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  • September 14, 1993

    PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Washington, breakfasts with 20 U.S. senators, appeals for U.S. loan guarantees for Palestinian entity and end to legislation restricting PLO activities in U.S. He then speaks...

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PLO Chmn. Arafat, in Washington, breakfasts with 20 U.S. senators, appeals for U.S. loan guarantees for Palestinian entity and end to legislation restricting PLO activities in U.S. He then speaks to National Press Club luncheon and travels to New York for 1st visit to UN since 1974. (NYT 9/15)

Jordanian Amb. to U.S. Fayez Tarawneh and Israeli negotiator Eliakim Rubinstein, in Washington, sign "common agenda" for further negotiations. (NYT 9/15)

Israeli PM Rabin, returning fr. U.S., stops in Morocco for surprise meeting with King Hassan II. After 2 hours of talks, Rabin calls visit "a step toward diplomatic relations"; Hasan, head of ICO's Jerusalem Comm., calls PLO-Israel agreement "astep toward abetter future." (MM 9/14; NYT, WP 9/15)

PLO Pol. Dept. head Faruq Qaddumi holds talks in Baghdad with Iraqi Dep. PM Tariq 'Aziz, other Iraqi officials. Meanwhile, PFLP chief Habash meets in Damascus with Syrian VP Khaddam, who promisesupport for Palestinian "national righto a state with Jerusalem asits capital." (MM 9/15)

PFLP-GC, "unified leadership" of PFLP and DFLP, ALF all issue statements rejecting DoP. (QPAR, SANA, INA 9/14 in FBIS 9/14)

Baha al-Din al-Najr, 19, presumed Hamas activist, dies in suicide bomb attack on Gaza City police station. Also in Gaza, Ismail Sheber, 21, attempts to stab IDF soldier and is shot dead. Closure imposed on Gaza Strip by IDF 9/15-19. (IDF Radio 9/14 in FBIS 9/14; NYT, WP 9/15)

In Beirut, 15,000 (Hizballah claims 150,000) attend funeral of 8 Hizballah mbrs. killed 9/13 by Lebanese soldiers during demonstration against PLO-Israel accord. Hizballah leader Shaykh Hasan Nasrallah calls for resignation ofPM Rafiq Hariri's govt. over incident. (MM 9/14; NYT 9/15)