315 / 15472 Results
  • February 9, 1986


    Arab World: Washington Post reports Soviet ambassador to Amman met Yasir Arafat at least 3 times in past 2 weeks, playing significant role in persuading...

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  • January 18, 1986


    Arab World: New York Times reports PLO officials are seriously considering Soviet offer to help mend relations with opposition Palestinian factions [NYT 1...

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  • January 16, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River...

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  • January 13, 1986


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following all-night session, Israeli Inner Cabinet approves package compromise dal to send Taba dispute to binding international...

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  • November 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Meron Benvenisti publishes study update stating number of Israelis living in West Bank and East Jerusalem may be as high as 140,000,...

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  • November 16, 1985


    Other Countries: Soviet spokesman Albert Vlasov states Soviet Union will renew ties with Israel only if Israel agrees to PLO participation in M.E. peace talks [JP...

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  • October 30, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of...

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  • October 25, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells reporters in France he is ready for direct negotiations with Syria, reiterates refusal to meet with PLO [FT 10/26]....

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  • October 21, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shimon Peres, speaking at UN General Assembly, calls for direct talks with Jordanian or joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation,...

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  • October 13, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro...

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  • October 4, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to...

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  • September 8, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing...

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  • September 6, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have...

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  • September 2, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West...

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  • August 2, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah University is ordered closed for two months, following 7/31 raid in which army officials say they found "inciting" material [FJ...

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  • July 30, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice...

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  • July 24, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26...

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  • July 18, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede...

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  • June 20, 1985


    Other Countries: Syrian President Asad meets Soviet leader Gorbachev in Moscow. Tass statement stresses importance of PLO unity, Soviet participation in peace...

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  • February 20, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying censorship laws, Koteret Rashit reports Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai at center of inquiries into the 4/13 killing of 2 Gaza...

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  • February 19, 1985


    Arab World: PLO exec. committee endorses 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord with changes: reiterates opposition to UN Sec. Council Resolution 242; reiterates that...

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  • February 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political sources indicate Israel will permit US to build Voice of America transmitter [12/24] for broadcasts to USSR, Afghanistan [NYT...

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  • January 28, 1985


    Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz assures visiting DM Rabin of US opposition to intl. conference on Middle East under UN auspices or with participation of...

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  • January 16, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police,...

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  • January 13, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close one entrance to Dheisheh camp citing stone throwing incidents; reopen another entrance previously closed [JP 1/14, FJ 1/18]....

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  • December 24, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Supreme Court upholds military authorities' 12/4 decision not to allow local elections in occupied territories [JTA 12/26]. PM...

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  • November 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50%...

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  • October 30, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset House Com. decides (8-5) to discuss MK Sarid's request to revoke Kach MK Kahane's parliamentary immunity. Caller claiming to be...

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  • October 6, 1984


    Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat attends 35th anniversary celebration of German Democratic Republic in E. Berlin; meets with Soviet FM Gromyko, discusses possibility...

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  • September 25, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres says Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon no longer contingent upon simultaneous Syrian withdrawal.

    Arab World: Jordan and...

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Arab World: Washington Post reports Soviet ambassador to Amman met Yasir Arafat at least 3 times in past 2 weeks, playing significant role in persuading him not to accept UN resolutions 242, 338; Soviets have promised to throw weight behind reuniting fragmented PLO [WP 2/10]. Jordanian P.M. Zayd al-Rifa'i flies to Damascus to brief Syrian Pres. Hafiz al-Asad on latest developments and to invite Asad to visit Amman [NYT 2/10]. Officials from the 6 Palestinian groups comprising the Palestine National Salvation Front meet in Damascus, discuss strategy [NYT 2/10]. 


Arab World: New York Times reports PLO officials are seriously considering Soviet offer to help mend relations with opposition Palestinian factions [NYT 1/19]. Amsterdam News reports Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog declared 1/20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Israel [AN 1/18].

Other Countries: U.S. Asst. Sec. of State Murphy meets with King Hussein in London [NYT 1/19].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Agriculture Ministry announces plans to build reservoir in the Jordan Rift Valley in coming year to draw on water from the Jordan River [JP 1/17].

Arab World: Elie Hubayqa resigns as head of Lebanese Forces, flees the country; 11 Muslim factions advance on Jumayyil's forces [NYT, WP 1/17].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli soldier wounded in S. Lebanon security zone by roadside bomb [JP 1/17].

Other Countries: New York Times reports Soviet Union has stationed 2 destroyers and intelligence-gathering ships off Israeli coast, apparently to give Libya early warning of any possible Israeli air strike; Soviet surveillance aircraft have increased monitoring of activities across Mediterranean [NYT 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Following all-night session, Israeli Inner Cabinet approves package compromise dal to send Taba dispute to binding international arbitration if conciliation fails; agreement conditional on Egypt's return of ambassador to Tel Aviv, full normalization of relations. P.M. Peres threatened tobring down govt. if cabinet disagreed [WP, NYT 1/14]. Thirteen Palestinians are detained in connection with land fraud case, bringing total to 30 [JP 1/15]. Haifa U. sociologist Sami Smooha publicizes recent poll results showing 58% of Israelis believe it is "impossible to trust most Arabs," 47% want Palestinians to be encouraged to leave the country [JP 1/14]

Arab World: PLO Executive Committee begins meetings in Baghdad; 4 seats belonging to opposition factions remain empty, Muhammad 'Abbas does not attend. PLO spokesman tells Toronto Star the Soviet Union offered to help reunite PLO factions in return for a guaranteed part in M.E. peace negotiations [TS 1/15]. Egyptian chief coroner confirms Sulayman Khatir committed suicide [LT 1/14].

Other Countries: Reagan administration urges Syria to expel Abu Nidal group from Syrian-controlled Biqa' Valley [JTA 1/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Meron Benvenisti publishes study update stating number of Israelis living in West Bank and East Jerusalem may be as high as 140,000, compared to 930,000 Palestinians in the same area [NYT 11/25; CSM, JTA 11/26].

Arab World: Central Committee of the Palestine National Council convenes in Baghdad [JP 11/25]. Jordanian Parliament selects 4 new deputies to fill vacancies left by deaths of members from West Bank, where elections have not been held since 1967 [JP 11/25].

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz states Soviet Union cannot be considered part of M.E. peace process until it restores diplomatic ties with Israel, improves policy on emigration of Soviet Jews [JTA 11/25]. California state legislator Tom Hayden promises P.M. Peres to help raise money in U. S. to train South African blacks in Histadrut programs in Israel; U.S. Democratic party will cooperate with Israeli Labor party in program [JP 11/25].

Military Action

Arab World: After hijackers throw 5 bodies out of hijacked plane in Malta, 80 Egyptian army commandos storm plane. Hijackers detonate grenades; about 60 people, including all but one hijacker, die in resulting blaze [NYT, WP 11/25; JTA, NYT, WP 11/26].


Other Countries: Soviet spokesman Albert Vlasov states Soviet Union will renew ties with Israel only if Israel agrees to PLO participation in M.E. peace talks [JP 11/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli govt. officials state Jordan has provisionally agreed to be involved in choosing and appointing Palestinian mayors for some of the largest towns in the West Bank, including Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah, and al-Bireh [LT 10/30]. Birzeit U. and Bethlehem U. students demonstrate against deportation orders issued 10/28. Another demonstration takes place outside Min. of Defense building in Tel Aviv; group of professors from Tel Aviv U. and Hebrew U. issue statement calling for cancellation of orders [JP 10/31]. Green Patrol evict 40 Bedouin families from Negev land, cutting down their tents [JP 10/31].

Arab World: PLO promises Jordan it will avoid repetition of incidents like Achille Lauro hijacking or "any act that would hurt the 11 February agreement" [NYT 10/31]. New York Times reports Pres. Amin Jumayyil of Lebanon is trying to open negotiations with Israel on S. Lebanon and has sent former For. Min. Elie Salem to Damascus for talks with Syrian For. Min. Faruq al-Shar' on the subject [NYT 10/31].

Other Countries: Israeli and U.S. officials state some Arab nations, including Jordan and Egypt, have recently urged the Soviet Union to restore diplomatic ties with Israel as a way to help promote peace talks [NYT 10/31]. Israel Radio reports Hungary has agreed to open diplomatic mission in Israel, will permit Israeli rep. to work from a foreign embassy in Budapest [JP 10/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Peres tells reporters in France he is ready for direct negotiations with Syria, reiterates refusal to meet with PLO [FT 10/26]. Jewish Press reports 2 convicted Jewish underground defendants refuse to testify against 2 Israeli army officers on trial for their part in the attack on the heads of the National Guidance Committee in 1980 [JWP 10/25].

Other Countries: Israel and U.S. cast only votes against UN Gen. Assemb. resolution proposing strengthening ties between UN and Arab League UP 10/27]. P. M. Shimon Peres states France has offered to help Jews emigate from the Soviet Union by flying them directly to Israel if the Soviets were to permit expanded emigration [NYT 10/26]. Italian police arrest another Palestinian in connection with the Achille Lauro hijacking; 2 of the 4 hijackers are said to be cooperating with the police [NYT 10/26]. Two Arabs and 1 Briton are charged in Cyprus with murder of 3 Israelis last month [MG 10/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops reportedly find guns and ammunition in Yatta village, south of Hebron; 2 houses are destroyed, curfew is imposed, house-tohouse searches are conducted. Houses belonged to 2 Palestinians arrested several weeks ago [JP 10/28].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P.M. Shimon Peres, speaking at UN General Assembly, calls for direct talks with Jordanian or joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation, states willingness to attend international peace conference if it were convened in 'Amman this year [NYT 10/21]. Christian Science Monitor reports P.M. Shimon Peres recently confirmed, for the first time, U.S. participation in "Operation Moses" airlift which moved thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel [CSM 10/21].

Arab World: Jordan and Syria announce agreement to reject "partial and unilateral" peace settlements with Israel, agree to pursue peace plan adopted at Arab League summit in Fez, Morocco in September 1982; Syria and Jordan will exchange ambassadors after a 4-year diplomatic freeze. Agreement concludes 2 days of talks [FT 10/21; LAT, WP 10/22; MG 10/23]. Yasir Arafat calls for Arab boycott of U.S. products to protest U.S. policy in M.E. Arafat states PLO has been working for release of 3 Soviet diplomats being held hostage in Lebanon [LAT 10/22]. Pres. Mubarak meets with Deputy Asst. Sec. of State Whitehead [NYT, WP 10/22].

Other Countries: Reagan admin. formally notifies Congress of plan to sell proposed $2 billion in advanced planes and air defense systems to Jordan [NYT, WP 10/22]. The Council of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) condemns the "violation of Tunisian airspace by Israel which endangered international civil aviation." The U.S. delegate disassociates himself from the vote [JTA 10/23]. First World Assembly of Moroccan Jewry ends in Montreal with calls for Arab-Israeli coexistence and pledge to help promote just and lasting peace in the M.E. [JTA 10/22].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes outside entrance of military headquarters in Gaza City and hand grenade is thrown at military govt. headquarters in Khan Yunis, also in Gaza Strip; no injuries in either incident. Police Min. Haim Bar-Lev tours Gaza City headquarters later in the day [JP 10/22].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro affair to exclude the PLO from the M.E. peace process [WP 10/14]. P.M. Peres denies he notified the Soviets he might be willing to return the Golan Heights in exchange for an increase in Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and restoration of diplomatic ties [JP 10/14].

Arab World: Muhammad 'Abbas states 4 hijackers told him they did not kill anyone, that Leon Klinghoffer probably died of a heart attack [NYT 10/14]. 'Abbas is quoted as saying the original destination of the hijackers was "the Israeli port of Ashdod for the purpose of carrying out a suicide mission inside the occupied territory" [MG 10/14].

Other Countries: U.S. delivers "firm and severe" protest over Italy's decision to let 'Abbas and another PLO official leave for Yugoslavia [WP 10/14]. FBI Dir. William Webster states Yugoslavia has turned down U. S. request to detain 'Abbas [LAT 10/14]. FBI head William Webster states bombing of Santa Ana office of ADC "corresponds to some bombings on the East Coast, directed at people believed to be hostile to Israel," implies the Jewish Defense League is under suspicion [MG 10/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian attacks an Israeli with a hatchet in the town of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, wounding him slightly. Part of the town is placed under curfew [TS, MG 10/14]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Fajr reports Palestinian political prisoners in Asqalan and Jenin prisons begin open-ended hunger strike this week to protest brutal actions by guards. Mothers and relatives of Asqalan prisoners continue their hunger strike at the Gaza Red Cross office; Israeli army threatens to disband their sit-in strike by force [FJ 10/4]. Al-Fajr daily prints obituary for Lt. Col. Muhammad al-Ghoul, the chief of security for the Tunis headquarters of the PLO killed in the 10/1 raid. Other reports mention death of Abu al-Tayyib, leader of Force 17, Arafat's bodyguard unit [BG 10/5].

Arab World: Tunisian civilians killed in 10/1 Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis have been quietly buried to avoid anti-American backlash, Tunis announces; 60 died in the raid, including 12 Tunisian civilians [WP 10/5]. Tunisian police are deployed to prevent opposition parties from marching on the U.S. embassy [FT 10/5].

Other Countries: UN Sec. Council passes, by vote of 14-0 (with the U.S. abstaining), resolution condemning Israeli air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, urging member countries to "take measures to dissuade Israel from resorting to such acts," stating Tunisia's right to reparations. PLO rep. to the UN Zuhdi Tarzi accuses U.S. of "collusion" in the raid [LAT 10/5; NYT 10/6]. Two Palestinians and 1 Briton accused of the 9/25 murder of 3 Israelis in Lamaca appear before Cyprus court. Israel says the 3 are members of Fateh's Force 17, but Force 17 officials in Tunis deny they ordered the executions [DT 10/4]. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev states Russia may reestablish diplomatic ties with Israel if there is movement toward overall settlement to the Arab-Israeli conflict [TS 10/5]. State Dept. announces MK Meir Kahane's U.S. citizenship has been revoked because of his membership in the Israeli Knesset [WP 10/5; JP 10/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Body of an Israeli, Haim Falah, who had been shot in the head, is found in the Galilee [MG 10/7]. Anonymous caller phones Western news agency in Jerusalem and claims responsibility on behalf of Fateh's Force 17 for killing 2 other Israelis near Jerusalem; their bodies have not yet been found [MG 10/7].

Arab World: Islamic Jihad organization delivers message and Polaroid photo to 2 Beirut newspapers stating they have executed William Buckley, political officer at the U. S. embassy held hostage since March 1984, in retaliation for Israel's 10/1 air raid on PLO headquarters in Tunis, in which they said the U.S. was involved. Buckley's body has not been found, and the claim is unconfirmed [LAT 10/4; LT 10/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shimon Peres denounces Arafat's offer of "land for peace," characterizes the PLO as "talking peace in Jordan [while] killing people in Israel" [JP 9/9]. Soldiers fire rubber bullets and tear gas on a group called An End to Occupation as they demonstrate in Ramallah to protest Israeli deportation and administrative detention practices; 21 protesters are detained. Army declares the area a closed military zone [GU 9/18]. Ariel Sharon begins suit against Time magazine in a Tel Aviv court. Under Israeli law, Sharon need not prove malice to substantiate his claim [JP 9/9]. Charges have been filed against Israeli joumalist Amnon Kapeliouk for visiting Jordan in March and April. Under the 1948 Emergency Defense Regulations, Kapeliouk could receive up to a year in prison for entering acountry in a state of war with Israel [JP 9/8].

Other Countries: New York Times reports the Soviet Union has begun a new campaign to encourage Palestinians to reject American-sponsored efforts at Arab-Israeli peace talks. In recent weeks George Habash, Nayef Hawatmeh, Khaled al-Fahoum, and close Arafat aide Salah Khalaf (Abu lyad) have visited Moscow. Soviet leaders have expressed "total opposition" to the 11 February accord between Arafat and King Hussein [NYT 9/8].

Military Action

Arab World: Fighting continues for the 6th straight day between 2,500 Palestinian fighters inside Burj al-Barajinah refugee camp and Amal militiamen outside [NYT 9/9]. Lebanese officials meet with Syrian Vice Pres. 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam in Damascus to ask for Syrian military intervention to stop the fighting [LT 9/9].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli army announces it has arrested Yusuf Muhammad Abu Armanah, 22, and Sa'id Fakhri Ibrahim Afanah, 23, both from Rafah, who have allegedly confessed to the 9/5 stabbing of an Israeli truck driver in Gaza. Their families' tar-paper residences have been destroyed [LAT 9/7; FJ 9/13]. MK Meir Kahane's Kach movement forms new group "Hatzala" (Parents for their Children) to oppose Min. of Education's plans to sponsor meetings between Israeli and Palestinian children. Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef strongly opposed the Ed. Min.'s plan last week, saying he would urge religious parents to remove their children from the national religious school network if it is implemented [JWP 9/6].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports 6 kidnapped members of the Lebanese Jewish community are being held by the Hizballah group [JP 9/61.

Other Countries: Congressional sources say administration has tentatively decided not to propose selling advanced F-15 fighter planes to Saudi Arabia. U.S. Sec. of State George Shultz announces U.S. is releasing the first $750 million of $1.5 billion in special economic aid approved last month by Congress for Israel. $250 million is going to Egypt, $53 million to Jordan, and $3 million is planned for aid to Palestinians in the occupied territories [WP 9/7]. Jewish Press reports the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC) in the U.S. called on major Jewish groups and federations to condemn MK Meir Kahane during his upcoming visit to the U.S. and is putting pressure on the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. and television shows to cancel their invitations to Kahane to speak while here [JWP 9/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes seriously wounding the man trying to place it in an Israeli market; 20 Palestinians are detained [LAT 9/7].

Arab World: Palestinian and Shi'ite gunmen battle for the 4th straight day around Burj al-Barajinah camp in south Beirut; 23 killed and 70 wounded ovemight. Shi'ite militia is backed by Soviet T-54 tanks. The DFLP issues a statement from Damascus accusing Amal militia of executing 17 Palestinian civilians in the street. The Druze and Murabitun militias have joined forces with the Palestinians against Amal militia [NYT, DT, WP, LT 9/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Another 20 Palestinians are put under administrative detention [NYT, LT 9/4]. Military review board rejects appeals submitted by 3 West Bank Palestinians against deportation orders issued against them a week ago. They are expected to appeal to Israeli High Court [FT 9/4]. Shafiqa Abu Sitteh, 25, "accidentally" shot by Israeli soldier in the Gaza Strip last week, dies from her wounds in Beersheba Hospital [FJ 9/6]. Israeli army spokesman reports Iraeli navy seized another yacht, the Gandha, off the coast of southern Lebanon on 8/31, arresting 2 Palestinians, a Greek, and a Briton who were aboard. Spokesman states Palestinians confessed to being members of Fateh and to planning attack against targets inside Israel. Def. Min. Yitzhak Rabin states Israeli navy will intercept vessels anywhere in the Mediterranean to prevent attacks on Israeli targets [LT, CT, MG, JP 9/3]. Israeli Chief of Staff Moshe Levy tours Golan Heights and declares 2-kilometer-wide strip along demarcation line a closed military zone. Army is reportedly building new fortifications and strengthening forces in the Golan [FJ 9/6]. Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports a Modi'in Ezrachi poll shows 60% of Israeli adult public favor amnesty for imprisoned members of Jewish underground; 34% oppose it UTA 9/3].

Other Countries: New York Times reports U.S. administrations discussing convening a meeting of Western European states to sponsor direct Arab-Israeli negotiations as alternative to the international conference which King Hussein and PLO insist on, which would include the Soviet Union [JP 9/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at bus stop at Gilo settlement, south of Jerusalem, wounding 6; 11 Palestinians are arrested [JP 9/3]. Abu Musa faction of Fateh reportedly claims responsibility [MG 9/3]. Unidentified people ambush settler's car in Gaza Strip; Israeli police say several bullets hit the car. Several Palestinians detained by police [Fl 9/6]. Stones thrown at Egged bus smash its windshield near Ramallah; 3 Palestinian youths detained and released [Fl 9/6].

Arab World: Gunmen seriously wound Hussayn al-Hayabi, 50, Palestinian guerrilla official loyal to Arafat, after storming his home in 'Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp. Hayabi is 7th Arafat loyalist attacked since July in 'Ain al-Hilweh, and only one to survive [BG,WP,MG 9/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah University is ordered closed for two months, following 7/31 raid in which army officials say they found "inciting" material [FJ 8/9]. Chinese government spokesman denies reports about secret arms deal between China and Israel [NYT 8/3]. Israeli sources confirm top-ranking Israeli diplomat last month paid "private" visit to the Soviet Union [JTA 8/2]. Police at military roadblock outside Jenin detain 12 Kach supporters apparently on their way to Arrabuna, home of three Palestinians suspected of killing two Israeli schoolteachers [JP 8/2]. Curfew on Nablus continues {JP 8/4].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli warplanes destroy headquarters of Syrian Socialist Nationalist party in the Biqa' Valley; group claimed responsibility for suicide car bomb attacks against Israeli troops in security zone. Members of SSNP say some leaders escaped, 2 killed, and 4 injured [NYT 8/3].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Knesset passes, by vote of 60-0, law banning future election lists that advocate racism [FJ 8/9]. Clause proposed by Justice Minister Moshe Nissim bans election lists which reject the legitimacy of Israel as the "state of the Jewish people." Progressive List for Peace and the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality (Israeli Communist party) abstained in Knesset vote; PLP spokesman Kamil Dahir submits resignation in protest of abstention vote. Two Palestinians are found dead near car in West Bank village of Tubas, in what police say was apparently an accidental detonation of a car bomb [WP 7/31]. Palestinian sources speculate they may have been murdered [FJ 8/2]. U. S. Asst. Defense Sec. Richard Perle announces Israel agrees to participate in Strategic Defense Initiative research [BG 7/31]. Jane's Defence Weekly reports that Israel's clandestine arms sales to China have bolstered its international weapons trade to $1.2 billion annually [MJ 8/16].

Arab World: Jordanian and PLO officials say 2 Palestinians acceptable to Israel - Hanna Siniora and Fayez Abu Rahmeh - are intended only as "consultants" to joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation [WP 7/31]. Al-Fajr English newspaper reports sources in Tunis say PLO condemns new West Bank committee set up by local pro-Jordanian figures to lobby for joint Jordanian-Palestinian moves [FJ 8/2].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Albert Buchris, 32, from Afula, shot to death in Nablus market. Nablus and 2 nearby refugee camps put under curfew; residents are teargassed, house-to-house searches are conducted for the weapon used in the killing. Al-Najah University is closed [WP, LAT 7/31, JTA 8/1].

Arab World: Syria delivers 50 Soviet-made T-54 tanks to Amal in south Beirut [DT 7/31].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: All shops close in East Jerusalem in general strike to protest Israeli closure of the Hospice Hospital in Jerusalem's Old City [FJ 7/26]. P. M. Peres says Israel should not give up part of Golan Heights in deal with U.S.S.R. for emigration of Soviet Jews UP 7/25]. Kiryat Arba's new nine-member local council - pledged to firing its Arab employees, pressing private businesses to do likewise, and to preventing economic ventures with Arab investors - is formally installed; dozens of secular residents enter building to protest [JP 7/25]. Israeli civil administration governing the occupied territories announces high school matriculation exam results improved on West Bank this year; schools were closed less than in the past; 64 percent of West Bank students passed their exams this year, compared with 54 percent last year [JP 7/25].

Arab World: Jordanian diplomat Ziad Sati, 40, is assassinated in Turkey; Islamic Jihad takes credit [CSM 7/26, NYT 7/25].

Other Countries: Reagan administration presents Middle East arms transfer study to special closed session of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee as basis for request to sell new arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Congressional supporters of Israel warn administration against pursuing the arms sale, saying it would provoke an "enormously divisive" debate [WP 7/24, 25, JTA 7/25, BG 7/26].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel frees 74 Lebanese Shi'a, 6 Lebanese Sunnis, and 20 Palestinians held at Atlit prison since April, when Israel transferred 1,200 detainees from its Ansar prison in south Lebanon to Israel. Three hundred are still in detention. Any prisoner now detained in south Lebanon by Israel is sent to new prison run by SLA at Khiyam village, in the security zone [NYT 7/24]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: U.S. says Israel cannot veto list of Palestinians for talks [NYT 7/19]. State Department says chief criterion for deciding to procede with negotiations is "whether it would help promote direct Arab-Israeli negotiations" [WP 7/19]. East Jerusalem newspaper al-Quds publishes list of 7 names for proposed joint delegation: Khaled al-Hasan, head of the PNC's foreign affairs committee; Fayez Abu Rahmeh, ex-head of Gaza Bar Association; Hatim al-Husseini, professor at Shaw University, Raleigh, N.C.; Salah al-Ta'amari, member of the PLO's Supreme Military Council; Nabil Sha'th, PNC member; Hanna Siniora, editor of al-Fajr newspaper; and Muhammad Subayh, PNC member. Henry Cattan, Paris-based lawyer and historian, is also mentioned as alternate [NYT 7/19, LAT 7/19]. Modi'in Ezrahi poll finds 12.7 percent of Israelis favor peace talks, regardless of which Palestinians participate; 33 percent oppose talks with any Palestinians [JP 7/19]. U.S. military delegation headed by Undersecretary of State William Schneider and General Philip Gast begins annual talks in Tel Aviv on scope of future U.S. military aid to Israel [JTA 7/19]. Orthodox Jews hold mass pray-in at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City to protest construction of Mormon center they fear will be used to convert Jews. Israel's two chief rabbis endorse the event [LAT 7/19].

Arab World: Office of Arab Boycott of Israel, at biannual meeting in Damascus, removes Ford, Bayer, Colgate Palmolive, and 6 companies and individuals from other countries from its blacklist; 28 new companies added [FT, LAT 7/19].

Other Countries: Bomb explodes, wrecking house and car of the PLO's acting chief representative in Cyprus, Malath 'Abdu; no injuries reported [WP 7/18]. The Guardian reports 2 Palestinians were arrested by police in Madrid last week while allegedly planning to blow up Syrian embassy and assassinate ambassador. Suspects allegedly belong to Fateh's Force 17; police discovered TNT, arms, ammunition, a detonator, and a time fuse when they raided a flat in connection with the arrests [MG 7/19].

Other Countries: Soviet spokesman denies Moscow would make deal with Israel on increased Jewish emigration to Israel [DT 7/19]. Israel Radio reports Soviets want emigration guaranteed to Israel, not to other countries; want anti-Soviet propaganda stopped in the West [CT 7/21]. Moscow states goal as progress on Golan Heights [NYT 7/20]. U.S. officials state U.S. would welcome Soviet resumption of ties with Israel as constructive behavior in Middle East [LT 7/20].


Other Countries: Syrian President Asad meets Soviet leader Gorbachev in Moscow. Tass statement stresses importance of PLO unity, Soviet participation in peace conference [NYT 6/20].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Defying censorship laws, Koteret Rashit reports Gen. Yitzhak Mordechai at center of inquiries into the 4/13 killing of 2 Gaza residents captured alive following a bus highjacking [MG 2/21]. Rabbi Moshe Levinger, more than 100 other settlers, confront 5 Palestinian women at Tal Rumeida, Hebron; IDF later closes area [FJ 2/22].

Other Countries: US, USSR end talks in Vienna on Middle East; no accord reached; US continues to reject suggestion for intl. conference, favoring directalks instead [NYT 2/22].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF raid al-Bazouriya, S. Lebanon in wake of recent Israeli casualties in the area; 2 killed, 200 questioned [NYT, LAT 2/21]. IDF liaison office attacked in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JTA 2/21].


Arab World: PLO exec. committee endorses 2/11 Arafat-Hussein accord with changes: reiterates opposition to UN Sec. Council Resolution 242; reiterates that Palestinian-Jordanian federation can occur only after independent Palestinian state is formed; proposes PLO delegation to intl. peace conference as part of joint Arab delegation to be formed after "complete Arab support" of plan is secured [DT 2/21].

Other Countries: US, USSR begin talks on Middle East in Vienna [WP 2/20]. UN Human Rights Commission condemns Iraeli violations of human rights in occupied Arab territories [MG 2/20].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: IDF soldier wounded by roadside bomb near Lake Karoun. IDF kill commando, arrest dozens, near 'Arab Salim bridge on the Zahrani River [JP 2/20]. RPGs fired at IDF positionear Ansar; no casualties. RPGs, shots directed at IDF position near Deir Qanun; no injuries [JTA 2/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Political sources indicate Israel will permit US to build Voice of America transmitter [12/24] for broadcasts to USSR, Afghanistan [NYT 2/8]. MK Kahane prays at site where IDF soldier killed [2/5] in Ramallah [FJ 2/15]. IDF closes new al-Bireh high school after alleged stone-throwing incident [FJ 2/15].

Arab World: Responding to call from Nabih Berri, strike observed in Sidon, Tyre, Nabatiya and Shi'ite villages protesting 2/6 IDF raid, arrests [JP 2/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli taxi driver injured by stone near Dheisheh camp; curfew imposed on southern part of camp [JP 2/8]. Certain shops in Hebron and al-Bireh closed in response to stone throwing incidents [FT 2/8].

Arab World: Bomb explodes near SLA unit in vicinity of Qlai'eh, S. Lebanon; no injuries. Grenade thrown at SLA base near Sidon; no injuries [JP 2/8].


Other Countries: US Sec. of State Shultz assures visiting DM Rabin of US opposition to intl. conference on Middle East under UN auspices or with participation of USSR [JP 1/29]. 

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 settlers injured when their bus is stoned near Halhoul; authorities detain 1 Halhoul resident [FJ 2/1]. Nature Reserve Authority (Green Patrol) officials drive onto olive orchards in al-Mill (Area 9), destroy more than 140 trees; land was scene of recent (1/9, 1/25, 1/27) incidents [FJ 2/1].

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: fighting breaks out between commandos and collaborators in 'Ain al-Hilweh. Reports indicate IDF kill 7-yr.-old Hawra Hadrag when troops at checkpoint open fire on car in Sidon [LT 1/29]. Mine wounds 3 IDF troops near Marjayoun. 2 IDF personnel injured as bomb explodes near convoy over Qasimiya Bridge [JTA 1/29]. Bomb explodes in Burj al-Shamali as IDF patrol passes; no injuries. Explosion occurs near SLA patrol in Deir Qanun, shots fired at SLA patrol in Sidon; no injuries. Katyusha launched at IDF position, undisclosed location; no injuries [JP 1/29]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Inmates at Jnaid prison (Nablus) demonstrate against attempted housing of 26 alleged Muslim Brotherhood prisoners; IDF, Border Police, prison guards use tear gas to suppress inmates [JP 1/17, FJ 1/18]. Over 2,000 E. Jerusalem merchants return their municipal tax bills to protest 670% increase in taxes [FJ 1/18].

Other Countries: White House spokesman Sims confirms US, USSR agree in principle to meet together on Middle East [see 1/13] sometime in the future [WP 1/17]. New York jury in Sharon libel case (11/12) determines that Time magazine defamed Sharon in 1982 article on Sabra-Shatila; must yet decide on 2 other points [NYT 1/17].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Katyusha fired from Jordan lands in Jordan Valley; no injuries or damage. DM Rabin warns Jordan to stop such attacks or else Israel will [JP 1/17].

Arab World: Gasoline bomb thrown at Israeli television team, IDF escort in Sidon, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 1/17]. S. Lebanon Civil Guard member wounded by gunfire in Nabatiya [JP 1/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF close one entrance to Dheisheh camp citing stone throwing incidents; reopen another entrance previously closed [JP 1/14, FJ 1/18]. In attempt to expand settlements into downtown Nablus, yeshiva students sleep overnight near Joseph's Tomb in violation of military order [FJ 1/18]. Yona Avrushmi sentenced to life imprisonment for 1983 killing of Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig [JP 1/14].

Other Countries: Diplomatic sources indicate US, USSR to meet for discussions on Middle East; no date set [NYT 1/14, CSM 1/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Supreme Court upholds military authorities' 12/4 decision not to allow local elections in occupied territories [JTA 12/26]. PM Peres visits Bethlehem, attends Christmas reception hosted by Mayor Freij [1st visit to Bethlehem by an Israeli PM] [LAT 12/25]. Trial of Shimon Barda, member of plot to bomb al-Aqsa and other holy sites, begins in Jerusalem [JP 12/25].

Other Countries: Diplomatic sources indicate US and Israel close to agreement on establishment of Voice of America radio transmitter in Israel for broadcasts to USSR [WP 12/25].

Military Action

Arab World: Action in S. Lebanon: bombs explode near IDF convoy south of Sidon; no injuries. Fire fight between resistance forces and SLA unit at Akiya Bridge, Litani River; RPGs fired at SLA roadblock near Nabatiya [JP 12/25].



Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50% below last year. Educ. Min. bans use of book Central Issues in Recent History of the State of the Nation by Amnon Haver for its reference to "Palestinian nation."

Other Countries: George Habash (PFLP) & Nayef Hawatmeh (DFLP) meet with Soviet officials in Moscow to discuss PLO reunification. US Senate Foreign Relations Com. publishes pessimistic report on Israeli economy, stating without current US aid (12% of GNP), balance of payment problem "unmanageable," and increased US aid will not "significantly ameliorate" these problems posing serious security threat to Israel. At Israel Bonds dinner in Los Angeles, American-Jewish oilman Armand Hammer announces project to search for oil in Israel. In New York libel trial, Sharon claims COS Eitan ordered Phalangists into Sabra & Shatila camps (9/82).

Military Action

Arab World: Pentagon orders US carrier Eisenhower totake position within range of Lebanon for possible "retaliatory strikes" there.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset House Com. decides (8-5) to discuss MK Sarid's request to revoke Kach MK Kahane's parliamentary immunity. Caller claiming to be "Avenger" phones in death threat to Pres. Herzog. UK Foreign Sec. Howe meets with Elias Freij, Rashad Shawa, Gabi Baramki & Hikmat al-Masri in E. Jerusalem. Before Tel Aviv U. audience, US amb. to Israel Lewis criticizes Reagan peace plan, saying timing was "abysmal," tactics "worse," and results to date are "nil." Ciskei Pres. Lennox Sebe inaugurates "twinning" of Ariel settlement and Ciskei's capital, Bisho.

Arab World: In al-Sharq al-Awsat interview, King Hussein criticizes US role in Middle East and says he will buy Soviet weapons.

Other Countries: In global nuclear weapons survey, Carnegie Endowment for Intl. Peace reports Israel has capability to deploy 10-20 nuclear bombs. 


Other Countries: Chrmn. Arafat attends 35th anniversary celebration of German Democratic Republic in E. Berlin; meets with Soviet FM Gromyko, discusses possibility of Gromyko's personal intervention in PLO reconciliation with Syria.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: While on "Yom Kippur alert," Israeli soldiers shoot & kill 3 Arabs at night near Jordan Valley village Maraya, claiming they may have infiltrated from Jordan. Bir Zeit U. students begin 4-day strike in dispute over increase in fees for 1st yr. students, while student council negotiates with administration.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres says Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon no longer contingent upon simultaneous Syrian withdrawal.

Arab World: Jordan and Egypt announce resumption of full diplomatic relations; US and Israel claim the move is a victory for Camp David process; Syria and Libya denounce it, call for boycott of Egypt.

Other Countries: Israeli FM Shamir meets with Soviet FM Gromyko at UN in New York.