15320 / 15321 Results
  • December 5, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews...

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  • December 4, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Energy Min. Moda'i urges Cabinet to authorize attempt to capture Arafat and top aides before leaving Tripoli. Israel denies US bombing raids...

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  • December 3, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv's Museum Square in support of conscientious objection to military service in Lebanon. Yesh Gvul ("There's...

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  • December 2, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on charges of possessing banned printed material. Al-Fajr poll finds 94% of...

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  • December 1, 1983


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist,...

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  • November 30, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery exchanges between PSP, and LAF and LF throughout the day in Chouf, Metn and Aley regions, and in coastal area south of Beirut; sporadic artillery and machine gun...

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  • November 29, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New...

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  • November 28, 1983

    Military Action:

    Artillery shells fall near Beirut airport and port; fighting continues between LAF and PSP in Khaldeh and Kharroub areas.


    1 Marine wounded at...

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  • November 27, 1983

    Military Action: 

    PSP and LF exchange artillery fire in Chouf area to south of Beirut; with only sporadic shooting, Tripoli cease-fire holds; Syria says its forces confronted US...

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  • November 26, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syria says its air defenses confront US reconnaissance planes over Syrian-controlled territory, force them away.

    Political Responses:

    Israel/ Occupied...

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  • November 25, 1983

    Military Action:

    LAF and militiamen exchange fire throughout the night in southern suburbs of Beirut; brief small arms and RPG battles in sectors of Tripoli bordering on Baddawi camp.

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  • November 24, 1983

    Military Action:

    Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas...

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  • November 23, 1983

    Military Action:

    Tripoli fighting at a minimum, all forces reinforce positions around central part of city; LAF and PSP continue artillery exchanges around Souq al-Gharb; IDF moves troops...

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  • November 22, 1983

    Military Action:

    Tripoli relatively quiet, light shelling and small arms fire in and around the city as all forces resupply; LAF and militiamen exchange mortar, artillery fire in southern...

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  • November 21, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues southeast of Beirut between LAF and PSP, and in southern Beirut suburbs between LAF and militiamen; car bomb explodes near Reuter news agency in Beirut;...

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  • November 20, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and...

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  • November 19, 1983

    Military Action:

    Widespread shelling of Tripoli as battle for Baddawi continues, loyalists and rebels rain artillery fire onto camp, Syrian and Libyan tanks and artillery reportedly in...

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  • November 18, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heaviest shelling in past two weeks engulfs Baddawi and Tripoli as PLO loyalists launch counterattack, artillery battles begin at 0300 hours and continue throughout day....

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  • November 17, 1983

    Military Action:

    French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut;...

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  • November 16, 1983

    Military Action:

    Israeli jets attack Islamic Amal and Hisballah militia training camps and an ammunition dump at Nabih Chit, near Baalbek; PSP artillery shells East Beirut, LAF positions in...

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  • November 15, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heaviest shelling since September 26 cease-fire engulfs Beirut, Chouf; LAF and PSP battle around Souq al-Gharb, LF and PSP exchange rocket, artillery fire between East...

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  • November 14, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fighting continues between PSP and LAF around Souq al-Gharb; artillery shells and Grad rockets fall in East Beirut; IDF patrol south of Sidon fired on, vehicle hit by...

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  • November 13, 1983

    Military Action:

    PSP and LAF exchange heavy artillery fire around Suq al-Gharb; sporadic exchanges of artillery and RPGs around Baddawi, cease-fire holds generally; IDF patrol fired on...

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  • November 12, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire continues in Tripoli.


    Latest estimates of casualties in recent fighting around Tripoli are 200+ killed, 600+ wounded; cost of damages...

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  • November 11, 1983

    Military Action:

    PSP shells LAF and LF positions near Khalde; US maintains stepped-up pattern of reconnaissance flights; cease-fire holds in Tripoli, some fighting around Baddawi.


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  • November 10, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire in Tripoli limits heavy firing to few hours in afternoon; PSP-LF artillery battles continue near Aley; Syrian anti-aircraft batteries fire on US F-14 jets;...

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  • November 9, 1983

    Military Action:

    Arafat forces resist rocket and artillery attack on Baddawi camp, shells fall in Tripoli,more oil storage facilities hit; cease-fire in Tripoli accepted by combatants late...

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  • November 8, 1983

    Military Action:

    Cease-fire reduces shelling in and around Beirut; 200 Marines of Alpha Company evacuate position near university school of science, move to base on 6th Fleet ships, 1400-...

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  • November 7, 1983

    Military Action:

    Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near...

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  • November 6, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy artillery, rocket and mortar exchanges continue overnight and throughout the day between LAF, PSP and Amal militias; bazookas, light arms fired at IDF HQ in Sidon,...

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  • November 5, 1983

    Military Action:

    Fierce fighting continues in north, Nahr al-Bared camp surrounded, occupied by anti-Arafat forces; bomb explodes near Beirut TV station; IDF reinforces positions throughout...

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  • November 4, 1983

    Military Action:

    IDF Border Police and General Security Services HQ in Tyre destroyed by car bomb, Islamic Jihad group claims responsibility; Israeli Air Force attacks PSP and Palestinian...

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  • November 3, 1983

    Military Action:

    Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps hit by intense tank and artillery barrages from anti-Arafat forces, Arafat says Syrian and Libyan units participate; oil storage...

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  • November 2, 1983

    Military Action:

    Heavy mortar, artillery, machinegun fire exchanged between LAF and unidentified militiamen in southern Beirut suburbs; Marines reposition main entrance to base, strengthen...

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  • November 1, 1983

    Military Action:

    Shelling continues around Souq al-Gharb. Casualties: First 200 refugees evacuated by Red Cross from Deir al-Qamar; prisoner at Ansar camp shot and wounded by IDF.


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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bethlehem U. resumes classes after closure by Israeli military (11/2/83) during folklore festival there. Over 200 anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protest corner-stone-laying ceremony at Emmanuel religious settlement; block 16 buses of Agudat Israel Party supporters planning to attend. In address to Israeli Federation of Contractors and Builders convention in Jerusalem, Shamir urges private builders to develop West Bank. Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Com. report new ultra-rightwing underground, stockpiling arms and planning to take over part of territories. Labor Federation leader Shehadeh Minawi released on IS5,000 bail after held for 24 hrs. on charges of arranging illegal conference in Jerusalem. About 20 S. Lebanon merchants meet with Israeli Industry and Trade Director in Jerusalem to discuss ways of improving trade.

Arab World: PLO Political Dep't. head Qaddoumi refuses proposal by some PLO Executive Com. members to replace Arafat. Mubarak warns new "strategic cooperation" will spell disaster for American friends in Arab world; other official Arab sources concur.

Other Countries: UK Labor Party dep. sec. Hattersley says his party admires Israel as "one of the greatest events of the 20th century," adding Labor's recent pro-PLO resolutions were only attempts to introduce "realism into the romantic." North American Palestinian community mtg. in Newark, NJ publicizes declaration reaffirming support for PLO and Arafat leadership.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Violent exchanges in Jerusalem between extremist Zionist cells injerusalem, Birkat Avraham, Torat Kohanim and Shuva Banim yeshivot and Arab residents of Muslim Quarter when several students spray tear gas in eyes of young Palestinian man near his shop; neighbors retaliate with barrage of stones.

Arab World: 24 US jets strike in Chouf mountains and Metn region, hit 6 villages; US claims retaliation for Syrian anti-aircraft fire against yesterday's US flights over Lebanon; 2 US planes downed, 1 airman killed, 1 captured by Syria. US Navy spokesman says US reevaluating Syrian military capabilities. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Energy Min. Moda'i urges Cabinet to authorize attempt to capture Arafat and top aides before leaving Tripoli. Israel denies US bombing raids part of joint plan with Israel. Anti- nuclear, ecumenical Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage Group arrives in Haifa for last leg of 12,000 km trek from Bangor, WA, USA, to Bethlehem.

Arab World: Syrian FM calls for international and Arab action against aggressive US policy in Middle East. In Tripoli interview, Arafat says he wants PLO base in Cairo.

Other Countries: Bonn agrees to DM140 million loan to Israel for investment in high-tech development.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Molotov cocktail attack on Israeli military patrol in Nablus; curfews imposed on nearby Balata and Askar camps.

Arab World: US jets bomb Syrian positions in Kfar Salwan, Falougha, Hammana, Dahr al-Baidar, Jabal Knayset and Sofar in Lebanon; 2 jets downed. 8 Marines killed by militia, presumed by US to be Syrian- backed; 6th Fleet opens fire on militia positions.

Other Countries: Israeli embassy in Bankok bombed; attackers unidentified; Thai customs allerted to "suspicious Arabs" trying to leave the country. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 2,000 Israelis demonstrate in Tel Aviv's Museum Square in support of conscientious objection to military service in Lebanon. Yesh Gvul ("There's a Limit") announces over 3,000 IDF reserve officers and enlisted men joined movement against military service in Lebanon. Delegation from Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace makes solidarity visit to Bassam Shaka'a after last week's escalation of settler violence in Nablus.

Arab World: Egypt's Pres. Mubarak says Arafat welcome to visit Cairo.

Other Countries: US announces unprecedented all-grant military aid to Israel to reach $1.4 billion in fiscal 1985. UN Security Council votes unanimously to permit embattled Arafat loyalists to evacuate Tripoli under UN flag.

MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: Israeli bombers strike alleged guerrilla bases in mountains near Beirut in retaliaiton for 1 Israeli soldier killed in S. Lebanon ambush yesterday. US commander in Lebanon authorized to use 16- inch guns on USS New Jersey against adversaries. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on charges of possessing banned printed material. Al-Fajr poll finds 94% of Palestinians in Israel support Arafat leadership. 200 residents of Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem attend mtg. at UNRWA office to protest Israeli threat of camp school closure. Galilee priest, Fowzi Khouri, released on IS100,000 bail after 1 month detention on charges of contact with PLO. 

Arab World: Gemayel ends talks with Reagan admin. with no further commitments of US assistance. Second-ranking Druze official murdered in Beirut; Christian Phalange blamed.

Other Countries: 2 Israeli firms sign deals for 1st Israeli factory in Ciskei tribal homeland, S. Africa; Israeli trade there includes sale of American-made Mooney light planes for fledgeling Ciskei airforce plus military training. [Israel and Taiwan lead investment in S. African "Bantustans."] British High Court decides to refer Israel's protest at UK's refusal to sell it North Sea oil to European Court of Justice. UN Security Council considers Arafat's request for assistance in evacuating Tripoli.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 3 Palestinian workers shot for not stopping at Gaza checkpoint while driving to work in Israel. About 30 Birkat Avraham yeshiva students go on rampage armed with iron rods, smashing windows, injuring 2 Arab men; 3 Arabs and 2 Jews arrested and released. IDF uproots five dunums of fruit trees belonging to Palestinian farmers along Kfar Saba-Qalqilya road where IDF believes petrol bomb attacks on Israeli traffic launched; farmers not to be compensated and ordered not to replant.

Arab World: Heavy artillery exchanges in Tripoli between rival Palestinian forces as talks on evacuation of loyalists stall. Bazooka attack on Israeli army vehicle kills 1 IDF soldier in Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Imam of Katibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison term for "incitement" after denouncing murder of Hebron U. students last July. Gaza artist, Fathi Ghabin's detention extended for producing "inciting" posters. Raphael Eitan and Chaim Herzog lead public castigation of 6 Israeli POWs returned by PLO in November prisoner exchange and 2 others still captive for cowardly surrender. Gush Emunim settlers camp at Joseph's Tomb in Nablus declaring to create permanent Jewish presence there; Peace Now warns of demonstration next day, supports DM Zipori's position that encampment is illegal. Teachers in 10 Israeli gov't. schools in Ramallah and al-Bireh strike over low wages. Life sentences given 2 Palestinians charged with killing Ramallah Village League head (1981), and an attack on IDF officer imposed as "(mayor" of al-Bireh; 2 others sentenced to 12-14 years for attacking Israeli settler in Hebron.

Arab World: Arafat accepts outline of Saudi-organized ceasefire in Tripoli. After letter from Pres. Reagan reiterating US position, King Hussein says he is prepared to resume talks with Arafat on joint Palestinian-Jordanian approach to negotiations with Israel; in light of current struggle in Tripoli, Hussein promises to put "no conditions on him. " Rebel spokesman asserts Tripoli fighting results from Arafat's refusal to heed Coordination Committee proposals. Tyre municipality opens special employment office for men released from Ansar prison; appeals to UNRWA to provide jobs.

Other Countries: Meeting in Washington, Pres. Gemayel and Reagan agree to stand by May 17 Lebanese-Israeli agreement. US Sec. of Defense Weinberger tells Jewish leaders of Synagogue Council of America that Arafat is "irrelevant" to future of Middle East. Chile's FM ends visit to Israel; agreement reached to expand mutual trade and agricultural cooperation. Abu Ja'far, Dir. of PLO Political Dep't holds talks with Soviet charge d'affaires in Tunis; also received GDR, DPRK, Rumanian, Polish and Czech ambassadors on occasion of Int'l. Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Major oil co.s shipping under Liberian flag pressure Liberian gov't. to cancel plans for embassy in Jerusalem; ambassador reported looking for alternative location in Tel Aviv.


Arab World: Palestinian casualties in Lebanon mountain artillery exchanges: 2 PFLP fighters, 1from Struggle Front, 2 from Liberation Army and 1 from al-Saiqa killed; 2 from Struggle Front wounded. Israel-backed militia chief in S. Lebanon, Abu Saleh, quits to renew loyalty to Amal militia. 1983 to date, 71 Druze quit Israeli military for religious reasons (compares with 19 in 1982).

Military Action:

Artillery exchanges between PSP, and LAF and LF throughout the day in Chouf, Metn and Aley regions, and in coastal area south of Beirut; sporadic artillery and machine gun fire between rival militias in Tripoli; commander of IDF-backed militia in South Lebanon disbands his unit, joins Amal.


2 killed, 6 wounded in Tripoli fighting; 3 killed in Chouf; Beirut airport closed after 6 shells hit runway, schools in East Beirut closed; French military helicopter crashes into sea off Beirut, 2 crew members killed, 1 missing.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Arens, in US, calls for unrelenting diplomatic and political pressure to force Syria to withdraw from Lebanon, says Lebanese government should employ guerrilla activity against Syrian forces in Lebanon; Shamir, in US, says US support for Israel, from point of view of American interests, is a bargain; settlers continue to occupy position near Joseph's Tomb in Nablus; petrol bomb thrown at IDF vehicle in Nablus.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Tripoli Higher Coordinating Committee meets separately with Arafat and rebel leaders to coordinate details of cease-fire and withdrawal of forces.

Arab Governments: Saudi ambassador to US criticizes US-Israel program for increased cooperation, says Israel is strategic liability to US, not strategic asset.

US and Other Countries: Gemayel arrives in Washington for meetings tomorrow with Reagan and senior US officials.

Military Action:

Heavy shelling by PSP militia, rockets and artillery fall in area from East Beirut north to Jounieh, and in airport area; Pentagon reportedly decides to keep battleship New Jersey stationed off Lebanon indefinitely.


5-7 killed, 30 wounded in East Beirut; LF militiamen kidnap Shi'ite civilians south of Beirut, Amal militiamen kidnap 60 Christian employees of MEA from buses on way to airport, later released; Beirut power station damaged, electricity rationing resumes.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 36th anniversary of UN vote to partition Palestine marked by demonstrations and protests throughout West Bank; IDF disperses Nablus demonstration with teargas; large demonstration in support of Arafat at Birzeit; settler injured by stone near Beit Omar, Hebron, 6 suspects arrested; estimated 500 Jewish settlers hold protest march through Nablus under heavy IDF protection, settlers establish command post near Tomb of Joseph in Nablus, say they will remain there until IDF takes stronger measures against Palestinians, chief-of-staff Levy flies in for meeting; President Herzog says IDF prisoners released by PLO had surrendered shamefully, press and military personnel question enthusiastic reception given to returnees.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says he will leave Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: Reagan and Shamir end talks, agree on joint political-military committee, to begin meeting in January, to enhance Israeli-US cooperation, objectives include military planning, maneuvers, prepositioning of US equipment in Israel; other areas of agreement are: US willing to negotiate accord on duty-free trade and to permit $550 m. military aid to be spent on development of Lavi fighter, including $250 m. to be spent in Israel; US and Israel reaffirm commitment to May 17 Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement; US reportedly will make cluster bomb technology available to Israel for production there, Shamir and Arens agree in principle not to use the weapons against civilians.

Military Action:

Artillery shells fall near Beirut airport and port; fighting continues between LAF and PSP in Khaldeh and Kharroub areas.


1 Marine wounded at airport; 5 civilians injured in port area; PSP says 60 Druze killed by shellings in past 10 days.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Settler from recently established Upper Nablus settlement attacked and beaten in Nablus market, dozens of suspects rounded up; settler spokesman demands closure of Nablus market, accuses Shamir and Arens of not keeping promises to take tougher measures; 2 guards at al-Najah University attacked and beaten by unidentified persons; Arab-owned bus set afire in Nablus.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Karami, in Damascus, says Tripoli cease-fire requires disengagement of forces, fighters to return to their bases, both inside Lebanon and abroad; Gemayel, in Rome, meets Italian officials and Pope John Paul.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Talks on implementation of Tripoli cease-fire and withdrawal agreement begin in Damascus.

US and Other Countries: White House announces that US will resume delivery of cluster bombs to Israel, suspended since July 1982, and that military aid to Israel, reduced by 25%, will be entirely in grant form; Reagan, Shultz, Weinberger and senior US officials meet Shamir and Arens, begin 2 days of talks,agendas focus on Lebanon, Soviet military aid to Syria, and Israeli-US cooperation.

Military Action: 

PSP and LF exchange artillery fire in Chouf area to south of Beirut; with only sporadic shooting, Tripoli cease-fire holds; Syria says its forces confronted US reconnaissance jet over Metn mountains; IDFconvoy attacked with light arms near Nabatiyeh.


2 civilians killed, 6 wounded by artillery fire in Chouf.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF intensifies patrols, roadblocks in West Bank, buses to travel with armed escorts or in convoy with military vehicles; windshields of Israeli buses driving near Nablus and Ramallah smashed by stones.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel travels to Rome for 3-day visit.

Arab Governments: Assad meets Ba'ath party leaders, is seen on television for first time since November 14.

Military Action:

Syria says its air defenses confront US reconnaissance planes over Syrian-controlled territory, force them away.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Teritories: Shamir, in interview prior to departure for US, says he will not agree to changes in May 17 Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement, or to freeze on settlements in West Bank.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says he will begin talks with Karami on details of Tripoli troop withdrawal; PFLP-GC says rebel ultimatum that Arafat leave Tripoli today will not be enforced.

Arab Gvernments: Reports from Damascus say Assad is suffering from angina, not appendicitis.

Military Action:

LAF and militiamen exchange fire throughout the night in southern suburbs of Beirut; brief small arms and RPG battles in sectors of Tripoli bordering on Baddawi camp.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese government orders staff of Iranian embassy to leave Beirut within 3 days, estimated 800 Shi'ite Muslims stage protest march in Burj al Barajneh camp.

Arab Governments: Saudi and Syrian FMs announce that rival Palestinian forces have agreed to cease-fire and to withdraw from Tripoli within 2 weeks, Tripoli Higher Coordinating Committee to supervise.

Military Action:

Syrian forces shoot down pilotless Israeli drone aircraft over Beqaa valley; PLO rebels announce open-ended cease-fire in Tripoli area; IDF reports several guerrillas killed, arms and ammunition caches seized in Beqaa.


Massive prisoner exchange takes place as 6 IDF POWs released by PLO, 4500 Arab prisoners, including 63 Palestinians convicted of attacks in Israel, and 37 Palestinians arrested at sea in late September by Israeli navy off the coast of tripoli, released by Israel; Ansar camp closed, 3400 prisoners remain in Lebanon, 1100 flown by Air France to Algeria; IDF returns Palestinian Research Center archives seized in Beirut during 1982 invasion.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Council of Jewish Settlements on West Bank and Gaza criticizes release of Palestinians from Israeli prisons, calls for death penalty in certain cases to prevent repetition.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Saudi FM, in Damascus, says general agreement has been reached for cease-fire and withdrawal of all Palestinian forces in and around Tripoli, practical steps under discussion; Lebanese government announces it will break diplomatic relations with Iran, freeze relations with Libya.

US and Other Countries: White House announces that Reagan will meet Gemayel on December 1.

Military Action:

Tripoli fighting at a minimum, all forces reinforce positions around central part of city; LAF and PSP continue artillery exchanges around Souq al-Gharb; IDF moves troops and armored vehicles toward Sidon, Nabatiyeh placed under curfew.


Residents of Tripoli leave city in anticipation of renewed fighting in central areas; Red Cross puts civilian and military casualties in Tripoli since November 3 at 438 killed, 2100 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 3 youths from jenin area sentenced to 5-7 year terms for using petrol bombs.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat agrees in principle to Saudi-Syrian proposals to end Tripoli fighting, including indefinite cease-fire, withdrawal of all Palestinian forces from Tripoli, and a democratic dialogue to resolve intra-PLO questions; Jibril says there are no negotiations, Arafat should be tried by revolutionary tribunal on account of political and morale deviations during last 18 years.

Arab Governments: Iraq reportedly closes Baghdad office and expels members of Abu Nidal group; Syria rejects Weinberger's charges on truck bombing of Marine base, says it will strike blow for blow if there is retaliation.

US and Other Countries: Soviet FM Grormyko says PLO would be stronger if it were unified and worked closely with national patriotic forces of the Arab world, above all with Syria; 13 Iranian revolutionary guards killed in Israeli and French air raids buried in Tehran.

Military Action:

Tripoli relatively quiet, light shelling and small arms fire in and around the city as all forces resupply; LAF and militiamen exchange mortar, artillery fire in southern Beirut suburbs.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP-GC leader Jibril, in Baddawi, says Arafat has 3 days to leave Tripoli: Lebanon marks 40th anniversary of its founding as a nation, shops and offices close but customary fireworks displays absent.

Arab Governments: Saudi FM, as well as delegation from Non-Aligned movement, in Damascus for talks to end Tripoli fighting.

US and Other Countries: Head of PLO political department Kaddoumi begins visit to Moscow; Reagan meets Israeli president Herzog; Weinberger says Iranians blew up Marine compound on October 23 with sponsorship, knowledge and authority of Syrian government.

Military Action:

Fighting continues southeast of Beirut between LAF and PSP, and in southern Beirut suburbs between LAF and militiamen; car bomb explodes near Reuter news agency in Beirut; PLO rebels advance within half mile of Arafat's HQ in central Tripoli, cut off loyalist forces still holding ground at Baddawi; Islamic Unification Movement fighters deploy alongside PLO loyalists in Tripoli; 12-hour unilateral cease-fire declared in Tripoli by PLO rebels is broken by exchanges of rocket fire in evening; 3 ships carrying supplies to loyalist PLO forces reportedly captured by Israeli navy off Tripoli.


Unspecified civilian casualties in southern Beirut suburbs; contrary to initial claims, French air raid near Baalbek last Thursday did little or no damage to military targets, casualties reported at 2 dead, 7 wounded; Red Cross estimates 60% of Tripoli's 500,000 to 600,000 residents have fled; 8 killed, 97 wounded today in Tripoli, 392 killed, 1869 wounded in fighting since November 3; IDF allows limited flow of commercial traffic across Awali bridge after weekend ban, private vehicles cross only with IDF issued permits.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 4 petrol bombs thrown at IDF position in Tulkarem, curfew on nearby refugee camp; Council of Jewish Settlements in West Bank and Gaza holds emergency meeting at Kiryat Arba, demands severe action by IDF against Palestinians, settlers threaten to take law into their own hands; 17-year-old boy from Balata sentenced to 6 months in prisoni, IS 30,000 fine for participating in demonstration at Askar camp on November 8; committee representing Dheisheh camp residents releases statement rejecting government plan, announced yesterday, to resettle Palestinian refugees outside camps, details raids, road and school closures, fines, curfews and other measures used against camp residents in recent period.

Palestinian/ Lebanese: Arafat's conditions for leaving Tripoli include security for his supporters, both Palestinian and Lebanese, his right to return to Tripoli, and withdrawal of rebel forces; PFLP and DFLP call for democratic dialogue between fighting PLO forces.

Military Action:

Israeli jets bomb guerrilla bases in areas around Sofar, Falougha and Bhamdoun, reportedly hit as-Saiqa, Syrian Baath party, PFLP-GC and Druze positions, intense and effective anti-aircraft fire deployed; brief exchanges of artillery fire between LAF and PSP around Souq al-Gharb; fierce fighting continues around Baddawi, PLO loyalists and rebels both claim control of major parts of camp; all areas of Tripoli come under rocket and artillery fire.


1 Israeli jet shot down by shoulder fired SAM-7, pilot is rescued by LAF patrol after parachuting into Beirut suburb, Syria says 2nd jet was downed; casualty reports from air raid range from 2-18 killed, 8 wounded, damage to targets reportedly minimal; no reliable estimates possible of casualties in Tripoli, ambulances unable to move; Red Cross estimates 13,000-15,000 refugees from fighting at camps are in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF says air raid in Lebanon is reaction to long chain of terrorist attacks against IDF in South Lebanon, 35 IDF soldiers killed, 64 wounded since redeployment to Awali on September 4; Arens, addressing Moral Majority delegation in Jerusalem, says there will be no withdrawal from the West Bank; minister without portfolio Ben Porat says his plan to rehouse 250,000 Palestinians now living in refugee camps will cost between $2 and $1.5 b. over next six years, Shamir to raise the subject in forthcoming meetings with Reagan; IDF say group of Muslim extremists has confessed to the killing of a Jewish religious student in Hebron on July 7; settlers block road near Halhoul after stone throwing incident, enter town, break windows of cars and houses.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel ends 2 days of meetings in Saudi Arabia with King Fahd.

US and Other Countries: Rumsfeld makes first official visit to Damascus, meets FM Khaddam; Iranian official says 14 Revolutionary Guards and about 30 Lebanese were killed in Israeli and French air raids near Baalbek last week; Soviet Union calls on PLO factions to cease senseless bloodshed, resolve differences through political means.

Military Action:

Widespread shelling of Tripoli as battle for Baddawi continues, loyalists and rebels rain artillery fire onto camp, Syrian and Libyan tanks and artillery reportedly in action.


Estimates in Tripoli fighting are 15 killed, 75 wounded, damage to property extensive; rocket hits main fire station, destroys last 3 working fire engines, wounds 7 firefighters.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Tulkarem under curfew after Friday's petrol bomb attacks on Israeli targets; demonstration in Ya'abad, near Jenin, supports Arafat, IDF uses teargas, curfew imposed.

Arab Governments: Syrian Defense Minister TIlas says Syrian army ready to mount suicide attacks against US warships, Syria has missiles with range of 180 miles that can hit targets anywhere in Israel.

Military Action:

Heaviest shelling in past two weeks engulfs Baddawi and Tripoli as PLO loyalists launch counterattack, artillery battles begin at 0300 hours and continue throughout day.


18 killed, 96 wounded in Tripoli; deaths from fighting throughout Lebanon in past week put at 1000; Red Cross estimates 350 killed in Tripoli since November 3; estimated 6000 refugees flee Tripoli; 3 more oil storage tanks hit; Red Cross says 25 killed, 75 wounded when PLO rebel forces occupying Nahr al Bared camp open fire on pro-Arafat demonstration.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Petrol bomb thrown at IDF observation post near Tulkarem refugee camp, 2 petrol bombs thrown at Israeli buses driving through Tulkarem, soldiers on bus open fire; intensified IDF roadblocks on Jerusalem-Ramallah, Jerusalem-Bethlehem roads.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Leader of Islamic Amal movement promises new methods of retaliation against aggressors

Military Action:

French jets from carrier Clemenceau attack positions of Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Islamic Amal militia, east of Baalbek; RPGs fired at French position in Beirut; fighting continues around Souq al-Gharb; pockets of Fateh loyalists continue to resist on fringes of Baddawi, shells fall in Tripoli; roadside bomb hits IDF patrol south of Sidon; US Marines begin 4 day rotation, 1400 new troops, veterans of Grenada invasion, to come ashore.


Lebanese police say 39 killed, 150 wounded in Baalbek air raid, several buildings destroyed; 1 IDF soldier killed, 5 wounded in Sidon explosion; Air France cancels Beirut flights until further notice; wave of arrests of civilians by IDF reported in South Lebanon.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 2 students wounded by IDF during Gaza demonstration; 4000-6000 dunums confiscated from Beit Ula near Hebron.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat says no one can liquidate the PLO, it is not a military base, his forces will fight to defend Tripoli against Syrian plan of conquest.

Arab Govements: Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari officials meet in Damascus with FM Khaddam, seek to mediate cease-fire in Tripoli.

US and Other Countries: France says air attacks are necessary to prevent new terrorist actions against French forces in Lebanon by intervening first; US says it had advance notice of French air raids.

Military Action:

Israeli jets attack Islamic Amal and Hisballah militia training camps and an ammunition dump at Nabih Chit, near Baalbek; PSP artillery shells East Beirut, LAF positions in West Beirut; PSP positions in Chouf exchange fire with LAF and LF; PLO rebels occupy Baddawi after heavy fighting, hand to hand combat; rockets, shells fall in Tripoli; 3 IDF patrols attacked near Sidon and Tyre; grenade thrown at Marine position near airport.


30 estimated killed, 80 wounded in Nabih Chit attack; 2 civilians killed in East Beirut; casualties at Baddawi estimated at 62 killed, 136 wounded.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 1500+ dunums confiscated for military purposes from Ramallah, Beitunia and Rafat.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel, Syrian FM Khaddam meet in Beirut; PFLP-GC head Ahmed Jibril, at Baddawi, says battle with Arafat is finished and so is Arafat.

US and Other Countries: Rumsfeld meets Shamir on first visit to Israel as special envoy; US expresses satisfaction with Israeli air raid on Islamic Amal bases, says there was no Israeli-US coordination.

Military Action:

Heaviest shelling since September 26 cease-fire engulfs Beirut, Chouf; LAF and PSP battle around Souq al-Gharb, LF and PSP exchange rocket, artillery fire between East Beirut and Chouf positions; cease-fire ends in Tripoli as PLO rebels launch heavy artillery and tank attack on Baddawi camp, move to within 200 yards of perimeter but are pushed back; shells, rockets fall in Tripoli.


3 killed, 7 wounded in East Beirut, 2 wounded in West Beirut; schools close, Parliament does not meet; 3 Fateh fighters killed, 26 wounded in Baddawi fighting, 100 civilians killed or wounded, up to 10,000 camp residents reported to have taken shelter in Tripoli; 4-8 civilians killed, 12 wounded in Tripoli.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Head of West Bank civil administration stoned by residents of Dura; demonstrations, curfews and arrests in numerous camps and villages on West Bank; consumer price index rises by 21.1% in October, biggest increase in state's history, inflation rate of 180% anticipated for 1983.

Military Action:

Fighting continues between PSP and LAF around Souq al-Gharb; artillery shells and Grad rockets fall in East Beirut; IDF patrol south of Sidon fired on, vehicle hit by explosion.


1 civilian killed, 1 wounded in East Beirut; 1 Lebanese shot and killed while attempting to throw grenade at IDF Awali bridge checkpoint; 2 IDF soldiers wounded by roadside explosion near Sidon.

Military Action:

PSP and LAF exchange heavy artillery fire around Suq al-Gharb; sporadic exchanges of artillery and RPGs around Baddawi, cease-fire holds generally; IDF patrol fired on north of Zahrani.


Car bombs kills 2 civilians in South Lebanon village of Tibnin; 6 Israeli POW held by PLO in Tripoli moved to safety.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 Jewish civilians enter Dheisheh camp, under curfew, shoot and wound 3 Palestinian men after breaking into house, IDF says those responsible were border police in plain clothes on undercover operation; Arens, dedicating new settlement near Hebron, calls on "Arabs of Eretz Israel" to negotiate coexistence with Israel.

Arab Govenments: Assad taken to hospital in Damascus, reportedly has appendectomy, tomorrow's meeting with Gemayel postponed.

US and Other Countries: Special envoy Rumsfeld arrives on first visit to Beirut, meets Gemayel; McFarlane warns Syria US will respond to fire at US aircraft over Lebanon, cites Grenada as example of US resolve to protect American lives.

Military Action:

Cease-fire continues in Tripoli.


Latest estimates of casualties in recent fighting around Tripoli are 200+ killed, 600+ wounded; cost of damages to Tripoli oil refinery put at $100 m.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Border police shoot and kill 2 youths, wound four others in Tulkarem during demonstration supporting Arafat; official in PM's office says Israel has clear proof Syrians are behind explosions at US Embassy, US, French and IDF bases.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat demands certain security guarantees before withdrawing from Tripoli, including deployment of Arab League observers to monitor permanent cease-fire.

Arab Governments: Jordanian security forces defuse 88 lb. car bomb near British embassy, third to be found in Amman in past 4 days.

Military Action:

PSP shells LAF and LF positions near Khalde; US maintains stepped-up pattern of reconnaissance flights; cease-fire holds in Tripoli, some fighting around Baddawi.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Demonstrations in support of Arafat occur in Jerusalem, Nablus, Gaza.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Representatives of Lebanese factions adjourn Geneva talks, will take proposals to leaders prior to start of second round of reconciliation conference, scheduled for next week; leader of Islamic Unification Movement militia in Tripoli says Arafat should remain in city as long as he likes.

Arab Governments: Syria agrees to visit by Gemayel next week.

USand Other Countries: Soviet officials end 2 days of talks with Syrian FM Khaddam, reportedly want Syria to restrain military pressure on Arafat, emphasize urgent need to end internal PLO conflict.

Military Action:

Cease-fire in Tripoli limits heavy firing to few hours in afternoon; PSP-LF artillery battles continue near Aley; Syrian anti-aircraft batteries fire on US F-14 jets; frequency of night-time reconnaissance flights by US reportedly increases; nearly 30 US ships, carrying 300 warplanes, now assembled within striking distance of Lebanon.


Casualties in Tripoli put at 15- 20 civilians killed, 150 wounded, estimated 1/4 Of city's 600,000 residents may have fled; Pentagon says search for bodies of US personnel killed in October 23 bombing has ended, final death toll is 239, with more than 80 wounded.

Political Responses:

US and Other Countries: House votes 224-189 to allow Israel to use $550 m. military credits to finance construction of new Lavi fighter, Weinberger calls it inappropriate, bill also cancels previously approved economic aid to Syria; Italian Defense Minister says Italian warships in MNF standing by to evacuate Arafat from Tripoli.

Military Action:

Arafat forces resist rocket and artillery attack on Baddawi camp, shells fall in Tripoli,more oil storage facilities hit; cease-fire in Tripoli accepted by combatants late in day; small arms fire directed at Marine positions in Beirut; PSP and LF militias engage in fierce artillery battles south of Aley; leader of IDF-backed militia in Kharouf shot and seriously wounded.


F-14 naval jet fighter on training mission from carrier John F. Kennedy crashes into Mediterranean, 2-man crew missing, presumed dead; UNRWA official in Tripoli says casualties in Nahr al-Bared fighting were exaggerated, 13 civilans were killed, 45 wounded.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Factional representatives meeting in Geneva report agreement in principle on constitutional and political changes in Lebanon, including Muslim-Christian parity in parlianment, establishment of supreme court.

Arab Governments: Delegations from Tripoli and from Gulf Cooperation Council in Damascus to discuss Tripoli cease-fire.

US and Other Countries: US State Dept. says it is revolted that once again the people of Lebanon, this time around Tripoli, are subjected to terror and injury by the radical and brutal behavior of Palestinian factions and their supporters.

Military Action:

Cease-fire reduces shelling in and around Beirut; 200 Marines of Alpha Company evacuate position near university school of science, move to base on 6th Fleet ships, 1400-1500 Marines remain onshore; heavy fighting continues around Baddawi, Arafat forces establish positions in Tripoli, area around Arafat's HQthere is shelled.


Amal reports 2 civilians killed, nearly 80 injured in recent fighting with LAF; Beirut airport reopens; general strike in South Lebanon to protest closing of Awali bridges, schools, shops in West Beirut closed in support.

Political Responses:

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets mayor of Tripoli, other leaders, promises to do everything he can to avert all out fighting in city.

Arab Governments: Kuwait's parliament votes to halt $265 m. annual aid to Syria because of alleged support of PLO rebels; foreign ministers of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, North Yemen, Tunisia and Algeria fly to Damascus to consult Assad on PLO fighting.

US and Other Countries: Reagan Administration reportedly plans to establish closer political, economic, and strategic relations with Israel as keystone of Middle East policy, Eagleburger's visit last week to Israel laid groundwork; House approves foreign aid bill with largest sum ever for Israel, $2.61 b. in military and economic aid.

Military Action:

Shelling continues in Beirut's southern suburbs; PSP militia and LAF battle at Souq al-Gharb; Marine positions hit with small arms and artillery fire; shells fall near Jounieh port, north of Beirut; British MNF patrol fired on in Beirut; US jets buzz Beirut; Baddawi camp comes under rocket and artillery fire as heavy fighting continues, Arafat forces establish positions in Tripoli, shells land in city; head of IDF-backed militia in Nabatiyeh assassinated, fifth attack on militia leaders in two months.


1 civilian killed, unspecified number wounded in shelling in and around Beirut; 1 Marine, 1 LAF soldier wounded; Beirut airport closed to incoming flights; police estimate at least 200 killed, 300 wounded in past 4 days of fighting around Tripoli; oil storage tanks hit again by rocket fire, severe fuel shortage in Beirut, Tripoli; IDF permits limited pedestrian and vehicle traffic across Awali bridges, tension high as thousands of stranded persons wait to cross.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Cabinet approves $2 b. budget cut, new austerity measures, including higher costs for education, health care, economists predict recession, rise in unemployment from current 4%o to 7%o; rallies, strikes, and official expressions of support for Arafat in East Jerusalem, West Bank towns and refugee camps, 1 boy wounded by IDF fire at Dheisheh; IDF announces test mobilization of forces, says it is routine and not meant as threat to Syria.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Resumption of Geneva talks among factional leaders postponed until at least November 20.

Arab Governments: Saudi envoy travels to Damascus to intervene with Assad over Tripoli fighting; Jordan declares support for Arafat; Syrian army, including reservists, mobilized.

Military Action:

Heavy artillery, rocket and mortar exchanges continue overnight and throughout the day between LAF, PSP and Amal militias; bazookas, light arms fired at IDF HQ in Sidon, IDF position near Zahrani river; IDF closes Awali bridges for third consecutive day; Marines close off section of Corniche near British embassy in Beirut; at Tripoli, anti-Arafat forces move toward Baddawi camp, pro-Arafat forces attack positions on Mount Torbol.


3 LAF soldiers, 2 civilians killed, 1 LAF soldier injured; 1 IDF soldier wounded near Sidon; 20 killed, 100 wounded in Tripoli; 12 of 35 fuel storage tanks near Baddawi camp burning.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Government says Syria must have known about and given tacit support to Friday's bombing of Tyre IDF HQ.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Head of Islamic Unification Movement in Tripoli says his militia will fight with Arafat; Fateh Central Committee meets in Tunis, expels 10 rebel leaders.

Arab Governments: King Fahd, President Mubarak call on Assad to halt fighting in Tripoli; Egypt denies it is supplying arms to Arafat.

US and Other Countries: Eagleburger leaves Israel after week of meetings, Shamir and Arens to visit US later this month.

Military Action:

Fierce fighting continues in north, Nahr al-Bared camp surrounded, occupied by anti-Arafat forces; bomb explodes near Beirut TV station; IDF reinforces positions throughout South Lebanon.


Deaths from yesterday's bombing in Tyre now put at 32 Palestinians and Lebanese, including detainees and workers, 28 IDF personnel, and 32 wounded; 3 killed in Beirut bomb blast; bridges, highways in South Lebanon closed as IDF conducts intensive search; IDF evicts Lebanese administrators, gendarmes, from municipal building in Sidon; Tripoli casualties put at 50 dead, 100 wounded, total over past three days is 145-240 dead, 500+ wounded; hundreds of refugees flee Baddawi camp; Beirut radio says 100,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians in northern Lebanon are without food and electricity.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF reportedly will reduce reliance on Haddad militia in South Lebanon.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese PM Wazzan protests IDF measures to seal off South Lebanon.

Arab Governments: Saudi cabinet calls on Arab states, primarily Syria, to use influence to end Tripoli fighting.

Military Action:

IDF Border Police and General Security Services HQ in Tyre destroyed by car bomb, Islamic Jihad group claims responsibility; Israeli Air Force attacks PSP and Palestinian targets in Aley, Bhamdoun and Sofar areas near Beirut-Damascus highway, Syrian positions at Sofar reportedly hit, 16 T-54 tanks destroyed; heavy fighting continues in Tripoli around Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps.


29 IDF personnel, mostly Druze border police, 10 Palestinian and Lebanese detainees killed, 29 Israelis, 3 Palestinians and Lebanese wounded in Tyre bombing, 7 more IDF soldiers wounded when ammunition explodes in rubble; up to 60 killed, 100 wounded in Israeli air attacks, PFLP-GC HQ destroyed; 24-hour curfew imposed on Tyre; 6 prisoners killed at Ansar when bulldozer collapses escape tunnel.

Political Responses:

Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Arens says it doesn't matter who mounteid attack on IDF HQ in Tyre, Lebanon is one big network of murderers and Israel will hit back strongly; advocate Lea Tsemel reveals that Israeli prison service used teargas against 30 Palestinian women prisoners in their cells at Neve Tertza prison on October 3 1.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva talks adjourn, Gemayel to travel to US, European and Arab capitals, talks to resume on November 14; Arafat, under fire in Tripoli, says Syrians want to eliminate him so as to gain control of PLO as part of American-Syrian deal.

US and Other Countries: US Intelligence reportedly focuses on Islamic Amal movement, based in Baalbek, as being associated with Beirut bombings; Defense Department tests and plans to order $200 million worth of Israeli-designed anti-tank weapons, to be manufactured in US.

Military Action:

Baddawi and Nahr al-Bared refugee camps hit by intense tank and artillery barrages from anti-Arafat forces, Arafat says Syrian and Libyan units participate; oil storage tanks at Tripoli port hit by artillery; IDF patrol hit by explosion near Zahrani river.


50-100 killed, 100-200 wounded in fighting around Tripoli; 3 IDF soldiers wounded near Zahrani.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Deposed mayors Khalaf and Shaka'a placed under house arrest to prevent official meeting with British Foreign Office minister, Shakaa also refused permission to travel to US.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva conference participants agree to put aside issue of May 17 agreement, permit Gemayel time to explore means to end Israeli occupation and ensure national sovereignty; Arafat appeals to Arab and Non-aligned heads of state for support. US and Other Countries: Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary in Ford administration, succeeds McFarlane as Special Envoy to Middle East.

Military Action:

Heavy mortar, artillery, machinegun fire exchanged between LAF and unidentified militiamen in southern Beirut suburbs; Marines reposition main entrance to base, strengthen security.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: IDF closes Bethlehem University for two months after two days of confrontations with students; demonstrations, strikes, rock throwing and curfews mark anniversary of Balfour Declaration in West Bank, East Jerusalem.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: Geneva conference particpants agree on statement defining Lebanon's national identity, discuss proposal to freeze May 17 troop withdrawal agreement; Nabih Berri calls for removal of US forces from southern Beirut suburbs.

US and Other Countries: House rejects by 274-153 measure to cut off funds for Beirut operation by March 1, passes by 328-97 largest ever defense appropriation bill, $247 b.

Military Action:

Shelling continues around Souq al-Gharb. Casualties: First 200 refugees evacuated by Red Cross from Deir al-Qamar; prisoner at Ansar camp shot and wounded by IDF.

Political Responses:

Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel warns Lebanon not to abrogate May 17 agreement, says it will keep IDF In South Lebanon, close bridges; free sale of foreign currency banned, dollar sells unofficially for 100 shekels; US Under-secretary of State Eagleburger arrives for wide-ranging talks with senior government officials.

Palestinians/ Lebanese: First substantive rounds of reconciliation talks in Geneva focus on agenda and on opposition by Syria to Israeli-Lebanese troop withdrawal agreement; Israeli and US personnel reportedly active as consultants to Geneva conference participants.

US and Other Countries: Senate Appropriations Com. cuts $220 m. secret funding for Jordanian strike force from 1984 military budget.