6 / 15321 Results
  • November 16, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shaykh 'Abd al- 'Aziz 'Awdah is arrested, served expulsion order [FJ 11/22].

    Military Action

    Arab World: Fateh fighters...

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  • October 11, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 500 Muslim demonstrators clash...

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  • July 27, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres reveals he met with Yugoslavian Pres. Lazar Mojsov in Geneva earlier this month [VP 7/28]. During speech in Netanya, Deputy...

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  • January 30, 1987


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir rejects idea of international conference on Middle East peace [LT 1/31]. Golan Heights Arabs erect monumento Syrian...

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  • September 18, 1986


    Arab World: In East Beirut, French military attache is assassinated. Anonymous callers link killing to terror wave in France. Assassination is 123rd French...

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  • September 17, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Shaykh 'Abd al- 'Aziz 'Awdah is arrested, served expulsion order [FJ 11/22].

Military Action

Arab World: Fateh fighters clash with Popular Nasserite Liberation Army forces in Sidon; at least 5 are killed, 37 wounded [FBIS 11/17; WP 11/17].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: At least 500 Muslim demonstrators clash with members of Temple Mount Faithful attempting to pray near al-Aqsa Mosque. Police escorting Jewish worshipers respond with tear gas and waming shots; 3 Palestinians and 3 policemen are injured. [WP 10/12] E. Jerusalem strike and Nablus march protest al-Aqsa clash [FJ 10/18]. Yigdal Shahaf dies of injuries sustained in 10/10 attack [MET 10/24]. Israeli driver shoots Palestinian youth allegedly throwing stones [FJ 10/18]. In Hebron, Muslims and Jews clash at Ibrahimi Mosque [FJ 10/18]. Employee strike at Abu Dis College of Science and Technology ends [FJ 10/18].

Other Countries: Morris Abram, head of Conference of Presidents ofMajor American Jewish Organizations, says he has pledged noninterference by U.S. Jews in intemal Israeli affairs [NYT 10/12].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Gaza City, protesters burn tires, throw stones at soldiers. Soldiers force merchants to open shops; curfew is lifted [LAT 10/12].

Arab World: Palestinian fighters repulse Amal attack near 'Ayn al-Hilwah; 7 are killed [WP 10/12]. Mustafa Sa'd, leader of Nasserite Popular Liberation Army, announces his forces, which are serving as buffer between Amal and Palestinian fighters, are withdrawing [WP 10/12].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: F.M. Peres reveals he met with Yugoslavian Pres. Lazar Mojsov in Geneva earlier this month [VP 7/28]. During speech in Netanya, Deputy Defense Minister Michael Dekel says U.S. and other Western countries have "moral and political" duty to oversee transfer of Palestinians from W. Bank to Jordan [NYT 7/31]. Al-Shabibah wins all 11 seats in al-Najah University student council elections [FJ 8/2]. Israeli military court in Ramallah acquits Nasir Nimr Iyad of Qalandiyyah refugee camp of security charges [FJ 8/2]. Nazareth's 12th voluntary work camp ends after completing 68 projects [FJ 8/2]. Knesset votes to approve "Galilee law," which would establish a council to oversee and finance increased Jewish development in the Galilee [FJ 8/2].

Arab World: PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat meets with Egypt's Pres. Mubarak in Ethiopia [FJ 8/2].

Other Countries: U.S.S.R. issues Israel its 3d waming of the week pressing Israel to abandon deployment of nuclear-armed Jericho II missile [NYT 7/29; WP 8/1].

Military Action

Arab World: Israeli troops land on S. Lebanon shore, kill 7 Nasserite Popular Liberation Army soldiers in battle near Sidon [WP 7/28]. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: P. M. Shamir rejects idea of international conference on Middle East peace [LT 1/31]. Golan Heights Arabs erect monumento Syrian nationalist leader Sultan Basha al-Atrash. Israeli authorities alter policy and permit statue to stand [FJ 2/6]. Officials order al-Najah University closed for the day, citing rumors of student demonstration [FJ 2/6].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Palestinian youth wounded 1/29 in clash between students and military dies, provoking further protests [FJ 2/6].

Arab World: Palestinian forces attack Amal positions in attempt to relieve military pressure on refugee camps. Police report 2 killed, 40 wounded [LAT 1/3 1]. PLO fighters turn over their positions in Maghdushah to Hizballah and troops of Popular Nasserite leader Mustafa Sa'd [FJ 2/6].


Arab World: In East Beirut, French military attache is assassinated. Anonymous callers link killing to terror wave in France. Assassination is 123rd French fatality in Lebanon (including 26 French UNIFIL soldiers) in eight years (WP 9/19).

Other Countries: French government spokesman says terrorists are being manipulated by "groups" or "states" that want France out of the Mideast (WP 9/19).

Military Action

Arab World: In south Lebanon, two UNIFIL soldiers are wounded as attacks on UNIFIL continue: so far, 4 dead and 28 wounded in last five weeks (WP 9/19). Eighty members of "Nasserite Popular Liberation Army" are deployed outside 'Ayn al-Hilwah to serve as buffer between Amal and Palestinians (Fl 9/26).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Fierce clashes with army occur in Dheisheh camp in protest of collective arrests; cars stoned, one soldier injured. Soldiers beat residents and erect checkposts [FJ 9/20]. Jalazun camp residents are attacked [FJ 9/20]. Committee in Solidarity with Birzeit U. demonstrates outside P.M. Peres' office denouncing recent measures [FJ 9/20]. Israeli For. Min. issues statement against upcoming British arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Jordan [JP 9/18].

Other Countries: Lebanese-bom Palestinian Ahmad al-Husayn Abu Suraya, 27, is charged in Rome with throwing ahand grenade into a crowded restaurant 9/16, in which 40 were injured. No organization claims responsibility for the attack. Abu Suraya was carrying a false Moroccan passport [WP, LAT 9/18]. British P.M. Thatcher states during a visit to Cairo that little-known members of the PLO "who have totally rejected terrorism" must be included in the next round of negotiations in the M.E. peace process [LT, MG 9/18].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot and kill Munthir 'Awad Ibrahim 'Abd al-'Aziz, 18, of Gaza, after he reportedly refuses to stop as ordered. Israeli military sources claim soldiers fired at his feet; 3 bullets are found in his head [JP 9/18, 24; FJ 9/20, 27].

Arab World: Suicide car bomber hits SLA checkpost at Almun, in the security zone, killing or wounding 30 SLA militiamen, according to Lebanese govemment television; exact death and casualty figures unknown. A 30-second videotape made before the attack identifies the driver as a member of the Arab Socialist Union-Nasserite Organization, a Libyan-backed group [NYT 9/18].