9 / 15479 Results
  • May 15, 1991

    Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC...

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  • May 2, 1991

    Allied forces push 35 miles farther east into Iraqi territory to the town of Amidiyah, more than doubling size of security zone for protecting Kurdish refugees. Saddam Hussein orders the...

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  • April 10, 1991

    In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and...

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  • January 29, 1991

    U.S.-Soviet joint statement says allied assault on Iraq could end now if Saddam Hussein makes "unequivocal commitment" to withdraw from Kuwait; statement appears to soften past U.S. insistence...

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  • August 13, 1990

    New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over...

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  • June 27, 1990

    In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that...

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  • September 28, 1984


    Arab World: US envoy Murphy meets Lebanese Pres. Gemayel & PM Karami in Beirut. Other Countries: Before UN General Assembly, Egypts FM Abd al-Meguid calls for...

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  • September 24, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min.of Police Bar Lev refuses Jewish terror suspects' request for prison leave over Jewish holidays.

    Arab World: In Damascus,...

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  • August 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces 1,440 immigrants & potential immigrants arrived in July. Caravan of 4 squatter families armed with M-16s arrives to...

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Arab League ministerial meeting opens in Cairo; in unopposed election, Arab League chooses Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid as its Sec.-Gen. for the next 5 years [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT 5/16; CDS, RMC, MENA 5/15 in FBIS 5/16].

Meeting in Israel, Sec. Baker and P.M. Shamir draw up confidential document that acknowledges the obstacles to holding regional peace conference, but points toward fresh attempt to start Israeli-Palestinian talks [WP, LAT 5/16]. But Israel rejects Sec. Baker's proposals for bridging differences with Syria [MEM 5/15; NYT 5/16].

U.S. diplomatic and intelligence sources say that roughly 10 days ago, Israel told American military attaches in Tel Aviv that Israeli military action in southern Lebanon was possible; warning is seen as message to Lebanon and Syria not to take action against Israel-backed SLA [WP 5/16].

34-member team of international specialists arrive in Baghdad for week of on-site inspections of Iraq's nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with UN resolutions prohibiting Iraqi possession of weapons of mass destruction [MEM 5/15; WP, NYT, LAT 5/16].

Palestinians who met with Sec. Baker say that he told them American initiative did not envision eventual creation of Palestinian state: "Less than a state, more than autonomy," is how one participant put it [NYT, MEM 5/16].

On conclusion of 5-day meeting in Tunis Fateh Revolutionary Council calls for meeting of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and PLO to coordinate stands on Middle East issues [MENA 5/15, DUS 5/16 in FBIS 5/16].

Allied forces push 35 miles farther east into Iraqi territory to the town of Amidiyah, more than doubling size of security zone for protecting Kurdish refugees. Saddam Hussein orders the destruction of 1 of 3 state palaces and villas located within the zone because it could be used by allies for military purposes [WP, NYT 5/3].

Commander of UN Iraq-Kuwait observer force says all UN troops will be in place by 5/6 and that the remaining 4,800 U.S. soldiers would be out of southern Iraq by 5/8 [WP, NYT 5/3].

Israeli gov't. protests to U.S. over "snubbing" of Housing Min. Sharon, who, refused an "official" gov't. meeting, met 5/1 with HUD head Jack Kemp at Israeli embassy [WP, NYT 5/3].

Meeting in Cairo, PLO rep. Mahmoud Abbas and Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid agree that no Middle East peace process could lead anywhere without "a role for the PLO, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people" [MEM 5/3]. 

In Cairo, Sec. Baker meets with Pres. Mubarak; F.M. Abdel Meguid says Egypt is prepared to consider American proposal for Arab-Israeli peace conference sponsored by Washington and Moscow, and would treat Israel's conditions for such a conference with an open mind [MEM 4/10; NYT, WP, LAT 4/11; MENA 4/10, 4/11 in FBIS 4/11; MET 4/23].

Housing Minister Ariel Sharon says that he intends to continue efforts to accelerate settlements in o.t., despite Sec. Baker's reported criticism of Sharon's policy at 4/9 meetings [NYT 4/11].

Pres. Bush signs emergency appropriations bill into law; it authorizes $650 million for Israel, $200 million for Turkey, and cuts off economic and military, but not humanitarian, aid to Jordan. Provision allows pres. to resume aid if he feels it will facilitate Middle East peace process [NYT 4/11].

Yasir Arafat delivers speech to mark 41st month of intifada outlining PLO's recent diplomatic activity [AVP 4/10 in FBIS 4/11].

Ha'Aretz reports that about 3% of some 223,000 new immigrants to Israel since January 1989 have settled in o.t., most in Jerusalem neighborhoods [HAA 4/11 in FBIS 4/12].

In interview with Paris-based Arabic-language weekly, Khaled al-Hassan, Fateh Central Committee member and PNC committee chair, calls for election of Palestinian provisional gov't. capable of ending PLO's isolation [MEM 4/11].

Israel releases 240 Palestinian prisoners for end of Ramadan; D.M. Arens promises to release more [FJ 4/15; MET 4/23].

U.S.-Soviet joint statement says allied assault on Iraq could end now if Saddam Hussein makes "unequivocal commitment" to withdraw from Kuwait; statement appears to soften past U.S. insistence that only "massive withdrawal" by Iraq would stop war (cf. 1/30) [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/30].

Pres. Bush, in State of the Union address, says Iraq's capacity to sustain war is being destroyed [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 1/30].

U.S. says it will shoot down any Iraqi plane trying to rejoin war after taking refuge in Iran; White House says it has received fresh assurances from Teheran that Iraqi planes will not be allowed to leave [LAT, WP 1/30].

Chancellor Kohl pledges additional $5.5 billion to war effort, and orders German anti-aircraft missile systems to Turkey [LAT, WP 1/30].

Pres. Bush meets in Washington with Egyptian F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid; Egypt pushes for U.S. commitment to pressure Israel for settlement with Palestinians once Gulf war has ended [NYT, LAT, WP 1/30].

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies say they have detected more than 700 cases in which firms and individuals worldwide have tried to sell munitions and other goods to Iraq, including 20 incidents since August in U.S. [LAT 1/30].

Fateh official Abu Ziad [Rafiq Shafiq Qiblawi] is assassinated in ambush outside his home in Iraq-occupied Kuwait [WT 1/30].

French D.M. Jean-Pierre Chevenement, who had openly expressed his doubts about war with Iraq, is forced from office, and replaced by Interior Min. Pierre Joxe [WP 1/30].

Israel orders Palestinian leader Sari Nusseiben jailed without trial for 6 months as a spy for Iraq [WP 1/30].

Israeli gunboats and helicopters attack Fateh camps in S. Lebanon after barrage of rockets explode in "security zone" [WP 1/30].

New York Times writes Yasir Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein has created rift in PLO leadership, with senior PLO officials deeply divided over what policy to follow and disturbed over PLO's "very negative" image in Gulf states [NYT 8/14]; Los Angeles Times reports PLO "may have written themselves out of the diplomatic script" by supporting Iraq, stance will make it nearly impossible for resumption of U.S.-PLO dialogue [LAT 8/14].

Gulf crisis has strengthened P.M. Shamir's gov't., political right seen as gaining supporters in Israel; many Israelis are purchasingas masks in event of Iraqi chemical attack. Israeli official says "the mood of Israelis is that there is no point negotiating with Palestinians who support a leader like Saddam Hussein, who wants to wipe us off the face of the earth" [LAT 8/13].

U.S. ass't. sec. of state, John Kelly, meets in Cairo with F.M. Esmat Abdel Meguid to discuss Gulf crisis [MENA 8/ 13 in FBIS 8/13]; then Kelly flies to Damascus to meet with Syrian officials [SANA 8/13 in FBIS 8/14].

Hamas leaflet distributed in O.T. calls on Palestinians to take their battle to Israeli soil, and for Baghdad to attack Tel Aviv if Iraq is attacked by Western powers [WT 8/14]. 

In first interview with U.S. newspaper in nearly 6 years, Iraq's Saddam Hussein says another Mideast war is "inevitable" unless U.S. deters aggressive Israeli policies against Palestinians; that Iraq will stand up to any Israeli military aggression in the area [WSJ 6/28].

Joint Jewish Agency and gov't. coordinating committee on immigration and absorption approve annual budget of $2.3 million for absorbing 150,000 immigrants a year for next 3 years; plan includes construction of 45,000 new apartments [IGP 6/27 in FBIS 6/27].

Esmat Abdel Meguid, Egypt's F.M., meets in New York with UN Sec. Gen. Javier Perez de Cuellar to brief de Cuellar on Meguid's meetings with Pres. Bush, Sec. Baker [MENA 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].

UN envoy Jean-Claude Amie tours Gaza Strip and meets with Palestinian officials there who request UN protection [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28].

West Bank Civil Admin. allows 2 colleges to reopen: al-Najah University in Nablus and Science University in Abu Dis; studies will resume in mid-July [JDS 6/27 in FBIS 6/28].

Soviet Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev sends letter to Egyptian Pres. Mubarak, stressing need for continued peaceful efforts and declaring suspension of U.S.- PLO dialogue as harmful to peace process [RMC 6/28 in FBIS 6/29].

Concluding 3-day visit to Israel, speakers of East and West German parliaments say they have received P.M. Shamir's unconditional approval of reunification of Germany. Shamir says he expects Germany to influence other EC members to adopt more understanding attitude toward Israel [JDS 6/28 in FBIS 6/28; WT 6/28].

Pres. of European Parliament, Enrique Baron Crespo, meets in Tunis with Arafat, according to WAFA [MEM 6/28].


Arab World: US envoy Murphy meets Lebanese Pres. Gemayel & PM Karami in Beirut. Other Countries: Before UN General Assembly, Egypts FM Abd al-Meguid calls for int'l. conference to protect rights of Arabs in Israeli-occupied territories. Int'l. Progress Organization holds 3-day conf. in Brussels, calls for US recognition of PLO and int'l. Middle East peace conf. under UN auspices.

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops shoot & wound Sidon resident for breaking through IDF roadblock. Light arms fire directed at IDF outpost in Kamel al-Luz, S. Lebanon. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Min.of Police Bar Lev refuses Jewish terror suspects' request for prison leave over Jewish holidays.

Arab World: In Damascus, Democratic Alliance calls for convening PNC.

Other Countries: US envoy Murphy arrives in Tel Aviv to discuss with PM Peres possible mediation between Israel and Syria over IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. Israeli FM Shamir meets Egyptian FM Abd al-Meguid in New York. US threatens withdrawal from Intl. Atomic Energy Agency if it does not recognize Israel.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF and SLA patrols come under light arms fire near Jezzine and in Tyre, S. Lebanon. 1 IDF soldier & 1 Shin Bet agent killed, 1 soldier wounded in ambush near Mishki village, eastern Beqaa.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel announces 1,440 immigrants & potential immigrants arrived in July. Caravan of 4 squatter families armed with M-16s arrives to settle inside Hebron during night. Meir Kahane prevented from breaking into al-Aqsa Mosque grounds to hoist an Israeli flag on Tishah b'Av (day marking the destruction of the 1st & 2nd temples).

Arab World: Egypt's FM Meguid says Egypt will return amb. to Tel Aviv if Israel withdraws from Lebanon and from Taba enclosure near Eilat, and if settlement of Palestinian question in progress. Lebanese cabinet approves plan to deploy army in militia-controlled countryside around Beirut.

Military Action

Arab World: Grenade thrown at IDF patrol 4 km E. of Jwaiyeh; 1 Israeli wounded.