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  • September 7, 1985


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]....

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Thousands of soldiers and paramilitary personnel are sent to the occupied territories to try to contain the mounting violence [JP 9/8]. In the last 6 weeks there have been 26 attacks on Israelis inside the green line and in the occupied territories, with 6 Israelis killed [BG 9/8]. Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis attend antiracism rally in Afula, scene of riots one month ago when 2 local schoolteachers were found murdered. Rally ends peacefully, despite counterrally staged by the Kach movement [JP 9/8]. Israeli censors ban a play at the Haifa municipal theater which depicts brutality by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank [LT 9/7].

Arab World: Jerusalem Post reports PLO spokesmen in Tunis claim responsibility for the 9/6 bomb in the Israeli market in Jerusalem [JP 9/8].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: A hand grenade is thrown at the military govt. building in Mas'ada in the Golan Heights; no injuries are reported [JP 9/9]. Settlers attack the house of Zuhira al-Atrash, 65, widow and mother of 5, mistaking it for the house of an ex-prisoner released in the 5/20 prisoner exchange [NYT 9/10].