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  • December 5, 1990

    In testimony to House Armed Services Committee, CIA Dir. William Webster says Iraq's military could maintain its current combat readiness for no more than 9 months-the air force only 3 months-if...

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  • October 13, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro...

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  • October 12, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].

    Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of...

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In testimony to House Armed Services Committee, CIA Dir. William Webster says Iraq's military could maintain its current combat readiness for no more than 9 months-the air force only 3 months-if sanctions continued to hold [NYT, WP 12/6].

Saudi Arabia promises Egypt $1.5 billion to offset losses from Gulf crisis while Cairo prepares to commit more troops and armor to the multinational coalition [NYT, WT 12/6].

Israeli F.M. David Levy warns U.S. and al- lies not to stray from what Israel sees as one of coalition's original goals: to dismantle Iraq's military threat [NYT, WT, WP 12/6].

U.S. officials say Syria has been paid roughly $1 billion for participating in Gulf coalition, and is trying to use money to buy advanced military weaponry [LAT 12/6].

Renzo Embeni, head of EC delegation currently visiting Israel, says there is substantive disagreement between EC and Israeli gov't., noting particularly Israel's opposition to international peace conference, rejection of PLO as negotiating partner, and what Embeni calls Israel's lack of respect for international law [JDS, IDF 12/5 in FBIS 12/6].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli officials state that during his upcoming visit to Washington, P.M. Peres will seek to use the publicity of the Achille Lauro affair to exclude the PLO from the M.E. peace process [WP 10/14]. P.M. Peres denies he notified the Soviets he might be willing to return the Golan Heights in exchange for an increase in Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union and restoration of diplomatic ties [JP 10/14].

Arab World: Muhammad 'Abbas states 4 hijackers told him they did not kill anyone, that Leon Klinghoffer probably died of a heart attack [NYT 10/14]. 'Abbas is quoted as saying the original destination of the hijackers was "the Israeli port of Ashdod for the purpose of carrying out a suicide mission inside the occupied territory" [MG 10/14].

Other Countries: U.S. delivers "firm and severe" protest over Italy's decision to let 'Abbas and another PLO official leave for Yugoslavia [WP 10/14]. FBI Dir. William Webster states Yugoslavia has turned down U. S. request to detain 'Abbas [LAT 10/14]. FBI head William Webster states bombing of Santa Ana office of ADC "corresponds to some bombings on the East Coast, directed at people believed to be hostile to Israel," implies the Jewish Defense League is under suspicion [MG 10/14].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian attacks an Israeli with a hatchet in the town of Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip, wounding him slightly. Part of the town is placed under curfew [TS, MG 10/14]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: MK Meir Kahane sues State Dept. over his loss of U.S. citizenship [BG 10/13; WP 10/15].

Arab World: Pres. Mubarak accuses U.S. of "piracy" in interception of Egyptian plane carrying 4 hijackers, says action could obstruct the M.E. peace process [NYT, WP 10/13]. Thousands of rock-throwing demonstrators clash with police outside Cairo University [WP, BG 10/13]. All 4 members of joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation have arrived in London for talks with British Foreign Ministry. They are: Jordanian Deputy P.M. 'Abd al-Wahab al-Majali; Jordanian For. Min. Tahir al-Masri; PLO delegate Bishop Iliyas Khuri; and former West Bank Mayor Muhammad Milham [LT 10/13]. Beirut newspaper publishes photo which Islamic Jihad group claims is corpse of kidnapped American William Buckley. Jihad offers to turn body over in exchange for release of 100 Palestinian prisoners in Israel. Jihad claims it executed Buckley on 10/4 in retaliation for Israeli bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis [NYT 10/13].

Other Countries: Pres. Reagan orders federal bomb experts to investigate bombing of ADC office in Santa Ana, Calif. which killed Alex Odeh [BG 10/13]. Muhammed (Abu) al-'Abbas and another unidentified PLO official are reported to leave Italy for Yugoslavia after U.S. officials issue warrant for 'Abbas' arrest [NYT 10/13]. FBI Dir. William Webster states 2 "crack teams" of agents have been sent to Italy to monitor prosecution of hijackers, FBI is increasing surveillance of several pro-Palestinian groups in the U.S. to "guard against possible retaliation" [BG 10/13].