Military Action:
Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.
10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF...
Military Action:
Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.
10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF...
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting...
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it...
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning...
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:...
Military Action:
Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000,...
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire....
Military Action:
US Marines expand Beirut role by adding heavy artillery, M-60 tanks to forces, widen patrol areas.
Lebanese Government frees all 14 Haddad...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 foreign lecturers at Bethlehem University ordered to cease teaching after refusing to sign new work permits, 3 others warned.
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new...
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze...
Military Action:
Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned,...
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate...
Military Action:
100 Lebanese Army soldiers, with army insignia removed from uniforms, return in trucks and seize drugs valued at $250,000, including all antibiotics, from Gaza Hospital;...
Military Action:
35 Lebanese Army soldiers seize drugs, including all anesthesia, from Gaza Hospital serving Shatila and Sabra camps.
Lebanese Prime Minister...
Military Action:
IDF closes all roads to Aley following new outbreak of sectarian fighting, cease-fire called two hours later; IDF bus hit by gunfire, RPGs in ambush south of Beirut near...
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut,...
Military Action:
Israeli military patrol ambushed near Tyre.
Over 200 Lebanese and Palestinian women demonstrate outside Prime Minister Wazzan's Beirut office...
Military Action:
IDF reportedly spent lS215 m. in past 4 months building new roads linking military installations to Lebanese roads in South Lebanon; US Sixth Fleet soldiers on shore leave...
Military Action:
Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese...
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say...
Military Action:
Hours after IDF lifts curfew in area, 5 Phalange killed in Druze village of Aitat, raising fears of renewed communal strife in C.houf; IDF forces move into village to...
Military Action:
Gunmen in car open fire on IDF jeep in Sidon, "Armed Struggle Organization" claims credit for this attack, and for Tyre building blast.
Military Action:
Phalange-Druze clashes erupt after fire-bomb thrown at local notable near Aley; 169 artillery shells fired into Aitat by Phalange.
UNRWA official...
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in...
Military Action:
IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to...
Military Action:
IDF completes preparations for moving military headquarters at Tyre into former UNRWA building.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin...
Military Action:
Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.
Military Action:
Two car bombs explode near Beirut airport, shattering shops near Lebanese police station in Israeli-occupied Shuweifat, and destroying a Shiite muslim sewing workshop near...
Military Action:
In wake of Tyre blast, IDF and Syrian forces go on alert in Bekaa, IDF rounds up several hundred Palestinians and Lebanese, sets up new roadblocks; gunmen fire on Lebanese...
Military Action:
Explosion demolishes IDF headquarters in Tyre which housed Border police, military police, civil assistance unit of IDF; IDF suspects car bomb, two groups claim credit for...
Military Action:
US Marines in Lebanon celebrate Corp's 207th birthday; IDF ends first large-scale military exercises since Lebanon invasion.
Political Responses:
Military Action:
IDF imposes curfew on several Chouf villages, including Kfar Nabrakh, Navrah and Brih, following artillery duels and Phalange attack on Druze doctor; Aley sealed off after...
Military Action:
Fighting in Chouf region intensifies after Druze militia attacks Christian funeral, and Phalange pounds Druze village of Batlua with artillery, rockets, and fighting...
Military Action:
Fierce fighting erupts in Tripoli within hours of arrival of Gemayel aide, most of city in state of siege.
10 killed, 25 wounded in Tripoli; 2 IDF soldiers wounded in grenade attack near Nabatiyeh.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir leaves for 12 day trip to Argentina and Uruguay, claims he will not talk about arms sales; Sharon, returning from US and Honduras, says Israeli military mission will go to Honduras next month to strengthen military cooperation; Bethlehem Mayor Freij asserts most West Bank Palestinians support confederation with Jordan, urges simultaneous mutual recognition between PLO and Israel; Israeli High Court temporarily bans demolition of Arab houses in Hebron.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat arrives in Amman for third round of talks with Jordanian officials aimed at developing a joint strategy on recent Arab and US peace plans; Gemayel sends internal security forces chief Hisham Shaar to Tripoli to negotiate cease-fire.
Arab Governments: Syrian commander for North Lebanon gives Gemayel aide a letter from Syrian Defense Minister Tlas pledging Syrian support in ending fighting; Saudi radio says British relations with Arab world could be severely affected by London's post-ponement of delegation including PLO representative; President Mubarak accuses Syria of blocking solution to Palestinian problem, asserts Syria influenced PLO to reject Reagan proposals.
US and Other Countries: France and Israel to reconvene cultural and educational commission suspended unilaterally by France after invasion.
Military Action:
Phalange militia ambushed in Aley's main square, rocket and artillery barrages exchanged, as Druze militia accuses Phalange of bringing in reinforcements; fighting continues in Baal Mohsen and Bab el-Tabbaneh areas of Tripoli as both sides fire on police officers trying to arrange cease-fire; UNIFIL troops involved in firefight.
3 Phalange killed, one IDF soldier wounded in Aley; 7 dead, 12 wounded in Tripoli, where all businesses close during fighting; UNIFIL kills 1, wounded 3 militiamen; mothers and children of Phalange forces in Chouf hold protest march in Beirut demanding state intervention to end fighting; UNRWA says homes found for Palestinian refugees.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin aide David Levi confirms plans to expand settlements in West Bank; IDF officer links Sharon to brutality toward West Bank Palestinians.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat flies unexpectedly to Damascus, reportedly to heal rift between himself and PLO groups based in Syria, make friendly overture to Syrian government.
Arab Governments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says Israel and PLO are delaying peace process, calls on PLO to recognize Israel.
US and Other Countries: US proposes shuttle diplomacy instead of direct negotiations between Israel and Lebanon.
Military Action:
Lebanese police move into buffer zones between battling militias, call cease-fire in Tripoli after four days of fighting; IDF lifts two-day old curfew in Aley, reimposes it after 3 hours as fighting erupts; leader of Shiite Amal militia kidnapped by Phalange.
2 killed, 3 wounded by sniper fire in Aley during curfew break (110 estimated killed in Chouf fighting in past 6 weeks); US-led bomb squads searching for unexploded weapons and munitions have found 250 kinds of explosives from 17 countries.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon says only 479 killed in massacre (only 20 children, 15 women), contradicting his own Commission testimony; Ezer Weizman may head new center party.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem leaves Britain without firm commitment on troop expansion but is "satisfied."
US and Other Countries: India refuses visas for two Israelis to attend international airport chiefs' conference in New Delhi.
UN: General Assembly calls for creation of Palestinian state and Israeli withdrawal from lands seized in 1967 (Israel, US, Canada and Costa Rica vote no, 23 abstentions, 113 vote yes).
Military Action:
Syrian soldiers ambushed near border, setting off clashes in Tripoli; sectarian kidnappings touch off artillery, rocket duels in Souk al-Gharb and Aitat, IDF fires warning shots in attempts to stop fighting, IDF APCs move through Aley streets, proclaim curfew; US Marines to expand patrols to include Yarze section of Beirut-Damascus road.
Tripoli casualties are 16 dead, 59 wounded; 6 killed in Chouf fighting, 4 Syria soldiers killed, 11 wounded in ambush.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon, in New York, says Israel is close to a secdrity arrangement with Lebanon; Commission makes public Begin's letter in which he declines to reappear, and asserts he had "no grounds" to expect massacre, asserts Phalange entered camps to deal with estimated 2,000 PLO guerrillas remaining in camps-though Phalange let into camps numbered only 100-200; Shamir, and Yaron notify Commission they intend to submit written memoranda but not testify further; Drori, who plans to reappear before Commission, and Yaron reportedly retain lawyers; others request extension of time and Commission gives them until December 15; Israeli testimony indicates only two Phalange killed during massacre.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat rejects Jordanian trusteeship role, says Hussein cannot represent Palestinians in peace negotiations; former Lebanese Prime Minister Karame appeals to Syrian President Assad to help stop fighting.
Arab Governments: Egypt urges US allies to pressure US to secure IDF withdrawal from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: After meeting with Reagan and senior policy makers, Habib warns early withdrawal of foreign troops from Lebanon not likely, prepares to return to Mideast in renewe4 effort to bring about troop withdrawals; US Jewish groups warn Begin he may lose their support, but oppose using US aid to pressure his government; Honduran official says Sharon signed arms agreement, reportedly involving sale of Kfir jets; Thatcher sends envoy on secret visit to Morocco, raising hopes for ending crisis in UK/Arab relations.
Military Action:
Five minute clash between Lebanese Army and IDF convoy.
2 Lebanese soldiers killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in clash.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Number of Jewish settlers on West Bank to double to 50,000 in next 3 months as housing units completed.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PFLP leader Habash comes out against Arafat strategy; President Gemayel meets Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Butros Ghali and presidential advisor Osama el-Baz in Beirut (first official visit since diplomatic relations were broken in March 1979), message from Mubarak expresses Egyptian willingness to press US and EEC to press Israel for speedy withdrawal from Lebanon, praises Lebanese refusal to hold talks in Jerusalem; Egyptian charge d'affaires and Egyptian newspapers return to Beirut for first time in three years.
US and Other Countries: Nicaragua concerned over proposed Israeli arms sales to Honduras; State Department says Israeli- Lebanese clash underscores urgency of troop withdrawal; Habib and Draper brief White House staff; AFL-CIO leader Lane Kirkland pledges continuing US labor support for Israel.
Military Action:
Booby-trapped car explodes, as rival militias battle in streets of Tripoli; Druze gunmen fire on Phalange jeep in Aley, IDF troops seal off village.
8 killed, 10 injured in Tripoli; 2 Phalange soldiers killed, 3 wounded in Aley.
Political Responses:
Israeli/ Occupied Territories: Begin and 8 other officials given additional week to amend Inquiry testimony; Begin, in letter to Commission, declines to reappear or cross-examine witnesses; 400,000 workers-one third of entire workforce-go on strike as Histadrut pressures for new wage agreement, closing schools, clinics, municipal offices, cancelling all but TV news programs, affecting embassies and consulates around the world; Jerusalem Post poll shows nearly half of Israeli population believes Israel's recent policies have caused a rise in anti-Semitism, three-quarters of Labor supporters blame government.
US and Other Countries: Vatican considers intervention in dispute over purges of foreign lecturers from West Bank universities.
UN: Syria asks UN to revoke 1949 resolution admitting Israel to UN; Egypt urges US dialogue with PLO.
Military Action:
Mortar, rocket and artillery battles spread from Chouf eastward toward Bekaa, fighting only ends after IDF imposes curfew; IDF troops in Lebanon now estimated at 30,000, down from over 80,000 during summer.
2 IDF soldiers wounded, 8 Lebanese killed in past week's clashes in Chouf; UNRWA Commissioner General warns refugees face wretched winter worsened by lack of wage-earners detained by IDF; at Ain el-Hilweh, Lebanese landowners reclaim two-thirds of camp land; Lebanese hospital reportedly received drugs taken from Gaza Hospital; Meridor says Israelis to offer grants to refugees to purchase prefab homes.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir claims Habif is making pro-PLO statements, but State Department denies; Druze and Christian leaders meet in Haifa, but fail to reach agreement on plan to end Lebanese sectarian fighting; Begin sends telegram to Israeli Druze leader asserting IDF is trying to end clashes; 1,200 Bethlehem University students go on strike to protest Israeli orders that 8 foreign lecturers suspend teaching.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Foreign Minister Elie Salem flies to London to renew plea for British troops to reinforce peacekeeping force; Haddad accuses Syria of provoking Phalange-Druze strife to undermine Israeli presence.
US and Other Countries: Habib meets with King Hassan in Morocco; Reagan spokesman Larry Speakes defends Administration opposition to increases in aid to Israel, says increase would come at expense of other allies and that aid levels had already risen 21 percent; White House announces Mubarak will visit Washington January 27, meet with Reagan; Chinese Community Party head Hu Yaobang urges Arab nations to recognize Israel's right to exist, in remarks welcoming Arab League delegation.
Military Action:
IDF curfew checks Chouf fighting, IDF tank opens fire on house after being fired on, IDF officers meet with Phalange and Druze leaders in attempt to preserve cease-fire.
One IDF soldier wounded by mortar shell at Kafr Barich; 500 women gather at West Beirut mosque to protest disappearances; Grand Mufti has compiled list of 3,000 persons detained or missing since Bashir Gemayel assassination; Army increasing sweeps to arrest activists.
Political Responses:
lsrael/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet issues statement expressing "astonishment" at Reagan Administration opposition to increasing aid; Commission of Inquiry denies Saad Haddad's request to examine evidence, question witnesses, says it lacks evidence of any Haddad involvement, despite Sharon report of IDF unit firing on Haddad men involved in killings and British physician's overhearing discussion of Haddad involvement by IDF officers; Ministry of Science announces Edward Teller-who helped develop the atomic and hydrogen bombs-is in Israel to advise the Government on building a nuclear reactor for peaceful uses, utilization of nuclear energy; Sharon leaves for trip to Honduras to "cement relations with a friendly country which has shown interest in connection with our defense establishment" will meet with Defense Minister Hernandez and President Cordoba; IDF civilian employees stage first strike ever in growing labor confrontation with government.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO leaders end 2-day conference in South Yemen with attack on US Mideast policies; Arafat flies to Saudi Arabia; Jumblatt, in Der Spiegel interview, attacks Gemayel for failing to disarm Phalange; Lebanese Army denies that 5 Palestinian activists have died from torture and mistreatment (Lebanese authorities, despite promises in early October, have not allowed international observers to visit prisoners, continue to round up members of Palestinian groups even though membership in them is legal).
Arab Governments: Arab League delegation, headed by King Hussein, arrives in China.
US and Other Countries: Senior Reagan officials, extremely concerned at stalled withdrawal negotiations, indicate US Marines will stay in Lebanon well into next year; Union of American Hebrew Congregations' national board decides to table vote until 1983 on resolution rejecting Begin's settlement plans and calling for territorial compromises.
Military Action:
US Marines expand Beirut role by adding heavy artillery, M-60 tanks to forces, widen patrol areas.
Lebanese Government frees all 14 Haddad militiamen suspected of involvement in massacre after two-month interrogation, claiming lack of evidence.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 Israeli Palestinians arrested after tires burned in West Galilee, walls painted with pro-PLO slogans; Sharon denies Israel has sold captured PLO weapons.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: New reports of killings and torture of Palestinian detainees by Lebanese, as Ambassadors of US, France and Italy reportedly exerting intense pressure on Gemayel to reveal status and condition of prisoners.
US and Other Countries: State Department announces Habib and Draper are being recalled to Washington for consultations, as Administration is concerned at lack of progress in negotiations, and holds Israel responsible; EEC warns Israel that continued West Bank settlement may lead to stronger EEC sanctions.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: 5 foreign lecturers at Bethlehem University ordered to cease teaching after refusing to sign new work permits, 3 others warned.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat charges US is behind harrassment of Red Crescent activities in Lebanon.
UN: Secretary General challenges legality of Assembly draft resolution asking him to ensure safety of Palestinians in Israeli-occupied territories, says it relieves Israel of responsibility; draft later passes 97-2.
Military Action:
Druze militia barricade roads, fight Phalange in aftermath of yesterday's attempted assassination of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt; Gemayel meets Jumblatt seeking to end new fighting; Israeli sources report new Soviet jets and tanks pouring into Syria; IDF patrol attacked with grenades near Shuweifat.
Shops close in West Beirut as Jumblatt and Druze allies bury bodyguard killed in yesterday's carbombing (3 others reported killed, 28 wounded); UNRWA says 11 employees seized by Lebanese Army in past few weeks, another 1 12 Palestinian employees detained by IDF in South Lebanon; IDF release 240 from Ansar camp (number of detainees at camp now put at 15,000); 2 detainees killed, 4 wounded at Ansar when security officer's gun "discharges accidentally."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel charges Israeli Army reservist Yitzhak Shor with flying secretly to Damascus, passing information on IDF troops positions and own service to Syrians; Israeli journalists report Israel to sell $18 m. in arms to Zaire to double Mobutu's palace guard.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: President Gemayel makes "urgent appeal" to the US through Draper to pressure Israel to withdraw from Chouf, seeks to deploy units of Lebanese Army in area.
Arab Governments: King Hussein and foreign ministers of 5 Arab governments meet with Soviet leader Andropov (is first known visit by Saudi envoy to USSR); Mubarak says Habib seeks simultaneous withdrawal of all armies by end of month.
US and Other Countries: Habib discusses Lebanon's request to expand multinational peacekeeping force with Italian foreign minister Emilio Colombo in Rome; NATO communique says US, on consultation with allies, should take action outside north Atlantic region to protect vital Western interests, including Mideast.
UN: US withholds regular $20.5 m. contribution to UNRWA pending report on use of schools as PLO training bases.
Military Action:
Walid Jumblatt slightly injured by car bomb blast in West Beirut, issues appeal urging calm among Druze followers; new violence in Chouf one hour after blast as three Druze kidnapped, Christian positions shelled; two attempts by IDF to break into UNIFIL command posts.
Four killed, 39 injured by car bomb blast which destroys nearby cars, scattering glass and steel shards; Lebanese police report 1,200 bodies found since early September, some in mass graves, raising Beirut death toll during Israeli siege to 6,775 (toll does not include September massacre, estimate 84 percent of Beirut casualties were civilian, one-third under 15 years old and one-fourth over 50, 46 percent Palestinian, 37 percent Lebanese, 10 percent Syrian, 19,085 died, 30,302 wounded in Lebanon from June 4 to PLO evacuation); Tel Aviv newspaper quotes Lebanese prosecutor Germanos' report that 470 people killed in massacre but "it was not a massacre, by Lebanese standards."
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli journalist challenges Shamir massacre testimony, asserts he heard another Cabinet member use word massacre in call to Shamir; Shamir ends visit to Zaire by signing arms agreement totalling $8 million, cooperation agreements in agriculture, water and fishing resource development, construction, 609 scholarships for Zairean students, landing rights in Kinshasa for Israeli aircraft, commercial and cultural exchange agreements; Israel announces plans for five more settlements near Jeni, Deputy Agriculture Minister Mikhail Dekel tells Knesset new suburban neighborhoods in commuting distance of main employment centers in Israel will be encouraged over small villages generating own employment, says settlers will triple in next three years; West Bank Council of Higher Education rejects proposed revision of work permit forms, leaving 100 teachers facing possible deportation.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel sends letter to Reagan, via US Embassy, seeking Reagan's personal intervention to soften "impossible" Israeli conditions; Guardians of the Cedars leader Etienne Saqa, at Israeli government- sponsored news conference in Jerusalem, says September massacre was "a Lebanese reaction from relatives . . . of our martyrs" and that "we have the full right to deal with our enemies in Lebanon in the manner we find suitable. . . . this is our interior problem. . .," says visit is to thank Israel for its "generous intervention," calls Wazzan a Syrian/PLO puppet.
US and Other Countries: Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Dam says US will only meet Lebanese request to double troops if there is movement toward withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon, says Administration considering asking for more reconstruction aid for Lebanon, urges Israel to drop demand for Jerusalem venue for peace talks; State Department sharply criticizes Senate committee for allocating more money than Administration sought for Israel.
Military Action:
Syrians shell IDF in Bekaa; Lebanese Army raids Murabitun Cultural Center in Beirut, seizes 14,000 religious books and legal documents, Wazzan orders books returned, Lebanese Grand Mufti issues protest.
Israeli official says Israeli exports to Lebanon totalled $9.3 m. in October, total trade exchange for year will total $100 m. by December.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: High Court orders Sharon to explain legal basis for detentions at Ansar camp, in suit brought by Leah Tsemel, demanding camps be open to lawyers and family visits; Israeli sources indicate 11 So- viet citizens killed when Israelis destroyed downed lAF aircraft in an effort to prevent its secret equipment from falling into enemy hands; El Al workers fight riot police in Tel Aviv after failing to win injunction against dissolution of airline; Industry and Trade Minister Gideon Pratt meets with delegates of four Black African countries during GATT conference in Geneva (countries have no diplomatic relations with Israel but seek more commercial ties); Israeli official says Israeli debt repayments to US now larger than incoming loans from US.
Palestininas/ Lebanese: Arafat authorizes PLO participation in 14-member commission with Jordan to draw up proposals for peace negotiations; Arafat attends first meeting of Commission, headed by PLO leader Dajani and Jordanian Prime Minister Badran; Arafat leaves for South Yemen; PLO spokesman in Paris says PLO will never recognize Israel, says Reagan initiative "Zionist."
Arab Governments: Saudi King Fahd meets Habib in Morocco to receive report on status of withdrawal negotiations.
US and Other Countries: Republican-controlled Senate Appropriations Committee approves $11.5 billion foreign aid bill, including $2.6 b. for Israel ($125 million in economic and $350 million in military loans/grants more than Administration requested); Reagan later urges House Appropriations Committee to reject the additional aid to Israel.
Military Action:
Lebanon formally asks three nations to send more troops.
IDF soldier dies of wounds from Tyre building collapse; Wazzan promises to investigate raid on Palestinian-run hospital, says it won't happen again (drugs taken now estimated at $500-650,000 in value).
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Palestinian survivors of massacre testify before Commission; Shamir, accompanied by high-ranking officers and industrialists, arrives in Zaire in first official visit to Black Africa since 1973 war; Defense Ministry senior adviser Tamir to present Mobutu with overall strategic plan for Zaire drafted by Israelis at Zaire's request; Labor and Likud Knesset members criticize Cabinet approval of IS 16.5 b. supplementary budget (9.3 b. to help pay for Lebanon war); protests in West Bank on 35th anniversary of UN partition resolution, Israeli policeman injured by stones in Ramallah after reinforced security forces try to restore order, curfew imposed on Deheisha refugee camp and Nablus market, tear gas fired to disperse crowds, schools close early; pro-PLO nationalist slate ousts Moslem Brothers in student elections at al-Najah University in Nablus; about 100 foreign lecturers teaching at West Bank universities decide to continue to refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge in new permit form; head of Village Leagues Duddin meets Sharon before both travel to US on separate visits.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon's military prosecutor-general orders arrest of nine, including Hussein Mussawi, pro-Iranian leader of Baalbek's Shiites, accused of Islamic raids in Baalbek nine days ago; Wazzan, after meeting with Gemayel, urges US to increase pressures on Israel to withdraw.
Arab Governments: Mubarak and Habib issue joint statement calling for Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, urging Jordanian and Palestinian inclusion in Mideast peace talks; Habib leaves for Morocco for talks with King Hassan and Saudi King Fahd; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali says US sent message to PLO through Cairo saying PLO recognition of Israel would enable US to deal with PLO; semi-official al-Ahram criticizes PLO rejection of Reagan plan.
US and Other Countries: US State Department asserts PLO Central Council did not reject Reagan plan.
Military Action:
100 Lebanese Army soldiers, with army insignia removed from uniforms, return in trucks and seize drugs valued at $250,000, including all antibiotics, from Gaza Hospital; Italian reporter is threatened with violence unless film turned over to participating soldier; hospital director accuses Army of trying to drive Palestinians out of Lebanon; French troops look on, do nothing; landmine explosion under IDF APC near Bhamdoun, journalists on route to scene fired on by Phalange.
3 IDF, 1 journalist wounded near Bhamdoun.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet drops demand for Lebanon talks to be held at ministerial level, but still insist delegations be headed by civilians, meetings held in Jerusalem and Beirut, negotiations include political issues; Danish Foreign Minister Jensen, speaking for EEC at end of 1-day visit to Israel, criticizes Israel as inflexible for not accepting Reagan proposals and for continuing West Bank settlements; Sharon appoints Shlomo Illia head of West Bank Civil Administration; Civil Administration says clergy will not have to sign revised work permit with anti-PLO pledge; 3 Israeli Arabs arrested for hoisting Palestinian flag in Arrabeh village in Galilee.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat meets with King Hussein, resumes talks on joint strategy concerning occupied territories; Hussein, in gesture of reconciliation, opens first meeting of PLO Higher Council for Education since relocating to Jordan from Beirut; Phalange chief Fady Frem, in talk on 46th anniversary of Phalange Party, calls for peace with Israel.
Arab Governments: Habib arrives in Cairo, confers with Foreign Minister Hassan Ali on proposals for troop withdrawal from Lebanon; Arab League delegation cancels London trip to protest British refusal to receive PLO representative.
US and Other Countries: Draper meets with key Israeli officials before Cabinet meeting; US Senator Henry Jackson says Israel is only "credible ally" in Mideast.
Military Action:
35 Lebanese Army soldiers seize drugs, including all anesthesia, from Gaza Hospital serving Shatila and Sabra camps.
Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan meets with women demonstrators, later agrees to seek speeding up of detainees interrogations.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Labor leader Peres denies he has agreed to yield party leadership to President Navon; over 2,000 Peace Now activists hold protest rallies against settlement efforts in Hebron, Nofim and Shavei Shomron.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat delays departure from Syria for Amman for 4 hours, but finally leaves without meeting Assad; Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan again charges Israel with stalling talks with demand for political negotiations after meeting with Gemayel and Draper.
Arab Governments: Hussein meets Habib, then Arafat, to discuss peace plans; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali asserts Fateh faction of PLO accepts Reagan plan.
US and Other Countries: Draper flies to Israel for talks with David Kimche on negotiations; US sources now expect evacuation of forces from Lebanon to be pushed back two or three months.
Military Action:
IDF closes all roads to Aley following new outbreak of sectarian fighting, cease-fire called two hours later; IDF bus hit by gunfire, RPGs in ambush south of Beirut near Deir Oubel.
Casualties from yesterday's explosion in Shiyah put at 12 killed, 15 wounded; nine Christians buried in Beirut, killed during Druze attack on Christian sector of Kfar Nabrakh three weeks ago and bodies only discovered 2 days ago in well near Ain Zhalta; 1 killed, 1 wounded in Aley.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Attorney-General Zamir rebukes Likud MK Seyger for calling for resignation of Commission of Inquiry (says statement illegal, but parliamentary immunity will exempt him from prosecution); Israeli Science Minister Ne'eman says Israel to set up space agency to build and launch satellites; 2 killed in bomb blast at Israeli embassy in Ecuador; Village League leaders, at memorial service for Ramallah leader slain last year, call for setting up new youth movement in Hebron to support negotiations with Israel.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Central Council criticizes Reagan plan but does not formally reject it after heated 9-hour debate in Damascus, gives Arafat vote of confidence and permission to continue diplomacy; Damascus- based PLO leaders insist PNC should be held in Syria, call for rejection of Reagan plan; Arafat seeks meeting outside Syria to be free of pressures from Assad; Wazzan charges Israel with stalling talks following meeting between Gemayel and Draper.
Military Action:
Explosion in Beirut Shiite suburb of Shiyah kills 6, wounds 20, traps others in flames and debris, cause of blast unknown; US Marines enjoy Thanksgiving meal in Beirut, despite anonynmous bomb threat phone call; Israeli Border Police company which lost 35 members in Tyre building collapse to return to normal duties in Tyre; IDF completes program to improve security of IDF vehicles on Lebanese highways.
Palestinian refugees in South Lebanon spurn Israeli-made prefab houses.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Haaretz and Jerusalem Post quote source close to Begin that he may call new elections if Commission of Inquiry faults him for negligence of duty; Commission spokesman clarifies that warnings are not interim findings but represent only "worst case" scenario, notes others may subsequently receive similar warnings; Habib presents new proposals to Begin on starting Lebanon-Israel peace talks; Jerusalem Post poll shows marked increase in Israeli opposition to Reagan plan; Israel and US sign agreement on exchanging lessons of Lebanon war; 16 Bethlehem organizations not receiving Jordanian subsidies join notables in signing statement rejecting US initiative and its "Jordanian" interpretation, seen as response to pro-Jordanian West Bank leaders' document urging PLO recognition of Israel and praising "positive elements" of Reagan proposals; Deputy Agriculture Minister lays cornerstone of Nofim, first Samaria settlement to be developed entirely by a private company.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat opens meeting of 66-member PLO Central Council seeking united stand on Reagan plan, adopts new membership roll for PNC expanding representation from occupied territories; PLO official denounces US refusal to allow Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish to enter US for UNICEF poetry festival in New York; Lebanese officials say proposals given Begin ask IDF and Syrian forces to withdraw nine miles from Beirut-Damascus highway as first phase, Israelis would then move back to 25- 31 miles from Israeli border as Syrians withdraw into Bekaa from central mountain areas; Lebanese government announces team to negotiate with Israelis to be headed by Gen. Hamdan, including UN Ambassador Ghassan Tueni and Gemayel aide Antoine Fattal; Lebanese government plans to draft men into army for first time.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak, at joint press conference with French President Mitterrand, urges PLO to recognize Israel without waiting for simultaneous Israeli recognition of PLO, says move would assist Reagan peace plan, allow PLO to dialog with US; Mitterrand says Israel should state mutual recognition of PLO.
US and Other Countries: US State Department denies Tuesday talks with West Bank Palestinian mayors is beginning of indirect talks with PLO; Italian Socialists reaffirm reciprocal, simultaneous recognition between Israel and PLO necessary for recognizing PLO.
Military Action:
Israeli military patrol ambushed near Tyre.
Over 200 Lebanese and Palestinian women demonstrate outside Prime Minister Wazzan's Beirut office demanding release of husbands and sons arrested by the Lebanese Army.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry publishes warning to Begin, Sharon, Shamir, four top army commanders (Eitan, Yaron, Drori, Seguy) and two other officials (Dudai, Mossad head) that they may be found guilty of "nonfulfillment of duty" before and during massacre (detailed letters sent to each give them 15 days to notify Commission whether they want to reappear to testify, submit new evidence, or cross-examine other witnesses, gives them the right to seek legal counsel); Shamir, in appearance before Commission denies that he was told of massacre by fellow Cabinet member September 17, says Zipori never mentioned killings, only "running wild," asserts he only heard of civilian deaths Saturday, September 18; border troops dispatched to Ben Gurion airport to quell worker riots following share-holders' vote to dismantle El Al airlines; West Bank university administrators given one week to decide whether to accept revised work permit form for foreign lecturers.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO adviser Nabil Shaath, in interview, says PLO rejects reconizing Israel in return for talks with US government.
Arab Governments: Syria rejects Habib call for simultaneous, phased withdrawal from Lebanon.
US and Other Countries: Habib arrives in Jerusalem in effort to gain agreement on beginning talks, meets with Shamir; US State Department expresses concern over "creeping annexation" and new guidelines for reducing influence of West Bank Palestinians who support the PLO; Mitterrand arrives in Cairo.
Military Action:
IDF reportedly spent lS215 m. in past 4 months building new roads linking military installations to Lebanese roads in South Lebanon; US Sixth Fleet soldiers on shore leave in Haifa for first time since June.
Israel reportedly seeking alternative homes for 640 non-Arab detainees it wants to free from Ansar, but whose home countries refuse to admit them.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, in first public appearance since his wife's death, meets Haig in Tel Aviv; Sharon confers in Israel with US General Starry, urges US to provide arms, IDF training for Lebanese Army; Economics Minister Meridor tells Knesset committee South Lebanon, refugee camps will be back to preinvasion conditions in one month, says UNRWA will give each displaced refugee family $450; Tehiya MK protests resettlement of refugees so near border; Haaretz publishes poll showing Likud support down to 30 percent from 41.5 percent before Beirut massacre, but Labor Party support rises only marginally; Jaffa Arabs protest new housing plan and relocation; Sulha (peace-making meeting) held between Nablus Chamber of Commerce and Elon Moreh settlers; Colonel Yigal Karmon meets with heads of three West Bank universities to clarify wording of new work permit for foreign lecturers (several West Bank lecturers dismiss change as "cosmetic"; Israeli official indicates those deported may return to teaching after signing new work permits); Karmon directive to pressure "extremist mayors" and neutralize pro-Jordanian West Bank Palestinians published in greater detail (dated October 29, it contains notes from October 24 conference and is signed by Ravi Avisar).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: West Bank Mayors Mohammed Milhem and Fahd Qawasme meet with Shultz in Washington, reportedly float two proposals for negotiations-one would have joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation with Palestinians not directly identified with PLO but authorized by them to negotiate, other would have same forces within broader Arab delegation; Lebanese foreign ministry asserts Iranian revolutionary guards involved in yesterday's attack on Baalbek city hall, as Foreign Minister Elie Salem meets Iranian ambassador to protest.
Arab Governments: Syria criticizes US role as Habib arrives for talks on troop withdrawals from Lebanon; Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali and Israeli Ambassador Sasson meet on bilateral issues, including Taba; on eve of Mitterrand's visit Mubarak says France and Egypt will give Reagan plan precedence over their own initiatives; reports that Egypt extradited 5 Palestinian students to Israel in early November after alleging their involvement in Sadat's assassination.
US and Other Countries: US official says Shultz needs more information on new work permit requirements to ensure that his concerns have been resolved; over 400 academics from 20 colleges and universities nation-wide sign petition to Congress to suspend military and economic aid to Israel; French President Mitterrand, in interview, says Palestinians should have their own state; EEC sends Danish envoy to Israel to seek halt to settlements.
UN: Arab governments fail to unseat Israel at special UNESCO session in Paris.
Military Action:
Several hundred Shiite militiamen attack Lebanese Army barracks in Baalbek for two hours before retreating, in first armed protest of Amin Gemayel's government; Lebanese Army fortifies position around barracks.
Three militiamen killed in Baalbek fighting, several wounded, two Lebanese soldiers wounded; Maariv estimates 1,200 Palestinians have been killed in Lebanese Army sweeps through West Beirut, another 60,000 may have been sent to Syrian-controlled Lebanese territory and their homes destroyed; UNRWA officially decides to stop preparing cement floors for tents and giving out tents and to use money for refugees in other ways.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israeli defense ministry reportedly amending old work permit forms to include almost identical wording of loyalty pledge and note that permit can be withdrawn if holder helps the PLO; Israeli authorities order deportation of 9 lecturers at Islamic University in Gaza for "invalid" visas; curfew imposed on Nablus market and Askar refugee camp following attack on two Jewish settlers from Elon Moreh; Israeli authorities report 3-4,000 Lebanese visit Israel in last week since restrictions eased (Palestinians excluded); Israeli official says goods worth $20 m. arrived in Lebanon from Israel last month; Sharon and Zipori clash at Cabinet meeting; Sharon asks Cabinet to schedule full debate on state of PLO following invasion of Lebanon; Commission of Inquiry slates inquiry into discovery of IDF identity tag and card of IDF sergeant found inside Sabra camp, as Sergeant Benny Chaim twice fails to appear to testify; Israel accuses France of freezing economic relations since June invasion.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanese Army celebrates Independence Day for first time in eight years; Habib meets with Druze leader Majid Arslan and Pierre Gemayel in bid to ease Chouf tensions.
US and Other Countries: US State Department officials welcome Israeli decision to modify loyalty pledge requirements; Reagan Administration considering asking Congress for $500 million in aid for Lebanese reconstruction; Henry Kissinger says Jordanian participation in negotiations over West Bank essential.
Military Action:
Several hundred Lebanese Shiite followers of Hussein Mousavi (who broke from Amal organization headed by Nabih Berri) storm Baalbek's town hall, and take over city, say immediate purpose is to prevent celebration of Independence Day and denounce Gemayel administration; later leave city hall but retain control of and rename central square after Khomeini, set up checkpoints, express support for Islamic state similar to Iran; Chouf area tense but calm.
Israeli military commission report, approved by Cabinet, says Tyre building collapse was accident caused by unexplained leaking of bottled gas on first floor of building and faulty construction, although original Army report had cited booby-trapped car as cause.
Political Responses:
IsraeL/ Occupied Territories: Defense Ministry drops demand that foreigners teaching in Occupied Territories sign anti-PLO "loyalty pledge" (instead, will issue one-year work permits to be withdrawn if holder "gives aid or support to the PLO or any other hostile organization"); Molotov cocktail thrown at Israeli fuel tank in Jenin; 21 Palestinians arrested after bomb blast near railway station north of Tel Aviv wounds one IDF soldier; Bruce Kashdan, foreign ministry representative in Beirut, tells Commission of Inquiry that US envoy Draper had warned him Friday, September 17, of "horrible results" if Phalange forces entered West Beirut, that he received a second call from Draper at 10 AM Saturday, September 18, telling him a massacre had occurred at Shatila and Sabra camps and asking a message be passed to Sharon that "You must stop the massacres. They are obscene. I have an officer in the camp counting the bodies. You ought to be ashamed. This situation is rotten and terrible. They are killing children. You are in absolute control of the area and therefore responsible for that area," that Draper's second call was first information about massacre and that he passed information on to Sharon's office, that the IDF claimed Phalange entered camps from north and not through IDF lines, that he passed his and Draper's reports to Ariel Kenet and David Kimche; Lt. Col. Azriel Nevo, Begin's military secretary, denies having received call from Hanan Bar-On on Friday evening, backing up Begin's assertion of no knowledge of massacre until late Saturday; Agriculture Minister Aharon Uzan, in interview, says he favors unilateral iDF withdrawal from Chouf and to 30-mile line from border (follows similar position adopted last week by Energy Minister Modai); Cabinet sources reaffirm these as minority views, claim they undermine Israel's negotiating stance.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO official Ahmed Sidki Dajani, after meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali, who gives conditional approval for first visit in five years, says Arafat plans to visit Egypt in near future; Gemayel, in address to soldiers on eve of Independence Day, calls for vigilance toward dangers of dissidence; Saeb Salam meets Habib to discuss withdrawal of foreign forces; Jumblatt meets Habib to discuss increasing violence in Chouf.
Arab Governments: Syrian Information Minister Iskandar says Syrian forces will not withdraw until after last IDF soldier does.
US and Other Countries: Pentagon team, headed by Andrew Marshall, Defense Department's Director of Assessment, arrives in Tel Aviv to meet with Sharon, Eitan and other senior officers to finalize agreement on sharing information, evaluating performance of US/USSR weapons and lessons gained from Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
Military Action:
Hours after IDF lifts curfew in area, 5 Phalange killed in Druze village of Aitat, raising fears of renewed communal strife in C.houf; IDF forces move into village to prevent retaliation from Phalange based at Souk al-Gharb.
6 IDF soldiers held by PLO, in interview at Chtaura, say treatment good.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Over 200 Israeli academics sign petition to end anti-PLO pledge requirement for West Bank; 3 Palestinian residents of Nazareth sentenced to jail for participating in "illegal demonstrations" following September massacre; Israeli authorities order Palestinian to demolish 2 rooms of house in Kalandia refugee camp for lack of permit, despite lack of court decision in case.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel meets with Habib on troop withdrawal talk prospects, says Lebanon has rejected Israeli conditions of permanent military outpost on Baruk mountain, free trade, quasi-diplomatic missions, right to patrol Lebanese airspace and territorial waters; government officials and Jumblatt indicate they will seek Habib's involvement in Chouf crisis; Arafat arrives in Algeria at head of military delegation, confers with Algerian President Chadli.
Arab Govemnments: Assad, in speech marking 12th anniversary of coming to power in Syria, strongly attacks US policy in the Mideast and criticizes Reagan peace plan as seeking "capitulatory negotiations" by Arab countries with Israel, reaffirms Syrian insistence on unconditional Israeli withdrawal, says Syria may not withdraw if it disapproves of conditions attached to IDF withdrawal.
Military Action:
Gunmen in car open fire on IDF jeep in Sidon, "Armed Struggle Organization" claims credit for this attack, and for Tyre building blast.
Phalange sources report Lebanese authorities arrest, charge 12 Muslims and Christians from Haddad area in South Lebanon in connection with Beirut massacre; IDF soldier killed, 3 wounded in Sidon.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Israel rejects Shultz statement criticizing anti-PLO "loyalty pledge," says it is an "internal" matter; West Bank Palestinians express encouragement at Shultz' statements; CIA sources report Israel selling PLO arms to Iran.
Arab Governments: Egyptian President Mubarak, on fifth anniversary of Sadat's trip to Jerusalem, blames Israel for worsening relations, but says Egypt committed to Camp David peace process; Egyptian Army completes live-ammunition war games in Sinai.
US and Other Countries: Shultz renews criticisms of anti-PLO "loyalty oaths" as abridging academic freedom and unnecessary for Israeli security; US officials expect to reschedule Begin-Reagan meeting early next year; Habib arrives in Lebanon to get stalled negotiations back on track.
Military Action:
Phalange-Druze clashes erupt after fire-bomb thrown at local notable near Aley; 169 artillery shells fired into Aitat by Phalange.
UNRWA official in Sidon says IDF prodded refugees to reject tents, helping create a market for expensive prefab houses being sold by Israeli firms, many Palestinian refugees reportedly expect Israel to provide free housing.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir meets with Draper but fails to break deadlock on Israel-Lebanon talks; Communications Minister Zipori, testifying before Commission of Inquiry, says he learned of civilian "slaughter" in refugee camps Friday morning, September 17, informed Foreign Minister Shamir after failing to reach IDF military intelligence heads, testifies Shamir said he had already heard of deaths, asserts June 15 Cabinet decision did not constitute permission to allow Phalange to enter camps; Labor Party leader Peres charges Likud with "smear campaign" on basis of US editorial; Tehiya MK Ne'eman threatens to leave government if West Bank settlements are not continued on a massive scale; Defense Ministry dissociates itself from guidelines recently issued by West Bank Civil Administrator Colonel Yigal Karmon; West Bank military authorities preparing to require Christian clergy to sign anti-PLO pledges, causing concern among Jerusalem religious authorities and provoking protest abroad.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Wazzan accuses Israel of instigating conflicts in Chouf, calls for IDF withdrawal from area; procedural issues holding up beginning of Israel-Lebanon talks, as Lebanese resist attempt to involve civilians in talks or to discuss normalizing relations with Israel.
Arab Governments: King Hussein meets Turkish military ruler in Ankara during two-day visit; Egypt indicates Israel will resume talks on disputed Taba area.
US and Other Countries: Secretary of State Shultz denounces Israel's crackdown on West Bank universities as a threat to academic freedom reminiscent of the McCarthy era and as undermining peace process, and calls on Israeli professors to protest measure, but denies aid contributions to Israel are linked to halting West Bank settlements.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Major Haddad, in testimony before Commission of Inquiry, denies his militiamen were involved in massacre, says three militiamen caught in fight involving IDF and Druze forces near Beirut at time were far from camps and in Beirut on private visit, says on Friday, September 17, he flew to Beirut on IDF aircraft to offer condolences to Gemayel family, visited Jounieh, then returned by car to Marjayoun, accuses Saeb Salam of covering up for Phalangists on orders from Saudi Arabia by blaming Haddad forces; Foreign Ministry official Hana Bar-On testifies he relayed US official's report on "irregularities" in Beirut camps to Begin's military secretary, Colonal Azriel Nevo, Friday evening, September 17; political storm rages over New York Times opinion piece that implies Labor Party leaders want US to reduce aid to Israel as means to pressure Begin but Peres denies Labor Party supports cut in US aid; two leaders of Gush Emunim settlement of Qiryat Arba charged with destroying possible clues to unsolved bombings that crippled two Palestinian Mayors in 1980, trial is set for December 9; 25,000 Israeli settlers now estimated living in occupied territories, is twice as many as in 1980, five times as many as in 1977; Knesset finance committee defers decision on funding 9 new settlements (Labor Party criticizes 8 planned for West Bank, and IDF outposts in territories being turned over to right-wing Kach).
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Walid Jumblatt, in interview, accuses Phalange of planning massacres of Druze and says talks are useless; Phalange spokesman Hayek denies charge, says Phalange militiamen only seeking to return to their former villages in Chouf.
Arab Governments: King Hussein, ending Arab League delegation visit to France, accuses Israel of holding up peace process through continued West Bank settlements, refusal to consider Reagan peace proposals, says question of Israel's eventual borders remains major obstacle to peace; Syrian President Assad tells visiting US Congressional delegation that Reagan plan is "incomplete" solution.
US and Other Countries: Habib leaves several days early for Mideast in wake of cancellation of Begin-Reagan meeting, as State Department expresses concern at lack of progress on troop withdrawals; Shultz meets with Habib, Veliotes, Fairbanks, M. Charles Hill and Samuel W. Lewis to review lack of progress on peace plan; Britain announces Arab League mission planned to arrive next week has been postponed to December, and it will continue to refuse inclusion of PLO representative in delegation; West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, in New York, tells US Jewish leaders he intends to strengthen West German relations with Israel, and supports Camp David process.
Military Action:
IDF jeeps and APCs come under RPG attack near Shuweifat; artillery, machine gun exchanges between Druze and Phalange in Aley, IDF rushes 50 APCs and tanks, 500 troops to area, imposes curfew and cuts traffic between Chouf villages; IDF forces withdraw from Yarze area housing Lebanese Army command and home of US Ambassador Dillon.
UNRWA begins distributing cement and stoves in Ain el-Hilweh; 1 attacker killed, 1 IDF soldier wounded in Shuweifat.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Sharon tells Knesset committee Israel will withdraw to 40 miles above border only after PLO and Syria withdraw troops and Israeli prisoners are returned, but will stay there until Lebanon signs security agreement allowing direct IDF involvement in security arrangements; Shamir tells US Jewish leaders in Israel that multinational peacekeeping force is unnecessary for ensuring safety of South Lebanon; Jerusalem Post poll shows Sharon support dropping since massacre; Commission of Inquiry interviews Yiram Yair, IDF commander in area of camps during massacre, behind closed doors; Statistics Bureau puts price rise at 106 percent since start of year, and inflation rate may reach 138 percent by end of year; two week old memo revealed which ordered Israeli military governors to "neutralize to the maximum" pro-Jordanian elements among West Bank Arabs and to step up support for Village Leagues, in apparent attempt to block options for peace settlement involving Jordan; Likud MK Dror Zeigerman says government initiative in issuing memo would imply plan for ultimate annexation of occupied territories, and warns such a plan would turn the West Bank into "Israel's Viet Nam"; Peace Now issues statement condemning Civil Administrator for implementing "corrupt colonialist policies"; heads of Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Armenian churches in Jerusalem threaten to close holy places over Christmas unless expulsion order against Armenian Deputy Patriarch Karanjian is rescinded, but Interior Ministry refuses to reveal basis for decision to not renew visa; Tehiya Party, at annual meeting, demands that Israel annex West Bank and Gaza; Nahal plans five outposts, three settlements in West Bank in coming year; Bethlehem University student council leader put under town arrest for six months.
US and Other Countries: French President Mitterrand, in Paris meeting, tells Arab League delegation headed by King Hussein that Arabs and PLO should recognize Israel; State Department issues unusually strong 2 page statement that Israel's deportation of teachers from West Bank universities (which are partly funded by US foreign aid) undermines peace negotiations.
Military Action:
IDF completes preparations for moving military headquarters at Tyre into former UNRWA building.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin arrives in Israel for funeral of his wife and day of mourning for Tyre victims, as Knesset meets in special session; several hundred Birzeit students and faculty protest dismissals in solidarity rally as first teacher (a US citizen) is deported under new Israeli restrictions; Israeli authorities erect barriers around cam- pus, preventing Israeli Committee In Solidar- ity with Birzeit and two busloads from Teachers Training Institute from attending; Bethlehem University also halts classes; US authorities indicate they have appealed to Israeli government, as 19 Americans among the 31 (one fourth of Birzeit faculty) now facing deportation for refusing to sign anti- PLO pledge.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Gemayel and Wazzan return home after asking Saudi help in getting pullback of all foreign troops.
Arab Governments: Cairo papers report US initiative, at Egyptian urging, to resolve Taba dispute following conclusion of Foreign Minister Ali's visit to US, and that US agrees hotel opening violates April agreement.
US and Other Countries: Holland refuses to join Beirut peacekeeping force, saying it prefers UN auspices for such forces and al- ready has 800 Dutch soldiers serving in UNIFIL in Lebanon; Knesset member, in Bonn, announces West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl will visit Israel next year.
Military Action:
Car bomb explodes in Druze town of Aramoun; Phalange militia occupies Lebanese Army barracks in Beit Eddin and Deir al-Qamar; IDF vehicle fired on near Nabatiyeh.
One killed, 4 wounded in Aramoun, brings to over 50 total killed in Chouf incidents in past two weeks; Tyre curfew lifted and road to Israeli border reopened; PLO protests to ICRC over treatment of prisoners in South Lebanon detention camps.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin's 62-year old wife dies and Begin leaves US for Israel to begin 30-day mourning period, postponing indefinitely meeting with Reagan; 47 Israeli victims of Tyre explosion buried; General Meir Zorea, head of military inquiry, reports to Cabinet that explosion not caused by a bomb, and Energy Minister Modai says it was probably caused by leaking cooking gas; Deputy Prime Minister Ehrlich chairs Cabinet meeting devoted to mourning Aliza Begin and Tyre victims; Shamir reports on meetings with Draper and lack of Lebanese response to Israeli proposals on format/ content of proposed talks; Modai proposes IDF unilaterally withdraw from parts of Lebanon to get talks going and to test Syrian/Lebanese intentions; al-Hamishmar demands withdrawal of IDF from Lebanon and resignation of Sharon in wake of Tyre disaster; IDF source indicates Defense Ministry postponed plans to raze abandoned Ein Sultan refugee camp north of Jericho on night following Beirut massacres (razing reportedly related to efforts to build more Jewish settlements in area); three Nahal settlements of Elisha, Beit Arava, Tzurif currently being "civilianized"; at Commission of Inquiry, senior IDF officer and Eitan aide Ze'ev Zecharin contradicts Sharon and Begin, says Sharon spoke of Phalange entry into camps September 14 (not September 15 as Sharon asserted), says Eitan told him Saturday morning, September 18, that Begin had requested information on Gaza Hospital in Sabra camp (denied by Begin), says Eitan instructed IDF to restrict artillery support to minimize civilian casualties, to impose a curfew on all areas of Lebanon under IDF control, to ask Phalange to mobilize forces to take camps regardless of timing of IDF advance into West Beirut, says Eitan flew to Beirut Wednesday, September 17, to detail IDF plans to Phalange but Phalange asked for 24-hour delay to get organized, and agreed that Mossad officer not IDF would act as liaison with Phalange, says Sharon ordered Phalange to enter camps after Wednesday morning arrival at IDF Beirut divisional command post, says no Phalange irregularities raised and no questions asked in Eitan's meeting with Phalange commanders Friday afternoon, says Phalange, during Sunday morning meeting with Eitan, admitted killing civilians but said "We won't go with this to the media, that we did it, because it will hurt us in the Presidential elections"; Zecharin's testimony curtailed at IDF request after contradiction with Dudai testimony highlighted; Foreign Ministry official Ariel Kenet testifies that two inquiries from ministry's Beirut representative Friday afternoon noted US envoy Draper's concern at seeing Phalange inside camps and Lebanese Prime Minister Wazzan's report of patients being killed at Gaza Hospital, asserts he alerted David Kimche, who instructed him to notify Defense Ministry.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO Executive Committee member Hanna Nassir says Palestine National Council meeting may not occur before January; Arafat attends Brezhnev funeral in Moscow; Amin Gemayel and Wazzan arrive in Riyadh for 2 days of talks with King Fahd, seeking Saudi help in rebuilding Lebanon, support for withdrawal of PLO and Syrian forces; Wazzan, before departing, says Lebanon wants Israel out of Lebanon, is uninterested in direct negotiations.
US and Other Countries: Reagan phones condolences to Begin; State Department indicates it hopes Israel will not retaliate for Tyre explosion; fears raised that Begin's return to Israel is setback for Reagan peace plan.
UN: UNRWA says by next June, $43.4 million will have been spent on emergency aid to Lebanon but only $31 million has been raised to date.
Military Action:
Two car bombs explode near Beirut airport, shattering shops near Lebanese police station in Israeli-occupied Shuweifat, and destroying a Shiite muslim sewing workshop near mosque in Burj al-Barajneh; US Marines stationed one mile away unharmed.
Israeli military command puts Tyre casualties at 75 IDF soliders/security personnel/ Shin Bet agents and 14 Arab detainees killed, 28 IDF soldiers and 28 Arabs wounded, 21 people found unharmed in building; 8 Arabs killed, 16 wounded in two car bomb blasts.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin cancels several meetings in wake of Tyre disaster, decides not to return to Israel, but declares Monday a national day of mourning; Shinui Party demands independent inquiry into Tyre disaster, criticizes Sharon; West Bank General Workers Union issues memo asking international and Arab trade unions to express solidarity with Palestinian people.
Military Action:
In wake of Tyre blast, IDF and Syrian forces go on alert in Bekaa, IDF rounds up several hundred Palestinians and Lebanese, sets up new roadblocks; gunmen fire on Lebanese Parliament Deputy Speaker Abu Fadel's car.
Death toll in Tyre explosion reaches 47 (32 Israelis, 15 Arabs), rises to 60 later in day, 50-60 still unaccounted for.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Prime Minister Begin arrives in Los Angeles to address Council of Jewish Organizations, is welcomed by Governor Brown, Mayor Bradley; Jerusalem Post poll continues to show strong Likud lead over Labor Party; four years after their founding, Village Leagues hold first public rally in Hebron (organized jointly with Israeli occupation authorities, who impose virtual curfew over Hebron as soldiers patrol streets, IDF and border police cars are positioned in hilly suburbs behind school where meeting is held, soldier patrols roof and armed Village League members act as guards and ushers, former Civil Administration chief Menahem Milson is guest speaker; League founder and head Mustafa Dudin stresses closer relations with Jordan, despite its having passed a death penalty for belonging to the Leagues, and calls on Israel to negotiate with the Leagues on autonomy for the occupied territories, speakers also express concern over taxation, destruction of illegal buildings, need to combat communism).
Arab Govemments: Egyptian Foreign Minister Hassan Ali accuses Israel of plans to annex occupied territories, urges US to open discussions with PLO following meetings with Reagan and Shultz in Washington, claims he brought proposal from PLO concerning involving Palestinians in peace process, announces Mubarak may visit US next year, expresses concern over lack of momentum following Reagan's peace proposals in September.
US and Other Countries: Reagan says failure to freeze settlements on West Bank is hindrance to peace process, refuses to rule out economic sanctions but says their discussion not helpful; Princess Anne visits Beirut for 10 hours to see medical clinic in Burj al-Barajneh funded by Save the Children.
UN: Arab countries reopen campaign in Security Council to halt Israeli West Bank settlements, but propose no resolutions in response to US pressure.
Military Action:
Explosion demolishes IDF headquarters in Tyre which housed Border police, military police, civil assistance unit of IDF; IDF suspects car bomb, two groups claim credit for explosion; IDF closes Israeli-Lebanese border, cordons off Tyre area, cuts coastal road to Sidon; renewed fighting in Chouf town of Aley.
Initial reports say 13 Israelis killed, 25 wounded in explosion in Tyre, 30 Palestinian and Lebanese detainees killed; 5 wounded in Aley.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin denounces explosion as "new outrage"; Sharon announces appointment of commission to investigate explosion; at Commission of Inquiry Israeli intelligence officer Moshe Hevroni says Sharon's top aide Dudai knew early Friday, September 17, of massacre of civilians through briefing of his assistant, Col. Reuven Gai; Gai, in separate testimony, says he conveyed Hevroni report to Dudai by 11 AM Friday; Begin arrives in US for 10-day visit, expects sharp disagreement with Reagan over settlements; Yehuda Ben Meir, deputy to Interior Minister Burg, urges safe-guarding of Camp David accords because they empower Israel to stay in the West Bank; Yitzhak Rabin urges 6-month freeze on settlements to induce Jordan to join autonomy talks; Sharon says IDF will only leave Lebanon if government signs agreement to normalize relations with Israel; 15 University instructors ordered to sign anti-PLO pledges or face expulsion from West Bank, Civil Administration orders 13 Birzeit faculty members to cease teaching and to leave in next two months for failure to sign pledge, including 8 Americans, 3 Britons, 1 French-man, 1 Swede; Israel reopens bridge across Jordan River to tourists for first time since November 1981.
Military Action:
US Marines in Lebanon celebrate Corp's 207th birthday; IDF ends first large-scale military exercises since Lebanon invasion.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Commission of Inquiry hears testimony of IDF officers in closed session and investigators interview soldiers and Israeli reporters; Shamir charges Egypt with peace treaty violations, says it courts PLO and allows domestic anti-Semitic campaign; Civil Administration orders a Jordanian and 2 US lecturers at Birzeit Univ. to stop teaching and leave area after they refuse to sign anti-PLO pledge; World Zionist Organization announces plans to double number of Jewish settlers in West Bank in 1983, and by 2010 to total of 1.4 million.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Arafat, interviewed in Tunisia, says US is partly to blame for Beirut massacres and shows unofficial negotiating documents with US written guarantees of security for camps, also says 3,000 Palestinians and 2,000 Lebanese prisoners released so far.
Arab Governments: Egypt strengthening defensive positions in Sinai; Egyptian Defense Minister Ghazala calls for "unified Arab strategy" to meet threat of Israel; King Hussein, in interview, says he backs Reagan peace proposals but wants US to gain concessions from Israel before he will join peace talks.
US and Other Countries: US officials concede Arafat's statements on US guarantees, says US accepted only oral commitments from Israelis and Phalange on safety of camps; Representative Lee Hamilton (D-IN) meets with West Bank and Gaza mayors in Jerusalem.
Military Action:
IDF imposes curfew on several Chouf villages, including Kfar Nabrakh, Navrah and Brih, following artillery duels and Phalange attack on Druze doctor; Aley sealed off after land mine explodes near IDF jeep.
IDF medical teams treat wounded in Chouf villages, many evacuated; IDF arranges exchange of prisoners in Aley; Ain el-Hilweh a sea of mud after third day of heavy rains, only 16 UNRWA tents set up and 100 refugees sign up to purchase Israeli-made prefabricated houses.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Shamir tells visiting US Congressmen that negotiations on IDF withdrawal from Lebanon could last many months, blames Syria; Israel links pull-out talks to Lebanese willingness to normalize relations with Israel (open borders, trade, tourism, unofficial missions in Jerusalem and Beirut); Tourism Minister Sharir reveals plan to promote tourism on West Bank to strengthen Israel's presence there; El Al workers go on strike.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: PLO source in Tunisia says Fateh has approved plans to create Palestinian-Jordanian federation, with Jordan and Palestinian state as separate countries, has decided to reinforce PLO troops in Bekaa and North Lebanon, to resume military training for guerrillas evacuated from Beirut and to resume talks with Lebanese Government on Palestinian presence in Lebanon; PLO reportedly sets 2 conditions for "mutual and simultaneous recognition" with Israel-US pledge to talk to PLO in return and a US guarantee that PLO will be included in any peace negotiations on equal footing with other Arab parties; Lebanese Parliament, in 58-1 vote, gives Gemayel power to rule nation by decree for 6 months, gives vote of confidence to 10-member Cabinet, gives Gemayel full powers to deal with Israelis, Syrians, PLO and to restructure Army, revise tax structure, change criminal law, reschedule debts, control media, but Gemayel fails to win power to amend election laws, citizenship requirements and provincial boundaries without Parliamentary approval, also fails to extend special powers for 2 more months, as 32 legislators abstain or are absent; Gemayel meets with Druze and Phalange leaders, says he will seek US pressure on IDF to withdraw from Chouf area; Walid Jumblatt meets Gemayel at Baabda to discuss deteriorating security in Chouf area, declares Israel is responsible for bloodshed.
US and Other Countries: Assistant Secretary of State Veliotes, in interview, says PLO proposal for "mutual and simultaneous" recognition with Israel was step backward in negotiating process as Israel will never agree; British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym arrives for 2 day stay in Jordan.
Military Action:
Fighting in Chouf region intensifies after Druze militia attacks Christian funeral, and Phalange pounds Druze village of Batlua with artillery, rockets, and fighting spreads to Brih, Fawwar; Haddad forces attack Norwegian UNIFIL troops, cutting off food supplies (Norwegian troops replaced Nepalese troops that had given Haddad militia free passage in area).
13 Lebanese killed, 25 wounded in Chouf fighting; winter rains begin, creating health hazards of rivers of mud and sewage in refugee camps.
Political Responses:
Israel/ Occupied Territories: Begin, testifying before Commission of Inquiry, says he wasn't informed of Phalange entry into camps until Cabinet meeting Thursday evening, did not imagine danger of atrocities (contradicted by Cabinet minutes showing Eitan saying "It will be an outburst the likes of which have not been seen. I already see in their eyes what they are waiting for"), denies Mossad warned him of possible massacre, claims he only learned of it late Saturday; delegation of Gaza Strip leaders visit Egypt and Tunisia seeking economic support for Gazan exports and high school graduates; in confrontation between Histadrut and government, Israeli university professors go on strike and 60,000 member Civil Servants Union declares work stoppage.
Palestinians/ Lebanese: Lebanon also asks Belgium, Austria, Norway, Canada and Australia to join peacekeeping force.
US and Other Countries: White House announces King Hussein will meet with Reagan December 21; Draper returns to Beirut with little progress to report on negotiations.