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  • August 26, 1993

    PLO Exec. Comm. meeting in Tunis. PFLP threatens walkout of 7 comm. mbrs.- 3 independents, reps. of PFLP, DFLP (Hawatmah), PLF, and ALF - if Chmn. Arafat blocks discussion of financial, political...

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PLO Exec. Comm. meeting in Tunis. PFLP threatens walkout of 7 comm. mbrs.- 3 independents, reps. of PFLP, DFLP (Hawatmah), PLF, and ALF - if Chmn. Arafat blocks discussion of financial, political crises. PFLP rep. 'Abd al-Rahman Malluh, independent Bishop Ilyas Khuri, and Shafiq al-Hut do not attend. Mahmud Darwish, who had resigned, says he will attend to show resignation fr. Exec. Comm. "does not mean resignation fr. the PLO." DFLP (Hawatmah) rep. Taysir Khalid says he will demand resignation of all PLO leaders responsible for negotiations with Israel. (MM 8/26, 8/27)

PLO Information head Yasir 'Abd-Rabbuh passes message fr. Chmn. Arafat to French govt. on provisional PLO-Israel accord. 'Abd-Rabbuh later tells RFI "we think that now there is a possibility of an historic breakthrough btwn. us and the Israelis." (MM 8/27)

Al-Sharq al-Awsat quotes delegation spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi as saying delegation cut to 7 negotiators, 1 asst. due to PLO financial straits. (MM 8/26)