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  • September 4, 1982

    Military Action:

    IDF building first Israeli settlements in South Lebanon; IDF reinforces positions in western Bekaa. establishes radar station; Palestinian women arrested in Sidon for...

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Military Action:

IDF building first Israeli settlements in South Lebanon; IDF reinforces positions in western Bekaa. establishes radar station; Palestinian women arrested in Sidon for belonging to armed cells (following an assassination attempt of doctor close to Phalange); IDF harrassing LNM militia with sniper fire; Lebanese Army column enters West Beirut, occupies position behind and to south of IDF positions; PLO Lebanon representative Shafiq al-Hout presides over transfer to Lebanese Army of PLO stores, heavy weaponry; Abu lyad returns to Tripoli three days after evacuation; Major Haddad erects roadblocks north of Tyre as IDF forces sweep through orchards, fields arresting 75.

Political Responses:

lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Communist Party Rakah strongly criticizes US proposals as hegemonic, aimed at splitting Arab liberation movement; protests against invasion of Lebanon by Democratic Front for Peace and Equality in the Galilee banned by Israeli police; youth killed during demonstrations in Nablus; Israelis split over Reagan proposals (Sharon says Israel won't discuss proposals; Peres says Jordan has agreed to participate in peace process on basis of Reagan proposals).

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Central Committee meets in Tunis to define PLO position before Arab summit and respond to Reagan proposals; Lebanese divided over attitudes toward continued Israeli military presence in Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Assad meets with PLO delegation; Egypt praises positive aspects of proposals following talks with Weinberger.

US and Other Countries: Austrian Chancellor Kreisky calls Sharon, Begin fascists.