guarantees to construct housing for the 100,000 Jewish immigrants Israel expects from the Soviet Union over the next three years [NYT, WP 10/2].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: 5 Palestinians are shot, killed, 3 others are wounded in clashes with IDF troops in O.T. General strike in Nablus, 2 Palestinians wounded. 3 IDF soldiers wounded from stones. Palestinian suspected of collaboration is found dead [FBIS 10/3].
Military Action
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot, kill Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip, prompting large demonstration. Army reports Mohammad Arafat Akraa was shot fleeing arrest [WP 9/15]. At least 10 Palestinians are wounded by gunfire in O.T. [FBIS 9/15].
Arab World: Soviet news agency Tass reports Israel fired a missile from a site near Jerusalem that landed 800 miles away in the Mediterranean north of Benghazi, Libya [\WP 9/20]. Israeli helicopter gunships fire rockets at two Abu Nidal guerrilla bases east of Sidon, Lebanon. Police report at least 3 people wounded [WP 9/15; MET 9/26].