Thursday, January 12, 1989


Other Countries: Former U.S. officials including former Undersec. of State George Ball and former ambassadors to Saudi Arabia and Qatar-file complaint with Federal Elections Commission charging that American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has violated federal election laws [NYT 1/13].

Military Action

Occupied Palestine/Israel: In Tulkarm 11- year-old Palestinian dies from gunshot wounds [WP 1/13, FJ 1/16]. In Tulkarm at least 60 people are injured as troops use live ammunition, tear gas, clubs to break up demonstrations at funeral of Palestinian who died 1/11 [FJ 1/16]. At least 16 people are arrested in Jerusalem area as troops break up demonstrations [WP 1/13, FJ 1/ 16]. Settlers,oldiers shoot, wound 4 Palestinians in Hebron. In Kafr Malik troops shoot, injure 2Palestinians. Troopshoot, wound Palestinian in Nusayrat refugee camp. In Khan Yunis soldiers shoot, injure 4 Palestinians. In Gaza 4 Palestinian homes are demolished [FJ 1/16]. Soldiers clash with settlers protesting IDF's failure to put down uprising [WP 1/13].