15443 / 15444 Results
  • December 15, 1984


    Arab World: Muslims and Christians in S. Lebanon observe strike called by Nabih Berri to protest Israeli 12/3 raid on Shi'ite villages [PI 12/16].

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  • December 14, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects W. Bank elections [JTA 12/17].

    Other Countries: UN Gen. Assembly declares Israel violates Geneva Convention in...

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  • December 13, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Occupation officials indicate 71% real tax increase (over prior period) from Arab residents in W. Bank [JP 12/13].


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  • December 12, 1984

    Military Action

    Arab World: RPG fired at IDF convoy, shots fired at SLA vehicle near Tyre, S. Lebanon; mine explodes near convoy in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/13].

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  • December 11, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pentagon confirms joint US-Israeli anti-submarine exercises underway [CT 12/12]. Authorities notify villages of Rantis, Luban, 'Aboud of...

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  • December 10, 1984


    Other Countries: Zionist organizations host seminar at US State Dept., condemn 1975 UN Zionism-racism resolution [JTA 12/12].

    Military Action


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  • December 9, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Returning from France, PM Peres confirms Irael negotiating purchase of 2 French nuclear reactors [FT 12/10]. Labor Min. Katzav orders...

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  • December 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy arrives to discuss Lebanon, other issues [JP 12/9].

    Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with Italian...

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  • December 7, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: No. 2 Kach official Yehuda Richter given 8-yr. sentence for firing on Arab bus in March [JWP 12/7].

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  • December 6, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF reports $3 million in stolen army property returned by citizens during November "month of grace" [JTA 12/7]. 5 members of Gaza "...

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  • December 5, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Peace Now movement considers forming political party along with Mapam and Citizens Rights Movement [JTA 12/5].

    Other Countries:...

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  • December 4, 1984


    Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].


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  • December 3, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects call for UN peace conference, direct talks with PLO [CSM 12/6];. offers to meet Hussein "with no preconditions" [MG 12/...

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  • December 2, 1984


    Arab World: King Hussein denounces Camp David before Egyptian parliament; refuses to negotiate in place of PLO; calls for PLO role in peace talks [PI 12/3, NYT 12/...

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  • December 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: IDF arrests 22 Israelis demonstrating against settler leader Moshe Levinger's presence at Dheisheh camp [F) 12/7].

    Arab World: On...

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  • November 30, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet settles on $375 million in budget cuts, $100 million from defense. Central Command [occupied territories] officer Shahak...

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  • November 29, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anniversary of UN decision to partition Palestine; International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People. 2 petrol bombs hurled at...

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  • November 28, 1984


    Arab World: Yasser Arafat wins confidence vote as PLO Chrmn. at PNC mtg. Other Countries: UN Sec. Council votes unanimously to extend Golan observer force 6-mo; in...

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  • November 27, 1984


    Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat & Exec. Com. submit resignations at PNC mtg.

    Other Countries: During UN debate on Middle East, EEC countries call Israel,...

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  • November 26, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: New IS10,000 note [approx. $16] bearing Golda Meir portrait begins circulation.

    Arab World: US & Iraq resume full diplomatic...

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  • November 25, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO...

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  • November 24, 1984


    Arab World: Despite appeal by King Hussein, PLO rejects UN Resolution 242 as basis for peace talks.

    Other Countries: Cooperation agreement concluded between...

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  • November 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed mayor of Rafah (Gaza) [10/3, after Mayor Qishta's assassination], Suleiman Zo'rub arrested on charges of drug...

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  • November 22, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem & Bir Zeit U.s closed in mourning for death of Sharif Taibe (killed 1 1/21). Proceedings of PNC mtg. broadcast in...

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  • November 21, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: COS Eitan says IDF can do without Lavi fighter. Jerusalem police refrain from seeking extradition of Jewish terror suspect Ira Rappaport...

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  • November 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50%...

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  • November 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jiftlik farmers refute DM Rabin's claim that demolition (11/11) there done for security reasons. Att. Gen. Zamir recommends Knesset to...

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  • November 18, 1984


    Occupied Territories: "Civil administration" orders 6 Dheisheh shop owners to destroy their shops as "illegal" [shops rented from UNRWA].

    Military Action...

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  • November 17, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Refugees from Iqrit & Bir'im march to site of their villages to commemorate anniversary of their demolition (1951), and demand...

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  • November 16, 1984

    Military Action

    Arab World: IDF release Shi'ite leader Mahmoud al-Faqih from S. Lebanon captivity, deporting him to Beirut.

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  • November 15, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: MKs Miari & Peled petition DM Rabin to allow Palestinian delegates under occupation to attend PNC mtg. Central Bureau of Statistics...

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  • November 14, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports October inflation rate of 24.3%. No Confidence motions presented in Knesset by Mapam, Civil Rights...

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  • November 13, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Energy Min. Shahal recommends suspending indefinitely Dead Sea canal project due to economic non-feasibility.

    Arab World:...

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  • November 12, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. orders Palestinian money-changers in Jerusalem stop trading in US dollars. Ramallah military court fines Fatmeh Ja'afari IS 20,...

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  • November 11, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Law student Aziza Kharaja sentenced to 5 mos. for membership in illegal organization [her 2 sisters held in Neve Tertza on similar...

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Arab World: Muslims and Christians in S. Lebanon observe strike called by Nabih Berri to protest Israeli 12/3 raid on Shi'ite villages [PI 12/16].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Rabin rejects W. Bank elections [JTA 12/17].

Other Countries: UN Gen. Assembly declares Israel violates Geneva Convention in administration ofoccupied Arab lands (99 to 18, 25 abst.) [TS 12/15].

Military Action

Other Countries: Fateh captain Ismail Darwish assassinated in Rome; PLO blames Mossad [FJ 12/21].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Occupation officials indicate 71% real tax increase (over prior period) from Arab residents in W. Bank [JP 12/13].

Military Action

Arab World: 2 injured in attack on IDF convoy near Tyre, S. Lebanon; IDF stages raid in 8 Shi'ite villages east of Tyre; 50 detained, 3 killed [WP 12/14, JTA 12/14].

Military Action

Arab World: RPG fired at IDF convoy, shots fired at SLA vehicle near Tyre, S. Lebanon; mine explodes near convoy in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/13].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Pentagon confirms joint US-Israeli anti-submarine exercises underway [CT 12/12]. Authorities notify villages of Rantis, Luban, 'Aboud of intention to confiscate 1380 dunams as "state property" [FJ 12/14].

Other Countries: UN General Assembly calls for Palestine state (127 to 2, 20 abst.), reaffirms 1947 UN partition plan (131 to 3, 15 abst.), calls for intl. peace conference (121 to 3, 23 abst.) [FJ 12/14].


Other Countries: Zionist organizations host seminar at US State Dept., condemn 1975 UN Zionism-racism resolution [JTA 12/12].

Military Action

Arab World: Lebanon Radio reports IDF fires on Ansar camp detainees; several wounded [FJ 12/14].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Returning from France, PM Peres confirms Irael negotiating purchase of 2 French nuclear reactors [FT 12/10]. Labor Min. Katzav orders Jews be hired over Arabs when filling state job openings in occupied territories [TS 12/10]. 26 Palestinian lawyers meeting in Umm al-Fahm form Arab Lawyers League to fight discrimination against Arabs, Arab lawyers [FJ 12/14].

Military Action

Arab World: Katyusha fired at IDF unit near Hasbaya, S. Lebanon [JP 12/9]. SLA position attacked near 'Arab Salim, S. Lebanon [FJ 12/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: US State Dept. official Murphy arrives to discuss Lebanon, other issues [JP 12/9].

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets with Italian PM Craxi in Tunis [JP 12/10]; later travels to Algeria for meeting with Pres. Bendjedid [AMJ 12/28].

Military Action

Arab World: IDF vehicle attacked near Qasmiya, S. Lebanon; all occupants reported injured [FJ 12/14].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: No. 2 Kach official Yehuda Richter given 8-yr. sentence for firing on Arab bus in March [JWP 12/7].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF reports $3 million in stolen army property returned by citizens during November "month of grace" [JTA 12/7]. 5 members of Gaza "Islamic military group" sentenced from 9 to 13 yrs. for membership, arms and currency violations [JP 12/7]. Defense Ministry announces plan to double police force in occupied territories [JP 12/7]. Umm al-Fahm attorney Hussein Abu Hussein arrested on political charges based on "secret testimony"; supporters cite his activity in Abna' al-Balad movement and defense of W. Bank prisoners as true reason [FJ 12/14]. IDF officer in charge of W. Bank judiciary sends letter to W. Bank prosecutor general stating W. Bank civil courts cannot try Israeli identity card holders in criminal or traffic cases [FJ 1/11].

Military Action

Arab World: Black September claims responsibility for 12/4 assassination of Jordanian diplomat 'Azmi al-Mufti in Bucharest [JP 12/7].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Peace Now movement considers forming political party along with Mapam and Citizens Rights Movement [JTA 12/5].

Other Countries: PM Peres arrives in France seeking improved relations [first PM since Ben Gurion to visit] [NYT 12/6].


Other Countries: US State Dept. calls for direct peace talks, not intl. conference proposed (12/3) by King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak [JTA 12/5].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police defuse bomb in Netanya [LAT 12/4].

Arab World: IDF sends armored patrol north of Awali River after Druze-Christian fighting, despite pledge of non-interference there [LAT 12/5]. 3 IDF soldiers wounded by mine near Madosha, S. Lebanon. Grenade thrown at 2 SLA vehicles in Nabatiya, S. Lebanon; no injuries [JP 12/5].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Peres rejects call for UN peace conference, direct talks with PLO [CSM 12/6];. offers to meet Hussein "with no preconditions" [MG 12/4]. Al-Najah U. opens after 4-mo. closure by occupation authorities UP 12/3]. Atty. Gen. Zamir threatens Knesset members with prosecution if they meet with PLO or "enemy agents" [JTA 12/3].

Arab World: Jordan and Egypt jointly call for UN peace conference, with PLO participation, based on UN Res. 242 [NYT 12/4]. Chrmn. Arafat meets King Fahd in Riyadh [LAT 12/4].

Military Action

Arab World: Bomb wounds IDF soldier as convoy passes through Saraf and, S. Lebanon [JP 12/4]. IDF kills woman in Jibsheet, S. Lebanon [MG 12/5]. Jordanian diplomat 'Azmi al-Mufti assassinated in Bucharest [WP 12/5].


Arab World: King Hussein denounces Camp David before Egyptian parliament; refuses to negotiate in place of PLO; calls for PLO role in peace talks [PI 12/3, NYT 12/3]. PLO announces move of formal PNC seat to Amman, PLO secretariat to Tunis, both from Damascus [JP 12/3].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Explosion at Qalandiya camp; no injuries [JP 12/3].

Arab World: IDF soldier wounded in ambush near Sidon, S. Lebanon. In Nabatiya, S. Lebanon, grenade injures 14 in market; bomb explodes near IDF convoy, no casualties [JP 12/3].


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: IDF arrests 22 Israelis demonstrating against settler leader Moshe Levinger's presence at Dheisheh camp [F) 12/7].

Arab World: On 1st visit in 7 yrs., King Hussein arrives in Egypt for talks with Pres. Mubarak on joint peace strategy [NYT 12/2].

Other Countries: Georgetown U.'s Center for Strategic & Intl. Studies in Washington reports Israel may possess up to 100 nuclear weapons [JP 12/2].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Cabinet settles on $375 million in budget cuts, $100 million from defense. Central Command [occupied territories] officer Shahak petitions High Court to expropriate 2 hills near Ramallah for IDF purposes. Cabinet decides to allow former Supreme Court pres. to examine secret documents required for MK Sharon's libel case against Time, Inc.

Military Action

Other Countries: Black September claims responsibility for assassinationf Jordanian diplomat Azmi al-Mufti in Bucharest.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Anniversary of UN decision to partition Palestine; International Day in Solidarity with the Palestinian People. 2 petrol bombs hurled at Israeli bus near Qalandiya camp; no injuries. Police use tear gas against stonethrowing demonstrators at al-Amari camp on Jerusalem-Ramallah road. Police stations in Bethlehem & Dura (al-Khalil) pelted with stones, as was Israeli minibus in Nablus.

Arab World: 17th PNC adjourns in Amman. Lebanese & Israelis meet in 6th session in Naquora; Lebanese level further accusations; Israelis present more conditions for pull-out; no progress.


Arab World: Yasser Arafat wins confidence vote as PLO Chrmn. at PNC mtg. Other Countries: UN Sec. Council votes unanimously to extend Golan observer force 6-mo; in Gen. Assembly, Egypt maintains peace requires immediate Israeli withdrawal from all occupied territories.


Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat & Exec. Com. submit resignations at PNC mtg.

Other Countries: During UN debate on Middle East, EEC countries call Israel, Palestinians & Arab states to mutual recognition, renunciation of force & for end to Israeli settlements. MK Abd al-Wahab Darousha tries to attend PNC by entry from Greece, but his (Labor) party persuades him to return home.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli troops shoot & wound Nablus youth during stone-throwing incident.

Arab World: Israeli F15s & F16s attack DFLP base in Qubb Elias, Beqaa Valley; 7 killed, 9 wounded; Syrian anti-aircraft tire repels planes.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: New IS10,000 note [approx. $16] bearing Golda Meir portrait begins circulation.

Arab World: US & Iraq resume full diplomatic relations. French Pres. Mitterrand begins 3-day official visit to Damascus. Rifa'at Assad returns to Syria from 51/2- mo. exile.

Military Action

Arab World: IDF patrol near Ansar comes under light arms fire; IDF returns fire, killing 1 gunman. IDF positions near Adwer & Kafr Kuk fired upon; no casualties reported. Israeli troops kidnap 3 from Kafr Seer, incl. head of Amal social services.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israel closes all West Bank high learning institutions for duration of PNC mtg. 5 teenagers arrested for wearing T-shirts with PLO insignia. Settlers pass out leaflets at Dheisheh calling on residents to evacuate. Histadrut tacitly approves basic food price increases for December. Energy Min. spokesman claims Israeli-occupied Golan section of TAPline belongs to ministry.

Arab World: 120 delegates at PNC in Amman petition to expel Libyan-backed PFLP-GC's Ahmed Jibril for "high treason."

Other Countries: 26 US congressmen issue letter to Pope John Paul II calling for Vatican relations with Israel.

Military Action

Arab World: 2 al-Bas refugee camp (Tyre) residents, believed to be collaborators with IDF, killed by Lebanese resistance fighters. SLA soldier wounded by sniper fire near Nabatiya.


Arab World: Despite appeal by King Hussein, PLO rejects UN Resolution 242 as basis for peace talks.

Other Countries: Cooperation agreement concluded between Bir Zeit U. & U. of Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli-appointed mayor of Rafah (Gaza) [10/3, after Mayor Qishta's assassination], Suleiman Zo'rub arrested on charges of drug trafficking. IDF issues report showing it uses 8-10% of all fuel imported into country.

Arab World: PNC votes Khalid Fahoum out of office as Speaker [207-7, 47 abst.], elects Sheikh 'Abd al-Hamid Sayeh as replacement.

Other Countries: UN Gen. Assembly passes resolution (105-17, 9 abst.) condemning Israel for aggression in Lebanon.

Military Action

Arab World: 2 Israelis wounded in ambush of IDF patrol near Haboush village, S. Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem & Bir Zeit U.s closed in mourning for death of Sharif Taibe (killed 1 1/21). Proceedings of PNC mtg. broadcast in Palestine via Jordanian TV.

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat convenes 17th PNC with 257 delegates [251 needed for quorum] in Amman, evoking theme of "eternal continuity"; King Hussein gives opening speech urging Palestinian-jordanian initiative for peace talks based on "territory for peace." 41st anniversary of Lebanese Republic.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli soldiers shoot & kill Ramallah demonstrator Bakr Abdullah, wound another during stonethrowing incident there; officers refuse ambulance. Other stone-throwing incidents reported in Nablus & Jelaila camp (Gaza).


Occupied Palestine/Israel: COS Eitan says IDF can do without Lavi fighter. Jerusalem police refrain from seeking extradition of Jewish terror suspect Ira Rappaport from New York, claiming extradition "extremely problematic." [Under extradition agreement with US, Israel extradited Palestinian immigrant Ziad Abu Ain (1982) on basis of hearsay evidence.] Jewish terror defendant testifies MK Rabbi Waldman helped plan 1980 bomb attack on Palestinian mayors.

Arab World: Chrmn. Arafat meets Pres. Bendjedid in Algiers; Bendjedid urges 2-mo. postponement of PNC pending further unification talks. PFLP & DFLP announce their boycott of next day's PNC session. Lebanon & Israel meet in 4th round of withdrawal talks with no apparent progress. Libyan news agency Jana reports Col. Qadhafi meets in Tripoli with Abu Nidal [reported deceased].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Police kill Sharif Taibe, wound 6 in shooting attack on Bir Zeit students demonstrating support for Chrmn. Arafat; curfew imposed on Bir Zeit, police occupy university.

Arab World: Bomb explodes at IDF patrol in Sarafand, S. Lebanon; no casualties.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hosting 8 Palestinian mayors, Ezer Weizman promises reforms & increased financial aid. 1984 West Bank olive harvest reported 50% below last year. Educ. Min. bans use of book Central Issues in Recent History of the State of the Nation by Amnon Haver for its reference to "Palestinian nation."

Other Countries: George Habash (PFLP) & Nayef Hawatmeh (DFLP) meet with Soviet officials in Moscow to discuss PLO reunification. US Senate Foreign Relations Com. publishes pessimistic report on Israeli economy, stating without current US aid (12% of GNP), balance of payment problem "unmanageable," and increased US aid will not "significantly ameliorate" these problems posing serious security threat to Israel. At Israel Bonds dinner in Los Angeles, American-Jewish oilman Armand Hammer announces project to search for oil in Israel. In New York libel trial, Sharon claims COS Eitan ordered Phalangists into Sabra & Shatila camps (9/82).

Military Action

Arab World: Pentagon orders US carrier Eisenhower totake position within range of Lebanon for possible "retaliatory strikes" there.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jiftlik farmers refute DM Rabin's claim that demolition (11/11) there done for security reasons. Att. Gen. Zamir recommends Knesset to limit MK Kahane's Knesset privilege of movement throughout country. Transport Min. suspends sea capt. Gilad for 60 days for forcing Kenyan stowaway out to sea in 1982.

Arab World: Lebanese & Israeli delegations hold 3rd round of talks on IDF withdrawal; both sides report discussions had "positive elements."

Other Countries: 2 Israeli delegations begin talks with US officials in Washington on increasing aid to Israel.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Grenade thrown at army guards at Ramallah municipality, but fails to explode. Israeli troops besiege Balata camp near Nablus as demonstrators raise Palestinian flags; residents repel troops by throwing rocks; curfew imposed.

Arab World: Grenade thrown at IDF patrol at al-Harib, S. Lebanon wounds 1 soldier.


Occupied Territories: "Civil administration" orders 6 Dheisheh shop owners to destroy their shops as "illegal" [shops rented from UNRWA].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Journalist Raymonda Tawil's car destroyed by arsonist [Tawil is vocal supporter of Chrmn. Arafat].


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Refugees from Iqrit & Bir'im march to site of their villages to commemorate anniversary of their demolition (1951), and demand return.

Arab World: Shi'ite leader Mahmoud al-Faqih tells Beirut press conference of beating and mistreatment while held captive by IDF.

Other Countries: In US, Henry Kissinger tells 53rd Council of Jewish Federation's general assembly there is danger in seeking "comprehensive solution" in Middle East at this time.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gaza Islamic U. professor Ismail Katib shot dead by 2 gunmen; no suspects. 

Military Action

Arab World: IDF release Shi'ite leader Mahmoud al-Faqih from S. Lebanon captivity, deporting him to Beirut.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: MKs Miari & Peled petition DM Rabin to allow Palestinian delegates under occupation to attend PNC mtg. Central Bureau of Statistics reports annual inflation rate now 1, 260%. FM Shamir leaves for US to attend Israel Bonds event honoring oilman Armand Hammer.

Arab World: Lebanese & Israeli military delegations resume talks in Naquora; Lebanese propose Lebanese Army control S. Lebanon after IDF pull-out, and demand $8-10 billion in reparations.

Other Countries: 26 Lebanese women representing women's orgs. in Lebanon hold silent vigil at UN in New York, protesting Israeli occupation of their country.

Military Action

Arab World: In Beirut, US embassy guards fire on private Saudi aircraft over ambassador's residence.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Central Bureau of Statistics reports October inflation rate of 24.3%. No Confidence motions presented in Knesset by Mapam, Civil Rights Movement, Progressive List for Peace & Hadash.

Arab World: IDF release 3 of 4 Shi'ite leaders held since 11/8, but retain Mahmoud al-Faqih; with UN mediation, Lebanon's cabinet decides to resume talks with Israel.

Military Action

Arab World: Shi'ite Imam Abdulla alAmin assassinated in Tawana village, S. Lebanon; Nabih Berri blames Israel.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Energy Min. Shahal recommends suspending indefinitely Dead Sea canal project due to economic non-feasibility.

Arab World: Palestinian dissidents reportedly move into Sabra & Shatila camps to confront Arafat loyalists there. US envoy Murphy travels to Damascus to meet Pres. Assad in attempt and press for resumption of Israeli-Lebanese talks; Assad maintains support for Lebanon's refusal; Murphy flies to Tel Aviv.

Other Countries: Ariel Sharon's $50 million libel suit vs. Time magazine opens in New York Federal Court. Meir Kahane denied entry into Canada for 2nd time. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. orders Palestinian money-changers in Jerusalem stop trading in US dollars. Ramallah military court fines Fatmeh Ja'afari IS 20,000 for possessing "illegal literature" [purchased in Jerusalem]. DM Rabin meets with Mayor Freij, approves $700,000 Saudi grant for Bethlehem development projects. FM Shamir calls for creation of new UN including "only democratic countries." Nahal inaugurates 4 settlements: Rotem in Jordan Valley, Heahzut near Gush Etzion, Amitai & Ye'elon in Negev. Morechet Benyamin Co. dumps truckloads of rubble on jib village land, rendering it unusable for farming. FM Shamir expresses alarm to visiting US congressmen at apparent Jordanian-PLO rapprochement.

Arab World: PNC Chrmn. Khalid Fahoum declines to issue invitations to PNC mtg. called by Chrmn. Arafat pending further unity talks. Christians & Muslim unite in general strike through S. Lebanon to protest Israeli kidnapping of Amal Shi'ite leaders; Phalangist Joseph Ghanem sends letter of solidarity with demonstrators in Sidon.

Other Countries: 9th anniversary of UN resolution equating Zionism with racism. Special UN panel publicizes findings on Israeli activity in occupied territories; reports Israel continues to disregard Geneva Convention on civilian rights under occupation. In New York Federal Court, hearings begin for Ariel Sharon's libel suit against Time magazine.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Curfew imposed on Dheisheh camp after Border Policeman hit with thrown rock; boys' school raided by Border Police; area declared closed military zone.

Arab World: 2 Israeli soldiers wounded by light arms fire in Jibsheet; 2 wounded by RPG fire in Ghaziya village, S. Lebanon.

Other Countries: Bomb explodes in El AL office, Vienna; no injuries.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Law student Aziza Kharaja sentenced to 5 mos. for membership in illegal organization [her 2 sisters held in Neve Tertza on similar charges]. PM Peres announces invitation to Egypt's Pres. Mubarak for talks on bilateral relations. After 2-yr. silence, crewman of M. S. Moran reveals to Hadashot that ship's Capt. Gilad set Tanzanian stowaway adrift on high seas (3/82).

Arab World: Israel proposes cease-fire to Amal forces in S. Lebanon, but refuse release of detained Amal leaders (arrested 11/9) in exchange for resumed talks with Lebanon.

Other Countries: Greek PM Papandreou ends visit to Syria & Jordan and agrees to promote their interests among fellow EEC members.

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli authorities demolish 33 homes of farmers in jiftlik (Ghor al-Fari'a). [Jiftlik produces 15% of West Bank GNP. Israelis demolished adjacent al-'Ajajreh, Sattariya & al-Mahrouq villages in 1967.] Haifa U. student Saour Saour attacked by Kach students while posting notice offering to help Palestinians enroll. Stone-throwing incidents reported in Jabal al-Muqabber (Jerusalem), Bethlehem & Ramallah; police respond with tear gas.

Arab World: IDF convoy ambushed near Sarafand; 1 Israeli seriously wounded, later dies.