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  • December 24, 1982

    Militarv Action:

    Artillery and rocket barrages south and southwest of Beirut; four young Druze men abducted in Niha, 10 miles southeast of Beirut; two explosives primed to go off found by...

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Militarv Action:

Artillery and rocket barrages south and southwest of Beirut; four young Druze men abducted in Niha, 10 miles southeast of Beirut; two explosives primed to go off found by Italian troops in 2 UN-sponsored schools for refugees in Burj al-Barajneh.


13 killed in fighting in Beirut suburbs; UNRWA says 164 of its workers (all Palestinians) have been detained by IDF since June 76 and 83 are still being held at Ansar camp.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Ocucpied Territories: Sharon visits Beirut to ensure talks will begin following week, seeks but fails to gain formal ratification from Lebanese he had negotiated with, though they reportedly assure him they will abide by content of "working paper."

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel cancels traditional Christmas celebrations at presidential palace because of prevailing conditions; Wazzan says procedural problems delaying talks; Lebanese Foreign Minister Salem asks Draper to ascertain status of Israeli plans