Occupied Palestine/Israel: State attorney denies June 1980 car bomb victims Karim Khalaf & Ibrahim Tawil access to files compiled from evidence. Bulldozers...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: State attorney denies June 1980 car bomb victims Karim Khalaf & Ibrahim Tawil access to files compiled from evidence. Bulldozers...
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh, PFLP & DFLP issue communique after 3-day Aden mtg., calling for renewed drive for Palestinian state by all means,...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens bows to pressure for military inquiry to determine cause of death of commandos killed by IDF (4/12/84). Labor slate decides to...
Arab World: Lebanese Pres. Gemayel returns from Damascus with Syrian agreement that he should form new gov't. giving increasing power to Lebanese Muslims.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sakhnin man Saleh Zbeidat arrested on charges of raising Palestinian flag on Land Day (3/30/84). Arab World: 9th anniversary of...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon accepts Begin's offer to remain in Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio; Cabinet unanimously approves reshuffle; Chief of Staff...
IDF new appeals committee in Ansar prison in South Lebanon, has considered 1,000 cases, recommended release of 50 which must be approved by Northern Commander General Amir Drori...
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it...
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad...
Occupied Palestine/Israel: State attorney denies June 1980 car bomb victims Karim Khalaf & Ibrahim Tawil access to files compiled from evidence. Bulldozers open several roads on al-Jib villagers' land; owners file case in protest. Arriving in Jerusalem, UN Sec. Gen. De Cuellar received by PM Shamir and FM Kimche who charge UN encourages "terrorists and murderers" seeking Israel's destruction. Kfar Darom yeshiva members tour Gaza, looking for site of future settlement in heart of Gaza city.
Arab World: Lebanese parliament votes in favor of Karami government.
Other Countries: In Geneva, Arab & Muslim countries walk out when Costa Rica Pres. Monge addresses ILO conf. to protest his moving embassy to Jerusalem; US delegation leads standing ovation by Western bloc.
Military Action
Arab World: IDF conducts search of Burj al-Rahal, S. Lebanon; residents hurl stones at IDF, troops shoot at villagers, killing 2. Head of Israel-backed "national guard" in Idwri village, S. Lebanon injured by car-bomb explosion.
Arab World: Representatives of Fateh, PFLP & DFLP issue communique after 3-day Aden mtg., calling for renewed drive for Palestinian state by all means, including armed struggle.
Other Countries: US State Dep't. rejects view of Benvenisti's West Bank Data Project report that Israeli occupation of the West Bank is nearly irreversible. Morocco announces break in diplomatic relations with Costa Rica and El Salvador.
Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens bows to pressure for military inquiry to determine cause of death of commandos killed by IDF (4/12/84). Labor slate decides to accept party's choice of a Druze representative. Arab World: DM Arens says Israel is in contact with Syria through ICRC regarding possible POW exchange. [Israel reportedly holds approx. 3,000 PoWs, incl. 290 Syrians.]
Other Countries: Egypt breaks diplomatic relations with El Salvador and Costa Rica in response to transfer of their embassies to Jerusalem. Bonn's Dep. FM Moellemann calls for new EEC Middle East peace initative.
Arab World: Lebanese Pres. Gemayel returns from Damascus with Syrian agreement that he should form new gov't. giving increasing power to Lebanese Muslims.
Other Countries: Haaretz reports Israeli FM Kimche to visit US to discuss establishing special fund for Israeli assistance to Central American countries. 15-member Islamic Conference Organization committee to safeguard Islamic and Arab character of Jerusalem announces Islamic countries will break relations with Costa Rica and El Salvador for locating their embassies in Jerusalem. Reagan admin. warns Eastern bloc gov'ts. relations with US cannot improve if they continue support for Palestinians and other "international terrorists."
Occupied Palestine/Israel: Sakhnin man Saleh Zbeidat arrested on charges of raising Palestinian flag on Land Day (3/30/84). Arab World: 9th anniversary of outbreak of Lebanon civil war.
Other Countries: El Salvador gov't. officially moves embassy in Israel to Jerusalem; [2nd country to do so, after Costa Rica].
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon accepts Begin's offer to remain in Cabinet as Minister without Portfolio; Cabinet unanimously approves reshuffle; Chief of Staff Eitan meets with Begin with recommendations for military changes; Moshe Arens says in Washington interview that he disagrees with Reagan's position that settlements are an obstacle to peace; Israeli Attorney General and head of police issue statement giving precedence to the struggle against hooliganism at political meetings; police investigation of grenade attack on Peace Now demonstration continues, no arrests made, Peace Now critical of police permissiveness toward anti-Peace Now demonstrators; reserve paratroop officer sentenced to 35 days in military jail for conscientious objection to service in Lebanon, the 20th soldier to be jailed on such grounds; Zaire's Defense Minister signs agreements in Israel covering military training and arms exports.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee meetings continue in Algiers.
US and Other Countries: US and Israel cooperating on multi-million dollar project to clear land and establish settlers along Costa Rica's border with Nicaragua.
IDF new appeals committee in Ansar prison in South Lebanon, has considered 1,000 cases, recommended release of 50 which must be approved by Northern Commander General Amir Drori; bulldozers begin removing rubble from Martyr's Square in downtown Beirut in $450 million first stage of 5 year rehabilitation plan.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Interior Ministry stops issuing permits for Israeli tourists to visit Lebanon due to security situation, Lebanese citizens may enter Israel without restrictions, but Palestinians need special permit as some have visited relatives and not returned to Lebanon; Central Bureau of Statistics publishes 1982 inflation rate at 131.5%, second highest ever, and trade deficit at $3 billion, an increase of 18%o; head of Israeli Olympic committee and Hapoel Games Iaaac Ofek says athletes from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Kenya, Ivory Coast, and Zaire will participate in Hapoel Games in May; Tourism Minister Avraham Sharir at Israel Bonds meeting in Paris says invasion of Lebanon prompted to prevent nonaggression pact PLO sought with Israel through US diplomatic channels, amends statement to cease-fire rather than nonaggression after controversy arises in Israel and Sheli Party demands resignation of Government, but Likud MK Benny Shalita confirms IDF said before invasion that PLO wanted non-aggression pact.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat goes to Iraq to talk with Saddam Hussein; US envoy Habib arrives in Beirut to speed up negotiations, suggesting first stage of withdrawal of troops to begin on Feb. 12.
Arab Governments: Arab League Secretary General Chedli Klibi in Bonn meeting with Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher, calls on West Germany and its European allies to recognize the PLO and press for the establishment of a Palestinian state. US and Other Countries: Angolan news agency ANGOP says Israeli experts are training UNITA troops in northern Namibia.
UN: Secretary General Perez de Cuellar says Lebanon seeks to expand role of UNIFIL, calls for renewal of UNIFIL mandate, (UNIFIL troops now excluded from Sidon and Tyre), expresses concern over $152 million shortfall in UNIFIL financing.
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it after 3 hours as fighting erupts; leader of Shiite Amal militia kidnapped by Phalange.
2 killed, 3 wounded by sniper fire in Aley during curfew break (110 estimated killed in Chouf fighting in past 6 weeks); US-led bomb squads searching for unexploded weapons and munitions have found 250 kinds of explosives from 17 countries.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says only 479 killed in massacre (only 20 children, 15 women), contradicting his own Commission testimony; Ezer Weizman may head new center party.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem leaves Britain without firm commitment on troop expansion but is "satisfied."
US and Other Countries: India refuses visas for two Israelis to attend international airport chiefs' conference in New Delhi.
UN: General Assembly calls for creation of Palestinian state and Israeli withdrawal from lands seized in 1967 (Israel, US, Canada and Costa Rica vote no, 23 abstentions, 113 vote yes).
Military Action:
Lebanese Army moves into Chouf replacing Israelis; IDF, reluctant to leave, keeps two tanks, squad of soldiers in Kfar Matta; Norwegian UNIFIL units set up post in Haddad militia's area of operation, prompting exchange of gunfire; IDF attacked by bazooka and light weapons east of Doha and at IDF roadblock near Sil, south of Beirut; Syrian radio reports IDF reinforcing armor units in Bekaa, a few miles south of Beirut-Damascus highway.
One IDF soldier wounded by bazooka fire east of Doha; 300 West Beirut residents spontaneously protest rumor of Lebanese Army withdrawal from their neighborhood.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Foreign Minister Shamir returns from 3-week visit to US; Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arens says US approved Israeli weapons, spare parts sales to Iran in attempt to make contacts in Iranian military that could be used to bring down Khomeini government; Israel reportedly agrees to provide arms and counter-insurgency training to Costa Rica; former Mossad head Meir Amit says net results of invasion are negative ("We've encouraged anti-Semitism,... highlighted the Palestinian problem instead of solving it" and by hitting PLO too hard, increased Arab solidarity); IDF mental health unit report indicates high mental illness rate among Israelis fighting in Lebanon (23 percent of total Israeli wounded are suffering psychiatric injuries, double "normal" wartime rate; 78 percent of 600 affected men are reservists).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel returns home, calling trip a success (government announces US has agreed to equip 7,500 of 28,000-man Lebanese Army, France has pledged $86 million in military equipment); Salam, in interview, accuses Sharon of arming Phalange and Druze to promote sectarian tension in Lebanon.
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation headed by Moroccan King Hassan (with Foreign Ministers of Morocco, Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia) meets with Reagan for 3 hours and later with State Department, stresses only PLO agreement will enable Jordan to play negotiating role for West Bank; US officials refuse to meet with PLO representative Khalid al-Hassan who is accompanying Arab League delegation.
US and Other Countries: Reagan urges Arab League delegation to begin direct negotiation with Israel to achieve Palestinian rights; Shultz tells delegation simultaneous Israeli-PLO recognition" moot as Israel totally rejects idea; Hassan's use of word "coexistence" seen by US officials as implying Arab recognition of Israel; Jewish medical team, back in Britain after visiting 4 refugee camps. in Lebanon, says Palestinians want to be more self-reliant but Israelis are preventing them from rebuilding homes, reorganizing health services.
UN: Britain blocks move to bar Israel from UN-sponsored International Telecommunications Union at Nairobi meeting; Arab states at UN agree to postpone efforts to expel Israel from General Assembly.