15467 / 15468 Results
  • February 21, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former chief of staff, Eitan heckled during visit to Beer Sheba U. on tour of Negev; declares Arab students have no business there, tells them...

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  • February 20, 1984


    Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital...

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  • February 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yaacov Levinson, long-time chairman of Bank Hapoalim, commits suicide after investigations into financial misdealings involving Labor Party...

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  • February 18, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency Settlements Dep't. head proposes 3-year moratorium on all new West Bank settlement because of economic crisis.

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  • February 17, 1984


    Arab World: Lebanese leaders reject Gemayel's 8-point plan; Nabih Berri quoted as saying he will not consider the plan until Gemayel accepts "responsibility for massacres...

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  • February 16, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils in the Triangle and Galilee strike for 2 hours to demonstrate their severe fiscal problems. Ramallah lawyer Shukri Aboudi...

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  • February 15, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens warns Druze to stop assisting Palestinians and Syrians against Israel or it "will have no choice but to react." Druze MK Amal Nasser al...

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  • February 14, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Dep. PM Levy says Reagan decision to pull out of Lebanon shows "poor judgement and certain weakness." Israeli Chief of Staff Eitan says...

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  • February 13, 1984


    Arab World: General strike called in Majd al-Shams (Golan) protesting Israeli occupation of Lebanon and US interference in Lebanese affairs.

    Other Countries:...

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  • February 12, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah National U. resumes classes after 21-day closure; al-Najah admin. agrees to postpone decision to withold credit from students attending...

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  • February 11, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir warns Gemayel cancellation of May 17 agreement would end Lebanon's independence, and indicates Israel would have to occupy S. Lebanon...

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  • February 10, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.

    Other Countries...

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  • February 9, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon announces intention to run for leadership of Herut Party and seek nomination for PMship. BZU students hold 4-hour rally protesting...

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  • February 8, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

    Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a...

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  • February 7, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Karp report criticizing Israeli law enforcement practices toward Arabs in West Bank made public; report reveals Jewish settlers who kill West...

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  • February 6, 1984


    Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite and Druze leaders call for Pres. Gemayel's resignation.

    Other Countries: US Senate Finance Committee begins hearings on issue of...

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  • February 5, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. school-teachers in West Bank repeat demand for 100% wage increase.

    Arab World: Lebanese PM Shafiq Wazzan and 9-member cabinet...

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  • February 4, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.

    Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri...

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  • February 3, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 suspects in attempt to blow up Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, Meir Liebowitz of Brooklyn and Bart Silverman of New Jersey, arrested by...

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  • February 2, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities order closure of BZU central campus for 3 mos. after student demonstrations protesting attempt to blow up al-Aqsa Mosque....

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  • February 1, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset vote defeats Shamir proposal to build a "Jewish Quarter" in Hebron. Israeli professor sends letter of protest to DM Arens concerning...

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  • January 31, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Acting chrmn. of Israeli Cabinet Settlement Committee Yuval Ne'eman (Tehiya party), announces 2 new Jewish settlements in occupied Gaza....

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  • January 30, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF grenade bomb discovered in Jerusalem near Via Dolorosa; 3 found near Lions Gate.

    Other Countries: Pentagon notifies US Congress of...

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  • January 29, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli Cabinet Minister, Mordechai Ben Porat, resigns over disagreements with PM Shamir on Lebanon policy and economic situation. Israeli...

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  • January 28, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't. press office tries to rescind statement by PM office Dir.-Gen. Mattityahu Shmuelevitz that arms sales to Saudi Arabia might force...

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  • January 27, 1984


    Other Countries: Smithsonian Institution (Washington) cancels planned Israeli archaeological exhibit as Israel unable to verify ownership of artifacts. In letter to UN Sec...

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  • January 26, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli firm J.O.E.L. strikes oil in commercial quantities at Gurim in Negev.

    Other Countries: Reagan administration informs Israeli gov'...

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  • January 25, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Former chief of staff Yigael Yadin submits affidavit stating IDF seizure of Hebron central bus station is not justifiable for reasons of...

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  • January 24, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: W. German Chancellor Kohl arrives for official 6-day visit amid tight security and demonstrations by Israeli WW II holocaust survivors.


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  • January 23, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Representatives of 31 Palestinian institutions in West Bank meet at BZU to issue statement strongly rejecting moves by Jordan to recall National...

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  • January 22, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 200 settlers from Kibbutz Ein Hashofet demonstrate near PM's office, demand immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 4 Palestinian Druze members...

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  • January 21, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yesh Gvul holds teach-in on war in Lebanon at Tel Aviv cinema.


    Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite spiritual leader,...

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  • January 20, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/Israel: As students escalate protests against Jordan's imposition of comprehensive exams, UNRWA-operated Ramallah Teachers Training Centers for men and...

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  • January 19, 1984


    Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Military court sentences 6 young Aida refugee camp residents to 5-9-year jail terms for throwing petrol bombs at military vehicles.


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  • January 18, 1984


    Arab World: Adjournment of Islamic Summit delayed over issue of Egypt's readmission to membership.

    Other Countries: Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog arrives in Kinshasa...

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Occupied Palestine/Israel: Former chief of staff, Eitan heckled during visit to Beer Sheba U. on tour of Negev; declares Arab students have no business there, tells them: "This is our country, not yours."

Arab World: Syria presents Gemayel 4-point plan for Lebanon: abrogate May 17 accord, deal with Syrian military presence through Arab League, set up national unity with parity for all factions, convene national unity talks in Geneva. Christian Phalangist militia leader Fadi Frem cautions Gemayel his forces will not accept abrogation of May 17 agreement.

Other Countries: Sec. of State Shultz says Marine pull-out from Beirut will be complete in 2 weeks. Israeli firm, Elbit, announces $6 million deal to supply naval communications systems to undisclosed European government.


Arab World: US Marines begin formal withdrawal to 6th Fleet vessels off Beirut. Israel bombs alleged Palestinian targets in central mountain villages of Bhamdoun, Ain al-Jadida, Bikh Shtay and Mansuriya; sends armored column north within 12 miles of Beirut. 


Arab World: Italian MNF contingent complete withdrawal from Beirut, leaving Sabra and Shatila refugee camp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital to Shi'ite welfare organization.

Other Countries: UN Human Rights Commission approves 2 resolutions: condemning Israel's West Bank policies of confiscation and demolition of Arab property, mass arrests and torture; calling on Israel to release Ziad Abu Ain; both resolutions passed with 11 (mostly Western) members abstaining; only US opposed. International Federation for Human Rights presents evidence to UN commission of Lebanese security forces and Phalangist militia abductions of more than 1,500 civilians in S. Lebanon in conjunction with IDF. Gen. Manager of Yuval Guitars, Katzrin settlement (Golan), reports sell-out of Israeli 'ouds marketed at World Music Festival in Frankfurt to Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian and Tunisian buyers.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yaacov Levinson, long-time chairman of Bank Hapoalim, commits suicide after investigations into financial misdealings involving Labor Party institutions.

Arab Countries: Lebanese opposition leaders confer in Damascus. King Hussein returns to Amman after visit to US.

Other Countries: Israeli PM Shamir begins 3-days with EEC FMs in Brussels, lobbying for favorable trade treatment. Reagan admin. claims no knowledge of contact over past 9 mos. between State Dep't. and PLO via intermediary, John Mroz.


Arab World: Israelis bomb positions at Hammana, Bhamdoun and Damour alleging rebel Palestinian bases there; local residents insist no Palestinians in area; Souq al-Gharb and Aley also hit.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish Agency Settlements Dep't. head proposes 3-year moratorium on all new West Bank settlement because of economic crisis.


Arab World: Lebanese leaders reject Gemayel's 8-point plan; Nabih Berri quoted as saying he will not consider the plan until Gemayel accepts "responsibility for massacres of the southern suburbs." 

Other Countries: US approves use of $250 million of military grants for development of Lavi jet fighter. Israeli FM Kimche attends founding of Japan-IsraelbParliamentary Friendship League in Tokyo.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Arab local councils in the Triangle and Galilee strike for 2 hours to demonstrate their severe fiscal problems. Ramallah lawyer Shukri Aboudi fined IS50,000 and given 6-month jail term on charges of membership in illegal organization.

Arab World: Gemayel informs opponents he will annul May 17 agreement in exchange for their participation in reconciliation talks.

Other Countries: King Hussein flies to London for talks with PM Thatcher and FM Howe. Chairman Arafat nominated for post of rector of Glasgow University by students, election March 5.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish settlers break into home of 84-year-old Tulkarm man; chop off his finger when he refuses to sign over property to Israeli buyers.

Arab World: Advancing Druze militia discover 117 Druze corpses in Kfar Matta, S. Lebanon, massacred by Christian Phalange militia in 1983. Israeli tanks patrol north-coast highway to Damour demonstrating support for Phalangist takeover there. Israel-backed death-squad kills Shi'ite leader, Raghib Harb, while walking home in Jabsheet near Nabatiya.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: DM Arens warns Druze to stop assisting Palestinians and Syrians against Israel or it "will have no choice but to react." Druze MK Amal Nasser al-Din says Israel has nothing to lose in abrogating May 17 agreement and cooperating with S. Lebanese Shi'ites and Druze.

Other Countries: 2 Britons expelled from USSR for smuggling Zionist literature into country.


Arab World: LAF collapses as Druze forces link up with Shi'ites in south Beirut .


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli Dep. PM Levy says Reagan decision to pull out of Lebanon shows "poor judgement and certain weakness." Israeli Chief of Staff Eitan says IDF must remain in S. Lebanon forever to ensure safe northern border.

Other Countries: King Hussein, Pres. Mubarak and Pres. Reagan meet at White House to discuss ways to negotiated settlement of West Bank and Gaza status; Reagan disassociates self from Mubarak's appeal for "direct dialogue" with PLO. US amb. to Israel Samuel Lewis tells presidents of American Jewish organizations at Jerusalem Hilton that US Embassy should have been moved to Jerusalem in 1950s. British FM Howe states position that May 17 agreement "must not be allowed to become an obstacle to national reconciliation" in Lebanon.


Arab World: Druze militias make gains against LAF; US responds by shelling Druze areas with 45 rounds from destroyers offshore.


Arab World: General strike called in Majd al-Shams (Golan) protesting Israeli occupation of Lebanon and US interference in Lebanese affairs.

Other Countries: Hungarian state business representatives meet with Israeli businessmen in Jerusalem; in absence of diplomatic relations, talks remain on private level. Soviet delegation informs US Security Council that USSR will not approve UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon until US, British, French and Italian MNF withdraw permanently.


Arab World: IDF soldiers wounded by mine explosion on road to Nabatiya.

Other Countries: 50 members of US Druze community demonstrate at State Dep't. against US policy in Lebanon. FM Kimche ends 4-day official visit to Singapore.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Al-Najah National U. resumes classes after 21-day closure; al-Najah admin. agrees to postpone decision to withold credit from students attending "unlicensed meetings." Israeli feminist members of Women Against Occupation demonstrate against mistreatment of imprisoned Palestinian women at public appearance of administrator for prison affairs in Tel Aviv. In apparent response to adverse publicity, military authorities lift town arrest of Amal Wahdan. Naturei Karta spokesman Rabbi Hirsch calls for annexation of their Mea Shearim quarter to future Palestinian state. 3 Hebron residents convicted of attacks on IDF positions sentenced to 5- 12 years in prison. Israeli Cabinet fails to agree on possible IDF redeployment in Lebanon after 7-hour session.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: PM Shamir warns Gemayel cancellation of May 17 agreement would end Lebanon's independence, and indicates Israel would have to occupy S. Lebanon indefinitely. Israeli northern border posts fail to reopen as planned due to protests by inspectors demanding pay increases.

Arab World: Senior Syrian officials say cancellation of May 17 agreement essential for Pres. Gemayel's political survival.

Other Countries: French-Egyptian peace plan rejects reviving amended UN Res. 242. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Representatives from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugee camps meet in Aqbat Jabr camp near Jericho to discuss youth programs.

Other Countries: Spain's Dep. PM Guerra dispels speculation of possible diplomatic relations with Israel; says conditions for relations include Israel's guaranteed borders, withdrawal from Lebanon and recognition of Palestinian rights to homeland. Britain proposes 50-man UN force to monitor Beirut's "Green Line." Mubarak arrives in Paris for talks with Pres. Miterrand; leaders examine possible resurrection of UN Resolution 242 with amendment calling for mutual and simultaneous Israel-PLO recognition.


Arab World: Red Cross 707 with urgent medical supplies for Lebanese hospitals turned back from Beirut airport after Christian militia threatens to shoot it down. 6 Israeli Kfir jets attack Bhamdoun, Mansuriya and Baalchmay in Lebanon; at least 2 killed, several buildings damaged; Israel claims retaliation for Palestinian Katyusha attack on Metulla.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Ariel Sharon announces intention to run for leadership of Herut Party and seek nomination for PMship. BZU students hold 4-hour rally protesting IDF closure of university.

Arab World: Lebanese opposition leaders meet in Damascus; remain divided over whether or not Gemayel should resign. UN HQ in Nakoura, Lebanon files complaint to IDF of S. Lebanon militias, formerly under Saad Haddad, attacking UNIFIL forces.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 Katyusha rockets fired from S. Lebanon hit near Metulla within Israeli border.

Arab World: US destroyers fire into Beirut hills for second day. Roadside bombs blast personnel carrier and IDF patrol south of Tyre; IDF patrol comes under light arms fire near Nabatiya.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset in emergency session on consequences of US withdrawal from Lebanon; proceedings classified.

Arab World: Arafat arrives in Sana'a from Kuwait for talks with Pres. Saleh.

Other Countries: US House Speaker O'Neill claims US shelling not authorized within War Powers Act. Pope John-Paul urges pull-out of MNF from Lebanon and calls for protection of Palestinian refugees there in appeal to US Pres. Reagan. French gov't. reacts critically to US decision to pull out of Beirut; engages in diplomatic efforts to reconvene UN Security Council for replacing MNF with UN force.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli patrol kills Israeli government ranger, shooting at wild dogs in field near Beit Lahiya, Gaza, mistaking him for Palestinian "guerrilla." Complaints registered with Tel Aviv police that Civil Defense volunteers from local high schools randomly beat Arabs; base commander Sarah Ruhamim, reportedly commanded pupils: "Get out of the patrol car and see that the Arabs get a beating; my daughter enjoys it terribly." Ruhamim resigned after sum- moned by CD commander. Arab World: USS New Jersey fires big guns for 5 hours at artillery positions behind Syrian lines. 6th/15th Lancers of British MNF withdraw from Beirut to aircraft carrier Reliant.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Karp report criticizing Israeli law enforcement practices toward Arabs in West Bank made public; report reveals Jewish settlers who kill West Bank Palestinians enjoy high degree of immunity from police investigation. Israeli gov't. announces no intention of intervening to salvage Gemayel presidency in Beirut, in spite of reported pleas from Phalange emissaries. Interior Ministry official attacks Jerusalem Mayor Kollek for accusing political motives behind gov't. refusal to approve 5 replacement generators for Arab-owned Jerusalem Electric Co. Spokesman for Council of Jewish Settlements ("Judea & Samaria") reveals IDF commander Aluf Ori Orr instructed settlers not to cooperate with civilian police after attacks on Arabs. PM Shamir and US amb. Lewis meet for urgent talks on LAF setback. Gaza-Majdal Road checkpoints withdrawn by Israel, thereby removing only visible demarkation of 1948 border.

Other Countries: US Pres. Reagan announces plan to withdraw Marines from Beirut to warships offshore. European Parliament Pres. Dankert, speaking to Knesset, suggests Israel coordinate efforts with Morocco and Tunisia to protect agricultural exports to Europe if Spain and Portugal admitted to EEC. 


Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite and Druze leaders call for Pres. Gemayel's resignation.

Other Countries: US Senate Finance Committee begins hearings on issue of establishing free trade relations with Israel. US Sec. of State Shultz, in Brazilia, accuses Syria of "trying to dominate Lebanon by force." Pres. Reagan orders use of air and naval forces against anti-gov't. positions around Beirut. Late American journalist Fred Sparks' $25,000 bequest to PLO diverted to Red Cross for work with Palestinians; decision results from protest suit taken up by 3 American Zionist organizations. Speaking in Melbourne, former Pres. Carter calls for US withdrawal from Lebanon. European Parliament Pres. Dankert criticizes Israeli policy in Middle East before Knesset and in mtg. with PM Shamir.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Nisreen Ahmed Shrouf, 5 years old, killed, 2 brothers and 2 sisters wounded in Bethlehem when grenade explodes in hand; grenade suspected planted by "TNT."

Arab World: Shi'ite and Druze forces take over most of West Beirut from LAF/Phalange; demand Gemayel's resignation. 2 Israelis wounded when grenades hit IDF patrols south of Zahrani River; grenade attacks on IDF patrols in Sidon and Nabatiya market. US gunships Garcia and JF Kennedy and A-6 Intruder bombers pound mountain positions near Beirut.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Gov't. school-teachers in West Bank repeat demand for 100% wage increase.

Arab World: Lebanese PM Shafiq Wazzan and 9-member cabinet resign under pressure from Muslim groups opposed to Gemayel gov't.; Gemayel accepts resignations; offers Saudi-backed 8-point plan for national reconciliation, including promise that "everything is negotiable."


Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: Homes of Palestinians suspected in killing of Israeli settler in Hebron sealed in pre-trial punishment.

Arab World: Booby-trapped car in Nabatiya explodes, injuring 1 Israeli and 4 Lebanese civilians; automatic fire opens up on IDF convoy 4 miles south of Jezzine and south of Ansariya. Israeli Air Force jet crashes in Sinai, pilot killed; Egypt returns body to IAF. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 40,000 join Peace Now demonstration in Tel Aviv against Israel's occupation of Lebanon.

Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Nabih Berri, calls on Muslim cabinet ministers to resign and Muslim LAF soldiers to quit army.


Arab World: IDF position at Sidon port and patrol 8 miles north of Tyre subject to light weapons ambushes. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: 2 suspects in attempt to blow up Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque, Meir Liebowitz of Brooklyn and Bart Silverman of New Jersey, arrested by Jerusalem police while attending JDL rally. Over 300 leading Palestinian personalities attend arba'in memorial for Dr. Khalil Dudeiri at Women's Union HQ in Jerusalem.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authorities order closure of BZU central campus for 3 mos. after student demonstrations protesting attempt to blow up al-Aqsa Mosque. Shamir announces to Knesset plans for 5 new settlements for 7,000 settlers in Golan over coming 5 years. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Knesset vote defeats Shamir proposal to build a "Jewish Quarter" in Hebron. Israeli professor sends letter of protest to DM Arens concerning confiscation of books and arbitrary arrests of Arab students at Beer Sheba U.; Negev Human Rights Association presents petitions.

Other Countries: Chile refuses Israel's request to extradite former SS officer Walter Rauff for trial as Nazi war criminal in Israel. US Pres. Reagan declares he will ignore House resolution for US withdrawal from Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Acting chrmn. of Israeli Cabinet Settlement Committee Yuval Ne'eman (Tehiya party), announces 2 new Jewish settlements in occupied Gaza. Jerusalem district attorney files charges against 6 Kiryat Arba settlers for rioting in Hebron market last July.

Other Countries: US House of Representatives Democrats agree on resolution for "(prompt and orderly withdrawal" of Marines from Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: IDF grenade bomb discovered in Jerusalem near Via Dolorosa; 3 found near Lions Gate.

Other Countries: Pentagon notifies US Congress of plan to sell 35 additional M48A5 tanks to Lebanon at cost of $28 million to total 137. Australian FM Bill Hayden urges freeze on settlements in occupied territories and Israel's recognition of Palestinian right to self-determination during talks with Shamir in Jerusalem. 


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Israeli Cabinet Minister, Mordechai Ben Porat, resigns over disagreements with PM Shamir on Lebanon policy and economic situation. Israeli military court takes into custody David Shemtov, suspected of stealing and selling IDF grenades and bullets. Youths in Balata camp demonstrate to protest murder of Nablus boy (1/28/84); Israeli troops use tear gas to break up crowd. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't. press office tries to rescind statement by PM office Dir.-Gen. Mattityahu Shmuelevitz that arms sales to Saudi Arabia might force Israel to launch "preemptive strike."


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Jewish extremists, reportedly suspected "TNT" members, flee Jerusalem police after plot to blow up Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque with IDF explosives; four men apprehended and later released. 17 year-old Palestinian boy, Nasser al-Sarisi, killed by Israeli soldiers in Nablus when youths attack border patrol with stones; violent protests follow, resulting in 2 shot in legs when troops open fire on crowd.


Other Countries: Smithsonian Institution (Washington) cancels planned Israeli archaeological exhibit as Israel unable to verify ownership of artifacts. In letter to UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar, Israeli UN amb. Blum claims UN is largely responsible for worldwide resurgence of anti-Semitism.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli firm J.O.E.L. strikes oil in commercial quantities at Gurim in Negev.

Other Countries: Reagan administration informs Israeli gov't. of plans to renew efforts to supply Jordan with $220 million in military equipment for 8,000-man strike force for Gulf.


Arab World: Israeli-backed militia leader in S. Lebanon, Mohammed Farhat, shot and killed by assailant in speeding car in Ramun village.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Former chief of staff Yigael Yadin submits affidavit stating IDF seizure of Hebron central bus station is not justifiable for reasons of security. PM Shamir survives 3 no confidence motions in Knesset. Al-Fajr journalist, Awad Abdel Fattah, denied access to West Bank and Gaza for 1 year by Israeli occupation authorities. Yaqoub Hijazi, owner of Akka publishing house, summoned by Israeli police for questioning about new book of short stories; police confiscate copies of the book, claiming it is "inciting."

Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Raghib Harb, makes last public appearance in Hallusiyeh rally after fellow Shi'ite leader arrested by IDF.

Other Countries: Israeli Pres. Herzog ends African visit, returning from Liberia with wide-ranging commercial cooperation agreement. Washington Post alleges presidential candidate Rev. Jesse Jackson privately made anti-Jewish remark; Zionist anti-Jackson campaign accuses candidate of "racism" and "anti-Semitism."


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: W. German Chancellor Kohl arrives for official 6-day visit amid tight security and demonstrations by Israeli WW II holocaust survivors.

Other Countries: Mu'in Bseisso, Palestinian poet, found dead in London hotel room. Argentine Jewish community voices apprehension over Knesset delegation involvement in investigations into fate of Jewish desapericidos.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Representatives of 31 Palestinian institutions in West Bank meet at BZU to issue statement strongly rejecting moves by Jordan to recall National Assembly with Palestinian participation as conspiracy undermining PLO achievements. Israeli Cabinet approves 1984 budget of $20.1 billion providing for $169 million cut in military spending. Leader of "Sons of the Cedars" militia, Etienne Saqr (a.k.a. Abu Arz), meets with PM Shamir in Jerusalem.

Other Countries: US and Israeli officials meet for 2 days of talks in Washington on expanded military and political cooperation. Joseph Churba, Dir. of Center for International Security, NY, asserts Israel's military involvement with pro-Western Central American forces is part of Israeli state policy to prevent US becoming bogged down defending the western hemisphere.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: 200 settlers from Kibbutz Ein Hashofet demonstrate near PM's office, demand immediate IDF withdrawal from Lebanon. 4 Palestinian Druze members of Israeli border police suspended for refusal to serve in Lebanon.


Arab World: IDF forces besiege Hallusiyeh, al-Homeira and Tarafelsiyeh villages in S. Lebanon, conducting mass arrests.


Occupied Palestine/Israel: Yesh Gvul holds teach-in on war in Lebanon at Tel Aviv cinema.


Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite spiritual leader, Sheikh Abbas Harb, arrested in his Hallusiyeh home by IDF and whisked off by helicopter to unknown location; his home demolished in 30 mins. by IDF bulldozer. UNRWA Commissioner General Olof Rydbeck denounces increase in arrests, kidnappings, assassinations, injuries and disappearances of Palestinian refugees from S. Lebanon camps over past 2 months. 


Occupied Palestine/Israel: As students escalate protests against Jordan's imposition of comprehensive exams, UNRWA-operated Ramallah Teachers Training Centers for men and women close for 8 days. Israeli police arrest Yonah Aburushmim in connection with last year's murder of Peace Now activist Emil Gruinzweig. Palestinian home in Ibtin village destroyed by Israeli police bulldozer on pretext that structure was unlicensed.

Other Countries: British PM Thatcher and US envoy Donald Rumsfeld meet in London to discuss alternatives to MNF in Lebanon.


Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Military court sentences 6 young Aida refugee camp residents to 5-9-year jail terms for throwing petrol bombs at military vehicles.

Arab World: Egypt readmitted to Islamic Conference Organization by majority vote; Syrian, Libyan and PDRY delegations walk out in protest.


Arab World: Light arms fire directed at IDF troops at Sidon port; no injuries reported. Bomb explodes at home of Abed Kabub, chairman of Islamic Waqf, Jaffa; local leaders suspect "TNT."


Arab World: Adjournment of Islamic Summit delayed over issue of Egypt's readmission to membership.

Other Countries: Israeli Pres. Chaim Herzog arrives in Kinshasa for 1st visit to a black African nation since Yom Kippur war.


Arab World: Dr. Malcolm Kerr, President of American University of Beirut, gunned down near his office by unknown assailant.