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  • September 18, 1990

    Bush admin. harshly criticizes King Hussein for Jordan's hosting conference of "anti- American radicals" in Amman; spokesperson hints meeting could damage U.S.-Jordanian relations [LAT 9/19];...

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  • November 10, 1982

    Military Action:

    US Marines in Lebanon celebrate Corp's 207th birthday; IDF ends first large-scale military exercises since Lebanon invasion.

    Political Responses:


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Bush admin. harshly criticizes King Hussein for Jordan's hosting conference of "anti- American radicals" in Amman; spokesperson hints meeting could damage U.S.-Jordanian relations [LAT 9/19]; Jordan appears to have stopped sending foodstuffs to Iraq [NYT 9/19].

Reversing longstanding opposition to Soviet presence in Middle East, Saudi Arabia would now welcome Soviet troops as part of multinational force, according to Saudi F.M. Saud al-Faisal [NYT, LAT, WT, WP 9/19].

At hearing of House Foreign Affairs sub-committee on Europe and Middle East, congressmen, including committee chrmn. Lee Hamilton (D-Ind.), accuse Bush admin. of sending mixed signals to Saddam. Hamilton cites ass't sec. of state John Kelly's 7/31 testimony that U.S. has no defense treaty with Kuwait [LAT, NYT, WP, WT 9/19; MEM 9/21].

Pentagon reports of defensive buildup of Iraqi troops in Kuwait [NYT, WP 9/19].

UN Disaster Relief Office says number of refugees in Jordanian transit camps after fleeing Iraq and Kuwait is 34,876; UNDRO adds gov'ts of Sweden, Denmark, and Italy have offered funds to aid refugees [AFP 9/18 in FBIS 9/18]; Crown Prince Hasan Ibn-Talal says Jordan has already spent $57 million to accommodate estimated 500,000 refugees who have passed through Jordan since 8/2 [AFP 9/18 in FBIS 9/20].

Chrmn. Arafat arrives in Amman for meetings on Gulf crisis [ADS 9/18 in FBIS 9/18; CSM 9/19].

Military Action:

US Marines in Lebanon celebrate Corp's 207th birthday; IDF ends first large-scale military exercises since Lebanon invasion.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry hears testimony of IDF officers in closed session and investigators interview soldiers and Israeli reporters; Shamir charges Egypt with peace treaty violations, says it courts PLO and allows domestic anti-Semitic campaign; Civil Administration orders a Jordanian and 2 US lecturers at Birzeit Univ. to stop teaching and leave area after they refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge; World Zionist Organization announces plans to double number of Jewish settlers in West Bank in 1983, and by 2010 to total of 1.4 million.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, interviewed in Tunisia, says US is partly to blame for Beirut massacres and shows unofficial negotiating documents with US written guarantees of security for camps, also says 3,000 Palestinians and 2,000 Lebanese prisoners released so far.

Arab Governments: Egypt strengthening defensive positions in Sinai; Egyptian Defense Minister Ghazala calls for "unified Arab strategy" to meet threat of Israel; King Hussein, in interview, says he backs Reagan peace proposals but wants US to gain concessions from Israel before he will join peace talks.

US and Other Countries: US officials concede Arafat's statements on US guarantees, says US accepted only oral commitments from Israelis and Phalange on safety of camps; Representative Lee Hamilton (D-IN) meets with West Bank and Gaza mayors in Jerusalem.