Thursday, July 25, 1991

PLO Executive Committee begins open-ended meetings in Tunis, awaiting response from U.S.-Soviet summit in Moscow to demands put forward in letter to Soviet Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev. Demands include: guarantees that peace conference will result in Israeli withdrawal from occupied territories, including Jerusalem, and granting of Palestinian self-determination; halt to Israeli settlement activity; and composition of Palestinian delegation by representatives chosen by PLO, including Jerusalem residents. (MEM 7/30)

Following meeting with Palestinian activist Faisal Husseini, French For. Min. Roland Dumas calls on Israel to accept E. Jerusalem Palestinians as part of Palestinian delegation to peace conference. Dumas states he was in contact with Secy. of State Baker, but did not claim U.S. or PLO support for his call. (MEM 7/25)