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  • January 13, 1993

    Israel cancels deportation orders against 6 more of those expelled 12/17; total "mistakenly expelled" is now 16. (NYT 1/15)

    Ukrainian Pres. Leonid Kravchuk ends 2- day visit to Israel by...

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Israel cancels deportation orders against 6 more of those expelled 12/17; total "mistakenly expelled" is now 16. (NYT 1/15)

Ukrainian Pres. Leonid Kravchuk ends 2- day visit to Israel by opening Ukrainian embassy in Tel Aviv. During his stay, he met with PM Rabin, spoke to the Knesset, and signed a number of bilateral agreements. (Qol Yisra'el 1/12, 1/13 in FBIS 1/12, 1/13, 1/14)

FM Peres makes first explicit Israeli call for mutual verification of nuclear weapons between Arabs and Israelis-once peace is attained-in speech to chemical weapons conf. in Paris. (MM 1/13)

U.S. and coalition warplanes bomb Iraqi missile, radar targets. (NYT, WP 1/14)