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  • April 12, 2022

    In the West Bank, Israeli forces raided the Palestine Technical University in Tulkarm, leading to a confrontation with students; 2 were injured by baton rounds and 16 suffered tear-gas related...

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  • March 24, 2022

    In the West Bank, Israeli settlers tried to set fire to a mosque and wrote racist graffiti on Palestinian homes in Zeita Jama’in. Israeli settlers also vandalized 3 homes and 20 vehicles in Muhmas...

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In the West Bank, Israeli forces raided the Palestine Technical University in Tulkarm, leading to a confrontation with students; 2 were injured by baton rounds and 16 suffered tear-gas related injuries. Israeli forces also seized 1 residential tent, demolished an agricultural structure, and seized agricultural equipment in Beit Samia. 17 Palestinians were arrested during late-night raids in Nablus, Bethlehem, Hebron, Tulkarm, Tubas, and Salfit. In East Jerusalem, 4 Palestinians were arrested in the Old City and Shu‘fat. In Israel, Israeli police shot and killed 1 Palestinian man from Hebron who was working at a construction site in Ashkelon after he stabbed a police officer. The Israeli police officer approached the Palestinian man who was working at the construction site without a permit before he lightly wounded the officer. (AJ, AP, HA, HA, HA, MEE, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 4/12; WAFA 4/13; PCHR 4/14; UNOCHA 4/23)

The Israeli Civil Administration signed an order declaring 22,000 dunams (5,445 acres) of land in Area C south of Jericho an Israeli nature reserve. The nature reserve, dubbed Nachal Og Nature Reserve, is situated on 6,000 dunams (1,483 acres) of privately-owned Palestinian land. The nature reserve designations means that Palestinians will not be allowed to cultivate the land or have their livestock graze on it, without approval from the Israeli nature reserve officer. (PCN 5/24; HA, WAFA 5/25)

The office of the Israeli attorney general approved connecting Israeli settlement outposts built on Israel-declared state lands in the West Bank to the electrical grid. In the decision, the attorney general’s office also said that Palestinian villages in Area C, not recognized by Israel, should be given equal consideration in being connected to the electrical grid, citing international law of non-discrimination. (HA 4/12; MEMO 4/13)

Representatives from Ireland, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden signed a letter to EU enlargement commissioner Olivér Várhelyi of Hungary, urging him to disburse EU aid to the PA. Commissioner Várhelyi has been withholding the aid, saying that the PA needs to reform its schoolbooks to conform with a pro-Israeli narrative. (WAFA 4/12)

In the West Bank, Israeli settlers tried to set fire to a mosque and wrote racist graffiti on Palestinian homes in Zeita Jama’in. Israeli settlers also vandalized 3 homes and 20 vehicles in Muhmas. Elsewhere, Israeli settlers uprooted some 200 olive trees in Turmus ‘Ayya and wrote racist graffiti in the village. 10 Palestinians were arrested during late-night raids in Bayt Rima, Jenin, Iktaba, Tubas, Dheisheh refugee camp, Hebron, and Sa‘ir; 3 Palestinians were injured by live ammunition when Palestinians confronted the Israeli soldiers in Dheisheh refugee camp. In East Jerusalem, Israeli settlers slashed tires on more than 20 Palestinian-owned vehicles in Sheikh Jarrah. Off the coast of Gaza, Israeli naval forces opened fire on Palestinian fishermen within 3 nautical miles west of Gaza; no injuries were reported. In Gaza, Israeli forces opened fire on Palestinian farmers east of Abasan and Khuza‘a; no injuries were reported. (WAFA, WAFA, WAFA, WAFA 3/24; HA 3/25; PCHR 3/31; UNOCHA 4/10)

The Israeli ministry of housing and construction added 468 settlement housing units in the Givat Hamatos settlement in East Jerusalem to its lottery, providing steep discounts to the winners of the lottery in purchasing the settlement units. Peace Now said that once the winners of the lottery are announced, it will be harder to prevent the settlement expansion of the Givat Hamatos settlement. (HA, PCN 3/24)

The PA Detainees Affairs Commission said Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons had canceled a planned open-ended hunger strike scheduled to begin on 3/25 after Israel’s prison service agreed to the prisoners’ demands. (WAFA 3/24)

PA prime minister Mohammed Shtayyeh met with EU commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi in Ramallah. The 2 discussed Várhelyi’s insistence that the PA rewrite its schoolbooks to have EU financial support for the PA released. Prime Minister Shtayyeh told Várhelyi that the PA refuses Várhelyi’s demands. Várhelyi has been a lone voice in the EU for demanding the revision of PA schoolbooks as a condition for the EU releasing its annual aid to the PA. (WAFA 3/24)

Haaretz reported that Israeli soldiers are forced to register information about at least 50 Palestinians during their shifts at checkpoints and guard posts, and those who do not fill their quota are not allowed to leave their post until they have registered their quota. The registration of information is used in Israel’s Blue Wolf system, a database with photos and details about random Palestinians living in the West Bank including ID number, age, gender, residence, license plate number, and contacts. The Blue Wolf system was 1st reported by the Washington Post in November 2021. In footage obtained by the Israeli anti-occupation group Breaking the Silence, a security coordinator at an Israeli settlement is also heard telling Israeli soldiers to photograph foreign activists in the West Bank to make sure they will not be allowed to enter Israel at Ben Gurion Airport next time they try to enter. (HA, HA, MEE, WAFA 3/24; WAFA 3/25)